Results for 'Diego Dumé'

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  1. The Agreement between Socrates and Homer: An Interpretation of Plato's Ion.Diego Dumé & Betiana Marinoni - 2011 - Philosophy Study 1 (1):22-27.
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    Modularity: Understanding the Development and Evolution of Natural Complex Systems.Werner Callebaut & Diego Rasskin-Gutman (eds.) - 2005 - MIT Press.
    This collection broadens the scientific discussion of modularity by bringing together experts from a variety of disciplines, including artificial life, ...
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    Why not Both (but also, Neither)? Markov Blankets and the Idea of Enactive-Extended Cognition.Juan Diego Bogotá - 2022 - Constructivist Foundations 17 (3):233-235.
    I sympathize with Prosen’s conviction in integrating enactivism, the free-energy principle, and the extended-mind hypothesis. However, I show that he uses the concept of “boundary” ambiguously. By disambiguating it, I suggest that we can keep both Markov blankets and operational closure as ways of drawing the boundaries of a cognitive system. Nevertheless, from an enactive perspective, neither of those boundaries is a “cognitive” boundary.
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  4. Libros recientes de pensamiento.Franz Baader, Diego Calvanese, Deborah McGuinness & Daniele Nardi Y. Peter - 2003 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 22 (1-3).
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    El problema del humanismo en Erich Fromm y Herbert Marcuse: (una confrontación).Diego Sabiote Navarro - 1983 - Salamanca: Universidad Pontificia.
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    El itinerario intelectual de Nietzsche.Diego Sánchez Meca - 2018 - Madrid: Tecnos.
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    Wittgenstein sin vericuetos.Pedro Diego Karczmarczyk - 2020 - Análisis Filosófico 40 (1):93-121.
    Este trabajo analiza las dos tesis principales del reciente libro de Manuel Pérez Otero, Vericuetos de la filosofía de Wittgenstein: la revisión de la simetría general entre acciones y omisiones como comportamientos intencionales, y la propuesta de respuesta disposicional “teleológica” al desafío escéptico sobre el significado del Wittgenstein de Kripke. Sobre la primera tesis, ponemos de manifiesto la neutralidad la gramática de la atribución de comportamientos intencionales respecto al determinismo causal, destacando el carácter retrospectivo implicado por el concepto de “justificación (...)
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  8. Albert Schweitzer y la crisis moral de nuestra civilización.Domínguez Caballero & Diego[From Old Catalog] - 1953 - Panamá,: Sociedad Panameña de Filosofía.
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    Access and Mediation: Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Attention.Maren Wehrle, Diego D'Angelo & Elizaveta Solomonova (eds.) - 2022 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    This volume proposes an interdisciplinary framework that views attention from a particular angle: as a means of accessing, that is, disclosing the world in a practical and meaningful way. Moreover, it investigates how this access is concretely mediated. The book is structured in the following two parts: 1) Attention and Access The first section is concerned with attention as such. What is attention and what does it do? A common thread between the expected contributions addresses attention as a directional disclosing (...)
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  10. Arte, mentira y liberación: Una perspectiva nietzscheana.Diego Sánchez Meca - 2000 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 5:297-312.
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    Baruch.Diego Tatián - 2011 - [Buenos Aires?]: La Cebra.
  12. tica de la transmigración: formas de la hospitalidad en Borges.Diego Tatián - 2006 - In Carlos Balzi & César Marchesino (eds.), Hostilidad/hospitalidad. [Córdoba, Argentina]: Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Area de Filosofía del Centro de Investigaciones de la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades.
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    ¿Existe una filosofía de la ingeniería?Diego Fernando Jaramillo Patiño - 2015 - Universitas Philosophica 32 (64):313-328.
    This article has been retracted by the Publications Committee of the School of Philosophy and Universitas Philosophica editorial team.
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    Artefatos do "Quebra": indumentária étnica e estética da coleção perseverança.Anderson Diego Da Silva Almeida & Fernando Antônio Gomes De Andrade - 2016 - Odeere 1 (1).
    Este artigo traduz a discussão que vem sendo construída sobre a indumentária étnica, especificamente de matriz afro-brasileira. Para tal narrativa, a temática envereda-se em apresentar alguns artefatos pertencentes à Coleção Perseverança: faixa, peitoral, coroa capacete, pulseiras e bolsas. Esta pesquisa seleciona, dentre as 215 peças da coleção, os adornos utilizados nos terreiros de Xangôs do estado de Alagoas. É importante entendermos que os artefatos selecionados representam a memória do “Quebra do Xangô”, em 1912, ato conhecido como a invasão e destruição (...)
