Results for 'E. Damiani'

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  1.  23
    Combinatorics to Philosophy. The Legacy of G. C. Rota.E. Damiani, O. D'Antona, F. Palombi & V. Marra (eds.) - 2009 - Springer.
    Mathematical Essays in Honor of Gian-Carlo Rota, Boston, Basel, Berlin, ... Crapo, H. (1993), On the Anick-Rota Representation of the Bracket Ring of the ...
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  2. E. Grassi: La filosofía del Humanismo. Preeminencia de la palabra (Barcelona, 1993).Alberto M. Damiani - 1997 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 7:423-424.
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    Potere e partecipazione politica: scritti in onore di Roberto Segatori.Giovanni Barbieri, Marco Damiani & Roberto Segatori (eds.) - 2020 - Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino.
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    Conmemoración E intercesión en la galatea de Cervantes: Libro VI.Bruno M. Damiani - 2008 - Alpha (Osorno) 27.
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    La ciencia histórica de la política.Alberto M. Damiani - 1999 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 11 (12):325-330.
    Estudio bibliográfico y crítico de / A bibliographical and critical study of: Marcello Montanari, Vico e la politica dei Moderni, prefazione di Biagio De Giovanni, Palomar, Bari, 1995, pp. 266.
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  6. Del Sprach-Humanismus a la pragmática trascendental.Alberto M. Damiani - 1998 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 9:367-368.
    Estudio bibliográfico y crítico de / A bibliographical and critical study of: Francesco Botturi, Tempo, linguagio e azione. Le strutture vichiane della "storia ideale eterna", Guida editori, Nápoles, 1996, pp. 194.
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  7. Pier Damiani.E. G. G. - 1957 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 11:130.
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    Autognosis y periautografía en Giambattista Vico.Alberto Mario Damiani - 2024 - Educação E Filosofia 38:1-22.
    Resumen: El propósito de este artículo es explorar la conexión entre autognosis y autobiografía en Giambattista Vico. El artículo comienza con una explicación del significado de la autognosis filosófica como método de la Ciencia nueva de Vico. Luego, la autognosis política es considerada como un objeto de esa ciencia. Por último, es formulado el problema de la conexión de estas dos formas de autognosis con la Autobiografía de Vico. Palabras clave: Vico, Autognosis como método, Autognosis como objeto, Autobiografía, Porcia. Autognose (...)
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  9. Libertà e valori nel volontarismo di S. Pier Damiani.M. Andreoletti - 1960 - Giornale di Metafisica 15 (3):297.
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    Il gaucho e la vergine Borges, Pier Damiani ei passati contingenti.Marco Rossini - 2003 - Doctor Virtualis 2:7-23.
    La discussione medievale sul tema dei futuri contingenti pone al centro dell’attenzione, da un lato, il modo di concepire conoscenza e potenza divine e, dall’altro, lo statuto degli eventi futuri. Pier Damiani, monaco dell’XI secolo, distingue fra la possibilità divina di mutare le conseguenze del passato e quella di produrre un passato interamente diverso. Pedro Damian, protagonista del racconto di Borges, riscatta il suo comportamento giovanile producendo poco alla volta un altro, diverso, passato. La potenza della memoria invece della (...)
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  11. La figura della madre nei romanzi di Moravia e nelle trasposizioni cinematografiche. La madre autoritaria de La Noia tra Moravia e Damiano Damiani.Luca Corchia - 2015 - The Lab’s Quarterly 16 (4):37-67.
    Il breve saggio si propone di esaminare la centralità della figura materna nell’opera di un ingegnoso costruttore di storie della letteratura italiana del Novecento: Alberto Moravia. La scelta dell’Autore nasce dalla rilevanza della tematica nella sua opera, in cui peraltro è quasi sempre assente il punto di vista femminile delle “voci” delle donne. Ciò sembra paradossale e questa circostanza è di grande interesse critico. In particolare, a dispetto delle interpretazioni più canoniche, secondo cui Moravia – negli scritti realizzati tra il (...)
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  12. Fede, ragione e il principio di non-contraddizione in Pier Damiani.Fabrizio Amerini - 2021 - Noctua 8 (1–2):1-46.
    In literature Peter Damian has been often presented as an anti-dialectic thinker. Over time this statement has been subjected to careful historiographical revision. Today it is commonly accepted that the distinction between dialectic and anti-dialectic thinkers only partially describes the state of philosophy in the eleventh century. In fact, the relation between faith and reason is complex in Damian. The purpose of this paper is to reconsider this relation in the light of the significance Damian attributes to the notion of (...)
