Results for 'Cynthia Aalders'

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  1.  17
    Faith, family, and memory in the diaries of Jane Attwater, 1766–1834.Cynthia Aalders - 2017 - Angelaki 22 (1):153-162.
    The manuscript diary of Jane Attwater, an earnestly religious woman from a village near Salisbury in England, offers valuable insight into how women's so-called “private” writings were crucial in preserving familial and community history and in contributing to the production of religious culture. Written regularly between the ages of twelve and eighty-one, Attwater's diary is the most extensive diary written by a nonconformist woman in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The text itself is an extraordinary record of her own religious (...)
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    Academic Integrity in the Information Age: Virtues of Respect and Responsibility.Tracy S. Manly, Lori N. K. Leonard & Cynthia K. Riemenschneider - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 127 (3):579-590.
    This study examines business students’ ethical awareness for two virtues needed to maintain academic integrity, respect, and responsibility. Using the multidimensional ethics survey, five dimensions were measured for six scenarios representing student behaviors using Information Technology . The results indicate that students are ethically aware in respect situations, but are more neutral in responsibility situations. Of the five ethical dimensions, moral equity and relativism appear to be the strongest influences in academic integrity scenarios utilizing IT. This study provides guidance for (...)
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  3. Can an agent's false belief be corrected by an appropriate communication? Psychological reasoning in 18-month-old infants.Cynthia Fisher Hyun-joo Song, Kristine H. Onishi, Renée Baillargeon - 2008 - Cognition 109 (3):295.
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    Toward a Theoretical Framework of Corporate Social Irresponsibility: Clarifying the Gray Zones Between Responsibility and Irresponsibility.María Iborra, Marta Riera & Cynthia E. Clark - 2022 - Business and Society 61 (6):1473-1511.
    In this conceptual article, we argue that defining corporate social responsibility and corporate social irresponsibility as opposite constructs produces a lack of clarity between responsible and irresponsible acts. Furthermore, we contend that the treatment of the CSR and CSI concepts as opposites de-emphasizes the value of CSI as a stand-alone construct. Thus, we reorient the CSI discussion to include multiple aspects that current conceptualizations have not adequately accommodated. We provide an in-depth exploration of how researchers define CSI and both identify (...)
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    A content analysis of ethical policy statements regarding marketing activities.Robert E. Hite, Joseph A. Bellizzi & Cynthia Fraser - 1988 - Journal of Business Ethics 7 (10):771 - 776.
    Many large corporations now have written codes of ethics to guide the business/marketing activities of employees. The purpose of this study was to determine the frequency and types of topics which are covered in the ethics policy statements of large U.S. corporations. The results indicated that the topics covered most often (respectively) were: misuse of funds/improper accounting, conflicts of interest, political contributions, and confidential information. It is concluded that in addition to written ethics policy statements, top management should communicate ethical (...)
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    A functional analysis of common and bizarre visual mediators.Philip H. Marshall, Kathy Nau & Cynthia K. Chandler - 1980 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 15 (6):375-377.
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    A structural analysis of common and bizarre visual mediators.Philip H. Marshall, Kathy L. Nau & Cynthia K. Chandler - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 14 (2):103-105.
  8.  54
    Can infants attribute to an agent a disposition to perform a particular action?Hyun-joo Song, Renée Baillargeon & Cynthia Fisher - 2005 - Cognition 98 (2):B45-B55.
  9.  31
    Herstory as an Important Force in Bioethics.Stephen Sodeke, Faith E. Fletcher, Virginia A. Brown, John R. Stone, Cynthia B. Wilson, Tené Hamilton Franklin, Charmaine D. M. Royal & Vence L. Bonham - 2022 - Hastings Center Report 52 (S1):83-88.
    Hastings Center Report, Volume 52, Issue S1, Page S83-S88, March‐April 2022.
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    Between Women of Color: The New Social Organization of Reproductive Labor.Patricia Roach, Valerie Damasco, Lolita Lledo, Cynthia Cranford & Jennifer Nazareno - 2022 - Gender and Society 36 (3):342-367.
    In this article, we examine citizenship inequalities in paid reproductive labor. Through an analysis of elder care in Los Angeles, California, based on interviews with Filipina home care agency workers and owners, we delineate citizen divisions made up of two interlocking dimensions. The longstanding U.S. welfare state abdication of responsibility for elder care for its citizens generates a racialized, gendered citizenship division that facilitates another citizenship division between women of color. The outsourcing of elder care by the government to the (...)
