Results for 'Deepali Bedi'

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  1.  17
    Panic During COVID-19 Pandemic! A Qualitative Investigation Into the Psychosocial Experiences of a Sample of Indian People.Gagan Deep Sharma, Amarpreet Singh Ghura, Mandeep Mahendru, Burak Erkut, Tavleen Kaur & Deepali Bedi - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    A Meta-analytic Review of Ethical Leadership Outcomes and Moderators.Akanksha Bedi, Can M. Alpaslan & Sandy Green - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 139 (3):517-536.
    A growing body of research suggests that follower perceptions of ethical leadership are associated with beneficial follower outcomes. However, some empirical researchers have found contradictory results. In this study, we use social learning and social exchange theories to test the relationship between ethical leadership and follower work outcomes. Our results suggest that ethical leadership is related positively to numerous follower outcomes such as perceptions of leader interactional fairness and follower ethical behavior. Furthermore, we explore how ethical leadership relates to and (...)
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    A sentence is known by the company it keeps: Improving Legal Document Summarization Using Deep Clustering.Deepali Jain, Malaya Dutta Borah & Anupam Biswas - 2024 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 32 (1):165-200.
    The appropriate understanding and fast processing of lengthy legal documents are computationally challenging problems. Designing efficient automatic summarization techniques can potentially be the key to deal with such issues. Extractive summarization is one of the most popular approaches for forming summaries out of such lengthy documents, via the process of summary-relevant sentence selection. An efficient application of this approach involves appropriate scoring of sentences, which helps in the identification of more informative and essential sentences from the document. In this work, (...)
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    Hacia una nueva política sexual: las mujeres ante la reacción patriarcal.Rosa Cobo Bedía - 2011 - Madrid: Catarata.
  5.  8
    Namasakāra guradewa ko.Dilajīta Siṅgha Bedī, Rājawindara Siṅgha Jogā & Aramanjīta Siṅgha Talawaṇḍī (eds.) - 2019 - Srī Ammritasara Sāhiba: Sikkha Itihāsa Rīsaraca Boraḍa, Shromaṇī Guraduārā Prabandhaka Kameṭī.
    Contributed articles on the life, works and philosophy of Guru Nanak, 1469-1538, 1st Sikh guru.
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    XII. ve XIII. Yüzyılda Kafkasya'dan Anadolu'ya Göç Eden İlim Ve Fikir Adamları.Bedi̇rhan Yaşar - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 7):193-193.
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  7. Freud's concept of unconscious mental states.Deepali Bezbaruah - 1977 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 4 (September):21-24.
  8. Terbiye ilminin problemleri ve terbiye felsefesi.Bedi Ziya Egemen - 1965 - [Ankara]: Ankara Üniversitesi Basımevi. Edited by Bedi Ziya Egemen.
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    A Website Recommender System Based on an Analysis of the User's Access Log.P. Bedi, H. Kaur, B. Gupta, J. Talreja & M. Sood - 2009 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 18 (4):333-352.
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    The Scope of Formal Equality of Opportunity.Sonu Bedi - 2014 - Political Theory 42 (6):716-738.
    Should a liberal constitution constrain the racially discriminatory actions of state as well as nonstate employers? This essay answers in the affirmative, arguing that once we take seriously the right to nondiscrimination on the basis of race in terms of employment, we realize that such a constitution must constrain the actions of both. In doing so, this essay draws from John Rawls’s four-stage sequence, a sequence that suggests one way philosophical principles translate into constitutional design. A Theory of Justice is (...)
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    Kur’'n’da ra-ka-be (رقب) Kökü Ve Rakîb (رقيب) Kelimesinin Anlam Sahası.Lokman Bedi̇r & Kerim Özmen - 2020 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 6 (1):333-374.
    Kur’an’ın kendine has birbiriyle irtibatlı kelimeler dünyası bulunmakta-dır. Doğru bir Allah tasavvuru, Allah-âlem, Allah-kul, âlem-kul ilişkisinin nasıl olması gerektiği bu kelime dünyası tarafından anlatılmaktadır. Bu nok-tada Kur’an’da herhangi bir konu anlatılırken aralarında sıkı irtibat olan kelime grupları kullanılmıştır. Örneğin Allah Kur’ân’da kendisini, Rakîb, Alîm, Basîr, Habîr, Latîf vb. lafızlarla insanın idrakine yansıtmakta ve böylece doğru bir Allah Tasavvuru oluşmasını amaçlamaktadır. Bu çalışmada, öncelikle ra-ka-be /رقب kökünün etimolojisi üzerinde durulacaktır. Zira bir kelimenin dildeki asli anlamı ve türevleriyle beraber sonradan kazandığı anlamların (...)
