Results for 'Davide Giacalone'

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  1.  40
    On the lumber industry: Ethical concerns as the other side of profits. [REVIEW]David Hoch & Robert A. Giacalone - 1994 - Journal of Business Ethics 13 (5):357 - 367.
    The collusive relationship between the U.S. Forest Service and the lumber industry substantially harms the public interest, and inspires Congressional clearcutting and stumping policies. An anthropocentric1 (or homocentric) culture milieu fosters destruction of America''s old growth forests which results in ethically-relevant questions. It is proposed that corporate moral responsibility be extended to indirect stakeholders and that a transcendent environmental ethic, biocentrism2 (or deep ecology), oblige management to expand the sphere of external stakeholders to include environment objects such as animals, trees, (...)
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    Ethical perceptions of organizational politics: A comparative evaluation of american and Hong Kong managers. [REVIEW]David A. Ralston, Robert A. Giacalone & Robert H. Terpstra - 1994 - Journal of Business Ethics 13 (12):989 - 999.
    This paper presents a cross-cultural analysis of ethics with U.S. and Hong Kong Chinese managers as subjects. These managers were given the Strategies of Upward Influence instrument and asked to evaluate the ethics of using various political strategies to attain influence within their organizations. Differences were found between Hong Kong and U.S. managers on a variety of dimensions, indicating important differences between these two groups on their perceptions of ethical behavior. In the paper, we identify potential reasons for the findings, (...)
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  3.  32
    Perceived Situational Appropriateness as a Predictor of Consumers' Food and Beverage Choices.Davide Giacalone & Sara R. Jaeger - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:459913.
    This research investigated whether perceived situational appropriateness (defined as the degree of fit between product and intended usage situations) is predictive of consumer choices for foods and beverages, on the theoretical premise that intended usage situation acts as a frame of reference in orienting choices. Extant research on the topic, though suggestive of a link, is very limited in scope and almost completely lacking with regards to choice behaviour (as opposed to other aspects such as food acceptability or intake). To (...)
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    Identification of ethics committees based on authors’ disclosures: cross-sectional study of articles published in the European Journal of Anaesthesiology and a survey of ethics committees.Davide Zoccatelli, Martin R. Tramèr & Nadia Elia - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):57.
    Since 2010, the European Journal of Anaesthesiology has required the reporting of five items concerning ethical approval in articles describing human research: ethics committee’s name and address, chairperson’s name, study’s protocol number and approval date. We aimed to assess whether this requirement has helped to identify and to contact the referenced ethics committees. In this cross-sectional study, we analysed articles requiring ethical approval, according to the Swiss federal law for human research and published in the European Journal of Anaesthesiology in (...)
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    Unlimited Nature: A Śaivist Model of Divine Greatness.Davide Andrea Zappulli - 2024 - Sophia 63 (3):553-569.
    The notion of maximal greatness is arguably part of the very concept of God: something greater than God is not even possible. But how should we understand this notion? The aim of this paper is to provide a Śaivist answer to this question by analyzing the form of theism advocated in the Pratyabhijñā tradition. First, I extract a model of divine greatness, the Hierarchical Model, from Nagasawa’s work "Maximal God". According to the Hierarchical Model, God is that than which nothing (...)
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    Milano, 1881: Courbet e Carpeaux tra le “macchiette” di Navarro della Miraglia.Davide Lacagnina - 2022 - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano 74 (2):123-145.
    Nel 1881, per i tipi dell’editore Brigola di Milano, vedeva la luce Macchiette parigine, un compendio di profili biografici che lo scrittore siciliano Emanuele Navarro della Miraglia (1838-1919) dedicava a eminenti personalità della cultura letteraria e artistica francese di metà Ottocento.Francesista, a lungo residente a Parigi (1864-1872), in contatto a Milano con gli ambienti della scapigliatura lombarda (1872-1882) e da ultimo professore di Lingua e letteratura francese presso l’Istituto superiore di magistero femminile di Roma (1883-1913), Navarro della Miraglia includeva fra (...)
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    On the Possibilities of a Political Theory of Algorithms.Davide Panagia - 2021 - Political Theory 49 (1):109-133.
    This essay asks how we might articulate a political theory of algorithms. To do so, I propose a political ontology of the algorithm dispositif that elaborates how algorithms arrange the movement of energies in space and time, and how they do so automatically. This force of arrangement is what I refer to as the dispositional power of algorithms that I identify as a political physics of vital processes. The essay is divided into three sections. The first provides readers of Political (...)
