Results for 'Dorota Kielar'

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  1.  29
    “I Made This Munch”: Mieke Bal Talks to Dorota Filipczak about the Exhibition Emma & Edvard: Love in the Time of Loneliness, opened in Munchmuseet, Oslo.Dorota Filipczak - 2017 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 7:11-24.
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    The method of Socratic proofs for normal modal propositional logics.Dorota Leszczyńska - 2007 - Poznań: Wydawn. Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza.
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    Rethinking Political Obligation: Moral Principles, Communal Ties, Citizenship.Dorota Mokrosinska - 2012 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Why obey the state? Dorota Mokrosińska presents a fresh analysis of the most influential theories of political obligation and develops a novel approach to this foundational problem of political philosophy, an intriguing combination of the elements of natural duty and associative theories. The theory of political obligation developed in the book extends the scope of the contemporary debate on political obligation by arguing that political obligation can be binding even under the jurisdiction of unjust states. The arguments pursued in (...)
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    Between Ethics and Aesthetics: Crossing the Boundaries.Dorota Glowacka & Stephen Boos (eds.) - 2002 - State University of New York Press.
    Rethinks the existing definitions of aesthetics and ethics and the relations between them.
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    Wykładnia kategorii Boga ukrytego na podstawie dialogu Mikołaja z Kuzy De deo abscondito.Dorota Brylla - 2018 - Diametros 55:91-111.
    The paper presents the theological and philosophical category of Deus absconditus and shows it in the perspective of Nicholas of Cusa’s ideas contained in his dialogue De Deo Abscondito. The hidden God is the totally transcendent God that is beyond creation both ontologically and logically. Deus absconditus is God that cannot be the object of rational cognition and positive knowledge, hence the only way to acquire any knowledge of him is the method of negative theology. Therefore, the hidden God is (...)
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    Frequency and burden with ethical conflicts and burnout in nurses.Dorota Wlodarczyk & Magdalena Lazarewicz - 2011 - Nursing Ethics 18 (6):847-861.
    Many studies examine a stressors-professional burnout (PB) relation, but only few consider the role of ethical conflicts (ECs) in this context. The aim of this study was to characterize ECs' frequency and level of burden with them among nurses and to establish the relations between ECs' frequency, burden and PB. One hundred nurses participated in this study. ECs' frequency and burden were tested with an originally developed questionnaire. PB was examined with Maslach Burnout Inventory. Most frequent ECs concerned a nurse-patient (...)
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    Stroke induced reorganization of the neural networks for sentence comprehension, and relationship to perilesional dysfunction revealed by MEG and ASL.Kielar Aneta, Chu Ronald, Panamsky Lilia, Khatamian Yasha, Chen Jean & Meltzer Jed - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Existentialism as the Philosophy of a Subiect.Dorota Bajer - 2011 - Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 23:115-134.
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    O nieateistycznym i akosmicznym charakterze panteistycznej filozofii Spinozy według Salomona Majmona.Dorota Brylla - 2015 - Studia Z Historii Filozofii 6 (3):145-161.
    On the Non-atheistic and Acosmic Character of Pantheistic Philosophy of Spinoza According to Salomon Maimon The article presents Salomon Maimon’s view on the pantheistic philosophy of Baruch Spinoza and Maimon’s conviction that the system in question cannot be defined as atheism. The Jewish thinker states that Spinozian philosophy should be rather called acosmism which term is suggested by Maimon due to the fact that this system of thought affirms the sole reality of God – what, on the other hand, denies (...)
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  10. Studiowanie w meandrach życiowych wyborów.Dorota Ciechanowska (ed.) - 2012 - Szczecin: Daniel Krzanowski.
  11. Krytyka Oświecenia w filozofii moralności Alasdaira MacIntere`a.Dorota Drałus - 2000 - Nowa Krytyka 11:113-136.
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  12. Organizacja szkolnictwa dominikańskiego w XIV w.P. Kielar - 1969 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae. Półrocznik Akademii Teologii Katolickiej Wydział Filozofii Chrześcijańskiej 5:1.
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    Exprimer la dynamique spatiale par l’utilisation de l’adjectif grave et ses équivalents polonais dans les textes de loi.Dorota Śliwa - 2024 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 37 (7):2221-2235.
    Starting from the observation that the construction of vague reference in legal texts is intended by the legislator, we examine the intensifier adjective grave linked to linguistic vagueness. The aim is to define the meanings of grave and the role of the noun it qualifies, and to identify Polish equivalents in comparable and parallel legal texts. After mentioning studies on vagueness and vague reference, we analyse definitions that indicate two meanings: ‘importance’ and ‘consequence. The ‘cause-consequence’ relationship becomes central to the (...)
