Results for 'D. Knafo'

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  1. The dead mother in Kathe Kollwitz (German Expressionism).D. Knafo - 1998 - In Donald Kuspit, Art Criticism. pp. 13--2.
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    In dialogue with Michéle Le Dœuff: philosophies, encounters and friendship.Pamela Sue Anderson & Michèle Le Dœuff (eds.) - 2023 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    The work of Michèle Le Dœuff creatively disrupts established notions of what philosophy might be. Far from being a discipline about the leader and the disciple, a hierarchy of knowledge and paternalism, Le Dœuff proposes a philosophy of dialogue and friendship. The conversations in this book explore how this philosophy can be enacted and explored, and show how openness and generosity can be the starting point of truly rigorous thinking. Introduced and curated by the late philosopher, Pamela Sue Anderson, In (...)
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    Francesco Sforza: Il più prezioso tesoro spirituale d'ltalia — L'Eneide. Pp. 77. Milan: Gastaldi, 1952. Paper, L. 300.R. D. Williams - 1954 - The Classical Review 4 (02):167-.
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  4. Approche contemporaine d'une affirmation de Dieu.J.-D. ROBERT - 1962
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    Problema universaliĭ: sovremennyĭ vzgli︠a︡d.G. D. Levin - 2005 - Moskva: Kanon+.
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  6. L'invention du Turco: Construction et déconstruction d'une catégorie.Construction Et Déconstruction D'une Catégorie - 2008 - In Frank Alvarez-Pereyre, Catégories et catégorisation: une perspective interdisciplinaire. Dudley, MA: Peeters. pp. 48.
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  7. Um estado primário do ser: os estágios pré-primitivos.D. W. Winnicott - forthcoming - Natureza Humana.
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    L'histoire: un essai d'interprétation.Arnold Joseph Toynbee, D. C. Somervell & Elisabeth Julia - 1951 - Gallimard.
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  9. Zakī Najīb Maḥmūd, mufakkiran ʻArabīyan wa-rāʼidan lil-ittijāh al-ʻilmī al-tanwīrī.Zakī Najīb Maḥmūd & Muḥammad ʻĀṭif ʻIrāqī (eds.) - 2001 - al-Iskandarīyah: Dār al-Wafāʼ li-Dunyā al-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr.
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  10. Fī al-difāʻ ʻan al-ijtihād wa-al-taḥdīth fī al-fikr al-ʻArabī al-Islāmī: abḥāth muhdāh lil-Ustādh Saʻīd Binsaʻīd al-ʻUlwī.Saʻīd Binsaʻīd ʻAlawī & Kamāl ʻAbd al-Laṭīf (eds.) - 2013 - al-Rabāṭ: Jāmiʻat Muḥammad al-Khāmis Akadāl, Kullīyat al-Ādāb wa-al-ʻUlūm al-Insānīyah bi-al-Rabāṭ.
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    Technique for analysis of a highly generalized response pattern.D. M. Johnson - 1946 - Psychological Review 53 (6):348-361.
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    Greek Dialectology.D. M. Jones - 1954 - The Classical Review 4 (34):277-.
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    Greek Phonetics.D. M. Jones - 1957 - The Classical Review 7 (3-4):234-.
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    Stages of Husserl’s Philosophy and Intention of Phenomenology.D. Jonkus - 2014 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 3 (1):93-115.
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  15. Serious pediatric illness : A spectrum of clinician directiveness in collaborative decision making.D. Clark Jonna, Alexander Mithya Lewis-Newby & Wynne Morrison A. Kon - 2021 - In John D. Lantos, The ethics of shared decision making. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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  16. Utkrāntisāraḥ: Utkrāntisvarūpanirūpaṇaṃ, vimarśca.Kānteśācārya Kadaramaṇḍalagi - 2023 - Beṅgalūru: Śrīvidyādhīśasnātakottarasaṃskr̥taśodhakendram.
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  17. Society and foresight.D. Kauffman - 1981 - Journal of Thought 16 (3):1-19.
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    (1 other version)Cows and unicorns: two replies to Mr. Resnick.D. R. Keyworth - 1962 - Analysis 23 (1):15-16.
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    Uncertainty and the role of the pawn in extended deterrence.D. M. Kilgour & F. C. Zagare - 1994 - Synthese 100 (3):379 - 412.
