Results for 'Daron Burrows'

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  1.  20
    Daniel Birkholz, Harley Manuscript Geographies: Literary History and Medieval Miscellany. (Manchester Medieval Literature and Culture 35.) Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2020. Pp. xii, 327; black-and-white figure. $120. ISBN: 978-1-5261-4040-1. [REVIEW]Daron Burrows - 2022 - Speculum 97 (3):786-787.
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    Gender Violence: Resistance, Resilience, and Autonomy.Sylvia Jane Burrow - 2022 - Rowman & Littlefield.
    Sylvia Burrow explores self-confidence as integral to autonomy development within everyday contexts threatening gender violence, arguing that self-defense training is significant to resistance and resilience. -/- Choice Reviews, December 2022 Issue: “Gender Violence explores the myths and realities of the threat of gender-based violence and active forms of resistance to it…. She advocates specifically for martial arts and self-defense programs rooted in feminist frameworks. These are the most successful because they resist rape culture while increasing the capacities of women and (...)
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    Recognition, Respect and Athletic Excellence.Sylvia Burrow - 2018 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 14 (1):76-91.
    Scholars across disciplines recognize sport as an institution perpetuating sexism and bias against women in light of its masculine ideals. However, little philosophical research identifies how a masculine environment impacts women’s possibilities in sport. This paper shows that socially structured masculine ideals of athletic excellence impact recognition of women’s athletic achievements while contributing to contexts endangering respect and self-respect. Exploring athletic disrespect reveals connections to more broadly harmful sport practices that include physical and sexual violence. Thus, the practical concern is (...)
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    The neurodynamics of behavior. A phylobiological foreword.Trigant Burrow - 1943 - Philosophy of Science 10 (4):271-288.
    As individuals and as communities we have suddenly awakened to find ourselves enveloped in a welter of unprecedented changes—social, political, economic and scientific. If our minds are to keep pace with the restless current on which we are being carried along, if our senses are to become alert to the teeming dislocations that mark the present, it will be necessary to raise our sights to the farther reaches of a rapidly oncoming future. In this hurrying hour the outstanding domains of (...)
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    Relational Autonomy and Support for Autonomy: A Commentary on "Relational Autonomy as a Theoretical Lens for Qualitative Health Research" by Jennifer A. H. Bell.Sylvia Burrow - 2020 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 13 (2):98-102.
    Susan Sherwin's approach to bioethics promotes more inclusive and less oppressive sociopolitical environments within healthcare for marginalized groups. Sherwin's relational theory of autonomy endorses this aim in targeting live options as bellwethers for recognizing contexts constraining or promoting autonomy. Those contexts closing off certain options as pursuable in practice limit autonomy while those promoting a plurality of practically pursuable courses of action are autonomy enhancing. Attending to what is possible in practice is thus key to understanding how autonomy is impacted. (...)
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    The Crisis of 2008: Lessons for and From Economics.Daron Acemoglu - 2009 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 21 (2-3):185-194.
    ABSTRACT The financial crisis is, in part, an embarrassment for economic theory. Economists tended to think that severe business cycles had been conquered; that free markets require no regulations to constrain self‐interest; and that large, established companies could be trusted to monitor their own behavior so as to preserve their reputational capital. These three beliefs have proved to be inaccurate. On the other hand, economists justifiably believe that as a process of creative destruction, capitalism requires institutions that allow for innovation (...)
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    on Neville’s review of The Boston Personalist Tradition.Rufus Burrow Jr & Robert Neville - 1989 - The Personalist Forum 5 (2):137-147.
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    Vulnerability, Harm, and Compromised Ethics Revealed by the Experiences of Queer Birthing Women in Rural Healthcare.Sylvia Burrow, Lisa Goldberg, Jennifer Searle & Megan Aston - 2018 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 15 (4):511-524.
    Phenomenological interviews with queer women in rural Nova Scotia reveal significant forms of trauma experienced during labour and birth. Situating the accounts of participants within both phenomenological and intersectional analyses reveals harms enabled by structurally embedded heteronormative and homophobic healthcare practices and policies. Our account illustrates the breadth and depth of harm experienced and outlines how these violate core ethical principles and values in healthcare.
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    Martin Luther King, Jr., and Ethical Leadership.Rufus Burrow - 2018 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2018 (182):11-28.
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  10. The Biology of Human Conflict.Trigant Burrow - 1938 - Philosophical Review 47:334.
  11. The Structure of Insanity.Trigant Burrow - 1933 - Philosophical Review 42:340.
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    Software, Sovereignty and the Post-Neoliberal Politics of Exit.Harrison Smith & Roger Burrows - 2021 - Theory, Culture and Society 38 (6):143-166.
