Results for 'Dennis Keeney'

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  1.  58
    Michael Morris: Factory Farming and Animal Liberation in New Zealand: Earl of Seacliff Art Workshop. Wellington NZ, 2011. meBooks. ISBN: 978-0-9876536. [REVIEW]Dennis Keeney - 2012 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 25 (4):633-634.
    Michael Morris: Factory Farming and Animal Liberation in New Zealand Content Type Journal Article Category Book Review Pages 1-2 DOI 10.1007/s10806-011-9327-1 Authors Dennis Keeney, Emeritus Professor, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA Journal Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics Online ISSN 1573-322X Print ISSN 1187-7863.
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    Visual Agency in Art and Architecture.Gavin Keeney - 2014 - Dissertation, Deakin University
    A 37,641-word exegesis for thesis "sur travaux". Includes: Research methodology; "Expositions des textes"; Paralogisms for scholars; Conference, exhibition, and research tour details and itineraries. -/- PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) – Deakin University – 2011-2014 – Thesis by Publication (“sur travaux”): “Visual Agency in Art and Architecture” – Two monographs: Dossier Chris Marker: The Suffering Image (2012); and Not-I/Thou: The Other Subject of Art and Architecture (2014) – Two curated, multimedia group exhibitions: “‘Shadow-lands’: The Suffering Image” (2012), Dennys Lascelles Gallery, Alfred (...)
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  3. Inquiring Attitudes and Erotetic Logic: Norms of Restriction and Expansion.Dennis Whitcomb & Jared Millson - 2024 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 10 (3):444-466.
    A fascinating recent turn in epistemology focuses on inquiring attitudes like wondering and being curious. Many have argued that these attitudes are governed by norms similar to those that govern our doxastic attitudes. Yet, to date, this work has only considered norms that might prohibit having certain inquiring attitudes (“norms of restriction”), while ignoring those that might require having them (“norms of expansion”). We aim to address that omission by offering a framework that generates norms of expansion for inquiring attitudes. (...)
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  4. Lysistrata's Lament: Interrogative Analogues of Testimonial Injustice.Dennis Whitcomb - forthcoming - In Aaron Creller & Jonathan Matheson, Inquiry: Philosophical Perspectives. Routledge.
    When a person commits a testimonial injustice, the unjust thing they do consists in their reaction to an assertion (theorists diverge on the details; paradigmatically the relevant unjust thing consists in prejudicially refraining from believing the assertion). Whatever reactions to questions are analogous to these reactions to assertions, those things are "interrogative injustices". I explore some models of those things and apply them to some non-ideal cases. One of the models appeals to mental states like curiosity and wonder, telling us (...)
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  5. Public Choice Iii.Dennis Mueller - 2003 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book represents a considerable revision and expansion of Public Choice II. Six new chapters have been added, and several chapters from the previous edition have been extensively revised. The discussion of empirical work in public choice has been greatly expanded. As in the previous editions, all of the major topics of public choice are covered. These include: why the state exists, voting rules, federalism, the theory of clubs, two-party and multiparty electoral systems, rent seeking, bureaucracy, interest groups, dictatorship, the (...)
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  6. Blame's Topography: Standing on Uneven Ground.Samuel Reis-Dennis - forthcoming - Philosophers' Imprint.
    Attempts to illuminate the nature of “blame” have shaped recent philosophical discussion of free will and moral responsibility. In this paper I show how, in at least one context, this search for a theory of blame has led us astray. Specifically, I focus on the contemporary debate about the “standing” to blame and argue, first, that theorizing about blame-in-general in this context has assumed an impoverished moral psychology that fails to reflect the range of blaming emotions and that conflates these (...)
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  7. Identical Quantum Particles and Weak Discernibility.Dennis Dieks & Marijn A. M. Versteegh - 2008 - Foundations of Physics 38 (10):923-934.
