Results for 'Dale Jaquette'

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  1.  14
    DALE JAQUETTE. ALEXIUS MEINONG, THE SHEPHERD OF NON-BEING. Moscow: Kanon + ROOI “Reabilitatsiia”, 2023. ISBN 978-5-88373-782-3. [REVIEW]Andrei Patkul - 2024 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 13 (1):280-289.
    In my review, I evaluate the first translation of Dale Jacquette’s book entitled Alexius Meinong, The Shepherd of Non-Being into Russian. First of all, I point out the relevance of the publication of this translation. It is conditioned, in my view, by the fact that the person of Alexius Meinong—one of the important representatives of the school of Franz Brentano—still remains undeservedly forgotten and not enough studied in both domestic and foreign history of philosophy. At the same time, studying (...)
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  2. Brains, trains, and ethical claims: Reassessing the normative implications of moral dilemma research.Michael T. Dale & Bertram Gawronski - 2023 - Philosophical Psychology 36 (1):109-133.
    Joshua Greene has argued that the empirical findings of cognitive science have implications for ethics. In particular, he has argued (1) that people’s deontological judgments in response to trolley problems are strongly influenced by at least one morally irrelevant factor, personal force, and are therefore at least somewhat unreliable, and (2) that we ought to trust our consequentialist judgments more than our deontological judgments when making decisions about unfamiliar moral problems. While many cognitive scientists have rejected Greene’s dual-process theory of (...)
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  3. Explanatory pluralism in cognitive science.Rick Dale, Eric Dietrich & Anthony Chemero - 2009 - Cognitive Science 33 (2):739-742.
    This brief commentary has three goals. The first is to argue that ‘‘framework debate’’ in cognitive science is unresolvable. The idea that one theory or framework can singly account for the vast complexity and variety of cognitive processes seems unlikely if not impossible. The second goal is a consequence of this: We should consider how the various theories on offer work together in diverse contexts of investigation. A final goal is to supply a brief review for readers who are compelled (...)
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    Computational Interpretations of the Gricean Maxims in the Generation of Referring Expressions.Robert Dale & Ehud Reiter - 1995 - Cognitive Science 19 (2):233-263.
    We examine the problem of generating definite noun phrases that are appropriate referring expressions; that is, noun phrases that (a) successfully identify the intended referent to the hearer whilst (b) not conveying to him or her any false conversational implicatures (Grice, 1975). We review several possible computational interpretations of the conversational implicature maxims, with different computational costs, and argue that the simplest may be the best, because it seems to be closest to what human speakers do. We describe our recommended (...)
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  5. Vladimir Putin: His Continuing Legacy.Dale R. Herspring - 2009 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 76 (1):151-174.
    When Putin became president at the beginning of the 21st century, Russia was in shambles. Putin saw his task to be two fold. First, to recreate the Russian state – that had been seriously weakened by Boris Yeltsin. Second, he set out to reestablish Russia as an important international actor. His approach to dealing with those two tasks was heavily influenced by his approach to dealing with political problems. He is determined, but non ideological. He believes that Russia is unique (...)
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  6. Is There Progress in Morality?Dale Jamieson - 2002 - Utilitas 14 (3):318.
    My question, which is central to the business of moral philosophy, is implicitly addressed by many philosophers, yet explicitly addressed by only a few. In this paper I address the question head-on, and propose a qualified affirmative answer.
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    The Lyric Metres of Greek Drama.Richmond Lattimore & A. M. Dale - 1951 - American Journal of Philology 72 (3):323.
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    Karl Polanyi, the New Deal and the Green New Deal.Gareth Dale - 2021 - Environmental Values 30 (5):593-612.
    In this paper, I present an analysis of those aspects of Karl Polanyi's social and political thought that relate to environmentalism and ‘green’ politics today. I discuss whether or not he prefigured the degrowth movement, before focusing on his understanding of the New Deal (1933–1939). At the time of writing, the prospect appears likely of a return, at a global scale, of economic slump, mass unemployment and ecological crisis, the background conditions to which Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal was responding (...)
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  9. The evolution of moral belief: support for the debunker’s causal premise.Michael T. Dale - 2022 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 44 (2):1-18.
    The causal premise of the evolutionary debunking argument contends that human moral beliefs are explained by the process of natural selection. While it is universally acknowledged that such a premise is fundamental to the debunker’s case, the vast majority of philosophers focus instead on the epistemic premise that natural selection does not track moral truth and the resulting skeptical conclusion. Recently, however, some have begun to concentrate on the causal premise. So far, the upshot of this small but growing literature (...)
