Results for 'Design. '

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  1. A tqi frontiers in innovative computing.Scrbf Machine Design - 1991 - Ai 1991 Frontiers in Innovative Computing for the Nuclear Industry Topical Meeting, Jackson Lake, Wy, Sept. 15-18, 1991 1.
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  2. QuAli “vAlOri, QuAliTà Ed EfficAciA” NEi PrOcESSi di PrOduziONE E gESTiONE dEllE OPErE PubblichE iN iTAliA.Multidisciplinary Design Collaboration - forthcoming - Techne.
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    Books for review and for listing here should be addressed to Shannon Sullivan, Review Editor, Department of Philosophy, Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056.John Haugeland & Mind Design - 1997 - Teaching Philosophy 20 (4).
  4. Information, Rights, and Social Justice.Network Design - forthcoming - Ethics, Information, and Technology: Readings.
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    Design for operator contestability: control over autonomous systems by introducing defeaters.Herman Veluwenkamp & Stefan Buijsman - 2025 - AI and Ethics 1.
    This paper introduces the concept of Operator Contestability in AI systems: the principle that those overseeing AI systems (operators) must have the necessary control to be accountable for the decisions made by these algorithms. We argue that designers have a duty to ensure operator contestability. We demonstrate how this duty can be fulfilled by applying the'Design for Defeaters' framework, which provides strategies to embed tools within AI systems that enable operators to challenge decisions. Defeaters are designed to contest either the (...)
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  6. Value Sensitive Design to Achieve the UN SDGs with AI: A Case of Elderly Care Robots.Steven Umbrello, Marianna Capasso, Maurizio Balistreri, Alberto Pirni & Federica Merenda - 2021 - Minds and Machines 31 (3):395-419.
    Healthcare is becoming increasingly automated with the development and deployment of care robots. There are many benefits to care robots but they also pose many challenging ethical issues. This paper takes care robots for the elderly as the subject of analysis, building on previous literature in the domain of the ethics and design of care robots. Using the value sensitive design approach to technology design, this paper extends its application to care robots by integrating the values of care, values that (...)
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  7. The logic of design as a conceptual logic of information.Luciano Floridi - 2017 - Minds and Machines 27 (3):495-519.
    In this article, I outline a logic of design of a system as a specific kind of conceptual logic of the design of the model of a system, that is, the blueprint that provides information about the system to be created. In section two, I introduce the method of levels of abstraction as a modelling tool borrowed from computer science. In section three, I use this method to clarify two main conceptual logics of information inherited from modernity: Kant’s transcendental logic (...)
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  8. Tolerant paternalism: pro-ethical design as a resolution of the dilemma of toleration.Luciano Floridi - 2016 - Science and Engineering Ethics 22 (6):1669-1688.
    Toleration is one of the fundamental principles that inform the design of a democratic and liberal society. Unfortunately, its adoption seems inconsistent with the adoption of paternalistically benevolent policies, which represent a valuable mechanism to improve individuals’ well-being. In this paper, I refer to this tension as the dilemma of toleration. The dilemma is not new. It arises when an agent A would like to be tolerant and respectful towards another agent B’s choices but, at the same time, A is (...)
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    Living with Darwin: Evolution, Design, and the Future of Faith.Philip Kitcher - 2007 - Oup Usa.
    In this short, elegant book, Philip Kitcher distills the case for Darwinian evolutionary theory and its implications in a clear and forceful way. Kitcher shows how the alleged rivals to Darwinism, like Intelligent Design, are essentially scientifically bankrupt - and that scientific discoveries, including Darwin's, pose a genuine problem for religious faith, one that neither Darwin's opponents nor his militant defenders have satisfactorily resolved.
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    Interface Design for Responsible Remote Driving: A Study on Technological Mediation.Fabio Fossa - 2025 - Applied Sciences 15 (5):1-25.
