Results for 'Czeslaw Zygmunt Prokopczyk'

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  1.  18
    Truth and reality in Marx and Hegel: a reassessment.Czeslaw Prokopczyk - 1980 - Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press.
    Philosophical Sources of Marxism in Engels' Retrospection If Anti-Diihring is the first popular and systematic exposition of Marxist philosophy, ...
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    Koncepcje etyczne Czesława Znamierowskiego.Zygmunt Ziembiński - 1971 - Etyka 9:91-112.
    The article presents the ethical conceptions of Czesław Znamierowski, a prominent Polish moral philosopher, professor of general theory of law of University of Poznań. The task of reconstructing Znamierowski’s ideas is rather difficult: his works concerning ethical problems are written with a looseness much unlike thee cautious and priggish style of works presenting the philosophical systems. Moreover, in the course of time his opinions changed in several points.
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  3. Czeslaw Prokopczyk, Truth and Reality in Marx and Hegel: A Reassessment Reviewed by.David B. Myers - 1981 - Philosophy in Review 1 (1):35-37.
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    Czeslaw Prokopczyk, Truth and Reality in Marx and Hegel: A Reassessment, Amherst, Mass., University of Massachusetts Press, 1960, pp. 160, $13.50. [REVIEW]David Lamb - 1981 - Hegel Bulletin 2 (2):44-45.
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  5. Norm and Truth.Marek Piechowiak (ed.) - 2008 - School of Humanities and Journalism.
    Truth seems to be an indispensable element of authority which presents itself as being based on more than just power and efficiency. In the domain of law,there is not only and primarily the problem of establishing the truth about the facts which are to be judged; there is also the problem of norms—does their authority rest solely on the act of establishing them, or is there “something behind”, a truth which contributes to the strength of law, and which provides legitimacy (...)
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    At the crossroads of Marxism and structuralism in modern Polish literary theory (1918–1939): The case of Warsaw and Vilnius student circles. [REVIEW]Danuta Ulicka - 2020 - Thesis Eleven 159 (1):64-77.
    In this paper, I aim to determine the place of Marxism in Polish literary studies of the 20th century. The starting point is (1) Czesław Miłosz’s comment on the identity of Marxism and structuralism; (2) the absence of the term ‘Marxism’ in the names of Polish workers’ parties and pro-Marxist academic discourse (except an insignificant short period directly after the Second World War when Marxist rhetoric prevailed). Referring to political history, I suggest an explanation of this state of affairs, revealing (...)
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    Conversations with Zygmunt Bauman.Zygmunt Bauman & Keith Tester - 2013 - Wiley.
    Zygmunt Bauman is one of the leading figures in contemporary social thought. His work ranges across issues of ethics, culture and politics. It never forgets that social thought ought to help men and women make sense of their lives and aspire towards something different. His books and essays always focus on the here and now: violence and moral indifference, globalization, consumerism, politics and individualization. They cast a sharp eye on the panaceas of ‘there is no alternative'; the embrace of (...)
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    Zygmunt Adamczewski.Zygmunt Adamczewski - 1960 - Atti Del XII Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia 3:492-493.
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    Culture, Modernity and Revolution: Essays in Honour of Zygmunt Bauman.Zygmunt Bauman, Richard Kilminster & Ian Varcoe - 1996 - Psychology Press.
    In Culture, Modernity and Revolution a group of distinguished sociologists and social philosophers reflect upon the major concerns of Zygmunt Bauman. Their essays not only honour the man, but provide important contributions to the three interlinked themes that could be said to form the guiding threads of Bauman's life work: power, culture and modernity. Culture, Modernity and Revolution is both a remarkable sociological commentary on the problems facing East-Central Europe and an exposition of some of the key, hitherto neglected, (...)
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    Zygmunt Zawirski: His Life and Work: With Selected Writings on Time, Logic and the Methodology of Science.Irena Szumilewicz & Zygmunt Zawirski - 1994 - Springer Verlag.