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    Osmanlı Bahriyesi'nde Yabancı Danışmanla.Yaşar Bedi̇rhan - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 5):127-139.
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    Selçuklu Türkiyesi'nde Ticaret Yolları, Limanlar ve Pazar Yerleri.Yaşar Bedi̇rhan - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 11):13-13.
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  14.  28
    The Pluralist Constitution.Sonu Bedi - 2020 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 32 (4):369-380.
    ABSTRACT Because of the irresolvable disagreement between the Federalists and Anti-Federalists, the U.S. Constitution both embodies value pluralism and has encouraged it ever since its adoption. Rather than ignoring the nation-centered, dynamic ideas of the Federalists or the state-centered, static ideas of the Anti-Federalists, the Constitution incorporated both views, giving rise to plentiful opportunities for interpretive disagreements that have not, however, stood in the way of the interpreters’ shared commitment to the document itself. In this respect, the Constitution and constitutional (...)
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  15. Debate: What is so special about religion? The dilemma of the religious exemption.Sonu Bedi - 2007 - Journal of Political Philosophy 15 (2):235–249.
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  16. Why a Criminal Prohibition on Sex Selective Abortions Amounts to a Thought Crime.Sonu Bedi - 2011 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 5 (3):349-360.
    In a sex selective abortion, a woman aborts a fetus simply on account of the fetus’ sex. Her motivation or underlying reason for doing so may very well be sexist. She could be disposed to thinking that a female child is inferior to a male one. In a hate crime, an individual commits a crime on account of a victim’s sex, race, sexual orientation or the like. The individual may be sexist or racist in picking his victim. He or she (...)
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  17.  52
    Rejecting rights.Sonu Bedi - 2009 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Rights -- Justification in theory -- Justification in practice.
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    Türkiye Selçuklularında Dış Ticaret.Yaşar Bedi̇rhan - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 5):371-371.
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    The adequacy of informed consent forms in genetic research in Oman: A pilot study.Asya Al-Riyami, Deepali Jaju, Sanjay Jaju & Henry J. Silverman - 2011 - Developing World Bioethics 11 (2):57-62.
    Genetic research presents ethical challenges to the achievement of valid informed consent, especially in developing countries with areas of low literacy. During the last several years, a number of genetic research proposals involving Omani nationals were submitted to the Department of Research and Studies, Ministry of Health, Oman.The objective of this paper is to report on the results of an internal quality assurance initiative to determine the extent of the information being provided in genetic research informed consent forms. In order (...)
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  20.  17
    Beyond Race, Sex, and Sexual Orientation: Legal Equality Without Identity.Sonu Bedi - 2013 - Cambridge University Press.
    The conventional interpretation of equality under the law singles out certain groups or classes for constitutional protection: women, racial minorities, and gays and lesbians. The United States Supreme Court calls these groups 'suspect classes'. Laws that discriminate against them are generally unconstitutional. While this is a familiar account of equal protection jurisprudence, this book argues that this approach suffers from hitherto unnoticed normative and political problems. The book elucidates a competing, extant interpretation of equal protection jurisprudence that avoids these problems. (...)
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  21.  52
    Daniel E. Lee & Elizabeth J. Lee, Human Rights and the Ethics of Globalization.Sonu Bedi - 2013 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 10 (1):109-111.
  22. Expressive Exclusion: A Defense.Sonu Bedi - 2010 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 7 (4):427-440.
    Central to the freedom of association is the freedom to exclude. In fact, American constitutional law permits associations to discriminate on otherwise prohibited grounds, a principle of expressive discrimination or what I call "expressive exclusion." However, we lack a complete normative defense of it. Too often, expressive exclusion is justifi ed as a simple case of religious accommodation, or a simple case of freedom of association or speech—justifi cations that are defi cient. I argue that expressive exclusion is essential in (...)
