Results for 'Detlef Merten'

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  1. Quantum Equilibrium and the Origin of Absolute Uncertainty.Detlef Durr, Sheldon Goldstein & Nino Zanghi - 1992 - Journal of Statistical Physics 67:843-907.
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  2. Can we learn from hidden mistakes? Self-fulfilling prophecy and responsible neuroprognostic innovation.Mayli Mertens, Owen C. King, Michel J. A. M. van Putten & Marianne Boenink - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (11):922-928.
    A self-fulfilling prophecy in neuroprognostication occurs when a patient in coma is predicted to have a poor outcome, and life-sustaining treatment is withdrawn on the basis of that prediction, thus directly bringing about a poor outcome for that patient. In contrast to the predominant emphasis in the bioethics literature, we look beyond the moral issues raised by the possibility that an erroneous prediction might lead to the death of a patient who otherwise would have lived. Instead, we focus on the (...)
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  3. The role of religion in modern societies.Detlef Pollack & Daniel V. A. Olson - 2011 - In Ann Brooks (ed.), Social theory in contemporary Asia. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Cosmopolitanism and Citizenship: Kant Against Habermas.Thomas Mertens - 1996 - European Journal of Philosophy 4 (3):328-347.
  5. Quantum physics without quantum philosophy.Detlef Dürr, Sheldon Goldstein & Nino Zanghì - 1995 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 26 (2):137-149.
    Quantum philosophy, a peculiar twentieth-century malady, is responsible for most of the conceptual muddle plaguing the foundations of quantum physics. When this philosophy is eschewed, one naturally arrives at Bohmian mechanics, which is what emerges from Schrodinger's equation for a nonrelativistic system of particles when we merely insist that 'particles' means particles. While distinctly non-Newtonian, Bohmian mechanics is a fully deterministic theory of particles in motion, a motion choreographed by the wave function. The quantum formalism emerges when measurement situations are (...)
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    Markt und Verantwortung: wirtschaftsethische und moralökonomische Perspektiven.Detlef Aufderheide, Martin Dabrowski & Karl Homann (eds.) - 2015 - Berlin: Duncker Und Humblot.
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  7. Korrespondenten von G.W. Leibniz. 10. Christian Philipp getauft am 27. Februar 1639 in Leipzig – begr. 25. Mai 1682 in Dresden.Detlef Döring - 1989 - Studia Leibnitiana 21 (1):101-123.
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    Die Welt als Text: Theorie, Kritik und Praxis der objektiven Hermeneutik.Detlef Garz & Klaus Kraimer (eds.) - 1994 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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    Moralisches Urteil und Handeln.Detlef Garz, Fritz Oser & Wolfgang Althof (eds.) - 1999 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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    Habermas zur Einführung.Detlef Horster - 1980 - Hannover: SOAK.
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    Verfassungsdemokratie als Bürgergenossenschaft: politisches Denken, öffentliches Recht und Geschichtsdeutungen bei Hugo Preuss--Beiträge zur demokratischen Institutionslehre in Deutschland.Detlef Lehnert - 1998 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
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    Der Aufbau des philosophischen Wissens nach René Descartes.Detlef Mahnke - 1967 - Salzburg,: Pustet.
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    The War Within: Battling Polarization, Reductionism, and Superficiality - A critical analysis of truth-telling in war reporting.Mayli Mertens - 2015 - Dissertation, Linköping University
    This master thesis analyzes specific challenges concerning 'truth-telling' war reporters face when reporting on international conflict. For this purpose truth is examined in accordance with journalistic principles outlined in codes of ethics, with a focus on objectivity and fairness. The aim is to discover ways to improve the application of principles, in order to battle epistemic errors and the effects they entail: polarization, reductionism, and superficiality. The study concludes that providing context and nuance is crucial, but that codes - although (...)
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  14. , Sokrates der Idiot". Friedlaender/Mynonas Rehabilitation.Detlef Thiel - 2011 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 37 (1):41-74.
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    Im Vorhof der Menschlichkeit: fünf Essays zu einem gescheiterten Experiment.Detlef Zöllner - 1995 - Cuxhaven: T. Junghans.
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  16. The Practice-Independence of Intergenerational Justice.Merten Reglitz - 2016 - Utilitas 28 (4): 415-440.
    The question whether distributive justice is at bottom practice-dependent or practice-independent has received much attention in recent years. I argue that the problem of intergenerational justice resolves this dispute in favor of practice-independence. Many believe that we owe more to our descendants than leaving them a world in which they can merely lead minimally decent lives. This thought is particularly convincing given the fact that it is us who determine to a significant extent what this future world will look like. (...)