    Zygmunt Zawirski (1882-1948), an eminent and original Polish philosopher, belonged to the Lwow-Warsaw School (LWS) which left an indelible trace in logic, semiotics and philosophy of science. LWS was founded in 1895 by K. Twardowski, a disciple of Brentano, in the spirit of clarity, realism and analytic philosophy. LWS was more than 25 years older than the Vienna Circle (VC). This belies, inter alia, the not infrequently repeated statement that LWS was one of the many centres initiated by VC.
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    Consistency of Leśniewski's Mereology.Czesław Lejewski - 1984 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 34 (3):231--238.
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    Syntax and Semantics of Ordinary Language.Czesław Lejewski & William Haas - 1975 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 49 (1):127 - 169.
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  13. Postmodern ethics.Zygmunt Bauman - 1993 - Cambridge: Blackwell.
    Introduction: Morality in Modern and Postmodern Perspective Shattered beings are best represented by bits and pieces. Rainer Maria Rilke As signalled in its ...
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  14.  14
    Hermeneutics and social science: approaches to understanding.Zygmunt Bauman - 1978 - London: Hutchinson.
  15. (1 other version)Logic and Existence.Czesław Lejewski - 1954 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 5 (18):104-119.
  16. Life in fragments: essays in postmodern morality.Zygmunt Bauman - 1995 - Cambridge [Mass.]: Blackwell.
    Life in Fragments is a continuation of the themes and motifs explored in Zygmunt Bauman's acclaimed study, Postmodern Ethics (Blackwell, 1993).
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  17.  95
    Community: Seeking Safety in an Insecure World.Zygmunt Bauman - 2013 - Wiley.
    'Community' is one of those words that feels good: it is good 'to have a community', 'to be in a community'. And 'community' feels good because of the meanings which the word conveys, all of them promising pleasures, and more often than not the kind of pleasures which we would like to experience but seem to miss. 'Community' conveys the image of a warm and comfortable place, like a fireplace at which we warm our hands on a frosty day. Out (...)
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  18.  27
    Culture as Praxis.Zygmunt Bauman - 1999 - SAGE.
    In this major work, Zygmunt Bauman seeks to classify the meanings of culture. He distinguishes between culture as a concept, culture as a structure and culture as praxis and analyzes the different ways in which culture has been used in each of these settings. For Bauman, culture is a living, changing aspect of human interaction which must be understood and studied as a universal of human life. At the heart of his approach is the proposition that culture is inherently (...)
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  19.  15
    Intimations of Postmodernity.Zygmunt Bauman - 1992 - Psychology Press.
    One subject which captured the imagination of sociologists, philosophers, political scientists and writers on culture in the 1980s was postmodernism. This text considers the meaning and importance of postmodernity.
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  20.  29
    Culture in a Liquid Modern World.Zygmunt Bauman - 2011 - In Association the National Audiovisual Institute. Edited by Lydia Bauman.
    In its original formulation, ‘culture’ was intended to be an agent for change, a mission undertaken with the aim of educating ‘the people’ by bringing the best of human thought and creativity to them. But in our contemporary liquid-modern world, culture has lost its missionary role and has become a means of seduction: it seeks no longer to enlighten the people but to seduce them. The function of culture today is not to satisfy existing needs but to create new ones, (...)
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  21.  40
    Studies in the axiomatic foundations of Boolean algebra. I.Czesław Lejewski - 1960 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 1 (1-2):23-47.
  22.  42
    Legislators and Interpreters: On Modernity, Post-modernity and Intellectuals.Zygmunt Bauman - 1987 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    The book discusses the role of intellectuals in the modern world. Bauman connects this with current analyses of modernity and post-modernity. The theme of the book is that the tasks of intellectuals change from being 'legislators' to 'interpreters' with the transition from modernity to post-modernity. The book discusses the role of intellectuals in the modern world. Bauman connects this with current analyses of modernity and post-modernity. The theme of the book is that the tasks of intellectuals change from being 'legislators' (...)
