Results for 'David Sally'

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  1.  30
    The School Effect: A Study of Multi-Racial Comprehensives.David J. Smith & Sally Tomlinson - 1990 - British Journal of Educational Studies 38 (2):187-188.
  2.  35
    Reversal learning under single stimulus presentation.David Birch, James R. Ison & Sally E. Sperling - 1960 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 60 (1):36.
  3. Arithmetic Notation… now in 3D!David Landy & Sally Linkenauger - 2010 - In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone, Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.
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  4. (1 other version)Philosophy of Sex: Contemporary Readings.David Benatar, Cheshire Calhoun, Louise Collins, John Corvino, Yolanda Estes, John Finnis, Deirdre Golash, Alan Goldman, Greta Christina, Raja Halwani, Christopher Hamilton, Eva Feder Kittay, Howard Klepper, Andrew Koppelman, Stanley Kurtz, Thomas Mappes, Joan Mason-Grant, Janice Moulton, Thomas Nagel, Jerome Neu, Martha Nussbaum, Alan Soble, Sallie Tisdale, Alan Wertheimer, Robin West & Karol Wojtyla (eds.) - 1980 - Totowa, N.J.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This book's thirty essays explore philosophically the nature and morality of sexual perversion, cybersex, masturbation, homosexuality, contraception, same-sex marriage, promiscuity, pedophilia, date rape, sexual objectification, teacher-student relationships, pornography, and prostitution. Authors include Martha Nussbaum, Thomas Nagel, Alan Goldman, John Finnis, Sallie Tisdale, Robin West, Alan Wertheimer, John Corvino, Cheshire Calhoun, Jerome Neu, and Alan Soble, among others. A valuable resource for sex researchers as well as undergraduate courses in the philosophy of sex.
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    An fMRI Investigation into Facial Affect Perception in Body Dysmorphic Disorder.Grace Sally, Buchanan Ben, Hughes Matthew, Maller Jerome, Nibbs Richard, Castle David & Rossell Susan - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  6.  40
    Grant Maintainted Schools: Education in the Market Place.John Fitz, David Halpin & Sally Power - 1994 - British Journal of Educational Studies 42 (2):204-206.
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    Grant‐maintained schools: Making a difference without being really different1.David Halpin, Sally Power & John Fitz - 1991 - British Journal of Educational Studies 39 (4):409-424.
    (1991). Grant‐maintained schools: Making a difference without being really different 1 . British Journal of Educational Studies: Vol. 39, No. 4, pp. 409-424.
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    Managing the state and the market: ‘new’ education management in five countries.Sally Power, David Halpin & Geoff Whitty - 1997 - British Journal of Educational Studies 45 (4):342-362.
    Within the field of education management studies, recent reforms promoting devolution and choice are often seen to provide exciting new opportunities. It is claimed that the 'new' education management, with its emphasis on site-based decision-making and consumer accountability, will enable headteachers and principals to 'take control' of their schools and make them more productive environments in which to work and study. However, our review of research findings from five different countries that are putting in place devolution and choice policies suggests (...)
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    Does mentalising ability influence cooperative decision-making in a social dilemma? Introspective evidence from a study of adults with autism spectrum disorder.Elisabeth Hill, David Sally & Uta Frith - 2004 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 11 (7-8):7-8.
    The choice to cooperate or compete with others confronts us on a daily basis, and it is plausible that we use our mentalising skills to aid decision-making in such situations. We investigated the relationship between mentalising and decision-making in the prisoner's dilemma in adults with autism spectrum disorders , who show impaired mentalising, and normal adults. After completion of three versions of the prisoner's dilemma, we conducted a semi-structured interview. This interview attempted to elicit a participant's spontaneous strategy when playing (...)
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  10.  23
    Annual Meeting of the History of Science Society 27-30 December 1981.Ronald Numbers, David Lindberg & Sally Kohlstedt - 1982 - Isis 73 (3):415-421.
  11. Devolution and Choice in Education: The School, the State and the Market.Geoff Whitty, Sally Power & David Halpin - 1999 - British Journal of Educational Studies 47 (1):99-101.
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    Book Symposium on Andrew Feenberg’s Between Reason and Experience: Essays in Technology and Modernity: Cambridge: MIT Press, 2010.Inmaculada de Melo-Martín, David B. Ingram, Sally Wyatt, Yoko Arisaka & Andrew Feenberg - 2011 - Philosophy and Technology 24 (2):203-226.
