Results for 'Discapacidad Mental'

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  1.  18
    Igualdad y diferencia en relación con las personas con discapacidad. (Una crítica a la Observación General n.º 1 (2014) del Comité (UN) de los derechos de las personas con discapacidad). [REVIEW]Macario Alemany - 2017 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 52:201-222.
    Este artículo es una crítica a la Observación General n.º 1 (2014) del Comité de Naciones Unidas sobre los derechos de las personas con discapacidad, relativa a la interpretación correcta del artículo 12 de la Convención de Naciones Unidas sobre las personas con discapacidad.Con esta Observación, el Comité asume una ideología sobre los derechos de las personas con discapacidad que no es comúnmente aceptada. Esta ideología se basa en las tres tesis siguientes: 1) se apoya el “modelo (...)
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    La toma de decisiones en la atención de la salud mental: el papel del cuidador.Kay Wilhelm - 2020 - Medicina y Ética 31 (4):955-974.
    Este artículo establece un marco para considerar los aspectos éticos relacionados con el tratamiento involuntario en personas con: a) una discapacidad intelectual o del desarrollo; b) un impedimento neurológico progresivo, y c) un estado mental comprometido desde el punto de vista del cuidador. Los diferentes momentos de decision de los tres grupos se describen aquí, así como los impactos potenciales en los cuidadores respecto de las decisiones de los pacientes.Mientras hay algunos aspectos de las capacidades que pueden variar (...)
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  3. Reconceptualizar los trastornos de personalidad.Diego Becerra - 2022 - Culturas Cientificas 3 (2):36-65.
    El concepto de trastorno mental permite justificar intervenciones médicas, psicológicas y judiciales. Además, facilita a la/el consultante acceder a tratamientos mediante reembolsos o programas de salud pública, y por otro lado, podría conllevar estereotipos sociales. No obstante, el significado de dicho concepto no ha dejado de suscitar debate. En el presente artículo argumentaré que los trastornos de personalidad, tal como son definidos en el DSM-5, no cumplen con los criterios de patología de las propuestas principales (i.e. teoría bio-estadística de (...)
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    A análise à adolescência e jovens delinquentes pelo pedagogista português Faria de Vasconcelos.Ernesto Candeias Martins - 2022 - Educação E Filosofia 36 (78):1277-1314.
    Pretendemos abordar pedagogo português Faria de Vasconcelos (1880-1939) no contexto da Escola Nova, norteando-nos por uma pesquisa de metodologia hermenêutica na análise aos seus pressupostos pedagógicos sobre os problemas escolares e, principalmente a sua preocupação pela adolescência e jovens delinquentes, infratores e/ou indisciplinados. Recorremos conceptualmente aos seus textos (fontes primárias) e à sua obra compilada por Ferreira Marques, a fontes secundárias sobre Escola Nova e História da Educação em Portugal da época. O método hermenêutico permitiu-nos compreender os escritos daquele pedagogista, (...)
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    Erving Goffman: vida y genealogía intelectual [Noticia de irregularidad].Eguzki Urteaga - 2010 - Isegoría 42:149-164.
    ¿Qué sucede cuando dos o más personas se encuentran en una situación de cara a cara? ¿Cómo se desarrolla la interacción cuando una de ellas comete una torpeza o presenta una discapacidad física o si está considerada como una enferma mental? Erving Goffman , de origen canadiense, ha intentado contestar a ese tipo de preguntas a lo largo de su vida investigadora. Resulta de todo ello una obra abundante, apasionante pero también controvertida, puesto que algunos analistas ven en (...)
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    Temas relevantes en teoría de la educación.Muñoz Rodríguez & José Manuel (eds.) - 2011 - Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca.
    EL LIBRO QUE PRESENTAMOS nace a partir de un proyecto de investigación y cooperación financiado por la Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo, Apoyo a la formación de formadores y de investigadores en educación en Centroamérica, en el campo de la Teoría de la Educación. El objetivo final del proyecto ha sido la creación de un Grupo Internacional de investigación en temas de Teoría de la Educación, formado por profesores de Facultades de Educación de Universidades centroamericanas y españolas. (...)
