Results for 'Daniel Konn'

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  1.  16
    Cognitive Outcome Prediction in Infants With Neonatal Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy Based on Functional Connectivity and Complexity of the Electroencephalography Signal.Noura Alotaibi, Dalal Bakheet, Daniel Konn, Brigitte Vollmer & Koushik Maharatna - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Impaired neurodevelopmental outcome, in particular cognitive impairment, after neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy is a major concern for parents, clinicians, and society. This study aims to investigate the potential benefits of using advanced quantitative electroencephalography analysis for early prediction of cognitive outcomes, assessed here at 2 years of age. EEG data were recorded within the first week after birth from a cohort of twenty infants with neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. A proposed regression framework was based on two different sets of features, namely graph-theoretical (...)
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  2. Science (of) fiction: Zur Zukunft des Gedankenexperiments in der Philosophie des Geistes.Daniel Cohnitz - 2007 - In P. Spät, Zur Zukunft der Philosophie des Geistes. Mentis.
    Egal was der heutige Tag auch bringen mag, der 1. April 2063 wird zumindest als der Tag in die Geschichte des Wissenschaftsjournalismus eingehen, der die bisher aufwändigste Berichterstattung erfahren hat. So viele Kamerateams, wie hier vor den Toren der Australian National University in Canberra, hat bisher kein wissenschaftliches Experiment anziehen können. Selbst der Knüller des Vorjahres, als es einer 48jährigen Hausfrau in einem Vorort von London gelang, mit einfachsten Küchenutensilien einen kleinen Kalte-Fusion-Reaktor herzustellen, der den Staubsauger und die Mikrowelle zuverlässig (...)
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    Schlechte Unendlichkeit: zu einer Schlüsselfigur und ihrer Kritik in der Philosophie des Deutschen Idealismus.Daniel Unger - 2015 - Freiburg: Karl Alber Verlag.
    Das systematische Problem „schlechter Unendlichkeit“, als dessen Überwindung die hegelsche Philosophie angetreten ist und das als solches weit über seinen Ursprung im Deutschen Idealismus hinausgeht, wird in dieser Arbeit rekonstruiert. Als dialektische Figur hat sie die Philosophie Hegels in ihrer kritischen Auseinandersetzung mit Kant, Fichte und der Romantik tiefgreifend geprägt. Schelling und Kierkegaard wiederum kritisieren, dass bei Hegel diese Figur eines scheiternden affirmativen Selbstbezugs nicht auf seine logische Struktur beschränkt bleibe, sondern auf die Beschreibung des neuzeitlichen Geistes übergreife, weshalb Hegel (...)
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  4. How to be an Epistemic Consequentialist.Daniel J. Singer - 2018 - Philosophical Quarterly 68 (272):580-602.
    Epistemic consequentialists think that epistemic norms are about believing the truth and avoiding error. Recently, a number of authors have rejected epistemic consequentialism on the basis that it incorrectly sanctions tradeoffs of epistemic goodness. Here, I argue that epistemic consequentialists should borrow two lessons from ethical consequentialists to respond to these worries. Epistemic consequentialists should construe their view as an account of right belief, which they distinguish from other notions like rational and justified belief. Epistemic consequentialists should also make their (...)
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    Pragmatism and the predictive mind.Daniel Williams - 2018 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 17 (5):835-859.
    Predictive processing and its apparent commitment to explaining cognition in terms of Bayesian inference over hierarchical generative models seems to flatly contradict the pragmatist conception of mind and experience. Against this, I argue that this appearance results from philosophical overlays at odd with the science itself, and that the two frameworks are in fact well-poised for mutually beneficial theoretical exchange. Specifically, I argue: first, that predictive processing illuminates pragmatism’s commitment to both the primacy of pragmatic coping in accounts of the (...)
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    The Epidemic as Stigma: The Bioethics of Opioids.Daniel Z. Buchman, Pamela Leece & Aaron Orkin - 2017 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 45 (4):607-620.
    In this paper, we claim that we can only seek to eradicate the stigma associated with the contemporary opioid overdose epidemic when we understand how opioid stigma and the epidemic have co-evolved. Rather than conceptualizing stigma as a parallel social process alongside the epidemiologically and physiologically defined harms of the epidemic, we argue that the stigmatized history of opioids and their use defines the epidemic. We conclude by offering recommendations for disrupting the burden of opioid stigma.
