Results for 'Das Matthausevangelium'

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  1. Derflinger, Bernd. Die Realitiit des Schonen in Kants Theorie rein asthetischer Urteilskraft, Zur Gegenstands-bedeutung subjektiver und formaler Asthetik,(Mainzer Philosophische Forschungen, Band 32), Bonn.Joachim Gnilka & Das Matthausevangelium - 1988 - Bijdragen, Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie En Theologie 49 (4):475.
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  2. Frigulus: Hiberno-Latin Author or Pseudo-Irish Phantom? Comments on the Edition of the Liber Questionum in Euangeliis.Michael Gorman - 2005 - Revue D’Histoire Ecclésiastique 100 (2):425-455.
    This critique of the edition of the anonymous early medieval commentary on Matthew published in CCSL 108F in 2003 explains that there is no evidence for an Irish origin of the work. Furthermore, the apparatus fontium in the edition is largely deceptive. Cette critique de l’édition du commentaire anonyme de Matthieu, daté du haut moyen âge, publié dans le Corpus Christianorum Series Latina , explique qu’il n’y a aucune évidence d’une origine irlandaise de l’œuvre. De plus, l’apparat des sources est (...)
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  3. Accuracy and ur-prior conditionalization.Nilanjan Das - 2019 - Review of Symbolic Logic 12 (1):62-96.
    Recently, several epistemologists have defended an attractive principle of epistemic rationality, which we shall call Ur-Prior Conditionalization. In this essay, I ask whether we can justify this principle by appealing to the epistemic goal of accuracy. I argue that any such accuracy-based argument will be in tension with Evidence Externalism, i.e., the view that agent's evidence may entail non-trivial propositions about the external world. This is because any such argument will crucially require the assumption that, independently of all empirical evidence, (...)
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  4. Why companions in guilt arguments still work: Reply to Cowie.Ramon Das - forthcoming - Philosophical Quarterly:pqv078.
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    The Surgeon-in-Chief Should Oversee Innovative Surgical Practice.Sunit Das & Martin McKneally - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (6):34-36.
    Volume 19, Issue 6, June 2019, Page 34-36.
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  6. Has Industrialization Benefited No One? Climate Change and the Non-Identity Problem.Ramon Das - 2014 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 17 (4):747-759.
    Within the climate justice debate, the ‘beneficiary pays’ principle holds that those who benefit from greenhouse emissions associated with industrialization ought to pay for the costs of mitigating and adapting to their adverse effects. This principle constitutes a claim of inter-generational justice, and it is widely believed that the non-identity problem raises serious difficulties for any such claim. After briefly sketching the rationale behind ‘beneficiary pays,’ this paper offers a new way of understanding the claim that persons in developed societies (...)
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    The Political Theology of Schelling.Saitya Brata Das - 2016 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    Saitya Brata Das rigorously examines Schelling's theologico-political works and sets his thought against his more dominant contemporary, Hegel. Das argues that Schelling inaugurates a new thinking outside of Occidental metaphysics, by a paradoxical manner of exit, which prepares for the post-metaphysical philosophy of Martin Heidegger, Franz Rosenzweig and Jacques Derrida. This new reflection, outside of the Universal world-historical politics of modernity, is achieved by re-thinking religion as eschatology. Intervening in contemporary debates on post-secularism and the return to religion, Das shows (...)
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    A diplomacia das letras no século XVIII: um exercício de civilização em nome dos valores das Luzes.Silvia Tatti & Maria das Graças de Souza - 2024 - Discurso 54 (2):182-192.
    A diplomacia das letras compreende a atividade literária de muitos homens de letras que estavam comprometidos nas questões públicas de seus estados, ou cuja carreira se dava em torno das cortes e centros de poder do Antigo Regime. Enquanto secretários, conselheiros, encarregados de negócios, próximos da política, eles tinham a possibilidade de observar as dinâmicas do poder e exprimir suas considerações sobre a história de seu tempo em sua produção literária (poemas, cartas, relatos de viagem, jornais etc.). Graças a estes (...)
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    The Boundaries of the “We:” Cruelty, Responsibility and Forms of Life.Veena Das - 2016 - Critical Horizons 17 (2):168-185.
    This paper establishes a dialogue between the later works of Wittgenstein, those of Cavell and the novels of J. M. Coetzee concerning the problem of violence, authority and the authoritative voice. By drawing on J. M. Coetzee's Waiting for the Barbarians and Diary of a Bad Year, the paper discusses lessons and insights on the nature of violence and the ways in which it can be accepted as “normal.” The term “normalization” is used in order to show how violence and (...)