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    Promover la toma de decisiones en materia de salud y la dignidad inherente de los pacientes.William F. Sullivan & John Heng - 2020 - Medicina y Ética 31 (4):757-765.
    La enseñanza moral católica afirma que es necesario el consentimiento de los pacientes para autorizar las intervenciones sanitariasque les afectan, pero no especifica las condiciones para obtener dicho consentimiento o evaluar la capacidad de decisión. Aquí se presentan los artículos recogidos en este número que los autores han desarrollado a partir de las presentaciones que hicieron durante un coloquio reciente de la Asociación Internacional de Bioética Católica (IACB) celebrado en Quebec, Canadá. Contribuyen a promover el pensamiento ético sobre la capacidad (...)
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    Derecho y diversidad.Javier Herrera González - 2021 - UNIVERSITAS Revista de Filosofía Derecho y Política 37:71-109.
    El presente escrito tiene la motivación de arrojar algo de luz sobre una dificultad intrínseca a la función social que cumple el Derecho: el manejo de la diversidad. En particular, la diversidad psicosocial ha supuesto históricamente un obstáculo persistente a la configuración de un molde jurídico que permita incluir en él todo el espectro de la realidad. El argumento que vehicula la exposición es que el carácter irresoluble de esta tensión conduce a la criminalización de una subjetividad que escapa a (...)
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  9. Secci ón investigativa.En Situación de Discapacidad de Población & En Los Programas - forthcoming - Areté. Revista de Filosofía.
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  10. Secci ón investigativa.Sociales de la Discapacidad Las Representaciones, Delcdeld Dentro & Escolar la Integración - forthcoming - Areté. Revista de Filosofía.
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  11. Robert Inder, Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute, University of Edinburgh, 80, South Bridge, Edinburgh EH1 1HN. [REVIEW]Simple Mental - 1986 - In A. G. Cohn & J. R. Thomas (eds.), Artificial Intelligence and Its Applications. John Wiley and Sons. pp. 211.
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    ""Platonic Dualism, LP GERSON This paper analyzes the nature of Platonic dualism, the view that there are immaterial entities called" souls" and that every man is identical with one such entity. Two distinct arguments for dualism are discovered in the early and middle dialogues, metaphysical/epistemological and eth.Aaron Ben-Zeev Making Mental Properties More Natural - 1986 - The Monist 69 (3).
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  13. Stabilizing Mental Disorders: Prospects and Problems.Jacqueline Anne Sullivan - 2014 - In H. Kincaid & J. Sullivan (eds.), Mental Kinds and Natural Kinds. MIT Press. pp. 257-281.
    In this chapter I investigate the kinds of changes that psychiatric kinds undergo when they become explanatory targets of areas of sciences that are not “mature” and are in the early stages of discovering mechanisms. The two areas of science that are the targets of my analysis are cognitive neuroscience and cognitive neurobiology.
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  14. Causal theories of mental content.Fred Adams & Ken Aizawa - 2010 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Causal theories of mental content attempt to explain how thoughts can be about things. They attempt to explain how one can think about, for example, dogs. These theories begin with the idea that there are mental representations and that thoughts are meaningful in virtue of a causal connection between a mental representation and some part of the world that is represented. In other words, the point of departure for these theories is that thoughts of dogs are about (...)
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  15. The mental life of some machines.Hilary Putnam - 1966 - In Hector-Neri Castañeda (ed.), Intentionality, Minds and Perception. Detroit,: Wayne State University Press.
  16. Armando roa.The Concept of Mental Health 87 - 2002 - In Paulina Taboada, Kateryna Fedoryka Cuddeback & Patricia Donohue-White (eds.), Person, society, and value: towards a personalist concept of health. Boston: Kluwer Academic.
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  17. The normativity of the mental.Nick Zangwill - 2005 - Philosophical Explorations 8 (1):1-19.
