Results for 'Deborah Canales-Romero'

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  1.  8
    Juggling School and Work From Home: Results From a Survey on German Families With School-Aged Children During the Early COVID-19 Lockdown.Deborah Canales-Romero & Axinja Hachfeld - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:734257.
    As consequence to the coronavirus outbreak, governments around the world imposed drastic mitigation measures such as nationwide lockdowns. These measures included the closures of schools, hence, putting parents into the position of juggling school and work from home. In the present study, we investigated the well-being of parents with school-aged children and its connection to mitigation measures with particular focus on parental roles “caregiver,” “worker,” and “assistant teacher” as stressors. In addition to direct effects, we expected indirect effects on well-being (...)
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  2. Tras las huellas del Leviatán: algunas reflexiones sobre el futuro del Estado y de sus instituciones en el siglo XXI.Canales Aliende, José Manuel, Santiago Delgado & Adela Romero Tarín (eds.) - 2021 - Granada: Editorial Comares.
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  3. Philosophy of science and the replicability crisis.Felipe Romero - 2019 - Philosophy Compass 14 (11):e12633.
    Replicability is widely taken to ground the epistemic authority of science. However, in recent years, important published findings in the social, behavioral, and biomedical sciences have failed to replicate, suggesting that these fields are facing a “replicability crisis.” For philosophers, the crisis should not be taken as bad news but as an opportunity to do work on several fronts, including conceptual analysis, history and philosophy of science, research ethics, and social epistemology. This article introduces philosophers to these discussions. First, I (...)
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  4. Photo Bomb: responding to online aggressions.A. Romero-Iribas & Almudena Santaella - forthcoming - In Meira Levinson, Ellis Reid, Tatiana Geron & Sara O'Brien, Civic Contestation in Global Education: Cases and Conversations in Educational Ethics, International Perspective.
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  5. Quantum Mechanics, Fields, Black Holes, and Ontological Plurality.Gustavo E. Romero - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (4):97-121.
    The ontology behind quantum mechanics has been the subject of endless debate since the theory was formulated some 100 years ago. It has been suggested, at one time or another, that the objects described by the theory may be individual particles, waves, fields, ensembles of particles, observers, and minds, among many other possibilities. I maintain that these disagreements are due in part to a lack of precision in the use of the theory’s various semantic designators. In particular, there is some (...)
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    Caring for Landscapes of Justice in Perilous Settler Environments.Mishuana Goeman - 2024 - The Pluralist 19 (1):50-63.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Caring for Landscapes of Justice in Perilous Settler EnvironmentsMishuana Goemanindians are the "singing remnants" or "graffiti," in the words of Leanne Betasamosake Simpson ("i am graffiti"). The forms this graffiti takes, our inscriptions on the landscape, are as numerous as our Nations, abundant as our ancestors who loved, lived, and passed down knowledge of our lands and histories. "You are the result of the love of thousands," writes Linda (...)
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  7. El foro social mundial ante una encrucijada.Miguel Romero Baeza - 2007 - Critica 57 (941):29-33.
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  8. Estrategia de intervención sanitaria en pacientes con glaucoma neovascular.Matilde Landín Sorí & Ramón Ezequiel Romero Sánchez - 2012 - Humanidades Médicas 12 (1):1-8.
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  9. Commentary: Physical time within human time.Gustavo E. Romero - 2023 - Frontiers in Psychology 14:1092351.
    I offer a commentary and criticism of the work Physical time within human time by Gruber, R. P., Block, R. A., and Montemayor, C. (2022). Front. Psychol. 13:718505. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.718505. Issues in the philosophy of time and the brain construction of time are discussed.
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  10. The Collapse of Supertasks.Gustavo E. Romero - 2014 - Foundations of Science 19 (2):209-216.
    A supertask consists in the performance of an infinite number of actions in a finite time. I show that any attempt to carry out a supertask will produce a divergence of the curvature of spacetime, resulting in the formation of a black hole. I maintain that supertaks, contrarily to a popular view among philosophers, are physically impossible. Supertasks, literally, collapse under their own weight.
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    The ultimate glass ceiling revisited: The presence of women on corporate boards.Deborah E. Arfken, Stephanie L. Bellar & Marilyn M. Helms - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 50 (2):177-186.
    Has the diversity of corporate boards of directors improved? Should it? What role does diversity play in reducing corporate wrongdoing? Will diversity result in a more focused board of directors or more board autonomy? Examining the state of Tennessee as a case study, the authors collected data on the board composition of publicly traded corporations and compared those data to an original study conducted in 1995. Data indicate only a modest improvement in board diversity. This article discusses reasons for the (...)
