Results for 'Damian Panasiuk'

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    Damian Leszczyński.Damian Leszczyński - 2011 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 59 (1):5-34.
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    Intentionality and Transcendence: Closure and Openness in Husserl's Phenomonology.Damian Byers - 2002 - University of Wisconsin Press.
    Damian Byers analyzes the form Husserl gives to the problem of knowledge—the way this form influences the development of the phenomenological method, and the results of its application. In a very clear fashion, Byers presents Husserl’s understanding of the roles of intentionality, idealism, temporalization, and kinesthesia in the constitution of knowledge. Drawing upon all of Husserl’s major texts, he corrects many misapprehensions about Husserl’s doctrines of intentionality and idealism. Byers argues that Husserl’s transcendental phenomenology is both a philosophy of (...)
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    Understanding the hillbilly Thomist: The philosophical foundations of Flannery O'Connor's narrative art.Damian Ference - 2023 - Elk Grove Village, Illinois: Word on Fire. Edited by Thomas Joseph White.
    In this new book, Fr. Damian Ference proposes a more precise lens for decoding Flannery O'Connor's narrative art, one that originates in O'Connor's own words about herself: Hillbilly Thomism. The author examines the various ways in which St. Thomas Aquinas and the philosophical tradition of Thomism shaped not only O'Connor's view of reality but also the stories she told to help us see and know it."--from inside front flap.
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  4. "Przyjąłem Spinozę za wzór" : Schellinga próba zbudowania metafizyki absolutu / Ryszard Panasiuk.Ryszard Panasiuk - 1997 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 42:151-160.
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  5. Monsignor John Joseph N: Academic, war Chaplain, Parish priest.Damian John Gleeson - 2018 - The Australasian Catholic Record 95 (1):51.
    Gleeson, Damian John In 1924, after a hiatus of a decade, the Australasian Catholic Record was re-established under the driving force of Monsignor John Joseph Nevin, the then vice-president of St Patrick's College, Manly. Mgr Nevin was ACR's principal editor up until 1937 and with the exception of a trip to Ireland and Europe in 1927, he contributed articles and answered questions on topics ranging across canon law, marriage, and moral theology in virtually every quarterly issue of ACR for (...)
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    Plotinus on the Soul.Damian Caluori - 2015 - Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
    Plotinus on the Soul is a study of Plotinus' psychology, which is arguably the most sophisticated Platonist theory of the soul in antiquity. Plotinus offers a Platonist response to Aristotelian and Stoic conceptions of the soul that is at the same time an innovative interpretation of Plato's Timaeus. He considers the notion of the soul to be crucial for explaining the rational order of the world. To this end, he discusses not only different types of individual soul but also an (...)
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  7. Anglo-Saxon/Irish Relations before the Vikings.Bracken Damian - 2009
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  8. Overcoming victimhood: Stoicism, anti-stoicism and Le Fils.Damian Cox - unknown
    In this chapter I use a film by the Belgian filmmakers Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne, Le Fils, to explore the difference between Stoic and Anti-Stoic approaches to overcoming victimhood. The Stoic approach to overcoming victimhood emphasizes the inner-strength and resourcefulness of victims. It sets up an ideal of Stoic independence in which a person responds to becoming a victim by marshalling inner resources to overcome destructive and painful emotions. An Anti-Stoic approach to overcoming victimhood rejects such an appeal to independence (...)
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  9. Reflections on the Readings of Sundays and Feasts December - February.Damian McGrath - 2010 - The Australasian Catholic Record 87 (4):484.
  10. Alteration and Aristotle's Theory of Change in Physics 6.Damian Murphy - 2008 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 34:185-218.
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  11. La société civile et les droits politiques de l'individu dans le modèle hégélien de l'Etat.R. Panasiuk - 1989 - Studia Filozoficzne 283:35-46.
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  12. Przyroda i sztuka jako wytwory podmiotu transcendentalnego we wczesnej filozofii Schellinga.Ryszard Panasiuk - 1991 - Idea Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych 4 (4):127-138.
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  13. Strategy or Identity: The Northern League at a Crossroads.Damian Tambini - 1994 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 98.
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    Congruity effects evoked by subliminally presented primes: Automaticity rather than semantic processing.M. Damian - 2001 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 27:154-165.
  15. Integrity and the Fragile Self.Damian Cox, Marguerite La Caze & Michael P. Levine - 2003 - Ashgate.
    This book examines the centrality of integrity in relation to a variety of philosophical and psychological concerns that impinge upon the ethical life.
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  16. The essential functions of a Plotinian soul.Damian Kaluori - 2005 - Rhizai. A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science 1:75-93.
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  17. (1 other version)Reason and Necessity: The Descent of the Philosopher-Kings.Damian Caluori - 2011 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 40:7-27.
  18. Judging Character.Damian Cox - 2013 - American Philosophical Quarterly 50 (4):387-398.
    A lot is at stake in character judgment. How we treat others is influenced by what kinds of persons we take them to be. Our rational plans of life depend upon our insights into our own character and the character of those close to us. Given the importance of the way we judge character, the virtues and vices of character judgment deserve much closer attention than they have received in the philosophical literature. Some philosophers have discussed duties of friendship and (...)
