Results for 'Doris Emilia Guerrero'

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  1. Tratado sobre el Gobierno Civil de John Locke. Una refutación del absolutismo de Filmer.Doris Emilia Guerrero - 1990 - Universitas Philosophica 15:9-60.
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  2. Applying Intelligence to the Reflexes: embodied skills and habits between Dreyfus and Descartes.John Sutton, Doris McIlwain, Wayne Christensen & Andrew Geeves - 2011 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 42 (1):78-103.
    ‘There is no place in the phenomenology of fully absorbed coping’, writes Hubert Dreyfus, ‘for mindfulness. In flow, as Sartre sees, there are only attractive and repulsive forces drawing appropriate activity out of an active body’1. Among the many ways in which history animates dynamical systems at a range of distinctive timescales, the phenomena of embodied human habit, skilful movement, and absorbed coping are among the most pervasive and mundane, and the most philosophically puzzling. In this essay we examine both (...)
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    Ebola Vaccine Trials.Godfrey B. Tangwa, Katharine Browne & Doris Schroeder - 2017 - In Doris Schroeder, Julie Cook, François Hirsch, Solveig Fenet & Vasantha Muthuswamy, Ethics Dumping: Case Studies from North-South Research Collaborations. New York: Springer. pp. 49-60.
    The Ebola epidemic that broke out inWest Africa West AfricaAfrica towards the end of 2013 had been brought under reasonable control by 2015. The epidemic had severely affected three countries. This case study is about a phase I/II clinical trial Phase I/II clinical trial of a candidate Ebola virus vaccine in 2015 in a sub-Saharan AfricanSub-Saharan Africa country which had not registered any cases of the Ebola virus disease. The study was designed as a randomized double-blinded trialRandomized double blinded trial. (...)
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    Who attributes what to whom? Moral values and relational context shape causal attribution to the person or the situation.Laura Niemi, John M. Doris & Jesse Graham - 2023 - Cognition 232 (C):105332.
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    El Observatorio de la Red Iberoamericana de Bioética (ORIBI), bases para su operación.Antonio Cabrera Cabrera, Alejandro Sánchez Guerrero, David Cerdio Domínguez & María Victoria Fernández Molina - 2025 - Medicina y Ética 36 (1):132-204.
    El texto presenta una visión detallada sobre la importancia y operación del Observatorio de la Red Iberoamericana de Bioética (ORIBI), argumentando la relevancia de la bioética en la contemporaneidad. La bioética, definida como la ética aplicada a la vida, ha expandido su influencia más allá de la medicina para abarcar áreas como el medio ambiente, derechos humanos y lucha contra la pobreza, destacando el enfoque interdisciplinario esencial para abordar dilemas éticos complejos. El ORIBI, desarrollado por el Centro Anáhuac de Desarrollo (...)
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  6. (1 other version)Responsibility.Joshua Knobe & John M. Doris - 2010 - In John Doris, Moral Psychology Handbook. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    A great deal of fascinating research has gone into an attempt to uncover the fundamental criteria that people use when assigning moral responsibility. Nonetheless, it seems that most existing accounts fall prey to one counterexample or another. The underlying problem, we suggest, is that there simply isn't any single system of criteria that people apply in all cases of responsibility attribution. Instead, it appears that people use quite different criteria in different kinds of cases. [This paper was originally circulated under (...)
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  7. Decryption of liberal transitional justice : critical approaches from the land as central problem in the Colombian case.Michael Monclou-Chaparro, Julián Trujillo-Guerrero & María Daniela Delgado-Álvarez - 2025 - In Ricardo Sanín Restrepo, Marinella Machado Araujo & Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni, Decrypting justice: from epistemic violence to immanent democracy. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
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    The Role of the Vilmorin Company in the Promotion and Diffusion of the Experimental Science of Heredity in France, 1840–1920.Jean Gayon & Doris T. Zallen - 1998 - Journal of the History of Biology 31 (2):241 - 262.
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    Materiality-critique-transformation: challenging the political in feminist new materialisms.Kathrin Thiele, Hanna Meißner, Brigitte Bargetz & Doris Allhutter - 2020 - Feminist Theory 21 (4):403-411.