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    The Potential Impact of Adjunct Digital Tools and Technology to Help Distressed and Suicidal Men: An Integrative Review.Luke Balcombe & Diego De Leo - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Suicidal men feel the need to be self-reliant and that they cannot find another way out of relationship or socioeconomic issues. Suicide prevention is of crucial importance worldwide. The much higher rate of suicide in men engenders action. The prelude is a subjective experience that can be very isolating and severely distressing. Men may not realize a change in their thinking and behaviors, which makes it more difficult to seek and get help, thereby interrupting a “downward spiral”. Stoicism often prevents (...)
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    Descolonizar no es desmodernizar: un diálogo crítico entre S. Castro-Gómez y E. Dussel.Diego Fernando Camelo Perdomo - 2021 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 42 (124).
    En este artículo nos disponemos desarrollar la tesis según la cual la crítica elaborada por Santiago Castro-Gómez a Enrique Dussel se trató de una desnaturalización del análisis del filósofo argentino sobre el proyecto moderno, en la cual Castro-Gómez puso de relieve las prácticas de las herencias coloniales como condición de posibilidad para la emergencia de la modernidad, sin necesidad de recurrir a la figura fundante del sujeto, aspecto que sí se encuentra presente en la propuesta del mendocino. Esta tesis se (...)
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    Paths in Heidegger's Later Thought.Günter Figal, Diego D'Angelo, Tobias Keiling & Guang Yang (eds.) - 2020 - Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press.
    If one takes Heidegger at his word then his philosophy is about pursuing different "paths" of thought rather than defining a single set of truths. This volume gathers the work of an international group of scholars to present a range of ways in which Heidegger can be read and a diversity of styles in which his thought can be continued. Despite their many approaches to Heidegger, their hermeneutic orientation brings these scholars together. The essays span themes from the ontic to (...)
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    El socialismo raizal de Fals Borda.Diego Jaramillo Salgado - 2010 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 31 (102):25-36.
    El ensayo explora los principios básicos y los supuestos teóricos del socialismo raizal propuesto por el sociólogo colombiano Orlando Fals Borda. Este socialismo es presentado como una propuesta enraizada en la Investigación Acción Participativa, haciendo énfasis en su origen en las experiencias históricas revolucionarias de los pueblos originarios y diversos sectores populares de América Latina. Igualmente, se resalta su contenido popular, humanista, democrático y epistémico. El ensayo también explora sus acercamientos y sus diferencias con el pensamiento de Marx.
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  19. Locuras de Europa.Diego de Saavedra Fajardo - 1973 - Madrid]: Anaya.
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  20. Los estudios filosóficos en la Universidad de Panamá.Diego Domínguez Caballero - 1963 - Panamá, República de Panamá: Universidad de Panamá.
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  21. Un enfoque actual de la filosofía.Diego Ribes Nicolás - 1977 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 7 (1):97-100.
  22. Retórica, democracia y filosofía.Diego Antonio Pineda R. - 2006 - Universitas Philosophica 47:83-102.
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    William James on Attention. Folk Psychology, Actions, and Intentions.Diego D’Angelo - 2022 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 53 (2):163-176.
    This paper addresses three main concerns about William James’s understanding of attention. In the first section, I will consider the question whether or not James’s famous claim that “every one kno...
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    Corrigendum: Risks for Child Cognitive Development in Rural Contexts.Maria Julia Hermida, Diego Edgar Shalom, María Soledad Segretin, Andrea Paula Goldin, Marcelo Claudio Abril, Sebastián Javier Lipina & Mariano Sigman - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
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    El principio de tolerancia en Rudolf Carnap y su interpretación pragmatista.Diego Morollón Del Río - 2018 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 6 (2):51-58.
    En el siguiente trabajo se explicará el Principio de Tolerancia en Carnap y su relación con valores derivados del pragmatismo en la elección de sistemas lógicos. La intención es la de hacer un sucinto repaso a la filosofía de Carnap que nos lleve a comprender las bases de tal principio, en el cual existen premisas pragmáticas que incluyen valores Ilustrados en el ejercicio de la ciencia. Tales valores nos ayudarían a elegir entre sistemas científicos (matemáticas newtonianas o einstenianas; geometrías euclidianas (...)