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    Hegel, pensador de la actualidad. Ensayos sobre la Fenomenología del espíritu y otros textos.Rosanovich Damián - 2010 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 55:147-151.
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  20. Podmiot, historia, krytyka. Uwagi o filozofii Alaina Renauta.Damian Leszczyński - 2000 - Principia.
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    Święty Nietzsche i buntownicy.Damian Leszczyński - 2005 - Nowa Krytyka 15.
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  22. Juan Huarte y la sociedad.Damián Pretel Martínez - 1998 - El Basilisco 23:73-82.
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  23. Autism and the 'double empathy problem'.Damian E. M. Milton, Krysia Emily Waldock & Nathan Keates - 2022 - In Francesca Mezzenzana & Daniela Peluso (eds.), Conversations on empathy: interdisciplinary perspectives on imagination and radical othering. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Człowiek wobec przyrody.Ryszard Panasiuk - 1993 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 10:5-26.
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    Marx's Theories Today.Ryszard Panasiuk & Leszek Nowak (eds.) - 1998 - Rodopi.
  26. Problematyka antropologiczna w doktrynie Marksa. Próba ujęcia tematu.Ryszard Panasiuk - 1973 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 19.
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    Popędy naturalne i potrzeby społeczne w heglowskiej antropologii.Ryszard Panasiuk - 1988 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 6:103-110.
    Der Verfasser unterzieht sich dem Versuch, den Charakter der Kultur und des gesellschaftlichen Lebens in der Heqelschen Anthropologie zu charakterisieren. Den Ausgangspunkt der Betrachtung bildet Hegels Anthropogenese. Im Bereich der Kultur schreitet der Mensch über seine Naturalität hinaus in dem Sinne, daß er sie als Triebhaftigkeit in den Dienst der Rationalität einschließt. Das bedeutet eine Bändigung und deshalb unterdückt die Kultur die Natur des Menschen. Hegel versucht, Natur und Kultur in der neuzeitlichen Form des gesellschaftlichen Lebens in Einklang zu bringen, (...)
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  28. „Przyjąłem Spinozę za wzór„. Schellinga próba zbudo­wania metafizyki absolutu.Ryszard Panasiuk - 1997 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 42.
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  29. Orden y abyección: el policial según Alan Pauls.Damián Repetto - 2013 - Anclajes 17 (1):93 - 95.
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    Consecuencialismo e imparcialidad.Damián Salcedo - 1991 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 5:163.
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  31. The human as (w)hole : Aristophanes's contest with Socrates in Clouds.Damian Stocking - 2018 - In Sean D. Kirkland & Eric Sanday (eds.), A Companion to Ancient Philosophy. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press.
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  32. Intuiție și discursivitate.Damian Teodosiu - 1983 - In Angela Botez (ed.), Privire filozofică asupra raționalității științei. București: Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România.
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  33. Lightweight and Heavyweight Anti-physicalism.Damian Aleksiev - 2022 - Synthese 200 (112):1-23.
    I define two metaphysical positions that anti-physicalists can take in response to Jonathan Schaffer’s ground functionalism. Ground functionalism is a version of physicalism where explanatory gaps are everywhere. If ground functionalism is true, arguments against physicalism based on the explanatory gap between the physical and experiential facts fail. In response, first, I argue that some anti-physicalists are already safe from Schaffer’s challenge. These anti-physicalists reject an underlying assumption of ground functionalism: the assumption that macrophysical entities are something over and above (...)
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  34. Searching for General Principles in Cognitive Performance: Reply to Commentators.Damian G. Stephen & Guy Van Orden - 2012 - Topics in Cognitive Science 4 (1):94-102.
    The commentators expressed concerns regarding the relevance and value of non-computational non-symbolic explanations of cognitive performance. But what counts as an “explanation” depends on the pre-theoretical assumptions behind the scenes of empirical science regarding the kinds of variables and relationships that are sought out in the first place, and some of the present disagreements stem from incommensurate assumptions. Traditional cognitive science presumes cognition to be a decomposable system of components interacting according to computational rules to generate cognitive performances (i.e., component-dominant (...)
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    Environments, natures and social theory: towards a critical hybridity.Damian F. White - 2016 - NewY ork, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan. Edited by Alan P. Rudy & Brian J. Gareau.
    From climate change to fossil fuel dependency, from the uneven effects of natural disasters to the loss of biodiversity: complex socio-environmental problems indicate the urgency for cross-disciplinary research into the ways in which the social, the natural and the technological are ever more entangled. This ground breaking text moves between environmental sociology and environmental geography, political and social ecology and critical design studies to provide a definitive mapping of the state of environmental social theory in the age of the anthropocene. (...)
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  36. Aquinas and the Question of God's Existence: Exploring the Five Ways.Damian Ilodigwe - forthcoming - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 2018 (1).
