Results for 'Dirk Baugard'

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  1.  15
    L'ordre public social.Dirk Baugard - 2015 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 1:129-152.
    L’ordre public social constituerait, selon la fameuse formule d’Alain Supiot, « la clé de voûte du droit du travail français ». Bien qu’elle semble donc constituer une notion centrale en la matière, il s’avère que de nombreux auteurs ne lui attribuent pas, aujourd’hui encore, une définition ou une fonction clairement et précisément définie. En doctrine, l’ordre public social peut ainsi désigner le fait que la loi, au sens large, admettrait en principe, en droit du travail, des « dérogations » par (...)
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    Criteria for unconscious cognition: Three types of dissociation.Thomas Schmidt & Dirk Vorberg - 2006 - Perception and Psychophysics 68 (3):489-504.
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    The concept of representation and the representation of concepts in connectionist models.T. Goschke & Dirk Koppelberg - 1991 - In William Ramsey, Stephen P. Stich & D. M. Rumelhart (eds.), Philosophy and Connectionist Theory. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 129--161.
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    Theory of serial pattern production: Tree traversals.René Collard & Dirk-Jan Povel - 1982 - Psychological Review 89 (6):693-707.
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    Meeting another's gaze shortens subjective time by capturing attention.Nicolas Burra & Dirk Kerzel - 2021 - Cognition 212 (C):104734.
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    Task Demands Modulate Effects of Threatening Faces on Early Perceptual Encoding.Nicolas Burra & Dirk Kerzel - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  7. Computer Vision II-Generic 3-D Modeling for Content Analysis of Court-Net Sports Sequences.Jungong Han, Dirk Farin & Peter Hn De With - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf (eds.), Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 279-288.
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  8. A chance to change policy for the better.Rob van Es & Dirk Lindenbergh - 2001 - In Alan R. Malachowski (ed.), Business ethics: critical perspectives on business and management. New York: Routledge. pp. 178.
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    Computer Science Logic.Dirk van Dalen & Marc Bezem (eds.) - 1997 - Springer.
    The related fields of fractal image encoding and fractal image analysis have blossomed in recent years. This book, originating from a NATO Advanced Study Institute held in 1995, presents work by leading researchers. It is developing the subjects at an introductory level, but it also has some recent and exciting results in both fields. The book contains a thorough discussion of fractal image compression and decompression, including both continuous and discrete formulations, vector space and hierarchical methods, and algorithmic optimizations. The (...)
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  10. Demographic transition, second.Dirk J. Van de Kaa - 2001 - In Neil J. Smelser & Paul B. Baltes (eds.), International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Elsevier. pp. 3486-3488.
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  11. Heinz-Dieter Ebbinghaus. Zermelo and the Skolem Paradox.Dirk Van Dalen - 2000 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 1 (2):145-161.
  12. Hybride interfaces & nieuwe technologieën als motor voor ontwikkeling.Fernand Vandamme, Dirk Frimout, Mike Vandamme & Dirk Vervenne - forthcoming - Communication and Cognition: Monographies.
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    Restless minds, wandering brains.Cees van Leeuwen & Dirk Ja Smit - 2012 - In Shimon Edelman, Tomer Fekete & Neta Zach (eds.), Being in Time: Dynamical Models of Phenomenal Experience. Philadelphia: John Benjamins. pp. 121.
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    Some remarks on causality, conditionality, artist and scientist.Nicolas Van Vosselen, Dirk Vervenne & Fernand Vandamme - 2003 - Communication and Cognition: Monographies 36 (3-4):225-234.
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    'Economism and its Limits' Dirk Haubrich and Jonathan Wolff.Dirk Haubrich - unknown
    Jonathan Wolff is Professor of Philosophy at University College London. He is the author of Robert Nozick (1991), An Introduction to Political Philosophy (1996) and Why Read Marx Today (2002). He is currently working on a number of topics at the intersection of political philosophy and public policy.
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    Anaximander in Context: New Studies in the Origins of Greek Philosophy.Dirk L. Couprie, Robert Hahn & Gérard Naddaf - 2002 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    Places the development of Anaximander's thought within social, political, cosmological, astronomical, and technological contexts.
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  17.  57
    Numbers through numerals. The constitutive role of external representations.Dirk Schlimm - 2018 - In Sorin Bangu (ed.), Naturalizing Logico-Mathematical Knowledge: Approaches From Psychology and Cognitive Science. New York: Routledge. pp. 195–217.