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  13. La cristologia di Pier Damiani. Alcune note.Fabrizio Amerini - 2014 - In Stefano Caroti & Alberto Siclari (eds.), _Filosofia e religione. Studi in onore di Fabio Rossi_. Raccolti da Stefano Caroti e Alberto Siclari. Firenze-Parma, Torino: E-theca OnLineOpenAccess Edizioni, Università degli Studi di Torino. pp. 28-58.
    The theology of Pier Damiani († 1072) is still an understudied theme in his scholarship, in particular, for what it concerns his Trinitarian and Christological doctrines. The aim of this study is to reconstruct and discuss especially Damiani’s Christological views as formulated in Letter 81, better known as his De fide catholica. It is argued that Damiani’s approach is mostly exegetical, as he mainly points to and comments on Biblical passages in support of Catholic doctrines. Still, he (...)
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  14. «Dominus vobiscum». Presenza del Cristo, ecclesiologia e sacramentaria in Pier Damiani.Riccardo Saccenti - 2021 - Noctua 8 (1–2):110-137.
    Peter Damian’s epistle 28, usually called Dominus vobiscum, shows a complex theological discussion. In fact, the author intertwines different subjects: the reform of the Church, the exaltation of monasticism, and, in particular, the primacy of the eremitical life. However, what is central in Peter Damian’s discourse is the Eucharistic sacrament, which the author considers from the standpoint of a theological sensitivity centered on the liturgical dimension of the celebration and on its spiritual and religious value. This contribution analyses Peter Damian’s (...)
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    The Absolute and Ordained Power of God in Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Theology.Francis Oakley - 1998 - Journal of the History of Ideas 59 (3):437-461.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Absolute and Ordained Power of God in Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century TheologyFrancis Oakley[W]e must cautiously abandon [that more specious opinion of the Platonist and Stoick]... in this, that it... blasphemously invades the cardinal Prerogative of Divinity, Omnipotence, by denying him a reserved power, of infringing, or altering any one of those Laws which [He] Himself ordained, and enacted, and chaining up his armes in the adamantine fetters of Destiny.Walter (...)
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  16. .E. Tugendhat - 2002 - Ruch Filozoficzny 3 (3).
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    Nación e historia. La justificación e interpretación histórica de las naciones a finales del siglo XIX y en la primera mitad del XX.Rafael E. Acevedo P. - 2014 - Co-herencia 11 (21):191-227.
    El propósito de este texto es ofrecer una visión general de la relación entre nación e historia en los debates que se generaron por parte de los historiadores y otros intelectuales de las ciencias sociales a finales del siglo XIX y durante gran parte del siglo XX. La reflexión central que se plantea consiste entonces en estudiar y mostrar cómo al mismo tiempo que las naciones modernas eran objeto de un proceso de redefinición política, en el escenario intelectual de las (...)
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    Body parts: Property rights and the ownership of human biological materials.E. Richard Gold & Russell Scott - 1998 - Bioethics 12 (3):250-252.
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  19. The Age of Capital, 1848-1875.E. J. Hobsbawm, Charles Tilly, Louise Tilly & Richard Tilly - 1978 - Science and Society 42 (1):94-97.
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  20. Real and Abstract Analysis.E. Hewitt - 1965
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  21. The Theology of Wolfhart Pannenberg.E. Frank Tupper - unknown
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    Ian Stevenson: A Recollection and Tribute.Stephen E. Braude - 2010 - Journal of Scientific Exploration 22 (1).
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    Ideals, oughts, and regulatory focus.E. Tory Higgins - 1996 - In Peter M. Gollwitzer & John A. Bargh (eds.), The Psychology of Action: Linking Cognition and Motivation to Behavior. Guilford. pp. 91--114.
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    Friedrich Nietzsche, Paul Rée, Lou von Salomé.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, Paul Rée, Lou Andreas-Salomé, Karl Schlechta, Erhart Thierbach & Ernst Pfeiffer (eds.) - 1971 - Frankfurt am Main]: Insel Verlag.
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  25. David Hume.E. J. Khamara & D. G. C. Macnabb - 1977
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  26. Gorgias and Republic.E. Hamilton & Eds H. Cairns - 1961 - In Edith Hamilton & Huntington Cairns (eds.), Plato: The Collected Dialogues. Princeton: New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
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    Nicʻše Sakʻartʻveloši.Tʻamaz Buačʻiże & Tengiz Iremadze (eds.) - 2007 - Tʻbilisi: Gamomcʻemloba "Arxe".
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  28. The Openness of Being: Natural Theology Today.E. L. Mascall - 1971
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  29. Encoding and retrieval of information.E. Tulving & I. M. Craik - 2000 - In Endel Tulving (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Memory. Oxford University Press. pp. 92--104.
  30. Parmenides.E. Hamilton & Eds H. Cairns - 1961 - In Edith Hamilton & Huntington Cairns (eds.), Plato: The Collected Dialogues. Princeton: New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
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  31. A General Systems Model of the Evolution of Science.E. Laszlo - 1972 - Scientia 66:379.
