Results for 'Daniel Isabey'

941 found
  1.  44
    Tensegrity behaviour of cortical and cytosolic cytoskeletal components in twisted living adherent cells.Valérie M. Laurent, Patrick Cañadas, Redouane Fodil, Emmanuelle Planus, Atef Asnacios, Sylvie Wendling & Daniel Isabey - 2002 - Acta Biotheoretica 50 (4):331-356.
    The present study is an attempt to relate the multicomponent response of the cytoskeleton (CSK), evaluated in twisted living adherent cells, to the heterogeneity of the cytoskeletal structure - evaluated both experimentally by means of 3D reconstructions, and theoretically considering the predictions given by two tensegrity models composed of (four and six) compressive elements and (respectively 12 and 24) tensile elements. Using magnetic twisting cytometry in which beads are attached to integrin receptors linked to the actin CSK of living adherent (...)
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    Introduction.Daniel Stoljar - 2004 - In Peter Ludlow, Yujin Nagasawa & Daniel Stoljar, There's Something About Mary: Essays on Phenomenal Consciousness and Frank Jackson's Knowledge Argument. MIT Press.
    Mary is confined to a black-and-white room, is educated through black-and-white books and through lectures relayed on black-and white television. In this way she learns everything there is to know about the physical nature of the world. She knows all the physical facts about us and our environment, in a wide sense of 'physical' which includes everything in completed physics, chemistry, and neurophysiology, and all there is to know about the causal and relational facts consequent upon all this, including of (...)
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    Winning Over the Audience: Trust and Humor in Stand‐Up Comedy.Daniel Abrahams - 2020 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 78 (4):491-500.
    ABSTRACT This article advances a novel way of understanding humor and stand-up comedy. I propose that the relationship between the comedian and her audience is understood by way of trust, where the comedian requires the trust of her audience for her humor to succeed. The comedian may hold the trust of the audience in two domains. She may be trusted as to the form of the humor, such as whether she is joking. She may also be trusted as to the (...)
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    Optimism for Naturalized Social Metaphysics: A Reply to Hawley.Daniel Saunders - 2020 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 50 (2):138-160.
    Metaphysics has undergone two major innovations in recent decades. First, naturalistic metaphysicians have argued that our best science provides an important source of evidence for metaphysical theories. Second, social metaphysicians have begun to explore the nature of social entities such as groups, institutions, and social categories. Surprisingly, these projects have largely kept their distance from one another. Katherine Hawley has recently argued that, unlike the natural sciences, the social sciences are not sufficiently successful to provide evidence about the metaphysical nature (...)
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    Vauvenargues moraliste: la synthèse impossible de l'idée de nature et de la pensée de la diversité.Daniel Acke - 1993 - Janus Book Publishers.
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    The critique's contradiction as the key to post-Kantianism: Longuenesse and the collapse of Kant's distinction between sensibility and the understanding.Daniel Addison - 2015 - Aurora, Colorado: Noesis Press.
  7.  28
    The Hegelian Phenomenological Exposition of the Problem of Social Identity.Daniel O. Adekeye - 2018 - Dialogue and Universalism 28 (2):159-175.
    The process of constructing a social reality where “difference” becomes a social asset rather than a monster that threatens peace and progress must commence with a phenomenological understanding of social interactions within and among human societies. In my opinion, Hegel, more than any other thinker, has constructed a phenomenological framework that adequately captures and represents the nature of group interactions within human societies. This paper explores the Hegelian phenomenon of social identity, and, especially, characterizes the interactions between and among various (...)
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  8.  18
    The Status of Irrationality: Karl Jaspers' Response to Davidson and Searle.Daniel Adsett - unknown
    In this dissertation I advance a Jaspersian account of the formation and possession of irrational attitudes. This account stands in opposition to two competing views – externalism and internalism with respect to rational and irrational attitudes. According to externalism, a subject’s attitudes are irrational when they fail to satisfy standards or criteria independent of the subject, such as laws of logic, methods for evidence acquisition, and rules of decision theory. According to internalism, a subject’s attitudes are irrational when they are (...)
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  9. Kant on fundamental geometrical relations.Daniel Sutherland - 2005 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 87 (2):117-158.
    Equality, similarity and congruence are essential elements of Kant’s theory of geometrical cognition; nevertheless, Kant’s account of them is not well understood. This paper provides historical context for treatments of these geometrical relations, presents Kant’s views on their mathematical definitions, and explains Kant’s theory of their cognition. It also places Kant’s theory within the larger context of his understanding of the quality-quantity distinction. Most importantly, it argues that the relation of equality, in conjunction with the categories of quantity, plays a (...)
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  10.  10
    Cornelius Castoriadis o la sociedad autónoma.Daniel H. Cabrera - 2012 - In Aragüés Estragués, Juan Manuel, López de Lizaga & José Luis, Perspectivas: una aproximación al pensamiento ético y político contemporáneo. Zaragoza: Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza. pp. 211--115.