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    “Look at the future”: Maintained fixation impoverishes future thinking.Joanna Gautier, Lina Guerrero Sastoque, Guillaume Chapelet, Claire Boutoleau-Bretonnière & Mohamad El Haj - 2022 - Consciousness and Cognition 105 (C):103398.
  11. Middle East and West: Can Common Ground Be Found?Abol-Hassan Bani-Sadr & Doris Schroeder - 2017 - In Doris Schroeder & Abol-Hassan Bani-Sadr, Dignity in the 21st Century - Middle East and West. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.
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    Tópicos de la nueva ensayística filosófica y literaria en México.Ayala Barrón, Juan Carlos, Gerardo Valencia Guerrero, Arita Watanabe & Beatriz Yasuko (eds.) - 2016 - Culiacán de Rosales, Sinaloa, México: Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa.
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    Estandarización de análisis de metilesteres de ácidos grasos por la técnica de cromatografía de gases acoplada a espectrometría de masas.Juan Pablo López Valencia, V. Arrubla, Juan Pablo & Gloria Edith Guerrero - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Innovación educativa para el fortalecimiento del enfoque Ciencia-Tecnología-Sociedad en la educación postgraduada.Maria Elena Macías Llanes, Rosa Aguirre del Busto, Jorge Luis Quintana Torres, Doris Prieto Ramírez & Jorge Álvarez Vázquez - 2003 - Humanidades Médicas 3 (3):0-0.
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    Vocal Cues to Male Physical Formidability.Alvaro Mailhos, Damián Amaro Egea-Caparrós, Cristina Guerrero Rodríguez, Mario Luzardo, Nansi Dilyanova Kiskimska & Francisco Martínez Sánchez - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Animal vocalizations convey important information about the emitter, including sex, age, biological quality, and emotional state. Early on, Darwin proposed that sex differences in auditory signals and vocalizations were driven by sexual selection mechanisms. In humans, studies on the association between male voice attributes and physical formidability have thus far reported mixed results. Hence, with a view to furthering our understanding of the role of human voice in advertising physical formidability, we sought to identify acoustic attributes of male voices associated (...)
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  16. Nov 27 72-10 aw.R. H. Robins, Jaan Puhvel, Doris J. Johnson, Helmer R. Myklebust, Ernst Konrad Specht, F. G. Droste & C. F. Hockett - 1972 - Foundations of Language 8:158.
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  17. Collective action in watershed management -- experiences from the Andean hillsides.Helle Munk Ravnborg & María del Pilar Guerrero - 1999 - Agriculture and Human Values 16 (3):257-266.
    Watersheds constitute a special case of multiple-use common pool resources (CPRs). In a textual sense, watersheds tend to be mosaics of privately owned and managed patches of land. At the same time, however, watersheds are also ecosystems in which multiple resources and people interact through an infinity of bio-physical processes. Through such interaction, new watershed-level qualities emerge that, together with other factors, condition watershed users' continued resource use and access. In this perspective, watersheds become common-pool resources. Hence, watershed users do (...)
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  18. La vida se abre paso más allá de la razón: "La ciudadela" de Saint-Exupéry.Luis Guerrero Martínez - 2010 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 42 (129):19-31.
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    Higienismo en la educación para indígenas.Agustín Assaneo & María Emilia Sabatella - 2021 - Saberes y Prácticas. Revista de Filosofía y Educación 6 (2):1-20.
    Durante las últimas décadas del siglo XIX y las primeras del siglo XX, el paradigma higienista se constituyó en una de las principales influencias para determinar políticas en pos de la construcción de un proyecto de país y de una ciudadanía homogénea desde el parámetro de la civilización. El objetivo de este artículo será indagar la forma en la que el higienismo como política, paradigma y disciplina se instaló como el conocimiento autorizado para mejorar las condiciones de salud de la (...)
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    Situated (un-)learning in software design: a deconstructive approach.Roswitha Hofmann & Doris Allhutter - 2010 - Poiesis and Praxis 7 (1-2):87-98.
    Constructive technology assessment aims at anticipating societal impacts of technological innovations and suggests incorporating reflexivity and social learning into technology development. Social learning involves fostering the ability of diverse social actors to cultivate sociotechnical critical skills, thus allowing technological and social change to be governed with consideration for social values and diverging interests. Based on this demand, our paper presents a discourse-theoretical, interventionist approach to software design introducing deconstruction and (un-)learning as reflective practices to guide development processes. Inspired by Donna (...)
