Results for 'Cyril Holm'

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  1.  41
    F. A. Hayek's Critique of Legislation.Cyril Holm - unknown
    The dissertation concerns F. A. Hayek’s critique of legislation. The purpose of the investigation is to clarify and assess that critique. I argue that there is in Hayek’s work a critique of legislation that is distinct from his well-known critique of social planning. Further that the main claim of this critique is what I refer to as Hayek’s legislation tenet, namely that legislation that aims to achieve specific aggregate results in complex orders of society will decrease the welfare level. The (...)
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  2. Global bioethics – myth or reality?Søren Holm & Bryn Williams-Jones - 2006 - BMC Medical Ethics 7 (1):1-10.
    Background There has been debate on whether a global or unified field of bioethics exists. If bioethics is a unified global field, or at the very least a closely shared way of thinking, then we should expect bioethicists to behave the same way in their academic activities anywhere in the world. This paper investigates whether there is a 'global bioethics' in the sense of a unified academic community. Methods To address this question, we study the web-linking patterns of bioethics institutions, (...)
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  3. Ethical reasoning in mixed nurse-physician groups.S. Holm, P. Gjersoe, G. Grode, O. Hartling, K. E. Ibsen & H. Marcussen - 1996 - Journal of Medical Ethics 22 (3):168-173.
    OBJECTIVES: To study the ethical reasoning of nurses and physicians, and to assess whether or not modified focus groups are a valuable tool for this purpose. DESIGN: Discussion of cases in modified focus groups, each consisting of three physicians and three nurses. The discussion was taped and analysed by content analysis. SETTING: Five departments of internal medicine at Danish hospitals. SAMPLE: Seven discussion groups. MAIN MEASUREMENTS: Ethical content of statements, style of statements, time used by each participant. RESULTS: Danish physicians (...)
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    A University Wide Model for the Ethical Review of Human Subjects Research.Bryn Williams-Jones & Søren Holm - 2005 - Research Ethics 1 (2):39-44.
    In the United Kingdom (and elsewhere), there are moves to extend formal ethical review of research involving human subjects beyond the traditional oversight by NHS local or multi-centre research ethics committees of medical or clinical research, to also encompass all ‘non-clinical’ research involving human subjects. This paper describes and analyses the development and implementation of a model for ethical review within the university sector. At Cardiff University, a devolved or two-tiered system of ethics review has been created in which a (...)
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  5. Doping under medical control - conceptually possible but impossible in the world of professional sports?Søren Holm - 2007 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 1 (2):135 – 145.
    This paper considers the argument that if the ban on doping in sports was abolished it would be possible to have doping under medical control, i.e. open doping, prescribed by doctors with collection of reliable information about effects and side-effects. A game-theoretic argument is developed showing that this positive scenario is very unlikely to be instantiated given reasonable assumptions about the motivation of sportspersons and sports doctors. It is furthermore shown that the standard arguments against the current ban on doping (...)
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    Søren Kierkegaards historiefilosofi.Søren Holm - 1952 - København,: B. Lunos bogtr..
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    After Cologne: male circumcision and the law. Parental right, religious liberty or criminal assault?Reinhard Merkel & Holm Putzke - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (7):444-449.
    Non-therapeutic circumcision violates boys’ right to bodily integrity as well as to self-determination. There is neither any verifiable medical advantage connected with the intervention nor is it painless nor without significant risks. Possible negative consequences for the psychosexual development of circumcised boys (due to substantial loss of highly erogenous tissue) have not yet been sufficiently explored, but appear to ensue in a significant number of cases. According to standard legal criteria, these considerations would normally entail that the operation be deemed (...)
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    What is wrong with compliance?S. Holm - 1993 - Journal of Medical Ethics 19 (2):108-110.
    Non-compliance is a label often used about patients who do not follow therapeutic advice. This paper analyses the notion of compliance, and tries to show that this notion is inextricably bound to a paternalistic conception of the doctor-patient relationship. It is proposed that we should perhaps not talk so much about the non-compliant patient, but instead shift the focus towards the non-compliant doctor.
