Results for 'Donna Bishop'

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  1.  69
    Michael Parker and Donna Dickenson, the cambridge medical ethics workbook: Case studies, commentaries, and activities.Laura Bishop - 2002 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 23 (2):175-181.
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    The Good Life: Unifying the Philosophy and Psychology of Well-Being.Michael A. Bishop - 2014 - New York, US: OUP USA.
    Science and philosophy study well-being with different but complementary methods. Marry these methods and a new picture emerges: To have well-being is to be "stuck" in a positive cycle of emotions, attitudes, traits and success. This book unites the scientific and philosophical worldviews into a powerful new theory of well-being.
  3. Integrating business ethics into an undergraduate curriculum.Terrence R. Bishop - 1992 - Journal of Business Ethics 11 (4):291 - 299.
    The paper describes the approach by which ethics are integrated into the undergraduate curriculum at Northern Illinois University''s College of Business. Literature is reviewed to identify conceptual frameworks for, and issues associated with, the teaching of business ethics. From the review, a set of guidelines for teaching ethics is developed and proposed. The objectives and strategies implemented for teaching ethics is discussed. Foundation and follow-up coursework, measurement issues and ancillary programs are also discussed.
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    God, Purpose, and Reality: A Euteleological Understanding of Theism.John Bishop & Ken Perszyk - 2023 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. Edited by Kenneth J. Perszyk.
    Euteleology is a metaphysics according to which reality is inherently purposive and the contingent Universe exists ultimately because reality’s overall telos, the supreme good, is realized within it. This book provides an exposition of euteleology and a defence of its coherence. The main aim is to establish that euteleological metaphysics provides a religiously adequate alternative to the ‘personal-omniGod’ understanding of theism prevalent amongst analytic philosophers. The quest for an alternative to understanding the God of the Abrahamic traditions as an omnipotent, (...)
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  5. The Limits of Corporate Human Rights Obligations and the Rights of For-Profit Corporations.John Douglas Bishop - 2012 - Business Ethics Quarterly 22 (1):119-144.
    ABSTRACT:The extension of human rights obligations to corporations raises questions about whose rights and which rights corporations are responsible for. This paper gives a partial answer by asking what legal rights corporations would need to have to fulfil various sorts of human rights obligations. We should compare the chances of human rights fulfilment (and violations) that are likely to result from assigning human rights obligations to corporations with the chances of human rights fulfilment (and violations) that are likely to result (...)
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    Why Computers Can’t Feel Pain.Mark Bishop - 2009 - Minds and Machines 19 (4):507-516.
    The most cursory examination of the history of artificial intelligence highlights numerous egregious claims of its researchers, especially in relation to a populist form of ‘strong’ computationalism which holds that any suitably programmed computer instantiates genuine conscious mental states purely in virtue of carrying out a specific series of computations. The argument presented herein is a simple development of that originally presented in Putnam’s monograph, “Representation & Reality”, which if correct, has important implications for turing machine functionalism and the prospect (...)
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    (1 other version)The Physics of Emergence.Robert C. Bishop - 2019 - San Rafael, CA: Morgan & Claypool publication as part of IOP Concise Physics.
    This book explores whether physics points to a reductive or an emergent structure of the world and proposes a physics-motivated conception of emergence that leaves behind many of the problematic intuitions shaping the philosophical conceptions. Examining several detailed case studies reveals results that point to stability conditions playing a crucial though underappreciated role in the physics of emergence. This contextual emergence has thought-provoking consequences for physics and beyond.
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  8. More thought on thought and talk.John Bishop - 1980 - Mind 89 (January):1-16.
  9.  25
    Nietzsche: Culture Warrior or a Sign of the Times?Paul Bishop - 2022 - Nietzsche Studien 51 (1):336-350.
    A century and a half after the Kulturkampf in Germany, and three decades after James Davison Hunter’s account of the “culture warriors,” this book review examines what Nietzsche might have to say to us today about our understanding of the past and our relation to the future. It considers two studies of the four essays of Nietzsche’s Unzeitgemässe Betrachtungen taken as a whole, one study of Nietzsche’s second essay on history, one on Nietzsche’s general conception of decadence and culture, and (...)