    Book Symposium on Andrew Feenberg’s Between Reason and Experience: Essays in Technology and Modernity Content Type Journal Article Pages 203-226 DOI 10.1007/s13347-011-0017-8 Authors Inmaculada de Melo-Martín, Division of Medical Ethics, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, NY 10065, USA David B. Ingram, Loyola University Chicago, 6525 North Sheridan Road, Chicago, IL 60626, USA Sally Wyatt, e-Humanities Group, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) & Maastricht University, Cruquiusweg 31, 1019 AT Amsterdam, The Netherlands Yoko Arisaka, Forschungsinstitut für (...)
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    Implementation research and education policy: Practice and prospects.John Fitz, David Halpin & Sally Power - 1994 - British Journal of Educational Studies 42 (1):53-69.
    This paper offers a brief guide to implementation research and some of the conceptual and methodological issues it raises. In the course of reviewing investigations of the import of aspects of the 1988 Education Reform Act, it also considers the issues posed for education policy studies in a context where the 'centre' is connected to a dispersed and differentiated periphery.
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  14. Responsible, Inclusive Innovation and the Nano-Divide.Doris Schroeder, Sally Dalton-Brown, Benjamin Schrempf & David Kaplan - 2016 - NanoEthics 10 (2):177-188.
    Policy makers from around the world are trying to emulate successful innovation systems in order to support economic growth. At the same time, innovation governance systems are being put in place to ensure a better integration of stakeholder views into the research and development process. In Europe, one of the most prominent and newly emerging governance frameworks is called Responsible Research and Innovation. This article aims to substantiate the following points: The concept of RRI and the concept of justice can (...)
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    Scse news.Rosemary Dean, John Elliott, David Hargreaves, Maurice Kogan, Sally Tomlinson, Peter R. W. Grange & Chichester PO19 - 1993 - British Journal of Educational Studies 41 (3):199-199.
  16. The Frederick J. Streng Book Award: An Interview with Paul Ingram and Sallie King.Sallie B. King & Paul O. Ingram - 2004 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 24 (1):313-316.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Frederick J. Streng Book Award:An Interview with Paul Ingram and Sallie KingSallie B. King and Paul O. IngramSallie King and Paul Ingram have been named winners of the 2003 Frederick J. Streng Book Award for their edited collection The Sound of Liberating Truth: Buddhist-Christian Dialogues in Honor of Frederick J. Streng (Curzon, 1999). Sallie King is professor of philosophy and religion at James Madison University in Harrisonburg,Virginia. Paul (...)
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    Is “evolutionary psychology” even possible? A review of adapting minds , by David Buller.Sally Ferguson - 2007 - Biology and Philosophy 22 (2):307-312.
  18.  65
    Bias in recruitment to cluster randomized trials: a review of recent publications. [REVIEW]Gwen Brierley, Sally Brabyn, David Torgerson & Judith Watson - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (4):878-886.
  19. Persistence: Contemporary Readings.Sally Anne Haslanger & Roxanne Marie Kurtz (eds.) - 2006 - Bradford.
    How does an object persist through change? How can a book, for example, open in the morning and shut in the afternoon, persist through a change that involves the incompatible properties of being open and being shut? The goal of this reader is to inform and reframe the philosophical debate around persistence; it presents influential accounts of the problem that range from classic papers by W. V. O. Quine, David Lewis, and Judith Jarvis Thomson to recent work by contemporary (...)
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    Book Reviews Section 4.Frederic B. Mayo Jr, John Bruce Francis, John S. Burd, Wilson A. Judd, Eunice S. Matthew, William F. Pinar, Paul Erickson, Charles John Stark, Walter H. Clark Jr, Irvin David Glick, Howard D. Bruner, John Eddy, David L. Pagni, Gloria J. Abbington, Michael L. Greenbaum, Phillip C. Frey, Robert G. Owens, Royce W. van Norman, M. Bruce Haslam, Eugene Hittleman, Sally Geis, Robert H. Graham, Ogden L. Glasow, A. L. Fanta & Joseph Fashing - 1973 - Educational Studies 4 (4):198-200.
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    KRELL, David Farrell.John Sallis & Georges Bataille Merleau-Ponty - forthcoming - Philosophy Today.