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    HOLBERG, GRUNDTVIG, KIERKEGAARD, drei dänische Denker.Sören Holm - 1965 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 7 (1):49-61.
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    The Contemporary Grundtvig.Anders Holm - 2005 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 2005 (1):24-36.
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    Three reasons why a global market in pharmaceutical products is inherently unjust.Søren Holm - 2000 - Journal of Social Philosophy 31 (4):391–400.
  12.  30
    Physical Enhancement: what Baseline, Whose Judgment?Søren Holm & Mike McNamee - 2011 - In Julian Savulescu, Ruud ter Meulen & Guy Kahane, Enhancing Human Capacities. Blackwell. pp. 291–303.
    This chapter analyzes the ethical issues that arise in the context of the use of physical enhancement techniques, i.e.techniques that aim at enhancing one or more physical functions of human beings. First, it discusses the different types of physical enhancement and points doping in sports is only a minor part of the whole enhancement field. Considerable attention is devoted to enhancement in sports, primarily because of the extensive extant literature. Then, the chapter moves on to problematize the concept of enhancement. (...)
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  13. Reflections on the ethical dilemmas involved in promoting self-management.Anne Lise Holm & Elisabeth Severinsson - 2014 - Nursing Ethics 21 (4):0969733013500806.
    Due to their understanding of self-management, healthcare team members responsible for depressed older persons can experience an ethical dilemma. Each team member contributes important knowledge and experience pertaining to the management of depression, which should be reflected in the management plan. The aim of this study was to explore healthcare team members’ reflections on the ethical dilemmas involved in promoting self-management among depressed older persons. A qualitative design was used and data were collected by means of focus group interviews. The (...)
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  14.  90
    The expressivist objection to prenatal diagnosis: can it be laid to rest?S. Holm - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (1):24-25.
    Tom Shakespeare’s book Disability rights and wrongs is very rich and interesting and ought to be compulsory reading for anyone interested in the relation between disability and medical ethics.1In my short contribution to this symposium on the book, I will focus on a particular aspect of his discussion of prenatal diagnosis and termination of pregnancy.In chapter 6 of Disability rights and wrongs, a chapter entitled Questioning prenatal diagnosis, the author discusses a wide range of issues concerning the relation between disability (...)
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    Organism and artifact: Proper functions in Paley organisms.Sune Holm - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 44 (4b):706-713.
    In this paper I assess the explanatory powers of theories of function in the context of products that may result from synthetic biology. The aim is not to develop a new theory of functions, but to assess existing theories of function in relation to a new kind of biological and artifactual entity that might be produced in the not-too-distant future by means of synthetic biology. The paper thus investigates how to conceive of the functional nature of living systems that are (...)
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  16. Arthur Schopenhauer. Vortrag in Danmarks Radio am 21. September 1960.Søren Holm - 1961 - Schopenhauer Jahrbuch:94-100.
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    Hans-Georg Gadamer on mental illness — A critical review.Søren Holm - 1998 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 1 (3):275-277.
  18. Religionsphilosophie.Sören Holm - 1961 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 16 (4):453-454.
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  19.  93
    Can the written information to research subjects be improved?--an empirical study.E. Bjorn, P. Rossel & S. Holm - 1999 - Journal of Medical Ethics 25 (3):263-267.
    OBJECTIVES: To study whether linguistic analysis and changes in information leaflets can improve readability and understanding. DESIGN: Randomised, controlled study. Two information leaflets concerned with trials of drugs for conditions/diseases which are commonly known were modified, and the original was tested against the revised version. SETTING: Denmark. PARTICIPANTS: 235 persons in the relevant age groups. MAIN MEASURES: Readability and understanding of contents. RESULTS: Both readability and understanding of contents was improved: readability with regard to both information leaflets and understanding with (...)
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  20. Brain-Machine Interfaces and Personal Responsibility for Action - Maybe Not As Complicated After All.Søren Holm & Teck Chuan Voo - 2011 - Studies in Ethics, Law, and Technology 4 (3).