    Remote driving, i.e., the capacity of controlling road vehicles at a distance, is an innovative transportation technology often associated with potential ethical benefits, especially when deployed to tackle urban traffic issues. However, prospected benefits could only be reaped if remote driving can be executed in a safe and responsible way. This paper builds on notions elaborated in the philosophical literature on technological mediation to offer a systematic examination of the extent to which current and emerging Human–Machine Interfaces contribute to hindering (...)
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    Moving from value sensitive design to virtuous practice design.Wessel Reijers & Bert Gordijn - 2019 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 17 (2):196-209.
    PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to develop a critique of value sensitive design (VSD) and to propose an alternative approach that does not depart from a heuristic of value(s), but from virtue ethics, called virtuous practice design (VPD).Design/methodology/approachThis paper develops a philosophical argument, draws from a philosophical method (i.e. virtue ethics) and applies this method to a particular case study that draws from a narrative interview.FindingsIn this paper, authors show how an approach that takes virtue instead of value as (...)
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  12. A Value-Sensitive Design Approach to Intelligent Agents.Steven Umbrello & Angelo Frank De Bellis - 2018 - In Yampolskiy Roman, Artificial Intelligence Safety and Security. CRC Press. pp. 395-410.
    This chapter proposed a novel design methodology called Value-Sensitive Design and its potential application to the field of artificial intelligence research and design. It discusses the imperatives in adopting a design philosophy that embeds values into the design of artificial agents at the early stages of AI development. Because of the high risk stakes in the unmitigated design of artificial agents, this chapter proposes that even though VSD may turn out to be a less-than-optimal design methodology, it currently provides a (...)
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  13. What Values in Design? The Challenge of Incorporating Moral Values into Design.Noëmi Manders-Huits - 2011 - Science and Engineering Ethics 17 (2):271-287.
    Recently, there is increased attention to the integration of moral values into the conception, design, and development of emerging IT. The most reviewed approach for this purpose in ethics and technology so far is Value-Sensitive Design (VSD). This article considers VSD as the prime candidate for implementing normative considerations into design. Its methodology is considered from a conceptual, analytical, normative perspective. The focus here is on the suitability of VSD for integrating moral values into the design of technologies in a (...)
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    Important Design Questions for Algorithmic Ethics Consultation.Danton Char - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (7):38-40.
    Answering the design questions inherent to building and deploying machine learning tools —based on algorithms that can learn from and make predictions on large data sets without being explicitl...
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    Unintelligent Design.Mark Perakh - 2004 - Prometheus Books.
    Physicist Perakh critically reviews recent trends towards harmonizing religion and science, and shows that all such approaches are little more than tailoring evidence to fit the desired theory.
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  16. Integrating ethics in design through the value-sensitive design approach.Mary L. Cummings - 2006 - Science and Engineering Ethics 12 (4):701-715.
    The Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology (ABET) has declared that to achieve accredited status, “engineering programs must demonstrate that their graduates have an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.” Many engineering professors struggle to integrate this required ethics instruction in technical classes and projects because of the lack of a formalized ethics-in-design approach. However, one methodology developed in human-computer interaction research, the Value-Sensitive Design approach, can serve as an engineering education tool which bridges the gap between design and ethics (...)
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    Capturing and Retaining Knowledge to Improve Design Group Performance.Seymour Roworth-Stokes - 2010 - Journal of Research Practice 6 (2):Article M14.
    This article explores the management and organisational context for capturing and retaining knowledge transferred through the design process. It is widely acknowledged that our ability to successfully organise and transfer design knowledge is dependant upon the context in which it is situated. However the knowledge generated through the creative process is often viewed from the perspective of the artefact rather the process itself. An understanding of the socially complex knowledge-based resources operating within design groups could enhance competitiveness and organisational development. (...)
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    Serendipity as an emerging design principle of the infosphere: challenges and opportunities.Urbano Reviglio - 2019 - Ethics and Information Technology 21 (2):151-166.
