Results for 'Dale Griffin'

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  1.  43
    Heuristics and Biases: The Psychology of Intuitive Judgment.Thomas Gilovich, Dale Griffin & Daniel Kahneman (eds.) - 2002 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Is our case strong enough to go to trial? Will interest rates go up? Can I trust this person? Such questions - and the judgments required to answer them - are woven into the fabric of everyday experience. This book, first published in 2002, examines how people make such judgments. The study of human judgment was transformed in the 1970s, when Kahneman and Tversky introduced their 'heuristics and biases' approach and challenged the dominance of strictly rational models. Their work highlighted (...)
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    Frequency formats are a small part of the base rate story.Dale Griffin, Derek J. Koehler & Lyle Brenner - 2007 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (3):268-269.
    Manipulations that draw attention to extensional or set-based considerations are neither sufficient nor necessary for enhanced use of base rates in intuitive judgments. Frequency formats are only one part of the puzzle of base-rate use and neglect. The conditions under which these and other manipulations promote base-rate use may be more parsimoniously organized under the broader notion of case-based judgment.
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  3. Russell Vs. Meinong: The Legacy of "on Denoting".Nicholas Griffin & Dale Jacquette (eds.) - 2008 - London and New York: Routledge.
    A century after ‘On Denoting’ was published, the debate it initiated continues to rage. On the one hand, there is a mass of new historical scholarship, about both Russell and Meinong, which has not circulated very far beyond specialist scholars. On the other hand, there are continuing problems and controversies concerning contemporary Russellian and Meinongian theories, many of them involving issues that simply did not occur to the original protagonists. This work provides an overview of the latest historical scholarship on (...)
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    After "on Denoting": Themes From Russell and Meinong.Nicholas Griffin, Kenneth Blackwell & Dale Jacquette (eds.) - 2007 - Hamilton, Ontario, Canada: Mcmaster University, Bertrand Russell Research Centre.
  5.  26
    The Grundgesetze [review of Gottlob Frege, Basic Laws of Arithmetic. Derived Using Concept-script ].Nicholas Griffin - 2014 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 34 (2):176-183.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:176 Reviews c:\users\ken\documents\type3402\rj 3402 050 red.docx 2015-02-04 9:19 PM THE GRUNDGESETZE Nicholas Griffin Russell Research Centre / McMaster U. Hamilton, on, Canada l8s 4l6 Gottlob Frege. Basic Laws of Arithmetic. Derived Using Concept-script. Volumes i and ii. Translated and edited by Philip A. Ebert and Marcus Rossberg with Crispin Wright. Oxford: Oxford U. P., 2013. Pp. xxxix + xxxii + 253 + xv + 285 + A–42 (...)
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    (1 other version)Modal Objection to Naive Leibnizian Identity.Dale Jacquette - 2011 - History and Philosophy of Logic 32 (2):107 - 118.
    This essay examines an argument of perennial importance against naive Leibnizian absolute identity theory, originating with Ruth Barcan in 1947 (Barcan, R. 1947. ?The identity of individuals in a strict functional 3 calculus of second order?, Journal of Symbolic Logic, 12, 12?15), and developed by Arthur Prior in 1962 (Prior, A.N. 1962. Formal Logic. Oxford: The Clarendon Press), presented here in the form offered by Nicholas Griffin in his 1977 book, Relative Identity (Griffin, N. 1977. Relative Identity. Oxford: (...)
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  7. Review of Nicholas Griffin, Dale Jacquette (eds.), Russell Vs. Meinong: The Legacy of "on Denoting"[REVIEW]Berit Brogaard - 2009 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2009 (4).
  8. Man Made Language.Dale Spender - 1985 - Routledge.
    A feminist study of language and its rules argues that men have shaped it in order to instill their own prejudices and viewpoints on society, and shows how male-slanted language affects all women's lives.
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    The logic of fiction: a philosophical sounding of deviant logic.John Hayden Woods - 1974 - The Hague: Mouton.