    Saunders has recently claimed that “identical quantum particles” with an anti-symmetric state (fermions) are weakly discernible objects, just like irreflexively related ordinary objects in situations with perfect symmetry (Black’s spheres, for example). Weakly discernible objects have all their qualitative properties in common but nevertheless differ from each other by virtue of (a generalized version of) Leibniz’s principle, since they stand in relations an entity cannot have to itself. This notion of weak discernibility has been criticized as question begging, but we (...)
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    Disrespect for Deontology.Samuel Reis-Dennis - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (9):56-58.
    Deontology has fallen out of favor among bioethicists. According to Pierson and colleagues’ (2024) “Bioethicists Today”, deontology is now the least accepted major approach to normative theory, tra...
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    Deliberating about Bioethics.Amy Gutmann & Dennis Thompson - 1997 - Hastings Center Report 27 (3):38-41.
    In some sense, bioethics was built on conflicts. Abortion, physician‐assisted suicide, patients’ demand for autonomy all are staple and contentious issues. And the controversies continue to proliferate. What forum best serves such debates? A look at political theories of democracy can help answer that question. The most promising for bioethics debates are theories that ask citizens and officials to justify any demands for collective action by giving reasons that can be accepted by those who are bound by the action. This (...)
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  10. Apperception and Self-Consciousness in Kant and German Idealism.Dennis Schulting - 2020 - London: Bloomsbury.
    blurb from publisher: "In Apperception and Self-Consciousness in Kant and German Idealism, Dennis Schulting examines the themes of reflexivity, self-consciousness, representation and apperception in the philosophy of Immanuel Kant and German Idealism more widely. Central to Schulting’s argument is the claim that all of human experience is inherently self-referential and that this is part of a self-reflexivity of thought, or what is called transcendental apperception, a Kantian insight that was first apparent in the work of Christian Wolff and came (...)
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  11. (1 other version)Maturity, Freedom of Thought, and Emancipation. On Kant's What is Enlightenment?.Dennis Schulting - 2024 - Journal of Philosophical Investigations at University of Tabriz 18 (47):281-302.
  12. Guilt: The Debt and the Stain.Samuel Reis-Dennis - forthcoming - Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Mind.
    Abstract: Contemporary analytic philosophers of the “reactive attitudes” tend to share a simple conception of guilt as “self-directed blame”—roughly, an “unpleasant affect” felt in combination with, or in response to, the thought that one has violated a moral requirement, evinced substandard “quality of will,” or is blameworthy. I believe that this simple conception is inadequate. As an alternative, I offer my own theory of guilt’s logic and its connection to morality. In doing so, I attempt to articulate guilt’s defining thought (...)
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  13. Reconceptualizing The Ethical Guidelines for Mental Health Apps: Values From Feminism, Disability Studies, and Intercultural Ethics.Matthew Dennis, Lily E. Frank, Arthur Bran Herbener, Michał Klincewicz, Malene Flensborg Damholdt, Anna Puzio, Katherine Bassil, Jessica Stone, Philip Schneidenbach, Shriya Das, Ella Thomas & Mat Rawsthorne - 2024 - IEEE Xplore:1-33.
    Existing ethical guidelines that aim to guide the development of mental health apps tend to overemphasize the role of Western conceptual frameworks. While such frameworks have proved to be a useful first step in introducing ethics to a previously unregulated industry, the rapid global uptake of mental health apps requires thinking more deeply about the diverse populations these apps seek to serve. One way to do this is to introduce more intercultural ethical perspectives into app design and the guidelines that (...)
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  14. (1 other version)Another look at general covariance and the equivalence of reference frames.Dennis Dieks - 2005 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 37 (1):174-191.
    In his general theory of relativity (GR) Einstein sought to generalize the special-relativistic equivalence of inertial frames to a principle according to which all frames of reference are equivalent. He claimed to have achieved this aim through the general covariance of the equations of GR. There is broad consensus among philosophers of relativity that Einstein was mistaken in this. That equations can be made to look the same in different frames certainly does not imply in general that such frames are (...)
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    A Healthy Balance.Lee Hasselbring & Dennis Cheek - 1986 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 6 (6):541-606.