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  32. Gilles Deleuze e la pittura.E. Castelli Gattinara - 1987 - Rivista di Estetica 27 (25):124-133.
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  33. Philosophy and Medicine.E. K. Ledermann - 1971 - Philosophy 46 (176):181-182.
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    Na mez︠h︡i butti︠a︡: filosofii︠a︡ konechnosti li︠u︡dsʹkoho butti︠a︡ ta etyka = Na predele bytii︠a︡: filosofii︠a︡ konechnosti chelovecheskogo bytii︠a︡ i ėtika = On the verge of existence: philosophy of finiteness of human existence and ethics.I︠E︡vhen Muli︠a︡rchuk - 2012 - Kyïv: Instytut filosofiï imeni H.S. Skovorody.
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  35. The Human Metaphor.E. Sewell - 1964
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    A Conceptual Approach for a Quantitative Economic Analysis of Farmers' Decision-Making Regarding Animal Welfare.É Gocsik, H. W. Saatkamp, C. C. De Lauwere & Agjm Oude Lansink - forthcoming - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics.
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  37. Distribuzione di elementi traccia (Zn, Cu, Fe, Cd) in tessuti di uccelli selvatici della laguna di Venezia e delle ville del Quaderno.G. Andreani, E. Carpené, R. Serra, M. Kinde, R. Magni & G. Isami - forthcoming - Laguna.
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  38. An Analysis of Three Studies of Pictorial Representation: M. C. Beardsley, E. H. Gombrich, and L. Wittgenstein.George E. Yoos - 1971 - Dissertation, University of Missouri - Columbia
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    L'aphasie de broca.E. Goblot - 1908 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 65:639 - 648.
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    The mind: consciousness, prediction, and the brain.E. Bruce Goldstein - 2019 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.
    This book is about the mind and its connection to the brain. The first two chapters discuss the basic characteristics of the mind, and places it in historical context by noting trends in popular culture, and various people's ideas about the mind. This discussion ends by concluding that the most fruitful approach to studying the mind is a scientific approach that looks for connections between the mind and the brain. The last four chapters focus on the following specific principles: The (...)
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    The making of the modern face: cosmetic surgery.E. Haiken - 2000 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 67 (1):81.
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    Lessons from a slave doctor of 1841.E. C. Halperin - 2013 - The Pharos of Alpha Omega Alpha-Honor Medical Society. Alpha Omega Alpha 76 (1):10.
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  43. Baker's Dictionary of Theology.E. F. Harrison, G. W. Bromiley & C. F. Henry - 1960
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  44. The Book of Daniel, Introduction and Commentary.E. W. Heaton - 1956
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  45. Spindel Conference 2001 Origins: The Common Sources of the Analytic and Phenomenological Traditions.E. M. Horgan, John Tienson & Matjaz Potrc - 2002 - University of Memphis.
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  46. Logic and Knowledge.E. Ippoliti & C. Cellucci E. Grosholz (eds.) - 2011 - Cambridge Scholars Press.
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    A mulher no pedestal: representações de feminilidade e cristianismo na escrita masculina do periódico ouro-pretano O Noticiador de Minas.Matheus Da Cruz E. Zica - 2014 - Horizonte 12 (35).
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  48. The cognitive representation of religious ritual form: A theory of participants' competence with their religious ritual systems.E. Thomas Lawson & Robert N. McCauley - unknown
    Theorizing about religious ritual systems from a cognitive viewpoint involves (1) modeling cognitive processes and their products and (2) demonstrating their influence on religious behavior. Particularly important for such an approach to the study of religious ritual is the modeling of participants' representations of ritual form. In pursuit of that goal, we presented in Rethinking Religion a theory of religious ritual form that involved two commitments. The theory’s first commitment is that the cognitive apparatus for the representation of action in (...)
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    A Psychology for People of God.E. Rae Harcum - 2012 - Hamilton Books.
    E. Rae Harcum argues that Christians do not have to give up their religious faith to keep the contributions of science. He confronts the relation between the human body and its non-material parts—the mind and spirit—and provides a way of looking at these metaphysical issues.
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  50. Justification before knowledge?E. J. Coffman - manuscript
    This paper assesses several prominent recent attacks on the view that epistemic justification is conceptually prior to knowledge. I argue that this view—call it the Received View (RV)—emerges from these attacks unscathed. I start with Timothy Williamson’s two strongest arguments for the claim that all evidence is knowledge (E>K), which impugns RV when combined with the claim that justification depends on evidence. One of Williamson’s arguments assumes a false epistemic closure principle; the other misses some alternative (to E>K) explanations of (...)
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