Results for 'Dennis Rodríguez'

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  1. Visual extinction and awareness: The importance of binding dorsal and ventral pathways.Gordon C. Baylis, Christopher L. Gore, P. Dennis Rodriguez & Rebecca J. Shisler - 2001 - Visual Cognition. Special Issue 8 (3):359-379.
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  2. Inquiring Attitudes and Erotetic Logic: Norms of Restriction and Expansion.Dennis Whitcomb & Jared Millson - 2024 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 10 (3):444-466.
    A fascinating recent turn in epistemology focuses on inquiring attitudes like wondering and being curious. Many have argued that these attitudes are governed by norms similar to those that govern our doxastic attitudes. Yet, to date, this work has only considered norms that might *prohibit* having certain inquiring attitudes (``norms of restriction''), while ignoring those that might *require* having them (``norms of expansion''). We aim to address that omission by offering a framework that generates norms of expansion for inquiring attitudes. (...)
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    Sobre la coherencia Y las implicancias de un liberalismo coherente no multiculturalista.Carlos Acevedo Rodríguez - 2009 - Alpha (Osorno) 28.
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  4. Bullshit Questions.Dennis Whitcomb - 2023 - Analysis 83 (2):299-304.
    This paper argues that questions can be bullshit. First it explores some shallowly interrogative ways in which that can happen. Then it shows how questions can also be bullshit in a way that’s more deeply interrogative.
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    The Ontology of Perceptual Experience.Sebastián Sanhueza Rodríguez - 2022 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    How should we think of perceptual experiences qua dynamic phenomena? Against an increasingly popular Heraclitean approach that frames them as irreducibly dynamic, the present book argues that perceptual experiences may be described in terms of non-dynamic categories, such as properties, relations, and states.
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    Digital Resurrection: Challenging the Boundary between Life and Death with Artificial Intelligence.Hugo Rodríguez Reséndiz & Juvenal Rodríguez Reséndiz - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (3):71.
    The advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) poses challenges in the field of bioethics, especially concerning issues related to life and death. AI has permeated areas such as health and research, generating ethical dilemmas and questions about privacy, decision-making, and access to technology. Life and death have been recurring human concerns, particularly in connection with depression. AI has created systems like Thanabots or Deadbots, which digitally recreate deceased individuals and allow interactions with them. These systems rely on information generated by AI (...)
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    Minds, Brains, and Law: The Conceptual Foundations of Law and Neuroscience.Michael S. Pardo & Dennis Patterson - 2013 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press USA. Edited by Dennis M. Patterson.
    This book addresses the philosophical questions that arise when neuroscientific research and technology are applied in the legal system. The empirical, practical, ethical, and conceptual issues that Pardo and Patterson seek to redress will deeply influence how we negotiate and implement the fruits of neuroscience in law and policy in the future.
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  8. La revisión de la teoría del sistema jurídico en la tradición positivista: consideraciones en torno al pensamiento de Joseph Raz.José Antonio Seoane Rodríguez - 2006 - In Ramos Pascua, José Antonio, Rodilla González & A. M. (eds.), El positivismo jurídico a examen: estudios en homenaje a José Delgado Pinto. Salamanca, España: Caja Duero.
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    Toward a More Pragmatic Approach to Morality: A Critical Evaluation of Kohlberg's Model.Dennis L. Krebs & Kathy Denton - 2005 - Psychological Review 112 (3):629-649.
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    Introduction to Psychotherapy: An Outline of Psychodynamic Principles and Practice.Dr Anthony Bateman, Dennis Brown & Jonathon Pedder - 1991 - Routledge.
    _What is psychotherapy about?_ _What are the similarities and differences of its many forms?_ _What are the most recent developments in the field?_ _Introduction to Psychotherapy_ has been an essential reference book since its publication in 1979, and is regularly included in reading lists for trainee psychotherapists, psychiatrists and other professionals. It is often recommended to interested lay people and prospective patients. This third edition takes into account recent changes in psychotherapy theory, practice and research. The authors are all psychoanalysts. (...)
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    Sobre la construcción de utopías y contrautopías en la Antigüedad griega a través de «lo otro». Un acercamiento a la Odisea.Bárbara Álvarez Rodríguez - 2011 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía:233-240.