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    Auta autonomiczne i ich wybory.Dorota Szymborska - 2020 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria:87-93.
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  15. Transcendencja Boga jako czystego aktu w ujęciu Tomasza z Akwinu.Dorota Tobota - 2003 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 46 (2):49-57.
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    Socrates’ Philosophy as a Divine Service in Plato’s Apology.Dorota Tymura - 2011 - Peitho 2 (1):183-190.
    The aim of the present paper is to discuss Socrates’ idea of philosophy asa service to the god. First the article investigates why Chaerephon wentto Delphi and why he asked Pythia the famous question concerningSocrates. The investigation provides a basis for distinguishing two majorperiods in his activity. The one preceding the Delphic oracle consists inconducting inquiries in a group of closest friends. The one following theDelphic oracle consist in addressing a much larger audience. An analysisof both periods suggests that the (...)
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  17. Polis walcząca.Dorota Zygmuntowicz - 2006 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 50.
    The author asks two questions. The first, is war really the best action of a polis how the introductory conversation of the Timaeus suggests. The second, has been the Sokrates’ desire to see his ideal polis in action fulfilled in the Timaeus-Critias sequence. The approach to the problems seems to be found in the Laws, where these two questions are turned to this one: might war be the pattern for a lawgiver.
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    Affective Connections: Towards a New Materialist Politics of Sympathy.Dorota Golańska - 2017 - Rowman & Littlefield International.
    Looking at a number of memorials, memory sites and artworks relating to the Holocaust the book uses this idea of synaesthetic perception to explore trauma, memory and the production of art in relation to painful memories.
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    Pythagorean Women Philosophers: Between Belief and Suspicion.Dorota M. Dutsch - 2020 - Oxford University Press.
    Pythagorean Women Philosophers argues for a rewriting of Greek philosophical history so as to include female intellectuals. Dutsch presents testimonies regarding the role of women in the Pythagorean school as demonstrating their active contribution to the philosophical tradition.
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  20. Autonomy and Female Spirituality in a Polish Context: Divining a Self.Dorota Filipczak - 2004 - In Pamela Sue Anderson & Beverley Clack, Feminist philosophy of religion: critical readings. New York: Routledge. pp. 210--22.
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    Why states have no right to privacy, but may be entitled to secrecy: a non-consequentialist defense of state secrecy.Dorota Mokrosinska - 2020 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 23 (4):415-444.
  22.  47
    Framing Madame B: Quotation and Indistinction in Mieke Bal and Michelle Williams Gamaker’s Video Installation.Dorota Filipczak - 2015 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 5 (1):231-244.
    The article engages with the video installation Madame B by Mieke Bal and Michelle Williams Gamaker. The work was premiered in the city of Łódź in Poland. The author makes use of the exhibition brochure by two artists published by the Museum of Modern Art, and the recording of a seminar held by Bal and Williams Gamaker after launching their work. The article focuses on the innovative audiovisual interpretation of Flaubert’s famous novel. Basing the argument on the concept of framing (...)
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  23.  47
    O wykorzystaniu pojęć semiotycznych Jerzego Kmity w opisie komunikowania niewerbalnego.Dorota Angutek - 2011 - Filo-Sofija 11 (12 (2011/1)):329-346.
    Author: Angutek Dorota Title: ON THE ROLE OF JERZY KMITA’S SEMIOTIC CONCEPTS IN DESCRIPTION OF NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION (O wykorzystaniu pojęć semiotycznych Jerzego Kmity w opisie komunikowania niewerbalnego) Source: Filo-Sofija year: 2011, vol:.12, number: 2011/1, pages: 329-346 Keywords: SEMIOTICS, SIGN, NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION, HAPTIC COMMUNICATION, CULTURE, CONVENTION Discipline: PHILOSOPHY Language: POLISH Document type: ARTICLE Publication order reference (Primary author’s office address): E-mail: www:The author discusses various approaches to nonverbal communication and tries to provide a general descriptive account of the problem in (...)
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    Emotional Intelligence Mitigates the Effects of Customer Incivility on Surface Acting and Exhaustion in Service Occupations: A Moderated Mediation Model.Dorota Daniela Szczygiel & Róz·A. Bazińska - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:506085.
    This study contributes to the constantly accumulating evidence on the effects of customer incivility (CI) on service employee exhaustion. Previous research has demonstrated that surface acting (SA) acts as a mediating variable in the relationship between CI and exhaustion. This study extended prior findings in two ways. The results of Study 1 (315 retail sales employees, 62.2% female) demonstrated that SA mediates the positive relationship between CI and exhaustion while controlling for employees’ trait positive and negative affectivity (NA). The results (...)