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    Of Minds and Brains and Cocreation: Psychopharmaceuticals and Modern Technological Imaginaries.Jeffrey P. Bishop - 2018 - Christian Bioethics 24 (3):224-245.
    Christians are not immune to psychological and psychiatric illness. Yet, Christians should also be careful not to permit popular cultural trends to shape the way that they think about the use of psychiatric treatment with medication. In this essay, I suggest that the tendencies for default usage of psychiatric medication can be problematic for Christians in contemporary culture where a technological imaginary exists. Modern scientific studies of psychiatric medication are partly constructive of how we imagine ourselves. The typical justification for (...)
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  11.  48
    From Anticipatory Corpse to Posthuman God.Jeffrey P. Bishop - 2016 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 41 (6):679-695.
    The essays in this issue of JMP are devoted to critical engagement of my book, The Anticipatory Corpse. The essays, for the most part, accept the main thrust of my critique of medicine. The main thrust of the criticism is whether the scope of the critique is too totalizing, and whether the proposed remedy is sufficient. I greatly appreciate these interventions because they allow me this occasion to respond and clarify, and to even further extend the argument of my book. (...)
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  12.  39
    When is somebody just some body? Ethics as first philosophy and the brain death debate.Jeffrey P. Bishop - 2019 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 40 (5):419-436.
    I, along with others, have been critical of the social construction of brain death and the various social factors that led to redefining death from cardiopulmonary failure to irreversible loss of brain functioning, or brain death. Yet this does not mean that brain death is not the best threshold to permit organ harvesting—or, as people today prefer to call it, organ procurement. Here I defend whole-brain death as a morally legitimate line that, once crossed, is grounds for families to give (...)
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  13. Contributions and correspondence should be sent to the editorial assistant at university of Durham centre for the history of the human sciences.Robin Williams, Roger Smith, Donna Harris, Hans Aarsleff, Svetlana Alpers, Stephen Bann, Gillian Beer, Seyla Benhabib, Roy Boyne & William Connolly - 1990 - History of the Human Sciences 3 (2):158.
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    Religion and Public Education.Joe Bishop - 2008 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 43 (1):2-5.
  15. NERC Institute of Virology and Environmental Microbiology, Mansfield Road, Oxford, OXl 3SR, UK.Js Cory & Dhl Bishop - 1995 - In T. B. Mepham, Gregory A. Tucker & Julian Wiseman, Issues in agricultural bioethics. Nottingham: Nottingham University Press. pp. 135.
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  16. Philanthrocapitalism: Solving Public Problems through Private Means.Matthew Bishop - 2013 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 80 (2):473-490.
  17.  23
    Violence.Ryan Bishop & John W. P. Phillips - 2006 - Theory, Culture and Society 23 (2-3):377-385.
    Violence is spoken of in several senses but its most basic definition, as a force exerted by one thing on another, harbors serious problems, especially when it comes to a consideration of its source or cause. We begin this article by identifying some of the aporias of violence with reference to philosophical and religious discourses and then we go on to analyze how violence problematizes concepts of law and justice in world historical contexts. We examine several traditions including Indo-European mythology, (...)
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  18.  25
    Nietzsche’s Power Ontology and Transhumanism: Or Why Christians Cannot Be Transhumanists.Jeffrey P. Bishop - 2018 - In Steve Donaldson & Ron Cole-Turner, Christian Perspectives on Transhumanism and the Church: Chips in the Brain, Immortality, and the World of Tomorrow. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 117-135.
    Transhumanism traces its roots to Enlightenment humanism and claims to be the harbinger of the next phase of humanistic activity through designer evolution. In this essay, I briefly trace medicine’s relationship with transhumanist philosophy to the philosophy of medicine and show that each accepts a kind of ambiguity of the body at the heart of its metaphysical assumptions. I show that these metaphysical assumptions are committed to a power ontology, and that this power ontology is fundamentally at odds with the (...)
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  19. Medically Assisted Nutrition and Hydration: The Vegetative State and Beyond.Jeffrey P. Bishop & Elliott Louis Bedford - 2011 - Christian Bioethics 17 (2):97-104.