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  8.  24
    Banks and Discrimination: How Far Can We Go with Competition? A Reply to Block, Snow, and Stringham.Davide Secchi - 2011 - Business and Society Review 116 (1):55-85.
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    The melancholy of the (co-)author : Panofsky and the authorship of Saturn and melancholy.Davide Stimilli - 2018 - In Philippe Despoix & Jillian Tomm (eds.), Raymond Klibansky and the Warburg Library Network: Intellectual Peregrinations From Hamburg to London and Montreal. Chicago: Mcgill-Queen's University Press. pp. 269-288.
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    DNA is not an ontologically distinctive developmental cause.Davide Vecchi - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 81 (C):101245.
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    Economic Inequality Increases Status Anxiety Through Perceived Contextual Competitiveness.Davide Melita, Guillermo B. Willis & Rosa Rodríguez-Bailón - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Status anxiety, the constant concern about individuals’ position on the social ladder, negatively affects social cohesion, health, and wellbeing. Given previous findings showing that status anxiety is associated with economic inequality, we aimed in this research to test this association experimentally. A cross-sectional study was run in order to discard confounding effects of the relationship between perceived economic inequality and status anxiety, and to explore the mediating role of a competitive climate. Then we predicted that people assigned to a condition (...)
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  12.  61
    Effects of weak transcranial alternating current stimulation on brain activity—a review of known mechanisms from animal studies.Davide Reato, Asif Rahman, Marom Bikson & Lucas C. Parra - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  13.  32
    Scetticismo, riconoscimento, riscoperta dell'ordinario. La filosofia di Stanley Cavell.Davide Sparti & Bernardo Lecci - 1997 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 10 (1):135-144.
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    Getting It Right from the Beginning: Imagination and Education in John Dewey and Kieran Egan.Davide Weible - 2015 - Education and Culture 31 (2):81.
    John Dewey’s theory of education, despite having become a reference point for the pedagogical sciences, has been subjected to much criticism. One of the most significant attacks came from Jerome Bruner, who questioned Dewey’s principles as set forth in his “My Pedagogic Creed”.1 Bruner chose that book for criticism because it foreshadowed much of the later writing on education by the American philosopher, and he assessed the five articles of faith contained therein against the background of the deep changes that (...)
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  15.  14
    The family traditions of the gens Marcia between the fourth and third centuries B.c.Davide Morelli - 2021 - Classical Quarterly 71 (1):189-199.
    In the mid fourth century b.c. some Roman gentes drew on a Pythagorean tradition. In this tradition, Numa's role of Pythagoras’ disciple connected Rome with Greek elites and culture. The Marcii, between 304 and 300 b.c., used Numa's figure, recently reshaped by the Aemilii and the Pinarii for their propaganda, to promote the need for a plebeian pontificate. After the approval of the Ogulnium plebiscite, the needs for this kind of propaganda fell away. When Marcius Censorinus became censor, Numa's pontificate (...)
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  16.  56
    When errors do not matter: Weakening belief in intentional control impairs cognitive reaction to errors.Davide Rigoni, Hélène Wilquin, Marcel Brass & Boris Burle - 2013 - Cognition 127 (2):264-269.
  17.  49
    A soul of truth in things erroneous: Popper’s “amateurish” evolutionary philosophy in light of contemporary biology.Davide Vecchi & Lorenzo Baravalle - 2015 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 36 (4):525-545.
    This paper will critically assess Popper’s evolutionary philosophy. There exists a rich literature on the topic with which we have many reservations. We believe that Popper’s evolutionary philosophy should be assessed in light of the intriguing theoretical insights offered, during the last 10 years or so, by the philosophy of biology, evolutionary biology and molecular biology. We will argue that, when analysed in this manner, Popper’s ideas concerning the nature of selection, Lamarckism and the theoretical limits of neo-Darwinism can be (...)
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  18.  24
    Norms as ascriptions of violations: An analysis in modal logic.Davide Grossi - 2011 - Journal of Applied Logic 9 (2):95-112.
  19.  10
    Der Traum der Sprache.Davide Sparti - 1998 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 46 (2).
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    On the Political Ontology of the Dispositif.Davide Panagia - 2019 - Critical Inquiry 45 (3):714-746.
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  21.  8
    Impressions of Hume: Cinematic Thinking and the Politics of Discontinuity.Davide Panagia - 2012 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Davide Panagia’s Impressions of Hume: Cinematic Thinking and the Politics of Discontinuity is volume fifteen of Modernity and Political Thought, the Rowman & Littlefield series in contemporary political theory.