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    Wahrheit - Glaube - Geltung: theologische und philosophische Konkretionen.Christof Landmesser & Doris Hiller (eds.) - 2019 - Leizpig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt.
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    On the Design and Validation of Assessing Tools for Measuring the Impact of Programs Promoting STEM Vocations.María Pilar Herce-Palomares, Carmen Botella-Mascarell, Esther de Ves, Emilia López-Iñesta, Anabel Forte, Xaro Benavent & Silvia Rueda - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This paper presents the design and validation process of a set of instruments to evaluate the impact of an informal learning initiative to promote Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics vocations in students, their families, and teachers. The proposed set of instruments, beyond assessing the satisfaction of the public involved, allow collecting data to evaluate the impact in terms of changes in the consideration of the role of women in STEM areas and STEM vocations. The procedure followed to develop the set (...)
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    Modelo teórico para la evaluación de impacto en programas de Salud Pública.Marjoris Mirabal Nápoles, Joaquín Rodríguez Sánchez, Marina Guerrero Ramírez & Maira Álvarez Muñoz - 2012 - Humanidades Médicas 12 (2):167-183.
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    Observando las alianzas de colaboración entre organizaciones sin fines de lucro y organizaciones estatales chilenas.Carolina Muñoz Guzmán, Paula Miranda Sánchez & Rodrigo Flores Guerrero - 2012 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 32.
    Situados en un progresivo traspaso de responsabilidades en la ejecución de los servicios sociales desde el Estado hacia actores no gubernamentales, aparece una demanda hacia el mismo Estado, el cual en lugar de simplemente declinar su labor, debiera de hecho expandir su regulación de modo de asegurar que la oferta social sea eficiente en satisfacer al ciudadano usuario en aquellos servicios prometidos por las políticas y programas sociales. Así mismo, la institucionalidad pública debiera reconocer las demandas del mundo privado para (...)
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    Análise da sintonia interacional em díades mãe-filho em aquisição típica e atípica de linguagem oral: repensando a clínica fonoaudiológica; Interactional tune analysis between mother-child in typical and atypical language acquisition: a new insight about speech therapy.Ana Paula Fadanelli Ramos, Gabriela Martino Coronel Fróes, Rita Doris Maldaner, Doris Schultz Rosa & Sylvana de Araújo Vianna Soares - 2002 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 15:47-62.
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    Book Reviews Section 4.E. Paul Torrance, John Walton, Calvin O. Dyer, Virgil S. Ward, Weldon Beckner, Manouchehr Pedram, William M. Alexander, Herman J. Peters, James B. Macdonald, Samuel E. Kellams, Walter L. Hodges, Gary R. Mckenzie, Robert E. Jewett, Doris A. Trojcak, H. Parker Blount, George I. Brown, Lucile Lindberg, James C. Baughman, Patricia H. Dahl, S. Jay Samuels & Christopher J. Lucas - 1972 - Educational Studies 3 (4):239-255.
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    The Upside of Negative Emotions: How Do Older Adults From Different Cultures Challenge Their Self-Growth During the COVID-19 Pandemic?Sofia von Humboldt, Neyda Ma Mendoza-Ruvalcaba, Elva Dolores Arias-Merino, José Alberto Ribeiro-Gonçalves, Emilia Cabras, Gail Low & Isabel Leal - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Background and ObjectiveThe outbreak of Coronavirus Disease 2019 has raised increased challenges for older adults’ personal growth in diverse cultural settings. The aim of this study was to analyze negative emotions and their role on older adults’ self-growth in Mexico, Italy, Portugal, and Spain, during the COVID-19 pandemic. For this purpose, a cross-national qualitative research was carried out.MethodsData were collected from 338 community-dwelling participants aged 65 years and older, using a semi-structured interview protocol. Older adults were asked about negative emotions (...)
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  28. Lack of Character: Personality and Moral Behavior.John M. Doris - 2002 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book is a provocative contribution to contemporary ethical theory challenging foundational conceptions of character that date back to Aristotle. John Doris draws on behavioral science, especially social psychology, to argue that we misattribute the causes of behavior to personality traits and other fixed aspects of character rather than to the situational context. More often than not it is the situation not the nature of the personality that really counts. The author elaborates the philosophical consequences of this research for (...)
