Results for 'E. Hildebrand'

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  1. Schopenhauer liest die Septuaginta. Unveroffentliche Randschriften Schopenhauers (3. Teil).E. Hildebrand - 1988 - Schopenhauer Jahrbuch 69:311-319.
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    A phase field model for the formation and evolution of martensitic laminate microstructure at finite strains.F. E. Hildebrand & C. Miehe - 2012 - Philosophical Magazine 92 (34):4250-4290.
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    Rehabilitierung der Philosophie: Festgabe f. Balduin Schwarz z. 70. Geburtstag.Dietrich Von Hildebrand (ed.) - 1974 - Regensburg: Habbel.
    Von Hildebrand, D. Das Wesen der Hierarchie.--Hengstenberg, H.-E. Gegenwärtigkeit.--Deku, H. De nihilo.--Hamburger, S. J. Das Phänomen der Patina.--Marra, W. A. A minimum epistomology.--Crosby, J. F. Refutation of skepticism and general relativism.--Wenisch, F. Versuch einer Rechtfertigung der Philosophie.--Chervin, R. The Christian phenomenologist as teacher of contemporary youth.--Von Hildebrand, A. Near-sightedness of keen thinkers.--Miceli, V. Heidegger and Bultmann.--Seifert, J. Friedrich Nietzsches Verzweiflung an der Wahrheit und sein Kampf gegen die Wahrheit.--Heyne, M. W. Wesen und Wirklung einiger in der Abtreibungsdiskussion verwendeter (...)
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  4. Philosophy’s Relevance and the Pattern of Inquiry.David L. Hildebrand - 1999 - Teaching Philosophy 22 (4):377-389.
    The undergraduate philosophy major is often seen as an irrelevant degree. While this may be attributed to a number of causes, it is also occasion for academic philosophers to reevaluate pedagogical methods at the undergraduate level. The author evaluates typical pedagogical methods and argues that overemphasizing epistemological goals of philosophical investigation (e.g. truth and justification) instrumentalizes the process of inquiry and stifles students’ philosophical imagination, resulting in the impression of philosophy’s irrelevance. An alternative model is offered on the basis of (...)
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  5. Inductive Reasoning Involving Social Kinds.Barrett Emerick & Tyler Hildebrand - 2024 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 10 (4):675 - 694.
    Most social policies cannot be defended without making inductive inferences. For example, consider certain arguments for racial profiling and affirmative action, respectively. They begin with statistics about crime or socioeconomic indicators. Next, there is an inductive step in which the statistic is projected from the past to the future. Finally, there is a normative step in which a policy is proposed as a response in the service of some goal—for example, to reduce crime or to correct socioeconomic imbalances. In comparison (...)
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    Zu Hildebrand′s Glossarium.Κ. E. Georges - 1872 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 31 (1-4):543-543.
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    In Memoriam Dom Hildebrand Bascour.E. Manning - 1990 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 57:1-2.
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    Morality & Situation Ethics by Dietrich Von Hildebrand.Francis E. Feingold - 2020 - Review of Metaphysics 73 (3):637-639.
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    ETHICS by Dietrich von Hildebrand, [Hildebrand Project], Steubenville, Ohio, 2020, pp. li + 500, £16.99, pbk. [REVIEW]Javier E. Carreño Cobos - 2021 - New Blackfriars 102 (1102):1020-1022.
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    Dietrich von Hildebrand on the Heart.Robert E. Wood - 2013 - Quaestiones Disputatae 3 (2):107-119.
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    Afetividade e Pessoa na Fenomenologia de Dietrich Von Hildebrand.Tommy Akira Goto & Marília Zampieri da Silva - 2017 - Aoristo - International Journal of Phenomenology, Hermeneutics and Metaphysics 1 (2).
    O presente estudo tem o objetivo de apresentar a "fenomenologia da afetividade" elaboradapelo filósofo Dietrich von Hildebrand (1889-1977), discípulo de Husserl e que produziuanálises filosóficas a partir da denominada "fenomenologia realista", ou seja,uma filosofia fenomenológica da verdade, mas que mantém o contato existencial com arealidade, a partir do conhecimento das essências genuínas e do conhecimento a priori. Para ofilósofo somente por meio do método fenomenológico é possível alcançar genuinamente oconhecimento a priori das essências dos fenômenos e assim, chegar à (...)
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    Fenomenologia e realismo: introduzione al pensiero di Dietrich von Hildebrand.Aldo Vendemiati - 1992 - Napoli: Edizioni scientifiche italiane.
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  13. Ritorno a Dio. Bonaventura e Von Hildebrand.Elisa Grimi - 2020 - Vivens Homo 2 (31):315-326.