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  23.  17
    Selçuklu Türkmenlerinin Kafkasya Ve Kafkas Elleriyle Münasebetleri.Yaşar Bedi̇rhan - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 4):165-165.
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  24. Fârâbî: 870-950.Bedi N. Şehsuvaroğlu - 1950 - İstanbul,: İ. Akgün Matbaası.
  25.  24
    Transforming the Self: Exploring Effects of Vipassana on Delhi Police Trainees.Rakesh Kumar Agrawal & Kiran Bedi - 2002 - Journal of Human Values 8 (1):45-56.
    While living a life based on universal principles is well accepted by many, the reality of living acts as a great detriment to those who want to centre their lives on these timeless truths. Further, institutional mechanisms and work environments do not conform in general to such principle-centred living. The agents of the state, especially those in the police, have to work under tremendous obstacles and pressures from within and without, and often get a bad reputation, sometimes undeservingly. Moreover their (...)
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    Brand as Promise.Vikram R. Bhargava & Suneal Bedi - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 179 (3):919-936.
    Brands are widely regarded as a constellation of shared associations surrounding a company and its offerings. On the traditional view of brands, these associations are regarded as perceptions and attitudes in consumers’ minds in relation to a company. We argue that this traditional framing of brands faces an explanatory problem: the inability to satisfactorily explain why certain branding activism initiatives elicit the moralized reactive attitudes that are paradigmatic responses to wrongdoing. In this paper, we argue for a reframing of brands (...)
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  27.  22
    Using Co-design With Breast Cancer Patients and Radiographers to Develop “KEW” Communication Skills Training.Mara van Beusekom, Josie Cameron, Carolyn Bedi, Elspeth Banks, Rachel Harris & Gerry Humphris - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Previous work has shown that concerns of breast cancer patients after finishing radiotherapy are responsive to conversations with radiographers during the treatment period. This study seeks to further understand radiographer and patient experiences, determine shared priorities for improvement in clinical interaction and develop communication guidelines and training to help radiographers support patients.Methods: Using the principles of Experience-Based Co-Design, semi-structured interviews were held with N = 4 patients and N = 4 radiographers, followed by feedback events to validate findings. Patients and (...)
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  28.  18
    Differences in religious and spiritual practice variables between Canadian counselors and psychologists.Thomas Willman, Thomas B. Douce & Robinder Bedi - 2023 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 45 (3):229-246.
    This article investigates whether there are differences in religious and spiritual (R/S) beliefs, attitudes, practices, training, and self-assessed competence between counselors and psychologists in Canada. Researchers surveyed 307 mental health professionals in Canada with two standardized measures (the Assessment of Spirituality and Religious Sentiments Scale and the Duke University Religion Index) and various other questions corresponding to variables investigated or alluded to in past research. We hypothesized that, compared with psychologists, counselors would (a) have stronger personal R/S beliefs, (b) demonstrate (...)
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  29.  8
    Comparative education for global citizenship, peace and shared living through uBuntu.N'Dri Thérèse Assié-Lumumba, Michael Cross, Kanishka Bedi & Sakunthala Ekanayake (eds.) - 2022 - Boston: Brill.
    There is a dire need today to create spaces in which people can make meaning of their existence in the world, abiding by cultural frameworks and practices that acknowledge and validate a meaningful existence for all. People are not just isolated individuals but are connected in diverse ways with other persons within our natural and social environment which is part of the whole universe. The African philosophy of uBuntu or humaneness is re-emerging for its timely relevance and potential as indispensable (...)
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  30. Judicial Review: Process, Powers, and Problems.Salman Khurshid, Sidharth Luthra, Lokendra Malik & Shruti Bedi (eds.) - 2020 - Cambridge University Press.
    In India, judicial review is not a static phenomenon. It has ensured that the Constitution is the supreme law of the land, and in situations when a law impinges on the rights and the liberties of citizens, it can be pruned or made void. This is a collection of scholarly essays demonstrating the different facets of judicial review based on the vast area of comparative constitutional law. Importantly, it honours the body of work of Upendra Baxi, legal scholar and author, (...)
