Results for 'Diego Rossi'

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  1. Die Apiorien der Subjektivität in Ricketts Erarbeitung der Erkenntnistheorie.Diego Rossi - 2016 - In Anna Donise, Antonello Giugliano & Edoardo Massimilla (eds.), Methodologie, Erkenntnistheorie, Wertphilosophie: Heinrich Rickert und seine Zeit. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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  2. Facts, Principles, and (Real) Politics.Enzo Rossi - 2016 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 19 (2):505-520.
    Should our factual understanding of the world influence our normative theorising about it? G.A. Cohen has argued that our ultimate normative principles should not be constrained by facts. Many others have defended or are committed to various versions or subsets of that claim. In this paper I dispute those positions by arguing that, in order to resist the conclusion that ultimate normative principles rest on facts about possibility or conceivability, one has to embrace an unsatisfactory account of how principles generate (...)
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  3. Sources of Doxastic Disturbance in Sextus Empiricus.Diego E. Machuca - 2019 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 56:193–214.
    In his account of Pyrrhonism, Sextus Empiricus talks about the disturbance concerning matters of opinion that afflicts his dogmatic rivals and that he himself was afflicted by before his conversion to Pyrrhonism. The aim of the present paper is to identify the distinct sources of doxastic disturbance that can be found in that account, and to determine whether and, if so, how they are related. The thesis to be defended is that it is possible to discern three sources of doxastic (...)
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  4. Sextus on Ataraxia Revisited.Diego E. Machuca - 2020 - Ancient Philosophy 40 (2):435-452.
    My purpose in this article is to revisit an issue concerning the state of undisturbedness or tranquility (ἀταραξία) in ancient Pyrrhonism as this skeptical stance is depicted in Sextus Empiricus’s extant works. The issue in question is whether both the pursuit and the attainment of undisturbedness in matters of opinion should be regarded as defining features of Pyrrhonism not merely from a systematic standpoint that examines Pyrrhonism as a kind of philosophy, but mainly according to Sextus’s own account of that (...)
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    El existencialismo político en Martin Heidegger y Carl Schmitt.Luis Alejandro Rossi - 2017 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 29 (47).
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  6. Scepticisme, apraxia et rationalité.Diego E. Machuca - 2019 - In Diego E. Machuca & Stéphane Marchand (eds.), Les raisons du doute: études sur le scepticisme antique. Paris: Classiques Garnier. pp. 53-87.
    La présente étude a deux objectifs. Le premier est d’examiner les différentes formulations de l’objection de l’ἀπραξία telle qu’elle fut soulevée contre le scepticisme académicien et le pyrrhonisme, ainsi que les réponses à cette objection proposées par Arcésilas et Sextus Empiricus. Le second objectif consiste à évaluer la force de la version de l’objection de l’ἀπραξία selon laquelle le sceptique ne peut réaliser les actions rationnelles propres à l’être humain.
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    A terceira forma de si espiritual hegeliana ilustrada com personagens de Goethe.Jaqueline Cristina Rossi - 2007 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 19 (24):177.
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    How Pro-social Framing Affects the Success of Crowdfunding Projects: The Role of Emphasis and Information Crowdedness.Daniela Defazio, Chiara Franzoni & Cristina Rossi-Lamastra - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 171 (2):357-378.
    Crowdfunding is regarded a financing mechanism that could improve the funding opportunities of businesses with a pro-social orientation. Indeed, it is assumed that on digital platforms, citizens are inclined to provide more support to projects with a social benefit than to those without such an orientation, with significant ethical implications for the common good. Yet, extant empirical evidence regarding such a claim is still inconclusive. To advance this discussion, the present paper analyzes the conditions that influence crowd support for projects (...)
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    Il linguaggio come lavoro e come mercato.Ferruccio Rossi-Landi - 1968 - Milano,: Bompiani.
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    Attending to scalar ethical issues in emerging approaches to environmental health research and practice.Diego S. Silva, Maxwell Smith & Chris G. Buse - 2019 - Monash Bioethics Review 37 (1-2):4-21.
    Accelerated changes to the planet have created novel spaces to re-imagine the boundaries and foci of environmental health research. Climate change, mass species extinction, ocean acidification, biogeochemical disturbance, and other emergent environmental issues have precipitated new population health perspectives, including, but not limited to, one health, ecohealth, and planetary health. These perspectives, while nuanced, all attempt to reconcile broad global challenges with localized health impacts by attending to the reciprocal relationships between the health of ecosystems, animals, and humans. While such (...)