    This paper, written in honor of the “800 years from the birth of Bonaventure”, underlines the affinity of the philosophy and the theology of Bonaventure, General Ministry of the Franciscan Order, with the perspective of Dietrich von Hildebrand, father of the realist phaenomenology. It is delineated a curious correlation between the two authors that have been able to generate a real revolution of love. The epistemic structure and the ontology of Bonaventure are caracterized by a structural unity that through (...)
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  14. (1 other version)Dietrich von Hildebrand.Jean Moritz Müller - 1920 - In Thomas Szanto & Hilge Landweer (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Phenomenology of Emotion. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 114-122.
    It is sometimes alleged that the study of emotion and the study of value are currently pursued as relatively autonomous disciplines. As Kevin Mulligan notes, “the philosophy and psychology of emotions pays little attention to the philosophy of value and the latter pays only a little more attention to the former.” (2010b, 475). Arguably, the last decade has seen more of a rapprochement between these two domains than used to be the norm (cf. e.g. Roeser & Todd 2014). But there (...)
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    The Manifold in Perception. Theories of Art from Kant to Hildebrand (review).Jean G. Harrell - 1974 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 12 (4):537-538.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 537 tion of his three dialogues, and of course there are several references to Hume's intern= parable Dialogues. The bibliographic essay is useful with respect to general works and period pieces but unfortunately does little to help those who are seeking further help in understanding an individual writer. Professor France's work is an invaluable guide nevertheless for those who realize that authors, even philosophers, do not write (...)
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    La filosofia personalista di Dietrich von Hildebrand e la sua opposizione contro il nazionalsocialismo.Josef Seifert - 1997 - Acta Philosophica 6 (1).
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    Actions, Values, and States of Affairs in Hildebrand and Reinach.Alessandro Salice - 2015 - Studia Phaenomenologica 15:259-280.
    The present article discusses Dietrich von Hildebrand’s theory of action as presented in his Die Idee der sittlichen Handlung, and focuses on the moral relevance Hildebrand assigns to diff erent kinds of motivations. The act of will which leads to a moral action, Hildebrand claims, can be “founded” or “motivated” in different ways and, in particular, it can be motivated by an act of cognizing or by an act of value-taking. The act of cognizing grasps the state (...)
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    Begegnungen mit der Wertethik: M. Scheler, J. Hessen, H.-E. Hengstenberg, D. von Hildebrand, Imm. Kant, H. Rickert, N. Hartmann, G. Patzig, K. Lorenz, A. Gehlen.Hans Drexler - 1978 - Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht.
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  19. Epistemologia della morale nel pensiero di Dietrich von Hildebrand, con un saggio di Dietrich von Hildebrand “La detronizzazione della verità".Elisa Grimi - 2020 - 20099 Sesto San Giovanni MI, Italia: Mimesis.
    La grande domanda che inevitabilmente solleva l’opera Ethics di Dietrich von Hildebrand, allievo di Edmund Husserl e tra i fondatori della fenomenologia realista, è se sia necessario un fondamento della morale. Un testo curioso, uscito originariamente con il titolo Christian Ethics per la David McKay nel 1953. Un’edizione fortunata che vide diverse ristampe sino a quella della Franciscan Herald Press ribattezzata, per volere dell’autore, con il titolo Ethics. Il presente volume offre un’analisi dettagliata dell’opera, ripercorrendone i temi principali: valore, (...)
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    Are Standard Lawlike Propositions Metaphysically Necessary? Hildebrand vs. Groarke.Vlastimil Vohánka - 2014 - Studia Neoaristotelica 11 (1):89-133.
    I discuss Dietrich von Hildebrand, a realist phenomenologist, and Louis Groarke, an Aristotelian. They are close in epistemology and modal metaphysics, but divided about the metaphysical necessity of standard lawlike propositions – i.e., standard natural laws and standard truths about natural kinds. I extract and undermine the reasons of both authors. Hildebrand claims that no standard lawlike proposition is metaphysically necessary, since none is in principle knowable solely by considering essences. I undermine this when I argue that the (...)
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    Personalism in theology: a symposium in honor of Albert Cornelius Knudson.Albert C. Knudson & Edgar Sheffield Brightman (eds.) - 1943 - New York: AMS Press.
    Leslie, E. A. Albert Cornelius Knudson, the man.--McConnell, F. J. Bowne and personalism.--Brightman, E. S. Personality as a metaphysical principle.--Hildebrand, C. D. Personalism and nature.--Ramsdell, E. T. The cultural integration of science and religion.--Ensley, F. G. The personality of God.--Harkness, G. Divine sovereignity and human freedom.--Pfeiffer, R. H. Personalistic elements in the Old Testament.--Flewelling, R. T. Personalism and the trend of history.--Muelder, W. G. Personality and Christian ethics.--King, W. J. Personalism and race.--Marlatt, E. B. Personalism and religious education.