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  11. Moral and aesthetic judgments reconsidered.Daniel Came - 2012 - Journal Ofvalue Inquiry 46 (2):159–71.
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  12. Strip-Showing and the Suspension of a Naked End.Daniel Sack - 2017 - In Laurie A. Frederik, Showing off, showing up: studies of hype, heightened performance, and cultural power. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
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  13. Idea of Progress.Daniel Sarewitz - 2012 - In Jan Kyrre Berg Olsen Friis, Stig Andur Pedersen & Vincent F. Hendricks, A Companion to the Philosophy of Technology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
  14. Between Aristotle and Scotus : Suárez on the duty to punish.Daniel Schwartz - 2021 - In Dominique Bauer & Randall Lesaffer, History, casuistry and custom in the legal thought of Francisco Suárez (1548-1617): collected studies. Boston: Brill Nijhoff.
  15. Indirect perceptual, cognitive, and behavioural measures.Daniel Västfjäll - 2011 - In Patrik N. Juslin & John Sloboda, Handbook of Music and Emotion: Theory, Research, Applications. Oxford University Press.
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    The Smile of Tragedy: Nietzsche and the Art of Virtue.Daniel R. Ahern - 2012 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    In _The Smile of Tragedy_, Daniel Ahern examines Nietzsche’s attitude toward what he called “the tragic age of the Greeks,” showing it to be the foundation not only for his attack upon the birth of philosophy during the Socratic era but also for his overall critique of Western culture. Through an interpretation of “Dionysian pessimism,” Ahern clarifies the ways in which Nietzsche sees ethics and aesthetics as inseparable and how their theoretical separation is at the root of Western nihilism. (...)
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  17.  77
    The Meaning of Life.Daniel Hill - 2002 - Philosophy Now 35:12-14.
  18. The Philosophy of Vegetarianism.Daniel Dombrowski - 1987 - Environmental Ethics 9:273-276.
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  19. Descartes and Spinoza on Persistence and Conantus.Daniel Garber - 1995 - Studia Spinozana: An International and Interdisciplinary Series 10:43-67.
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  20.  35
    Patrick Manning; Daniel Rood (Editors). Global Scientific Practice in an Age of Revolutions, 1750–1850. vii + 401 pp., figs., bibl., index. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2016. $49.95 (cloth); ISBN 9780822944546. E-book available. Patrick Manning; Mat Savelli (Editors). Global Transformations in the Life Sciences, 1945–1980. xi + 314 pp., notes, bibl., index. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2018. $45 (cloth); ISBN 9780822945277. E-book available. Patrick Manning; Abigail Owen (Editors). Knowledge in Translation: Global Patterns of Scientific Exchange, 1000–1800 CE. xv + 437 pp., notes, bibl., index. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2018. $55 (cloth); ISBN 9780822945376. E-book available. [REVIEW]Dániel Margócsy - 2020 - Isis 111 (4):852-855.
  21.  21
    Franz Brentano's Axiology.Daniel Kubat - 1958 - Review of Metaphysics 12 (1):133-141.
    The general knowledge of Brentano's ethical doctrines comes from the little book of his, Vom Ursprung sittlicher Erkenntnis, first published in 1889. Only the recent publications and the insight into his not yet published correspondence throw more light on the history of his axiology.
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  22. Reasons and Supervenience.Daniel Laurier - 2017 - In Bartosz Brożek, Antonino Rotolo & Jerzy Stelmach, Supervenience and Normativity. Cham: Springer.
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  23. Pursuing ethics in modern business ethics education.Daniel R. Leclair - 2005 - In Sheb L. True, Linda Ferrell & O. C. Ferrell, Fulfilling our obligation: perspectives on teaching business ethics. Kennesaw, GA: Kennesaw State University.
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    (1 other version)Phenomenology of the body: the twentieth annual symposium of the Simon Silverman Phenomenology Center.Daniel J. Martino & Daniel Martino (eds.) - 2003 - Pittsburgh, PA: Simon Silverman Phenomenology Center, Duquesne University, Gumberg Library.
  25. Lenguaje y significado: una argumentación en la" analítica" de la" crítica de la razón pura".Daniel Leserre - 2004 - Endoxa 17:207-226.
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  26.  10
    The Bishop and the Future of Catholic Health Care: Challenges and Opportunities: Proceedings of the Sixteenth Workshop for Bishops.Daniel Patrick Maher (ed.) - 1997 - Pope John Center.
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    (2 other versions)“Workshop” de lugano sobre lingüística computacional Y semantica formal.Daniel Quesada - 1988 - Theoria 4 (1):269-274.
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    Taking role moralities seriously.Daniel E. Wueste - 1991 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 29 (3):407-417.
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    Proofs for Eternity, Creation and the Existence of God in Medieval Islamic and Jewish Philosophy.Daniel H. Frank - 1990 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 110 (2):366.
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  30. Nietzsche on Art.Daniel Came (ed.) - forthcoming - Oxford University Press.
