Results for 'David Roth-Isigkeit'

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  1.  26
    Jews, Visigoths, and Muslims in Medieval Spain: Cooperation and ConflictConversos, Inquisition, and the Expulsion of the Jews from Spain.David Nirenberg & Norman Roth - 1997 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 117 (4):753.
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    How actions and words come to make sense in a continuously changing world of work: A case study from software development.Josh Tenenberg, David Socha & Wolff-Michael Roth - 2021 - Semiotica 2021 (238):211-238.
    To be successful, collaboration at work requires its participants to have a common sense about what is happening and where things are heading. But how can collaborators have such a sense in common if what is going on continuously changes? This study investigates the joint communicative work participants in collaborative activity do to remain aligned on how things are going and where things are at for the purpose of maintaining a ground in common. Our test case for illustrating this joint (...)
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    A developmental perspective on visual proprioception.David I. Anderson, Joseph J. Campos & Marianne A. Barbu-Roth - 2003 - In Gavin Bremner & Alan Slater (eds.), Theories of Infant Development. Blackwell. pp. 30--69.
  4. Original Tao: Inward Training (Nei-yeh) and the Foundations of Taoist Mysticism.Harold David Roth (ed.) - 1999 - Columbia University Press.
    Revolutionizing received opinion of Taoism's origins in light of historic new discoveries, Harold D. Roth has uncovered China's oldest mystical text--the original expression of Taoist philosophy--and presents it here with a complete translation and commentary. Over the past twenty-five years, documents recovered from the tombs of China's ancient elite have sparked a revolution in scholarship about early Chinese thought, in particular the origins of Taoist philosophy and religion. In _Original Tao,_ Harold D. Roth exhumes the seminal text of (...)
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    (1 other version)The role of locomotion in psychological development.David I. Anderson, Joseph J. Campos, David C. Witherington, Audun Dahl, Monica Rivera, Minxuan He, Ichiro Uchiyama & Marianne Barbu-Roth - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
  6.  57
    On Clear and Confused Ideas. [REVIEW]Robert Cummins, Alexa Lee, Martin Roth, David Byrd & Pierre Poirier - 2002 - Journal of Philosophy 99 (2):102-108.
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  7. Representation and unexploited content.James Blackmon, David Byrd, Robert C. Cummins, Alexa Lee & Martin Roth - 2006 - In Graham Macdonald & David Papineau (eds.), Teleosemantics: New Philo-sophical Essays. New York: Oxford: Clarendon Press.
    In this paper, we introduce a novel difficulty for teleosemantics, viz., its inability to account for what we call unexploited content—content a representation has, but which the system that harbors it is currently unable to exploit. In section two, we give a characterization of teleosemantics. Since our critique does not depend on any special details that distinguish the variations in the literature, the characterization is broad, brief and abstract. In section three, we explain what we mean by unexploited content, and (...)
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  8.  30
    Knowing: Essays in the Analysis of Knowledge.Michael David Roth & Leon Galis (eds.) - 1970 - New York,: Upa.
    This collection of essays, originally published in 1970 by Random House, gathers together some of the best initial responses to the problems raised by Edmund Gettier's celebrated critique of the traditional analysis of knowledge. Designed for upper-level courses and seminars in undergraduate philosophy programs and is intended as an introduction to epistemology from the analytic point of view.
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    Can Optic Flow Further Stimulate Treadmill-Elicited Stepping in Newborns?Marianne Barbu-Roth, Kim Siekerman, David I. Anderson, Alan Donnelly, Viviane Huet, François Goffinet & Caroline Teulier - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Typically developing 3-day-old newborns take significantly more forward steps on a moving treadmill belt than on a static belt. The current experiment examined whether projecting optic flows that specified forward motion onto the moving treadmill surface would further enhance forward stepping. Twenty newborns were supported on a moving treadmill without optic flow, with optic flow matching the treadmill’s direction and speed, with optic flow in the same direction but at a faster speed, and in a control condition with an incoherent (...)