  22.  25
    David Couzens Hoy The Time of Our Lives: A Critical History of Temporality. Reviewed by.Sally Hart - 2010 - Philosophy in Review 30 (5):352-354.
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  23. Cold case: the 1994 death of British MP Stephen David Wyatt Milligan.Sally Ramage - 2016 - Criminal Law News (87):02-36.
    In the December 2015 Issue of the Police Journal Sam Poyser and Rebecca Milne addressed the subject of miscarriages of justice. Cold case investigations can address some of these wrongs. The salient points for attention are those just before his sudden death: Milligan was appointed Private Secretary to Jonathan Aitken, the then Minister of Arms in the Conservative government in 1994. The known facts are as follows: 1. Stephen David Wyatt Milligan was found deceased on Tuesday 8th February 1994 (...)
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  24. Humean supervenience and enduring things.Sally Haslanger - 1994 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 72 (3):339 – 359.
  25.  17
    Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries Health Care and Popular Medicine in Nineteenth-Century England. Edited by John Woodward and David Richards. London: Croom Helm, 1977. Pp. V + 195. £7.95. [REVIEW]Sally Macintyre - 1979 - British Journal for the History of Science 12 (1):98-99.
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    Making Visible: Sallis on the Landscapes of Cao Jun.David Pollard - 2021 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 13 (3):311-316.
    ABSTRACT A review of Songs of Nature, a study by John Sallis of the landscapes of the modern Chinese artist Cao Jun, with philosophical emphases on the notion of landscape, this analysis widens out to a relevance to all creative work. It homes in on the comparative or intercultural overlap between Western and Eastern traditions. as well as that between painting and music and the other senses. The focus is on the elemental. Art is at base a return to nature (...)
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    Bayesianism, Analogy, and Hume's Dialogues concerning Natural Religion.Sally Ferguson - 2002 - Hume Studies 28 (1):113-130.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hume Studies Volume 28, Number 1, April 2002, pp. 113-130 Bayesianism, Analogy, and Hume's Dialogues concerning Natural Religion SALLY FERGUSON Introduction Analyses of the argument from design in Hume's Dialogues concerning Natural Religion have generally treated that argument as an example of reasoning by analogy.1 In this paper I examine whether it is in accord with Hume's thinking about the argument to subsume the version of it given (...)
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  28.  14
    What has life taught you?: 10 eternal questions answered by 40 exceptional people.Zoë Sallis - 2005 - London: Watkins Publishing.
    A unique concept: 40 extraordinary people give answers to 10 searching questions about their beliefs. In our current age of uncertainty and turmoil, this is a book to give insight for life's journey and to encourage readers to confront the same questions themselves. "My suggestion or advice is very simple; that is, to have a sincere heart." - The Dalai Lama What Has Life Taught You? features the answers given by 40 outstanding people to 10 profound questions about life, the (...)
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    Joshua Glasgow, Sally Haslanger, Chike Jeffers, and Quayshawn Spencer. What Is Race? Four Philosophical Views.David Ludwig - 2021 - Philosophy of Science 88 (1):184-188.
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    Sport Is Not Art: Professor Wertz's Aunt Sally.David Best - 1986 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 20 (2):95.
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    Book Review Section 3. [REVIEW]John R. Thelin, Thomas R. Mcdaniel, Bruce Beezer, Joseph Watras, Sally Schumacher, Jennings L. Wagoner Jr, James M. Giarelli, Rodney P. Riegle, Richard Labrecque, Robert E. Roemer, John Martin Rich, John R. Palmer, Scott Enright & David Bensman - 1982 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 13 (3&4):442-500.
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    Senses of landscape.John Sallis - 2015 - Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press.
    Beginning with the assertion that earth is the elemental place that grants an abode to humans and to other living things, in Senses of Landscape the philosopher John Sallis turns to landscapes, and in particular to their representation in painting, to present a powerful synthetic work. Senses of Landscape proffers three kinds of analyses, which, though distinct, continually intersect in the course of the book. The first consists of extended analyses of distinctive landscapes from four exemplary painters, Paul Cezanne, Caspar (...)
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    Twisting free: Being to an extent sensible.John Sallis - 1987 - Research in Phenomenology 17 (1):1-22.
    I would like to celebrate this beautiful setting, which has been set into the work of one of England's foremost painters, set beautifully, I would want to say. I would like in deed to celebrate it by setting what I shall say within the orbit of a word used by Plato to refer to the beautiful, one to which Heidegger has paid special attention, the word τò εxφαvεστατov, in German, das Hervorscheinendste, in English, the most radiant, that which most shines (...)