    John Woods' The Logic of Fiction, now thirty-five years old, is a ground-breaking event in the establishment of the semantics of fiction as a stand-alone research programme in the philosophies of language and logic. There is now a large literature about these matters, but Woods' book retains a striking freshness, and still serves as a convincing template of the treatment options for the field's key problems. The book now appears in a second edition with a new Foreword by Nicholas (...) and an extended bibliography covering the period 1969-2009. As Griffin notes in his Foreword, it is "surprising on looking back to discover how little was written on the semantics of fiction before John Woods' The Logic of Fiction was published in 1974. The surprise is the greater because Woods' book appeared after almost a quarter century of fierce philosophical debate about reference Fictional discourse, one would have thought, would be an important testing ground for philosophical theories of referential expressions and one, moreover, in which the standard theories would likely be tested to destruction. " " One of the great merits of Woods' book is that it takes seriously the wide-ranging demands that fiction imposes on logic and semantics, and does not try to force fiction into some pre-conceived logical mould. but thanks to Woods' pioneering efforts, we are much closer to one now than we were when he set out to write his book. His book was not the last word on the logic of fiction; it was much more important: it was nearly the first." NICHOLAS GRIFFIN is Canada Research Chair in Philosophy at McMaster University. Recent publications include Russell vs Meinong: The Legacy of "On Denoting," edited with Dale Jacquette. JOHN WOODS is Director of the Abductive Systems Group at the University of British Columbia and Charles S. Peirce Visiting Professor of Logic in the Group on Logic and Computational Science, King's College London. He has two forthcoming books on fiction - an edited volume, Fictions and Models: New Essays, and a research monograph, Sherlock's Member: New Perspectives on the Semantics of Fiction, both to appear in 2010. (shrink)
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    Schelling and the End of Idealism: The Horizons of Feeling.Dale E. Snow - 1996 - State University of New York Press.
    This comprehensive, general introduction to Schelling's philosophy shows that it was Schelling who set the agenda for German idealism and defined the term of its characteristic problems.
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    Uniform proofs as a foundation for logic programming.Dale Miller, Gopalan Nadathur, Frank Pfenning & Andre Scedrov - 1991 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 51 (1-2):125-157.
    Miller, D., G. Nadathur, F. Pfenning and A. Scedrov, Uniform proofs as a foundation for logic programming, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 51 125–157. A proof-theoretic characterization of logical languages that form suitable bases for Prolog-like programming languages is provided. This characterization is based on the principle that the declarative meaning of a logic program, provided by provability in a logical system, should coincide with its operational meaning, provided by interpreting logical connectives as simple and fixed search instructions. The (...)
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    Pragmatic expectations and linguistic evidence: Listeners anticipate but do not integrate common ground.Dale J. Barr - 2008 - Cognition 109 (1):18-40.
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    Mathematical Fiction and Structuralism in Chihara's Construc—tibility Theory.Dale Jacquette - 2004 - History and Philosophy of Logic 25 (4).
  14.  17
    Dialogues on Indian Culture.Dale Riepe - 1959 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 19 (3):419-419.
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    (1 other version)Engaged Buddhism: Buddhist Liberation Movements in Asia.Dale Cannon, Christopher S. Queen & Sallie B. King - 1998 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 18:245.
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    Habit(us), Body Techniques and Body Callusing: An Ethnography of Mixed Martial Arts.Dale C. Spencer - 2009 - Body and Society 15 (4):119-143.
    This article explores the carnal dimensions of existence through ethnographic research in a mixed martial arts club. Mixed martial arts (MMA) is an emergent sport where competitors in a ring or cage utilize strikes (punches, kicks, elbows and knees) as well as submission techniques to defeat opponents. Through data gathered from in-depth interviews with MMA practitioners and participant observation in an MMA club, I elucidate the social processes that are integral to the production of an MMA fighter habitus. I examine (...)
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  17. Thomas Reid on causation.Dale Tuggy - 2000 - Reid Studies 3:3-27.