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    Commentary on “Interaction in Spoken Word Recognition Models”.Dennis Norris, James M. McQueen & Anne Cutler - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  17. The physical significance of the vacuum state of a quantum field.Dennis W. Sciama - 1991 - In Simon Saunders & Harvey R. Brown, The Philosophy of Vacuum. Oxford University Press. pp. 137--158.
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  18. Transcendental Logic and the Logic of Thought.Dennis Schulting - 2021 - Studi Kantiani 34 (1):115-126.
    In this paper, I reflect on the idea, hinted at by Kant in a footnote to §16 of the B- Deduction that is not often discussed (KrV B 134n.), that transcendental logic is the ground of logic as a whole. This has important repercussions for the way we should see the role of transcendental logic with respect to the question of truth as well as the nature and scope of transcendental logic in relation to cognition, and in relation to general (...)
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    Stress-induced analgesia: Effect of naloxone following cold water swims.Richard J. Bodnar, Dennis D. Kelly, Angela Spiaggia, Constantine Pavlides & Murray Glusman - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 12 (2):125-128.
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    Promethean Pride and the Autonomy of Science: Newton as Maker and Destroyer of Worlds.Mitchell Malachowski & Dennis Rohatyn - 1991 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 8 (3):291 - 310.
  21. Moral Evaluation and Conceptual Analysis in Jurisprudential Methodology.John Oberdiek & Patterson & Dennis - 2007 - In Michael D. A. Freeman & Ross Harrison, Law and philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    (1 other version)Rational choice theory's mysterious rivals.Dennis Chong - 1995 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 9 (1-2):37-57.
    Although rational choice theory has enjoyed only modest predictive success, it provides a powerful explanatory mechanism for social processes involving strategic interaction among individuals and it stimulates interesting empirical inquiries. Rather than present competing theories to compare against rational choice, Don Green and Ian Shapiro have merely alluded to alternative explanatory variables such as culture, institutions, and social norms, without showing either how these factors can be incorporated into a more powerful theory, or how they are inconsistent with rational choice (...)
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  23. Rational choice, changes in values over time, and well-being.Dennis Mckerlie - 2007 - Utilitas 19 (1):51-72.
    Sometimes we make decisions which affect our lives at times when we will hold values that are different from our values at the time the decision is made. What is the reasonable way to make such a choice? Some think we should accept a requirement of temporal neutrality and take both sets of values into account, others think we should decide on the strength of our present values, yet others think that in evaluating what will happen at that other time (...)
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  24. A semantic resolution of the paradox of analysis.Dennis Earl - 2007 - Acta Analytica 22 (3):189-205.
    The paradox of analysis has been a problem for analytic philosophers at least since Moore’s time, and it is especially significant for those who seek an account of analysis along classical lines. The present paper offers a new solution to the paradox, where a theory of analysis is given where (1) analysandum and analysans are distinct concepts, due to their failing to share the same conceptual form, yet (2) they are related in virtue of satisfying various semantic constraints on the (...)
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    Maximilian Kiener: Voluntary Consent Theory and Practice (Routledge, 2023), 120 Pounds cloth, 35.09 Ebook.Dennis Patterson - 2024 - Law and Philosophy 43 (3):333-340.
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    Descartes and the ownership of the world.Dennis Kambouchner - forthcoming - Anuario Filosófico.
    This article aims to contribute to counteracting the negative perception of Descartes’ philosophical legacy. The article addresses a specific aspect of the supposed human dominance over nature, that of the animal question. Against the accusation of “speciesism,” a hierarchy that considers humans superior and justifies their domination and cruelty towards animals, it is argued that Descartes did not regard animals as completely insensible, that his position was not as categorical as often presented, and that he can be interpreted not as (...)
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    Intergenerational justice and the social discount rate.Dennis C. Mueller - 1974 - Theory and Decision 5 (3):263-273.
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    The postreinforcement pause and the blackout procedure: Are blackouts neutral stimuli?Larry A. Alferink & Dennis L. Nunes - 1993 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 31 (2):139-142.