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  34. Puzzling Out Sally Haslanger’s Social Constructionism: Constructing a Stable Building or Being Left with Unsolvable Puzzles?Annika Berger, Markus Seidel, Sven Schwalda & David Vetten - 2024 - In Anna Kahmen, Lea Kipper, Katja Stoppenbrink & Barbara von Groote-Gotzes, Themes from the Philosophy of Sally Haslanger: Gender – Race – Ideology. Cham: Springer. pp. 119-135.
    In this article we focus on Sally Haslanger’s theoretical project of distinguishing between different ways to understand social constructionist theses in general. The goal of this article is to better understand Haslanger’s distinction between different forms of social constructionism. In trying to get a better grasp of Haslanger’s distinctions we will encounter some difficulties that will hinder us getting a coherent picture of these distinctions. For some of these difficulties we will present some possible solutions but, in the end, (...)
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  35.  22
    Being and Logos: The Way of Platonic Dialogue, by John Sallis.David Farrell Krell - 1981 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 12 (1):93-94.
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    John Christie & Sally Shuttleworth . Nature Transfigured: Science and Literature, 1700–1900. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1989. Pp. 223. ISBN 0-7190-2567-2. £29.95. [REVIEW]David Knight - 1990 - British Journal for the History of Science 23 (4):477-478.
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    "Philosophical Perspectives on Democracy in the 21st Century," ed. Ann E. Cudd and Sally J. Schulz. [REVIEW]David Meeler - 2014 - Teaching Philosophy 37 (4):550-553.
  38.  18
    Gegenständlichkeit und Objektivität.David Espinet, Friederike Rese & Michael Steinmann (eds.) - 2011 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    Was ein Gegenstand ist, in welcher Weise seine Gegenständlichkeit begegnet und worin deren Objektivität besteht, bleibt ein zentrales Thema zeitgenössischer Erkenntnistheorie. Deshalb erörtert der vorliegende Band den Begriff des Gegenständlichen im Hinblick auf die Themen Welt, Subjektivität, Personalität, Freiheit, Sprache, Interpretation und Wissenschaft, und dies geschieht im Spannungsfeld einer Neubewertung von Objektivität. Ausgangspunkt und Anlaß der Beiträge dieses Bandes ist ein neuerer Ansatz in der Hermeneutik, wie er von Günter Figal in seinem Werk 'Gegenständlichkeit' vorgelegt worden ist. Da die Reflexion (...)
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    Raum erfahren: epistemologische, ethische und ästhetische Zugänge.David Espinet, Tobias Keiling & Nikola Mirković (eds.) - 2017 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    Der Raum ist ein eminent philosophisches Thema. Denn so selbstverstandlich es ist, dass wir in Raumen und im Raum leben, so unklar ist, was das bedeutet. Wie verhalten sich lebensweltliche Raume zu `dem Raum` uberhaupt? Gibt es bevorzugte Formen der Raumerfahrung? Wie verhalten sich Raum und Zeit zueinander? Was unterscheidet Nahe und Distanz, Bewegung und Aufenthalt?Die Beitrage des vorliegenden Bandes nahern sich der Philosophie des Raumes aus Richtung der Epistemologie, praktischen Philosophie und Asthetik. Dahinter steht die Uberzeugung, dass der Raum (...)
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    Book Review: Ryan T. Anderson, When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment Mark A. Yarhouse, Understanding Gender Dysphoria: Navigating Transgender Issues in a Changing Culture. [REVIEW]David Albert Jones - 2019 - Studies in Christian Ethics 32 (3):402-406.
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    When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment. [REVIEW]David Albert Jones - 2015 - Studies in Christian Ethics 32 (3):402-406.
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    The Formation of the American Scientific Community: The American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1848-1860. Sally Gregory Kohlstedt. [REVIEW]David Hollinger - 1977 - Isis 68 (3):492-493.
  43.  40
    Greek Friendship.David Konstan - 1996 - American Journal of Philology 117 (1):71-94.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Greek FriendshipDavid KonstanIn this paper I examine the nomenclature and conception of friendship among the ancient Greeks. More specifically, I challenge the current consensus that the classical Greek notion of friendship was wider or more inclusive than the modern. My focus will be on the significance of the terms philos (as noun) and philia, which do not, as is commonly assumed, denote the same range of relations. I shall (...)