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    Interacting Timescales in Perspective-Taking.Rick Dale, Alexia Galati, Camila Alviar, Pablo Contreras Kallens, Adolfo G. Ramirez-Aristizabal, Maryam Tabatabaeian & David W. Vinson - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:320582.
    Through theoretical discussion, literature review, and a computational model, this paper poses a challenge to the notion that perspective-taking involves a fixed architecture in which particular processes have priority. For example, some research suggests that egocentric perspectives can arise more quickly, with other perspectives (such as of task partners) emerging only secondarily. This theoretical dichotomy–between fast egocentric and slow other-centric processes–is challenged here. We propose a general view of perspective-taking as an emergent phenomenon governed by the interplay among cognitive mechanisms (...)
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  11. Globalization and education: Demonstrating a “common world educational culture” or locating a “globally structured educational agenda”?Roger Dale - 1998 - Educational Theory 50 (4):427-448.
  12.  82
    Is nondefectively justified true belief knowledge?Dale Jacquette - 1996 - Ratio 9 (2):115-127.
    The traditional conception of knowledge as justified true belief is refuted in two famous counterexamples by Edmund L. Gettier. Roderick M. Chisholm has attempted to rescue a version of the traditional conception by distinguishing between defective and nondefective kinds of justification, and redefining knowledge more specifically as nondefectively justified true belief. Chisholm's revised definition avoids Gettier's counterexamples, but goes too far in the opposite direction, imposing conditions that are too narrow and not jointly necessary for knowledge. Chisholm's definition excludes some (...)
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  13.  88
    Introduction to Progress and Puzzles of Cognitive Science.Rick Dale, Ruth M. J. Byrne, Emma Cohen, Ophelia Deroy, Samuel J. Gershman, Janet H. Hsiao, Ping Li, Padraic Monaghan, David C. Noelle, Iris van Rooij, Priti Shah, Michael J. Spivey & Sashank Varma - 2024 - Cognitive Science 48 (7):e13480.
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    The aesthetics and affects of cuteness.Joshua Paul Dale (ed.) - 2016 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    Cuteness is one of the most culturally pervasive aesthetics of the new millennium and its rapid social proliferation suggests that the affective responses it provokes find particular purchase in a contemporary era marked by intensive media saturation and spreading economic precarity. Rejecting superficial assessments that would deem the ever-expanding plethora of cute texts trivial, The Aesthetics and Affects of Cutenessdirects serious scholarly attention from a variety of academic disciplines to this ubiquitous phenomenon. The sheer plasticity of this minor aesthetic is (...)
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  15.  43
    The Mindset of Cognitive Science.Rick Dale - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (4):e12952.
  16. Evolutionary Developmental Biology, the Human Life Course, and Transpersonal Experience.Edward Dale - 2011 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 32 (4):277.
    This paper explicates secular psychodynamic growth through the life time and meditation as routes to the transpersonal from the perspective of evolutionary developmental biology, based around a multi-line model of growth. A multi-line model raises many significant points for a transpersonal audience. Such models have been pioneered by Hunt. When set on the footing of evolutionary developmental biology and nonlinear dynamics these kind of models become all the more cogent, penetrating and far reaching, validating plurality and diversity in both the (...)
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    Bayes or Laplace? An examination of the origin and early applications of Bayes' theorem.A. I. Dale - 1982 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 27 (1):23-47.
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    Introduction.Dale Jacquette - 2001 - Journal of Value Inquiry 35 (3):303-308.
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    Radical Currents in Contemporary Philosophy.David H. Degrood, Dale Maurice Riepe & John Somerville - 1971 - St. Louis,: Warren H Green. Edited by Dale Maurice Riepe & John Somerville.
    Critique of idealistic naturalism: methodological pollution in the main stream of American philosophy, by D. Riepe.--Ex nihilo nihil fit: philosophy's "starting point," by D. H. DeGrood.--An historical critique of empiricism, by J. E. Hansen.--Epilogue on Berkeley, by R. W. Sellars.--Mandala thinking, by A. Mackay.--An empirical conception of freedom, by E. D'Angelo.--Heidegger on the essence of truth, by M. Farber.--Minding as a material force, by H. L. Parsons.--The crisis of the 1890's and the shaping of twentieth century America, by R. B. (...)
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    My Heart Beats with Gratitude.Rumen Dale Hulmequist - 2018 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 8 (2):118-120.