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  22.  37
    Ritualization and Exaptation: Towards a Theory of Hierarchical Contextuality?Davide Weible - 2012 - Biosemiotics 5 (2):211-226.
    This paper examines the ethological notion of ritualization from the perspective of zoosemiotic studies. Instead of moving within the horizon of traditional semiotic approaches to this phenomenon, my aim is to propose an alternative attempt of modelling based on the linguistic and semiotic concepts of context and contextuality. At the same time, the paper identifies ritualization as a case of exaptation, suggesting the extension of the context-based model within evolutionary biology and the agenda of its semiotic description, namely biosemiotics. At (...)
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  23.  22
    One Social Media Company to Rule Them All: Associations Between Use of Facebook-Owned Social Media Platforms, Sociodemographic Characteristics, and the Big Five Personality Traits.Davide Marengo, Cornelia Sindermann, Jon D. Elhai & Christian Montag - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  24.  9
    História E Estrutura Em Maurice Merleau-Ponty E Claude Lévi-Strauss.Davide Scarso - 2009 - Phainomenon 18-19 (1):207-226.
    In one of the working notes from the Visible and the Invisible, Merleau-Ponty expresses the intention of resuming his critique of Lévi-Strauss ‘s notion of Gestatung in a future version of the text. The recent publication of the notes from the course at College de France (1954-55), and particularly the first of them regarding “L ‘institution dans ľhistoire personelle et publique”, allows a more thorough understanding of that otherwise rather obscure reference. In this paper, we track Merleau-Ponty’s critique of the (...)
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  25.  38
    Deploying Environmental Management Across Functions: The Relationship Between Green Human Resource Management and Green Supply Chain Management.Annachiara Longoni, Davide Luzzini & Marco Guerci - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 151 (4):1081-1095.
    Balancing environmental, social, and economic performance is today considered a key responsibility that firms have toward society. As a result, academics, practitioners, and political decision makers are increasingly paying attention to environmental management systems improving a full spectrum of environmental performance. In that regard, even if recent literature suggests that environmental management should be deployed through a cross-functional approach, extant literature mostly focuses on independent functional systems. This paper addresses this gap investigating how the deployment of environmental management in the (...)
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  26.  18
    Investigating the Features of the M170 in Congenital Prosopagnosia.Davide Rivolta, Romina Palermo, Laura Schmalzl & Mark A. Williams - 2012 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6.
  27. The transparencies and the opacities of experience. Intentionalism, phenomenal character, and moods.Davide Bordini - 2014 - Dissertation, University of Milan
  28.  33
    La battaglia di Pidna. Aspetti topografici e strategici.Davide Morelli - 2021 - Klio 103 (1):97-132.
    RiassuntoSulla base di nuove considerazioni, si propone la ricostruzione della battaglia di Pidna (168 a.C.) sotto l’aspetto topografico, tattico e strategico. Il luogo dello scontro individuato da N.G.L. Hammond viene confermato, ma vi sono dettagli delle fonti che fanno pensare a una diversa disposizione delle truppe. La battaglia sembra essere stata accuratamente preparata dai Romani.
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    "In scienza e coscienza": dall'età moderna alla contemporaneità, tra epistemologia ed etica.Davide Poggi (ed.) - 2021 - Verona: QuiEdit.
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    Organismality grounds species collective responsibility.Davide Vecchi - 2020 - Rivista di Estetica 75:52-71.
    It is frequently claimed that our species is responsible for climate change, for a new impending mass extinction, for destabilising ecosystems dynamics etc. These claims might be interpreted literally as meaning that it is our species, not merely its constituent organisms, that is causing climate change, biodiversity loss and ecosystem upheaval. Such literal interpretation depends on what kind of answer is given to the general theoretical question concerning whether supra-organismal biological entities such as groups, populations and species can be morally (...)
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  31.  10
    Rancière’s Sentiments.Davide Panagia - 2018 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    In _Rancière’s Sentiments _Davide Panagia explores Jacques Rancière’s aesthetics of politics as it informs his radical democratic theory of participation. Attending to diverse practices of everyday living and doing—of form, style, and scenography—in Rancière’s writings, Panagia characterizes Rancière as a sentimental thinker for whom the aesthetic is indistinguishable from the political. Rather than providing prescriptions for political judgment and action, Rancière focuses on how sensibilities and perceptions constitute dynamic relations between persons and the worlds they create. Panagia traces this approach (...)
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  32.  43
    Group Effects on Individual Attitudes Toward Social Responsibility.Davide Secchi & Hong T. M. Bui - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 149 (3):725-746.