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    Books briefly noted.Gerard Casey, Dermot Moran, Manuel de Pinedo, Gary Elkins & Rom Harr - 1995 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 3 (1):217 – 224.
    Educating the Virtues David Carr Routledge, 1991. Pp. 304. ISBN 0?415?05746?9. £35. The Philosophical Theology of St Thomas Aquinas By Leo J. Elders E. J. Brill, 1990. Pp. 332. ISBN 0?04?09156?4. $74.36. The State and Justice: An Essay in Political Theory By Milton Fisk Cambridge University Press, 1990. Pp. x + 391. ISBN 0?521?38966?6. £10.95 pbk. Perspectives on Language and Thought: Interrelations in Development Edited by S. A. Gelman and J. P. Byrnes Cambridge University Press, 1992. Pp. xii + 524. (...)
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    Die Auseinandersetzung von Idealismus und Realismus in Fichtes Wissenschaftslehre (review).W. H. Werkmeister - 1974 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 12 (4):537-537.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 537 tion of his three dialogues, and of course there are several references to Hume's intern= parable Dialogues. The bibliographic essay is useful with respect to general works and period pieces but unfortunately does little to help those who are seeking further help in understanding an individual writer. Professor France's work is an invaluable guide nevertheless for those who realize that authors, even philosophers, do not write (...)
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  24. What is Life.E. Schrodincer - forthcoming - Mind and Matter.
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  25. Ì öñ ò ø óò ó óò× øö òø óòø üøù ð ê ûö ø ò.È. Ö. Ó. Ö ÑѺ - 2000 - In Dov M. Gabbay & Maarten de Rijke (eds.), Frontiers of combining systems 2. Philadelphia, PA: Research Studies Press. pp. 47.
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    Leibniz and Dynamics. The Texts of 1692Pierre Costabel R. E. W. Maddison.E. Aiton - 1975 - Isis 66 (1):129-130.
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    Etyczne i ekonomiczne aspekty kategorii zasoby społeczne Stanisława Głąbińskiego.Zdzisław Szymański - 2010 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 13 (2):47-55.
    Stanisław Głąbiński (1862–1941) professor at the Lvov University, the author of a two volume work entitled „National economics” is a representative of the historical-national trend in Polish economics. The subject matter of his concept of national economics is the national economy which is a higher rank entity, encompassing all economic entities in the country that are related materially and spiritually. Bonds that link individuals into a higher rank entity, i.e. a nation, are reflected in the term ‘social resources’. Głąbiński understands (...)
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    ¿Puede o no la Afectividad Ser Moralmente Valorada?Eugénio Lopes - 2022 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 98:99-126.
    Cuando se habla de filosofía se habla de antropología. Del mismo modo, cuando se habla de antropología también se debería de hablar de la afectividad. Sin embargo, hasta hoy, pienso que muchos filósofos han comprendido mal la afectividad en la persona humana, pues han caído en dos reduccionismos: uno considera la afectividad como un componente irracional, es el caso del dualismo; el otro la asocia a un monismo, como se puede verificar en el sentimentalismo y en el psicologismo. De igual (...)
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  29. O rabote Ėngelʹsa.Ė Kolʹman - 1946
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    Ėsteticheskie osnovanii︠a︡ filosofskoĭ ontologii.E. A. Naĭman - 2004 - Tomsk: Tomskiĭ gos. universitet.
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  31. Respeitar a Mãe Terra.Maya Pataxo Hãhãhãe - 2014 - In Maria Pankararu & Edson Kayapó (eds.), Memória da Mãe Terra. [Olivença, Bahia, Brazil]: Thydêwá.
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    Galois groups of first order theories.E. Casanovas, D. Lascar, A. Pillay & M. Ziegler - 2001 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 1 (02):305-319.
    We study the groups Gal L and Gal KP, and the associated equivalence relations EL and EKP, attached to a first order theory T. An example is given where EL≠ EKP. It is proved that EKP is the composition of EL and the closure of EL. Other examples are given showing this is best possible.
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  33. Oggetto e obiettività: Le classificazioni degli oggetti del conoscere e il problema dell'obiettività nel realismo classico.Lv Burgoa & E. Barzaghi - 1999 - Divus Thomas 102 (1):199-245.
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  34. Divine and Human Agency from the Standpoint of Historicalism, Scientism, and Phenomenological Realism.Charles Taliaferro - 2015 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 7 (3):3--25.