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    Neurophysiological Measures of the Perception of Antismoking Public Service Announcements Among Young Population.Giulia Cartocci, Enrica Modica, Dario Rossi, Patrizia Cherubino, Anton Giulio Maglione, Alfredo Colosimo, Arianna Trettel, Marco Mancini & Fabio Babiloni - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Philosophy, Technology, and the Arts in the Early Modern Era.Paolo Rossi & Benjamin Nelson - 1970 - Harper & Row.
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    Clavis Universalis. Arti Mnemoniche E Logica Combinatoria Da Lullo a Leibniz.Paolo Rossi - 1960 - Ricciardi.
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    Argumentation in Suboptimal Settings.Diego Castro - 2022 - Argumentation 36 (3):393-414.
    When parties attempt to persuade their opponents of the tenability of a certain standpoint using reasons, they will often find that the circumstances of the dialogue hinder their chances of resolution. Power imbalances, cognitive biases, lack of time or hidden interests are some of the circumstances they need to face. I will label these circumstances as _suboptimal settings for argumentation_. According to the pragma-dialectical tradition, higher-order conditions for critical discussion are unfulfilled in these cases (van Eemeren, Grootendorst, Jacobs, & Jackson, (...)
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    Gentzen-Style Sequent Calculus for Semi-intuitionistic Logic.Diego Castaño & Juan Manuel Cornejo - 2016 - Studia Logica 104 (6):1245-1265.
    The variety \ of semi-Heyting algebras was introduced by H. P. Sankappanavar [13] as an abstraction of the variety of Heyting algebras. Semi-Heyting algebras are the algebraic models for a logic HsH, known as semi-intuitionistic logic, which is equivalent to the one defined by a Hilbert style calculus in Cornejo :9–25, 2011) [6]. In this article we introduce a Gentzen style sequent calculus GsH for the semi-intuitionistic logic whose associated logic GsH is the same as HsH. The advantage of this (...)
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    Introduction: Justice, Legitimacy and Diversity.Emanuela Ceva & Enzo Rossi - 2012 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 15 (2):101-108.
  17. Aristóteles y la lluvia, una vez más [Aristotle and the Rain, Once Again].Gabriela Rossi - 2010 - Dianoia 55 (65):91-123.
    The text of Physics 2.8 has been recently interpreted so as to restore the reading that Aristotle holds an external, and even an anthropocentric, natural teleology. This reading has been defended by D. Furley, and especially by D. Sedley. In this paper I present several arguments against this interpretation of the text. Thus, I will argue that Aristotle does not claim, in this chapter, that it rains for the sake of the growing of the crop, against an opinion which is (...)
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    The Method of Aristotle’s Inquiry on φαντασία in De Anima III 3.Diego Zucca - 2018 - Méthexis 30 (1):72-97.
    This paper concerns the Aristotelian inquiry on φαντασία’ in De Anima iii 3. I argue for a systematic interpretation of the chapter, according to which iii 3 neatly instantiates what David Charles has called the Three Stage View on scientific inquiry. The first stage establishes the meaning of the term φαντασία so it provides a nominal definition of the object, the second stage dialectically confirms the existence of φαντασία as something different from other already known cognitive powers (perception, thought), the (...)
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    Ante-Nicene authority and the Trinity in seventeenth-century England.Diego Lucci - 2018 - Intellectual History Review 28 (1):101-124.
    This article investigates the growth and decline of the use of the ante-Nicene Fathers in relation to Trinitarian issues in seventeenth-century Anglican apologetics. Anglican apologists referred to the writings of the ante-Nicene Fathers as the earliest and most reliable testimonies of Christianity contra what they perceived as Popish, Puritan, and Socinian corruptions of the true religion. On the other hand, Catholic, Reformed, and anti-Trinitarian polemicists stigmatized the incompatibility of the ante-Nicenes’ writings with the Trinitarian dogma formulated at Nicaea and elaborated (...)
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  20. Mental Self-Management as Attempted Negligence: Trying and Succeeding.Benjamin Rossi - 2015 - Law and Philosophy 34 (5):551-579.
    ‘Attempted negligence’ is a category of criminal offense that many jurists and philosophers have law have deemed conceptually incoherent. In his Attempts: In the Philosophy of Action and the Criminal Law, Gideon Yaffe challenges this dismissal, anchoring his argument in cases of what he calls ‘mental self-management’ in which agents plan to bring about that they perform unintentional actions at a later time. He plausibly argues that mental self-management-type attempted negligence is possible. However, his account raises the question whether such (...)
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  21. ¿Retórica O Verdad? La “tercera Vía” De Platón.Gabriela Rossi - 2003 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 29 (2):285-316.