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    A critical analysis of compliance.Nancy Murphy & Mary Canales - 2001 - Nursing Inquiry 8 (3):173-181.
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    The Division of Replication Labor.Romero Felipe - 2020 - Philosophy of Science 87 (5):1014-1025.
    Scientists are becoming increasingly aware of a “replicability crisis” in the behavioral, social, and biomedical sciences. Researchers have made progress identifying statistical and methodological...
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    La representación de las enfermedades poco frecuentes en el discurso periodístico español. Propuestas para el análisis: The Representation of Rare Diseases in the Spanish Journalistic Discourse. Proposals for its Analysis.Samantha Requena Romero & Antonio M. Bañón Hernándezy - 2014 - Pragmática Sociocultural 2 (2):180-222.
    Resumen Las enfermedades raras o poco frecuentes constituyen un tema muy complejo desde el punto de vista socio-sanitario y también desde el punto de vista comunicativo. Afectan a menos de 5 por 10.000 personas y suelen ser graves y crónicas. La mayor parte son de origen genético por lo que, con frecuencia, se manifiestan en la etapa infantil. Apenas un diez por ciento tiene tratamientos efectivos. Son pocos los estudios que han abordado el discurso sobre estas patologías. Las ER constituyen (...)
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    Alpha-Band Oscillations Reflect Altered Multisensory Processing of the McGurk Illusion in Schizophrenia.Yadira Roa Romero, Julian Keil, Johanna Balz, Michael Niedeggen, Jürgen Gallinat & Daniel Senkowski - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
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    Dos políticas de instrumental científico: el Instituto del Material científico y el Torres Quevedo.Ana Romero - 1998 - Arbor 160 (631-632):359-386.
    En este artículo se comparan las políticas públicas de adquisición, distribución y mantenimiento de material científico para centros docentes y de investigación, a través de dos instituciones: el Instituto del Material Científico (1911-1936) y el Instituto Torres Quevedo (1939-1965).
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  17. Implications of teachers' beliefs about the nature of science: Comparison of the beliefs of scientists, secondary science teachers, and elementary teachers.Deborah Pomeroy - 1993 - Science Education 77 (3):261-278.
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  18. La filosofía científica y los límites de la ciencia.Gustavo E. Romero - 2017 - Rev. Cient. Estud. Investig 6 (1):97-103.
    La filosofía científica es filosofía informada por la ciencia, que usa herramientas exactas como la lógica y la matemática, y proporciona a la actividad científica de un marco donde dirimir las cuestiones más generales sobre la naturaleza, el lenguaje que usamos para describirla, y el conocimiento que de ella obtenemos. Muchas teorías de la filosofía científica pueden ser contrastadas y evaluadas utilizando evidencia científica. En este artículo me concentro en caracterizar a la filosofía científica y en discutir los límites de (...)
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    ¿La estética o lo estético?: reubicación onto-metafísica.Jorge Romero Brest - 1988 - [Buenos Aires?]: Rosenberg-Rita Editores.
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    La impaciencia del deseo y otros ensayos de estética.Diego Romero de Solís - 1991 - Sevilla: Alfar.
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    Youth talking: notes on social research practices and logics.Duarte Klaudio, Canales Manuel & Cottet Pablo - 2016 - Cinta de Moebio 57:275-284.
    Social research techniques are a set of devices that contribute to the observation and knowledge of the social. Such devices are the subject of analysis in this article. The main argument that we hold is that increasingly innovation in design and use is required to better understand the complexity contained in social processes we studied, not succumbing to the formalization and crystallization of the same, but opening to movements that blur boundaries and open up new possibilities increasingly filled with everyday (...)
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    La ceguera y baja visión en el mundo::¿ un problema médico o social?Matilde Landín Sorí & Ramón E. Romero Sánchez - 2006 - Humanidades Médicas 6 (2):0-0.
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    Medio siglo de estudios sobre el donatismo: de Monceaux a nuestro días.Eugenio Romero Pose - 1982 - Salmanticensis 29 (1):81-99.
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    From Place to Space: A Heideggerian Analysis.Elizabeth Smythe, Deborah Spence & Jonathon Gray - 2018 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 18 (2):191-201.
    In this paper, we pay attention to the impact on staff of what was a new place, Ko Awatea, within a large New Zealand hospital. The place became a space from within which a particular mood arose. This paper seeks to capture that mood and its impact. Using a Heideggerian hermeneutic approach, the study reported on drew on data from interviews with 20 staff. Philosophical notions about the nature and mood of place/space are explored. As staff claimed this space, the (...)