    This paper examines the impact of neoreactionary (NRx) thinking – that of Curtis Yarvin, Nick Land, Peter Thiel and Patri Friedman in particular – on contemporary political debates manifest in ‘architectures of exit’. We specifically focus on Urbit, as an NRx digital architecture that captures how post-neoliberal politics imagines notions of freedom and sovereignty through a micro-fracturing of nation-states into ‘gov-corps’. We trace the development of NRx philosophy – and situate this within contemporary political and technological change to theorize the (...)
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  13. Inequalities and healthcare reform in Chile: equity of what?J. Burrows - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (9):e13-e13.
    Chile has achieved great success in terms of growth and development. However, growing inequalities exist in relation to income and health status. The previous Chilean government began to reform the healthcare system with the aim of reducing health inequities. What is meant by “equity” in this context? What is the extent of the equity aimed for? A normative framework is required for public policy-makers to consider ideas about fairness in their decisions about healthcare reform. This paper aims to discuss the (...)
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  14. An Outline of Biblical Theology.Millar Burrows - 1946
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    Cultures of Technological Embodiment: An Introduction.Roger Burrows & Mike Featherstone - 1995 - Body and Society 1 (3-4):1-19.
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    Founders of Great Religions.Millar Burrows - 1932 - The Monist 42 (4):637-637.
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    After the crisis? Big Data and the methodological challenges of empirical sociology.Mike Savage & Roger Burrows - 2014 - Big Data and Society 1 (1).
    Google Trends reveals that at the time we were writing our article on ‘The Coming Crisis of Empirical Sociology’ in 2007 almost nobody was searching the internet for ‘Big Data’. It was only towards the very end of 2010 that the term began to register, just ahead of an explosion of interest from 2011 onwards. In this commentary we take the opportunity to reflect back on the claims we made in that original paper in light of more recent discussions about (...)
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  18.  23
    A common culture? Nationalist ideas in 19th-century European Thought.John Burrow - 2006 - History of European Ideas 32 (3):333-344.
  19.  21
    Correction to: Vulnerability, Harm, and Compromised Ethics Revealed by the Experiences of Queer Birthing Women in Rural Healthcare.Sylvia Burrow, Lisa Goldberg, Jennifer Searle & Megan Aston - 2018 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 15 (4):525-525.
    The following Acknowledgments were omitted in the original publication.
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  20. Life and Work in Shakespeare's Poems.Colin Burrow - 1998 - In Burrow Colin, Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 97: 1997 Lectures and Memoirs. pp. 15-50.
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  21. Palestine is Our Business.Millar Burrows - 1949
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    Memory scanning: Effect of unattended input.Marilyn C. Smith & David Burrows - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 102 (4):722.
  23. The Dead Sea Scrolls.Millar Burrows - 1955
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  24. The Social Basis of Consciousness.Trigant Burrow - 1928 - Humana Mente 3 (11):390-390.
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  25. John Locke, Thomas Sydenham, and the "Smallpox Manuscripts".John Burrows & Peter R. Anstey - 2013 - English Manuscript Studies 1100-1700 18:180-214.
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    Ethical prophets along the way: those hall of famers.Rufus Burrow - 2019 - Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books. Edited by Susannah Heschel & Mary Alice Mulligan.
    God's point of view to the people and the powers at a time when injustice, deceit, malfeasance, and crushing the poor and the oppressed was prominent--much like today! The prophets spoke courageously and emphatically about God's profound and unrelenting concern and compassion for human beings. Much influenced by the theology of prophecy developed by Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, this book discusses the nature, meaning, and relevance of ethical prophecy at a time when democracy--in the United States of America and elsewhere--is (...)
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  27. Jesus in the First Three Gospels.Millar Burrows - 1977
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    Social Work for ‘Liquid Old Age’: Some Insights from an Ethnographic Study of a Hospital Social Work Team.Daniel Burrows - 2022 - Ethics and Social Welfare 16 (3):258-273.
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    The English Prospectus of the Thesaurus Linguar Latinae.Ronald M. Burrows - 1900 - The Classical Review 14 (09):471-472.
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    The Social Basis of Consciousness: a Study in Organic Psychology, Based upon a Synthetic and Societal Concept of the Neuroses.Trigant Burrow - 1929 - Philosophical Review 38 (1):94-98.
  31. The World as Idea.Trigant Burrow - 1938 - Journal of Social Philosophy and Jurisprudence 4:162.
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    Corolla Numismatica - Corolla Numismatica: Numismatic Essays in Honour of Barclay V. Head. Pp. vi + 386. Portrait and 18 Plates. Oxford University Press: H. Frowde, 1906. 30 s. net. [REVIEW]Ronald M. Burrows - 1908 - The Classical Review 22 (07):221-224.
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  33. More Light on the Dead Sea Scrolls.Millar Burrows - 1958
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    Naming the God beyond names: Wisdom from the tradition on the old problem of God‐language.Mark S. Burrows & Dr Mark S. Burrows - 1993 - Modern Theology 9 (1):37-53.