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    Fear expression and return of fear following threat instruction with or without direct contingency experience.Gaëtan Mertens, Manuel Kuhn, An K. Raes, Raffael Kalisch, Jan De Houwer & Tina B. Lonsdorf - 2016 - Cognition and Emotion 30 (5).
  18. The Human Right to Free Internet Access.Merten Reglitz - 2019 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 37 (2): 314-331.
    In 2016, the United Nation’s General Assembly adopted a non-binding resolution regarding ‘The Promotion, Protection and Enjoyment of Human Rights on the Internet’. At the heart of this resolution is the UN’s concern that ‘rights that people have offline must also be protected online.’ While the UN thus recognises the importance of the Internet, it does so problematically selectively by focusing on protecting existing offline rights online. I argue instead that Internet access is itself a moral human right that requires (...)
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  19. Global egalitarianism as a practice-independent ideal.Merten Reglitz - 2011 - Dissertation, University of Warwick
    In this thesis I defend the principle of global egalitarianism. According to this idea most of the existing detrimental inequalities in this world are morally objectionable. As detrimental inequalities I understand those that are not to the benefit of the worst off people and that can be non-wastefully removed. To begin with, I consider various justifications of the idea that only those detrimental inequalities that occur within one and the same state are morally objectionable. I identify Thomas Nagel’s approach as (...)
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    Internet Access as a Right for realizing the Human Right to adequate mental (and other) Health Care.Merten Reglitz & Abraham Rudnick - 2020 - International Journal of Mental Health 49 (1): 97-103.
    Human rights protect the conditions of a minimally decent life of which mental health is an indispensable element. Adequate care for mental health is thus recognized as part of the human right to health. However, for populations living far from urban centers, adequate in-person (mental) health care is often extremely costly and thus not provided. Digital mental health care options have become an effective alternative to in-person treatment. Benefitting from these new digital opportunities, though, requires sufficient access to the internet. (...)
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    Auf den Spuren Abrahams: dem Weg Jesu folgen: die Verbindung von Religion und Kultur und der Weg zu einer einladenden Gemeinde: Christentum im Dialog mit dem Islam.Detlef Schwartz - 2019 - Berlin: WVB, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Berlin.
    Dr. theol. Dr. phil. Detlef Schwartz, Jahrgang 1954, Pfarrer i. R. und langjähriger nebenamtlicher Universitätsdozent, mit Stationen in Deutschland und den USA sowie Lateinamerika, zieht eine vorläufige Bilanz seiner bisherigen Arbeit im Auslandsdienst der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland. Er ordnet diese ein in Erfahrungen in einem Pfarramt der United Church of Christ, USA, und seinen Beobachtungen in der Millionenmetropole Los Angeles. Die Konsequenz eines verstärkten Dialogs der Religionen, besonders mit dem Islam, koppelt er zurück an die Frage nach der (...)
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    Bohmian Mechanics.Detlef Diirr - unknown
    Bohmian mechanics is a quantum theory without observers. This means that neither the act of observation nor the notion of observer play any role in defining the theory, the theory is not about observers and observation, and it explains all non relativistic quantum phenomena. The theory is about something primitive', the basic ontology, and the laws for that are given. Bohmian mechanics is a deterministic theory of point particles. Like Newtonian mechanics it is invariant under Galilei transformations, but unlike Newtonian (...)
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  23. Ética e Finitude, de Zeljko Loparic.Roberto S. Kahlmeyer-Mertens - 2005 - Princípios 12 (17):205-209.
    Resenha do livro de Loparic, Zeljko. Ética e finitude . Sáo Paulo: Escuta, 2004, 120 páginas.
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  24. Im Ursprung ist auch das Ungewordene Ereignis.Detlef I. Lauf - 1986 - In Rudolf Ritsema (ed.), Der geheime Strom des Geschehens. Frankfurt am Main: Insel.
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    Der munichion 404 V. Chr. Und Das problem der schaltfolge im athenischen kalender.Detlef Lotze - 1967 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 111 (1-2).
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    War xenophon selbst der interpolator seiner hellenika I–ii?Detlef Lotze - 1974 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 118 (1):215-217.
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  27. (2 other versions)Des Limites de la Philosophie.O. Merten - 1895 - The Monist 6:469.