    Our epistemic access to mathematical objects, like numbers, is mediated through our external representations of them, like numerals. Nevertheless, the role of formal notations and, in particular, of the internal structure of these notations has not received much attention in philosophy of mathematics and cognitive science. While systems of number words and of numerals are often treated alike, I argue that they have crucial structural differences, and that one has to understand how the external representation works in order to form (...)
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  18. Lorenz von Stein.Dirk Blasius - 1970
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    Die Feldtheorie Kurt Lewins: eine vergessene Metatheorie für die Erziehungswissenschaft.Dirk Paul Bogner - 2017 - Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
    Dirk Paul Bogner widmet sich der Frage, welche Relevanz Kurt Lewins Feldtheorie im Bereich der pädagogischen Diagnostik haben könnte. Er untermauert die These, dass die Lewin’sche Feldtheorie eine völlig neue Sicht auf Lern-, Entwicklungs- und Erziehungsprozesse eröffnen würde, und legt dar, inwiefern die Einbeziehung der Dimension des Raumes die Analyse dieser erziehungswissenschaftlich relevanten Topoi verfeinern könnte. Er erörtert mittels hermeneutischer Textauslegung und vergleichender Dokumentenanalyse, warum Lewin keine erziehungswissenschaftliche Resonanz erzeugen konnte, obwohl in der Erziehungswissenschaft auch heute noch intensiv Begriffe, (...)
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    A persistent particle ontology for QFT in terms of the Dirac sea.Dirk-André Deckert, Michael Esfeld & Andrea Oldofredi - forthcoming - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
    We show that the Bohmian approach in terms of persisting particles that move on continuous trajectories following a deterministic law can be literally applied to QFT. By means of the Dirac sea model – exemplified in the electron sector of the standard model neglecting radiation – we explain how starting from persisting particles, one is led to standard QFT employing creation and annihilation operators when tracking the dynamics with respect to a reference state, the so-called vacuum. Since on the level (...)
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  21.  65
    (1 other version)Varieties of Centering and De Se Communication.Dirk Kindermann - 2016 - In Manuel García-Carpintero & Stephan Torre (eds.), About Oneself: De Se Thought and Communication. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 307–40.
    There has recently been a wave of attempts to make sense of the role of de se thoughts in linguistic communication. A majority of the attempts assume a Perryan or a Lewisian view of de se thought. Views with these assumptions, I suggest, come in four varieties: uncentering (Egan 2007, Kölbel 2013, Moss 2012), recentering (Heim 2004, Weber 2012), multicentering (Kindermann 2014, Ninan 2010, Torre 2009), and no centering (Kaplan 1989, Perry 1979). I argue first that all four varieties of (...)
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  22.  52
    Heaven and Earth in ancient Greek cosmology: from Thales to Heraclides Ponticus.Dirk L. Couprie - 2011 - New York: Springer.
    In Miletus, about 550 B.C., together with our world-picture cosmology was born. This book tells the story. In Part One the reader is introduced in the archaic world-picture of a flat earth with the cupola of the celestial vault onto which the celestial bodies are attached. One of the subjects treated in that context is the riddle of the tilted celestial axis. This part also contains an extensive chapter on archaic astronomical instruments. Part Two shows how Anaximander (610-547 B.C.) blew (...)
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  23.  13
    In gesprek met Johan Braeckman.Dirk Verhofstadt - 2021 - Amsterdam: Houtekiet. Edited by Johan Braeckman.
    Gesprekken tussen filosoof en ecoloog Johan Braeckman en moraalfilosoof Dirk Verhofstadt over de evolutietheorie van Darwin, religie, irrationalieit, humanisme en atheïsme."--Publisher information.
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  24. De Se Relativism.Dirk Kindermann & Andy Egan - 2019 - In Martin Kusch (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Relativism. Routledge. pp. 518-527.
  25. Editorial.Dirk Greimann - 2007 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 75 (1):vii-viii.
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    Methodischer Kulturalismus: Zwischen Naturalismus und Postmoderne.Dirk Hartmann & Peter Janich (eds.) - 1996 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
    In diesem Band stellt sich ein neues philosophisches Programm vor, das sich selbst als „Methodischer Kulturalismus“ begreift – eine Fortentwicklung des Methodischen Konstruktivismus. In den Arbeiten der in diesem Band vertretenen Philosophen hat sich eine Neuorientierung ergeben, die im Anliegen einer methodisch-systematischen Kulturkritik das ältere Programm einer Wissenschaftstheorie als Wissenschaftskritik in Richtung und Umfang verlässt.
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    Neues System der philosophischen Wissenschaften im Grundriss. Band II: Mathematik und Naturwissenschaft.Dirk Hartmann - 2021 - Paderborn: Mentis.