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  25. Egzystencjalizm jako filozofia podmiotu.Dorota Bajer - 2011 - Idea Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych 23 (23).
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  26. Internet a demokracja.Dorota Bazuń - 2002 - Colloquia Communia 73 (2):351-366.
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    O pamięci w eseistyce dotyczącej polskości - między esencjalizmem a konstruktywizmem.Dorota Dąbrowska - 2021 - Civitas. Studia Z Filozofii Polityki 28:165-180.
    Artykuł zawiera rozważania nad zróżnicowaniem tekstów eseistycznych dotyczących problematyki polskości, wynikającym z różnorodnej roli pamięci w poszczególnych koncepcjach narodowej tożsamości. Celem szkicu jest podjęcie refleksji nad relacją, w jaką wchodzą teksty, dające się określić jako tradycjonalistyczne oraz modernizacyjne, z orientacjami esencjalistycznymi i kontruktywistycznymi. Przedmiot analizy zawartej w tekście stanowią przede wszystkim dwie publikacje: Awangardowy konserwatyzm Pawła Rojka oraz Polska: wspólnota fantazmatyczna Agaty Bielik-Robson. Eseje te pozwalają się traktować jako reprezentatywne przykłady złożonych zależności ideowych występujących w obszarze refleksji nad polskością.
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  28. Debata o demokracji [Ian Shapiro, Stan teorii demokracji, tłum. Izabela Kisilowska, Warszawa 2006].Dorota Drałus - 2007 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia:230-231.
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  29. MacIntyre i anatomia moralnosci patriotycznej.Dorota Drałus - 2007 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia:45-60.
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    Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Liver Tumors Based on Multi-Image Texture Analysis of Contrast-Enhanced CT. Selection of the Most Appropriate Texture Features.Dorota Duda, Marek Krętowski & Johanne Bézy-Wendling - 2013 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 35 (1):49-70.
    In this work, a system for the classification of liver dynamic contest- enhanced CT images is presented. The system simultaneously analyzes the images with the same slice location, corresponding to three typical acquisition moments. At first, the texture features are extracted separately for each acquisition mo- ment. Afterwards, they are united in one “multiphase” vector, characterizing a triplet of textures. The work focuses on finding the most appropriate features that characterize a multi-image texture. At the beginning, the features which are (...)
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    Éowyn and the Biblical Tradition of a Warrior Woman.Dorota Filipczak - 2017 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 7 (7):405-415.
    The article discusses the portrayal of Éowyn in Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings in the light of the biblical tradition of the warrior woman. The author focuses on the scene in which Éowyn slays the Nazgûl Lord in the battle of the Pelennor Fields with the help of Meriadoc. This event is juxtaposed against the biblical descriptions of female warriors, in particular Jael and Judith. A detailed analysis of passages from the King James Bible and the Douay-Rheims Bible, with (...)
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    Discussing Modernity.: A Dialogue with Martin Jay.Dorota Koczanowicz & David Schauffler (eds.) - 2013 - Brill | Rodopi.
    Martin Jay is one of America's leading intellectual historians. His work spans almost all important questions concerning the subject of modernity. Outstanding Polish scholars engage in a dialogue with Jay’s work, discussing significant problems of modernity and postmodernity. The book offers a broad panorama of contemporary thought approached from various angles. It is also a unique exercise of intercultural intellectual dialogue covering many areas from literature to politics. The book also includes an essay on photography by Martin Jay and his (...)
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    La vida como una posibilidad limitada. El problema de la libertad en José Ortega y Gasset.Dorota Maria Leszczyna - 2021 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 26 (1):27-41.
    En este artículo deseo abordar el problema de la libertad en el ámbito de la filosofía de José Ortega y Gasset. Debemos señalar que la interpretación del problema de la libertad en Ortega es una de las muchas ejemplificaciones de su proyecto de liberación del realismo y el idealismo, el racionalismo y el vitalismo, el determinismo y el indeterminismo y otros “ismos” que tienen carácter excluyente, y por eso abstracto e hipotético, y constituir en su lugar una nueva filosofía, una (...)
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    On the Individual, Social, and Political Value of Privacy.Dorota Mokrosinska - 2019 - In Hauke Behrendt, Wulf Loh, Matzner Tobias & Catrin Misselhorn, Privatsphäre 4.0: Eine Neuverortung des Privaten im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung. Metzler. pp. 107-122.
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  35. A Conflict Regarding Animal Rights.Dorota Probucka - 2019 - In Contemporary moral dilemmas. Berlin: Peter Lang.
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    Zum Textsortenwissen in der Kommunikation und im Fremdsprachenunterricht am Beispiel der Textsorte Kontaktanzeige.Dorota Wesołowska - 2011 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Germanica 7.
