Results for 'Diana Geraldo'

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  1. Philosophy and Film: Bridging Divides.Christina Rawls, Diana Neiva & Steven S. Gouveia (eds.) - 2019 - New York: Routledge Press, Research on Aesthetics.
    This volume collects twenty original essays on the philosophy of film. It uniquely brings together scholars working across a range of philosophical traditions and academic disciplines to broaden and advance debates on film and philosophy. The book includes contributions from a number of prominent philosophers of film including Noël Carroll, Chris Falzon, Deborah Knight, Paisley Livingston, Robert Sinnerbrink, Malcolm Turvey, and Thomas Wartenberg. While the topics explored by the contributors are diverse, there are a number of thematic threads that connect (...)
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    Margaret Cavendish. Escritura, estilo Y filosofía natural.Diana María Acevedo-Zapata - 2017 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 58 (137):271-290.
    RESUMO O objetivo deste trabalho é indicar como a exploração estilística de Margaret Cavendish responde às particularidades do conceito de natureza dela, por exemplo, a tese de que a natureza é uma matéria viva, infinita, mutável e heterogênea. Primeiramente, mostrarei o modo pelo qual a autora está presente em seus escritos, como ela escreve de uma perspectiva de primeira pessoa sobre sua própria experiência e de quem ela é. Resumirei brevemente sua biografia e o contexto no qual ela praticou filosofia. (...)
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    Juventude, Obsolescência e Autoritarismo.Geraldo Freire de Lima - forthcoming - Prometeus: Filosofia em Revista.
    A modernidade, de forma generalizada, nos legou uma concepção de progresso, herdeiro do conceito cristão de esperança, que abriu espaço para um discurso sobre o futuro em detrimento às insígnias do passado. No Ocidente, tal discurso, junto a processos sociais objetivos, como o domínio da sociedade de mercado burguesa, decompôs o saber em conhecimento (tecnocientífico) e sabedoria de vida (moral), questionando e desautorizando saberes ancestrais juntamente com aqueles que os possuíam, os sujeitos mais velhos, promovendo o aparecimento de novas formas (...)
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  4. The justice position and the care perspective.Eva F. Kittay & Diana T. Meyers - 1987 - In Diana T. Meyers (ed.), Women and Moral Theory. Totowa, N.J.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. pp. 4--10.
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    Aristotle’s Physics Book I: A Systematic Exploration.Diana Quarantotto (ed.) - 2017 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    This book provides a comprehensive and in-depth study of Physics I, the first book of Aristotle's foundational treatise on natural philosophy. While the text has inspired a rich scholarly literature, this is the first volume devoted solely to it to have been published for many years, and it includes a new translation of the Greek text. Book I introduces Aristotle's approach to topics such as matter and form, and discusses the fundamental problems of the study of natural science, examining the (...)
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  6. Recognition, Responsibility, and Rights: Feminist Ethics and Social Theory.Iris Marion Young, Diana T. Meyers, Misha Strauss, Cressida Heyes, Kate Parsons & Heidi E. Grasswick - 2002 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    In the words of Catharine MacKinnon, "a woman is not yet a name for a way of being human." In other words, women are still excluded, as authors and agents, from identifying what it is to be human and what therefore violates the dignity and integrity of humans. Recognition, Responsibility, and Rights is written in response to that failure. This collection of essays by prominent feminist thinkers advances the positive feminist project of remapping the moral landscape by developing theory that (...)
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    L'universo senza spazio: Aristotele e la teoria del luogo.Diana Quarantotto - 2017 - [Naples]: Bibliopolis.
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    Letter-Writing as a Decolonial Feminist Praxis for Philosophical Writing.Diana María Acevedo-Zapata - 2020 - Hypatia 35 (3):410-423.
    According to Chandra Mohanty, there is no apolitical academy; academic and scholarly practices are in themselves political, insofar as they are inscribed in power and validation relations, which answer to and have effects upon the patriarchal, colonial, and capitalist structures to which they belong. In the case of philosophical writing, this means that the forms that regulate writing, that is, what determines how one must write in different contexts, are expressive of the power structures within philosophical academia. These power structures (...)
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    Aristotle’s unlimited dunamis argument: an unrecognized proof of the immobility of the Prime Mover.Diana Quarantotto - 2023 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 32 (3):388-400.