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    Reporting of Ethical Issues in Indian Physiotherapy Journals.S. Srikesavan Sabapathy, Kamal Janakiraman, C. Cynthia Swarnalatha & M. Ayyanar - 2009 - Asian Bioethics Review 1 (4):417-425.
  12.  22
    COVID-19 Ethics Debrief: Pearls and Pitfalls of a Hub and Spoke Model.Anita J. Tarzian, Toby Schonfeld, Kenneth A. Berkowitz & Cynthia M. A. Geppert - 2022 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 33 (1):63-68.
    A hub and spoke model offers an effective and efficient approach to providing informed guidance to those who need it. The National Center for Ethics in Health Care (NCEHC) at the Veterans Health Administration, Department of Veterans Affairs, is the largest known hub and spoke healthcare ethics delivery model. In this article, we describe ways NCEHC’s hub and spoke configuration succeeded during the COVID- 19 pandemic, as well as limitations of the model and possible improvements to inform adoption at other (...)
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    Online Sentence Comprehension in PPA: Verb-Based Integration and Prediction.Mack Jennifer, Gutierrez Stephanie, Mesulam M.-Marsel & Thompson Cynthia - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    A scoping review of the perceptions of death in the context of organ donation and transplantation.Ian Kerridge, Cameron Stewart, Linda Sheahan, Lisa O’Reilly, Michael J. O’Leary, Cynthia Forlini, Dianne Walton-Sonda, Anil Ramnani & George Skowronski - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-20.
    BackgroundSocio-cultural perceptions surrounding death have profoundly changed since the 1950s with development of modern intensive care and progress in solid organ transplantation. Despite broad support for organ transplantation, many fundamental concepts and practices including brain death, organ donation after circulatory death, and some antemortem interventions to prepare for transplantation continue to be challenged. Attitudes toward the ethical issues surrounding death and organ donation may influence support for and participation in organ donation but differences between and among diverse populations have not (...)
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    A Preliminary Investigation Comparing Academic Locus of Control and Perceived Quality of Academic Life across College Students with and without Disabilities.Amy L. Skinner, Lee Ann R. Rawlins & Cynthia Hughes - 2010 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 25 (1):9-16.
    In the current study we compared academic locus of control (ALoC) and perceived quality of academic life (PQAL) across three groups of university students: those without disabilities, those with attention deficit disorder or learning disabilities (ADD-LD), and those with other disabilities. Results showed no significant differences in ALoC scores, with each group reporting an internal ALoC. However, students with other disabilities (e.g., sensory, motor, chronic health, and/or mental health) reported significantly lower satisfaction with their overall quality of academic life than (...)
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    Reply to Cynthia Macdonald.Cynthia Macdonald - 1999 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 59 (3):739-745.
    What is introspective know ledge of one’s own intentional states like? This paper aims to make plausible the view that certain cases of self-knowledge, namely the cogito-type ones, are enough like perception to count as cases of quasi-observation. To this end it considers the highly influential arguments developed by Sydney Shoemaker in his recent Royce Lectures. These present the most formidable challenge to the view that certain cases of self-knowledge are quasi-observational and so deserve detailed examination. Shoemaker’s arguments are directed (...)
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  17.  6
    Uproarious: How Feminists and Other Comic Subversives Speak Truth.Cynthia Willett - 2019 - Minneapolis: University of Minnesota.
    A radical new approach to humor, where traditional targets become its agents Humor is often dismissed as cruel ridicule or harmless fun. But what if laughter is a vital force to channel rage against patriarchy, Islamophobia, mass incarceration? To create moments of empathy and dialogue between #Black Lives Matter and the police? These and other such questions are at the heart of this powerful reassessment of humor. Placing theorists in conversation with comedians, Uproarious offers a full-frontal approach to the very (...)
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  18.  14
    Music and the French Enlightenment: Rameau and the Philosophes in Dialogue.Cynthia Verba - 2016 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Around the middle of the eighteenth century, the leading figures of the French Enlightenment engaged in a philosophical debate about the nature of music. The principal participants-Rousseau, Diderot, and d'Alembert-were responding to the views of the composer-theorist Jean-Philippe Rameau, who was both a participant and increasingly a subject of controversy. The discussion centered upon three different events occurring roughly simultaneously. The first was Rameau's formulation of the principle of the fundamental bass, which explained the structure of chords and their progression. (...)