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  21. Gendering the Quixote in Eighteenth-Century England.Amelia Dale - 2017 - Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture 46:5-19.
    English interpretations, appropriations, and transpositions of the figure of Don Quixote play a pivotal role in eighteenth-century constructions of so-called English national character. A corpus of quixotic narratives worked to reinforce the centrality of Don Quixote and the practice of quixotism in the national literary landscape. They stressed the man from La Mancha’s eccentricity and melancholy in ways inextricable from English self-constructions of these traits.2 This is why Stuart Tave is able to write that eighteenth-century Britons could “recast” Don Quixote (...)
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  22. The sexual selection of hominin bipedalism.Michael Dale - 2018 - Ideas in Ecology and Evolution 11 (1):47-60.
    In this article, I advance a novel hypothesis on the evolution of hominin bipedalism. I begin by arguing extensively for how the transition to bipedalism must have been problematic for hominins during the Neogene. Due to this and the fact that no other primate has made the unusual switch to bipedalism, it seems likely that the selection pressure towards bipedalism was unusually strong. With this in mind, I briefly lay out some of the most promising hypotheses on the evolutionary origin (...)
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  23.  53
    Language and truth in Hua-Yen buddhism.Dale Wright - 1986 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 13 (1):21-47.
  24.  36
    Criteria For the Fairness of Health Financing Decisions: A Scoping Review.Elina Dale, Elizabeth Peacocke, Espen Movik, Alex Voorhoeve, Trygve Ottersen, Ole Frithjof Norheim, Christoph Kurowski, Unni Gopinathan & David B. Evans - 2023 - Health Policy and Planning 38 (1):i13–i35.
    Due to constraints on institutional capacity and financial resources, the road to universal health coverage (UHC) involves difficult policy choices. To assist with these choices, scholars and policy makers have done extensive work on criteria to assess the substantive fairness of health financing policies: their impact on the distribution of rights, duties, benefits and burdens on the path towards UHC. However, less attention has been paid to the procedural fairness of health financing decisions. The Accountability for Reasonableness Framework (A4R), which (...)
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  25. Why are Italians more reasonable than Australians?A. J. Dale - unknown
    This paper offers an argument against V. H. Dudman's view about future conditionals.
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  26. Inus conditions.A. J. Dale - 1984 - Analysis 44 (4):186-188.
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  27. Thing Statements and Appearance Statements.A. J. Dale - 1986 - Analysis 46 (1):26 - 28.
  28. Logical equivalents and logical form.A. J. Dale - 1982 - Analysis 42 (4):190-194.
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    From endorsement to disintegration: Progressive education from the golden age to the green paper.Roger Dale - 1979 - British Journal of Educational Studies 27 (3):191-209.
    (1979). From endorsement to disintegration: Progressive education from the golden age to the green paper. British Journal of Educational Studies: Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 191-209.
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    Is the future unreasonable?A. J. Dale - 1985 - Analysis 45 (4):179-183.
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    Ross on the possibility of moral theory.Nancy Davis & Dale Jamieson - 1987 - Journal of Value Inquiry 21 (3):225-234.
  32.  25
    Anthony O'Hear, beyond evolution: Human nature and the limits of evolutionary explanation.Reviewed by Dale Jamieson - 2000 - Ethics 110 (2).
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  33. Prolegomena to a History of Thinking.Conrad Dale Johnson - 1979 - Dissertation, University of California, Santa Cruz
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  34. Marmor on the Arbitrariness of Constitutive Conventions.Federico José Arena, Dale Smith, Hanoch Sheinman & Andrei Marmor - 2011 - Jurisprudence 2 (2):441-506.
    Comment on Joseph Raz, From Normativity to Responsibility.
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    Completing Piaget's project: transpersonal philosophy and the future of psychology.Edward J. Dale - 2014 - St. Paul, MN: Paragon House.
    Drawing on rare sources, many of which have not previously been translated into English, the view of Piaget and his work that emerges in this book is very different from the atheistic view of Piaget that is commonly held in psychology and transpersonal psychology. In both his early and later career Piaget held to an evolutionary view of spirituality reminiscent of the work of Hegel and Bergson. The spiritual future could be precursed by the individual in this life through the (...)
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  36. Do cognitive psychologists share a paradigm.Rhi Dale & B. P. Cochran - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (6):516-517.
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  37.  76
    Derridean Justice and the DJ: A Classroom Impossibility?Peter Dale - 2012 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 20 (2):135-153.
