Results for 'Doxastic logic'

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  1. Dynamic doxastic logic: why, how, and where to?Hannes Leitgeb & Krister Segerberg - 2007 - Synthese 155 (2):167-190.
    We investigate the research programme of dynamic doxastic logic (DDL) and analyze its underlying methodology. The Ramsey test for conditionals is used to characterize the logical and philosophical differences between two paradigmatic systems, AGM and KGM, which we develop and compare axiomatically and semantically. The importance of Gärdenfors’s impossibility result on the Ramsey test is highlighted by a comparison with Arrow’s impossibility result on social choice. We end with an outlook on the prospects and the future of DDL.
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  2. Doxastic logic: a new approach.Daniel Rönnedal - 2018 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 28 (4):313-347.
    In this paper, I develop a new set of doxastic logical systems and I show how they can be used to solve several well-known problems in doxastic logic, for example the so-called problem of logical omniscience. According to this puzzle, the notions of knowledge and belief that are used in ordinary epistemic and doxastic symbolic systems are too idealised. Hence, those systems cannot be used to model ordinary human or human-like agents' beliefs. At best, they can (...)
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  3. Doxastic Logic of Demonstratives; Indexical and Reflexive Pronouns in Ascriptions of Propositional Attitudes.Mika Oksanen - unknown
    In this article I will develop the first steps of a wholly general theory of how indexical and reflexive pronouns function in propositional attitude ascriptions. This will involve a theory of ascriptions of de se beliefs and de se utterances, which can probably be also generalized so as to apply to ascriptions of other attitudes. It will also involve a theory about the ascriptions of beliefs or other attitudes a person has at a time about what happens then (attitudes de (...)
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  4. Boulesic-Doxastic Logic.Daniel Rönnedal - 2019 - Australasian Journal of Logic 16 (3):83-132.
    In this paper, I will develop a set of boulesic-doxastic tableau systems and prove that they are sound and complete. Boulesic-doxastic logic consists of two main parts: a boulesic part and a doxastic part. By ‘boulesic logic’ I mean ‘the logic of the will’, and by ‘doxastic logic’ I mean ‘the logic of belief’. The first part deals with ‘boulesic’ concepts, expressions, sentences, arguments and theorems. I will concentrate on two types (...)
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    Egocentric Doxastic Logic.Pavel Naumov & Chenyang Wu - forthcoming - Logic and Logical Philosophy:1-23.
    Originally proposed by Prior, egocentric logic is a class of logical systems that capture properties of agents rather than of possible worlds. The article proposes a doxastic egocentric system with rigid names for reasoning about beliefs that an agent might have about herself.
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    Default logic as dynamic doxastic logic.Krister Segerberg - 1999 - Erkenntnis 50 (2-3):333-352.
    Dynamic doxastic logic (DDL) is used in connexion with theories of belief revision. Here we try to show that languages of DDL are suitable also for discussing aspects of default logic. One ingredient of our analysis is a concept of coherence-as-ratifiability.
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  7. Quantified Temporal Alethic Boulesic Doxastic Logic.Daniel Rönnedal - 2021 - Logica Universalis 15 (1):1-65.
    The paper develops a set of quantified temporal alethic boulesic doxastic systems. Every system in this set consists of five parts: a ‘quantified’ part, a temporal part, a modal (alethic) part, a boulesic part and a doxastic part. There are no systems in the literature that combine all of these branches of logic. Hence, all systems in this paper are new. Every system is defined both semantically and proof-theoretically. The semantic apparatus consists of a kind of$$T \times (...)
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  8. Doxastic Logic.Michael Caie - 2019 - In Richard Pettigrew & Jonathan Weisberg (eds.), The Open Handbook of Formal Epistemology. PhilPapers Foundation. pp. 499-541.
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    Minimal doxastic logic: probabilistic and other completeness theorems.Peter Milne - 1993 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 34 (4):499-526.
  10. Doxastic Logic.Michael Caie - 2019 - In Richard Pettigrew & Jonathan Weisberg (eds.), The Open Handbook of Formal Epistemology. PhilPapers Foundation. pp. 499-541.
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    Doxastic logic and the Burge-Buridan-paradox.Wolfgang Lenzen - 1981 - Philosophical Studies 39 (1):43 - 49.
  12. Moore problems in full dynamic doxastic logic.Krister Segerberg - 2006 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 91 (1):95-110.