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    Pylos and Sphacteria.Ronald M. Burrows - 1897 - The Classical Review 11 (01):1-10.
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  36. The Interconnection of Aesthetics and Ethics as Revealed in Martial Arts.Sylvia Burrow & Jason Holt - 2019 - Fair Play, Journal of Philosophy, Ethics and Law of Sport 14 (1):73-91.
    The authors show that martial arts illustrate how ethical and aesthetic value intersect within and beyond sport. While they do not aim to provide a comprehensive analysis of martial arts in this paper, they do plan to draw parallels between sport and martial arts for the purpose of recognizing how martial arts practice may be both aesthetically pleasing and grounded in ethically relevant aims. The upshot of this paper is not wholly positive, however, since the authors draw attention to ethically (...)
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    Two Key Elements in Francis J. McConnell’s Social Ethics.Rufus Burrow - 1992 - The Personalist Forum 8 (2):73-87.
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    Medieval Writers and Their Work: Middle English Literature 1100-1500.J. A. Burrow - 2008 - Oxford University Press UK.
    In an updated edition of his hugely successful student introduction to English literature from 1100 to 1500, J. A. Burrow takes account of scholarly developments in the the field, most notably devoting a final chapter to the impact of historicism on medieval studies. Full of information and stimulating ideas, and a pleasure to read, Burrow's book deals with circumstances of composition and reception, the main genres, 'modes of meaning', and medieval literature's afterlife in modern times. It shows that the literature (...)
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    Bodily limits to autonomy : Emotion, attitude, and self-defense.Sylvia Burrow - 2009 - In Sue Campbell, Letitia Meynell & Susan Sherwin, Embodiment and Agency. Pennsylvania State University Press.
    My aim is to show that the development of self-defense skills functions as a means of overcoming bodily encoded limits to autonomy. Through this discussion, I hope to broaden our understanding of the embodied nature of autonomy by illuminating the connection between bodily training and responses such as self-confidence, self-trust, and self-esteem. My paper aims toward these goals in two steps. First, it shows that self-defense training is valuable for women because it provides a security that one can avoid or (...)
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  40. Damages and rights.Andrew Burrows - 2011 - In Donal Nolan & Andrew Robertson, Rights and private law. Portland, Oregon: Hart.
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    Naming-Constructions in Some Indo-European Languages.T. Burrow & E. Adelaide Hahn - 1972 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 92 (1):166.
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    Parallel scanning of semantic and formal information.David Burrows & Ronald Okada - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 97 (2):254.
  43.  15
    Études sur le Vocabulaire du Ṛgveda: Première SérieEtudes sur le Vocabulaire du Rgveda: Premiere Serie.T. Burrow & Louis Renou - 1959 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 79 (4):287.
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    The social neurosis: A study in "clinical anthropology".Trigant Burrow - 1949 - Philosophy of Science 16 (1):25-40.
    “The end of society is peace and mutual protection, so that the individual may reach the fullest and highest life attainable by man. The rules of conduct by which this end is to be attained are discoverable-like the other so-called laws of Nature-by observation and experiment, and only in that way.”THOMAS HUXLEYThe present moment is a portentous one in the history of human relations. Only yesterday the armies of half the world were locked in a death struggle with the armies (...)
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    Whig Versus Tory-a Genuine Difference?Barry M. Burrows - 1976 - Political Theory 4 (4):455-469.
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    Reading Rorty: critical responses to Philosophy and the mirror of nature (and beyond).Alan R. Malachowski, Jo Burrows & Richard Rorty (eds.) - 1990 - Cambridge, Mass., USA: Blackwell.
    In 'Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature' Richard Rorty presented his provocation and influential vision of the post-philosophical culture, calling upon professional philosophers to accept that epistemology is dead, that the analytic method is a myth, and that philosophy and science are merely forms of literature.
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  47. Asset classes? Some reflections on the ‘new class realities’ of rentier capitalism.Roger Burrows - forthcoming - Thesis Eleven.
    In their recent work, Lisa Adkins, Melinda Cooper and Martijn Konings challenge traditional employment-based class models, arguing that asset ownership, particularly housing, is now central to understanding class dynamics in the present conjuncture, which some critics characterize as rentier capitalism. This paper examines the historical antecedents of their analysis, especially its relationship to the work of Peter Saunders in the 1990s. It also provides commentary on some of the criticisms of their approach and reflects on the analytic utility, or otherwise, (...)
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    Effects of extended practice on high-speed scanning.David Burrows & Bennet B. Murdock - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 82 (2):231.
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    God is everywhere.Barbara Burrow - 1968 - [Kansas City, Mo.]: Hallmark Editions. Edited by Mary Hamilton.
    A simple description of the omnipresence of God.
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    MR. Lang's Homer and His Age.Ronald M. Burrows - 1907 - The Classical Review 21 (05):139-140.
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