    This comment responds to Kevin Warwick’s article on predictability and responsibility with respect to brain-machine interfaces in action. It compares conventional responsibility for device use with the potential consequences of phenomenological human-machine integration which obscures the causal chain of an act. It explores two senses of “responsibility”: 1) when it is attributed to a person, suggesting the morally important way in which the person is a causal agent, and 2) when a person is accountable and, on the basis of fairness (...)
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    The blastocyst transfer method cannot rescue human embryonic stem cell research.Søoren Holm - 2005 - American Journal of Bioethics 5 (6):20 – 21.
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  22. New horizons.Frederick Cyril Gill - 1942 - Nashville,: Abingdon-Cokesbury press.
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  23. Informed consent and routinisation.Thomas Ploug & Soren Holm - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (4):214-218.
    This article introduces the notion of ‘routinisation’ into discussions of informed consent. It is argued that the routinisation of informed consent poses a threat to the protection of the personal autonomy of a patient through the negotiation of informed consent. On the basis of a large survey, we provide evidence of the routinisation of informed consent in various types of interaction on the internet; among these, the routinisation of consent to the exchange of health related information. We also provide evidence (...)
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    How Many Lay Members Can You Have in Your IRB?: An Overview of the Danish System.Søren Holm - 1992 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 14 (6):8.
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  25.  48
    Justifying patient self-management – evidence based medicine or the primacy of the first person perspective.Søren Holm - 2005 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 8 (2):159-164.
    Patient self-management programs have become increasingly popular and are now also receiving official endorsements. This paper analyses two possible types of positive justifications for promoting patient self-management: evidence-based and patient-centred justifications. It is argued that evidence-based justifications, although important politically are deficient and that the primary justification for patient self-management must be a patient-centred justification focusing on the patient’s privileged access to his or her own lived body.
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    Lectures and Conversations on Aesthetics, Psychology and Religious Belief.Ludwig Wittgenstein & Cyril Barrett - 1968 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 26 (4):554-557.
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  27.  37
    The peaceable pluralistic society and the question of persons.Soren Holm - 1988 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 13 (4):379-386.
    In his recent book The Foundation of Bioethics , H. Tristam Engelhardt Jr. advances the idea of a peaceable pluralist moral society based on principles of autonomy, beneficience, and ownership. This paper tries to show that unless there is one and only one rationally sustainable definition of "a person", then the peaceable society cannot remain peaceable, but will be stirred up by groups with different and equally rational definitions. The paper further tries to show that Engelhardt's own definition of "a (...)
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  28.  47
    Bioethics down under--medical ethics engages with political philosophy.S. Holm - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (1):1-1.
    Philosophers should be wary of using the methods they use in philosophy when engaging in discussions about policy makingThe beginning of November last year was a busy time in the bioethics calendar with four conferences taking place in New Zealand and Australia. The Fifth International Conference on Priorities in Health Care took place in Wellington; the Fifth Feminist Approaches to Bioethics congress, the Seventh World Congress of Bioethics, and the meeting of the Australasian Bioethics Association were all in Sydney.One of (...)
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  29. The Greeks on pleasure.Justin Cyril Bertrand Gosling & Christopher Charles Whiston Taylor - 1982 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by C. C. W. Taylor.
    Provides a critical and analytical history of ancient Greek theories on the nature of pleasure, and of its value and rolein human lfie, from the ealriest times down to the period of Epicurus and the early Stoics.
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  30. (1 other version)The definition of good.Alfred Cyril Ewing - 1979 - Westport, Conn.: Hyperion Press.
    First published in Great Britain in 1948, this book examines the definition of goodness as being distinct from the question of What things are good? Although less immediately and obviously practical, Dr. Ewing argues that the former question is more fundamental since it raises the issue of whether ethics is explicable wholly in terms of something else, for example, human psychology. Ewing states in his preface that the definition of goodness needs to be confirmed before one decides on the place (...)
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  31. Teleological organisation.Sune Holm & John Basl - 2017 - Synthese 194 (4):1027-1029.