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  23.  8
    (1 other version)Personalizm.Czesław Stanisław Bartnik - 2008 - Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL. Edited by Krzysztof Guzowski.
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    Making the familiar unfamiliar: a conversation with Peter Haffner.Zygmunt Bauman - 2020 - Medford, MA: Polity Press. Edited by Peter Haffner.
    The last interview of one of the greatest social thinkers of our time.
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  25. Wgląd.Czesław Dziekanowski - 2000 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 35 (3):25-29.
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    Martin Grabmann i polska filozofia katolicka.Czesław Głombik - 1983 - Katowice: Uniwersytet Śląski.
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    Początki neoscholastyki polskiej.Czesław Głombik (ed.) - 1991 - Katowice: Uniwersytet Śląski.
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    Kubiński Tadeusz. Nazwy nieostre . Polish, with English and Russian summaries. Studia logica, vol. 7 , pp. 115–179.Czeslaw Lejewski - 1959 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 24 (3):270-271.
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    Logic and Non-Existence.Czesław Lejewski - 1985 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 25 (1):209-234.
    An attempt is made in the present essay to accommodate various senses of the notion of existence and ofthat of non-existence within the framework of logic. With this aim in view a system of Lesniewski's Ontology, referred to as System S, is outlined. Equipped with appropriate definitions and illustrated with a selection of theses it offers a logical theory of existence and non-existence. The usefulness of the theory is then tested by interpreting in its terms some of the principal notions (...)
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  30. Humanism-a hope and guarantee of reparation of man and of the world.Zygmunt Lomny - 1994 - Paideia 17:65.
  31. Mózg, prawdopodobieństwo i transgresja.Czesław S. Nosal - 1986 - Studia Filozoficzne 244 (3).
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  32. Neurobiology of subjective probability.Czeslaw S. Nosal - 1991 - In Probability and Rationality. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
  33.  13
    Lectures on Polish Value Theory.Czeslaw Porebski - 2019 - Leiden: Brill | Rodopi. Edited by Władysław Stróżewski.
    This book introduces an important chapter of Polish 20th century philosophy, by analyzing the studies that contributed to value theory; i.e. the studies of Kazimierz Twardowski, Tadeusz Czeżowski, Tadeusz Kotarbiński, Władysław Tatarkiewicz, Roman Ingarden, Henryk Elzenberg, Maria Ossowska, and Józef Maria Bocheński.
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  34. Z jakiej racji? (F. Schick, \"Having Reasons, An Essay on Rationality and Sociality\", Princeton 1984).Czesław Porębski - 1986 - Studia Filozoficzne 249 (8).
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    Le róle de l'administration publique dans la réalisation des taches politiques de l'Etat socialiste.Zygmunt Rybicki - 1973 - Res Publica 15 (1):103-117.
    1. In the circumstances of the overgrowth signs the scientific-technical revolution the following events in essential way are influencing the activities of public administration : 1° the establishing, under thepressure of the technical progress and specialization, of the big economic units ; 2° the acceleration of the processus of urbanization ; 3° the increasing threat of the biological environment and the appearance of newpossibilities for its protection; and 4° the leveling of differences between the living standards of the population in (...)
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    Coherence of a Text and its Topology.Zygmunt Saloni & Andrzej Trybulec - 1974 - Semiotica 11 (2).
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  37. Schemat przystosowania wzajemnego w zespole osób.Czesław Znamierowski - 1950 - Kwartalnik Filozoficzny 19 (3-4):367-383.
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    The Individualized Society.Zygmunt Bauman - 2013 - Wiley.
    We are spurred into action by our troubles and fears; but all too often our action fails to address the true causes of our worries. When trying to make sense of our lives, we tend to blame our own failings and weaknesses for our discomforts and defeats. And in doing so, we make things worse rather than better. Reasonable beings that we are, how does this happen and why does it go on happening? These are the questions addressed in this (...)