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    Using action-based hierarchies for real-time diagnosis.David Ash & Barbara Hayes-Roth - 1996 - Artificial Intelligence 88 (1-2):317-347.
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  11. Systematicity and the Cognition of Structured Domains.Robert Cummins, James Blackmon, David Byrd, Pierre Poirier, Martin Roth & Georg Schwarz - 2001 - Journal of Philosophy 98 (4):167 - 185.
    The current debate over systematicity concerns the formal conditions a scheme of mental representation must satisfy in order to explain the systematicity of thought.1 The systematicity of thought is assumed to be a pervasive property of minds, and can be characterized (roughly) as follows: anyone who can think T can think systematic variants of T, where the systematic variants of T are found by permuting T’s constituents. So, for example, it is an alleged fact that anyone who can think the (...)
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    Trends in the functional morphology and sensorimotor control of feeding behavior in salamanders: An example of the role of internal dynamics in evolution.Gerhard Roth & David B. Wake - 1985 - Acta Biotheoretica 34 (2-4):175-191.
    Organisms are self-producing and self-maintaining, or autopoietic systems. Therefore, the course of evolution and adaptation of an organism is strongly determined by its own internal properties, whatever role external selection may play. The internal properties may either act as constraints that preclude certain changes or they open new pathways: the organism canalizes its own evolution. As an example the evolution of feeding mechanisms in salamanders, especially in the lungless salamanders of the family Plethodontidae, is discussed. In this family a large (...)
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    Corrigendum.Stephen Turner, Deborah Tollefsen, Paul Roth, Mark Risjord, Kareem Khalifa & David Henderson - 2023 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 53 (2):163-163.
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    Residues of a Dream World.Michael Cataldi, David Kelley, Hans Kuzmich, Jens Maier-Rothe & Jeannine Tang - 2011 - Theory, Culture and Society 28 (7-8):358-389.
    The High Line – a public park on a repurposed railway track in New York City – first opened to the public in 2009, and has been increasingly celebrated as a model public space, and as a democratic project directed by community. Artistic and amateur photographic practices have significantly informed the High Line’s design, landscaping, publicity, urban policy, use and constellations of community. This photo-conceptual essay critically considers the constitutive function of the photographic image, as photography produces, interpellates and defines (...)
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    Controlled generation of hard and easy Bayesian networks: Impact on maximal clique size in tree clustering.Ole J. Mengshoel, David C. Wilkins & Dan Roth - 2006 - Artificial Intelligence 170 (16-17):1137-1174.
  16.  38
    Prentice, David A. Stem Cells and Cloning.Micheline Matthews-Roth - 2003 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 3 (1):222-222.
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  17. What Kind of Education Does a Modern Democratic Society Owe Its Citizens? A Review of David M. Steiner's Rethinking Democratic Education: The Politics of Reform.J. Roth - 1996 - Journal of Thought 31:9-24.
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    La Théorie du Tathāgatagarbha et du Gotra. Études sur la Sotériologie et la Gnoséologie du BouddhismeLe Traité du Tathāgatagarbha de Bu ston Rin chen grub. Traduction du De bžin gšegs pa'i sñin po gsla žin mdzes par byed pa'i rgyanLa Theorie du Tathagatagarbha et du Gotra. Etudes sur la Soteriologie et la Gnoseologie du BouddhismeLe Traite du Tathagatagarbha de Bu ston Rin chen grub. Traduction du De bzin gsegs pa'i snin po gsla zin mdzes par byed pa'i rgyan. [REVIEW]Gustav Roth & David Seyfort Ruegg - 1979 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 99 (1):152.
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    Did Peirce Answer Hume on Necessary Connection?Robert J. Roth - 1985 - Review of Metaphysics 38 (4):867 - 880.