    This paper develops an incomplete information model of extended deterrence relationships. It postulates players who are fully informed about the costs of war and all other relevant variables, save for the values their opponents place on the issues at stake, i.e., the pawn. We provide consistent and intuitively satisfying parallel definitions for two types of players, Hard and Soft, in terms of the parameters of our model. We also answer several particular questions about the strategy choices of players in an (...)
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  20. Malayāḷasvāmi racanalu, sāmājika caitanyaṃ: Usmāniyā Viśvidyālayamu vāricē ḍākṭarēṭu pondina siddhāntagranthaṃ.Kasireḍḍi Veṅkaṭapatireḍḍi - 2003 - Ērpēḍu, Cittūru Jillā: Pratuluvalayu vāru, Śrī Vyāsāsramaṃ.
    Study on social consciousness in the works of Malayāḷasvāmi, 1865-1962, philosopher of Vedanta.
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    Rationality is hard work: An alternative interpretation of the disruptive effects of thinking about reasons.D. Lynn Holt - 1993 - Philosophical Psychology 6 (3):251 – 266.
    Recent experimental work by T.D. Wilson et al. indicates that a consequence of asking subjects to reflect on their attitudes is that they not only reduce the consistency between their attitudes and behavior, but they perform actions which they come to regret. Wilson interprets this work via intra-psychic concepts, and arrives at the conclusion that it is rational to avoid deliberating about a wide range of attitudes and behaviors. This consequence has objectionable implications for philosophical theories of deliberative practical rationality. (...)
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    Relativism, Knowledge and Faith.D. D. O. - 1961 - Review of Metaphysics 15 (1):192-192.
    Historical studies suggest that all ideas, including the philosophical, scientific, and religious, are relative to the culture in which they are formulated. After clarifying the concept of relativism, and exploring the epistemological reasons why knowledge is relative, Kaufman argues that these admissions are not fatal to the achievement of valid knowledge in philosophy and theology.--D. D. O.
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  23. Ḥayāt al-fikr fī al-ʻālam al-jadīd.Zakī Najīb Maḥmūd - 1956 - al-Qāhirah: Maktabat al-Anjilū al-Miṣrīyah.
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    De l'âme, VII, 1-9.Guillaume D'Auvergne, William & Jean-Baptiste Brenet - 1998 - Paris: J. Vrin. Edited by Jean-Baptiste Brenet.
    Ne vers 1180 a Aurillac, mort le 30 mars 1249, Guillaume d'Auvergne est nomme eveque de Paris des 1228. Son oeuvre est contemporaine de la querelle de l'aristotelisme qui gagne la faculte de theologie, et du bouleversement de l'histoire theorique qui l'accompagne. Quelle est la cause efficiente de la pensee? D'ou vient l'intelligible necessairement present dans l'ame qui pense? C'est a cela que repondent les neuf premieres parties du chapitre sept du De anima, ecrit vers 1240. La noetique de Guillaume (...)
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    The magic jewel of intuition: the tri-basic method of cognizing the self.D. B. Gangolli - 1986 - Holenarasipur: Adhyatma Prakasha Karyalaya. Edited by Satchidanandendra Saraswati.
    Can the totality of consciousness be found within the waking state? Can human consciousness be understood in its entirety by only considering the contents presented to us in the waking state? Why is the waking state so privileged? -/- This treatise from Indian author D.B. Gangolli presents the tri-basic method or the method of the three states of consciousness as the principle device or strategy employed in the science of Advaita Vedanta for arriving at knowledge and understanding of Ultimate Reality (...)
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    Interests.D. Goldstick - 2002 - Dialogue 41 (2):241-.
    RÉSUMÉ: De manière générale, les désirs sont aux intérêts ce que les croyances sont aux vérités. Étant admis que ce qui est conforme à vos intérêts est ce que vous désireriez, tout compte fait, si vous étiez en possession d'une information telle au sujet de ses effets potentiels qu'aucune information additionnelle sur ces effets ne modifierait vos désirs, la conclusion selon laquelle vous désirez déjà, tout compte fait, favoriser vos intérêts peut être tirée moyennant certaines suppositions plausibles en philosophie de (...)
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  27. L'ldée de création dans saint Thomas d'Aquin.A. D. Sertillanges - 1907 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 1:239-251.
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    La philosophie de S. Thomas d'Aquin.A.-D. Sertillanges - 1940 - Paris,: Aubier, Éditions Montaigne.
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    Theological discourse of DUMU in the context of institutionalization of Islam in Ukraine.D. Shestopalec - 2014 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 69:71-79.