    Underestimated for a long time, serendipity is an increasingly recognized design principle of the infosphere. Being influenced by environmental and human factors, the experience of serendipity encompasses fundamental phases of production, distribution and consumption of information. On the one hand, design information architectures for serendipity increases the diversity of information encountered as well as users’ control over information processes. On the other hand, serendipity is a capability. It helps individuals to internalize and adopt strategies that increase the chances of experiencing (...)
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  19. The weak anthropic principle and the design argument.Joseph M. Zycinski - 1996 - Zygon 31 (1):115-130.
    The design argument for God’s existence was critically assessed when in the growth of modern science the cognitive value of teleological categories was called into question. In recent discussions dealing with anthropic principles there has appeared a new version of the design argument, in which cosmic design is described without the use of teleological terms. The weak anthropic principle (WAP), a most critical version of all these principles, describes the fine-tuning of physical parameters necessary to the genesis of carbon-based life. (...)
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    Transgressive Design Strategies for Utopian Cities: Theories, Methodologies and Cases in Architecture and Urbanism.Bertug Ozarisoy - 2023 - Routledge. Edited by Hasim Altan.
    This book critically examines the philosophy of the term 'transgression' and how it shapes the utopian vision of contemporary urban design scenarios. The aim of this book is to provide scholarly yet accessible graphic novel illustrations to inform narratives of urban manifestos. Through four select case studies from the UK, Cyprus and Germany, the book highlights the paradoxes and contradictions in architecture and provides detailed evaluation of the limits and contemporary forms of sustainable urban regeneration. The book proposes an 'utopian (...)
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    (1 other version)Curriculum Design and Epistemic Ascent.Christopher Winch - 2012 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 46 (4):128-146.
    Three kinds of knowledge usually recognised by epistemologists are identified and their relevance for curriculum design is discussed. These are: propositional knowledge, know-how and knowledge by acquaintance. The inferential nature of propositional knowledge is argued for and it is suggested that propositional knowledge in fact presupposes the ability to know how to make appropriate inferences within a body of knowledge, whether systematic or unsystematic. This thesis is developed along lines suggested in the earlier work of Paul Hirst. The different kinds (...)
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  22. Safe-(for whom?)-by-Design: Adopting a Posthumanist Ethics for Technology Design.Steven Umbrello - 2018 - Dissertation, York University
    This research project aims to accomplish two primary objectives: (1) propose an argument that a posthuman ethics in the design of technologies is sound and thus warranted and, (2) how can existent SBD approaches begin to envision principled and methodological ways of incorporating nonhuman values into design. In order to do this this MRP will provide a rudimentary outline of what constitutes SBD approaches. A particular design approach - Value Sensitive Design (VSD) - is taken up as an illustrative example (...)
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  23. Enhancing Learning Environments in Design Education.Dr Lamiaa Shaheen, Dr Sarah Attia, Basma Salama, Muda Al Naabi & Manal Al Mamari - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1-18.
    Design education is mainly reliant on studio-based learning, in which collaborative, hands-on activities build both practical and theoretical expertise. The current research looks at different studio classroom layouts and how physical, psychological, and environmental design aspects affect student involvement, satisfaction, and performance. Using historical and modern examples, we investigate flexible and multi-purpose studio layouts, spatial arrangement, ergonomic furniture, air quality, and lighting conditions. Our outcomes highlight the importance of adaptive and well-designed settings in architectural and design education, as they promote (...)
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  24. Design principles and mechanistic explanation.Wei Fang - 2022 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 44 (4):1-23.
    In this essay I propose that what design principles in systems biology and systems neuroscience do is to present abstract characterizations of mechanisms, and thereby facilitate mechanistic explanation. To show this, one design principle in systems neuroscience, i.e., the multilayer perceptron, is examined. However, Braillard contends that design principles provide a sort of non-mechanistic explanation due to two related reasons: they are very general and describe non-causal dependence relationships. In response to this, I argue that, on the one hand, all (...)