    Volume II deals with philosophy of mathematics and general philosophy of science. In discussing theoretical entities, the notion of antirealism formulated in Volume I is further elaborated: Contrary to what is usually attributed to antirealism or idealism, the author does not claim that theoretical entities do not really exist, but rather that their existence is not independent of the possibility to know about them.
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  28. Lucretius and the Herculaneum library.Dirk Obbink - 2007 - In Stuart Gillespie & Philip R. Hardie (eds.), The Cambridge companion to Lucretius. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    The soterial implications of Heidegger's concept of being.Dirk Pereboom - 1972 - Fribourg,: Imprimerie Renggli.
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    How to De‐Escalate a Risk Situation to Avoid the Use of Coercion.Dirk Richter - 2011 - In Thomas W. Kallert, Juan E. Mezzich & John Monahan (eds.), Coercive treatment in psychiatry: clinical, legal and ethical aspects. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 57--79.
  31.  10
    Historische Vernunft, politische Wahrheit.Dirk Rustemeyer - 1992 - Weinheim: Deutscher Studien.
  32. The “meddling-in” of affective information: A general model of automatic evaluation effects.Dirk Wentura & Klaus Rothermund - 2003 - In Jochen Musch & Karl C. Klauer (eds.), The Psychology of Evaluation: Affective Processes in Cognition and Emotion. Lawerence Erlbaum. pp. 51--86.
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    Intervening in the brain: Changing psyche and society.Dirk Hartmann, Gerard Boer, Jörg Fegert, Thorsten Galert, Reinhard Merkel, Bart Nuttin & Steffen Rosahl - 2007 - Springer.
    In recent years, neuroscience has been a particularly prolific discipline stimulating many innovative treatment approaches in medicine. However, when it comes to the brain, new techniques of intervention do not always meet with a positive public response, in spite of promising therapeutic benefits. The reason for this caution clearly is the brain’s special importance as “organ of the mind”. As such it is widely held to be the origin of mankind’s unique position among living beings. Likewise, on the level of (...)
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    Nietzsche's Anti-Darwinism.Dirk Robert Johnson - 2010 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Friedrich Nietzsche's complex connection to Charles Darwin has been much explored, and both scholarly and popular opinions have tended to assume a convergence in their thinking. In this study, Dirk Johnson challenges that assumption and takes seriously Nietzsche's own explicitly stated 'anti-Darwinism'. He argues for the importance of Darwin for the development of Nietzsche's philosophy, but he places emphasis on the antagonistic character of their relationship and suggests that Nietzsche's mature critique against Darwin represents the key to understanding his (...)
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  35. Between Immaterial Labour and Care for the Other. Tracing the Moral Foundations and Limits of Customer Service.Dirk Bunzel - forthcoming - Levinas, Business Ethics.
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    Form und Formen der Kommunikation.Dirk Baecker - 2005 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
  37.  69
    Axiomatics and progress in the light of 20th century philosophy of science and mathematics.Dirk Schlimm - 2006 - In Benedikt Löwe, Volker Peckhaus & T. Rasch (eds.), Foundations of the Formal Sciences IV. College Publications. pp. 233–253.
    This paper is a contribution to the question of how aspects of science have been perceived through history. In particular, I will discuss how the contribution of axiomatics to the development of science and mathematics was viewed in 20th century philosophy of science and philosophy of mathematics. It will turn out that in connection with scientific methodology, in particular regarding its use in the context of discovery, axiomatics has received only very little attention. This is a rather surprising result, since (...)
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  38.  49
    Perspective in context : relative truth, knowledge, and the first person.Dirk Kindermann - 2012 - Dissertation, University of St Andrews
    This dissertation is about the nature of perspectival thoughts and the context-sensitivity of the language used to express them. It focuses on two kinds of perspectival thoughts: ‘subjective’ evaluative thoughts about matters of personal taste, such as 'Beetroot is delicious' or 'Skydiving is fun', and first-personal or de se thoughts about oneself, such as 'I am hungry' or 'I have been fooled.' The dissertation defends of a novel form of relativism about truth - the idea that the truth of some (...)
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  39.  23
    Adorno's critique of political economy.Dirk Braunstein - 2022 - Boston: Brill. Edited by Adam Baltner.
    To this day, there persists a widespread assumption that Adorno's references to Marx - and especially to Marx's critique of political economy - represent a relic from an early and short-lived stage of Adorno's theoretical development. On the basis of relevant and largely unpublished textual sources, this book refutes this thesis while showing that the centre of Adorno's critical theory of society is occupied by a critique not only of political economy, but of economy in general.