  20.  19
    Educational Paraprofessionals: Underpaid, Undervalued and Now Over Here.Jo Bishop - 2021 - British Journal of Educational Studies 69 (2):197-216.
    Educational paraprofessionals have had an increased presence in English state schools since the first decade of the 21st century, but research has been limited in terms of who undertakes paraprofessional roles, what they entail and how such work is perceived by others. This paper compares one such paraprofessional role, the learning mentor, with the ‘community agent’, found in the United States of America during the 1960 s. It identifies a number of similarities around the lived experience of this work in (...)
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  21.  26
    Friendship and cooperation: An examination in social values in education.Nicole Marie Bishop - 1994 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 26 (1):71–86.
  22.  72
    Finite Knowledge/Finite Power: “Death Panels” and the Limits of Medicine.Jeffrey Bishop, Kyle Brothers, Joshua Perry & Ayesha Ahmad - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics 10 (1):7-9.
    This paper examines the historical rise of both cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the do-not-resuscitate order and the wisdom of their continuing status in U.S. hospital practice and policy. The practice of universal presumed consent to CPR and the resulting DNR policy are the products of a particular time and were responses to particular problems. In order to keep the excesses of technology in check, the DNR policies emerged as a response to the in-hospital universal presumed consent to CPR. We live with (...)
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    First page preview.Michael A. Bishop & J. D. Trout - 2006 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 20 (2).
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    Grogu's Little Way.Jeffrey P. Bishop & Isabel Bishop - 2023 - In Jason T. Eberl & Kevin S. Decker, Star Wars and Philosophy Strikes Back. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. pp. 209–217.
    This chapter explores the relations of different kinds of power, philosophically understood – sovereign power, disciplinary power, and biopower – and argues that the politics of the Star Wars galaxy is animated by an ontology, or metaphysical picture, centered on power. It further argues that The Mandalorian criticizes this power ontology with the introduction of the Child, Grogu, who generates a different kind of Force: a relational ontology of love. Grogu and the love he generates point to a different way (...)
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  25.  16
    Goethe, Nietzsche, Varoufakis: Why Did the Greeks Matter – and Still Do?Paul Bishop - 2020 - In Marco Brusotti, Michael J. McNeal, Corinna Schubert & Herman Siemens, European/Supra-European: Cultural Encounters in Nietzsche's Philosophy. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 19-48.
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    Hermeneutic Dialogue and Shaping the Landscape of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology: The Work of Frank Richardson.Robert C. Bishop - 2021 - London: Routledge.
    This volume introduces the methodological value of hermeneutic dialogue in the field of theoretical and philosophical psychology. It reflects on the works of Frank Richardson, who has made, and continues to make, seminal contributions to the field, as well as having influenced the work of many of the practitioners engaged in this field today. Each chapter explores a major topic of hermeneutic dialogue and is authored by a scholar whose work has been directly impacted by Richardson's life and research. The (...)
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  27.  51
    Ignorance.Ryan Bishop & John W. P. Phillips - 2006 - Theory, Culture and Society 23 (2-3):180-182.
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    Ignorance.Ryan Bishop & John W. P. Phillips - 2006 - Theory, Culture and Society 23 (2-3):180-182.
    In this article we outline the ways in which questions of language have both revealed problems with conceptions of knowledge and suggested constructive ways of addressing those problems. Having examined the limitations of instrumental notions of language, we outline some alternatives, especially those developed from the middle of the 19th and throughout the 20th century. We locate forceful and influential philosophical interventions in the writings of Nietzsche and Heidegger and foundational revisions in the linguistics of Ferdinand de Saussure and his (...)
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    Is superluminal travel a theoretical possibility? II.N. T. Bishop - 1988 - Foundations of Physics 18 (5):571-574.
    In a previous paper a theoretical method permitting superluminal travel was suggested. A difficulty with the global conservation of energy and momentum is settled here.
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  30.  18
    Introduction: The Problem of Violence.Ryan Bishop - 2010 - Theory, Culture and Society 27 (6):3-10.