    THERE is no trap that is easier to stumble into than that of trying to show whether one philosopher did or did not answer the problem of another philosopher. The trap consists in the tendency to think that both philosophers handled the problem in precisely the same way, even though they represent two quite different traditions. This is especially true of thinkers like David Hume and Charles Sanders Peirce. John Smith has shown quite convincingly that we cannot understand the (...)
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  20.  16
    The Student: A Short History.Michael S. Roth - 2023 - Yale University Press.
    _From the president of Wesleyan University, an illuminating history of the student, spanning from antiquity to Zoom “[Roth] has a clear vision for what it ought to mean to be a student: Learn what you love to do, get better at it, and then share it with others.”—David Perry, _Washington Post__ In this sweeping book, Michael S. Roth narrates a vivid and dynamic history of students, exploring some of the principal models for learning that have developed in (...)
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  21.  36
    Case Studies: Mrs. X and the Bone Marrow Transplant.Arthur Caplan, Charles W. Lidz, Alan Meisel, Loren H. Roth & David Zimmerman - 1983 - Hastings Center Report 13 (3):17.
  22. What Systematicity Isn’t.Robert Cummins, Jim Blackmon, David Byrd, Alexa Lee & Martin Roth - 2005 - Journal of Philosophical Research 30:405-408.
    In “On Begging the Systematicity Question,” Wayne Davis criticizes the suggestion of Cummins et al. that the alleged systematicity of thought is not as obvious as is sometimes supposed, and hence not reliable evidence for the language of thought hypothesis. We offer a brief reply.
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  23. Responses to 'in defense of relativism'.Robert Ackermann, Brian Baigrie, Harold I. Brown, Michael Cavanaugh, Paul Fox-Strangways, Gonzalo Munevar, Stephen David Ross, Philip Pettit, Paul Roth, Frederick Schmitt, Stephen Turner & Charles Wallis - 1988 - Social Epistemology 2 (3):227 – 261.
  24.  19
    Williams Syndrome and Music: A Systematic Integrative Review.Donovon Thakur, Marilee A. Martens, David S. Smith & Ed Roth - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    Background: Researchers and clinicians have often cited a strong relationship between individuals with Williams syndrome and music. This review systematically identified, analyzed, and synthesized research findings related to Williams syndrome and music. Methods: Thirty-one articles were identified that examined this relationship and were divided into seven areas. This process covered a diverse array of methodologies, with aims to: 1) report current findings; 2) assess methodological quality; and 3) discuss the potential implications and considerations for the clinical use of music with (...)
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    Mrs. X and the Bone Marrow Transplant.Charles W. Lidz, Alan Meisel, Loren H. Roth, Arthur Caplan, David Zimmerman & C. L. - 1983 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 5 (4):6.
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  26. DAVID C. HOY, ed., "Foucault: A Critical Reader". [REVIEW]Michael S. Roth - 1988 - History and Theory 27 (1):70.
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  27. British Empiricism and American Pragmatism.Robert J. Roth - 1994 - International Philosophical Quarterly 34 (2):213-219.
    This volume traces the influence of the British Empiricists--John Locke and David Hume--upon the American pragmatists--Charles S Peirce, William James, and John Dewey. But there are significant differences between the two traditions so that it can be said that the pragmatists gave the classical empirical tradition new directions. Heretofore these lines of influence and divergence have been recognized but not sufficiently developed. This movement is illustrated in chapters on experience, necessary connection, personal identity, and moral, social, and political theory. (...)
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    The Sceptical Realism of David Hume. [REVIEW]Robert J. Roth - 1986 - Review of Metaphysics 39 (4):792-793.
    This book addresses what is generally regarded as the most crucial and yet most controversial problem in Hume's philosophy, namely, the nature of his scepticism and realism. John Wright argues against those who emphasize either the sceptical or realist strains in Hume's thought or who despair of ever finding any consistency in it. The paradoxical title of the book indicates the author's claim to have reconciled these two strains into a unified theory.
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    David Hume on Religion in England.Roth - 1991 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 66 (1):51-64.