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    Derrida: a critical reader.David Wood (ed.) - 1992 - Cambridge, Mass., USA: Blackwell.
    Jacques Derrida's prolific output has been the delight of philosophers and literary theorists for over twenty years. His influence on the way we read theoretical texts continues to be profound. No serious contemporary thinker can fail to come to terms with deconstruction and there have been a number of monographs devoted to his work. Very few, however, have combined a critical edge with a detailed knowledge of his writing. The contributors to this volume were each asked - in the most (...)
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  45. One, Two, Four—Yet Where Is the Third? A Note on Derrida’s Geschlecht Series.David Farrell Krell - 2006 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 10 (2):341-357.
    Derrida’s Geschlecht series, along with the books Of Spirit and Aporias, constitutes his most sustained close-reading of Heidegger. Three essays of the four-partGeschlecht series have been published: the first, second, and fourth, these together comprising some 130 book pages. The third Geschlecht exists only as a thirty-three-page typescript prepared sometime before March 1985 and distributed to the speakers at a colloquium in Chicago organized by John Sallis. These thirty-three pages are among the 100 to 130 pages that Derrida by his (...)
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  46. Mapping desire: geographies of sexualities.David Bell & Gill Valentine (eds.) - 1994 - New York: Routledge.
    Discover the truth about sex in the city (and the country). Mapping Desire explores the places and spaces of sexuality from body to community, from the "cottage" to the Barrio, from Boston to Jakarta, from home to cyberspace. Mapping Desire is the first book to explore sexualities from a geographical perspective. The nature of place and notions of space are of increasing centrality to cultural and social theory. Mapping Desires presents the rich and diverse world of contemporary sexuality, exploring how (...)
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  47.  16
    The unconscious in social and political life.David Morgan (ed.) - 2019 - Bicester, Oxfordshire: Phoenix Publishing House.
    Traumatic events happen in every age, yet there is a particularly cataclysmic feeling to our own epoch that is so attractive to some and so terrifying to others. The terrible events of September 11th 2001 still resonate and the repercussions continue to this day: the desperation of immigrants fleeing terror, the uncertainty of Brexit, Donald Trump in the White House, the rise of the alt-right and hard left, increasing fundamentalism, and terror groups intent on causing destruction to the Western way (...)
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    On the True Sense of Art: A Critical Companion to the Transfigurements of John Sallis.Jason M. Wirth, Michael Schwartz & David Edward Jones (eds.) - 2016 - Evanston, Illinois: Nothwestern University Press.
    On the True Sense of Art collects essays by philosophers responding to John Sallis's Transfigurements: On the True Sense of Art as well as his other works on the philosophy of art, including Force of Imagination and Logic of Imagination. Each of the chapters, by some of the leading thinkers in Continental philosophy, engages Sallis's work on both ancient and new senses of aesthetics--a transfiguration of aesthetics--as a beginning that is always beginning again. With a responsive essay by Sallis himself, (...)
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  49. Heideggers Ursprung des Kunstwerks: Ein kooperativer Kommentar.David Espinet & Tobias Keiling (eds.) - 2011 - Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann.
    Heideggers Der Ursprung des Kunstwerks ist einer der wichtigsten Beiträge zur philosophischen Ästhetik, zudem ein Schlüsseltext für Heideggers gesamtes Denken. Aber nicht ganz zu Unrecht gilt die Lektüre bei Studierenden und Anfängern im Denken Heideggers als schwierig. Dieser Band soll das Verständnis des Kunstwerkaufsatzes anleiten und erleichtern: In 18 Beiträgen stellen die Autoren in ihren Interpretationen die Grundgedanken und philosophischen sowie literarischen Quellen des Textes vor, verorten ihn in Heideggers Werk und und skizzieren seine philosophische Wirkung. Dieser erste kooperative Kommentar (...)
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    Contagion: Sexuality, Disease, and Death in German Idealism and Romanticism.David Farrell Krell - 1998 - Indiana University Press.
    "Krell writes here with a brilliance of style that few other philosophers can match." —John Sallis Although the Romantic Age is usually thought of as idealizing nature as the source of birth, life, and creativity, David Farrell Krell focuses on the preoccupation of three key German Romantic thinkers—Novalis, Schelling, and Hegel—with nature’s destructive powers—contagion, disease, and death.
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