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  31. The logic of negative conceivability.Daniel Cohnitz - manuscript
    Analytic epistemology is traditionally interested in rational reconstructions of cognitive pro- cesses. The purpose of these rational reconstructions is to make plain how a certain cognitive process might eventually result in knowledge or justi?ed beliefs, etc., if we pre-theoretically think that we have such knowledge or such justi?ed beliefs. Typically a rational reconstruction assumes some unproblematic basis of knowledge and some justi?cation-preserving inference pattern and then goes on to show how these two su ce to generate the explicandum.
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  32.  60
    Frankenstein and the Monster of Representation.Daniel Cottom - 1980 - Substance 9 (3):60.
  33.  45
    Nature as Personal.Daniel A. Dombrowski - 1990 - Philosophy and Theology 5 (1):81-96.
    I first examine Origen’s notion of nature as personal, and secondly a modern presentation of the same theme by Erazim Kohak. I then consider possible scientific support given to both these authors’ accounts by Lovejoy. I conclude that there are many strengths in viewing nature as a whole as both divine and personal.
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  34. Ultimate Reality and Meaning in Nikos Kazantzakis.Daniel A. Dombrowski - 1998 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 21 (3):177-194.
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    Catullo 68, 10: Munera Veneris.Dániel Kiss - 2008 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 152 (2):345-347.
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  36.  85
    The Publicity of Thought and Language.Daniel Laurier - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 32:54-61.
    I try to clarify the ways in which one would seek to hold that language and/or thought are public. For each of these theses, I distinguish four forms in which they can be framed, and two ways of establishing them. The first will try to make the publicity of thought follow from that of language; the second will try to make the publicity of language follow from that of thought. I show that none of these strategies can do without the (...)
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  37. The Catholic Carnival: The Novels of David Lodge.Daniel S. Lenoski - 2005 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 28 (4):315-329.
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  38.  68
    Libéralisme et lien social : une analyse critique.Daniel Mercure - 2005 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 119 (2):333.
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    The platonic model of hylas and philonous.Daniel Sommer Robinson - 1920 - Philosophical Review 29 (5):484-487.
  40. Diotima's Children By Frederick Beiser.Daniel Whistler - 2010 - American Society for Aesthetics Graduate E-Journal 2 (2):15-16.
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  41. Bayesian modeling of human sequential decision-making on the multi-armed bandit problem.Daniel Acuna & Paul Schrater - 2008 - In B. C. Love, K. McRae & V. M. Sloutsky, Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society. pp. 100--200.
  42.  28
    Spero ut intelligam.Daniel Hartnett - 1994 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 6 (1):75-89.
    La importancia de la esperanza en la vida de las personas es reconocida portodos; sin embargo, el tema ha sido trabajado casi exclusivamente porteólogos. El artículo intenta encontrar, mediante el análisis de los aportes deKant, Maree! y Bloch, un vocabulario que nos permita comprender laesperanza en términos filosóficos; es un ejercicio reflexivo de spes quaerensintellectum y, a la vez, de intellectus quaerens spem.
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  43.  20
    Explanatory Progress in Economics.Daniel Hausman - 1989 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 56.
  44.  10
    Einleitung.Daniel Havemann - 2012 - In Der 'Apostel der Rache': Nietzsches Paulusdeutung. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 1-18.
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  45.  12
    Beyond the End of the World: Narratives of Gain and Resilience in the Anthropocene.Daniel Helsing - 2019 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 3 (1):85-98.
    Narratives of human-induced environmental effects such as climate change and biodiversity decline have long been dominated by narratives of loss in which humankind is concep­tualized as a destructive force. But in addition to narratives of loss, there is a narrative of gain and resilience in nonfiction books intended for a general audience. Books employing this narrative emphasize that nature is dynamic and that some species are adapting to and flourishing thanks to human-induced changes. This review essay discusses two new books (...)
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  46.  18
    Finding or Creating a Living Organism? Past and Future Thought Experiments in Astrobiology Applied to Artificial Intelligence.Daniel S. Helman - 2022 - Acta Biotheoretica 70 (2):1-24.
    This is a digest of how various researchers in biology and astrobiology have explored questions of what defines living organisms—definitions based on functions or structures observed in organisms, or on systems terms, or on mathematical conceptions like closure, chirality, quantum mechanics and thermodynamics, or on biosemiotics, or on Darwinian evolution—to clarify the field and make it easier for endeavors in artificial intelligence to make progress. Current ideas are described to promote work between astrobiologists and computer scientists, each concerned with living (...)
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  47.  19
    Critical Studies/Book Reviews.Daniel A. Herrmann & David Peter Wallis Freeborn - forthcoming - Philosophia Mathematica.
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    David Carrier, Poussin'S Paintings: A Study in Art-Historical Methodology.Daniel Herwitz - 1995 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 53 (3):326-327.
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    Las corrientes actuales de la filosofía del derecho.Daniel Esteban Herrendorf - 1990 - Buenos Aires: EDIAR.
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    The philosophy of Henri Bergson.Daniel J. Herman - 1980 - Washington, D.C.: University Press of America.
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