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    Should Probabilistic Design Replace Safety Factors?Neelke Doorn & Sven Ove Hansson - 2011 - Philosophy and Technology 24 (2):151-168.
    Should Probabilistic Design Replace Safety Factors? Content Type Journal Article Pages 151-168 DOI 10.1007/s13347-010-0003-6 Authors Neelke Doorn, Department of Technology, Policy and Management, Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5015, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands Sven Ove Hansson, Department of Philosophy and the History of Technology, Royal Institute of Technology, Teknikringen 78 B, 100 44 Stockholm, Sweden Journal Philosophy & Technology Online ISSN 2210-5441 Print ISSN 2210-5433 Journal Volume Volume 24 Journal Issue Volume 24, Number 2.
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    Research ethics by design: A collaborative research design proposal.Donald S. Borrett, Heather Sampson & Ann Cavoukian - 2017 - Research Ethics 13 (2):84-91.
    Privacy by Design, a globally accepted framework for personal data management and privacy protection, advances the view that privacy cannot be assured solely by compliance with regulatory frameworks but must become an organisation’s default mode of operation. We are proposing a similar template for the research ethics review process. The Research Ethics by Design framework involves research ethics committees engaging researchers during the design phase of the proposal so that ethical considerations may be directly embedded in the science as opposed (...)
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    Research on the localization of lotus patterns from the perspective of the philosophy of design.Jinbo Wan - 2022 - Философия И Культура 1:26-35.
    Art design is a visual form and spiritual bearer of culture that ensures universal language for communication between civilizations of the world. Competitiveness of the nation is not only a reflection of its economic power, but what is more important, recognition of its culture. Chinese patterns were used throughout the development of Chinese nation and imparted with spiritual connotations, forming a unique Chinese “culture of ornaments”, which is also an artistic sublimation of Chinese national culture. Lotus pattern is one of (...)
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  28. Michael Ruse's Design for Living.Robert J. Richards - 2004 - Journal of the History of Biology 37 (1):25 - 38.
    The eminent historian and philosopher of biology, Michael Ruse, has written several books that explore the relationship of evolutionary theory to its larger scientific and cultural setting. Among the questions he has investigated are: Is evolution progressive? What is its epistemological status? Most recently, in "Darwin and Design: Does Evolution have a Purpose?," Ruse has provided a history of the concept of teleology in biological thinking, especially in evolutionary theorizing. In his book, he moves quickly from Plato and Aristotle to (...)
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  29. Where the Design Argument Goes Wrong: Auxiliary Assumptions and Unification.Maarten Boudry & Bert Leuridan - 2011 - Philosophy of Science 78 (4):558-578.
    Sober has reconstructed the biological design argument in the framework of likelihoodism, purporting to demonstrate that it is defective for intrinsic reasons. We argue that Sober’s restriction on the introduction of auxiliary hypotheses is too restrictive, as it commits him to rejecting types of everyday reasoning that are clearly valid. Our account shows that the design argument fails, not because it is intrinsically untestable but because it clashes with the empirical evidence and fails to satisfy certain theoretical desiderata (in particular, (...)
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    Manipulative Design Through Gamification.W. Jared Parmer - 2022 - In Michael Klenk & Fleur Jongepier, The Philosophy of Online Manipulation. Routledge. pp. 216-234.
    Gamification calls for cogent philosophical analysis and is a valuable opportunity to explore manipulative design, in which users are manipulated into doing something by using an artifact just as it is designed to be used. This chapter analyzes gamification as the implementation of inducements to striving play in artifacts that are not themselves games. Implementing such inducements is a species of a more generic form of design in which users are provided with tools for reasoning, along with scaffolding that putatively (...)
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    Policy evaluation: Design and utilization.Erik Albaek - 1989 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 2 (4):6-19.
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    The control, at the design stage, of risks related to buildings management over time.Claudio Martani, Cinzia Talamo & Giancarlo Paganin - 2013 - Techne: Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment 6.