    This paper deals with Plato’s theoretical views on rhetoric, its value, its conditions, and its genuine ethical-political function. My goal is to show that, even from the theoretical and/or metarhetorical point of view (Gorgias and Phaedrus), Plato would admit the practice of arguing from probabilities (eikós) and opinions, and would accept as a legitimate part of rhetoric –in order to persuade the mob– devices such as appeals to emotion. As it is well known, concrete uses of these devices can be (...)
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  22. ¿ser Por Azar O Producirse Por Azar?: Una reconstrucción de algunos aspectos de la discusión de Aristóteles contra el materialismo a la luz del problema del azar.Gabriela Rossi - 2011 - Elenchos 32 (1):21-54.
    In this paper I address some aspects of the discussion of Aristotle against materialism. I take as a starting point the inaugural sentence of Phys. 2.4, where Aristotle refers to the endoxon that there are things which are (einai), and things which become or are generated (gignesthai) by chance. In the first place, I show that Aristotle would have ascribed to the materialists (especially Empedocles) the opinion that things like animals and plants can be (and not only become) by chance. (...)
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    L'anima del vivente: vita, cognizione e azione nella psicologia aristotelica.Diego Zucca - 2015 - Brescia: Morcelliana.
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    Strong standard completeness theorems for S5-modal Łukasiewicz logics.Diego Castaño, José Patricio Díaz Varela & Gabriel Savoy - 2025 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 176 (3):103529.
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  25. Le tre maschere del convenzionalista.Marta Rossi & Jacopo Tagliabue - 2009 - Rivista di Estetica 41:109-124.
    La venerabile metafora del buon macellaio ha resistito allo scorrere del tempo molto meglio di altre fantasiose immagini della metafisica platonica: buona parte dell’ontologia contemporanea riposa tuttora sulla distinzione tra venature dell’Essere – quei confini nello spazio, nel tempo, nei mondi che effettivamente demarcherebbero entità ontologicamente autonome – e semplici linee-guida, sovraimposte dagli esseri umani per “ritagliare” nella realtà oggetti socialmente utili o cognitivamente s...
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    Han, B. La expulsión de lo distinto. Ed. Herder, Barcelona. 2017. 123 páginas.Diego Solera Alfonso - 2019 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 36 (1):277-278.
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    L’ateismo dei moderni. Filosofia e negazione di Dio da Spinoza a d’Holbach.Diego Lucci - 2018 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 7 (2):118-124.
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    Sistemas intertextuales transmedia: exploraciones conceptuales y aproximaciones investigativas.Diego Fernando Montoya, Mauricio Vásquez Arias & Harold Salinas Arboleda - 2013 - Co-herencia 10 (18):137-159.
    El presente artículo explora algunas de las discusiones teóricas que sobre el concepto de narrativas transmedia se vienen tejiendo actualmente, deteniéndose en particular sobre nociones clave como las de expansión narrativa y relaciones intertextuales, para finalizar indicando la necesidad de constituir una serie de referentes teóricos y metodológicos, que permitan abordar la diversidad de formas expresivas que constituyen los sistemas intertextuales transmedia.
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    Defending the content view of perceptual experience.Diego Zucca - unknown
    This thesis is a defense of the Content View on perceptual experience, of the idea that our perceptual experiences represent the world as being a certain way and so have representational content. Three main issues are addressed in this work. Firstly, I try to show that the Content View fits very well both with the logical behaviour of ordinary ascriptions of seeing-episodes and related experiential episodes, and with our pretheoretical intuitions about what perceiving and experiencing ultimately are: that preliminary analysis (...)
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    Negotiation as Practical Argumentation.Diego Castro - 2023 - Argumentation 37 (4):497-527.
    This paper defends negotiation as a way of rationally overcoming disagreements. Negotiation is a type of dialogue where the parties begin with a conflict and a need for cooperation, and their main goal is to make a deal as reported (Walton and Krabbe 1995, p 72). It has been discussed whether differences of opinion can be shifted from persuasion to negotiation dialogue. If two parties disagree, is it reasonable to overcome their disagreement by employing negotiation? Van Laar and Krabbe (2018a) (...)
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    Cosmopolitanism – Kant’s Social Anthropology of Hope.Philip J. Rossi - 2013 - In Stefano Bacin, Alfredo Ferrarin, Claudio La Rocca & Margit Ruffing (eds.), Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Boston: de Gruyter. pp. 827-838.
  32. Ancora sui contemporanei di Vico.Paolo Rossi - 1985 - Rivista di Filosofia 76 (3):465.
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    Bambini, sogni, furori: tre lezioni di storia delle idee.Paolo Rossi - 2001 - Feltrinelli Editore.