    This study uses a quasi-experimental design to investigate what happens to individual socially responsible attitudes when they are exposed to group dynamics. Findings show that group engagement increases individual attitudes toward social responsibility. We also found that individuals with low attitudes toward social responsibility are more likely to change their opinions when group members show more positive attitudes toward social responsibility. Conversely, individuals with high attitudes do not change much, independent of group characteristics. To better analyze the effect of group (...)
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  33.  19
    A Life Extreme. Life and Ideal in Hegel’s Aesthetic Paradigm.Davide Mogetta - 2022 - Rivista di Estetica 81:75-92.
    The aim of this paper is to show how the logical-philosophical paradigm, which allows Hegel to encapsulate the living being in the Science of the Logic, plays a relevant role in his conception of the Ideal in his Lectures on Fine Art. To that end, I will first consider nature’s beauty as confronted to art’s beauty by taking into account the critical readings of this passage, particularly Adorno’s. Although this critique is rooted in Hegel’s text, that very same text can (...)
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  34.  25
    The Poetics of Political Thinking.Davide Panagia - 2006 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    In _The Poetics of Political Thinking_ Davide Panagia focuses on the role that aesthetic sensibilities play in theorists’ evaluations of political arguments. Examining works by thinkers from Thomas Hobbes to Jacques Rancière, Panagia shows how each one invokes aesthetic concepts and devices, such as metaphor, mimesis, imagination, beauty, and the sublime. He argues that it is important to recognize and acknowledge these poetic forms of representation because they provide evaluative standards that theorists use in appraising the value of ideas—ideas (...)
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  35.  87
    Revisiting three decades of Biology and Philosophy: a computational topic-modeling perspective.Christophe Malaterre, Davide Pulizzotto & Francis Lareau - 2019 - Biology and Philosophy 35 (1):5.
    Though only established as a discipline since the 1970s, philosophy of biology has already triggered investigations about its own history The Oxford handbook of philosophy of biology, Oxford University Press, New York, pp 11–33, 2008). When it comes to assessing the road since travelled—the research questions that have been pursued—manuals and ontologies also offer specific viewpoints, highlighting dedicated domains of inquiry and select work. In this article, we propose to approach the history of the philosophy of biology with a complementary (...)
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  36.  43
    The road from evidence to policies and the erosion of the standards of democratic scrutiny in the COVID-19 pandemic.Davide Vecchi & Giorgio Airoldi - 2021 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (2):1-5.
    The COVID-19 pandemic poses extraordinary public health challenges. In order to respond to such challenges, most democracies have relied on so-called ‘evidence-based’ policies, which supposedly devolve to science the burden of their justification. However, the biomedical sciences can only provide a theory-laden evidential basis, while reliable statistical data for policy support is often scarce. Therefore, scientific evidence alone cannot legitimise COVID-19 public health policies, which are ultimately based on political decisions. Given this inevitable input on policy-making, the risk of arbitrariness (...)
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  37. The Music Room in Early Modern France and Italy: Sound, Space and Object.Bonsi Davide - 2012
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    Tra grammatica e logica: saggio sulla lingua di Benedetto Croce.Davide Colussi - 2007 - Pisa: F. Serra.
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    Podemos and the Five Stars Movement: Divergent trajectories in a similar crisis.Davide Vittori - 2017 - Constellations 24 (3):324-338.
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    Intentionality and Inner Awareness.Davide Zottoli - 2022 - Phenomenology and Mind 22 (22):68.
    The contemporary discussion on the subjective character of conscious experience is characterized by a stark contrast between higher-order intentionalism, according to which any state of awareness depends on the instantiation of intentional properties by mental states, and anti-intentionalism, according to which the inner awareness constitutive of subjective experience is fundamentally different from ordinary instances of external or introspective awareness, in that one’s experience is not given to the subject as an ordinary intentional object. The purpose of this paper is to (...)
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  41. Do we really need a knowledge-based decision theory?Davide Fassio & Jie Gao - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):7031-7059.
    The paper investigates what type of motivation can be given for adopting a knowledge-based decision theory. KBDT seems to have several advantages over competing theories of rationality. It is commonly argued that this theory would naturally fit with the intuitive idea that being rational is doing what we take to be best given what we know, an idea often supported by appeal to ordinary folk appraisals. Moreover, KBDT seems to strike a perfect balance between the problematic extremes of subjectivist and (...)