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  25. Legalidad y validez jurídica en las reformas a la Constitución de Querétaro.Bernardo Romero Vázquez - 2012 - In González de Luna, M. Eduardo, Mauricio Ávila Barba & Óscar Wingartz Plata, Problemas filosóficos interdisciplinarios de la ciencia, la tecnología y la sociedad. Santiago de Querétaro, Qro., México: Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, Facultad de Filosofía.
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    The Academic Spin-Off Ecosystem: a comparative analysis between Colombia and Global Trends (8th edition).Alexander Romero-Sánchez & Maria Stephania Aponte-Garcia - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture.
    Academic entrepreneurship and the formation of spin-offs from educational institutions have been consolidated as essential elements to promote innovation and stimulate economic growth worldwide. However, the evolution of these initiatives shows marked differences between developed countries and emerging economies, such as Colombia. This study focuses on analyzing how research in this area has progressed, identifying the key factors that determine the success of spin-offs and suggesting a framework for action for Colombia in comparison with international dynamics. The findings reveal a (...)
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  27. Biopolítica y biopoder. Una evaluación de ambos conceptos en Michel Foucault.Gustavo Romero - 2013 - Foro Interno. Anuario de Teoría Política 13:107-122.
    Este artículo ofrece una evaluación de la relevancia de los conceptos de biopolítica y biopoder en la obra de Michel Foucault. Un análisis exhaustivo de la obra de Foucault es esencial para una evaluación de los diversos aspectos del concepto de biopolítica. Esto permite que sea posible concluir que la biopolítica pueda considerarse fundamental en el interior del marco conceptual de Foucault.
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  28. Design and validation of a Character Friendship Scale for young adults//Diseño y validación de una Escala de Amistad de Carácter para jóvenes.A. Romero-Iribas & Celia Camilli - 2023 - Revista Española de Pedagogia 286:529-553.
    Friendship is an important bond in the personal and social growth of an individual and plays a prominent role during youth. Most scales to measure it are aimed at children and adolescents but none measure character friendship, a type of selfless friendship with ethical traits an d Aristotelian roots. Therefore, the aim of the research is to design and validate the youth Character Friendship Scale (CFS) in a sample of 1587 young Spanish people. The final version of the CFS is (...)
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    Concepts of the Body in the Zhuangzi.Deborah A. Sommer - 2010 - In Victor Mair, Experimental Essays on Zhuangzi, 2d ed. Three Pines Press. pp. 212-228.
    The Zhuangzi is one of the richest early Chinese sources for exploring conceptualizations of the visceral human form. Zhuangzi presents the human frame as a corpus of flesh, organs, limbs, and bone; he dissects it before the reader's eyes, turning it inside out and joyfully displaying its fragmented joints, sundered limbs, and beautifully monstrous mutations. This body is a site of immolation and fragmentation that ultimately evokes a larger wholeness and completeness. Drawing and quartering the body, Zhuangzi paradoxically frees it (...)
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  30. God, Causality, and the creation of the universe.Gustavo E. Romero - 2004 - INVENIO 7 (13):11-20.
    The Kalam Cosmological Argument is perhaps the most solid and widely discussed argument for a caused creation of the universe. The usual objections to the argument mainly focus on the second premise. In this paper we discuss the dependency of the first premise on the topological structure of the space-time manifold adopted for the underlying cosmological model. It is shown that in chronology-violating space-times the first premise can also be violated. The chronology-violation, in turn, requires a massive violation of the (...)
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    Technological Surveillance Study on the Development of Beekeeping Technologies.Yaneth Patricia Romero Alvarez, Mario Frank Pérez Pérez & William Niebles - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1565-1576.
    This study employed a technology surveillance process in the beekeeping sector with the objective of identifying emerging technologies that are relevant to small beekeepers in emerging economies. The analysis of patents classified under A01K 47/00 revealed the emergence of pivotal innovations in domains such as hive design, automated honey extraction, and the integration of sensors for hive monitoring. The surveillance process facilitated the collection and analysis of data on the most patented technologies in the sector, thereby addressing key planning questions. (...)
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  32. Sendas perdidas.José Rovira Armengol & Francisco Romero - 1961 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 16 (2):254-255.
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    El virus de la incertidumbre.Daniel Romero Campoy - 2020 - UNIVERSITAS Revista de Filosofía Derecho y Política 32:22-34.
    El presente ensayo toma como punto de partida varios artículos de opinión con el propósito de reflexionar sobre varias cuestiones que han surgido a raíz de la crisis sanitaria, económica y social del COVID-19. La pandemia ha puesto de relieve distintos asuntos trascendentales de nuestra sociedad: la desigualdad, el uso de la tecnología, la percepción de la realidad, el lenguaje, la solidaridad o los servicios públicos.
