Results for 'Donnalee Dox'

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  1. The Idea of a Vital Principle in Yoga, Āyurveda and the Second Axiom of Thermodynamics.Donnalee Dox - 2025 - Journal of World Philosophies 9 (2).
    _This inquiry joins the idea of a vital principle at work in two systems for spiritual liberation and medical treatment, South Asian Yoga and Āyurveda, to an interpretation of the second axiom of thermodynamics applied to open systems, a predictive mathematical account of matter. Though often first associated with philosophy or religion, Yoga and Āyurveda take human physiology as a function of the natural world, as does thermodynamics. The idea of “life force” or “vitality” emerges at the intersection of these (...)
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    Metamorphosis: Creative Imagination in Fine Arts Between Life-Projects and Human Aesthetic Aspirations.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka - 2004 - Springer Verlag.
    How do we perdure when we and everything around us are caught up in incessant change? But the course of this change does not seem to be haphazard and we may seek the modalities of its Logos in the transformations in which it occurs. The classic term "Metamorphosis" focuses upon the proportions between the transformed and the retained, the principles of sameness and otherness. Applied to life and its becoming, metamorphosis pinpoints the proportions between the vital and the aesthetic significance (...)
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  3. Women of the Twelfth Century. Volume Two: Remembering the Dead. By George Duby. Translated by Jean Birrell.D. Dox - 2000 - The European Legacy 5 (2):283-283.
  4. Forgetful of their Sex: Female Sanctity and Society ca. 500-1100. By Jane Tibbetts Schulenburg.D. Dox - 2001 - The European Legacy 6 (1):100-100.
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  5. Doxing: a conceptual analysis.David M. Douglas - 2016 - Ethics and Information Technology 18 (3):199-210.
    Doxing is the intentional public release onto the Internet of personal information about an individual by a third party, often with the intent to humiliate, threaten, intimidate, or punish the identified individual. In this paper I present a conceptual analysis of the practice of doxing and how it differs from other forms of privacy violation. I distinguish between three types of doxing: deanonymizing doxing, where personal information establishing the identity of a formerly anonymous individual is released; targeting doxing, that discloses (...)
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    Doxing Racists.Peter Brian Barry - 2020 - Journal of Value Inquiry 55 (3):457-474.
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    Diagonalization, the liar para-Dox, and the inconsistency of the formal system presented in the appendix to Frege's gr undgese T ze: Vol ume II.R. O. Y. T. Cook - 2009 - In Alexander Hieke & Hannes Leitgeb (eds.), Reduction: Between the Mind and the Brain. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag. pp. 11--273.
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    Esperienza e intenzionalità: tre saggi sulla fenomenologia di Husserl.Carmine Di Martino - 2013 - Milano: Guerini scientifica. Edited by Carmine Di Martino.
    Dox ed episteme: il senso comune e la fenomenologia -- Una filosofia dell'esperienza -- Intenzionalità e realta.
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  9. The apology paradox and the non-identity problem.Neil Levy - 2002 - Philosophical Quarterly 52 (208):358-368.
    Janna Thompson has outlined ‘the apology paradox’, which arises whenever people apologize for an action or event upon which their existence is causally dependent. She argues that a sincere apology seems to entail a wish that the action or event had not occurred, but that we cannot sincerely wish that events upon which our existence depends had not occurred. I argue that Thompson’s paradox is a backward-looking version of Parfit’s (forward-looking) ‘non-identity problem’, where backward- and forward-looking refer to the perspective (...)
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  10. The aim and structure of applied research.Ilkka Niiniluoto - 1993 - Erkenntnis 38 (1):1 - 21.
    The distinction between basic and applied research is notoriously vague, despite its frequent use in science studies and in science policy. In most cases it is based on such pragmatic factors as the knowledge and intentions of the investigator or the type of research institute. Sometimes the validity of the distinction is denied altogether. This paper suggests that there are two ways of distinguishing systematically between basic and applied research: (i) in terms of the utilities that define the aims of (...)
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  11. (1 other version)The Impossibility of a Satisfactory Population Ethics.Gustaf Arrhenius - 2011 - In Hans Colonius & Ehtibar N. Dzhafarov (eds.), Descriptive and Normative Approaches to Human Behavior, Advanced Series on Mathematical Psychology.
    Population axiology concerns how to evaluate populations in regard to their goodness, that is, how to order populations by the relations \is better than" and \is as good as". This eld has been riddled with para- doxes and impossibility results which seem to show that our considered beliefs are inconsistent in cases where the number of people and their welfare varies. All of these results have one thing in common, however. They all involve an adequacy condition that rules out Derek (...)
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  12. The sorites paradox and higher-order vagueness.J. A. Burgess - 1990 - Synthese 85 (3):417-474.