    Dynamic doxastic logic (DDL) is the modal logic of belief change. In basic DDL a modal operator [* ϕ ] carries the informal meaning "after the agent has revised his beliefs by ϕ " or "after the agent has accepted the information that ϕ "; it is assumed that the arguments of the star operator * are pure Boolean formulae. That assumption is discarded in full DDL where any pure doxastic formula may be an argument. As (...)
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  13. DDL unlimited: Dynamic doxastic logic for introspective agents.Sten Lindström & Wlodek Rabinowicz - 1999 - Erkenntnis 50 (2-3):353-385.
    The theories of belief change developed within the AGM-tradition are not logics in the proper sense, but rather informal axiomatic theories of belief change. Instead of characterizing the models of belief and belief change in a formalized object language, the AGM-approach uses a natural language — ordinary mathematical English — to characterize the mathematical structures that are under study. Recently, however, various authors such as Johan van Benthem and Maarten de Rijke have suggested representing doxastic change within a formal (...)
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    On interpreting doxastic logic.Leonard Linsky - 1968 - Journal of Philosophy 65 (17):500-502.
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    A reduction of doxastic logic to action logic.Heinrich Wansing - 2000 - Erkenntnis 53 (1-2):267-283.
  16. Global supervenience and doxastic logic', to appear in the.Franz V. Kutschera - forthcoming - Journal of Philosophical Logic.
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    AGM as a dynamic, doxastic logic.Krister Segerberg - 1995 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 1.
  18. A quantitative doxastic logic for probabilistic processes and applications to information-hiding.Simon Kramer, Catuscia Palamidessi, Roberto Segala, Andrea Turrini & Christelle Braun - 2009 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 19 (4):489-516.
    We introduce a novel modal logic, namely the doxastic μ-calculus with error control (DμCEC), and propose a formalization of probabilistic anonymity and oblivious transfer in the logic, and the validation of these formalizations on implementations formalized in probabilistic CCS. The distinguishing feature of our logic is to provide a combination of dynamic operators for belief (whence the attribute “doxastic”) with a control on the possible error of apprehension of the perceived reality, and for internalized probability. (...)
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  19. Extending Dynamic Doxastic Logic: Accommodating Iterated Beliefs And Ramsey Conditionals Within DDL.Sten Lindström & Wiodek Rabinowicz - 1997 - In Jan Odelstad, Lars Lindahl, Paul Needham & Rysiek Sliwi Nski (eds.), For Good Measure.
    In this paper we distinguish between various kinds of doxastic theories. One distinction is between informal and formal doxastic theories. AGM-type theories of belief change are of the former kind, while Hintikka’s logic of knowledge and belief is of the latter. Then we distinguish between static theories that study the unchanging beliefs of a certain agent and dynamic theories that investigate not only the constraints that can reasonably be imposed on the doxastic states of a rational (...)
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  20. Moore’s Paradox, Introspection and Doxastic Logic.Adam Rieger - 2015 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 4 (4):215-227.
    An analysis of Moore's paradox is given in doxastic logic. Logics arising from formalizations of various introspective principles are compared; one logic, K5c, emerges as privileged in the sense that it is the weakest to avoid Moorean belief. Moreover it has other attractive properties, one of which is that it can be justified solely in terms of avoiding false belief. Introspection is therefore revealed as less relevant to the Moorean problem than first appears.
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    A Computationally Grounded, Weighted Doxastic Logic.Taolue Chen, Giuseppe Primiero, Franco Raimondi & Neha Rungta - 2016 - Studia Logica 104 (4):679-703.
    Modelling, reasoning and verifying complex situations involving a system of agents is crucial in all phases of the development of a number of safety-critical systems. In particular, it is of fundamental importance to have tools and techniques to reason about the doxastic and epistemic states of agents, to make sure that the agents behave as intended. In this paper we introduce a computationally grounded logic called COGWED and we present two types of semantics that support a range of (...)
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    A Non-alethic Multi-agent Doxastic Logic as a Solution to Epistemic Conflicts.Xudong Hao - 2021 - Axiomathes 32 (3):413-431.
    The non-alethic systems N1 of da Costa and A of Grana are both paraconsistent and paracomplete. Based on them, a multi-agent doxastic logic NADK can be obtained by logical expansion. The soundness and completeness of NADK are proved and its special theorems are also presented. In this logic, the belief version of the laws of contradiction and excluded middle, as well as the principle of explosion are all invalid. Therefore, it may provide a reliable logical basis for (...)
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    Belief Changes and Cognitive Development: Doxastic Logic $${\mathsf {LCB}}$$.Marcin Łyczak - 2021 - Axiomathes 31 (2):157-171.