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  31.  20
    Proof of Concept of a Gamified DEvelopmental Assessment on an E-Platform (DEEP) Tool to Measure Cognitive Development in Rural Indian Preschool Children.Debarati Mukherjee, Supriya Bhavnani, Akshay Swaminathan, Deepali Verma, Dhanya Parameshwaran, Gauri Divan, Jayashree Dasgupta, Kamalkant Sharma, Tara C. Thiagarajan & Vikram Patel - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Kosmologia Bedy Czcigodnego (VIII wiek).Marcin Karas - 2012 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 60 (1):7-26.
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    Belagat Sanatlarının Fıkhî Meselelerin İzahında Kullanımı: ‘Abdulganî en-N'blusî’nin en-Nesîmu’r-rebî‘î fi’t-tec'zübi’l-bedî‘î Adlı Eseri (Tahlil ve Tahkik).Muhammed Emin Görgün - 2024 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 28 (2):890-912.
    Câhiliye döneminde şair ve hatipler tarafından bir meleke olarak kullanılan belagat, geçirdiği hazırlık ve gelişim döneminin ardından ilmî teşekkülünü tamamlayarak Arap dil ilimlerinde müstakil bir dal haline gelmiştir. Ebû Ya‘kûb es-Sekkâkî (öl. 626/1229) öncülüğünde “meânî-beyân-bedî‘” olarak üç başlık altında ele alınmaya başlanan belagat konularının bedî‘ kısmına, Sekkâkî sonrası şerh ve hâşiye dönemi müellifleri tarafından yeni sanatlar eklenmiştir. Bu sanatlardan birisi de tarif ve tesmiyesi Sa‘duddîn et-Teftâzânî’ye (öl. 792/1390) ait olan tecâzüb sanatıdır. Farklı pek çok disiplinde ilmî ve edebî bir terim (...)
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    Sonu Bedi, Rejecting Rights. [REVIEW]Kristen Hessler - 2012 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 9 (3):463-466.
  35.  13
    Kızıl îcâz: (Abdurrahman Ahdarî'nin süllem'ül- münevrak isimli eserine Bedîüzzaman'ın şerhi): Şerh.Said Nursi - 2019 - Fatih, İstanbul: Osmanlı Araştırmaları Vakfı. Edited by Ahmet Akgündüz.
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    Bosnalı Süleyman Fikrî'nin İlm-İ Bel'gatdan Bey'n ve Bedî' Hül'sası Kitabında Mec'z-I Mürselin Detay.Abuzer Kalyon - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 12):555-555.
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    Bosnalı Süleyman Fikri'nin İlm-i Bel'gatdan Bey'n ve Bedî' Hül'sası.Abuzer Kalyon - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 16):741-741.
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  38.  28
    Sources in Electrical History: Archives and Manuscript Collections in U.S. RepositoriesJoyce E. Bedi Ronald R. Kline Craig Semsel. [REVIEW]John Neu - 1991 - Isis 82 (2):422-422.
  39. Eloquence of the breadth of meaning in the interpretation of speech.Suliman Alomirat - 2018 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 4 (2):658 - 682.
    This study deals with a linguistic phenomenon that has not been fully researched. This phenomenon was mentioned in some of the works of the bedî scholars who called it ittisâ (statements that can be interpreted in more than one meaning – provided that the vocabularies can express these interpretations – without any presence of any presumption in favour of any meaning, often out of the intention of the speaker. -/- Multiples interpretations used for many reasons, may be grammatical, word’s structure, (...)
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    Çöküş Söylemi ve Edebi Süreklilik Bağlamında 17. yy. Osmanlı Dönemi Arap Edebiyatının Öncü İki Siması ve Eserlerinde Ön Plana Çıkan Temalar.Sultan Şimşek - 2024 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 28 (2):619-639.
    Arap edebiyatı tarihinin dönemlerinden biri olarak Osmanlı dönemi Arap edebiyatı yaklaşık dört buçuk asırlık uzun bir dönemi kapsamaktadır. Modern dönemde Arap edebiyatı tarihi yazımına öncülük eden Carlo Alfonso Nallino (öl.1938), Hamilton Gibb (öl.1971), Régis Blachère (öl.1973) gibi müsteşrikler Osmanlı dönemi Arap edebiyatını yok saymış, dahası bir çöküş ve inkıta evresi olarak tanımlamışlardır. Bu makalede sözü edilen araştırmacıların dönemle ilgili iddialarının sağlamasını yapmak üzere Osmanlı’da Arap edebiyatı alanında var olan süreklilik, çeşitlilik ve gelişim durumu dönemin öncü iki edebiyatçısı ve eserlerinde ön (...)
