Results for 'Dorra Aouini'

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  1.  18
    The Chronotope of Paris in the Poetry of First-Wave Russian Emigrants: A Case Study of Irina Knorring’s Poems.Daria Shchukina & Dorra Aouini - 2023 - Bakhtiniana 18 (4):e62187e.
    RESUMO Este artigo propõe o uso do conceito de cronotopo para analisar a obra literária de emigrantes russos da primeira onda na França. O artigo se concentra na representação artística de mundo da comunidade de emigrantes russos em Paris, ao explorar os poemas de Irina Knorring, uma representante da jovem geração da primeira onda de emigrantes russos. Nesses poemas, a figura do emigrante russo assume uma posição central. Ao examiná-los, esta pesquisa identifica os motivos e as imagens recorrentes, dotados de (...)
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    Les motions de l'áme.Raúl Dorra & Verónica Estay Stange - 2007 - Semiotica 2007 (163):111-129.
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  3. The motions of the soul.Raul Dorra & Veronica Estay Stange - 2007 - Semiotica 163 (1-4):111-129.
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    Stylistique et sémiotique tensive : Convergences et divergences.Raul Dorra & Blanca Alberta Rodriguez - 2017 - Semiotica 2017 (219):239-256.
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    The Role of Corruption, Culture, and Law in Investment Fund Manager Fees.Sofia A. Johan & Dorra Najar - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 95 (S2):147 - 172.
    This article considers an international sample of venture capital and private equity funds to assess the role of law, corruption, and culture in setting fund manager fees. With better legal conditions, fixed fees are lower, carried interest fees are higher, clawbacks are less likely, and share distributions are more likely. Countries with lower levels of corruption have lower fixed fees and higher performance fees, and are less likely to have clawbacks and cash-only distributions. Hofstede's measure of power distance is negatively (...)
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  6.  20
    The Perceived Impact of COVID-19 on Student Well-Being and the Mediating Role of the University Support: Evidence From France, Germany, Russia, and the UK.Maria S. Plakhotnik, Natalia V. Volkova, Cuiling Jiang, Dorra Yahiaoui, Gary Pheiffer, Kerry McKay, Sonja Newman & Solveig Reißig-Thust - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The rapid and unplanned change to teaching and learning in the online format brought by COVID-19 has likely impacted many, if not all, aspects of university students' lives worldwide. To contribute to the investigation of this change, this study focuses on the impact of the pandemic on student well-being, which has been found to be as important to student lifelong success as their academic achievement. Student well-being has been linked to their engagement and performance in curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular activities, (...)
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    Poética de la lectura en Raúl Dorra.Víctor Alejandro Ruiz Ramírez - 2023 - Valenciana 32 (32):203-229.
    Raúl Dorra dedica, a lo largo de su obra, un lugar central al estudio de la escritura donde la lectura aparece como su correlato. Sin ser fenomenólogo, Dorra, no obstante, siempre plantea de modo intencional la relación entre lectura y escritura al considerar que en la segunda anida la presencia de un sujeto que la primera desentraña al hacer oír su voz. El presente artículo explora el intercambio entre la percepción visual de la escritura y la auditiva de (...)
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  8. Le si-alors-sinon, est-il toujours une option?Matija Arko - 2006 - Synthesis Philosophica 21 (1):95-101.
    Je parlerai dans cet article du si-alors-sinon comme d’une stratégie de nos obligations ontologiques dans les mathématiques. Je commencerai par la définition du si-alors-sinon dans les Principia mathematica. Ensuite, je discuterai la critique du si-alors-sinon par Putnam. Suivront certains arguments de Ciana Dorra qui l’appuient. Finalement, il sera question de la « parcimonie » ontologique en tant que motif d’adoption du si-alors-sinon. Je traiterai de la parcimonie ontologique en liaison avec le naturalisme en essayant de démontrer que la parcimonie (...)
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  9.  26
    Den Menschen verstehen: Existenzielle Perspektiven für Theorie und Praxis.René Märtin & Georg Martensen (eds.) - 2023 - Psychosozial-Verlag.
    Den Menschen zu verstehen ist das zentrale Anliegen des Theologen, Philosophen und Psychologen Helmut Dorra – sowohl in der Lehre als auch in der existenzanalytischen, logotherapeutischen Praxis. Die Autor:innen dieser Festschrift beleuchten anlässlich seines siebzigsten Geburtstags wesentliche Thematiken seines Ansatzes und laden zum Kennenlernen sowohl der Person Helmut Dorra als auch des existenziellen Denkens ein. Vom mutigen Handeln im richtigen Augenblick über den Zwiespalt zwischen Sein und Sollen bis zur Trauer als existenziellem Prozess werden grundlegende Themen wie Dialog, (...)
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