    We present the logic$${\mathsf {LCB}}$$LCBwhich is expressed in a propositional language constantly enriched by new atomic expressions. Our formal framework is the propositional doxastic logic$${\mathsf {KD45}}$$KD45with the belief operator$${\mathcal {B}}$$B, extended by the$${\mathcal {C}}$$Coperator, to be readit changes that.... We describe the changing beliefs of an agent who uses progressively expanding language. The approach presented here allows us to weaken pragmatic objections to the so-called principle ofnegative retrospectionaccepted in$${\mathsf {KD45}}$$KD45and the problem oflogical omniscience. In what follows, we (...)
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    Irrevocable Belief Revision in Dynamic Doxastic Logic.Krister Segerberg - 1998 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 39 (3):287-306.
    In this paper we present a new modeling for belief revision that is what we term irrevocable. This modeling is of philosophical interest since it captures some features of suppositional reasoning, and of formal interest since it is closely connected with AGM, yet provides for iterated belief revision. The analysis is couched in terms of dynamic doxastic logic.
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  25. Idealized Psychology and Doxastic Logic.Tim Kenyon - 2005 - The Baltic International Yearbook of Cognition, Logic and Communication 1.
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    Belief Revision From the Point of View of Doxastic Logic.Krister Segerberg - 1995 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 3 (4):535-553.
    In 1985 Alchourrón, Gärdenfors and Makinson presented their now classic theory of theory change . In 1988 Adam Grove, generalizing David Lewis's theory of counterfactuals, presented a model theory suitable for the AGM theory. Although AGM and Grove mentioned object languages, neither used them. But recently, Maarten de Rijke has shown how object languages can be brought into the picture. In the present paper we take de Rijke's idea further, addressing the question whether there is a particular doxastic or (...)
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  27. Some completeness theorems in the dynamic doxastic logic of iterated belief revision.Krister Segerberg - 2010 - Review of Symbolic Logic 3 (2):228-246.
    The success of the AGM paradigmn, Gis remarkable, as even a quick look at the literature it has generated will testify. But it is also remarkable, at least in hindsight, how limited was the original effort. For example, the theory concerns the beliefs of just one agent; all incoming information is accepted; belief change is uniquely determined by the new information; there is no provision for nested beliefs. And perhaps most surprising: there is no analysis of iterated change.
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  28. Doxastic Decisions, Epistemic Justification, and The Logic of Agency.Heinrich Wansing - 2006 - Philosophical Studies 128 (1):201-227.
    A prominent issue in mainstream epistemology is the controversy about doxastic obligations and doxastic voluntarism. In the present paper it is argued that this discussion can benefit from forging links with formal epistemology, namely the combined modal logic of belief, agency, and obligation. A stit-theory-based semantics for deontic doxastic logic is suggested, and it is claimed that this is helpful and illuminating in dealing with the mentioned intricate and important problems from mainstream epistemology. Moreover, it (...)
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    Belief representation in a deductivist type-free doxastic logic.Francesco Orilia - 1994 - Minds and Machines 4 (2):163-203.
    Konolige''s technical notion of belief based on deduction structures is briefly reviewed and its usefulness for the design of artificial agents with limited representational and deductive capacities is pointed out. The design of artificial agents with more sophisticated representational and deductive capacities is then taken into account. Extended representational capacities require in the first place a solution to the intensional context problems. As an alternative to Konolige''s modal first-order language, an approach based on type-free property theory is proposed. It considers (...)
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    A three-valued doxastic logic based on Kleene’s and Bochvar’s ideas.Janusz Wesserling - 2019 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 55 (4):89-113.
    W tym artykule zaproponuję konstrukcję trójwartościowej logiki przekonań, którą nazywam: LSB3_1. Podam również i udowodnię kompletność LSB3_1 w odniesieniu do danej semantyki. LSB3_1 opiera się na preformalnych założeniach i intuicjach, które przedstawiono w sekcji 1. Sekcja 2 zawiera składnię i podział instrukcji LSB3_1 na wewnętrzne i zewnętrzne. Rozdział 3 przedstawia semantykę LSB3_1, a także szereg tautologii i formuł nietautologicznych w LSB3_1 wraz z ich intuicyjną interpretacją. System aksjomatyczny dla LSB3_1 i jego porównanie z silną logiką Kleene'a są przedstawione w sekcji (...)
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    Logic, Doxastic.John Nicholas Williams - unknown
    Doxastic logic, beginning with Hintikka’s Knowledge and Belief. An Introduction to the Logic of the Two Notions, studies relations between propositions about what we believe. Using ‘a’ as a proper name like ‘Ann’, ‘→’ for ‘if’ as opposed to material implication, propositional variables such as ‘p’, ‘q’ and ‘B’ to represent the two-place relation, ‘... believes that... ’.