    I describe and defend the view in a philosophy of mind that I call 'Normative Essentialism', according to which propositional attitudes have normative essences. Those normative essences are 'horizontal' rational requirements, by which I mean the requirement to have certain propositional attitudes given other propositional attitudes. Different propositional attitudes impose different horizontal rational requirements. I distinguish a stronger and a weaker version of this doctrine and argue for the weaker version. I explore the consequences for knowledge of mind, and I (...)
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  18. Malfunction and Mental Illness.Robert L. Woolfolk - 1999 - The Monist 82 (4):658-670.
    For years a debate has raged within the various literatures of philosophy, psychiatry, and psychology over whether, and to what degree, the concepts that characterize psychopathology are social constructions that reflect cultural values. While the majority position among philosophers has been normativist, i.e., that the conception of a mental disorder is value-laden, a vocal and cogent minority have argued that psychopathology results from malfunctions that can be described by terminology that is objective and scientific. Scientists and clinicians have tended (...)
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  19. Classifying Psychopathology: Mental Kinds and Natural Kinds.Harold Kincaid & Jacqueline Anne Sullivan - 2014 - In Harold Kincaid & Jacqueline Anne Sullivan (eds.), Classifying Psychopathology: Mental Kinds and Natural Kinds. MIT Press. pp. 1-10.
    In this volume, leading philosophers of psychiatry examine psychiatric classification systems, including the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, asking whether current systems are sufficient for effective diagnosis, treatment, and research. Doing so, they take up the question of whether mental disorders are natural kinds, grounded in something in the outside world. Psychiatric categories based on natural kinds should group phenomena in such a way that they are subject to the same type of causal explanations and respond (...)
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    Moral philosophy and mental representation.Stephen Stich - 1993 - In R. Michod, L. Nadel & M. Hechter (eds.), The Origin of Values. Aldine de Gruyer. pp. 215--228.
    Here is an overview of what is to come. In Sections I and II, I will sketch two of the projects frequently pursued by moral philosophers, and the methods typically invoked in those projects. I will argue that these projects presuppose (or at least suggest) a particular sort of account of the mental representation of human value systems, since the methods make sense only if we assume a certain kind of story about how the human mind stores information about (...)
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  21.  28
    A defense of mental causation.Raimo Tuomela - 1998 - Philosophical Studies 90 (1):1-34.
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    Kinship intensity and the use of mental states in moral judgment across societies.Cameron M. Curtin, H. Clark Barrett, Alexander Bolyanatz, Alyssa N. Crittenden, Daniel Fessler, Simon Fitzpatrick, Michael Gurven, Martin Kanovsky, Stephen Laurence, Anne Pisor, Brooke Scelza, Stephen Stich, Chris von Rueden & Joseph Henrich - 2020 - Evolution and Human Behavior 41 (5):415-429.
    Decades of research conducted in Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, & Democratic (WEIRD) societies have led many scholars to conclude that the use of mental states in moral judgment is a human cognitive universal, perhaps an adaptive strategy for selecting optimal social partners from a large pool of candidates. However, recent work from a more diverse array of societies suggests there may be important variation in how much people rely on mental states, with people in some societies judging accidental (...)
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  23. The Mark of the Mental.Alberto Voltolini - 2013 - Phenomenology and Mind 4:124-136.
    In this paper, I want to show that the so-called intentionalist programme, according to which the qualitative aspects of the mental have to be brought back to its intentional features, is doomed to fail. For, pace Brentano, the property that constitutes the main part of such intentional features, i.e., intentionality, is not the mark of the mental, neither in the proper Brentanian sense, according to which intentionality is the both necessary and sufficient condition of the mental, nor (...)
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  24. Consciousness and memory.Is Mental Illness Ineradicably Normative & A. Reply To W. Miller Brown - 1986 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 7 (4):463-502.