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    Afterward: Ethics and the study of animal cognition.Dale Jamieson & Marc Bekoff - 1996 - In Marc Bekoff & Dale Jamieson, Readings in Animal Cognition. MIT Press. pp. 359--71.
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    A Phenomenological Utilization of Photographs.Robert C. Ziller & Dale E. Smith - 1977 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 7 (2):172-182.
  20. Schopenhauer on Death.Dale Jacquette - 1999 - In Christopher Janaway, The Cambridge Companion to Schopenhauer. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 293--317.
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    From the margins of the genome: mobile elements shape primate evolution.Dale J. Hedges & Mark A. Batzer - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (8):785-794.
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  22.  20
    Thinking Outside the Square of Opposition Box.Dale Jacquette - 2012 - In Jean-Yves Béziau & Dale Jacquette, Around and Beyond the Square of Opposition. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 73--92.
  23.  14
    The Toulmin model and the syllogism.Dale Hample - 1992 - In William L. Benoit, Dale Hample & Pamela J. Benoit, Readings in argumentation. New York: Foris Publications. pp. 225--238.
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  24. Introduction: Brentano's philosophy.Dale Jacquette - 2004 - In The Cambridge companion to Brentano. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 1--19.
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    Jack, Jill, and Jane in a Perfect Moral Storm.Dale Jamieson - 2013 - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche 3 (1).
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  26.  18
    On the Relation of Informal to Symbolic Logic.Dale Jacquette - 2002 - In Philosophy of Logic. Malden, Mass.: North Holland. pp. 131.
  27.  44
    Toward a grammar of exclamations.Dale E. Elliott - 1974 - Foundations of Language 11 (2):231-246.
  28. The functions and limitations of professional codes of ethics.Dale Beyerstein - 1993 - In Earl Raye Winkler & Jerrold R. Coombs, Applied ethics: a reader. Cambridge [Mass.]: Blackwell. pp. 416--425.
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    Overview of linear logic programming.Dale Miller - 2004 - In Thomas Ehrhard, Linear logic in computer science. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 316--119.
  30. Introduction.Ben Eggleston & Dale E. Miller - 2010 - In Ben Eggleston, Dale Miller & David Weinstein, John Stuart Mill and the Art of Life. , US: Oxford University Press. pp. 3-18.
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    Revisionary Early-Peircean Predicate Logic without Proper Names.Dale Jacquette - 2009 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 45 (2):177-213.
  32.  26
    (1 other version)Tarski's Quantificational Semantics and Meinongian Object Theory Domains.Dale Jacquette - 1994 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 75 (2):88-107.
  33. Dualities of Self-Non-Application and Infinite Regress.Dale Jacquette - 1989 - Logique Et Analyse 32 (25):29.
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    12 Reid's Philosophy of Religion.Dale Tuggy - 2004 - In Terence Cuneo & René van Woudenberg, The Cambridge Companion to Thomas Reid. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. pp. 289.
  35.  33
    Auta ta isa, Phaedo 74Cl: A Philological Perspective.Annette Teffeteller Dale - 1987 - American Journal of Philology 108 (2).
  36. Conundrums of conditionals in contraposition.Dale Jacquette - 1999 - Nordic Journal of Philosophical Logic 4:117-126.
  37.  48
    Jan Willem Wieland: Infinite Regress Arguments: Springer Briefs in Philosophy. Springer Verlag, Cham, Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London, 2014, vi + 68 pp, Softcover €53.49; £44.99; $54.99, ISBN: 978-3-319-06205-1.Dale Jacquette - 2015 - Argumentation 29 (3):351-360.
    This compact booklet addresses informal logical aspects of infinite regress arguments. We know what infinite regress arguments are from such examples as Plato’s Third Man problem. It is presented here for tradition sake in its original formulation, where for convenience ‘man’ does duty for ‘human being’. Plato’s theory of abstract Ideas or Forms, in order to explain how it is that Phaedo and Meno are both men, posits their belonging to, participating in or falling under a higher ideal abstract universal (...)