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    How Strong are the Ethical Preferences of Senior Business Executives?T. K. Das - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 56 (1):69-80.
    How do senior business executives rank their preferences for various ethical principles? And how strongly do the executives believe in these principles? Also, how do these preference rankings relate to the way the executives see the future (wherein business decisions play out)? Research on these questions may provide us with an appreciation of the complexities of ethical behavior in management beyond the traditional issues concerning ethical decision-making in business. Based on a survey of 585 vice presidents of U.S. businesses it (...)
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    ‘Aching to be a boy’: A preliminary analysis of gender assignment of intersex persons in India in a culture of son preference.Arpita Das - 2020 - Bioethics 34 (6):585-592.
    Intersexuality, particularly in the global South, remains an under‐researched field of study. In my in‐progress doctoral research project, I explore the cultural, social, and medical discourses that influence how key stakeholders such as healthcare providers make decisions about the sex and gender assignment of the intersex child in India. In this paper I interrogate some of these ideas around gender assignment of intersex people in India, paying particular attention to the context of son preference. I am interested in exploring how (...)
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    Śrīharṣa.Nilanjan Das - 2018 - The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  13. The Value of Biased Information.Nilanjan Das - 2023 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 74 (1):25-55.
    In this article, I cast doubt on an apparent truism, namely, that if evidence is available for gathering and use at a negligible cost, then it’s always instrumentally rational for us to gather that evidence and use it for making decisions. Call this ‘value of information’ (VOI). I show that VOI conflicts with two other plausible theses. The first is the view that an agent’s evidence can entail non-trivial propositions about the external world. The second is the view that epistemic (...)
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    Proteoglycan 4: From Mere Lubricant to Regulator of Tissue Homeostasis and Inflammation.Nabangshu Das, Tannin A. Schmidt, Roman J. Krawetz & Antoine Dufour - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (1):1800166.
    Proteoglycan 4 (PRG4), first identified in synovial fluid, is an extracellular matrix structural protein in the joint implicated in reducing shear at the cartilage surface as well as controlling adhesion‐dependent synovial growth and regulating bulk protein deposition onto the cartilage. However, recent evidence suggests that it can bind to and effect downstream signaling of a number of cell surface receptors implicated in regulating the inflammatory response. Therefore, we pose the hypothesis: Does PRG4 regulate the inflammatory response and maintain tissue homeostasis? (...)
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  15. XI—Śrīharṣa on Two Paradoxes of Inquiry.Nilanjan Das - 2023 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 123 (3):275-304.
    In A Confection of Refutation (Khaṇḍanakhaṇḍakhādya), the twelfth-century philosopher and poet Śrīharṣa addresses a version of Meno’s paradox. This version of the paradox was well known in first millennium South Asia through the writings of two earlier Sanskrit philosophers, Śabarasvāmin (4th–5th century ce) and Śaṃkara (8th century ce). Both these thinkers proposed a solution to the paradox. I show how Śrīharṣa rejects this solution, and splits the old paradox into two new ones: the paradox of triviality and the paradox of (...)
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  16. Virtue ethics and right action.R. Das - 2003 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 81 (3):324 – 339.
    In this paper I evaluate some recent virtue-ethical accounts of right action [Hursthouse 1999; Slote 2001; Swanton 2001]. I argue that all are vulnerable to what I call the insularity objection : evaluating action requires attention to worldly consequences external to the agent, whereas virtue ethics is primarily concerned with evaluating an agent's inner states. More specifically, I argue that insofar as these accounts are successful in meeting the insularity objection they invite the circularity objection : they end up relying (...)
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    Jean-Baptiste Debret, cronista das Luzes.Lise Andries & Maria das Graças de Souza - 2024 - Discurso 54 (2):30-56.
    The aim of this article is to analyse Debret's work Voyage historique et pittoresque au Brésil and show that it is marked by the French Enlightenment. The text is divided into four parts, in addition to the introduction and conclusion: the first presents the historical context from which Debret was trained in painting and received the main influences in that art; the second deals with the technical aspects of writing the work; the third touches on the indigenous theme; the fourth (...)
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    Cassette Culture: Popular Music and Technology in North India.Rahul Peter Das & Peter Manuel - 1995 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 115 (2):357.
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    An ethical analysis of clinical triage protocols and decision-making frameworks: what do the principles of justice, freedom, and a disability rights approach demand of us?Sunit Das, Chloë G. K. Atkins, Liam G. McCoy, Connor T. A. Brenna & Jane Zhu - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-9.