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    Interview: Cynthia Imogen Hammond and Marc Lafrance on Drawings for a Thicker Skin.Marc Lafrance & Cynthia Hammond - 2018 - Body and Society 24 (1-2):210-224.
    In this interview, Cynthia Hammond sits down with Marc Lafrance in order to discuss the 30-year sketching practice that led to her exhibition, Drawings for a Thicker Skin, in 2012. In this practice, Hammond made small, quick drawings of the clothes she would need for trips or key professional events. As she explains, the drawings were not just essential to knowing what to pack; they were essential to being able to pack. While she never conceived of the practice as (...)
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  20. Mensen en machten.Gerhard Jean Daniël Aalders - 1954 - Kampen,: J.H. Kok.
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  21. Gong guo ge: Ming Qing she hui de dao de zhi xu = Ledgers of merit and demerit: social change and moral order in late imperial China.Cynthia Joanne Brokaw - 1999 - Hangzhou: Zhejiang ren min chu ban she. Edited by Zhengzhen Du & Lin Zhang.
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  22. Horror and natural evil in The plague.Cynthia A. Freeland - 2023 - In Peg Brand Weiser, Camus's _The Plague_: Philosophical Perspectives. New York, US: Oxford University Press.
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  23.  38
    The Soul of Justice: Social Bonds and Racial Hubris.Cynthia Willett - 2018 - Cornell University Press.
    Cynthia Willett brings together diverse insights from social psychology, classical and contemporary literature, and legal and justice theory to redefine the basis of the moral and legal person. Feminists, communitarians, and postmodern thinkers have made clear that classical liberalism, with its emphasis on individual autonomy and excessive rationalism, is severely limited. Although she is sympathetic with the liberal view, Willett finds it necessary to go further. For her, attention to the social dimensions of the family and civil society is (...)
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  24. Language acquisition.Cynthia Fisher & Lila R. Gleitman - 2002 - In J. Wixted & H. Pashler, Stevens' Handbook of Experimental Psychology. Wiley.
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  25.  53
    (1 other version)Varieties of Things: Foundations of Contemporary Metaphysics.Cynthia MacDonald - 2005 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    _Varieties of Things: Foundations of Contemporary Metaphysics_ is about some of the most fundamental kinds of things that there are; the things that we encounter in everyday experience. A book about the things that we encounter in everyday experience. Contains a thorough and accessible discussion of the nature and aims of metaphysics. Examines a wide range of ontological categories, including both particulars and universals. Mounts a forceful and persuasive case for anti-reductionism.
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  26. Pragmatism and the Importance of Interdisciplinary Teams in Investigating Personality Changes Following DBS.Cynthia S. Kubu, Paul J. Ford, Joshua A. Wilt, Amanda R. Merner, Michelle Montpetite, Jaclyn Zeigler & Eric Racine - 2019 - Neuroethics 14 (1):95-105.
    Gilbert and colleagues point out the discrepancy between the limited empirical data illustrating changes in personality following implantation of deep brain stimulating electrodes and the vast number of conceptual neuroethics papers implying that these changes are widespread, deleterious, and clinically significant. Their findings are reminiscent of C. P. Snow’s essay on the divide between the two cultures of the humanities and the sciences. This division in the literature raises significant ethical concerns surrounding unjustified fear of personality changes in the context (...)
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  27. Introduction.Cynthia Macdonald & Graham Macdonald - 2010 - In Graham Macdonald & Cynthia Macdonald, Emergence in mind. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  28. Mind-Body Identity Theories.Cynthia Macdonald - 1989 - New York: Routledge.
    Chapter One The most plausible arguments for the identity of mind and body that have been advanced in this century have been for the identity of mental ...
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  29.  19
    Understanding the inequality problematic: From scholarly rhetoric to theoretical reconstruction.Cynthia D. Anderson - 1996 - Gender and Society 10 (6):729-746.
