Results for 'Doni Septi'

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  1.  6
    Patent Claim Scope and Biosimilar Competition in the US and EU.Doni Bloomfield & Aaron S. Kesselheim - 2024 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 52 (2):439-442.
    The US has found it hard to establish competition in the market for biologics, which are therapeutics derived from living cells. In the case of small-molecule drugs, the emergence of direct competition from generic drugs at the end of the exclusivity period has provided the impetus for price competition, leading to lower spending. In 2010, to spur competition in the biologics market, Congress created a simplified pathway for the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to approve comparable versions of biologic (...)
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    La verità del grido. Per un’archeologia della soggettività.Martino Doni - 2013 - Nóema 4 (1):133-144.
    Obiettivo di questo intervento è indagare due soglie della soggettività: l’infanzia e l’animalità. Bambini e animali condividono il loro essere “assoggettati”: mentre l’adulto è soggetto tout court, il bambino lo deve ancora diventare e l’animale è trattato come polo opposto alla soggettività. Il punto di partenza è la domanda “che cosa è un bambino?”; apertamente socratica, questa domanda serve a incrinare i sedimenti di sapere depositatisi sul senso comune circa la “vera natura” del soggetto.
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    Azar, naturaleza y arte en los atomistas y en Platón.Marcelino Rodríguez Donís - 1997 - Anuario Filosófico 30 (57):21-70.
    This paper aims to analyze the idea of randomness in Greek philo-sophy since Empedocle to Plato to show determinism as unavoidable companion of most deterministic doctrines. Despite their adherence to determinism, even Plato and Aristotle introduce randomness to account for the various forms of reality, following so Empedocle and the atomists. There are as many contentions for randomness as for necessity in Greek and Latin thought.
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    Leibniz et J.-S. Bach: métaphysique et pensée musicale à l'âge baroque.Arthur Dony - 2017 - Liège, Belgique: Presses Universitaires de Liège.
    La musique occupe une place singulière au sein de la philosophie de G.W. Leibniz (1646-1716). Si les développements que ce dernier y consacre sont peu nombreux et dispersés à travers son œuvre, ils n'en dessinent pas moins les contours d'une philosophie de la musique aussi pénétrante que méconnue. Celle-ci apparait tout à la fois comme l'expression et le modèle privilégié de sa métaphysique générale, dont la portée esthétique reste largement à explorer. Une œuvre en particulier, cependant, semble avoir déjà donné (...)
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    Origen de la idea de Dios: Dos interpretaciones opuestas de Epicuro en el siglo XVII (Gassendi y el "Theophrastus redivivus").Marcelino Rodríguez Donís - 2023 - Isidorianum 14 (27):9-75.
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  6. Sigismondo Tizio e le Tavole Eugubine: l'uso delle fonti nelle Historiae Senenses.Manuela Doni Garfagnini - 2009 - Rinascimento 49:373.
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    Trajectory of Islamic psychology in Southeast Asia: Problems and prospects.Septi Gumiandari, Subandi Subandi, Abd Madjid & Ilman Nafi’A. - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (1):10.
    This study aims to answer the following research question: what are the problems and prospects of the development of Islamic psychology studies in Southeast Asia? This study used descriptive qualitative research and employs data triangulation during data collection. Documentation study, in-depth interviews and focus group discussions were used to obtain the data. Data were analysed using patterns of data collection, data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. It can be concluded that Islamic psychology presents many problems and prospects for those (...)
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    El Theophrastus Redivivus y la eternidad del mundo.Marcelino Rodríguez Donís - 2014 - Endoxa 34:425.
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    Correspondence: The Compton profile of solid o-H2.E. Doni & G. Pastori Parravicini - 1974 - Philosophical Magazine 30 (1):203-206.
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    El escepticismo de Demócrito.Marcelino Rodríguez Donis - 1986 - Thémata: Revista de Filosofía 3:101-114.
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  11. Hans Blumenberg in the Cave. Towards a “Sociological” Solution of an Absolute Metaphor.Martino Doni - 2011 - Humana Mente 4 (18).
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    The Ethics of Democracy: A Contemporary Reading of Hegel's Philosophy of Right.Giacomo Donis (ed.) - 2015 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    _Demonstrates how the ethical underpinning of Hegel’s political and social philosophy has relevance for contemporary democratic life._.
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    El materialismo de Epicuro y Lucrecio.Marcelino Rodriguez Donis - 1989 - Sevilla: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Sevilla.