    The article of Shestopalets D.V. deals with the construction of theological discourse in the publications of the Spirituals Administration of Muslims of Ukraine. Special attention is devoted to the topics that represent the “proper” image of Islam, the problem of orthodoxy, approaches to interpretation of the Quran and legitimization of the religious authority of Muslim scholars.
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  30. Fī ḥaqāʼiq al-wujūd.Maḥmūd Yūsuf Khiḍr - 1999 - Abū Ẓaby: al-Mujammaʻ al-Thaqāfī.
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    Aristote et l' « aiôn » : enquête sur une critique récente: L'étymologie d' « aiôn » et l'article de M. E. Martineau.D. O'Brien - 1980 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 85 (1):94 - 108.
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    Α.E.Bakalopulos, πηγές της ’ιστορίας τοϋ νέου ’ελληνισμού.D. J. Geanakoplos - 1969 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 62 (1).
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    Pindare au banquet.D. E. Gerber & B. A. van Groningen - 1961 - American Journal of Philology 82 (2):213.
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    Size effects in the nanoindentation of silicon at ambient temperature.D. Ge, A. M. Minor, E. A. Stach & J. W. Morris - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (25-26):4069-4080.
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    Logical form.D. Goldstick - 2020 - Philosophical Forum 51 (4):411-412.
    Propositions are essentially without form.
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  36. Sistemnyĭ analiz i nauchnoe znanie: [Sb. stateĭ].D. P. Gorskiĭ (ed.) - 1978 - Moskva: Nauka.
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    On Dewey's aesthetics.D. W. Gotshalk - 1964 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 23 (1):131-138.
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    'Alpha' conditioning in the eyelid.D. A. Grant & J. K. Adams - 1944 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 34 (2):136.
  39. Is Kantian ethics ontologically not guilty?D. Greimann - 2004 - Kant Studien 95 (1):107-127.
  40. Filosofskie vzgli︠a︡dy A. Ėĭnshteĭna i razvitie teorii otnositelʹnosti.D. P. Gribanov - 1987 - Moskva: Nauka. Edited by I︠U︡. V. Sachkov.
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  41. Atheism is not a Civil Rights Issue.D. J. Grothe & Austin Dacey - 2004 - Free Inquiry 24 (2).
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  42. Bāḷigondu nambike.D. V. Gundappa - 1967
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  43. (3 other versions)The psychology of perception.D. W. Hamlyn - 1958 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 13 (3):376-376.
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    The Anonymity Exception.D. W. Haslett - 2007 - Public Affairs Quarterly 21 (1):1-19.
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    In the Service of Truth.D. J. B. Hawkins - 1957 - Philosophy Today 1 (2):95.
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    Liberalism, Marxism and social democracy.D. F. B. Tucker - 1988 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 2 (2-3):133-148.
    MARXISM AND LIBERALISM edited by Ellen Frankel Paul, Fred D. Miller, Jr., Jeffrey Paul and John Ahrens New York: Basil Blackwell, 1986. 223 pp., $14?95 (paper) LIBERALISM by John Gray Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1986. 106 pp., $9.95 (paper).
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  47. Les Méthodes de la Définition d'après Aristote.M. D. Roland-Gosselin - 1912 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 6:235-252.
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  48. Introdução: Desenvolvimento emocional primitivo.D. W. Winnicott - forthcoming - Natureza Humana.
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    Experience, appearance, and hidden features.D. Gene Witmer - 2001 - PSYCHE: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research On Consciousness 7.
    Charles Siewert has given us an ingenious thought experiment involving a limited lack of conscious experience. The possibility of the described case is incompatible with a number of popular theories of consciousness. Siewert acknowledges, however, that this possibility is not a direct threat to "hidden feature" theories. I aim to do two things: first, strengthen his defense of the claim that the case is genuinely possible by considering and rejecting some further attempts to explain away our temptation to believe it (...)
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    Multiple realizability and psychological laws: Evaluating Kim's challenge.D. Gene Witmer - 2003 - In Sven Walter & Heinz-Dieter Heckmann, Physicalism and Mental Causation: The Metaphysics of Mind and Action. Imprint Academic. pp. 59.
    A close examination of Kim's argument in "Multiple Realization and the Metaphysics of Reduction" for the claim that if a kind is multiply realizable in a way that blocks identification with more fundamental properties it is also a kind unlikely to appear as an appropriate kind in a theory in the first place. Ultimately, I argue that there is one reasonably promising argument of this sort, but its success turns on explanatory questions the answers to which are far from obvious.
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