    Research in the area of inequality has not been accompanied by the development of inclusive theory. Despite a growing knowledge base, we are lacking a comparably strong understanding of how gender, race, and class operate simultaneously. In part because of specialization within the discipline, sociologists' call for the analysis of gender, race, and class is largely rhetorical. Any effort to remedy these limitations requires a return to fundamental assumptions. Especially important in this regard is that researchers explore mechanisms that produce (...)
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    Interoceptive Awareness Skills for Emotion Regulation: Theory and Approach of Mindful Awareness in Body-Oriented Therapy.Cynthia J. Price & Carole Hooven - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Political thought in Hellenistic times.Gerhard Jean Daniël Aalders - 1975 - Amsterdam: A. M. Hakkert.
  32.  12
    Historische periodisering in de oudheid.Gerhard Jean Daniël Aalders - 1986 - New York: Noord-Hollandsche Uitg. Mij..
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  33.  14
    Responsibility.Cynthia Amoroso - 2017 - New York, NY: AV2 by Weigl. Edited by Emma Thompson.
    Responsibility is a duty or a job. If you are responsible for something, it means no one else will do it for you."--Back cover.
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    Applying Dialogic Pedagogy: A Case Study of Discussion-Based Teaching.Cynthia Z. Cohen - 2018 - Lexington Books.
    This case study of discussion-based teaching finds improvements in student concentration; scaffolding towards higher critical thinking; inclusion of non-traditional learning styles; and reduction of student absenteeism. However, this study did not find effective socialization in discussion-based disciplinary methods.
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  35. Ethical foundations of substance abuse treatment.Cynthia M. A. Geppert & Laura Weiss Roberts - 2008 - In Cynthia M. A. Geppert & Laura Weiss Roberts, The book of ethics: expert guidance for professionals who treat addiction. Center City, Minn.: Hazelden.
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  36. Proposed frailties of courage and related interventions.Cynthia L. S. Pury - 2013 - In Ronald J. Burke, Human frailties: wrong choices on the drive to success. Burlington: Gower Publishing.
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  37. Pluralidad india.Cynthia Salom - 2008 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 53:9-11.
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    Disclosure Strategies.Cynthia Clark Williams - 2005 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 16:234-239.
    This paper explores the effect of structurally enacted governance, such as board membership rules, versus process enacted governance, such as disclosure practices, on investor trust. Certain organizational factors are proposed due to their ability to inform trust propensity and transparency enactment. Regulatory oversight, organizational structure and investor salience are considered in light of their effect on relational and transactional approaches to a company’s investors.
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    Of Women Borne: A Literary Ethics of Suffering.Cynthia R. Wallace - 2016 - Cambridge University Press.
    The literature of Adrienne Rich, Toni Morrison, Ana Castillo, and Chimamanda Adichie teaches a risky, self-giving way of reading that brings home the dangers and the possibilities of suffering as an ethical good. Working the thought of feminist theologians and philosophers into an analysis of these women's writings, Cynthia R. Wallace crafts a literary ethics attentive to the paradoxes of critique and re-vision, universality and particularity, reading in suffering a redemptive or redeemable reality.
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    Disaggregating deliberation's effects: an experiment within a deliberative poll.Cynthia Farrar, James S. Fishkin, Donald P. Green, Christian List, Robert C. Luskin & Elizabeth Levy Paluck - 2010 - British Journal of Political Science 40 (2):333-347.
    Using data from a randomized field experiment within a Deliberative Poll, this paper examines deliberation’s effects on both policy attitudes and the extent to which ordinal rankings of policy options approach single-peakedness (a help in avoiding cyclical majorities). The setting was New Haven, Connecticut, and its surrounding towns; the issues were airport expansion and revenue sharing – the former highly salient, the latter not at all. Half the participants deliberated revenue sharing, then the airport; the other half the reverse. This (...)
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    Practical Experience in Anatomy.Cynthia Klestinec - 2010 - In Charles T. Wolfe & Ofer Gal, The Body as Object and Instrument of Knowledge: Embodied Empiricism in Early Modern Science. Springer. pp. 33--57.
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    What Genomic Sequencing Can Offer Universal Newborn Screening Programs.Cynthia M. Powell - 2018 - Hastings Center Report 48 (S2):18-19.