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    Current Controversies in Political Philosophy.Thom Brooks (ed.) - 2013 - Routledge.
    Current Controversies in Political Philosophy brings together an international team of leading philosophers to explore and debate four key and dynamic issues in the field in an accessible way. Should we all be cosmopolitans? – Gillian Brock and Cara Nine Are rights important? – Rowan Cruft and Sonu Bedi Is sexual objectification wrong and, if so, why? – Lina Papadaki and Scott Anderson What to do about climate change? – Alexa Zellentin and Thom Brooks These questions are the focus (...)
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    July 15, 2016 coup of turkey: Combat between modernism and revivalism, lessons to learn.Obaid Ahmed Khan & Atta-ur-Rahman Arif - 2018 - Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 57 (1):101-112.
    If one thing that the failed coup by a small but some of the top hierarchy of Turkish armed forces on that fateful July 15, 2016 day made clear, it was: the ordinary civilians, unarmed as they were poured into the streets to defend the government whatever way they can. This massive public sympathy and support for Turkish resident Erdogan and his government would be hard, if not impossible to understand, without knowing the historical intellectual, academic, and moral combat between (...)
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    Ebû Hayy'n’a göre F'tiha Sûresindeki Edebî Sanatlar.Yusuf Aydın - 2022 - Atebe 7:115-128.
    Belâgat ilmi, Arap dilinin özelliklerini kavramada ve gizemlerini anlama konusunda önemli bir yere sahiptir. İslam’la birlikte lafzıyla mûcize olan Kur’ân-ı Kerîm inmiş ve sonrasında bu kitapla belâgat ve hitabet konusunda zirvede bulunan Araplara meydan okunmuştur. Nitekim Kur’ân-ı Kerîm’in indirildiği dönemde muhatabı olan toplum Belâgat ve Fesahat konusunda son derece başarılı bir toplumdu. İşte Kur’ân-ı Kerîm’in böyle bir meydan okumasına bakılarak belâgat açısından ne kadar zengin olduğu daha da fazla anlaşılmaktadır. Aynı zamanda Kur’ân hitap açısından öyle bir üslup kullanmıştır ki İslam’a (...)
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    The Literary Technique Styles Of The al-Muḥassināt al-Maʿnewiyye İn Kirmāsti’s Work “al-Mukhtār Fi Al-Maʿāni we al-Bayān”.Mehmet Sıddık Özalp - 2024 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 10 (1):69-105.
    Yûsuf b. Hussein al-Kirmāstī (d. 900/1494), a figure who lived in the 15th century, studied under scholars of his time such as Khujazāda Muṣliḥuddīn Efendi (d. 893/1488). Kirmāstī was from the district of Kirmāstī (Mustafakemalpaşa) in Bursa. Yûsuf b. Hussein al-Kirmāstī was a qadi (judge) during the reign of Sultan Bâyezid II (1481-1512). Kirmāstī, originally from Kirmāstī (Mustafakemalpaşa), Bursa, established a medrese (theological school) in Istanbul named Kirmâstî. After serving as a lecturer in various madrasahs, he transitioned to the judicial (...)
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    Müş'kele Sanatının Kavramsallaşma Sürecinde Fahreddin er-R'zî.Mehdi Cengi̇z - 2021 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 23 (44):397-419.
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    The Composition Arts Related to Starting the Topic, Transition to the Main Topic and Conclusion in the ‘Ilm al-Balāgha.Ahmet Gezek - 2025 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 10 (2):523-541.
    In the ‘Ilm al-Balāgha, there are literary arts related to the beginning of the speech, the transition to the main topic and the conclusion. Ḥusn al-ibtidā and barāat al-istihlāl includes the introduction part of the speech; takhalluṣ and iqtidāb include transition from the introduction to the main topic; ḥusn al-intihā deals with the conclusion part. The position of these literary arts, which found a place in classical and modern rhetoric books, differed from one author to another even some authors did (...)
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