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    Attitudes toward ethical issues: A survey of UK reference librarians and schools of librarianship and information science.Dale Lonsdale & Charles Oppenheim - 1995 - Journal of Information Ethics 4 (2):69-78.
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    Collective Referential Intentionality in the Semantics of Dialogue.Dale Jacquette - 2014 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 36 (1):143-159.
    The concept of a dialogue is considered in general terms from the standpoint of its referential presuppositions. The semantics of dialogue implies that dialogue participants must generally have a collective intentionality of agreed-upon references that is minimally sufficient for them to be able to disagree about other things, and ideally for outstanding disagreements to become clearer at successive stages of the dialogue. These points are detailed and illustrated in a fictional dialogue, in which precisely these kinds of referential confusions impede (...)
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  40. Construing Polanyi’s Tacit Knowing as Knowing by Acquaintance Rather than Knowing by Representation: Some Implications.Dale Cannon - 2002 - Tradition and Discovery 29 (2):26-43.
    This essay proposes that Polanyi’s tacit knowing – specifically his conception of tacit knowing as cognitive contact with reality – should be construed as fundamentally a knowing by acquaintance – a relational knowing of reality, rather than merely the underlying subsidiary component of explicit representational knowledge. Thus construed, Polanyi’s theory that tacit knowing is foundational to all human knowing is more radical than is often supposed, for it challenges the priority status of explicit representational knowledge relative to tacit acquaintance knowledge, (...)
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  41. Culture and synergy-tools for educational and social reconstruction.Jo Dale - 1981 - Journal of Thought 16 (3):119-129.
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  42. Rats show qualitative changes in memory processing with radial-Maze experience.Rhi Dale & Dl Mcinnis - 1988 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 26 (6):526-526.
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  43. The individual, the resurrected body, and romanesque portraiture: The tomb of Rudolf von Schwaben in Merseburg.Thomas E. A. Dale - 2002 - Speculum 77 (3):707-743.
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  44.  21
    Aesthetics and Natural Law in Newton's Methodology.Dale Jacquette - 1990 - Journal of the History of Ideas 51 (4):659-666.
  45.  31
    In Memoriam.Dale Hample - 2022 - Informal Logic 44 (2):359-361.
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  46. Competence perceptions and academic functioning.Dale H. Schunk & Frank Pajares - 2005 - In Andrew J. Elliot & Carol S. Dweck, Handbook of Competence and Motivation. The Guilford Press. pp. 85--104.
  47.  14
    Liar Paradox and Metaparadox.Dale Jacquette - 2000 - SATS 1 (1):93-104.
  48. (1 other version)“Polanyi’s Influence on Poteat’s Conceptualization of Modernity’s ‘Insanity’ and Its Cure.Dale Cannon - 2008 - Tradition and Discovery 35 (2):23-30.
    My intent is to paint in rather broad strokes Bill Poteat’s intellectual agenda, as I came to understand it, and how Michael Polanyi fit into that agenda for Poteat alongside other major intellectual mentors. Bill’s agenda was to expose critically and, so far as possible, to counter the fateful consequences of what he called the “prepossessions of the European Enlightenment” regarding human knowing, human doing, and human being. Although his work involved conceptual analysis, the nature of this conceptual-archaeology was far (...)
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    Science and Society in Ancient India.Dale Riepe - 1980 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 40 (3):439-441.
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  50. What Do We Mean by 'Forgiveness?': Some Answers from the Ancient Greeks.Maria Magoula Adamos & Julia B. Griffin - 2013 - Forgiveness:Philosophy, Psychology, and the Arts.
    There seems to be confusion and disagreement among scholars about the meaning of interpersonal forgiveness. In this essay we shall venture to clarify the meaning of forgiveness by examining various literary works. In particular, we shall discuss instances of forgiveness from Homer’s The Iliad, Euripides’ Hippolytus, and Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics and we shall focus on the changes that the concept of forgiveness has gone through throughout the centuries, in the hope of being able to understand, and therefore, of being able (...)
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