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  42. Dissenting Words: A Conversation with Jacques Rancière.Davide Panagia & Jacques Ranciére - 2000 - Diacritics 30 (2):113-126.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:diacritics 30.2 (2000) 113-126 [Access article in PDF] Dissenting Words:A Conversation with Jacques Rancière 1 Davide Panagia:In your writings you highlight the political efficacy of words. In The Names of History, for instance, this emphasis is discussed most vividly in terms of what you refer to as an "excess of words" that marks the rise of democratic movements in the seventeenth century. Similarly, in On The Shores of (...)
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  43. Multi-field and Bohm’s theory.Davide Romano - 2020 - Synthese (11):29 June 2020.
    In the recent literature, it has been shown that the wave function in the de Broglie–Bohm theory can be regarded as a new kind of field, i.e., a "multi-field", in three-dimensional space. In this paper, I argue that the natural framework for the multi-field is the original second-order Bohm’s theory. In this context, it is possible: i) to construe the multi-field as a real-valued scalar field; ii) to explain the physical interaction between the multi-field and the Bohmian particles; and iii) (...)
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  44. The Metaphysics of Creation in the Daodejing.Davide Andrea Zappulli - forthcoming - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy.
    This paper offers an original interpretation of the Daodejing 道德經 as containing a distinctive account of creation. In my reading, the Daodejing envisions the creation of the cosmos by Dao (1) as a movement from the absence of phenomenal forms to phenomenal forms and (2) as a movement from nothingness to existence. I interpret creation as a unique metaphysical operation that explains how (1) and (2) are possible. The paper is organized into two sections. First, I introduce the distinctions between (...)
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  45. Beyond quantitative and qualitative traits: three telling cases in the life sciences.Davide Serpico - 2020 - Biology and Philosophy 35 (3):1-26.
    This paper challenges the common assumption that some phenotypic traits are quantitative while others are qualitative. The distinction between these two kinds of traits is widely influential in biological and biomedical research as well as in scientific education and communication. This is probably due to both historical and epistemological reasons. However, the quantitative/qualitative distinction involves a variety of simplifications on the genetic causes of phenotypic variability and on the development of complex traits. Here, I examine three cases from the life (...)
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    Alexander S chnell, Le Clignotement de l’être, Paris, Hermann, « Le Bel Aujourd’hui », 2021, 322 p.Davide Pilotto - 2023 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 118 (2):296-298.
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    Nudge to the future: capitalizing on illusory superiority bias to mitigate temporal discounting.Davide Pietroni & Sibylla Verdi Hughes - 2016 - Mind and Society 15 (2):247-264.
    Policymakers and institutions have developed an increasing interest in applying principles from cognitive science to encourage individuals to adopt behaviors, attitudes and perspectives that enable them to reach higher levels of personal and collective well-being. We focused on the value of nudging people to adopt a broader farsighted view when making their day-to-day decisions, overcoming the temporal discounting bias which leads them to prefer smaller immediate gains to larger future rewards. Following recent advances in the literature, we tried to mitigate (...)
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    New Perspectives on the Study of the Authority Relationship: Integrating Individual and Societal Level Research.Davide Morselli & Stefano Passini - 2011 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 41 (3):291-307.
    The concept of authority crosses many social sciences, but there is a lack of common taxonomy and definitions on this topic. The aims of this review are: to define the basic characteristics of the authority relationship, reaching a definition suitable for the different domains of social psychology and social sciences; to bridge the gap between individual and societal levels of explanation concerning the authority relationship, by proposing an interpretation within the framework of social representations. The authority relationship can be conceived (...)
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    The Image of the Hyper City.Davide Landi - 2019 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 32 (3):533-548.
    Since the nineteenth and twentieth century, information has been pivotal both in the cultural tradition and then in the economic tradition. While the Fordism economic model and its specialisation requirements originated a simplistic zoning and single-use development approach to the design of a city. It, however, determined a fragmented growth of cities. Inevitably, the zoning as an urban strategy affected the architectural scale. Nevertheless, the idea of information, commercial goods and thereby people freely able to flow through the city allowed (...)
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  50. Revisionary Epistemology.Davide Fassio & Robin McKenna - 2015 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 58 (7-8):755-779.
    What is knowledge? What should knowledge be like? Call an epistemological project that sets out to answer the first question ‘descriptive’ and a project that sets out to answer the second question ‘normative’. If the answers to these two questions don’t coincide—if what knowledge should be like differs from what knowledge is like—there is room for a third project we call ‘revisionary’. A revisionary project starts by arguing that what knowledge should be differs from what knowledge is. It then proposes (...)
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