    The scale and diversity of megacities finds analogous scale and diversity in the violence witnessed and experienced in these complexly dense urban sites. From full-scale military invasion to internecine ethnic and tribal conflict, from paramilitary incursions to strategic car bombs, from slum clearance to pervasive everyday low-level violence, from Mafia-led armies to incessant inflictions of violence on the urban poor, and from missile launches to machete attacks, megacities, most unfortunately, have them all. This article contextualizes many of the key concerns (...)
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  31.  31
    Kommentar zu Nietzsches "Unzeitgemässen Betrachtungen," III. Schopenhauer als Erzieher; IV. Richard Wagner in Bayreuth by Barbara Neymeyr.Paul Bishop - 2022 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 53 (1):80-83.
    The decision to split the Historischer und kritischer Nietzsche-Kommentar of the Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften on the four essays of the Unzeitgemässe Betrachtungen into two volumes, dealing with the first and second and with the third and fourth essays, respectively, points to the extent and depth of commentary required to gain access to these early, and sometimes overlooked, works by Nietzsche. One recalls that, originally, Nietzsche had planned not just four but thirteen essays, although he never got beyond completing four (...)
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    Libertarianism.John Douglas Bishop - 2021 - In Deborah C. Poff & Alex C. Michalos, Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics. Springer Verlag. pp. 1256-1260.
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  33.  11
    Locke, J.John Douglas Bishop - 2021 - In Deborah C. Poff & Alex C. Michalos, Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics. Springer Verlag. pp. 1268-1271.
  34.  22
    Manufacturing Emergencies.Ryan Bishop & John W. P. Phillips - 2002 - Theory, Culture and Society 19 (4):91-102.
    The article examines the distinction between the state of emergency and the normal state and an inherent undecidability at the base of the distinction. We argue that states of emergency arise from strategic sovereign decisions to divide visible from invisible, enemy from ally, underground economy from above-ground, illegitimate war from legitimate war. The capacity to so divide is manifested, for instance, in the technology of air raid sirens in a way that indicates the momentum of the technicity that covertly underlies (...)
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    Manufacturing Emergencies.Ryan Bishop & John W. P. Phillips - 2002 - Theory, Culture and Society 19 (4):91-102.
    The article examines the distinction between the state of emergency and the normal state and an inherent undecidability at the base of the distinction. We argue that states of emergency arise from strategic sovereign decisions to divide visible from invisible, enemy from ally, underground economy from above-ground, illegitimate war from legitimate war. The capacity to so divide is manifested, for instance, in the technology of air raid sirens in a way that indicates the momentum of the technicity that covertly underlies (...)
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  36.  26
    Moral philosophy of Francis Hutcheson.J. D. Bishop - unknown
    The main object of this thesis is to explain in a systematic fashion Francis Hutcheson's moral theory. Such an attempt will necessarily involve a discussion of the various philosophical problems which are inherent in his theory. For example, I discuss the issue of whether Hutcheson's theory of the moral sense is to be interpreted in an intuitionist or an emotivist fashion. It is argued that some aspects of his moral sense theory favour the former and some the latter interpretation, Hutcheson's (...)
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  37.  11
    (2 other versions)Nietzsche's anti-christianity as a return to (German) classicism.Paul Bishop - 2004 - Nietzsche and Antiquity: His Reaction and Response to the Classical Tradition:441-457.
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  38.  21
    Naming the Roman stars: Constellation etymologies in cicero's aratea and de natvra deorvm.Caroline Bishop - 2016 - Classical Quarterly 66 (1):155-171.
    Modern readings of Cicero's reception of Greek culture tend to reflect the way we frame the larger question of Roman reception of Greek culture. In the nineteenth century, and indeed well into the twentieth, when Hellenism was in the ascendant and Latin awarded a decidedly second place, Cicero was often read as a slavish copyist in thrall to the Greek classics. Recent work, however, has emphasized Cicero's sense of control over and entitlement to the cultural capital of this conquered province, (...)
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  39.  21
    On the Blissful Islands with Nietzsche & Jung: In the Shadow of the Superman.Paul Bishop - 2016 - New York: Routledge.