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  7. Inductive Risk and Regulatory Toxicology: A Comment on de Melo-Martín and Intemann.Daniel J. Hicks - 2018 - Philosophy of Science 85 (1):164-174.
    Inmaculada de Melo-Martín and Kristen Intemann consider whether, from the perspective of the argument from inductive risk, ethical and political values might be logically, epistemically, pragmatically, or ethically necessary in the “core” of scientific reasoning. In each case, they argue that there are significant conceptual problems. In this comment, employing regulatory uses of high-throughput toxicology at the US Environmental Protection Agency as a case study, I respond to some of their claims about the notion of “pragmatic necessity.” I conclude that, (...)
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  8. Desire and cognition in Aristotle’s theory of the voluntary movements of animal locomotion.Daniel Simão Nascimento - 2017 - Filosofia Unisinos 18 (2).
    Duas das principais controvérsias que têm ocupado aqueles que se dedicam à teoria aris- totélica do movimento animal são a controvérsia acerca da forma da cognição através da qual um animal irracional apreende um objeto como um objeto de desejo e a controvérsia acerca da função desempenhada pela cognição na explicação aristotélica dos movimentos voluntários de locomoção animal. Neste artigo, eu apresento uma teoria acerca das formas como o desejo e a cognição se articulam na teoria aristotélica segundo a qual (...)
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  9. Wagering with and without Pascal.Daniel Collette & Joseph Anderson - 2018 - Res Philosophica 95 (1):95-110.
    Pascal’s wager has received the attention of philosophers for centuries. Most of its criticisms arise from how the wager is often framed. We present Pascal’s wager three ways: in isolation from any further apologetic arguments, as leading toward a regimen intended to produce belief, and finally embedded in a larger apology that includes evidence for Christianity. We find that none of the common objections apply when the wager is presented as part of Pascal’s larger project. Pascal’s wager is a successful (...)
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  10. Reflections on Sam Harris' "Free Will".Daniel C. Dennett - 2017 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 8 (3):214-230.
    : In his book Free Will Sam Harris tries to persuade us to abandon the morally pernicious idea of free will. The following contribution articulates and defends a more sophisticated model of free will that is not only consistent with neuroscience and introspection but also grounds a variety of responsibility that justifies both praise and blame, reward and punishment. This begins with the long lasting parting of opinion between compatibilists and incompatibilists. While Harris dismisses compatibilism as a form of theology, (...)
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  11. Nobody Bodily Knows Possibility.Daniel Dohrn - 2017 - Journal of Philosophy 114 (12):678-686.
    Against modal rationalism, Manolo Martínez argues that elementary bodily mechanisms allow cognizers to know possibility. He presents an exemplary behavioral mechanism adapted to maximizing expected outcome in a random game. The bodily mechanism purportedly tracks probabilities and related possibilities. However, it is doubtful that cognizers like us can know metaphysical modalities purely by virtue of bodily mechanisms without using rational capacities. Firstly, Martínez’s mechanism is limited. But knowledge of probabilities arguably has to cover a variety of probabilistic outcomes. One may (...)
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  12. Inner Speech: A Philosophical Analysis.Daniel Gregory - 2017 - Dissertation, Australian National University
    This dissertation explores the phenomenon of inner speech. It takes the form of an introduction, which introduces the phenomenon; three long, largely independent chapters; a conclusion; and an appendix. -/- The first chapter deliberates between two possible theories as to the nature of inner speech. One of these theories is that inner speech is a kind of actual speech, just as much as external speech is a kind of actual speech. When we engage in inner speech, we are actually speaking, (...)
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  13. With or Without Mechanisms.Daniel Steel - 2007 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 37 (3):360-365.
    This reply to Erik Weber's commentary agrees that mechanisms are important for causal inference in social science, but argues that Weber makes the mistake that was the main focus of my original essay: inferring that since a problem cannot be solved without mechanisms, it can be solved with them. As it stands, this inference is invalid since the problem might be unsolvable with or without mechanisms. Any claim about the usefulness of mechanisms for some purpose requires an adequate account of (...)
