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  1.  24
    Table of Contents of" Phenomenology of Perception:" Translation and Pagination.Daniel Guerrière - 1979 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 10 (1):65-69.
  2.  34
    Configuraciones e historia: Jaspers y Voegelin.Daniel Guerriere - 2001 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 13 (2):115-140.
    El siglo XX planteó a los filósofos la demanda de una filosofía de la historia. Los historiadores que concibieron historias universales con el fin de entender la crisis de la civilización occidental fueronestudiosos tales como Arnold Toynbee, Pitirim Sorokin, Christopher Dawson, Lewis Mumford y William McNeilP. Los grandes filósofos que respondieron a semejante demanda, Martin Heidegger, Karl Jaspersy Eric Voegelin. Este texto propone una comparación entre los dos últimos. Al igual que Heidegger, ambos comprendieron la historia enun sentido ontológico.
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    Foundations for an axiology of life.Daniel Guerrière - 1984 - Journal of Value Inquiry 18 (3):195-205.
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  4. How Does God Enter Into Philosophy?Daniel Guerrière - 1984 - The Thomist 48 (2):165.
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    Ontology as the Symbolics of the Future.Daniel Guerrière - 1973 - Philosophy Today 17 (3):213-219.
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  6.  40
    Outline of a phenomenology of the religious.Daniel Guerrière - 1974 - Research in Phenomenology 4 (1):99-127.
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    Phenomenology of the Truth Proper to Religion: Critical Essays and Interviews.Daniel Guerrière (ed.) - 1990 - State University of New York Press.
    Paper edition (unseen), $19.95. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR.
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  8. Phenomenology of the Truth Proper to Religion.Daniel Guerrière - 1993 - Religious Studies 29 (4):564-566.
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  9. The aristotelian conception of episteme.Daniel Guerrière - 1975 - The Thomist 39 (2):341-348.
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  10. The Structure of Mythic Existence.Daniel Guerrière - 1974 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 55 (3):261.
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  11.  46
    With What Does Hegelian Science Begin?Daniel Guerrière - 1977 - Review of Metaphysics 30 (3):462 - 485.
    To the question of the beginning Hegel gives three answers. The major texts in which he elaborates them are: the section in the Science of Logic entitled "With What Must the Beginning of Science Be Made?"; the early stages of science proper in the Encyclopedia ; within science proper, the late stages of the philosophy of Logos and the philosophy of Spirit; the "Preface" of the Phenomenology of Spirit; and the late section on absolute Knowledge in the Phenomenology of Spirit. (...)
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  12.  64
    A pedagogics in wonder.Daniel Guerrière - 1983 - Research in Phenomenology 13 (1):241-254.
    After the Introduction (pp. 1-22), the course falls into two parts, "Meditation on the dictum [μΕέτα τò πâv]-the difference between beings and Being" (pp. 23-93), and "The originary utterance of Being in the fragmentary saying of Anaximander" (pp. 94-123). The Introduction, each chapter of Part One, and the first subdivision of Part Two ends with a "recapitulation'; here only the last will be treated separately.
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  13. Jaspers and Heidegger: The matter at issue.Daniel Guerriere - 2000 - Existentia 10 (1-4):11–20.
  14.  51
    Being and Logos. [REVIEW]Daniel Guerrière - 1978 - International Philosophical Quarterly 18 (1):103-106.
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