    What are the blissful islands? And where are they? This book takes as its starting-point the chapter called On the Blissful Islands in Part Two of Nietzsche s Thus Spoke Zarathustra, and its enigmatic conclusion: The beauty of the Superman came to me as a shadow. From this remarkable and powerful passage, it disengages the Nietzschean idea of the Superman and the Jungian notion of the shadow, moving these concepts into a new, interdisciplinary direction. In particular, On the Blissful Islands (...)
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  40.  43
    Plus d’un toucher: Touching Worlds.Ryan Bishop & Irving Goh - 2011 - Substance 40 (3):3-9.
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    Project ‘Transparent Earth’ and the Autoscopy of Aerial Targeting.Ryan Bishop - 2011 - Theory, Culture and Society 28 (7-8):270-286.
    The import of underground facilities in military strategy in the US grew exponentially after the Gulf War. The success of precision-guided conventional missiles meant that any above-ground building or complex could be accurately targeted and destroyed, thus driving states with less sophisticated weapons to go underground to secure space for covert weapons development and the protection of command and control centres for military and governmental functions. Underground facilities have thus become the main challenge to objects of detection and targeting practices (...)
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    (2 other versions)Pascal: The Life of Genius.Morris Bishop - 1937 - Philosophical Review 46:447.
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    (1 other version)Refusals Involving Requests.Leigh C. Bishop, Robert D. Orr, Dennis de Leon, Bernard Gert, James L. Bernat & R. Peter Mogielnicki - 1995 - Hastings Center Report 25 (4):4.
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    “The Fruit of Many Years”: Bertrand Russell and Vera Brittain.Alan Bishop - 2020 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 39 (2):121-37.
    In her dedicated promotion of feminism and pacifism, especially during the 1930s, Vera Brittain (1893–1970) was strongly influenced by Ber­trand Russell’s writings, especially Marriage and Morals (1929) and Which Way to Peace? (1936). Both were members of the Peace Pledge Union, and she continued as a sponsor after Russell abandoned his pac­ifism soon after the beginning of the Second World War. She admired his political and social activism in the aftermath of that war, endorsing it as much as her family (...)
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  45.  13
    (1 other version)The Grammar School Tradition in a Comprehensive World.Joyce Bishop & J. N. Hewitson - 1970 - British Journal of Educational Studies 18 (1):90.
  46.  16
    The Half-Life of the Avant-Garde: Introduction.Ryan Bishop & John W. P. Phillips - 2020 - Theory, Culture and Society 37 (7-8):53-70.
    This introduction to the special section ‘The Half-Life of the Avant-Garde: 50 Years On from 50 Years On’ explains why the section is conceived to look back at the century since the First World War. It is designed to offer ways of rethinking the concept and the role of the anniversary, where the First World War constitutes the memorialized event. The organization of the section follows the movement between often hidden or submerged forms of continuity. It attempts to think some (...)
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    The Manuscript O of Persius.T. A. M. Bishop - 1955 - The Classical Review 5 (02):145-.
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  48. The Persistence of Myth as Symbolic Form : Proceedings of an International Conference Held by the Centre for Intercultural Studies at the University of Glasgow, 16-18 September 2005/.P. Bishop (ed.) - 2008
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    Unpublished Fragments from the Period of Thus Spoke Zarathustra (Summer 1882–Winter 1883/84) by Friedrich Nietzsche.Paul Bishop - 2021 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 59 (1):159-160.
    Begun by Ernst Behler and Bernd Magnus, and now under the editorial direction of Alan D. Schrift and Duncan Large, Stanford University Press’s ambitious project to offer in nineteen volumes a complete translation of the fifteen-volume Kritische Studienausgabe of Nietzsche’s works is proceeding apace. Volume 14 corresponds to volume 10 of the KSA and, while its first fragment demonstrates the need for its helpful editorial apparatus to make sense of these texts, its second raises more general questions about translation. These (...)
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    Waiting for St. Benedict among the Ruins: MacIntyre and Medical Practice.J. P. Bishop - 2011 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 36 (2):107-113.
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