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    Tobacco bans and smokers’ autonomy.Daniel Halliday - 2016 - Journal of Medical Ethics 42 (5):303-304.
    Should tobacco be banned? The answer depends largely on two further questions. How much are smokers benefitted by being made to stop, or to not start? And what is the moral cost of their being made to stop by their government, as opposed to stopping due to the influence of policies that fall short of coercion? Grill and Voigt provide one answer to the first question. They argue that the benefits of cessation are high enough to justify a ban on (...)
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    Response to De Caro, Lavazza, Lemos, and Pereboom.Daniel C. Dennett - 2017 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 8 (3):274-283.
    Author's reply to De Caro's, Lavazza's, Lemos', and Pereboom's comments on D.C. Dennett, Reflection on Sam Harris' "Free Will".
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    Filiation traumatique et amorce du travail du lien chez un enfant placé en Protection de l’enfance.Daniel Derivois & Émilie Charpillat-Richard - 2017 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 218 (4):111.
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    Gisèle MATHIEU-CASTELLANI, La quenouille et la lyre, Paris, José Corti, 1998, 212 p.Daniel Fabre - 2000 - Clio 11:10-10.
    Prenant acte du fait que le XVIe siècle occidental est un moment fondateur de nouveaux savoirs et d'une nouvelle théorie du sujet, Gisèle Mathieu-Castellani a choisi de mettre en évidence en quoi la période a contribué à ouvrir le débat sur la “nature” et le rôle des femmes. Il ne s'agit pas ici de la condition des femmes réelles mais du foyer de discours qui se développe à leur sujet dans les milieux lettrés. Discours dans lesquels elle propose de distinguer (...)
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    Marina ZANCAN, Il doppio itinerario della scrittura. La donna nella tradizione italiana, Torino, Einaudi, 1998, 234 p.Daniel Fabre - 2000 - Clio 11:12-12.
    Comme son titre l'indique ce livre, le plus synthétique paru en Italie sur le sujet, est lui-même double. Sa première partie, désignée comme historiographique, pose la question de la présence variable des femmes dans le canon littéraire national italien et dans l'histoire de la littérature. Marina Zancan y démontre à quel point les femmes écrivains sont effectivement actives à toutes les époques dans le champ de l'écriture et, corrélativement, comment la constitution du trésor des clas...
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    Replies to Shein, Voigt and Chapman.Daniel Halliday - 2016 - Journal of Medical Ethics 42 (5):291-292.
    I'd like to thank all three commentators for their careful discussion of my proposals. I'll begin with David Shein, who makes two very important points. First, he raises the problem of black markets, which received only a passing mention in the original piece. Generally speaking, black markets can be expected to operate more readily, and on a larger scale, given opportunities for arbitrage: Much depends on how easy it is for illicit sellers to obtain the commodity at prices lower than (...)
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  20. Simon Stevin's Vita Politica: Pre-provisional Morality?Daniel P. Maher - 2017 - Interpretation 43 (2):215-232.
  21.  37
    Der Pyrrhonismus und die selbstbezogene Negation. Ansätze für eine Grundbestimmung der philosophischen Skepsis.Daniel Menchaca Ortega - 2017 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 71 (4):536-559.
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    Religion for a Secular Age: Max Müller, Swami Vivekananda and Vedānta by Thomas J. Green.Daniel Soars - 2017 - Philosophy East and West 68 (1):1-3.
    While this is not the first study of reception histories of Indian and European ideas across East-West boundaries, Thomas J. Green's distinctive contribution is to show–via a microscopic focus on two thinkers whose intellectual trajectories cannot be fully understood within the history of any single nation–how the macroscopic processes of modernity and secularisation in the long nineteenth-century must be seen as transnational phenomena. The argument is centred on the German scholar of comparative religion, Friedrich Max Müller and the Bengali advocate (...)