  25. Introduction: The Mental and the Physical.Tim Crane - unknown
    The theme of these is essays is what might be called, rather ambitiously, the nature of the human mind. Psychologists and philosophers both investigate the nature of the mind, but from rather different angles. Psychologists and neuroscientists investigate the actual mechanisms in the brain, the body and the world which underpin mental events and processes. Philosophers, by contrast, ask more abstract questions: for example, about what makes any process mental at all, or how mental reality fits into (...)
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  26. Analog Representation Beyond Mental Imagery.James Blachowicz - 1997 - Journal of Philosophy 94 (2):55-84.
  27. Free will and mental quausation.Sara Bernstein & Jessica Wilson - 2016 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 2 (2):310-331.
    Free will, if such there be, involves free choosing: the ability to mentally choose an outcome, where the outcome is 'free' in being, in some substantive sense, up to the agent of the choice. As such, it is clear that the questions of how to understand free will and mental causation are connected, for events of seemingly free choosing are mental events that appear to be efficacious vis-a-vis other mental events as well as physical events. Nonetheless, the (...)
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  28. Counterfactual Causation and Mental Causation.Jens Harbecke - 2014 - Philosophia 42 (2):363-385.
    Counterfactual conditionals have been appealed to in various ways to show how the mind can be causally efficacious. However, it has often been overestimated what the truth of certain counterfactuals actually indicates about causation. The paper first identifies four approaches that seem to commit precisely this mistake. The arguments discussed involve erroneous assumptions about the connection of counterfactual dependence and genuine causation, as well as a disregard of the requisite evaluation conditions of counterfactuals. In a second step, the paper uses (...)
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  29. Good old supervenience: Mental causation on the cheap.Nick Zangwill - 1996 - Synthese 106 (1):67-101.
    I defend the view that strong psychophysical superveniences is necessary and sufficient to explain the causal efficacy of mental properties. I employ factual and counterfactual conditionals as defeasible criteria of causal efficacy. And I also deal with certain problems arising from disjunctive and conjunctive properties.
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  30. Defining mental disorder. Exploring the 'natural function' approach.Somogy Varga - 2011 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 6:1-.
    Due to several socio-political factors, to many psychiatrists only a strictly objective definition of mental disorder, free of value components, seems really acceptable. In this paper, I will explore a variant of such an objectivist approach to defining metal disorder, natural function objectivism. Proponents of this approach make recourse to the notion of natural function in order to reach a value-free definition of mental disorder. The exploration of Christopher Boorse's 'biostatistical' account of natural function (1) will be followed (...)
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  31.  44
    Episodic representation: A mental models account.Nikola Andonovski - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:899371.
    This paper offers a modeling account of episodic representation. I argue that the episodic system constructsmental models: representations that preserve the spatiotemporal structure of represented domains. In prototypical cases, these domains are events: occurrences taken by subjects to have characteristic structures, dynamics and relatively determinate beginnings and ends. Due to their simplicity and manipulability, mental event models can be used in a variety of cognitive contexts: in remembering the personal past, but also in future-oriented and counterfactual imagination. As structural (...)
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  32.  97
    Mental disorders are not brain disorders.Natalie F. Banner - 2013 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (3):509-513.
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    Mental models and the suppositional account of conditionals.Pierre Barrouillet, Caroline Gauffroy & Jean-François Lecas - 2008 - Psychological Review 115 (3):760-771.
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  34. Mental Muscles and the Extended Will.Tillmann Vierkant - 2014 - Topoi 33 (1):1-9.
    In the wake of Clark and Chalmers famous argument for extended cognition some people have argued that willpower equally can extend into the environment (e.g. Heath and Anderson in The thief of time: philosophical essays on procrastination. Oxford University Press, New York, pp 233–252, 2010). In a recent paper Fabio Paglieri (Consciousness in interaction: the role of the natural and social context in shaping consciousness. John Benjamins, Amsterdam, pp 179–206, 2012) provides an interesting argument to the effect that there might (...)
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    The Social Construction of ‘Mental Toughness’ – a Fascistoid Ideology?Nick Caddick & Emily Ryall - 2012 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 39 (1):137-154.