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  39. Liquid Modernity.Zygmunt Bauman - 2000 - Polity Press ; Blackwell.
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    Hermeneutics and Social Science.Zygmunt Bauman - 1983 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 44 (2):281-282.
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    Struktury metodologiczne w nauce.Zygmunt Hajduk - 2018 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 66 (2):9-22.
    W artykule jest suponowana opozycja między statyką i dynamiką nauki. Przez naukę rozumiemy głównie nauki empiryczne, zwłaszcza przyrodnicze, lub nauki ścisłe (sciences), inaczej: matematyczne przyrodoznawstwo. Przy doborze kategorii jako przedmiotu podjętych analiz kierowano się racjami badawczymi oraz odwołującymi się do praktyki naukowej i metanaukowej. Kontekstowe objaśnienia tych obiektów relatywizowano do sytuacji poznawczej potencjalnych odbiorców. Uwzględniano zarówno adeptów, jak i profesjonalnie zainteresowanych refleksją nad czynnościowo i wytworowo ujmowaną nauką. Podjęte zagadnienia są rozpatrywane poprzez stopniowe dyskusje aspektywnie wyselekcjonowanych problemów. W rozpatrywanej perspektywie (...)
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  42.  56
    A Re-examination of the Russellian Theory of Descriptions.Czeslaw Lejewski - 1960 - Philosophy 35 (132):14-29.
    The theory of descriptions occupies a very prominent place in Russell's system of logic and indeed in his system of philosophy. Since the publication of the now classical paper “On Denoting” in Mind for 1905 the theory had been incorporated into Principia Mathematica , the first volume of which appeared in 1910. In 1918 Russell discussed descriptions in his lectures on the Philosophy of Logical Atomism, which subsequently were published in The Monist for 1919. A very lucid exposition of the (...)
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  43.  93
    Identity: conversations with Benedetto Vecchi.Zygmunt Bauman - 2004 - Malden, MA: Polity Press. Edited by Benedetto Vecchi.
    This topical new book by Zygmunt Bauman explores the notion of identity in the modern world. As we grapple with the insecurity and uncertainty of liquid modernity, Bauman argues that our socio-political, cultural, professional, religious and sexual identities are undergoing a process of continual transformation. Identities the world over have become more precarious than ever: we live in an era of constant change and disposability - whether it's last season's outfit, or car, or even partner - and our identities (...)
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  44.  20
    Studies in the axiomatic foundations of Boolean algebra. III.Czesław Lejewski - 1961 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 2 (2):79-93.
  45.  10
    Liquid evil: living with TINA.Zygmunt Bauman - 2016 - Malden, MA: Polity.
    There is nothing new about evil; it has been with us since time immemorial. But there is something new about the kind of evil that characterizes our contemporary liquid-modern world. The evil that characterized earlier forms of solid modernity was concentrated in the hands of states claiming monopolies on the means of coercion and using the means at their disposal to pursue their ends ends that were at times horrifically brutal and barbaric. In our contemporary liquid-modern societies, by contrast, evil (...)
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  46.  96
    Consistency of lesniewski's mereology.Czesław Lejewski - 1969 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 34 (3):321-328.
  47.  38
    A system of logic for bicategorial ontology.Czeslaw Lejewski - 1974 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 3 (3):265 - 283.
  48.  74
    Antoni Korcik. Zdania egzyslencjalne u Arystotelesa . Polonia sacra , vol. 6 no. 1 , pp. 46–50.Czeslaw Lejewski - 1955 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 20 (2):172.
  49. A Personalistic Philosophy of History.Czesław Stanisław Bartnik - 1984 - Dialectics and Humanism 11 (1):193-199.
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    Studies in personalist system.Czesław Stanisław Bartnik - 2007 - Lublin: Wydawn. KUL. Edited by Tomasz Fortuna.
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