    BackgroundThe expectation of pandemic-induced severe resource shortages has prompted authorities to draft and update frameworks to guide clinical decision-making and patient triage. While these documents differ in scope, they share a utilitarian focus on the maximization of benefit. This utilitarian view necessarily marginalizes certain groups, in particular individuals with increased medical needs.Main bodyHere, we posit that engagement with the disability critique demands that we broaden our understandings of justice and fairness in clinical decision-making and patient triage. We propose the capabilities (...)
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    Sustainable livelihoods, volunteerism and education.Ananda Das Gupta - 2016 - Asian Journal of Business Ethics 5 (1 - 2):211-225.
    Human development can be seen as the process of giving more effective expression to human values. Modern business philosophy has a certain viewpoint or perspective on human potential based on the secular humanistic values of the west and the scientific theories on the nature of man and his evolution. We are bound to welcome the New Paradigm in Business because it opens the path for a decisive step forward in evolution from an authoritarian, mechanistic, Taylorian era to a freer and (...)
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    (1 other version)Problems and justifications of the theory of Drstisrsti.Umesh Chandra Das - 1977 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 5 (1-2):151-161.
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    Nonlinear data analysis of experimental (EEG) data and comparison with theoretical (ANN) data.Atin Das, Pritha Das & A. B. Roy - 2002 - Complexity 7 (3):30-40.
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    Prerogatives without restrictions?Ramon Das - 2000 - Philosophical Studies 99 (3):347-371.
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  24. Object reidentification and the epistemic role of attention.Nilanjan Das - 2018 - Ratio 31 (4):402-414.
    Reidentification scepticism is the view that we cannot knowledgeably reidentify previously perceived objects. Amongst classical Indian philosophers, the Buddhists argued for reidentification scepticism. In this essay, I will discuss two responses to this Buddhist argument. The first response, defended by Vācaspati Miśra (9th century CE), is that our outer senses allow us to knowledgeably reidentify objects. I will claim that this proposal is problematic. The second response, due to Jayanta Bhaṭṭa (9th century CE), is that the manas or the inner (...)
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    The ground between: anthropologists engage philosophy.Veena Das, Michael Jackson, Arthur Kleinman & Bhrigupati Singh (eds.) - 2014 - London: Duke University Press.
    The guiding inspiration of this book is the attraction and distance that mark the relation between anthropology and philosophy. This theme is explored through encounters between individual anthropologists and particular regions of philosophy. Several of the most basic concepts of the discipline—including notions of ethics, politics, temporality, self and other, and the nature of human life—are products of a dialogue, both implicit and explicit, between anthropology and philosophy. These philosophical undercurrents in anthropology also speak to the question of what it (...)
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  26. Transparency and the KK Principle.Nilanjan Das & Bernhard Salow - 2018 - Noûs 52 (1):3-23.
    An important question in epistemology is whether the KK principle is true, i.e., whether an agent who knows that p is also thereby in a position to know that she knows that p. We explain how a “transparency” account of self-knowledge, which maintains that we learn about our attitudes towards a proposition by reflecting not on ourselves but rather on that very proposition, supports an affirmative answer. In particular, we show that such an account allows us to reconcile a version (...)
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    Language, truth and logic.Kanti Lal Das - 2013 - New Delhi: Northern Book Centre.
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    Abjection and abandonment: melancholy in philosophy and art.Saitya Brata Das (ed.) - 2018 - Delhi, India: Aakar.
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    Apropos of Devices and Canons of Interpretation: An Ancient Indian Perspective.Karunasindhu Das - 2007 - In Manjulika Ghosh & Raghunath Ghosh (eds.), Language and interpretation: hermeneutics from East-West perspective. New Delhi: Northern Book Centre. pp. 11--152.
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    A Textual Note on Paul of Aegina, Pragmateia 6.88.Aileen R. Das - 2014 - Classical Quarterly 64 (2):868-870.
    Paul of Aegina's (fl.c. 630)Pragmateiais the only extant Greek medical text from antiquity that discusses the extraction of arrows and small missiles. In his book on surgery, Paul details how to extract arrows according to their properties and the parts of the body which they have wounded (6.88). He prefaces his instructions by describing how arrows differ in their material, figure, size, number, mode, and power. Paul's account of arrow varieties appears to reflect the environment of his medical practice, seventh-century (...)
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    Buddhist doctrine and philosophy.Sanjib Kumar Das - 2018 - Santiniketan: Department of Indo-Tibetan Studies, Visva-Bharati in association with Buddhist World Press, Delhi.