    This article considers the social construction of mental toughness in line with prevailing social attitudes towards success and dominance in elite sport. Critical attention is drawn to the research literature which has sought to conceptualise mental toughness and the idealistic rhetoric and metaphor with which it has done so. The concept of mental toughness currently reflects an elitist ideal, constructed along the lines of the romantic narrative of the ‘Hollywood hero’ athlete. In contrast, the mental and (...)
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  36. Harman on Mental Paint and the Transparency of Experience.Erhan Demircioglu - 2020 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 27 (1):56-81.
    Harman famously argues that a particular class of antifunctionalist arguments from the intrinsic properties of mental states or events (in particular, visual experiences) can be defused by distinguishing “properties of the object of experience from properties of the experience of an object” and by realizing that the latter are not introspectively accessible (or are transparent). More specifically, Harman argues that we are or can be introspectively aware only of the properties of the object of an experience but not the (...)
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    From Mental Holism to the Soul and Back.Mark Textor - 2017 - The Monist 100 (1):133-154.
    In his Psychologie vom empirischen Standpunkt Brentano proposed a view of consciousness that neither has room nor need for a subject of mental acts, a soul. Later he changed his mind: there is a soul that appears in consciousness. In this paper I will argue that Brentano’s change of view is not justified. The subjectless view of consciousness can be defended against Brentano’s argument and it is superior to its predecessor.
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  38. Mental health as rational autonomy.Rem B. Edwards - 1981 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 6 (3):309-322.
    Rather than eliminate the terms "mental health and illness" because of the grave moral consequences of psychiatric labeling, conservative definitions are proposed and defended. Mental health is rational autonomy, and mental illness is the sustained loss of such. Key terms are explained, advantages are explored, and alternative concepts are criticized. The value and descriptive components of all such definitions are consciously acknowledged. Where rational autonomy is intact, mental hospitals and psychotherapists should not think of themselves as (...)
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  39. Mental robotics.Domenico Parisi - 2007 - In Antonio Chella & Riccardo Manzotti (eds.), Artificial Consciousness. Imprint Academic. pp. 191-211.
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    Determinantes sociales de la salud mental. Rol de la religiosidad.Eduardo Rodriguez-Yunta - 2016 - Persona y Bioética 20 (2).
    The social determinants of mental health with respect to the role of a person’s religiosity are examined in this paper, based on personal experience and a review of the literature. The objective is to hypothesize that religiosity can influence a person’s mental health through three factors: a sense of moral value, support from a community of faith, and exercise of spirituality. The Medline and SciElo databases were reviewed as of 1990, in English and Spanish, using the keywords: spirituality, (...)
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  41. Mechanisms and the Mental.Marcin Miłkowski - 2017 - In Stuart Glennan & Phyllis McKay Illari (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Mechanisms and Mechanical Philosophy. Routledge. pp. 74--88.
    In this chapter, I sketch the history of mechanistic models of the mental, as related to the technological project of trying to build mechanical minds, and discuss the contemporary debates on psychological and cognitive explanations. In the first section, I introduce the Cartesian notion of mechanism, which has shaped the debate in the centuries to follow. Early mechanistic proposals are also connected with early attempts to formulate the computational account of thinking and reasoning, upheld notably by Hobbes and Leibniz. (...)
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    Contingent sounds change the mental representation of one's finger length.Ana Tajadura-Jimenez, Maria Vakali, Merle T. Fairhurst, Alisa Mandrigin, Nadia Bianchi-Berthouze & Ophelia Deroy - unknown
    Mental body-representations are highly plastic and can be modified after brief exposure to unexpected sensory feedback. While the role of vision, touch and proprioception in shaping body-representations has been highlighted by many studies, the auditory influences on mental body-representations remain poorly understood. Changes in body-representations by the manipulation of natural sounds produced when one's body impacts on surfaces have recently been evidenced. But will these changes also occur with non-naturalistic sounds, which provide no information about the impact produced (...)
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    Visual mental imagery of nonpredictive central social cues triggers automatic attentional orienting.Shujia Zhang, Li Wang & Yi Jiang - 2025 - Cognition 254 (C):105968.