  32.  69
    If You Have Said A, You Must Also Say B: Is This Always True?Søren Holm - 2004 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 13 (2):179-184.
    “Dissecting Bioethics,” edited by Tuija Takala and Matti Häyry, welcomes contributions on the conceptual and theoretical dimensions of bioethics.The section is dedicated to the idea that words defined by bioethicists and others should not be allowed to imprison people's actual concerns, emotions, and thoughts. Papers that expose the many meanings of a concept, describe the different readings of a moral doctrine, or provide an alternative angle to seemingly self-evident issues are therefore particularly appreciated.The themes covered in the section so far (...)
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  33. On Occasion of the public Defence of the Dissertation: Thought in image Sren Kierkegaard's poetics.Isak Winkel Holm - 1999 - Kierkegaardiana 20:139-148.
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    Preface.Nils G. Holm - 1997 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 22 (1):11-13.
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    World-View and Personality.Nils G. Holm, Kaj Bjcsrkqvist & Barbara Bergbom - 1994 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 21 (1):185-207.
  36.  42
    Der Glaube an die Wissenschaften und der methodische Atheismus – Zur religiösen Dialektik der wissenschaftlich-technischen Zivilisation.Holm Tetens - 2013 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 55 (3):271-283.
    Zusammenfassung In der wissenschaftlich-technischen Zivilisation verbindet sich ein Glaube an die Realitätsbeschreibung durch die Wissenschaften mit der Hoffnung auf eine ungehemmte Verbesserung der Welt mit Hilfe einer wissenschaftsbasierten Technik. Der Aufsatz versucht herauszuarbeiten, wie diese Verbindung wesentlich einen methodischen Atheismus und ein Projekt der Selbsterlösung des Menschen einschließt und wie dadurch der Glaube an die Wissenschaften und die Weltverbesserungshoffnung in eine dialektische Spannung zueinander geraten, die in ihrer Tiefendimension religiös ist.
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  37. Free speech, democracy, and eugenics.S. Holm - 2004 - Journal of Medical Ethics 30 (6):519 - 519.
    Attempts to stifle debate in medical ethics must be strongly resistedOn 30 September and 1 October this year a conference on “Ethics, Science and Moral Philosophy of Assisted Human Reproduction” was held at the Royal Society in London. The conference was organised by the German philosopher Edgar Dahl and the eminent embryologist Robert Edwards, and the speakers included scientists, IVF practitioners, and philosophers from the UK, the USA, Europe, and Australia Because the programme included discussion of preimplantation genetic diagnosis and (...)
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  38. The effect of first written language on the acquisition of English literacy.Alison Holm & Barbara Dodd - 1996 - Cognition 59 (2):119-147.
    The relationship between first and second language literacy was examined by identifying the skills and processes developed in the first language that were transferred to the second language. The performance of 40 university students from The People's Republic of China, Hong Kong, Vietnam and Australia were compared on a series of tasks that assessed phonological awareness and reading and spelling skills in English. The results indicated that the Hong Kong students (with non-alphabetic first language literacy) had limited phonological awareness compared (...)
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  39. Not just autonomy--the principles of American biomedical ethics.S. Holm - 1995 - Journal of Medical Ethics 21 (6):332-338.
    The Principles of Biomedical Ethics by Tom L Beauchamp and James F Childress which is now in its fourth edition has had a great influence on the development of bioethics through its exposition of a theory based on the four principles: respect for autonomy; non-maleficence; beneficence, and justice (1). The theory is developed as a common-morality theory, and the present paper attempts to show how this approach, starting from American common-morality, leads to an underdevelopment of beneficence and justice, and that (...)
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    Review article – I want to live forever – A review of "Aging, Death and Human Longevity: A Philosophical Inquiry".Søren Holm - 2004 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 7 (1):105-107.
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    The Child as Organ and Tissue Donor: Discussions in the Danish Council of Ethics.Søren Holm - 2004 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 13 (2):156-160.