    According to the standard view, the function of the unlimited dunamis argument (Physics VIII.10, Metaphysics Λ.7 1073a5–11) is to introduce a new property of the first immovable mover, namely its lack of magnitude. The paper challenges this view and argues that the argument at issue serves to prove that the eternal motion of the first heavenly sphere is caused by an immovable mover rather than by a moved mover. Further, the paper shows that, at least in Phys. VIII, the unlimited (...)
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  10. Integrating the social sciences: theoretical knowledge, methodological tools, and practical applications.Craig Calhoun & Diana Rhoten - 2010 - In Robert Frodeman, Julie Thompson Klein & Carl Mitcham (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Interdisciplinarity. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. pp. 103--118.
  11. .Diana Quarantotto - unknown
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  12. (1 other version)Ontologia della causa finale Aristotelica.Diana Quarantotto - 2001 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 22 (2):329-366.
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  13. Physical Activity Is Associated With Better Executive Function in University Students.Diana Salas-Gomez, Mario Fernandez-Gorgojo, Ana Pozueta, Isabel Diaz-Ceballos, Maider Lamarain, Carmen Perez, Martha Kazimierczak & Pascual Sanchez-Juan - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14:510169.
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    Análisis estructural prospectivo aplicado al sistema logístico.Diana Paola Ballesteros Riveros & Pedro Pablo Ballesteros Silva - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Importancia de la administración logística.Diana Paola Ballesteros Riveros & Pedro Pablo Ballesteros Silva - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  16. Dualism and Physicalism in Contemporary Philosophy of the Mind.Diana I. Pérez - 2012 - In Guillermo Hurtado & Oscar Nudler (eds.), The Furniture of the World: Essays in Ontology and Metaphysics. Amsterdam: Editions Rodopi.
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  17. Medical discourse, psychiatric interview.Branca Telles Ribeiro & Diana de Souza Pinto - 2005 - In Keith Brown (ed.), Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Elsevier. pp. 658-664.
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    Between Mysticism and Philosophy: Sufi Language of Religious Experience in Judah Ha-Levi's Kuzari.Binyamin Abrahamov & Diana Lobel - 2003 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 123 (1):244.
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    El hysteron/proteron del tiempo.Diana María Acevedo Zapata - 2015 - Ideas Y Valores 64 (159):33-46.
    El pasaje de la _Física _ (218b21-219a) ha llevado a postular un concepto de tiempo deter minado por las condiciones perceptivas de la psyche. Se muestra cómo las condiciones de percepción son un punto de partida en la investigación: lo que es primero y más cercano a los sentidos y más conocido para los seres humanos. El punto de llegada es la conexión necesaria entre la existencia del tiempo y la del cambio. La percep ción del cambio de los durmientes (...)
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    Lozano-Vásquez, Andrea y Meléndez, Germán, comps. Convertir la vida en arte: una introducción histórica a la filosofía como forma de vida.Diana María Acevedo-Zapata - 2017 - Ideas Y Valores 66 (163):373.
    Lozano-Vásquez, Andrea y Meléndez, Germán, comps. Convertir la vida en arte: una introducción histórica a la filosofía como forma de vida. Bogotá: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2016. 389 pp.
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    Poiesis del tiempo y del movimiento: Una nueva mirada a la ontología aristotélica.Diana María Acevedo Zapata - 2014 - Universitas Philosophica 31 (63).
    Having in mind the concept of poiesis, as Paul Valéry uses it, time and movement are presented as concepts produced within the project of understanding the natural world. From the idea of philosophy as a way of constructing through concepts the intelligibility of phenomena, I will show the coherence between the construction of the concept of time and that of the concept of movement.
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  22. Pueblos indígenas de Africa.Diana de Orna - 2003 - Critica 53 (908):38-41.
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    (1 other version)Sobre el Diálogo Intercultural e Interreligioso: Culturas e Identidades.Diana de Vallescar P. - forthcoming - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia.
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  24. Early quotations from Maimonides' Guide of the perplexed in the Latin Middle Ages.Diana Di Segni - 1900 - In Charles Harry Manekin & Daniel Davies (eds.), Interpreting Maimonides: Critical Essays. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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  25. Knowledge expressed by ontology transformation into conceptual model.Olegas Vasilecas, Diana Bugaite & Justas Trinkunas - 2007 - Communication and Cognition. Monographies 40 (1-2):13-23.
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    The false state.Hilda Diana Oakeley - 1937 - London,: Williams & Norgate.