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    Eratosthenes' Ratio for the Obliquity of the Ecliptic.David Fowler & Dennis Rawlins - 1983 - Isis 74 (4):556-562.
  30. (1 other version)Introduction to jurisprudence.Lloyd of Hampstead & Dennis Lloyd - 1959 - London,: Stevens.
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    (1 other version)Daniel Blue: The Making of Friedrich Nietzsche. The Quest for Identity, 1844–1869.Dennis Vanden Auweele - 2016 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 69 (1):071-073.
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    Ethics and Self-Cultivation: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives.Sander Werkhoven & Matthew Dennis (eds.) - 2018 - New York: Routledge.
    The aim of Ethics and Self-Cultivation is to establish and explore a new 'cultivation of the self' strand within contemporary moral philosophy. Although the revival of virtue ethics has helped reintroduce the eudaimonic tradition into mainstream philosophical debates, it has by and large been a revival of Aristotelian ethics combined with a modern preoccupation with standards for the moral rightness of actions. The essays comprising this volume offer a fresh approach to the eudaimonic tradition: instead of conditions for rightness of (...)
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    Central pattern generator analysis is alive and well.A. O. Dennis Willows - 1980 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 (4):564-565.
  34.  12
    Silence, Excess, and Autonomy.Dennis Vanden Auweele - 2018 - In William Desmond’s Philosophy between Metaphysics, Religion, Ethics, and Aesthetics. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 195-207.
    Continuing on the value of givenness, Dennis Vanden Auweele argues that a modern project for absolutized autonomy cannot do but dread silence, which signals a hiccup or momentary lapse in the project of logos. And yet, Vanden Auweele shows that silence can be a convalescence that renders human beings receptive to something in excess of finite determination, which can in turn inspire self-determination to new heights.
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    Deep in Thought: A Practical Guide to Teaching for Intellectual Virtues, by Jason Baehr.Dennis Earl - 2024 - Teaching Philosophy 47 (4):603-610.
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    The Mystical Form of Absolute Dialetheism in Kiyozawa Manshi and the Early Nishida Kitarō.Dennis Prooi & Gregory S. Moss - forthcoming - Journal of East Asian Philosophy:1-28.
    In this paper, we aim to demonstrate that Kiyozawa Manshi’s 1895 Draft for a Skeleton of a Philosophy of Other-Power and two of Nishida Kitarō’s early writings—namely the 1911 An Inquiry into the Good and the 1917 Intuition and Reflection in Self-Consciousness—instantiate the mystical form of absolute dialetheism. Absolute dialetheism is the thesis that the absolute exists and can only be known as a true contradiction. Its mystical form holds that because every conceptual cognition of the absolute leads to contradiction, (...)
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    Tanabe Hajime's Critical Engagement of Nietzsche's Will-to-Power in His Philosophy of Metanoetics.Dennis Stromback - 2024 - Journal of Buddhist Philosophy 6 (1):123-144.
    As a Mahāyāna response to Nietzsche's critique of Buddhism, this article will explore Tanabe Hajime's philosophy of metanoetics in a way that addresses the Nietzschean dilemmas. Within his critique of Nietzsche, Tanabe contends that Nietzsche only advances principles of absolute being that lead to an affirmation of life indicative of self-power and thus forecloses any sense of an absolute critique that could awaken a surrendering to Other-power. According to Tanabe, upon letting go of one's clinging to the logic of non-contradiction (...)
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    Grading for Growth: A Guide to Alternative Grading Practices that Promote Authentic Learning and Student Engagement in Higher Education, by David Clark and Robert Talbert.Dennis Earl - 2024 - Teaching Philosophy 47 (2):286-292.
  39. Defining and Valuing Properties and Individuals.Dennis Cooley & Dennis R. Cooley - 2015 - In Dennis R. Cooley, Death's Values and Obligations: A Pragmatic Framework. Dordrecht: Imprint: Springer.
