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David E. Mungello [16]D. E. Mungello [2]De Mungello [1]D. Mungello [1]
  1.  29
    Malebranche and Chinese Philosophy.David E. Mungello - 1980 - Journal of the History of Ideas 41 (4):551.
    Presents nicholas malebranche's interpretation of chinese philosophy as found in his "entretien d'un philosophe chretien et d'un philosophe chinois" (1708). Treats background (transition from 17th century insular to 18th century cosmopolitan eurocentrism), Sources (primarily artus de lionne, Bishop of rosalie and former missionary to china), And motivation (defense of his philosophy against the charge of spinozism). Discusses malebranche's interpretation of neo-Confucian terms "li" and "ch'i" and their relationship to his definition of god. Places the "entretien" in the context of the (...)
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  2.  21
    The Chinese Rites Controversy: Its History and Meaning.D. E. Mungello - 1996 - Philosophy East and West 46 (2):298-298.
  3.  64
    Leibniz's interpretation of neo-confucianism.David E. Mungello - 1971 - Philosophy East and West 21 (1):3-22.
  4.  69
    The reconciliation of neo-confucianism with christianity in the writings of Joseph de prémare, S. J.David E. Mungello - 1976 - Philosophy East and West 26 (4):389-410.
  5. Letters to the editor.Nathan Sivin & David E. Mungello - 1973 - Philosophy East and West 23 (3):413 - 422.
  6.  37
    A Modern China and a New World: K'ang Yu-wei, Reformer and Utopian, 1958-1927.David E. Mungello - 1976 - Philosophy East and West 26 (4):481-483.
  7.  13
    Dialogue between a Christian Philosopher and a Chinese Philosopher on the Existence and Nature of God.David E. Mungello - 1982 - Philosophy East and West 32 (1):107-109.
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  8. Die Quellen für das Chinabild Leibnizens.David E. Mungello - 1982 - Studia Leibnitiana 14:233.
    Leibniz' remarkable understanding of Chinese culture was not merely the result of his own acumen, but also of the knowledgeable sources of information available to him through published works and personal correspondence. Most of the materials are preserved in the Niedersächsische Landesbibliothek Hannover. Working from the Systematischen Bandkatalog compiled by Daniel Eberhard Baring in 1720 shortly after Leibniz' death, it is possible to know with some accuracy which books were available for Leibniz' reference. This author has complied a list of (...)
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  9.  46
    Neo-confucianism and Wen-Jen aesthetic theory.David E. Mungello - 1969 - Philosophy East and West 19 (4):367-383.
  10.  17
    On the significance of the question "did china have science?".David E. Mungello - 1972 - Philosophy East and West 22 (4):467-478.
  11.  32
    Some Recent Studies on the Confluence of Chinese and Western Intellectual History.David E. Mungello - 1979 - Journal of the History of Ideas 40 (4):649.
  12.  34
    Sinological torque: The influence of cultural preoccupations on seventeenth-century missionary interpretations of confucianism.David E. Mungello - 1978 - Philosophy East and West 28 (2):123-141.
  13.  26
    Western Books on China Published up to 1850 in the Library of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London: A Descriptive Catalogue. John Lust.D. Mungello - 1990 - Isis 81 (3):619-620.
  14. Book review on Leibniz and China: A commerce of light. [REVIEW]De Mungello - 2004 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 11.
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    Confucianism and Christianity. [REVIEW]David E. Mungello - 1978 - International Philosophical Quarterly 18 (3):364-366.
  16. Claudia Von collani : Vorschlag einer wissenschaftlichen akademie für china. Briefe Des chinamissionars Joachim bouvet S. J. an Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz und an Jean-Paul bignon über die erforschung der chinesischen kultur, sprache und geschichte. [REVIEW]David E. Mungello - 1990 - Studia Leibnitiana 22:220.
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  17. Christian Wolff: Oratio de sinarum philosophia practica. Rede über die praktische philosophie der chinesen. [REVIEW]David E. Mungello - 1986 - Studia Leibnitiana 18:120.
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  18. Leibniz: Das neueste aus china . Novissima sinica, mit erg. Dokumenten hrsg., Übers., Erl. Von Heinz Günther nesselrath und Hermann reinbothe. [REVIEW]David E. Mungello - 1981 - Studia Leibnitiana 13:147.
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  19. Leibniz: Discourse on the natural theology of the chinese. Transl. By Henry Rosemont, jr. and Daniel J. cook. [REVIEW]David E. Mungello - 1977 - Studia Leibnitiana 9:296.
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  20.  12
    Review of Franklin Perkins, Leibniz and China: A Commerce of Light[REVIEW]D. E. Mungello - 2004 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2004 (11).
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