  27. Cuestiones filosóficas. Ensayos en honor de Eduardo Rabossi.Luis Fernández Moreno & Diana I. Pérez - 2010 - Critica 42 (125):114-119.
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  28. Bi-shevile Melani Ḳlain: le-ʻemdat tiḳun ḥevrati = Following the path of Melanie Klein to reparation position.Diana Daniel Shrem - 2023 - Tel Aviv: Gama.
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    Genoma humano. Actualidades y perspectivas bioéticas.(Ensayo I).Diana Martín Ross, Lourdes Álvarez Álvarez, José Ángel Chávez Viamontes, Lina Marta Pérez, Marianela Alberro & Olga Lezcano Góngora - 2002 - Humanidades Médicas 2 (1):0-0.
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    Polaronic transport in TiO2thin films with increasing Nb content.Abdullah Yildiz & Diana Mardare - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (34):4401-4409.
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    The power of teaching: readings on the philosophical, theoretical, and practical issues associated with teaching and learning.Kelly E. Demers & Diana Sherman (eds.) - 2020 - San Diego, CA: Cognella.
    The Power of Teaching: Readings on the Philosophical, Theoretical, and Practical Issues Associated with Teaching and Learning provides preservice K-12 teachers with a collection of curated readings that help them prepare for their future in teaching. The reader is divided into five units, each addressing one broadly defined topic in education. The first unit introduces readers to the multiple complexities associated with learning to teach effectively. The second unit contains four articles that explore a variety of pedagogical perspectives. In the (...)
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    Social values and teaching methods: what do Teachers need to improve from the Students's view.Diana Castro Ricalde & Martha Díaz Flores - 2015 - Humanidades Médicas 15 (3):582-602.
    Introducción: Los docentes universitarios requieren nuevos saberes para enfrentar los diversos retos que plantea la educación superior; dichos desafíos se relacionan con el dominio de saberes disciplinarios, profesionales, laborales, pedagógicos y didácticos e incluso axiológicos. Lo que aquí se presenta son los resultados de una investigación llevada a cabo en la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México en el periodo de enero de 2014 a abril de 2015. El objetivo: fue determinar los saberes específicos, métodos de enseñanza y valores sociales (...)
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    El idealismo alemán como filosofía de la libertad: Julio De Zan, in memoriam.Diana María López & Julio de Zan (eds.) - 2020 - Paraná, Entre Ríos, Argentina: Editorial UADER.
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  34. Essentially Speaking: Feminism, Nature, and Difference.Diana Fuss & Elizabeth Grosz - 1991 - Hypatia 6 (3):208-217.
    A critical analysis of Diana Fuss's Essentially Speaking: Feminism, Nature, and Difference and Elizabeth Grosz's Sexual Subversions: Three French Feminists.
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  35. Unruly Words: A Study of Vague Language.Diana Raffman - 2013 - Oxford, England: Oup Usa.
    In Unruly Words, Diana Raffman advances a new theory of vagueness which, unlike previous accounts, is genuinely semantic while preserving bivalence. According to this new approach, called the multiple range theory, vagueness consists essentially in a term's being applicable in multiple arbitrarily different, but equally competent, ways, even when contextual factors are fixed.
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    O NESEF como intelectual org'nico-coletivo: dos pés à cabeça e da cabeça aos pés.Geraldo Balduino Horn - 2024 - Educação E Filosofia 38:1-58.
    Resumo: O presente artigo visa apresentar, sistematizar e analisar, à luz da teoria social crítica, as ações desenvolvidas pelo NESEF (Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre o Ensino de Filosofia) ao longo de duas décadas de existência na Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR. Procura situar e referenciar as diferentes atividades desenvolvidas coletivamente no campo da pesquisa e da extensão. Parte do entendimento que a Filosofia só é Filosofia à medida que ela se nega e, por conseguinte, se realiza; e (...)
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  37. Dursley duplicity: The morality and psychology of self-deception.Diana M. Hsieh - 2004 - In David Baggett, Shawn E. Klein & William Irwin (eds.), Harry Potter and Philosophy: If Aristotle Ran Hogwarts. Chicago: Open Court.
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  38. The Concept of Beauty and Environmental Conservation.Diana-Abasi Ibanga - 2023 - In Bolaji Bateye, Mahmoud Masaeli, Louise F. Müller & Angela Roothaan (eds.), Beauty in African Thought: Critical Perspectives on the Western Idea of Development. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
  39. Educação do campo e direitos humanos: uma conquista, muitos desafios // Field of education and human rights: a conquest, many challenges.Geraldo Augusto Locks & Graupe - 2015 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 20 (Espec):131-154.