  32. Cloning Humans: Philosophical Dimensions.Ganesh Prasad Das - 2007 - In Manjulika Ghosh (ed.), Musings on philosophy: perennial and modern. New Delhi: Sundeep Prakashan.
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    Correction to: Gaṅgeśa on Epistemic Luck.Nilanjan Das - 2021 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 49 (2):203-204.
    In the original publication of the article, on page 20, the section heading should be “Gaṅgeśa on Testimony and Epistemic Luck” instead of “Testimony and Epistemic Luck”.
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    Ethics, business and society: managing responsibly.Ananda Das Gupta (ed.) - 2010 - Los Angeles: Response Books.
    This compilation analyzes the differences between the concepts of ‘social responsibility’ and ‘business ethics’, which are often erroneously interpreted to be the same. It explains that social responsibility is a characteristic but just one of the many aspects of the much wider concept of business ethics. The collection includes contributions from experts from diverse fields such as industry, academia, and non-governmental organizations, who present the theoretical underpinning of the concepts, along with real-life case studies dealing with the varied, hands-on experiences (...)
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    Greetings.Lala Tanmoy Das - 2019 - Journal of Medical Humanities 40 (2):285-285.
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    Intergenerational Justice, edited by Axel Gosseries and Lukas H. Meyer.Ramon Das - 2016 - Mind 125 (499):913-918.
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    Intergenerational justice, intra-generational counterfactuals, and the non-identity problem.Ramon Das - 2020 - Intergenerational Justice Review 5 (2).
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    Problems and justifications of the theory of Drstisrsti.Umesh Das - 1997 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 5 (1-2):151-161.
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    Political opinion polls in Belgium in 1991.Erwin Das - 1992 - Res Publica 34 (3-4):533-546.
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    Rabindranath Tagore.Taraknath Das - 1942 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 17 (1):105-118.
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    The exodus of being: reflections on a shipwrecked life.Saitya Brata Das - 2017 - Delhi, India: Aakar. Edited by Isha Yadav.
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    The lightening flash of language.Saitya Brata Das - 2010 - Philosophical Forum 41 (3):315-345.
    Man is an open existence, exposed to mortality and free towards the coming that is revealed to him in the lightening flash of language. Free towards, and endowed with the ever new possibility of beginning, the mortal is endowed with the gift of language that remains beyond his death: here alone lies redemption for the mortals. It is this affirmative question of the coming time that is pursued in this work: it occurs as and in a configuration of questions, not (...)
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    The wounded world: essays on ethics and politics.Saitya Brata Das - 2013 - Delhi: Aakar Books.
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    How and why multiple MCMs are loaded at origins of DNA replication.Shankar P. Das & Nicholas Rhind - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (7):613-617.
    Recent work suggests that DNA replication origins are regulated by the number of multiple mini‐chromosome maintenance (MCM) complexes loaded. Origins are defined by the loading of MCM – the replicative helicase which initiates DNA replication and replication kinetics determined by origin's location and firing times. However, activation of MCM is heterogeneous; different origins firing at different times in different cells. Also, more MCMs are loaded in G1 than are used in S phase. These aspects of MCM biology are explained by (...)
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    Proceedings of the Seventh AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society (AIES-24).Sanmay Das, Brian Patrick Green, Kush Varshney, Marianna Ganapini & Andrea Renda (eds.) - 2024 - ACM Press.
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    Galen and the Arabic Reception of Plato's Timaeus.Aileen R. Das - 2020 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This first full-length study of the Arabic reception of Plato's Timaeus considers the role of Galen of Pergamum in shaping medieval perceptions of the text as transgressing disciplinary norms. It argues that Galen appealed to the entangled cosmological scheme of the dialogue, where different relations connect the body, soul, and cosmos, to expand the boundaries of medicine in his pursuit for epistemic authority – the right to define and explain natural reality. Aileen Das situates Galen's work on disciplinary boundaries in (...)
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    Structure and Cognition: Aspects of Hindu Caste and Ritual.Harvey Paul Alper & Veena Das - 1980 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 100 (1):55.
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    Eggleston's dichotomy for characterized subgroups and the role of ideals.Pratulananda Das & Ayan Ghosh - 2023 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 174 (8):103289.
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    An Ambiguity in the Paradigm: A Critique of Cartesian Linguistics.Amitabha Das Gupta - 1984 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 14 (3):351-366.
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    Actual and Possible Worlds: An Intuitionistic Approach.Kantilal Das - 1998 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 25 (1):133-150.
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