    Without doubt, St Thomas Aquinas was the greatest of the medieval philosophers. Aquinas was a prolific writer and he made contributions to virtually every area of Philosophy and Theology. His account of the existence of God is perhaps the best known aspect of his work. This is especially true of the celebrated five arguments he adduced in demonstration of the existence of God. In exploring Aquinas’ Five ways, which some commentators regard as Aquinas’ substantive contribution to Philosophy of religion, our (...)
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  37. La distinción metodológica entre el lenguaje teórico y el lenguaje observacional: un análisis epistemológico.Damian Islas - 2016 - Andamios. Revista de Investigación Social 2016 (31).
    En este texto analizo los principales argumentos y contraargumentos realistas y anti-realistas que se han construido a favor y en contra de la capacidad científica para producir conocimiento objetivo y verdadero del mundo social y natural. Argumento que el lenguaje teórico y el lenguaje observacional con el que los científicos sociales y naturales se refieren a las diversas entidades, fenómenos, propiedades y procesos científicos observables e inobservables están determinados, en la práctica, por sus tradiciones teóricas de investigación; lo que muestra (...)
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  38. Aristoteles über Leiber und Leichen.Damian Caluori - 2003 - Studia Philosophica 62:75-89.
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  39. Theorizing the Normative Significance of Critical Histories for International Law.Damian Cueni & Matthieu Queloz - 2022 - Journal of the History of International Law 24 (4):561-587.
    Though recent years have seen a proliferation of critical histories of international law, their normative significance remains under-theorized, especially from the perspective of general readers rather than writers of such histories. How do critical histories of international law acquire their normative significance? And how should one react to them? We distinguish three ways in which critical histories can be normatively significant: (i) by undermining the overt or covert conceptions of history embedded within present practices in support of their authority; (ii) (...)
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    A simple indeterminate infinite game.Damian Niwinski & Eryk Kopczynski - 2014 - In Damian Niwinski & Eryk Kopczynski (eds.), A simple indeterminate infinite game. pp. 205-212.
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  41. What is a Paraconsistent Logic?Damian Szmuc, Federico Pailos & Eduardo Barrio - 2018 - In Walter Carnielli & Jacek Malinowski (eds.), Contradictions, from Consistency to Inconsistency. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
    Paraconsistent logics are logical systems that reject the classical principle, usually dubbed Explosion, that a contradiction implies everything. However, the received view about paraconsistency focuses only the inferential version of Explosion, which is concerned with formulae, thereby overlooking other possible accounts. In this paper, we propose to focus, additionally, on a meta-inferential version of Explosion, i.e. which is concerned with inferences or sequents. In doing so, we will offer a new characterization of paraconsistency by means of which a logic is (...)
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    Photography, Cinema, Memory: The Crystal Image of Time.Damian Sutton - 2009 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    This is a philosophical investigation into the differing sensations of time in cinema and photography.
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  43. Indywidualizm w filozofii społecznej Charlesa Taylora.Damian Barnat - 2009 - Diametros 20:1-36.
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  44. Świeckość jako podłoże rozumienia – zarys stanowiska Charlesa Taylora.Damian Barnat - 2013 - Diametros 36:1-26.
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    Problems and Solutions Concerning First Principles.Damian Caluori - 2012 - Review of Metaphysics 65 (3):644-646.
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    Thinking about friendship: historical and contemporary philosophical perspectives.Damian Caluori (ed.) - 2012 - Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    What unites friends and distinguishes them from others? Is the preference we give to friends rationally and morally justifiable? This collection of new essays on the philosophy of friendship considers such questions.
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    The Concept of "Gift" as Hermeneutical Key to the Dignity of the Human Person.Damian P. Fedoryka - 2008 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 11 (1):49-70.
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    Technokultura: transhumanizm i sztuka cyfrowa.Damian Gałuszka, Grzegorz Ptaszek & Dorota Żuchowska-Skiba (eds.) - 2016 - Kraków: Wydawnistvo LIBRON.
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  49. Bradley's Acount of Truth: Between Epistemology and Metaphysics.Damian Ilodigwe - 2013 - Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 19 (2):219-250.
    Since the epistemological turn initiated by Descartes at the start of the modern period and subsequently cemented by Kant's Copernican revolution in epistemology, attention has focused more on the issue of criteria of truth than the essence of truth. This is especially true in respect of discussions in philosophy of truth in contemporary philosophy. While Bradley recognizes the importance of the issue of criteria as far as the problem of truth is concerned, he is nonetheless more concerned with the question (...)
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  50. Communication and Diplomacy as an Instrument for Good Governance and Sustainable Economic Development.Damian Ilodigwe - 2017 - Journal of Power, Politics and Governance 5:1-28.
    There is a tendency in recent development literature to couple the concept of good governance with the concept of sustainable development. The coupling of the two concepts witnesses to the correlation that subsists between good governance and sustainable development, such that given that sustainable development is a function of good governance, where there is good governance, we should not only expect that there will be progress, but, more importantly, we should also expect that the progress is sustainable, so that the (...)
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