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  29. The paradox of voting and the ethics of political representation.Alexander A. Guerrero - 2010 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 38 (3):272-306.
    This paper connects the question of the rationality of voting to the question of what it is morally permissible for elected representatives to do. In particular, the paper argues that it is rational to vote to increase the strength of the manifest normative mandate of one's favored candidate. I argue that, due to norms of political legitimacy, how representatives ought to act while in office is tied to how much support they have from their constituents, where a representative’s “support” is (...)
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    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]V. R. Cardozier, Richard la Brecque, Rebecca G. Eller, Doris Walker Weathers, John Walsh, Michael J. Parsons, Richard D. Hansgen, Michael Mumper, Thomas A. Brindley & R. U. D. Anthony G. - 1989 - Educational Studies 20 (4):365-408.
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    Paradox.Doris Olin - 2003 - Chesham, Bucks: Routledge.
    Paradoxes are more than just intellectual puzzles - they raise substantive philosophical issues and offer the promise of increased philosophical knowledge. In this introduction to paradox and paradoxes, Doris Olin shows how seductive paradoxes can be, why they confuse and confound, and why they continue to fascinate. Olin examines the nature of paradox, outlining a rigorous definition and providing a clear and incisive statement of what does and does not count as a resolution of a paradox. The view that (...)
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    The Bounds of Reason: Habermas, Lyotard and Melanie Klein on Rationality.Emilia Steuerman - 1999 - New York: Routledge.
    _The Bounds of Reason: Habermas, Lyotard & Melanie Klein on Rationality_ is a highly original yet accessible study of the debate between modernity and postmodernity. Emilia Steuerman clearly explains the modernity/postmodernity dispute by examining the problem that has driven the whole debate: whether the use of reason is an emancipatory or enslaving force. Steuerman clearly sets out this debate by critically examining the arguments of two of its key proponents, Jurgen Habermas and Jean-François Lyotard. She clearly explains Habermas' defence (...)
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    The Most Demanding Scenarios of Play in Basketball Competition From Elite Under-18 Teams.Jairo Vázquez-Guerrero, Francisco Ayala, Franc Garcia & Jaime Sampaio - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
  34. Lawyers, Context, and Legitimacy: A New Theory of Legal Ethics.Alexander Guerrero - 2012 - Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics 25 (1):107-164.
    Even good lawyers get a bad rap. One explanation for this is that the professional rules governing lawyers permit and even require behavior that strikes many as immoral. The standard accounts of legal ethics that seek to defend these professional rules do little to dispel this air of immorality. The revisionary accounts of legal ethics that criticize the professional rules inject a hearty dose of morality, but at the cost of leaving lawyers unrecognizable as lawyers. This article suggests that the (...)
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    Feeling Together and Caring with One Another: A Contribution to the Debate on Collective Affective Intentionality.Héctor Andrés Andrés Sánchez Guerrero - 2016 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book examines the human ability to participate in moments of joint feeling. It presents an answer to the question concerning the nature of our faculty to share in what might be called episodes of collective affective intentionality. The proposal develops the claim that our capacity to participate in such episodes is grounded in an ability central to our human condition: our capacity to care with one another about certain things. The author provides a phenomenologically adequate account of collective affective (...)
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  36. Putting pressure on theories of choking: towards an expanded perspective on breakdown in skilled performance.Doris McIlwain, John Sutton & Wayne Christensen - 2015 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 14 (2):253-293.
    There is a widespread view that well-learned skills are automated, and that attention to the performance of these skills is damaging because it disrupts the automatic processes involved in their execution. This idea serves as the basis for an account of choking in high pressure situations. On this view, choking is the result of self-focused attention induced by anxiety. Recent research in sports psychology has produced a significant body of experimental evidence widely interpreted as supporting this account of choking in (...)
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    Spinoza, ricerche e prospettive: per una storia dello spinozismo in Italia: atti delle Giornate di studio in ricordo di Emilia Giancotti, Urbino, 2-4 ottobre 2002.Emilia Giancotti, Daniela Bostrenghi & Cristina Santinelli (eds.) - 2007 - Napoli: Bibliopolis.