    Hoy en día, la emigración es percibida como una de las mayores lacras que acechan a las sociedades noroccidentales. El sistema económico y de valores de éstas se ve amenazado por el peligro de una emigración masiva del sur y del oriente. La xenofobia, en su significación más originaria, inunda las calles. El extranjero, el otro, provoca miedo. Esto tal vez sea debido a un fallo en nuestra memoria histórica. No me refiero a los españoles como un pueblo emigrante, que (...)
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  12. Crítica a la percepción pura. Un enfoque hermenéutico y fenomenológico.Luis Marciales Rodríguez - 2012 - Apuntes Filosóficos 21 (40).
    En este artículo, partiendo de la crítica que hace Gadamer en Verdad y Método al concepto de autosignificatividad de la percepción de Richard Hamann, queremos mostrar lo abstracto de la pretensión de una percepción pura y cómo ella siempre remite a generalidades más amplias. Para reforzar esta perspectiva recurrimos a Martin Heidegger en Ser y tiempo con el fin de entender el concepto de ser-a-la-mano y todo el conjunto de remisiones que lo conforman. Con éste concluiremos sobre la necesidad de (...)
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    Bioética, una disciplina de estructura filosófica. Reflexiones sobre los métodos de la bioética.José Salvador Arellano Rodríguez & Alberto Cuauhtémoc Mayorga Madrigal - 2024 - Perseitas 12:197-218.
    Este trabajo tiene el objetivo de mostrar que actualmente la bioética, si bien requiere de la aplicación de conocimientos de disciplinas heterogéneas, afronta diversas polémicas que tienen una estructura filosófica. Para sustentar una perspectiva filosófica como problema central, el método de abordaje de la presente propuesta contempla un análisis acerca del tipo de indagaciones que caracterizan a la bioética, la delimitación del objeto que estudia, las propuestas metodológicas más relevantes y aquellas alternativas de búsqueda que pretenden tomar distancia de la (...)
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  14. One R or the other – an experimental bioethics approach to 3R dilemmas in animal research.Christian Rodriguez Perez, David M. Shaw, Brian D. Earp, Bernice S. Elger & Kirsten Persson - 2024 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy (4):497-512.
    Sacrificial dilemmas such as the trolley problem play an important role in experimental philosophy (x-phi). But it is increasingly argued that, since we are not likely to encounter runaway trolleys in our daily life, the usefulness of such thought experiments for understanding moral judgments in more ecologically valid contexts may be limited. However, similar sacrificial dilemmas are experienced in real life by animal research decision makers. As part of their job, they must make decisions about the suffering, and often the (...)
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    El desafío del lenguaje privado. Wittgenstein, la comunidad lingüística y la crítica de Kripke.C. Rodríguez Garat - 2024 - Divulgatio. Perfiles Académicos de Posgrado 9 (25):157-167.
    En este breve ensayo me interesa analizar el concepto de lenguaje privado desarrollado por Ludwig Wittgenstein. La importancia radica en el desafío que plantea esta noción cuando nos ponemos a pensar sobre las posibilidades reales de un lenguaje puramente privado. En este sentido, el argumento del enfoque wittgensteiniano sostiene que el significado de las palabras no se origina en experiencias subjetivas individuales, sino en la interacción social dentro de una comunidad de hablantes. De modo que, si cada persona tuviera un (...)
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    Cognitive Style, Gender, Attitude toward Computer‐assisted Learning and Academic Achievement.Reda Abouserie, Dennis Moss & Stephen Barasi - 1992 - Educational Studies 18 (2):151-160.
    (1992). Cognitive Style, Gender, Attitude toward Computer‐assisted Learning and Academic Achievement. Educational Studies: Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 151-160.
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    La radicalización del naturalismo.Francisco Javier Rodríguez Alcázar - 1995 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 14:107-134.
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    What did Frege Mean by ‘Sense’?John B. Fisher & Dennis A. Rohatyn - 1971 - New Scholasticism 45 (2):337-342.