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    A técnica como modo de existência em Gilbert Simondon: Tecnicidade, alienação e cultura.Diego Viana de Oliveira - 2015 - Doispontos 12 (1).
    resumo : Redescoberta a partir da década de 1990, a obra de Gilbert Simondon coloca a técnica em uma posição central na reflexão filosófica. Mais do que uma faculdade do humano, a técnica aparece em Simondon como uma afecção determinante para todo regime do coletivo e do psíquico, fundadora de configuração do modo de estar no mundo. Este artigo visa retraçar o caminho pelo qual Simondon encontra a técnica como um problema filosófico antigo e escamoteado, cuja recuperação se torna urgente (...)
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    The Grammar of Society: The Nature and Dynamics of Social Norms, by Cristina Bicchieri. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press 2006, xvi + 260 pp. [REVIEW]Graciela Küchle & Diego Ríos - 2008 - Economics and Philosophy 24 (1):117-123.
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    Correction to: Dzwiza‑Ohlsen, Erik Norman: Die Horizonte der Lebenswelt. Sprachphilosophische Studien zu Husserls,erster Phänomenologie der Lebenswelt ‘. München: Wilhelm Fink, 2020 (Phänomenologische Untersuchungen, Band 37). ISBN 978‑3‑7705‑6463‑7, 324 S., 169 €. [REVIEW]Diego D’Angelo - 2021 - Husserl Studies 37 (3):303-304.
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  29. Memoria gratiaque: homenaje a Diego F. Pró en sus 75 años.Diego F. Pró (ed.) - 1990 - Mendoza: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo.
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    La télévision par c'ble en France.Jean-Pierre Dubois-Dumée - 1976 - Communications 2 (3):315-329.
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    Phenomenology and religion: structures of the Christian institution.Henry Duméry - 1975 - Berkeley: University of California Press.
    l. Christianity and Institution Christianity is an established religion, an instituted religion-and these words have several meanings. ...
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    Philosophie de la religion.Henry Duméry - 1957 - Paris,: Presses universitaires de France.
    t. 1. Catégorie de sujet. Catégorie de grâce. t. 2. Catégorie de foi.
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  33. Alberto Rougès [por] Diego F. Pró.Diego F. Pró - 1967 - Tucumán,: Argentina] Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Biblioteca Central.
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    L'eredità di Wittgenstein.Diego Marconi - 1987 - Roma: Laterza.
    "Diego Marconi analizza in questo saggio alcune tappe fondamentali della riflessione di Wittgenstein, illlustrando i motivi per cui gran parte della discussione filosofica odierna risalga all'esperienza intellettuale del filosofo di Vienna: dal "sapere senza fondamenti" al "pensiero debole", dalla filosofia analitica all'ermeneutica.
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    John Locke's Christianity.Diego Lucci - 2020 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    John Locke's religious interests and concerns permeate his philosophical production and are best expressed in his later writings on religion, which represent the culmination of his studies. In this volume, Diego Lucci offers a thorough analysis and reassessment of Locke's unique, heterodox, internally coherent version of Protestant Christianity, which emerges from The Reasonableness of Christianity and other public as well as private texts. In order to clarify Locke's views on morality, salvation, and the afterlife, Lucci critically examines Locke's theistic (...)
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    Wittgenstein on Contradiction and the Philosophy of Paraconsistent Logic.Diego Marconi - 1984 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 1 (3):333 - 352.
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    Faith and reflection.Henry Duméry - 1968 - [New York]: Herder & Herder. Edited by Louis K. Dupre.
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    La philosophie de L'action.Henry Duméry - 1948 - [Paris]: Aubier.
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    Raison et religion dans la philosophie de l'action.Henry Duméry - 1963 - Paris,: Éditions du Seuil.
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  40. The Normative Autonomy of Logic.Diego Tajer - 2022 - Erkenntnis 87 (6):2661-2684.
    Some authors have called into question the normativity of logic, using as an argument that the bridge principles for logical normativity (MacFarlane, In what sense (in any) is logic normative for thought, 2004 )? are just by-products of general epistemic principles for belief. In this paper, I discuss that suggestion from a formal point of view. I show that some important bridge principles can be derived from usual norms for belief. I also describe some possible ways to block this derivation (...)
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  41. Pyrrhonism in Ancient, Modern, and Contemporary Philosophy.Diego E. Machuca (ed.) - 2011 - Springer.
    In recent years, there has been renewed interest in Pyrrhonism among both philosophers and historians of philosophy. This skeptical tradition is complex and multifaceted, since the Pyrrhonian arguments have been put into the service of different enterprises or been approached in relation to interests which are quite distinct. The diversity of conceptions and uses of Pyrrhonism accounts for the diversity of the challenges it is deemed to pose and of the attempts to meet them. The present volume brings together twelve (...)