    At the end of 1999 the Danish Council of Ethics published a report on organ and tissue donation from living donors. The report focused on kidney and bone marrow transplantations, as these are presently the most common transplantations from live donors. During the work on the report, it became clear to the Council that, apart from problems concerning coercion and commercialization that affected both adult and child donors, by far the largest ethical problems occurred in donations from children.
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  42.  56
    The lived body of the psychosomatic patient.Søren Holm - 2000 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 3 (1):77-80.
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  43. Accountability for Reasonableness: Opening the Black Box of Process.Andreas Hasman & Søren Holm - 2005 - Health Care Analysis 13 (4):261-273.
    Norman Daniels' and James Sabin's theory of “accountability for reasonableness” (A4R) is a much discussed account of due process for decision-making on health care priority setting. Central to the theory is the acceptance that people may justifiably disagree on what reasons it is relevant to consider when priorities are made, but that there is a core set of reasons, that all centre on fairness, on which there will be no disagreement. A4R is designed as an institutional decision process which will (...)
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    The right to refuse diagnostics and treatment planning by artificial intelligence.Thomas Ploug & Søren Holm - 2020 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 23 (1):107-114.
    In an analysis of artificially intelligent systems for medical diagnostics and treatment planning we argue that patients should be able to exercise a right to withdraw from AI diagnostics and treatment planning for reasons related to (1) the physician’s role in the patients’ formation of and acting on personal preferences and values, (2) the bias and opacity problem of AI systems, and (3) rational concerns about the future societal effects of introducing AI systems in the health care sector.
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    Authenticity, Best Interest, and Clinical Nudging.Søren Holm - 2017 - Hastings Center Report 47 (2):38-40.
    In this issue of the Hastings Center Report, Moti Gorin, Steven Joffe, Neal Dickert, and Scott Halpern offer a comprehensive defense of the use of nudging techniques in the clinical context, with the aim of promoting the best interests of patients. Their argument is built on three important claims: Nudging is ubiquitous and inescapable in clinical choice situations, and there is no neutral way of informing patients about their treatment choices; many patients do not have authentic preferences concerning their treatment (...)
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  46.  24
    Introduction: Mapping the Moving Dimensions of Heritage.Sonia Catrina & Cyril Isnart - 2014 - Cultura 11 (2):7-17.
  47.  15
    From reason to practice in bioethics: an anthology dedicated to the works of John Harris.John Coggon, Sarah Chan, Søren Holm, Thomasine Kimbrough Kushner & John Harris (eds.) - 2015 - Manchester: Manchester University Press.
    From reason to practice in bioethics brings together original contributions from some of the world's leading scholars in the field of bioethics. With a particular focus on, and critical engagement with, the influential work of Professor John Harris, the book provides a detailed exploration of some of the most interesting and challenging philosophical and practical questions raised in bioethics.
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    Ethik: eine Einführung.Alfred Cyril Ewing - 2014 - Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag. Edited by Bernd Goebel.
    Leicht verständliche Einführung in Fragestellungen und Probleme der Ethik und Metaethik von dem Antipoden Wittgensteins in dessen Cambridger Zeit. – Ewings Buch erfuhr im englischen Original zehn Auflagen und erscheint hier zum ersten Mal auf Deutsch. - Wenn ein Philosoph (wie in Cambridge in den 1940er-Jahren geschehen) öffentlich bezweifelt, dass sein Universitätskollege überhaupt »einen Geist besitze« und dessen ethische Theoreme mit einer »aus drei Stücken Matsch« geformten Kugel vergleicht, sein Gegner hingegen vor Studenten bekennt, dass er kein Wort von dem (...)
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  49. The challenges of open source software in IT adoption: Enterprise architecture versus total cost of ownership.Michael Holm Larsen, Jesper Holck & Mogens Kühn Pedersen - forthcoming - Iris’27.
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    Correction to: Biobanks and Individual Health Related Findings: from an Obstacle to an Incentive.Jurate Lekstutiene, Søren Holm & Eugenijus Gefenas - 2021 - Science and Engineering Ethics 27 (6):1-2.
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