    Phenomenological realism, in the tradition of Dietrich von Hildebrand, is advanced as a promising methodology for a theistic philosophy of divine and human agency. Phenomenological realism is defended in contrast to the practice of historicalism -- the view that a philosophy of mind and God should always be done as part of a thoroughgoing history of philosophy, e.g. the use of examples in analytic theology should be subordinated to engaging the work of Kant and other great philosophers. The criticism (...)
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    [Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society].E. Leroux & R. Guénon - 1919 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 88:132 - 158.
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    Explaining Variation within the Meta-Problem.E. Irvine - 2019 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 26 (9-10):115-123.
    It is a working assumption in much of the literature on the meta-problem that problem intuitions are (fairly) universal, and they are (fairly) universally treated as being psychological or rationally significant. I argue that variation in the universality and psychological or rational significance of problem intuitions is worth taking seriously, and that doing so places significant and challenging constraints on what an answer to the meta-problem might look like. In particular, it raises a potential challenge for (full-blown) realists on how (...)
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  37. The Calling of Sociology and Other Essays on the Pursuit of Learning.E. SHILS - 1980
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  38. (1 other version)L'éthique.E. de Roberty - 1899 - Paris,: F. Alcan.
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    A Psychology for People of God.E. Rae Harcum - 2012 - Hamilton Books.
    E. Rae Harcum argues that Christians do not have to give up their religious faith to keep the contributions of science. He confronts the relation between the human body and its non-material parts—the mind and spirit—and provides a way of looking at these metaphysical issues.
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  40. Space and Geometry in the Light of physiological, psychological and physical Inquiry.E. Mach & T. J. Mccormack - 1907 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 64:101-102.
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  41. Relativity, Gravitation, and World-Structure.E. A. Milne - 1936 - Philosophy 11 (41):95-97.
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    G.E. Moore: the early essays.G. E. Moore - 1986 - Philadelphia: Temple University Press. Edited by Tom Regan.
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    Pour un art de l'intuition: manifeste de l'intuitisme.Éric Jacobée - 2016 - Paris: Hermann.
    L'art, loin des habitudes qui figent tout réel élan créateur, est la jeunesse du monde. Il a tout à créer. Tout à construire, tout à proposer. Les temps de l'art mimétique comme ceux de l'art visionnaire sont révolus, pour laisser place à ceux de l'intuition. Cet ouvrage revendique ainsi la liberté de s'imposer des règles, de nouvelles règles et préconise un art de l'intuition, un art de la sensibilité, qui puisse s'exprimer avec spontanéité, une spontanéité qu'il n'est possible d'obtenir qu'après (...)
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  44. O prirode ėsteticheskoĭ potrebnosti.E. S. Akopdzhani︠a︡n - 1973 - Erevan,: Izd-vo AN ArmSSR.
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    Generalizability: beyond plausibility and handwaving.E. Shahar - 2003 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 9 (2):151-159.
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    The Essential Gombrich.E. H. Gombrich & Richard Woodfield - 1996 - Phaidon Press.
    An accessible selection of Professor Gombrich's best and most characteristic writing.
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    Bu̇tėėl tuurvilyn ėmkhėtgėl.G. Luvsant︠s︡ėrėn - 2019 - Ulaanbaatar: Mongol Ulsyn Ikh Surguulʹ, Mongol Sudlalyn Khu̇rėėlėn. Edited by Zh Lkhagvadėmchig, S. I︠A︡nzhinsu̇rėn & G. Luvsant︠s︡ėrėn.
    A collection of writings on Buddhist philosophy.
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  48. The disciplinarity of knowledge at the mathematics-physics interference.E. Livingston - 1993 - In Ellen Messer-Davidow, David R. Shumway & David Sylvan (eds.), Knowledges: historical and critical studies in disciplinarity. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia.
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    Courts-circuits: essai.Étienne Klein - 2023 - [Paris]: Gallimard.
    Par habitude, par nécessité ou en raison de la faiblesse de notre intelligence dépassée par le tsunami des savoirs et des informations, nos façons ordinaires de nourrir la vie des idées consistent à la découper en secteurs, à la compartimenter en disciplines, à l'atomiser en petites spécialités étiquetées bien comme il faut. Il s'agira ici de suivre le chemin inverse, de briser les enclos, s'encanailler, provoquer des courts-circuits au petit bonheur la chance et, si possible, des étincelles. D'associer des éléments (...)
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  50. Melanie Klein e il suo impatto sulla psicoanalisi di oggi. Roma.E. Bott Spillius - forthcoming - Astrolabio.
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