    In recent years, researchers and theorists of music education have taken a stronger interest in questions of justice. Meanwhile, in educational research more broadly, there has been a simultaneous growth in efforts to bring deconstruction and the theories of Jacques Derrida to bear upon philosophies of education. One significant difficulty with the latter effort, however, has been Derrida’s insistence that justice, about which he wrote a great deal in his later years, is impossible. This article suggests that, nevertheless, music education (...)
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    Entailment and Substitution Instances.A. J. Dale - 1980 - Analysis 40 (1):10 - 12.
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    Encounter dialogue: Responses to six critical readings ofPhilosophical Meditations on Zen Buddhism.Dale S. Wright - 2004 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 4 (1):87-96.
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    Educational Research: An Introduction.R. R. Dale & W. R. Borg - 1965 - British Journal of Educational Studies 14 (1):146.
  41.  15
    Gyges and Delphi: Herodotus 1.14.Alexander Dale - 2020 - Classical Quarterly 70 (2):518-523.
    Herodotus’Historiesbegin in earnest with Lydia and the infamous tale of the fall of Candaules and the rise of the Mermnad dynasty under Gyges. Yet, for all that Gyges was evidently a transformational figure in Lydian history and, through the story of his usurpation of the throne from Candaules, came to occupy a prominent place in the received memory of the Lydian world, Herodotus tells us very little about Gyges himself or his reign. Chapters 1.13–14 tell us about the role of (...)
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    Hempel Revisited.A. J. Dale - 1984 - Analysis 44 (2):90 - 92.
  43. If A and B Then A.A. J. Dale - 1986 - Analysis 46 (2):81 - 83.
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    Intentional explanations and radical theories of education.Michael Dale - 1990 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 10 (3):179-194.
    In this paper I argue that Marxist studies of schools have overlooked the power of intentional explanations to explain schooling practices and policies. This oversight is at least in part due to many radical analyses failing to distinguish between explaining the acquisition and persistence of beliefs and determining the social consequences that follow from acting on beliefs. I further contend that radical researchers examining schooling practices must develop a more rigorous and refined conception of capitalist class interests.
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    Is supervised community treatment ethically justifiable?E. Dale - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (5):271-274.
    Ethical viewpoints for and against the use of supervised community treatment (SCT), also known as outpatient commitment and community treatment orders, are examined. The perspectives of writers on civil liberties are considered. This paper argues that while civil liberties are an important concern SCT is ethically justifiable in the circumscribed population of ‘revolving door’ patients it applies to. This is on the grounds that it enables individuals to actualise their positive liberty. The issue of insight into mental illness is also (...)
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    Jean Wirth, L'image à l'époque romane. Paris: Cerf, 1999. Pp. 498; 186 black-and-white figures.Thomas E. A. Dale - 2003 - Speculum 78 (1):298-302.
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  47.  17
    Logic: an Introductory Course.A. J. Dale - 1986 - Philosophical Books 27 (3):170-171.
  48.  54
    Pumping for gestural origins: The well may be rather dry.Rick Dale, Daniel C. Richardson & Michael J. Owren - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (2):218-219.
    Corballis's explanation for right-handedness in humans relies heavily on the gestural protolanguage hypothesis, which he argues for by a series of “intuition pumps.” Scrutinizing the mirror system hypothesis and modern gesture as components of the argument, we find that they do not provide the desired evidence of a gestural precursor to speech.
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    Posidippus on the infamy of doricha: Ep. XVII G.-p. = 122 A.-b.Alexander Dale - 2016 - Classical Quarterly 66 (1):134-139.
    Δωρίχα, ὀστέα μὲν σὰ πάλαι †κοιμήσατο δεσμῶνχαίτης† ἥ τε μύρων ἔκπνοος ἀμπεχόνη,ᾗ ποτε τὸν χαρίεντα περιστέλλουσα Χάραξονσύγχρους ὀρθρινῶν ἥψαο κισσυβίων·Σαπφῷαι δὲ μένουσι φίλης ἔτι καὶ μενέουσιν 5ᾠδῆς αἱ λευκαὶ φθεγγόμεναι σελίδες.οὔνομα σὸν μακαριστόν, ὃ Ναύκρατις ὧδε φυλάξειἔστ’ ἂν ἴῃ Νείλου ναῦς ἐφ’ ἁλὸς πελάγη.
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    Personal probabilities of probabilities in the case of sampling without replacement.A. I. Dale - 1980 - Theory and Decision 12 (1):75-77.
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