    Neste texto, refletimos acerca da educação escolar no meio rural brasileiro estabelecendo interface com os direitos humanos. Para alcançar este objetivo, fazemos uma retrospectiva histórica da educação oferecida pelo Estado à população rural, demonstrando que sistematicamente tem sido direito negado do ponto de vista do acesso, da continuidade e da qualidade social do ensino. Contudo, com o processo de democratização da sociedade na década de 1980 e da emergência de movimentos sociais, é reivindicado o direito universal à educação consignado na (...)
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  40. Em busca de Deus e da paz: filosofia.Geraldo de Araujo Vale - 1975 - Goiânia: Editôra Oriente.
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    El deseo más allá de la simpatía.Diana Zuluaga - 2006 - Ideas Y Valores 55 (132):31-52.
    Resumen: La esquematización que de Hume realiza Jhon Bricke, me condujo a plantear ciertas preguntas que encuentran un terreno fértil en el análisis que sobre la simpatía realiza Hume. Esta propuesta plantea como hipótesis fundamental que el deseo de ser apreciado es el rasgo fundamental del ser apa..
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    Social Cognition and the Second Person in Human Interaction.Diana I. Pérez & Antoni Gomila - 2021 - London and New York: Routledge.
    This book is a unique exploration of the idea of the "second person" in human interaction, the idea that face-to-face interactions involve a distinctive form of reciprocal mental state attributions that mediates their dynamical unfolding. Challenging the view of mental attribution as a sort of "theory of mind", Pérez and Gomila argue that the second person perspective of mental understanding is the conceptually, ontogenetically, and phylogenetically basic way of understanding mentality. Second person interaction provides the opportunity for the acquisition of (...)
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  43. Introducing the new materialisms.Diana Coole & Samantha Frost - 2010 - In Diana Coole & Samantha Frost (eds.), New Materialisms: Ontology, Agency, and Politics. Duke University Press. pp. 1--43.
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    Being Yourself: Essays on Identity, Action, and Social Life.Diana Tietjens Meyers - 2004 - rowman & littlefield.
  45. Intersectional Identity and the Authentic Self? Opposites Attract.Diana Tietjens Meyers - 2000 - In Catriona Mackenzie & Natalie Stoljar (eds.), Relational Autonomy: Feminist Perspectives on Autonomy, Agency, and the Social Self. New York: Oxford University Press.
  46. Essentially speaking: feminism, nature & difference.Diana Fuss - 1989 - New York: Routledge.
    In this brief and powerful book, Diana Fuss takes on the debate of pure essence versus social construct, engaging with the work of Luce Irigaray and Monique ...
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    The inertia of matter and the generativity of flesh.Diana Coole - 2010 - In Diana Coole & Samantha Frost (eds.), New Materialisms: Ontology, Agency, and Politics. Duke University Press. pp. 92--115.
  48. Public Art as Aural Installation: Surprising Musical Intervention as Civic Rejuvenation in Urban Life.Diana Boros - 2012 - Evental Aesthetics 1 (3):50-81.
    Surprising artistic interventions in the landscape of the public everyday are psychologically, socially, and politically beneficial to individuals as well as their communities. Such interventions enable their audiences to access moments of surprising inspiration, self-reflection, and revitalization. These spontaneous moments may offer access to the experience of distance from the rational “self,” allowing the irrational and purely emotive that resides within all of us to assert itself. It is this sensual instinct that all we too frequently push aside, particularly in (...)
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    Unreconcilable differences?Diana Buccafurni - 2011 - Hastings Center Report 41 (5):7-8.
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  50. Nietzsche no Brasil (1922-1945): modernistas e intérpretes do país.Geraldo Dias - 2023 - São Paulo: GEN, Grupo de Estudos Nietzsche.
    Tendo como recorte certa produção da intelligentsia brasileira, a obra analisa a recepção da filosofia nietzschiana no período de 1922 a 1945, trazendo à luz um aspecto para o qual poucos pesquisadores atentam. Na literatura, modernistas como Mário de Andrade e Manuel Bandeira, e no registro ensaístico- sociológico, sobretudo Paulo Prado, Gilberto Freyre e Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, teriam recorrido ao pensamento de Nietzsche, em maior ou menor escala, nas suas produções.
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