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    A blended-learning programme regarding professional ethics in physiotherapy students.Marta Aguilar-Rodríguez, Elena Marques-Sule, Pilar Serra-Añó, Gemma Victoria Espí-López, Lirios Dueñas-Moscardó & Sofía Pérez-Alenda - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (5):1410-1423.
    Background: In the university context, assessing students’ attitude, knowledge and opinions when applying an innovative methodological approach to teach professional ethics becomes fundamental to know if the used approach is enough motivating for students. Research objective: To assess the effect of a blended-learning model, based on professional ethics and related to clinical practices, on physiotherapy students’ attitude, knowledge and opinions towards learning professional ethics. Research design and participants: A simple-blind clinical trial was performed (NLM identifier NCT03241693) (control group, n = (...)
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    A forgotten distinction in value theory.Facundo Rodriguez - 2024 - Philosophical Studies 181 (10).
    The debate on final value has been so far understood as a debate over what sort of properties final value depends on. The debate’s reliance on mere dependence has, I argue, made it very difficult for conditionalists to put forward a coherent positive alternative to intrinsicalism. Talk of dependence is too coarse-grained and fails to distinguish between different ways in which value can metaphysically depend on other properties of the value bearer. To remedy this, I propose that we bring back (...)
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  21. Il y a toujours l’Autre.Dennis Wood - 2011 - Environment, Space, Place 3 (1):86-98.
    This paper takes as its starting point the conjoining of the perceived and conceived spaces of what Soja (1996) calls Thirdspace and what Lefebvre calls ‘lived space’ to launch a discussion about ideas surrounding contemporary concepts of community. The sites under discussion are the ubiquitous shopping malls and the enclave estates or master planned communities (mpcs) which, it is argued, by their design offer only ‘illusions of community.’ The claim in this paper is that within these spaces of control are (...)
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    Sinophobic Epidemics in America: Historical Discontinuity in Disease-related Yellow Peril Imaginaries of the Past and Present.Dennis Zhang - 2021 - Journal of Medical Humanities 42 (1):63-80.
    Modern scholarship has drawn hasty and numerous parallels between the Yellow Peril discourses of the 19th- and 20th-century plagues and the recent racialization of infectious disease in the 21st-century. While highlighting these similarities is politically useful against Sinophobic epidemic narratives, Michel Foucault argues that truly understanding the past’s continuity in the present requires a more rigorous genealogical approach. Employing this premise in a comparative analysis, this work demonstrates a critical discontinuity in the epidemic imaginary that framed the Chinese as pathogenic. (...)
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    The Role of Anxiety, Coping Strategies, and Emotional Intelligence on General Perceived Self-Efficacy in University Students.Francisco Manuel Morales-Rodríguez & José Manuel Pérez-Mármol - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Scalarity and divided consent: analysing rape.Dennis J. Baker - 2024 - Australian Journal of Legal Philosophy 49 (2):71-96.
    In this essay, it is submitted that consent comes in degrees and the wrongfulness and harmfulness of conduct is contingent on the degree of voluntariness underwriting the particular consent decision. A fully free decision to consent changes the normative nature of the act: genuine gift-giving is not theft. Lovemaking is not rape. Partially free decisions to consent can change the nature of the act if it makes the act less harmful and thus less wrongful. Partial consent is not about claiming (...)
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    Political Normativity and Ethics: A Roadmap.Javier Rodríguez-Alcázar & Cristina Corredor - forthcoming - Topoi:1-11.
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    Ethical sensitivity in management decisions: Developing and testing a perceptual measure among management and professional student groups.Dennis P. Wittmer - 2000 - Teaching Business Ethics 4 (2):181-205.
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    La prueba en los supuestos de violencia de género.Sonia Esperanza Rodríguez Boente - 2011 - Telos: Revista Iberoamericana de Estudios Utilitaristas 18 (1):231-246.
    Eight years since the Spanish statute on gender violence (Ley 1/2004) has been passed, it is time to assess its implementation. This paper deals with the proof of acts that are typified under that heading. In particular, it focuses on three issues. Firstly, it questions the admissibility of accepting the victim testimony as sufficient evidence to outweigh the presumption of innocence in favour of the accused. Secondly, it analyzes whether the Spanish Supreme Court doctrine on evidence in cases of gender (...)