  30.  25
    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]Norma Jackson, Peter Jackson, David E. Purpel, Maureen A. Reynolds, Ignacio L. Götz, Jeffrey Roth, Lucy Forsyth Townsend, Sharon D. Brendzel, Linda Irwin-Devitis & J. Preston Prather - 1995 - Educational Studies 26 (3):211-293.
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    Becoming other: heterogeneity and plasticity of the self.David Berliner - 2024 - New York: Berghahn Books.
    Most of us are conscious of having a single and stable self, but the self is more fragmented and plastic than we care to think. David Berliner explores the captivating world of identity through an array of astonishing experiences. From Napoleon doppelgangers to Philip Roth's alter-ego Nathan Zukerman and Wonder Woman cosplayers to anthropologists going native, he delves into the kaleidoscopic nature of the self and attempts to understand the heterogenous nature of identity. But Becoming Other also discusses (...)
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    The Jewish Past Revisited: Reflections on Modern Jewish Historians.David G. Myers & David B. Ruderman - 1998 - Studies in Jewish Culture and.
    In this fascinating new collection of essays, contemporary historians examine the ways earlier historians have framed, written, and "made" the Jewish past. Probing the ideology and methodology of their professional predecessors, American and Israeli historians offer new perspectives on some of the central figures of twentieth-century Jewish historiography, including Gershom Scholem, S. D. Goitein, Yitzhak Baer, Elias Bickermann, and Cecil Roth, as well as the Israeli "New Historians." Although the lives and work of these scholars differ in many ways, (...)
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    Three grades of normative involvement: Risjord, Stueber, and Henderson on norms and explanation.Paul A. Roth - 2005 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 35 (3):339-352.
    What makes for a good explanation of a person’s actions? Their reasons, or soa natural reply goes. But how do reasons function as part of explanations, that is, within an account of the causes of action? Here philosophers divide concerning the logical relation in which reasons stand to actions. For, tradition holds, reasons evaluatively characterized must be causally inert, inasmuch as the normative features cannot be found in any account of the empirical/descriptive. To countenance reasons as causes thus seems to (...)
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    The Medium is the Messenger?: Eine kommunikations- und medientheoretische Untersuchung divinatorischer Praktiken: Das Giftorakel der Zande (benge) und die arabisch-islamische Geomantie.Mirko Roth - 2018 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 26 (1):108-141.
    ZusammenfassungIn diesem Aufsatz wird eine kommunikations- und medientheoretische Untersuchung ausgewählter Divinationspraktiken unternommen. Im Zentrum stehen hierbei das Giftorakel der zentralafrikanischen Zande sowie die arabisch-islamische Geomantie. Dieses Unternehmen hat den Zweck, drei Thesen bezüglich Medien religiöser Kommunikation zu erproben, die sich dem Autor aus der Auseinandersetzung mit Ritualen und speziell Divinationsformen aus unterschiedlichen soziokulturellen Kontexten ergeben haben:1) Divinationsmedien unterscheiden sich in frappierender Weise von Medien der Alltagskommunikation; 2) diese besonderen Medien ermöglichen eine Kommunikation zwischen Wirklichkeitsbereichen und verkörpern damit ein fundamentales „Dazwischen“; (...)
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    »Kinder zu ziehen ist ein Werk eines Philosophen«: Johann Georg Sulzers Konzeption von Erziehung im Kontext der Aufklärungspädagogik.Udo Roth - 2011 - In Frank Grunert & Gideon Stiening (eds.), Johann Georg Sulzer (1720-1779): Aufklärung zwischen Christian Wolff und David Hume. Berlin: Akademie Verlag. pp. 247-284.
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    Does reasoning occur on the selection task? A comparison of relevance-based theories.David Hardman - 1998 - Thinking and Reasoning 4 (4):353 – 376.