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    (1 other version)Contingency of action, spatiality of conflict. Encounters and disagreements between Arendt and Merleau-Ponty.Diego Paredes Goicochea - 2017 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 6 (10):51-73.
    The purpose of this article is to discuss the connection between Arendt and Merleau-Ponty’s political thought based on the relation between the contingency of action and the spatiality of conflict. Even though the shared concern for developing a phenomenology of action institutes a common ground between their theories, I intend to show that there are significant philosophical differences when it comes to their understanding of conflict and the space in which it unfolds. Although both authors approach the question of action (...)
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    Nous e thanatos: scritti su Anassagora e sulla filosofia antica.Diego Lanza - 2022 - Pistoia: Petite plaisance.
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    El Error accidental en la noética aristotélica.Diego Tabakian - 2022 - Páginas de Filosofía (Universidad Nacional del Comahue) 23 (25):73-101.
    En el presente trabajo nos proponemos dilucidar en qué consiste el “error” accidental que tiene lugar en la intelección de los objetos simples, incompuestos e indivisibles (_DI_ 1, _Metaph_. VI. 4 y _De An._ III. 6) en estrecha vinculación con la aprehensión intelectual como proceso cognitivo y con la naturaleza del objeto inteligible. Partiendo de la hipótesis de que Aristóteles extiende la noción de falsedad del ámbito proposicional al ámbito de los ítems simples, nuestra reconstrucción interpretativa ofrece una visión de (...)
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    A filosofia cosmopolita de Immanuel Kant.Diego Carlos Zanella - 2015 - Studia Kantiana 18:69-85.
    O presente texto visa explicitar o significado cosmopolita da filosofia de Immanuel Kant. Essa explanação passará pelas definições de ‘filosofia’, ‘filósofo’, ‘ensino’ e ‘filosofar’. Procurará mostrar que a própria constituição do conceito de filosofia ainda preserva a sua raiz grega de ‘amor à sabedoria’; que é necessário cultivar esse ‘amor à sabedoria’ para, a partir daí, aprender a raciocinar; que o filosofar possui um direcionamento prático que visa o esclarecimento, isto é, a emancipação da tutela alheia.
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  46. Embodiment or envatment? Reflections on the bodily basis of consciousness.Diego Cosmelli & Evan Thompson - 2010 - In John Stewart, Olivier Gapenne & Ezequiel A. Di Paolo (eds.), Enaction: Toward a New Paradigm for Cognitive Science. Bradford.
    Suppose that a team of neurosurgeons and bioengineers were able to remove your brain from your body, suspend it in a life-sustaining vat of liquid nutrients, and connect its neurons and nerve terminals by wires to a supercomputer that would stimulate it with electrical impulses exactly like those it normally receives when embodied. According to this brain-in-a-vat thought experiment, your envatted brain and your embodied brain would have subjectively indistinguishable mental lives. For all you know—so one argument goes—you could be (...)
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    O cosmopolitismo kantiano: do melhoramento dos costumes humanos à instituição da paz.Diego Carlos Zanella - forthcoming - Philbrasil.
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  48. The Local Nature of Modern Moral Skepticism.Diego E. Machuca - 2006 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 87 (3):315–324.
    Julia Annas has affirmed that the kind of modern moral skepticism which denies the existence of objective moral values rests upon a contrast between morality and some other system of beliefs about the world which is not called into doubt. Richard Bett, on the other hand, has argued that the existence of such a contrast is not a necessary condition for espousing that kind of moral skepticism. My purpose in this paper is to show that Bett fails to make a (...)
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  49. Coriolano Alberini.Diego F. PrÓ - 1975 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 15 (22/23):89.
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  50. Off the Beaten Path: Conducting Ethical Pragmatic Trials with Marginalized Populations.Diego Silva, Paula Goering, Nora Jacobson & David Streiner - 2011 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 33 (3):6-11.
    The At Home/Chez Soi project is a pragmatic trial that is intended to test the effectiveness of providing persons who are homeless and mentally ill with housing and support for their mental illnesses. Research undertaken in academic journals and the gray literature about the ethics of conducting pragmatic housing studies with persons who are mentally ill revealed the lack of published knowledge in this area of research ethics. Thus, the At Home/Chez Soi project had to tailor traditional research ethics thinking (...)
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