Die Quellen für das Chinabild Leibnizens
Leibniz' remarkable understanding of Chinese culture was not merely the result of his own acumen, but also of the knowledgeable sources of information available to him through published works and personal correspondence. Most of the materials are preserved in the Niedersächsische Landesbibliothek Hannover. Working from the Systematischen Bandkatalog compiled by Daniel Eberhard Baring in 1720 shortly after Leibniz' death, it is possible to know with some accuracy which books were available for Leibniz' reference. This author has complied a list of 78 such works, most of which were either written by or derived from Christian missionaries in China, of whom the Jesuits were the most prominent. While some of Leibniz' correspondents such as Andreas Müller of Berlin were sinological amateurs and enthusiasts, others such as the Jesuit Joachim Bouvet were learned men, living in intimate contact with the Chinese emperor in Peking. Their letters guaranteed that Leibniz' information on China was among the most accurate available in Europe at that time