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    Wittgenstein und die Philosophiegeschichte.Bernhard Ritter & Dennis Sölch (eds.) - 2020 - Freiburg i. Br.: Verlag Karl Alber.
    Wie kaum ein Philosoph in akademischen Amt und Wurden zuvor hat Ludwig Wittgenstein damit kokettiert, sich in der Geschichte seines eigenen Faches bestenfalls rudimentar auszukennen. Diese ironische Selbstcharakterisierung hat, ebenso wie Wittgensteins wesentlich ahistorische Art des Philosophierens, dazu gefuhrt, dass seine oftmals subtile Auseinandersetzung mit Autoren der Philosophiegeschichte wenig beachtet wurde. Der Band sucht diese Lucke zu schliessen und untersucht exemplarisch wesentliche Bezuge Wittgensteins zur Philosophiegeschichte von Platon uber Kant und Kierkegaard bis Heidegger.
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    The culture of reconstruction, European literature, thought and film, 1945–1950.Dennis Wood - 1991 - History of European Ideas 13 (3):291-292.
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    The French revolution and British culture.Dennis Wood - 1991 - History of European Ideas 13 (5):650-651.
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    Latent inhibition from context-dependent retrieval of conflicting information.Dennis C. Wright, Karl D. Skala & Karl A. Peuser - 1986 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 24 (2):152-154.
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    Preexposure of the conditioning context and latent inhibition from reduced conditioning.Dennis C. Wright & Karen K. Gustavson - 1986 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 24 (6):451-452.
  33. Cultural relativism as ideology.Dennis H. Wrong - 1997 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 11 (2):291-300.
    Abstract The concept of culture was originally an expression of German nationalism, which reacted to the French Enlightenment by asserting the uniqueness and incomparability of all cultures as historical creations. This understanding of cultural diversity, which prevailed in American anthropology, is widely understood to imply the moral equality of all cultures. Yet its relativism originally applied to different individuals socialized in the values of their culture, rather than to different cultures. The debate over multiculturalism, which presupposes cultural relativism, ignores this (...)
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    Is capitalism eternal?Dennis H. Wrong - 2004 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 16 (1):23-32.
    Abstract Several scholars have observed that in contrast to ?socialism,? ?capitalism? was not an ideology promoted by a social class or movement but an economy that emerged ?spontaneously? from particular historical conditions. Since the decline of the Soviet Union, no new version of socialism has been promulgated, although complaints about the inequalities of capitalism inevitably persist and will certainly continue. Capitalism, if not ?eternal,? remains a highly probable form of economy under conditions of economic surplus, extensive division of labor, urbanism, (...)
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    How in spite of the rhetoric, history of chemistry has been ignored in presenting atomic structure in textbooks.María A. Rodríguez & Mansoor Niaz - 2002 - Science & Education 11 (5):423-441.
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    Existential struggles in Dostoevsky’s the Brothers Karamazov.Dennis Vanden Auweele - 2016 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 80 (3):279-296.
    sThe salience of Fyodor Dostoevsky’s novels for philosophical reflection is undeniable. By providing a myriad of often dialectically mediating perspectives on certain subjects, he can serve as a rich fount for philosophical polemic. Many readers have been prone to confine the philosophical import of Dostoevsky’s prose to such a polyphony of dialectically interacting perspectives. In this article, this topic is taken up with a focus on the differing points of view on human salvation espoused by the protagonists of The Brothers (...)
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    Availability of Research Data in High-Impact Addiction Journals with Data Sharing Policies.Dennis M. Gorman - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (3):1625-1632.
    Although data sharing is one of the primary measures proposed to improve the integrity and quality of published research, studies show it remains the exception not the rule. The current study examines the availability of data in papers reporting the results of analyses of empirical data from original research in high-impact addiction journals. Thirteen high-impact journals with data sharing policies were selected from those included in the substance abuse category of the 2018 Clarivate Analytics’ Journal Citation Report. The first 10 (...)
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    Explanatory limitations of cognitive-developmental approaches to morality.Dennis L. Krebs & Kathy Denton - 2006 - Psychological Review 113 (3):672-675.
  39. Schopenhauer on religious pessimism.Dennis Vanden Auweele - 2015 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 78 (1):53-71.