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  34. El punto de partida del filosofar, 2e éd., « Biblioteca filosófica ».Risieri Frondizi & Francisco Romero - 1958 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 13 (4):548-548.
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  35. The cognitive representation of nature in language: A taxonomy.Jesús Romero Trillo & Tíscar Espigares Pinilla - 2012 - Pragmatics and Cognition 20 (1):168-185.
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  36. Self-existing objects and auto-generated information in chronology-violating space-times: A philosophical discussion.Gustavo E. Romero & Diego F. Torres - 2001 - Modern Physics Letters A 16 (19):1213-1222.
    Closed time-like curves (CTCs) naturally appear in a variety of chronology-violating space{times. In these space{times, the principle of self-consistency demands a harmony between local and global a airs that excludes grandfather-like paradoxes. However, selfexisting objects trapped in CTCs are not seemingly avoided by the standard interpretation of this principle, usually constrained to a dynamical framework. In this letter we discuss whether we are committed to accept an ontology with self-existing objects if CTCs actually occur in the universe. In addition, the (...)
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  37. Paths of Words: The political dimension of friendly conversation in Robert Guédiguian’s films.A. Romero-Iribas & Pablo Alzola - 2022 - French Screen Studies 22 (4):271-286.
    This article studies the political dimension of friendship in Robert Guédiguian’s cinema, delving into the crucial role that conversation plays in this relationship, and taking Stanley Cavell’s thought as a main reference. Aristotle’s concept of civic friendship, along with its contemporary readings, and Cavell’s notion of conversation provide a theoretical frame for the analysis of three recent feature films directed by Guédiguian that present a strong thematic and narrative unity (and have barely received attention in previous scholarship): Les Neiges du (...)
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  38. Topography of interpersonal relationships in Postmodernity: friendship and education.Ana Romero-Iribas & Consuelo Martínez-Priego - 2017 - Revista Española de Pedagogia 75 (267):309-322.
    This article considers friendship as a channel for education and as one of its objectives, as it is a necessary ingredient for a fulfilled life. This requires an initial study of interpersonal relationships in the postmodern context, considering their opportunities and risks. Our aim is to draw a topography of these relationships by analysing texts by major thinkers of the last four decades. The result of this analysis is the core of the article, namely, that there are four categories which (...)
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  39. Social Justice, Social Friendship and the Role of Trust as an Other-Oriented Emotion.A. Romero-Iribas & Andrea Oelsner - 2022 - Peace Review: A Journal of Social Studies 34 (3):352-36.
    This essay discusses the idea that trust is a pre-rational, other-oriented emotion and it is constitutive of friendship practices regardless of the type of friendship. In particular, what we call ‘social friendship’ refers to a distinctive set of loose but lasting and cohesive bonds both among citizens within society (horizontal dimension) and between them and the state (vertical dimension), triggering solidarity and altruism. The other-oriented emotion of trust underpinning these social bonds–social friendship–in turn, is necessary for social justice to be (...)
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  40. Friendship, self-knowledge, and core texts: a pathway for character education at university.A. Romero-Iribas - 2021 - In Edward Brooks, Emma Cohen de Lara, Álvaro Sánchez-Ostiz & José M. Torralba, Literature and Character Education in Universities. Theory, Method, and Text Analysis. Routledge. pp. 170-185.
    In this chapter I argue that one way in which friendship contributes to moral growth is by means of developing self-knowledge. The chapter starts out with an explanation of the privileged space that friendship offers for the cultivation of character. Next, the chapter develops the connection between friendship and self-knowledge. Here, the chapter makes a distinction between self-knowledge on the psychological level, and self-knowledge on the anthropological level. The chapter then turns to an analysis of the two proposed core texts (...)
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  41. Cioran y la condición humana: ser-con los animales.Gustavo Romero - 2019 - In Criterion Editrice Milano, Emil Cioran. Giornate di studio a Napoli. Milano: Criterion Editrice Milano. pp. 103-114.
    Este trabajo se propone dos objetivos, uno descriptivo y otro propositivo. El descriptivo consiste en el análisis de la crítica que realiza E. Cioran, a lo largo de su obra, a la concepción humanista del ser humano Nuestro filósofo pone en cuestión la arrogancia del hombre que se coloca en el lugar fundamental y de supremacía en el ámbito de la vida, lugar que le sirve de justificación para conquistar, apropiarse y aniquilar a la naturaleza y al resto de los (...)