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    Diffractive Reading: New Materialism, Theory, Critique.Kai Merten (ed.) - 2021 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Putting the New Materialist figure of diffraction to use in a set of readings – in which cultural texts are materially read against their contents and their themes, against their readers or against other texts – this volume proposes a critical intervention into the practice of reading itself.
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    The theory of the time-energy relationship: a scientific treatise.Robert George Mertens - 1996 - Orlando, Fla.: Gamma Pub. Co.. Edited by Diana Weber.
  30. A. referate uber deutschsprachige neuerscheinungen-Margit ruffing (hg.): Kant-bibliographie 1896-1944.Detlef Thiel - 2007 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 60 (4):311.
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    Strong Colorings Over Partitions.William Chen-Mertens, Menachem Kojman & Juris Steprāns - 2021 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 27 (1):67-90.
    A strong coloring on a cardinal$\kappa $is a function$f:[\kappa ]^2\to \kappa $such that for every$A\subseteq \kappa $of full size$\kappa $, every color$\unicode{x3b3} <\kappa $is attained by$f\restriction [A]^2$. The symbol$$ \begin{align*} \kappa\nrightarrow[\kappa]^2_{\kappa} \end{align*} $$asserts the existence of a strong coloring on$\kappa $.We introduce the symbol$$ \begin{align*} \kappa\nrightarrow_p[\kappa]^2_{\kappa} \end{align*} $$which asserts the existence of a coloring$f:[\kappa ]^2\to \kappa $which isstrong over a partition$p:[\kappa ]^2\to \theta $. A coloringfis strong overpif for every$A\in [\kappa ]^{\kappa }$there is$i<\theta $so that for every color$\unicode{x3b3} <\kappa $is (...)
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    Emergencies and criminal law in Kant's legal philosophy.Thomas Mertens - 2017 - Ethic@ - An International Journal for Moral Philosophy 16 (3):459-474.
    Despite Kant's explicit statement that every murderer must suffer death, there are at least four situations to be found in Kant's work in which the killing of a human being should not lead to the death penalty: when too many murderers are involved; when a mother kills her illegitimate child; when one duellist kills the other; when one person pushes another off a plank in order to save his life. This paper discusses these situation and concentrates on the last situation (...)
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  33. Introduction: Diffraction, Reading and (New) Materialism.Kai Merten - 2021 - In Diffractive Reading: New Materialism, Theory, Critique. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
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    (1 other version)A Kantian Argument against World Poverty.Merten Reglitz - 2016 - European Journal of Political Theory 18 (4): 489–507.
    Immanuel Kant is recognized as one of the first philosophers who wrote systematically about global justice and world peace. In the current debate on global justice he is mostly appealed to by critics of extensive duties of global justice. However, I show in this paper that an analysis of Kant’s late work on rights and justice provides ample resources for disagreeing with those who take Kant to call for only modest changes in global politics. Kant’s comments in the Doctrine of (...)
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    Cauchys Kontinuum : Eine historiografische Annäherung via Cauchys Summensatz.Detlef D. Spalt - 2002 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 56 (4):285-338.
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  36. On the Role of Density Matrices in Bohmian Mechanics.Detlef Dürr, Sheldon Goldstein, Roderich Tumulka & Nino Zanghí - 2005 - Foundations of Physics 35 (3):449-467.
    It is well known that density matrices can be used in quantum mechanics to represent the information available to an observer about either a system with a random wave function (“statistical mixture”) or a system that is entangled with another system (“reduced density matrix”). We point out another role, previously unnoticed in the literature, that a density matrix can play: it can be the “conditional density matrix,” conditional on the configuration of the environment. A precise definition can be given in (...)
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  37. Naive realism about operators.Martin Daumer, Detlef Dürr, Sheldon Goldstein & Nino Zanghì - 1996 - Erkenntnis 45 (2-3):379 - 397.
    A source of much difficulty and confusion in the interpretation of quantum mechanics is a naive realism about operators. By this we refer to various ways of taking too seriously the notion of operator-as-observable, and in particular to the all too casual talk about measuring operators that occurs when the subject is quantum mechanics. Without a specification of what should be meant by measuring a quantum observable, such an expression can have no clear meaning. A definite specification is provided by (...)
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  38. Political Legitimacy Without a (Claim-) Right to Rule.Merten Reglitz - 2015 - Res Publica 21 (3): 291-307.