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  40. The Physics Laboratory of Leiden University.Dirk Delft - 2015 - In Kostas Gavroglu, Maria Paula Diogo & Ana Simões (eds.), Sciences in the Universities of Europe, Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: Academic Landscapes. Dordrecht: Springer Verlag.
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    Instabilitätsbasiert Jan Cornelius Schmidt entwirft die Leitlinien einer »nachmodernen Physik«.Dirk Evers - 2016 - Zeitschrift Fuer Kulturphilosophie 2016 (1):207-209.
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    Krankheit und ärztliches Handeln: zur Funktion des Krankheitsbegriffs in der medizinischen Ethik.Dirk Lanzerath - 2000 - Freiburg: Alber.
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    Synthetische Biologie: Naturwissenschaftliche, rechtliche und ethische Aspekte.Dirk Lanzerath - 2020 - Freiburg/ München: Verlag Karl Alber. Edited by Bernd Giese & Liv Jaeckel.
    In der synthetischen Biologie werden Methoden insbesondere der Molekularbiologie, der Ingenieurwissenschaften und der Informationstechnik miteinander verbunden. Ziel dieser Kooperation ist die Erzeugung von biologischen Konstrukten, die weder eindeutig der Kategorie eines naturlich gewachsenen Organismus noch der einer technisch geschaffenen Maschine zuzuordnen sind. Die synthetische Biologie wirft damit ethische und naturphilosophische Fragen auf und stellt zudem neue Anforderungen an die bisherigen rechtlichen Regelungen.
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    Humanism in an Age of Science: The Amsterdam Athenaeum in the Golden Age, 1632-1704.Dirk van Miert - 2009 - Brill.
    Drawing on letters, orations and disputations, this book argues that during the seventeenth century, the Amsterdam Athenaeum, despite the revolutionary debates of the time, and despite the intellectual liberalism characteristic of Amsterdam, remained traditional in its teaching.
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  45.  27
    Sociology Responds to Fascism.Dirk Kasler & Stephen Turner - 1992 - In Dirk Kasler & Stephen Turner (eds.), Sociology Responds to Fascism. Routledge.
    We know a lot about the sociology of fascism, but how have sociologists responded to fascism when confronted with it in their own lives? How courageous or compromising have they been? And why has this history been shrouded in silence for so long? In this major work of historical scholarship sociologists from around the world describe and evaluate the reactions of sociologists to the rise and practice of fascism.
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    Die Aufhebung der analytischen Philosophie - Quine als Synthese von Carnap und Neurath.Dirk Koppelberg - 1987 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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  47. Die Aufhebung der analytischen Philosophie. Quine als Synthese von Carnap und Neurath.Dirk Koppelberg - 1992 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 54 (2):337-338.
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    Jona se “opstanding uit die dood”: Perspektiewe op die “opstandings-geloof” vanuit die Ou Testament Dirk.Dirk J. Human - 2004 - HTS Theological Studies 60 (1/2).
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  49.  29
    Freges Konzeption der Wahrheit.Dirk Greimann - 2003 - Hildesheim: Georg Olms.
    Frege hat über Jahrzehnte hinweg an einem Buch über die Grundlagen der Logik gearbeitet, dessen erster Teil folgenden Fragen gewidmet sein sollte: Ist Wahrheit definierbar oder ein „logisches Urelement“? Ist Wahrheit die Übereinstimmung eines inneren Bildes mit der Realität, oder ein Spezialfall der Beziehung zwischen dem Sinn eines Zeichens und seinem Bezug? Welchen Beitrag leistet der Sinn des Wortes ,wahr’ zu dem Sinn der Sätze, in denen es vorkommt? Sind die Wahrheitswerte – „das Wahre“ und „das Falsche“ – als Eigenschaften (...)
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  50.  3
    Straftheorie von Leo Tolstoi.Dirk Falkner - 2021 - Berlin: De Gruyter.
    Rechtsgeschichte ist ein Teil der Kulturgeschichte. Rechtsentwicklungen werden in Kunstwerken reflektiert, mitunter auch vorweggenommen. Umgekehrt vermögen juristisches Handwerk und juristische Reflexion häufig bei der Erschließung literarischer Werke Hilfestellung zu leisten. Die Abteilung,,Recht in der Kunst" bietet diese Hilfestellung an. Sie enthält neben sekundärwissenschaftlichen Textsammlungen und Abhandlungen vor allem Textausgaben literarischer Werke, in deren Mittelpunkt Fragen des Rechts stehen und die mit je einem Kommentar aus literaturwissenschaftlicher Sicht und aus rechtlicher und / oder rechtshistorischer Sicht versehen werden.
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