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    On combinations of propositional dynamic logic and doxastic modal logics.Renate A. Schmidt & Dmitry Tishkovsky - 2007 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 17 (1):109-129.
    We prove completeness and decidability results for a family of combinations of propositional dynamic logic and unimodal doxastic logics in which the modalities may interact. The kind of interactions we consider include three forms of commuting axioms, namely, axioms similar to the axiom of perfect recall and the axiom of no learning from temporal logic, and a Church–Rosser axiom. We investigate the influence of the substitution rule on the properties of these logics and propose a new semantics (...)
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    Inference as Doxastic Agency. Part I: The Basics of Justification Stit Logic.Grigory K. Olkhovikov & Heinrich Wansing - 2019 - Studia Logica 107 (1):167-194.
    In this paper we consider logical inference as an activity that results in proofs and hence produces knowledge. We suggest to merge the semantical analysis of deliberatively seeing-to-it-that from stit theory and the semantics of the epistemic logic with justification from. The general idea is to understand proving that A as seeing to it that a proof of A is available. We introduce a semantics of various notions of proving as an activity and present a number of valid principles (...)
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    Doxastic synonymy vs. logical equivalence.Rafal Urbaniak - 2009 - The Reasoner 3.
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  35. Remarks on the logic of imagination. A step towards understanding doxastic control through imagination.Heinrich Wansing - 2017 - Synthese 194 (8):2843-2861.
    Imagination has recently attracted considerable attention from epistemologists and is recognized as a source of belief and even knowledge. One remarkable feature of imagination is that it is often and typically agentive: agents decide to imagine. In cases in which imagination results in a belief, the agentiveness of imagination may be taken to give rise to indirect doxastic control and epistemic responsibility. This observation calls for a proper understanding of agentive imagination. In particular, it calls for the development of (...)
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  36. The problem of logical omniscience, the preface paradox, and doxastic commitments.Niels Skovgaard-Olsen - 2017 - Synthese 194 (3):917-939.
    The main goal of this paper is to investigate what explanatory resources Robert Brandom’s distinction between acknowledged and consequential commitments affords in relation to the problem of logical omniscience. With this distinction the importance of the doxastic perspective under consideration for the relationship between logic and norms of reasoning is emphasized, and it becomes possible to handle a number of problematic cases discussed in the literature without thereby incurring a commitment to revisionism about logic. One such case (...)
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  37. "What Does Logic Have to Do with Justified Belief? Why Doxastic Justification is Fundmanetal".Hilary Kornblith - 2022 - In Paul Silva & Luis R. G. Oliveira (eds.), Propositional and Doxastic Justification: New Essays on their Nature and Significance. New York: Routledge.
    As George Boole saw it, the laws of logic are the laws of thought, and by this he meant, not that human thought is actually governed by the laws of logic, but, rather, that it should be. Boole’s view that the laws of logic have normative implications for how we ought to think is anything but an outlier. The idea that violating the laws of logic involves epistemic impropriety has seemed to many to be just obvious. (...)
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  38. Negative Doxastic Voluntarism and the concept of belief.Hans Rott - 2017 - Synthese 194 (8):2695–2720.
    Pragmatists have argued that doxastic or epistemic norms do not apply to beliefs, but to changes of beliefs; thus not to the holding or not-holding, but to the acquisition or removal of beliefs. Doxastic voluntarism generally claims that humans acquire beliefs in a deliberate and controlled way. This paper introduces Negative Doxastic Voluntarism according to which there is a fundamental asymmetry in belief change: humans tend to acquire beliefs more or less automatically and unreflectively, but they tend (...)
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    A Modal Logic of Metaphor.Krister Segerberg - 2011 - Studia Logica 99 (1-3):337-347.
    The purpose of this paper is to suggest a formal modelling of metaphors as a lingustic tool capable of conveying meanings from one conceptual space to another. This modelling is done within DDL (dynamic doxastic logic).
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    Measuring inaccuracy of uncertain doxastic states in many-valued logical systems.Pavel Janda - 2016 - Journal of Applied Logic 14:95-112.
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  41. The Logic of Valuing.Boudewijn de Bruin - 2009 - In Thomas A. Boylan & Ruvin Gekker (eds.), Economics, rational choice and normative philosophy. New York: Routledge.