  14. El ateísmo en el Theoprastus redivivus.Marcelino Rodríguez Donis - 1999 - Thémata: Revista de Filosofía 21:243-262.
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    Disgusto e desiderio: enciclopedia dell'osceno.Martino Doni & Andrée Bella (eds.) - 2015 - Milano: Medusa.
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  16. Il'De incantationibus' di Pietro Pomponazzi e l'edizione di Guglielmo Grataroli.Manuela Doni - 1975 - Rinascimento 15:183.
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    Le grandi domande: interrogativi sull'universo secondo la scienza, la filosofia e la fede.Rodolfo Doni - 1987 - Milano: Rusconi.
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  18.  25
    La mesure de la perfection.Arthur Dony - 2017 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 4 (4):555-574.
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    Martin Buber e il problema del male.Martino Doni - 2013 - Brescia: Morcelliana.
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  20.  23
    Mitigating radicalism amongst Islamic college students in Indonesia through religious nationalism.Ilman Nafi'A., Septi Gumiandari, Mohammad Andi Hakim, Safii Safii & Rokhmadi Rokhmadi - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):11.
    Radicalism has the potential to become more widespread in a younger generation of Muslims who are too textual, exclusive, extreme and uncritical. Their ethos of struggle has created a momentum to contest radical ideologies of Islamic radicals. This study investigates the potential for the radicalisation of Islamic students in Indonesia and formulates an approach of integrating national and religious values to mitigate the potential for radicalism. A qualitative research approach is used, and data were collected by distributing questionnaires to Indonesian (...)
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  21.  37
    Exploring the Effectiveness of Sustainability Measurement: Which ESG Metrics Will Survive COVID-19?Jill Atkins, Federica Doni, Andrea Gasperini, Sonia Artuso, Ilaria La Torre & Lorena Sorrentino - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 185 (3):629-646.
    This paper aims to investigate the current state of play on Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) integration and check the validity of the current metrics system by assessing if it will survive the COVID-19 crisis. By adopting a qualitative research approach through semi-structured anonymous interviews with 14 senior managers of six European listed companies we use a framework by assessing the mechanisms of reactivity on the effectiveness of ESG measures in times of COVID-19. By interpreting the practitioners’ points of view (...)
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    Shingaku kyōka no honshitsu narabini hattatsu.Ken Ishikawa & Doni Nakazawa - 1982 - Tokyo: Hatsubaimoto, Gōdō Shuppan.
  23. On The (Double) Bind of Representation: From Gregory Bateson to Wim Wenders.Carmelo Marabello & Martino Doni - 2009 - World Futures 65 (8):596-604.
    What follows is the elaboration of a series of discussions held by the two authors at a seminar during which we tried to “read” Wim Wenders's Lisbon Story starting from Gregory Bateson's double bind theory. These discussions then developed into writings that were intertwined, hybridized, corrected, extended, and cut. We experimented directly with the game of relationships, the “mess that works” of the difficult distinction between map and territory, between epistemology and cinematography. Emerging from general considerations on cinema is the (...)
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    Can self-relevant stimuli help assessing patients with disorders of consciousness?Renata del Giudice, Christine Blume, Malgorzata Wislowska, Julia Lechinger, Dominik P. J. Heib, Gerald Pichler, Johann Donis, Gabriele Michitsch, Maria-Teresa Gnjezda, Mauricio Chinchilla, Calixto Machado & Manuel Schabus - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 44:51-60.
  25. The 'Septie`me promenade' of the Reˆveries: a peculiar account of Rousseau's botany?Alexandra Cook - unknown
    IN an article on Rousseau’s annotations of a popular botany text, Henry Cheyron describes the Genevan philosopher as ‘ce botaniste me´juge´’. 3 The misapprehension of Rousseau’s botanical practice identified by Cheyron has its roots, I believe, in Rousseau’s own depiction of his botanising in the Reˆveries; in the ‘Septie`me promenade’ Rousseau selfconsciously portrays this study as socially isolated, lazy and lacking in direction: ‘La botanique est l’e´tude d’un oisif et paresseux solitaire... Il se prome`ne, il erre librement d’un objet a` (...)
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    I doni di Eustochio e Marcella: Gerolamo e la tradizione saturnalizia.Paola Francesca Moretti - 2023 - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano 75 (2):95-108.