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  42. El bios foucaulteano: de Subjetividad y verdad a El coraje de la verdad, entre la vida bella y la animalidad.Gustavo Romero - 2015 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 32:145-162.
    En este trabajo nos proponemos elucidar el concepto de bíos desarrollado por Foucault en su curso recientemente publicado, Subjectivité et vérité,estableciendo su desarrollo luego con la noción de "vida bella" presentada en su Historia de la sexualidad, para finalmente analizar un tipo específico de bíos, el de los cínicos, que transita entre la crudeza de la parresía y la animalidad.
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    Cheating: ethics in everyday life.Deborah L. Rhode - 2018 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Cheating is deeply embedded in everyday life. The costs of the most common forms of cheating total close to a trillion dollars annually. Part of the problem is that many individuals fail to see such behavior as a serious problem. "Everyone does it" is a common rationalization, and one that comes uncomfortably close to the truth. That perception is also self-perpetuating. The more that individuals believe that cheating is widespread, the easier it becomes to justify. Yet what is most notable (...)
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    Imagen de Mario Bunge.Gustavo E. Romero & Pablo Jakovkis - 2017 - Metatheoria – Revista de Filosofía E Historia de la Ciencia 7 (2):3-16.
    Una biografía y análisis de la obra del filósofo argentino-canadiense Mario Bunge.
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  45. Locura, literatura, finitud: indagaciones foucaulteanas sobre la cuestión antropológica.Gustavo Romero - 2012 - Ideas Y Valores 61:127-140.
    El problema antropológico ya está presente en Histoire de la folie, porque en la locura se objetiva una verdad antropológica, y por medio de la psicología el hombre fija una relación con su verdad científica a partir del loco. El hombre encuentra el primer acceso a su ser verdadero desde una experiencia de locura como objetivación espontánea de un enunciado antropológico. Por otro lado, los análisis de Foucault sobre la literatura le permiten transitar el problema antropológico a partir de una (...)
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  46. Tecnologías de información en la toma de decisiones operativas en empresas petroleras del estado Zulia.Mildred Romero & Yetselinne Escalona - 2010 - Telos (Venezuela) 12 (3):323-341.
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  47. El gobierno de los vivos por la verdad.Gustavo Romero - 2016 - Daimon. Revista Internacional de Filosofía 67:149-158.
    Este trabajo se propone pensar las relaciones entre el ejercicio del gobierno y los regímenes de veridicción, teniendo como eje las problematizaciones planteadas por Michel Foucault en el curso titulado Du gouvernement des vivants.
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    Academic Spin-offs through the Lens of Pragmatism and Mixed Methods.Alexander Romero-Sánchez, Geovanny Perdomo-Charry & Edy Lorena Burbano-Vallejo - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:30-67.
    In conclusion, this paper explores the intricate dynamics of improper omission as an amplifying device within the Colombian legal context. A detailed analysis has demonstrated how improper omission allows the imputation and punishment of individuals who, without fulfilling the typical description of conduct, incur criminal liability when they abandon their role as guarantors in the absence of a nexus of avoidability. This occurs when they fail to prevent the typical results that, in the context of legal assets in their charge, (...)
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    A abordagem socioeducacional em estudantes universitários para o desenvolvimento social sustentável.Felix Alberto Caycho Valencia, Henry Bernardo Garay Canales, Carmen Rocío Ricra Echevarría & Candi Pastora Malaga Davila - 2024 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 31:184-194.
    O objetivo deste artigo é analisar as características do modelo sócio-formativo para a construção e o desenvolvimento de sociedades sustentáveis no ensino universitário. O artigo aponta que as universidades da América Latina precisam de redesenhar os seus currículos, incluindo a abordagem socio-formativa, para formar indivíduos capazes de resolver problemas emergentes como os danos ambientais e a perda da ética. A socioformação promove o aperfeiçoamento integral do aluno, a resolução de problemas contextuais e o pensamento crítico. Além disso, permite a articulação (...)
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    La filosofía como creación de conceptos: implicaciones libertarias de Deleuze mediante Leibniz.Juan Manuel Cabrera Romero - forthcoming - Thémata Revista de Filosofía.
    La contribución principal de este trabajo consiste en un análisis específico de la filosofía de Gilles Deleuze que muestra cómo la creación de conceptos en la filosofía puede tener implicaciones libertarias, para ello el autor parte del supuesto de que el sistema filósófico de Deleuze se contrapone a todo emprendimiento filosófico que pretenda justificar el presente bajo su forma de sistema capitalista. En un primer momento, se analizará la filosofía en tanto que creación de conceptos y la manera de cómo (...)
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