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  23. Brains, Buddhas, and Believing: The Problem of Intentionality in Classical Buddhist and Cognitive-Scientific Philosophy of Mind.Daniel Anderson Arnold - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    Premodern Buddhists are sometimes characterized as veritable "mind scientists" whose insights anticipate modern research on the brain and mind. Aiming to complicate this story, Dan Arnold confronts a significant obstacle to popular attempts at harmonizing classical Buddhist and modern scientific thought: since most Indian Buddhists held that the mental continuum is uninterrupted by death, they would have no truck with the idea that everything about the mental can be explained in terms of brain events. Nevertheless, a predominant stream of Indian (...)
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  24. Aesthetic Reasons and the Demands They (Do Not) Make.Daniel Whiting - 2021 - Philosophical Quarterly 71 (2):407-427.
    What does the aesthetic ask of us? What claims do the aesthetic features of the objects and events in our environment make on us? My answer in this paper is: that depends. Aesthetic reasons can only justify feelings – they cannot demand them. A corollary of this is that there are no aesthetic obligations to feel, only permissions. However, I argue, aesthetic reasons can demand actions – they do not merely justify them. A corollary of this is that there are (...)
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  25. Forms of Vitality: Exploring Dynamic Experience in Psychology, the Arts, Psychotherapy, and Development.Daniel N. Stern - 1985 - Oxford University Press.
    In his new book, eminent psychologist - Daniel Stern, explores the hitherto neglected topic of 'vitality'. Truly a tour de force from a brilliant clinician and scientist, Forms of Vitality is a profound and absorbing book - one that will be essential reading for psychologists, psychotherapists, and those in the creative arts.
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    Ironic processes of mental control.Daniel M. Wegner - 1994 - Psychological Review 101 (1):34-52.
  27. Principled moral sentiment and the flexibility of moral judgment and decision making.Daniel M. Bartels - 2008 - Cognition 108 (2):381-417.
    Three studies test eight hypotheses about (1) how judgment differs between people who ascribe greater vs. less moral relevance to choices, (2) how moral judgment is subject to task constraints that shift evaluative focus (to moral rules vs. to consequences), and (3) how differences in the propensity to rely on intuitive reactions affect judgment. In Study 1, judgments were affected by rated agreement with moral rules proscribing harm, whether the dilemma under consideration made moral rules versus consequences of choice salient, (...)
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  28. Living in a Material World: A Critical Notice of Suppose and Tell: The Semantics and Heuristics of Conditionals by Timothy Williamson.Daniel Rothschild - 2023 - Mind 132 (525):208-233.
    Barristers in England are obliged to follow the ‘cab rank rule’, according to which they must take any case offered to them, as long as they have time in their.
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    Contestation in Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives: Enhancing the Democratic Quality of Transnational Governance.Daniel Arenas, Laura Albareda & Jennifer Goodman - 2020 - Business Ethics Quarterly 30 (2):169-199.
    ABSTRACTThis article studies multi-stakeholder initiatives as spaces for both deliberation and contestation between constituencies with competing discourses and disputed values, beliefs, and preferences. We review different theoretical perspectives on MSIs, which see them mainly as spaces to find solutions to market problems, as spaces of conflict and bargaining, or as spaces of consensus. In contrast, we build on a contestatory deliberative perspective, which gives equal value to both contestation and consensus. We identify four types of internal contestation which can be (...)
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    Explaining Presupposition Projection with Dynamic Semantics.Daniel Rothschild - 2011 - Semantics and Pragmatics 4 (3):1-43.
    Presents a version of dynamic semantics for a language with presuppositions that predicts basic facts about presupposition projection in a non-stipulative way.
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    “Some,” and possibly all, scalar inferences are not delayed: Evidence for immediate pragmatic enrichment.Daniel J. Grodner, Natalie M. Klein, Kathleen M. Carbary & Michael K. Tanenhaus - 2010 - Cognition 116 (1):42-55.
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  32. Conscientious Refusal and Health Professionals: Does Religion Make a Difference?Daniel Weinstock - 2013 - Bioethics 28 (1):8-15.
    Freedom of Conscience and Freedom of Religion should be taken to protect two distinct sets of moral considerations. The former protects the ability of the agent to reflect critically upon the moral and political issues that arise in her society generally, and in her professional life more specifically. The latter protects the individual's ability to achieve secure membership in a set of practices and rituals that have as a moral function to inscribe her life in a temporally extended narrative. Once (...)