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    Fictional Objects within the Theory of Mental Files: Problems and Prospects.Zoltán Vecsey - 2020 - Espes. The Slovak Journal of Aesthetics 9 (2):32-48.
    A recent version of the mental file framework argues that the antirealist theory of fictional objects can be reconciled with the claim that fictional utterances involving character names express propositions that are true in the real world. This hybrid view rests on the following three claims: character names lack referents but express a mode of presentation, fictional utterances introduce oblique contexts where character names refer to their modes of presentation, and modes of presentation are mental files. In this (...)
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  45. Two Notions of Mental Representation.Uriah Kriegel - 2013 - In Current Controversies in Philosophy of Mind. New York, New York: Routledge.
    The main thesis of this paper is twofold. In the first half of the paper, (§§1-2), I argue that there are two notions of mental representation, which I call objective and subjective. In the second part (§§3-7), I argue that this casts familiar tracking theories of mental representation as incomplete: while it is clear how they might account for objective representation, they at least require supplementation to account for subjective representation.
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  46. Anomalous monism and mental causality : on the debate of Donald Davidson’'s philosophy of the mental'.Erwin Rogler & Gerhard Preyer - unknown
    The English version of the first chapter of Erwin Rogler and Gerhard Preyer: Materialismus, anomaler Monismus und mentale Kausalität. Zur gegenwärtigen Philosophie des Mentalen bei Donald Davidson und David Lewis »Anomaler Monismus und Mentale Kausalität. Ein Beitrag zur Debatte über Donald Davidsons Philosophie des Mentalen« is a contribution to the current debates on the philosophy of the mental and mental causality initiated from Donald Davidson's philosophy with his article »Mental Events«. It is the intent of the English (...)
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  47. Singular Thought and Mental Files.Rachel Goodman, James Genone & Nick Kroll (eds.) - 2020 - New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press.
    The notion of singular (or de re) thought has become central in philosophy of mind and language, yet there is still little consensus concerning the best way to think about the nature of singular thought. Coinciding with recognition of the need for more clarity about the notion, there has been a surge of interest in the concept of a mental file as a way to understand what is distinctive about singular thought. What isn't always clear, however, is what (...) files are meant to be, and why we should believe that thoughts that employ them are singular as opposed to descriptive. This volume brings together original chapters by leading scholars which aim to examine and evaluate the viability of the mental files framework for theorizing about singular thought. (shrink)
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    Husserl's Theory of the Mental.Thomas Nenon - 2010 - In Thomas Nenon & Lester Embree (eds.), Issues in Husserl’s Ideas Ii. Springer. pp. 223-235.
    The organization of the text in Husserl’s Ideas II is notoriously difficult to follow. In its focus and in its method of procedure, it shifts back and forth from one attitude to another, from the practical to the theoretical and back again, the transcendental to the mundane, the naturalistic to the personalistic, and the scientific to the everyday. Furthermore, it exhibits a recurring tendency to double back and fill in something that the reader thought had already been established, and then (...)
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  49. Victoria's 'Mental Health Act 2014': The human rights of persons with mental illness.Emanuel Nicolas Cortes Simonet - 2014 - Chisholm Health Ethics Bulletin 20 (1):3.
    Simonet, Emanuel Nicolas Cortes Victoria's new Mental Health Act 2014 came into operation on 1st July 2014. Corresponding with international standards, the new Act aims to strengthen the human rights of persons with mental illness. This is supported by the inclusion of a recovery framework which promotes a collaborative treatment approach, procedures that reduce the duration of compulsory treatment, as well as better mental health service oversight and safeguards. This article analyses and highlights these reforms from a (...)
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  50. Combining Mental Training and Physical Training With Goal-Oriented Protocols in Stroke Rehabilitation: A Feasibility Case Study.Xin Zhang, Ahmed M. Elnady, Bubblepreet K. Randhawa, Lara A. Boyd & Carlo Menon - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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