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  38. Don’t Know, Don’t Kill: Moral Ignorance, Culpability, and Caution.Alexander A. Guerrero - 2007 - Philosophical Studies 136 (1):59-97.
    This paper takes on several distinct but related tasks. First, I present and discuss what I will call the “Ignorance Thesis,” which states that whenever an agent acts from ignorance, whether factual or moral, she is culpable for the act only if she is culpable for the ignorance from which she acts. Second, I offer a counterexample to the Ignorance Thesis, an example that applies most directly to the part I call the “Moral Ignorance Thesis.” Third, I argue for a (...)
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  39. Conversaciones con Fina Birulés.Emilia Bea Y. Neus Campillo - 2020 - In À. Lorena Fuster, Palabras clave: reflexiones para Fina Birulés. Barcelona: Icaria.
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    A factor analytic study of autokinetic responses.Doris C. Gilbert - 1967 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 73 (3):354.
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    Remedial rights and substantive rights in contract law.Dori Kimel - 2002 - Legal Theory 8 (3):313-338.
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    Jan Gerber: Ein Prozess in Prag.Doris Maja Krüger - 2018 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 70 (1):109-111.
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  43. Die verbogene Wahrheit der Dichtung. Zur allegorischen Interpretation in Porphyrios' Schrift über die Nymphengrotte in der Odyssee.Doris Meyer - 2007 - In Jochen Althoff, Philosophie und Dichtung im antiken Griechenland: Akten der 7. Tagung der Karl und Gertrud Abel-Stiftung am 10. und 11. Oktober 2002 in Bernkastel-Kues. Stuttgart: Steiner.
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    Reconocimiento, igualdad y diferencia.Julio Morales Guerrero & Felipe Morales Guerrero (eds.) - 2015 - Barranquilla, Colombia: Sello Editorial, Universidad del Atlántico.
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    Implementation of curricular strategies in Nursing 2nd year subjects.María Cristina Pérez Guerrero, Maité Suárez Fernández & Alina Carrasco Milanés - 2013 - Humanidades Médicas 13 (1):157-176.
    Se presenta una revisión bibliográfica en la que se valora la implementación de las estrategias curriculares en la Licenciatura en Enfermería, a partir de las asignaturas impartidas en el segundo año de la carrera. Se destaca la importancia de estos recursos pedagógicos en la formación de los estudiantes, su desarrollo y contribución a la solución de situaciones relacionadas con el cuidado, la calidad de la atención de salud, la disminución de eventos adversos y la seguridad del paciente. Las estrategias curriculares (...)
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    Representation, reappropriation: The body of the image in the mystical text of Teresa of Avila.Guerrero Santos - 2019 - Filozofija I Društvo 30 (1):6-18.
    What follows is but the attempt to draw the lessons from the mystical and visionary text of Teresa of?vila in order to consider today issues that concern us, questions that are asked of Aesthetics, and not only as theoretical discipline that theorises on the arts and considers the beautiful, but as a reflection on a?sthesis, of sensitivity, of the sensitive edge exposed by a constituent relationship which installs the human in a world. Consideration, then, of the happening, of entering the (...)
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    W. I. Lenin o kryterium moralności komunistycznej.Emilia Żyro - 1968 - Etyka 3:29-30.
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    Characterizing strong equivalence for argumentation frameworks.Emilia Oikarinen & Stefan Woltran - 2011 - Artificial Intelligence 175 (14-15):1985-2009.
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    Talking to Our Selves: Reflection, Ignorance, and Agency.John M. Doris - 2015 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Do we know what we're doing, and why? Psychological research seems to suggest not: reflection and self-awareness are surprisingly uncommon and inaccurate. John M. Doris presents a new account of agency and responsibility, which reconciles our understanding of ourselves as moral agents with empirical work on the unconscious mind.
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    The bounds of reason: Habermas, Lyotard, and Melanie Klein on rationality.Emilia Steuerman - 2000 - New York: Routledge.
    What is the meaning of reason in our postmodern society today? Is reason a weapon of domination, or can it also serve as a means for emancipation? Is it possible for reason to understand its "other"--what it is not? Confronting such questions, Bounds of Reason is a compelling discussion of the limits and meaning of rationality as a tool for understanding the ideas of truth, justice and freedom. Emilia Steuerman explores the modernist and postmodernist controversy between Habermas and Lyotard (...)
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