    In questo articolo i doni di cui Gerolamo ringrazia Eustochio e Marcella (epist. 31 e 44) sono riletti alla luce della tradizione classica dello scambio di regali, collegata specialmente ai Saturnalia: infatti, da un lato, essi trovano riscontro negli Xenia e negli Apohoreta di Marziale; dall’altro, Gerolamo, quando ne fornisce un’interpretazione, si conforma a un tipo di ricezione attiva del dono – una sua “decifrazione” –, che talora è attestata nella tradizione antica, specialmente saturnalizia (cfr. e.g. Petron. 56). In (...)
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    I doni di Pandora: filosofia, politica e storia nella Grecia antica.Giovanni Giorgini - 2001 - Libreria Bonomo Editrice.
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    Italian Renaissance Utopias: Doni, Patrizi, and Zuccolo.Antonio Donato - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This book provides the first English study of five prominent Italian Renaissance utopias: Doni’s Wise and Crazy World, Patrizi’s The Happy City, and Zuccolo’s The Republic of Utopia, The Republic of Evandria, and The Happy City. The scholarship on Italian Renaissance utopias is still relatively underdeveloped; there is no English translation of these texts, and our understanding of the distinctive features of this utopian tradition is rather limited. This book therefore fills an important gap in the existing critical literature, (...)
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  29.  13
    Pourquoi un septième art?: cinéma et philosophie.Jean-Yves Chateau - 2008 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    L'idée du cinéma comme " septième art ", Art total, synthèse des autres Arts, trouve son origine et ne se comprend vraiment que par rapport à la philosophie kantienne de l'Art. Cela peut sembler étonnant, mais c'est ce que fait apparaître de façon frappante, sur plusieurs points importants, l'étude du cinéma et de la manière dont les grands cinéastes et théoriciens se le sont eux-mêmes souvent représenté. La dimension philosophique, voire proprement métaphysique du cinéma, même du cinéma le plus simple (...)
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    Perception and psychoses: The role of glutamatergic transmission within the nucleus accumbens septi.Pascual Angel Gargiulo & Adriana Ines Landa de Gargiulo - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (6):792-793.
    In agreement with Behrendt & Young (B&Y), we considered the role of perception disturbances in schizophrenia in our first clinical approaches, using the Bender test with schizophrenic patients. Following this, we reproduced nuclear symptoms of schizophrenia in animal models, showing that perceptual disturbances, acquisition disturbances, and decrease in affective levels can be induced by glutamatergic blockade within the nucleus accumbens septi. Our results link the proposed corticostriatal dysfunction with the thalamocortical disturbances underlying perceptual problems reviewed by B&Y.
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    mysterium Magnum: Michelangelo's Tondo Doni.Regina Stefaniak - 2008 - Brill.
    Drawing on the fifteenth century theology of Saint Joseph, classical visual sources, Ficino’s commentary on the _Phaedrus_ and _Symposium_, and Dante’s _rime petrose_, this book interprets Michelangelo’s Tondo Doni as a model of Ephesians’ ‘great sacrament’ of marriage for the new Florentine republic.
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  32. Aristo, Camillo, and doni-notes on a previously unknown version of Camillo'idea Del theatro'.L. Bolzoni - 1982 - Rinascimento 22:213-247.
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  33. L'eretico Agostino Doni.Luigi De Franco - 1973 - Cosenza,: Pellegrini. Edited by Agostino Doni.
  34.  5
    Moralistes des seizième et dix-septième siècles.Alexandre Rodolphe Vinet - 1904 - New York: Arno Press.
    Introduction: De la morale dans la littérature.--François Rabelais.--Michel de Montaigne.--Pierre Charron.--Étienne de la Boëtie.--Jean Bodin.--Michel de l'Hôpital.--Dix-septième siècle: considérations préliminaires.--La Rochefoucauld.--La Bruyère.--Récapitulation: moralistes ascétiques, période intermédiaire.--Saint-Evremond.--Pierre Bayle.--De la spontanéité de l'esprit humain en matière de philosophie.--La volonté cherchant sa loi.
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    Utopia in Renaissance Italy: Doni's "New World".Paul F. Grendler - 1965 - Journal of the History of Ideas 26 (4):479.
  36. Ritorna Servo inutile, problematico romanzo cristiano di Rodolfo Doni.Renato Bertacchini - 2008 - Studium 104 (1):145-147.
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    Nugae circa veritatem: Notes on Anton Francesco doni.Gertrud Bing - 1938 - Journal of the Warburg Institute 1 (4):304-312.