    Does reasoning occur on the Wason selection task, or are card selections determined purely on the basis of heuristic processes? To answer this question two relevance-based theories of reasoning are compared: (1) the theory of Evans (1984, 1989; Evans & Over, 1996), which takes the heuristic viewpoint, and (2) the theory of Sperber, Cara, and Girotto (1995), which takes the reasoning viewpoint. In three experiments, the effect of removing matching cards from the selection task array is examined. It is argued (...)
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  37.  24
    Human Rights and Nation-State Sovereignty.David Pan - 2023 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2023 (203):99-108.
    ExcerptHuman rights organizations for the past few decades have generally attempted to promote international law against the principle of state sovereignty in order to establish human rights norms worldwide. This approach presumes the universality of human rights is in fundamental opposition to the principle of sovereignty because this principle can be used by governments to shield themselves from outside criticism. By contrast, the U.S. State Department’s Report of the Commission on Unalienable Rights has outlined an approach that emphasizes not just (...)
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    Original Tao: Inward Training and the Foundations of Taoist Mysticism, and: Laughing at the Tao: Debates among Buddhists and Taoists in Medieval China, and: Taoist Tradition and Change: The Story of the Complete Perfection Sect in Hong Kong, and: Lord of the Three in One: The Spread of a Cult in Southeast China (review).David W. Chappell - 2000 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 20 (1):287-292.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 20 (2000) 287-292 [Access article in PDF] Book Review Original Tao: Inward Training and the Foundations of Taoist Mysticism Laughing at the Tao: Debates Among Buddhists and Taoists in Medieval China Taoist Tradition and Change: The Story of the Complete Perfection Sect in Hong Kong Lord of the Three in One: The Spread of a Cult in Southeast China Original Tao: Inward Training and the Foundations of (...)
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  39. David I. Anderson, Joseph J. Campos, and Marianne A. Barbu-Roth.Joseph J. Campos - 2003 - In Gavin Bremner & Alan Slater (eds.), Theories of Infant Development. Blackwell. pp. 30.
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  40. Consciousness and the physical world: edited proceedings of an interdisciplinary symposium on consciousness held at the University of Cambridge in January 1978.Brian David Josephson & V. S. Ramachandran (eds.) - 1980 - New York: Pergamon Press.
    Edited proceedings of an interdisciplinary symposium on consciousness held at the University of Cambridge in January 1978. Includes a foreword by Freeman Dyson. Chapter authors: G. Vesey, R.L. Gregory, H.C. Longuet-Higgins, N.K. Humphrey, H.B. Barlow, D.M. MacKay, B.D. Josephson, M. Roth, V.S. Ramachandran, S. Padfield, and (editorial summary only) E. Noakes. A scanned pdf is available from this web site (, while alternative versions more suitable for copying text are available from -/- Page numbering convention for the pdf (...)
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    Johann Georg Sulzer (1720-1779): Aufklärung zwischen Christian Wolff und David Hume.Frank Grunert & Gideon Stiening (eds.) - 2011 - Berlin: Akademie Verlag.
    Johann Georg Sulzer gehorte zu den pragenden Gestalten der europaischen Aufklarung in den 1750er und 1760er Jahren, sowohl in der Philosophie als auch in einer Reihe von Einzelwissenschaften - wie der Mathematik und der Padagogik - sowie im Kontext literarischer und asthetischer Diskurse. Federfuhrend nahm er an den wichtigen Debatten, Kontroversen und Forschungsentwicklungen teil, die etwa in Berlin, in Leipzig oder in Paris die Aufklarung beschaftigte. Der vorliegende Band versammelt Studien von Philosophen, Literaturwissenschaftlern und Wissenschaftshistorikern zu allen Werkbereichen Sulzers, insbesondere (...)
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    The Tao of Jung: the way of integrity.David H. Rosen - 1996 - New York, N.Y., U.S.A: Viking Arkana.