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    Da Hegel a Marx..Mario Rossi - 1970 - Milano,: Feltrinelli.
  35. DISCUSSIOME , "Intorno al carattere fondamentale della filosofia neoscolastica".Paolo Rossi - 1928 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 20:156.
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  36. Francis Bacon, Richard Hooker e le leggi della natura.Paolo Rossi - 1977 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 32 (1):72.
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    Gusto filologico e gusto poetico: questioni di critica dantesca.Mario Rossi - 1942 - G. Laterza & Figli.
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    Nicholas Rescher. Essays in Philosophical Analysis.Jean-Gérard Rossi - 1972 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 54 (2).
  39. Note su scienza e potere nel Novecento.Paolo Rossi - 2001 - Nuova Civiltà Delle Macchine 19 (2):8-22.
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    On Aristotle’s use of examples and how to read them.Gabriela Rossi - forthcoming - British Journal for the History of Philosophy:1-22.
    The purpose of this paper is twofold. One is to show that Aristotle’s study of examples in Prior Analytics (An. Pr.) and Rhetoric (Rh.) (and in particular the ‘comparison’ (parabole) described in Rh 2.20) is useful for philosophy and, moreover, it underlies Aristotle’s discussion of examples in several passages of his philosophical writings. The second is to show that in order to correctly understand the examples that Aristotle presents in his philosophical writings, it is crucial for the reader to successfully (...)
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  41. Sobre la necesidad de la Lógica.A. Rossi - 1950 - Sapientia 5 (15):53.
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    Together Toward Hope: A Journey to Moral Theology.Philip J. Rossi - 1983
  43. Umanesimo e positivismo nel pensiero filosofico di Carlo Cattaneo.Paolo Rossi - 1952 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 6:208.
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    Epistemología y cultura: en torno a la obra de Luis Villoro.Alejandro Rossi (ed.) - 1993 - México: Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Tigaciones Filosoficas.
    "Justificado y bien elaborado homenaje a uno de los más destacados filósofos latinoamericanos contemporáneos. Varios articulos se refieren a su obra Creer, saber, conocer; pero los hay también sobre temas como ideología y ética, y uno sobre la obra de Villoro como historiador, entre otros. Villoro responde a las objeciones expresadas en algunos trabajos en un artículo al final del volumen. Incluye también una bibliografía de Villoro"--Handbook of Latin American Studies, v. 58.
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  45. Zariski-type topology for implication algebras.Manuel Abad, Diego Castaño & José Patricio Díaz Varela - 2010 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 56 (3):299-309.
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  46. Tommaso Campanella.Nicolà Badaloni & Paolo Rossi - 1972 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 162:104-104.
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    Substanz denken: Aristoteles und seine Bedeutung für die moderne Metaphysik und Naturwissenschaft.Kathi Beier & Thamar Rossi Leidi (eds.) - 2016 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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    Desacuerdo Profundo:Desenredando la Madeja.Diego Castro - 2022 - Cuadernos de Filosofía: Universidad de Concepción 40:47-68.
    In this article I present an answer to the problem of deep disagreements posed by Robert Fogelin (1985). According to this author, there are disagreements that cannot be resolved rationally because they refer to “framework propositions”. I argue that, making certain distinctions, Fogelin’s conclusion is less serious than initially thought. The first distinction is between resolving and overcoming di-sagreements. From the fact that disagreements cannot be resolved, it does not follow that they cannot be overcome in other ways. Thus, together (...)
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  49. Historia e historiación de la filsofía : Leo strauss y la "segunda caverna" como respuesta al hisotricismo.Diego Enrique Vega Castro - 2022 - In Ángel Xolocotzi Yáñez, Margareth Mejía Génez & Jean Orejarena Torres (eds.), Pensando el acontecer de la historia: reflexiones filosóficas sobre la historia en la modernidad tardía. Ciudad de México: Ediciones del Lirio.
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    La relación de Lukács con la tragedia.Diego Fernando Correa Castañeda - 2022 - Revista de Filosofía 47 (1):121-137.
    La relación entre Lukács y la tragedia será uno de los elementos más importantes para poder entender el desarrollo de sus concepciones éticas y estéticas. El papel que juega el personaje principal en el desarrollo de la novela: el héroe, su búsqueda interior, el puesto en el desarrollo histórico de la misma y los demás aspectos relacionados con la refiguración artística. Veremos cómo Lukács emprende esta búsqueda desde la Antigüedad Clásica, pasando por la Edad Media, el Renacimiento, la Ilustración, el (...)
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