    Schopenhauer’s bifurcation between optimistic and pessimistic religions is made, so I argue here, by means of five criteria: to perceive of existence as punishment, to believe that salvation is not attained through ‘works’, to preach compassion so as to lead towards ascetics, to manifest an aura of mystery around religious doctrines and to, at some deep level, admit to the allegorical nature of religious creeds. By clearly showing what makes up the ‘pessimism’ of a ‘pessimistic religion’, Schopenhauer’s own philosophical pessimism (...)
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    ¿Qué es lo político y lo epistémico de la epistemología política?Fernando Broncano Rodríguez - 2024 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 57 (1):201-218.
    La epistemología política es un ámbito de investigación en progresiva construcción que se sitúa en la intersección de la filosofía política y de la epistemología, que, quizás por su reciente aparición en la literatura académica, tiene más un aire de familia, que muestran las colecciones de temas (injusticia epistémica, ignorancia estructural, democracia y expertos) que una construcción conceptual que dé cuenta de tal intersección de lo político y lo epistemológico. Este trabajo propone una explicación de este espacio de confluencia y (...)
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    Metaxological 'Yes' and Existential 'No': William Desmond and Atheism.Dennis Vanden Auweele - 2013 - Sophia 52 (4):637-655.
    This article explores and critically assesses the metaxological account of a philosophy of God professed by William Desmond. Postmodern reflection on the philosophy of God has a tendency to focus on the 'signs' of God and urges for a passive acceptance of these signs. Desmond argues, contrary to this tendency, for a mindful togetherness of philosophical activity and religious passivity. After exploring Desmond's thought on this topic, I move to assess his 'metaxological yes' to God as the agapeic origin from (...)
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    Psychological approaches to altruism: An evaluation.Dennis Krebs - 1982 - Ethics 92 (3):447-458.
  43. How Social Maintenance Supports Shared Agency in Humans and Other Animals.Dennis Papadopoulos & Kristin Andrews - 2022 - Humana Mente 15 (42).
    Shared intentions supporting cooperation and other social practices are often used to describe human social life but not the social lives of nonhuman animals. This difference in description is supported by a lack of evidence for rebuke or stakeholding during collaboration in nonhuman animals. We suggest that rebuke and stakeholding are just two examples of the many and varied forms of social maintenance that can support shared intentions. Drawing on insights about mindshaping in social cognition, we show how apes can (...)
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    Educación en una democracia desgarrada.Dennis Alicea - 2018 - San Juan [Puerto Rico]: Ediciones Callejón.
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    Globalization, political economy, and HIV/AIDS.Dennis Altman - 1999 - Theory and Society 28 (4):559-584.
  46. Moral Expertise: A Comparative Philosophical Approach.Dennis Arjo - 2018 - In Jamie Carlin Watson & Laura K. Guidry-Grimes (eds.), Moral Expertise: New Essays from Theoretical and Clinical Bioethics. Springer International Publishing.
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  47. Naughty Children and Angry Parents: Punishment, Consequences and Moral Psychology.Dennis Arjo - 2014 - Philosophy Pathways 182 (1).
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    Public Reason and Child Rearing: What's a Liberal Parent to Do?Dennis Arjo - 2014 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 48 (3):370-384.
    The ways in we raise and educate children can appear to be at odds with basic liberal values. Relationships between parents and children are unequal, parents routinely control children's behaviour in various ways, and they use their authority to shape children's beliefs and values. Whether and how such practices can be made to accord with liberal values presents a significant puzzle. In what follows I will look at a recent and sophisticated attempt to resolve these tensions offered by Matthew Clayton (...)
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  49. Ren Xing and what it is to be truly human.Dennis Arjo - 2011 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 38 (3):455-473.
  50. What is art in education? New narratives of learning.Dennis Atkinson - 2007 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 39 (2):108–117.
    In this paper I address some questions pertinent to the development of school art education. I begin by considering how we relate to art and how we might understand the notion of this relation in terms of human subjectivity and the art object. To do this I describe particular art practices that have broadened social conceptions of art, which in turn, become part of art itself and shape performances of understanding, learning and practice. Implicit to this discussion is a change (...)
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