    Powyższy artykuł jest próbą odpowiedzenia na pytanie, na ile wiedza z zakresu lingwistyki tekstu może być użyteczna przy doborze tekstów na lekcję języka obcego. Autorka stawia tezę, że uświadomienie sobie konstytutywnych dla danego typu tekstu cech pozwala nauczycielowi optymalnie wykorzystać go na lekcji, a nie zredukować jego rolę do prezentacji materiału leksykalnego.
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    Flexible Emotion Regulation: How Situational Demands and Individual Differences Influence the Effectiveness of Regulatory Strategies.Dorota Kobylińska & Petko Kusev - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Emotional Intelligence Buffers the Effects of Negative Emotions on Job Burnout in Nursing.Dorota Daniela Szczygiel & Moïra Mikolajczak - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:428173.
    The study was designed to examine whether trait emotional intelligence would moderate the impact of negative emotions at work on job burnout. A total of 188 female nurses participated in this study and completed measures of trait affectivity, emotional intelligence, anger and sadness at work [over five consecutive days, nurses rated the extent to which they experienced anger-related emotions (i.e., irritation, embitterment and anger) and sadness-related emotions (i.e., depression, disappointment and sadness)], and burnout. The results revealed significant and positive relationships (...)
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    Privacy and Autonomy: On Some Misconceptions Concerning the Political Dimensions of Privacy.Dorota Mokrosinska - 2018 - Law and Philosophy 37 (2):117-143.
    One of the most influential views in privacy scholarship is that privacy protects individual autonomy. On the early liberal view, the exercise of autonomy requires detachment from social and political life and privacy facilitates it. This view of privacy still informs current legal and political practice. As this view of privacy presupposes a tension between privacy and society, it is responsible for the underrating of privacy in legal and political practice. Over the last decades, liberal reflection on autonomy has shifted (...)
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  40. Relaciones intelectuales entre Nicolai Hartmann y José Ortega y Gasset en los años 1906-1914.Dorota Leszczyna - 2023 - New York: Peter Lang.
    ,,En este libro, Dorota Leszczyna llena un hueco profundo en nuestros conocimientos de la evolución de la historia de la filosofía de Ortega y Gasset. Existe en el orteguismo la tendencia a saltar a la absorción por Ortega de la fenomenología de Husserl, cuando este salto está mediatizado por la intervención de los neokantianos de Marburgo y sus discípulos. Sostiene la Prof. Leszczyna que el condiscípulo de Ortega Nicolai Hartmann aclara la recepción orteguiana del neokantismo marburgués y de la (...)
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    Exploring the Creative Process: Integrating Psychometric and Eye-Tracking Approaches.Dorota M. Jankowska, Marta Czerwonka, Izabela Lebuda & Maciej Karwowski - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:399258.
    This exploratory study aims at integrating the psychometric approach to studying creativity with an eye-tracking methodology and thinking-aloud protocols to potentially untangle the nuances of the creative process. Wearing eye-tracking glasses, one hundred adults solved a drawing creativity test – The Test of Creative Thinking-Drawing Production (TCT-DP) – and provided spontaneous comments during this process. Indices of visual activity collected during the eye-tracking phase explained a substantial amount of variance in psychometric scores obtained in the test. More importantly, however, clear (...)
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    Intraindividual Variability in Executive Function Performance in Healthy Adults: Cross-Sectional Analysis of the NAB Executive Functions Module.Dorota Buczylowska & Franz Petermann - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  43. Myśl Karla Jaspersa w kontekście filozofii Kanta.Dorota Bacik - 2010 - Estetyka I Krytyka 19 (2).
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  44. Karla Jaspersa ujęcie związku świadomości z przedmiotem.Dorota Barcik - 2009 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 45 (2):129-137.
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  45. Racjonalność czy irracjonalność?Dorota Barcik - 2008 - Idea Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych 20 (20).
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    Rational or Irrational?Dorota Barcik - 2008 - Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 20:71-80.
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    Transgresywne monstrum.Dorota Bastek & Martyna Fołta (eds.) - 2013 - Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego.
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    Alternatywa narzędziem zmiany. Status zwierząt w dominującej tradycji chrześcijańskiej oraz poza nią.Dorota Brylla - 2015 - Etyka 51:119-128.
    Recenzja książki Ryana Patricka McLaughlina, Christian Theology and the Status of Animals: The Dominant Tradition and Its Alternatives, New York, Palgrave Macmillan 2014, s. 202.
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    Biblijny opis stworzenia w nauczaniu Bnei Baruch.Dorota Brylla - 2015 - Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 27:247-265.
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    Kabbalistic Theosophy in the Light of the Spinozian Pantheistic Monism.Dorota Brylla - 2013 - Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 25:25-46.
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