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    Upon Opening the Black Box and Finding It Full: Exploring the Ethics in Design Practices.Marc Steen - 2015 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 40 (3):389-420.
    Contemporary design practices, such as participatory design, human-centered design, and codesign, have inherent ethical qualities, which often remain implicit and unexamined. Three design projects in the high-tech industry were studied using three ethical traditions as lenses. Virtue ethics helped to understand cooperation, curiosity, creativity, and empowerment as virtues that people in PD need to cultivate, so that they can engage, for example, in mutual learning and collaborative prototyping. Ethics of alterity helped to understand human-centered design as a fragile encounter between (...)
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  34. Weisberg on Design: What Fine-Tuning’s Got to Do with It.Darren Bradley - 2012 - Erkenntnis 77 (3):435-438.
    Jonathan Weisberg (2010 ) argues that, given that life exists, the fact that the universe is fine-tuned for life does not confirm the design hypothesis. And if the fact that life exists confirms the design hypothesis, fine-tuning is irrelevant. So either way, fine-tuning has nothing to do with it. I will defend a design argument that survives Weisberg’s critique — the fact that life exists supports the design hypothesis, but it only does so given fine-tuning.
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  35. Public Sector Reforms, Institutional Design and Strategy for Good Governance in East Central Europe. Good Governance or''Rethinking the State''?A. G. H. Attila - 2001 - Studies in East European Thought 53.
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  36. Taylor's Argument from Design.Ronald J. Glass - 1973 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 54 (1):94.
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  37. Technological knowledge in disability design / Ashley Shew - The effects of social networking sites on critical self-reflection.Ivan Guajardo - 2020 - In Andrew Wells Garnar & Ashley Shew, Feedback Loops: Pragmatism about Science and Technology. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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  38. Invisibility by Design: Women and Labor in Japan’s Digital Economy.[author unknown] - 2020
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    Analysis and Design from a Viewpoint of Information Flow.Makoto Kikuchi - 2003 - In Benedikt Löwe, Thoralf Räsch & Wolfgang Malzkorn, Foundations of the Formal Sciences II. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 119--122.
  40. Trends in Planting Design. Focusing on artificial ecosystems.Noël Kingsbury - 2013 - Topos: European Landscape Magazine 83:66.
  41. Using time‐series design in the assessment of teaching effectiveness.Huann Shyang Lin & Frances Lawrenz - 1999 - Science Education 83 (4):409-422.
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  42. The Pea project–design stimulus.Daria Loi, Peter Burrows & Michael Coburn - unknown
  43. Deep Collaboration between. Design and Land. The gardens of Sunnylands Center in California.Rachel Berney - 2013 - Topos: European Landscape Magazine 83:48.
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    Schwerpunkt: Philosophie und Design.Andrea M. Esser - 2020 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 68 (3):404-409.
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    By Coincidence or Design?Julia Fleming - 1998 - Augustinian Studies 29 (2):19-34.
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    Hands-on versus virtual: Reshaping the design classroom with blended learning.Katja Fleischmann - 2020 - Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 20 (1):87-112.
    The heart of design studio teaching is traditionally linked to one-on-one teaching activities and to the exchange of feedback prompting many design educators to think it does not lend itself to onl...
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  47. Doctoral Consortium Presentations-The Design and Implementation of the YAP Compiler: An Optimizing Compiler for Logic Programming Languages.Anderson Faustino da Silva & Vitor Santos Costa - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf, Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 461-462.
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    Context and design agents.John S. Gero & Gregory J. Smith - 2001 - In P. Bouquet V. Akman, Modeling and Using Context. Springer. pp. 220--233.
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    Demand for quality and design ideas competition: experimentation to discover good practices.Maria Luisa Germanà - 2013 - Techne: Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment 6.
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    Aristotelian philosophy and functional design.S. A. Grave - 1950 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 28 (1):29 – 42.
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