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    Response to Open Peer Commentaries on "A Kantian Moral Duty for the Soon to Be Demented to Commit Suicide".Dennis R. Cooley - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (6):1-3.
    It has been argued that, on Kantian grounds, pedophiles, rapists and murderers are morally obligated to take their own lives prior to committing a violent action that will end their moral agency. That is, to avoid destroying the agent's moral life by performing a morally suicidal action, the agent, while he still is a moral agent, should end his body's life. Although the cases of dementia and the morally reprehensible are vastly different, this Kantian interpretation might be useful in the (...)
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    The Millennium Problem and the Marketplace of Ideas: Insights into Freedom, Responsibility, and Technological Development.Dennis Cooley & Scott de Vito - 1998 - Public Affairs Quarterly 12 (3):243-286.
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    Caribbean Development from Colonialism to Post-neoliberal Multipolarity.Dennis C. Canterbury - 2023 - CLR James Journal 29 (1):91-116.
    Arguably, Caribbean development has evolved through three distinct historical periods in international political economy and currently must find its way in a fourth—the new multipolar world order. The hitherto three periods were characterized by a system of multipolar colonial imperial empires, bipolar cold war with neocolonialism, and unipolar neoliberalism. The purpose here is to unlock the door to critical thinking on Caribbean social, political, and economic policies for the new multipolarity. The region must dial back its blind pursuit of self-regulating (...)
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    Theorizing forgiveness from Nishida Kitarō’s account of love.Dennis Stromback - 2024 - Asian Philosophy 35 (1):96-106.
    The present paper begins with an investigation of Nishida Kitarō’s discussion of love in Zen no Kenkyū. Nishida claims that love is a deep union of subject and object, where the self is casted off and unites with the other. In other words, love is the expression of the self dissolving into the other, in which the self negates itself in order to further the other’s awakening to no-self. This paper then argues that we can carve out an account of (...)
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    Magnetic Resonance Based Proof of Reality of Wavefunction.Dennis Sorce - 2024 - Open Journal of Philosophy 14 (3):703-708.
    In this contribution, we use the formalism of Magnetic Resonance to present an argument for the reality of the solution of the Schrodinger Equation appropriate for the existence of Bloch Equation magnetization states. We take as our definition of Reality that the observable used can be measured in the laboratory such as the Cartesian x Component of Magnetization. We relate this real existing observable to the Density Matrix corresponding to the system and then argue the Density Matrix must have Physical (...)
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    Two Cheers for Transformative Constitutionalism.Dennis M. Davis & Karl Klare - 2024 - Law and Critique 35 (3):487-533.
    We argued in earlier work that South Africa's democratic transition accomplished more than abolishing formal apartheid and replacing it with civil and political democracy. The transition also established a platform for “transformative constitutionalism,” an aspiration and generous constitutional framework for South Africa to embark on a postliberal path toward becoming an egalitarian social and economic democracy. Manifestly, the promised social and economic transformation remains largely unfulfilled. Many South Africans blame the constitutional settlement for this failure of delivery, seeing it as (...)
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    Remembrance and Reconciliation.Rob Gildert & Dennis Rothermel (eds.) - 2011 - Rodopi.
    Remembrance and reconciliation envision intentional pathways out of conflict and toward peace.
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  47. Egalitarianism and the Difference.Intrapersonal Judgments & Dennis McKerlie - 2007 - In Nils Holtug & Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen, Egalitarianism: new essays on the nature and value of equality. New York: Clarendon Press. pp. 157.
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    Intensity and predictability of background noise as determinants of simple reaction time.David L. Kohfeld & Dennis W. Goedecke - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 12 (2):129-132.
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    Left-to-right processing of alphabetic material is independent of retinal location.Lester A. Lefton, Dennis F. Fisher & Donald M. Kuhn - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 12 (3):171-174.
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  50. On the Idiom of Truth and the Movement of Life: Some Remarks on the Task of Hermeneutics.Dennis Schmidt - 2011 - Internationales Jahrbuch für Hermeneutik.
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