    One thousand stones, suitably arranged, might form a heap. If we remove a single stone from a heap of stones we still have a heap; at no point will the removal of just one stone make sufficient difference to transform a heap into something which is not a heap. But, if this is so, we still have a heap, even when we have removed the last stone composing our original structure. So runs the Sorites paradox. Similar paradoxes can be constructed (...)
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  13. The truth-tellers paradox.Alexandre Billon - 2013 - Logique Et Analyse (204).
    Ttler=‘Ttler is true’ says of itself that it is true. It is a truth-teller. I argue that we have equally telling arguments (i) to the effect that all truth-tellers must have the same truth-value (ii) and the effect that truth-tellers differ in truth-value. This is what I call the Truth-Tellers paradox. This paradox stems from the fact that the truth-value of a truth-teller like Ttler should be determined by the fact that it says of itself that it is true (which (...)
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    Losev Alexei Fedorovich.Юрий Попов - 2023 - Philosophical Anthropology 9 (1):191-217.
    Alexei Losev (10[22].09.1893, Novocherkassk – 24.05.1988, Moscow), Russian philosopher, philologist and writer, is the creator of a unique religious-philosophical system, which combines the reinterpreted tradition of ancient and medieval thought (Plato and Neoplatonism, Christian apophatic theology of Dionysius the Areopagite, Gregory Palamas, Nicholas of Cusa), the methodology of New European philosophy (German classical idealism, neo-Kantianism, phenomenology of E.Husserl) and the problems of New European philosophy (German classical ideal-ism, neo-Kantianism, phenomenology of E.Husserl) and the problems of Russian religious philosophy of the (...)
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    The Doctrine of Justification and Ontology.Oswald Bayer - 2001 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 43 (1):44-53.
    Weshalb betrifft die Rechtfertigungslehre keinen Einzel-Locus, sondern das Ganze der Theologie?Die Antwort darauf ergibt sich im Aufweis der ontologischen Bedeutung der Rechtfertigung: Ausgehend von Luthers berühmter Formulierung im Kleinen Katechismus »ohn all mein Verdienst und Würdigkeit« wird eine theologisch verantwortete wie philosophisch diskutable Ontologie der Zusage und Gabe vorgestellt.In seinem ungeschuldeten Kommen zur Welt zerbricht Gott jedes “do ut des”. Er gibt sich ganz und gar unverdient und handelt in dieser Logik der kategorischen Gabe para-dox – als der, der »die (...)
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    Cyber law and ethics: regulation of the connected world.Mark Grabowski - 2021 - New York: Taylor & Francis. Edited by Eric P. Robinson.
    A primer on legal issues relating to cyberspace, this textbook introduces business, policy and ethical considerations raised by our use of information technology. With a focus on the most significant issues impacting internet users and businesses in the United States of America, the book provides coverage of key topics such as social media, online privacy, artificial intelligence, and cybercrime as well as emerging themes such as doxing, ransomware, revenge porn, data-mining, e-sports and fake news. The authors, experienced in journalism, technology (...)
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    Husserl, Frege and 'the paradox'.Claire Hill - 2000 - Manuscrito 23 (2):101-132.
    In letters that Husserl and Frege exchanged during late 1906 and early 1907, when it is thought that Frege abandoned his attempts to solve Russell's paradox, Husserl expressed his views about the "paradox". Studied here are three deep-rooted differences between their approaches to pure logic present beneath the surface in these letters. These differences concern Husserl's ideas about avoiding paradoxical consequences by shunning three potentially para-dox producing practices. Specifically, he saw the need for: 1) correctly drawing the line between meaning (...)
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    Pokušaj utemeljenja ontološke etike.Ante Pažanin - 2006 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 26 (3):677-699.
    Na primjeru Utopije morala Karla Alberta i Elenor Jain, autor pokazuje razliku između ontološke etike kao metafizičke etike i svih drugih prošlih i suvremenih etika kao nemetafizičkih. Središnja pretenzija ontološke etike kao aktualne etike primjerene vremenu ležiu tome da ona može nadmašiti specifičnosti pojedinačnih kultura i pokazati fundament etičkog mišljenja i djelovanja, koji prevladava razdvajajuće elemente tradiranih moralnih predodžaba ili religioznih normi te obraća pažnju na ono zajedničko što ljudi i narodi doživljavaju kao iskustvo bitka, u smislu ontološke misli, od (...)
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    Utopian Studies in the Czech and Slovak Republics.Pavla Veselá - 2016 - Utopian Studies 27 (3):431-440.
    “Since 1989 we have lived in a world where the nightmare of socialist science fiction has become reality: capitalism has won. With some exceptions, we have no alternative visions of economic, technological, and social future, no visions that would spring from anything besides capitalism”.1 With these words, Tomáš Pospiszyl closes the introduction to a volume that accompanied a recent exhibition about imaginary futures in socialist Czechoslovakia organized in Dům umění in Brno and Centrum současného umění Dox in Prague. Pospiszyl’s idea (...)
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