    In the contemporary philosophical literature, political legitimacy is often identified with a right to rule. However, this term is problematic. First, if we accept an interest theory of rights, it often remains unclear whose interests justify a right to rule : either the interest of the holders of this right to rule or the interests of those subject to the authority. And second, if we analyse the right to rule in terms of Wesley Hohfeld’s characterization of rights, we find disagreement (...)
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    Definite values of infinite sums: Aspects of the foundations of infinitesimal analysis around 1820.Detlef Laugwitz - 1989 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 39 (3):195-245.
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    A Philosophical Introduction to Human Rights.Thomas Mertens - 2020 - Cambridge University Press.
    While almost everyone has heard of human rights, few will have reflected in depth on what human rights are, where they originate from and what they mean. A Philosophical Introduction to Human Rights – accessibly written without being superficial – addresses these questions and provides a multifaceted introduction to legal philosophy. The point of departure is the famous 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which provides a frame for engagement with western legal philosophy. Thomas Mertens sketches the philosophical and historical (...)
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    Effizienz oder Glück?: wirtschaftsethische und moralökonomische Perspektiven der Kritik an ökonomischen Erfolgsfaktoren ; hrsg. von Detlef Aufderheide und Martin Dabrowski ; in Verbindung mit Karl Homann... [et al.].Detlef Aufderheide & Martin Dabrowski (eds.) - 2012 - Berlin: Duncker Und Humblot.
  42.  6
    Bestandsvoraussetzungen und Sicherungen des demokratischen Staates: das Beispiel Türkei: Hannah-Arendt-Lectures und Hannah-Arendt-Tage 2008.Detlef Horster (ed.) - 2009 - Weilerswist: Velbrück Wissenschaft.
  43.  19
    Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einer phänomenologischen Theorie des Handelns: Überlegungen zu Davidson und Husserl.Karl Mertens - 2010 - In Carlo Ierna, Filip Mattens & Hanne Jacobs (eds.), Philosophy, Phenomenology, Sciences. Essays in Commemoration of Edmund Husserl. New York: Springer. pp. 461-482.
  44. Cuidado, educação e singularidade: idéias para uma filosofia da educação em bases heideggerianas.Roberto S. Kahlmeyer-Mertens - 2008 - Princípios 15 (24):209-223.
    Investigamos a possibilidade de pensar uma Filosofia da educaçáo a partir da obra do filósofo alemáo Martin Heidegger. Temos os objetivos específicos de esclarecer o que é o cuidado no campo teórico do autor, como ele poderia se relacionar com a educaçáo e como este poderia basear uma pedagogia que preza pelo exercício de ser si-próprio. Presumimos poder afirmar que o cuidado, entendido preliminarmente como a essência do existir humano, tornaria possível um modo do discente colocar-se diante de suas vivências (...)
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  45. O mundo grego como ethos da assim chamada filosofia-ocidental-européia (metafí­sica) segundo Heidegger.Roberto S. Kahlmeyer-Mertens - 2006 - Princípios 13 (19):131-140.
    O tema do artigo é o caráter grego da filosofia entendida como metafísica desde o enfoque permitido pelo pensamento de M. Heidegger (1889-1976). Temos o objetivo de apresentar que a metafísica tem seu ethos em uma experiência grega de origem. Pretendemos validar a hipótese de que: náo pode pretender legitimidade as tentativas de atrair o mérito do surgimento da metafísica para outro solo que o referido . Para fundamentaçáo de nossos argumentos, utilizaremos o comentário de G. Reale e extratos de (...)
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    Das pluralistische Staatsdenken von Hugo Preuss.Detlef Lehnert - 2012 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
  47. Internet and Communications.Merten Reglitz - forthcoming - In Jesse Tomalty & Kerri Woods (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Human Rights.
    The Internet is humanity’s currently dominant technologically-enabled means of communication. It provides unprecedented options for exercising and frustrating human rights. To understand how human rights are promoted and threatened in our digital world, one thus needs to understand how the Internet affects them. Internet access has become so important for people that it has been argued it should itself be recognized as a human right. This chapter provides an overview of the Internet’s beneficial and detrimental effects on human rights as (...)
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  48. The building blocks of complexity: a unified criterion and selected applications in risk management.Detlef Seese & Frank Schlottmann - forthcoming - Complexity.
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    Die mathematischen und philosophischen Grundlagen des Weierstraßschen Zahlbegriffs zwischen Bolzano und Cantor.Detlef D. Spalt - 1991 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 41 (4):311-362.
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  50. Leib und Raum.Detlef Staude - 2003 - Studia Philosophica 62:245-254.
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