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  33.  73
    The Role of NGOs in CSR: Mutual Perceptions Among Stakeholders.Daniel Arenas, Josep M. Lozano & Laura Albareda - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 88 (1):175-197.
    This paper explores the role of NGOs in corporate social responsibility (CSR) through an analysis of various stakeholders’ perceptions and of NGOs’ self-perceptions. In the course of qualitative research based in Spain, we found that the perceptions of the role of NGOs fall into four categories: recognition of NGOs as drivers of CSR; concerns about their legitimacy; difficulties in the mutual understanding between NGOs and trade unions; the self-confidence of NGOs as important players in CSR. Each of these categories comprises (...)
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  34.  74
    Thinking about the body as subject.Daniel Morgan - 2019 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 49 (4):435-457.
    ABSTRACTThe notion of immunity to error through misidentification has played a central role in discussions of first-person thought. It seems like a way of making precise the idea of thinking about oneself ‘as subject’. Asking whether bodily first-person judgments can be IEM is a way of asking whether one can think about oneself simultaneously as a subject and as a bodily thing. The majority view is that one cannot. I rebut that view, arguing that on all the notions of IEM (...)
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  35.  57
    The Secret History of Emotion: From Aristotle’s Rhetoric to Modern Brain Science.Daniel M. Gross - 2006 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Princess Diana’s death was a tragedy that provoked mourning across the globe; the death of a homeless person, more often than not, is met with apathy. How can we account for this uneven distribution of emotion? Can it simply be explained by the prevailing scientific understanding? Uncovering a rich tradition beginning with Aristotle, _The Secret History of Emotion_ offers a counterpoint to the way we generally understand emotions today. Through a radical rereading of Aristotle, Seneca, Thomas Hobbes, Sarah Fielding, and (...)
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  36. Relativistic State Reduction Dynamics.Daniel J. Bedingham - 2011 - Foundations of Physics 41 (4):686-704.
    A mechanism describing state reduction dynamics in relativistic quantum field theory is outlined. The mechanism involves nonlinear stochastic modifications to the standard description of unitary state evolution and the introduction of a relativistic field in which a quantized degree of freedom is associated to each point in spacetime. The purpose of this field is to mediate in the interaction between classical stochastic influences and conventional quantum fields. The equations of motion are Lorentz covariant, frame independent, and do not result in (...)
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    Deleuze and the naming of God: post-secularism and the future of immanence.Daniel Colucciello Barber - 2014 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    Deleuze’s philosophy of immanence, because it vigorously rejects every appeal to the beyond, is often presumed to be indifferent to the concerns of religion. This book argues against such a presumption. It does so, first of all, by emphasising how both Deleuze’s thought and the notion of religion are motivated by a demand to create new modes of existence, or to imagine and enact a future that would substantively break with the present configuration of being. If Deleuze’s thought and the (...)
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  38. XIV—The Truth in Political Instrumentalism.Daniel Viehoff - 2017 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 117 (3):273-295.
    How can one person’s having political power over another be justified? This essay explores the idea that such justifications must be in an important sense derivative, and that this ‘Derivative Justification Constraint’ bars certain justifications widely endorsed in political and philosophical debates. After critically discussing the most prominent extant articulations of the Constraint (associated with a view often called ‘political instrumentalism’), the essay offers a novel account of what precisely the Constraint bars (in short: justification by appeal to non-derivative goods (...)
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  39. Events states and times.Daniel Altshuler - 2016 - Berlink: de Gruyter.
    This monograph investigates the temporal interpretation of narrative discourse in two parts. The theme of the first part is narrative progression. It begins with a case study of the adverb ‘now’ and its interaction with the meaning of tense. The case study motivates an ontological distinction between events, states and times and proposes that ‘now’ seeks a prominent state that holds throughout the time described by the tense. Building on prior research, prominence is shown to be influenced by principles of (...)
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    Kant's Mathematical World: Mathematics, Cognition, and Experience.Daniel Sutherland - 2021 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    Kant's Mathematical World aims to transform our understanding of Kant's philosophy of mathematics and his account of the mathematical character of the world. Daniel Sutherland reconstructs Kant's project of explaining both mathematical cognition and our cognition of the world in terms of our most basic cognitive capacities. He situates Kant in a long mathematical tradition with roots in Euclid's Elements, and thereby recovers the very different way of thinking about mathematics which existed prior to its 'arithmetization' in the nineteenth (...)