    Modeled on the classic Tao Te Ching, this startling and revealing new interpretation of Carl Jung's life and psychology parallels Jung's natural world of the psyche and that of Taoist philosophy, exploring the integration of such opposites as shadow/persona, yin/yang, dark/light, and feminine/masculine. Photos & drawings.
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  43. Disagreement and the Semantics of Normative and Evaluative Terms.David Plunkett & Timothy Sundell - 2013 - Philosophers' Imprint 13 (23):1-37.
    In constructing semantic theories of normative and evaluative terms, philosophers have commonly deployed a certain type of disagreement -based argument. The premise of the argument observes the possibility of genuine disagreement between users of a certain normative or evaluative term, while the conclusion of the argument is that, however differently those speakers employ the term, they must mean the same thing by it. After all, if they did not, then they would not really disagree. We argue that in many of (...)
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  44. Practical Reflection.David Velleman - 1989 - Princeton University Press.
    “What do you see when you look at your face in the mirror?” asks J. David Velleman in introducing his philosophical theory of action. He takes this simple act of self-scrutiny as a model for the reflective reasoning of rational agents: our efforts to understand our existence and conduct are aided by our efforts to make it intelligible. Reflective reasoning, Velleman argues, constitutes practical reasoning. By applying this conception, Practical Reflection develops philosophical accounts of intention, free will, and the (...)
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  45.  51
    11 Teachers' Personal Epistemologies as Predictors of Support for their Students' Autonomy.Michael Weinstock & Guy Roth - 2011 - In Jo Brownlee, Gregory J. Schraw & Donna Berthelsen (eds.), Personal epistemology and teacher education. New York: Routledge. pp. 61--165.
    Much of the research on teachers’ personal epistemology concerns their learning. Surprisingly little research has looked at how personal epistemologies are related to teachers’ teaching and other aspects of their interactions with students. In this chapter we investigate teachers’ personal epistemologies and the extent to which they predict autonomy-supporting behaviors. Such behaviors have been found to predict positive educational outcomes. 600 students in 21 grade 7 and 8 classrooms were administered surveys regarding two aspects of autonomy support: the extent to (...)
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  46. One Hundred Years of Homosexuality: and other essays on Greek love.David M. Halperin - 1990 - Routledge.
    One. Hundred. Years. of. Homosexuality. I. In 1992, when the patriots among us will be celebrating the fivehundredth anniversary of the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus, our cultural historians may wish to mark the centenary of  ...
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    Polishing the Chinese Mirror: Essays in Honor of Henry Rosemont, Jr.Marthe Chandler & Ronnie Littlejohn (eds.) - 2008 - Global Scholarly Publications.
    Edited by Marthe Chandler and Ronnie Littlejohn, this work is a collection of expository and critical essays on the work of Henry Rosemont, Jr., a prominent and influential contemporary philosopher, activist, translator, and educator in the field of Asian and Comparative Philosophy. The essays in this collection take up three major themes in Rosemont's work: his work in Chinese linguistics, his contribution to the theory of human rights, and his interest in East Asian religion. Contributions include works by the leading (...)
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    Under representation: the racial regime of aesthetics.David Lloyd - 2019 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Under representation -- The aesthetic regime of representation -- The pathological sublime: pleasure and pain in the racial regime -- Race under representation -- Representation's coup -- The aesthetic taboo: aura, magic, and the primitive.
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  49. Bridges from Classical to Nonmonotonic Logic.David Makinson - 2008 - Studia Logica 89 (3):437-439.
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    Fragments of modernity: theories of modernity in the work of Simmel, Kracauer, and Benjamin.David Frisby - 1985 - Cambridge: MIT Press.
    Fragments of Modernity provides a critical introduction to the work of three of the most original German thinkers of the early 20th century. In their different ways, all three illuminated the experience of the modern in urban life, whether in mid-19th-century Paris or in Berlin at the turn of the century or later as the vanguard city of the Weimar Republic. They related the new modes of experiencing the world to the maturation of the money economy (Simmel), the process of (...)
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