    This paper analyzes the logical form of valuing. I argue that valuing a concept or property is a universal statement qua logical form, that valuing an object is an existential statement qua logical form, and, furthermore, that a correct analysis of the logical form of valuing contains doxastic operators. I show that these ingredients give rise to an interesting interplay between uniform and ununiform quantification, on the one hand, and de dicto and de re beliefs, on the other. I (...)
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    Combining Dynamic Logic with Doxastic Modal Logics.Renate A. Schmidt & Dmitry Tishkovsky - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 371-391.
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    Pseudomonadic Algebras as Algebraic Models of Doxastic Modal Logic.Nick Bezhanishvili - 2002 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 48 (4):624-636.
    We generalize the notion of a monadic algebra to that of a pseudomonadic algebra. In the same way as monadic algebras serve as algebraic models of epistemic modal system S5, pseudomonadic algebras serve as algebraic models of doxastic modal system KD45. The main results of the paper are: Characterization of subdirectly irreducible and simple pseudomonadic algebras, as well as Tokarz's proper filter algebras; Ordertopological representation of pseudomonadic algebras; Complete description of the lattice of subvarieties of the variety of pseudomonadic (...)
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  44. Doxastic Responsibility.Neil Levy - 2007 - Synthese 155 (1):127-155.
    Doxastic responsibility matters, morally and epistemologically. Morally, because many of our intuitive ascriptions of blame seem to track back to agents’ apparent responsibility for beliefs; epistemologically because some philosophers identify epistemic justification with deontological permissibility. But there is a powerful argument which seems to show that we are rarely or never responsible for our beliefs, because we cannot control them. I examine various possible responses to this argument, which aim to show either that doxastic responsibility does not require (...)
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  45. The logic of being informed.Luciano Floridi - 2006 - Logique Et Analyse 49 (196):433-460.
    One of the open problems in the philosophy of information is whether there is an information logic (IL), different from epistemic (EL) and doxastic logic (DL), which formalises the relation “a is informed that p” (Iap) satisfactorily. In this paper, the problem is solved by arguing that the axiom schemata of the normal modal logic (NML) KTB (also known as B or Br or Brouwer’s system) are well suited to formalise the relation of “being informed”. After (...)
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  46. On Doxastic Justification and Properly Basing One’s Beliefs.Paul Silva - 2015 - Erkenntnis 80 (5):945-955.
    According to an orthodox account of the relationship between propositional and doxastic justification, basing one’s belief in P on one’s source of propositional justification to believe P suffices for having a doxastically justified belief. But in an increasingly recognized work Turri argues that this thesis fails and proposes a new view according to which having propositional justification depends on having the ability to acquire doxastic justification. Turri’s novel position has surprisingly far-reaching epistemological consequences, ruling out some common epistemological (...)
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    Doxastic Conditions for Backward Induction.Thorsten Clausing - 2003 - Theory and Decision 54 (4):315-336.
    The problem of finding sufficient doxastic conditions for backward induction in games of perfect information is analyzed in a syntactic framework with subjunctive conditionals. This allows to describe the structure of the game by a logical formula and consequently to treat beliefs about this structure in the same way as beliefs about rationality. A backward induction and a non-Nash equilibrium result based on higher level belief in rationality and the structure of the game are derived.
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  48. Doxastic compatibilism and the ethics of belief.Sharon Ryan - 2003 - Philosophical Studies 114 (1-2):47-79.
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    Epistemic logic meets epistemic game theory: a comparison between multi-agent Kripke models and type spaces.Paolo Galeazzi & Emiliano Lorini - 2016 - Synthese 193 (7):2097-2127.
    In the literature there are at least two main formal structures to deal with situations of interactive epistemology: Kripke models and type spaces. As shown in many papers :149–225, 1999; Battigalli and Siniscalchi in J Econ Theory 106:356–391, 2002; Klein and Pacuit in Stud Log 102:297–319, 2014; Lorini in J Philos Log 42:863–904, 2013), both these frameworks can be used to express epistemic conditions for solution concepts in game theory. The main result of this paper is a formal comparison between (...)
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    Acceptance and Certainty, Doxastic Modals, and Indicative Conditionals.Kurt Norlin - 2022 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 51 (5):951-971.
    I give a semantics for a logic with two pairs of doxastic modals and an indicative conditional connective that all nest without restriction. Sentences are evaluated as accepted, rejected, or neither. Certainty is the necessity-like modality of acceptance. Inferences may proceed from premises that are certain, or merely accepted, or a mix of both. This semantic setup yields some striking results. Notably, the existence of inferences that preserve certainty but not acceptance very directly implies both failure of modus (...)
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