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  41. A course in semantics.Daniel Altshuler, Terence Parsons & Roger Schwarzschild - 2019 - Cambridge, MA, USA: MIT Press. Edited by Terence Parsons & Roger Schwarzschild.
    An introductory text in linguistic semantics, uniquely balancing empirical coverage and formalism with development of intuition and methodology. -/- This introductory textbook in linguistic semantics for undergraduates features a unique balance between empirical coverage and formalism on the one hand and development of intuition and methodology on the other. It will equip students to form intuitions about a set of data, explain how well an analysis of the data accords with their intuitions, and extend the analysis or seek an alternative. (...)
  42. (1 other version)A note on conditionals and restrictors.Daniel Rothschild - 2021 - In Lee Walters & John Hawthorne, Conditionals, Paradox, and Probability: Themes from the Philosophy of Dorothy Edgington. Oxford, England: Oxford University press.
  43.  21
    The Roots of Bioethics: Health, Progress, Technology, Death.Daniel Callahan - 2012 - Oxford University Press.
    Daniel Callahan's life time work in bioethics has again and again returned to the root problems of health, progress, technology, and death. How we think about each of them individually and in relation to each other will shape the way we approach and deal with the most common dilemmas of modern medicine. They are at the roots of the field.
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    Dynamic interpretation of verb phrase ellipsis.Daniel Hardt - 1999 - Linguistics and Philosophy 22 (2):187-221.
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    Consciousness and Mental Life.Daniel N. Robinson - 2007 - Cambridge University Press.
    In recent decades, issues that reside at the center of philosophical and psychological inquiry have been absorbed into a scientific framework variously identified as "brain science," "cognitive science," and "cognitive neuroscience." Scholars have heralded this development as revolutionary, but a revolution implies an existing method has been overturned in favor of something new. What long-held theories have been abandoned or significantly modified in light of cognitive neuroscience? _Consciousness and Mental Life_ questions our present approach to the study of consciousness and (...)
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    Representing and coordinating ethnobiological knowledge.Daniel A. Weiskopf - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 84 (C):101328.
    Indigenous peoples possess enormously rich and articulated knowledge of the natural world. A major goal of research in anthropology and ethnobiology as well as ecology, conservation biology, and development studies is to find ways of integrating this knowledge with that produced by academic and other institutionalized scientific communities. Here I present a challenge to this integration project. I argue, by reference to ethnographic and cross-cultural psychological studies, that the models of the world developed within specialized academic disciplines do not map (...)
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    From ‘Dare to Think!’ to ‘How Dare You!’ and back again.Daniel Ross - 2020 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 52 (4):466-474.
    Finding myself writing this introduction on the same day that Greta Thunberg is addressing the United Nations, it seems impossible not to understand her parrhesia concerning the biospheric crisis a...
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    The ethics of a smoking licence.Daniel Halliday - 2016 - Journal of Medical Ethics 42 (5):278–284.
    In this paper, I am going to explore some of the moral considerations relating to smoking licences. And I shall offer a limited defence of licences as a replacement for sales tax on tobacco products. This defence will include some moral arguments in favour of one particular licence design over others.
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    Morasses, diamond, and forcing.Daniel J. Velleman - 1982 - Annals of Mathematical Logic 23 (2):199.
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    Lockean justifications of intellectual property.Daniel Attas - 2008 - In Axel Gosseries, Alain Marciano & Alain Strowel, Intellectual Property and Theories of Justice. Basingstoke & N.Y.: Palgrave McMillan. pp. 29--56.
    This paper explores the possibility of extending Locke’s theory with respect to tangible property so that it might offer a feasible theoretical basis for intellectual property too. The main conclusion is that such an attempt must fail. Locke’s theory comes in three parts: a general justification of property which serves to explain why assets ought to be under the exclusive control of individuals; a positive method of private appropriation whereby an individual acquires a prima facie exclusive claim to previously commonly (...)
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