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    Vagues figures, ou, Les promesses du flou: actes du septième colloque du Cicada, 5, 6, 7 décembre 1996.Bertrand Cicada de L'adour) & Rougâe (eds.) - 1999 - Pau: Publications de l'Université de Pau.
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  39. t. 11-1. Commentaires et marginalia, dix-septième siècle.édités par Christiane Frémont - 1984 - In Pierre Maine de Biran, Œuvres. Paris: Libr. philosophique J. Vrin.
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    Folie & poésie, selon Deleuze et Guattari: (le septième Chant de Maldoror).Alain Jugnon - 2018 - [Paris]: Lignes.
    La quatrième de couverture indique : Deleuze et Guattari étaient des lecteurs sans pareils. C'est la raison pour laquelle Alain Jugnon les lit dans ce livre ; plus précisément, il lit avec eux Artaud et Kafka, Lacan et Klossowski, Büchner et Nietzsche. N'ont-ils pas assez lu Lautréamont ; il les lit pour eux, comme eux l'auraient lu, l'ajoutant à leurs lectures, avec les outils qu'ils ont créés pour lire. Nul mieux qu'Alain Jugnon n'articule les lectures nécessaires à la défaite de (...)
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  41. Saint Thomas d'Aquin, pour le septième centenaire de sa mort: essais d'actualisation de sa philosophie = Saint Thomas Aquinas, 700th anniversary of his death: modern interpretation of his philosophy.Stanisław Kamiński, Marian Kurdziałek & Zofia Józefa Zdybicka (eds.) - 1976 - Lublin: TNKUL.
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    Le sentiment de la nature en France dans la première moitié du dix-septième siècle.Grace Morley - 1926 - New York,: B. Franklin.
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    The Nudes in Limbo: Michaelangelo's Doni tondo Reconsidered.Chiara Franceschini - 2010 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 73 (1):137-180.
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    Quando il vino e l'olio erano doni degli dèi: la filosofia della natura nel mondo antico.Arianna Fermani & Mino Ianne (eds.) - 2018 - Galatina (Le): Congedo editore.
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    "Héraclito". Trad. Augusta de Mondolfo. Prólogo de Rodolfo Mondolfo. Introducción de Marcelino Rodríguez Donís. Ediciones Espuela de Plata, Sevilla, 2013. [REVIEW]Álvaro Cortina - 2016 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 33 (2):720-725.
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  46. To metron: sur la notion de mesure dans la philosophie d'Aristote: septième rencontre aristotélicienne (Catania, 20 au 22 juin 2018).Giovanna R. Giardina (ed.) - 2020 - Bruxelles: Éditions Ousia.
    La notion de mesure traverse les traités du corpus d'Aristote en connexion des problèmes qui sont d'une importance centrale. Le recueil est composé d'une série d'études de: Tomàs Calvo, R.Loredana Cardullo, Laura Castelli, Lambros Couloubaritsis, Paolo Crivelli, Sylvain Delcomminette, Giovanna R.Giardina, David Lefebvre, Antonio P.Mesquita, Pierre-Marie Morel, Marco Panza, Fernando Rey Puente. -- Provided by publisher.
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    Raúl Zibechi, Ruth López Herrero, Isabel Álvarez Vispo, Jose Miguel Martín Muñoz, Doni Arocas Tortajada, Noélia Bribián Giner, Manolo Sáez Bayona, Emiliano Tapia. Tiempos de colapso. Los pueblos en movimiento. Valencia-Málaga: Baladre-Zambra, 2020. [REVIEW]Mikel Martínez Ciriero - 2022 - Arbor 198 (803-804):a652.
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    LEIBNIZ, Gottfried Wilhelm: Escritos de dinámica. Estudio Preliminar y Notas de Juan ARANA (Trad. de J. Arana Cañedo-Argüelles y M. Rodríguez Donis). Tecnos, Madrid, 1991, 130 págs. [REVIEW]María Jesús Soto Bruna - 1992 - Anuario Filosófico 25 (2):432-433.
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  49. L'homme et son univers au moyen âge: actes du septième Congrès international de philosophie médiévale (30 août-4 septembre 1982).Christian Wenin (ed.) - 1986 - Louvain-la-Neuve: Editions de l'Institut supérieur de philosophie.
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  50. L'homme et son univers au moyen âge: actes du septième Congrès international de philosophie médiévale (30 août-4 septembre 1982).Christian Wenin & Centre de Wulf-Mansion (eds.) - 1986 - Louvain-la-Neuve: Editions de l'Institut supérieur de philosophie.
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