    Massively parallel sequencing, also known as next‐generation sequencing, has the potential to significantly improve newborn screening programs in the United States and around the world. Compared to genetic tests whose use is well established, sequencing allows for the analysis of large amounts of DNA, providing more comprehensive and rapid results at a lower cost. It is already being used in limited ways by some public health newborn screening laboratories in the United States and other countries—and it is under study for (...)
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  43.  56
    Maternal Ethics and Other Slave Moralities.Cynthia Willett - 1995 - New York: Routledge.
    In ____Maternal Ethics and Other Slave Moralities__ which includes the first extended philosophical discussion of the works of Frederick Douglass, Cynthia Willett puts forward a novel theory of ethical subjectivity that is aimed to counter prevailing pathologies of sexist, racist Eurocentric culture. Weaving together accounts of the self drawn from African-American and European philosophies, psychoanalysis, slave narratives and sociology, Willett interrogates what Hegel locates as the core of the self: the desire for.
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    Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad in Conversation with Bruce Janz, Jessica Locke, and Cynthia Willett.Bruce B. Janz, Jessica Locke, Cynthia Willett & Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad - 2019 - Journal of World Philosophies 4 (2):124-153.
    Bruce Janz, Jessica Locke, and Cynthia Willett interact in this exchange with different aspects of Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad’s book Human Being, Bodily Being. Through “constructive inter-cultural thinking”, they seek to engage with Ram-Prasad’s “lower-case p” phenomenology, which exemplifies “how to think otherwise about the nature and role of bodiliness in human experience”. This exchange, which includes Ram-Prasad’s reply to their interventions, pushes the reader to reflect more about different aspects of bodiliness.
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  45. Gaslighting, Misogyny, and Psychological Oppression.Cynthia A. Stark - 2019 - The Monist 102 (2):221-235.
    This paper develops a notion of manipulative gaslighting, which is designed to capture something not captured by epistemic gaslighting, namely the intent to undermine women by denying their testimony about harms done to them by men. Manipulative gaslighting, I propose, consists in getting someone to doubt her testimony by challenging its credibility using two tactics: “sidestepping” and “displacing”. I explain how manipulative gaslighting is distinct from reasonable disagreement, with which it is sometimes confused. I also argue for three further claims: (...)
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    Believing thinking, bounded theology: the theological methodology of Emil Brunner.Cynthia Bennett Brown - 2015 - Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications.
    If theology at its best is knowing God and all things in the light of his reality, what is the nature of that knowledge? Of what can we be sure? Are there boundaries we must respect in pursuit of such understanding? To what extent can we know God, and what is the impact of that knowing? Little attention has been given in recent scholarship to the work of Emil Brunner (1889-1966), a Swiss pastor, professor, missionary, and theologian whose name is (...)
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    Philosophy of the Film: Epistemology, Ontology, Aesthetics.Cynthia Rostankowski - 1989 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 47 (4):384-385.
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    Dialogical Breakdown and Covid-19: Solidarity and Disagreement in a Shared World.Cynthia R. Nielsen & David Liakos - 2020 - Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2020:1-12.
    This article considers the limitations, but also the insights, of Gadamerian hermeneutics for understanding and responding to the crisis precipitated by the Covid-19 pandemic. Our point of departure is the experience of deep disagreements amid the pandemic, and our primary example is ongoing debates in the United States about wearing masks. We argue that, during this dire situation, interpersonal mutual understanding is insufficient for resolving such bitter disputes. Rather, following Gadamer’s account of our dialogical experience with an artwork, we suggest (...)
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  49. Evidence of Macroscopic Quantum Phenomena and Conscious Reality Selection.Cynthia Sue Larson - 2014 - Cosmos and History 10 (1):34-47.
    The purpose of this paper is to present an overview of emergent examples of macroscopic quantum phenomena. While quantum theory asserts that such quantum behaviors as superposition, entanglement, and coherence are possible for all objects, assumptions that quantum processes operate exclusively within the quantum realm have contributed to on-going bias toward presumed primacy of classical physics in the macroscopic realm. Non-trivial quantum macroscopic effects are now recognized in the fields of biology, quantum physics, quantum computing, quantum astronomy, and neuroscience, with (...)
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    Introspection.Cynthia Macdonald - 2007 - In Brian McLaughlin, Ansgar Beckermann & Sven Walter, The Oxford handbook of philosophy of mind. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 741-766.
    ‘Introspection’ is a term used by philosophers to refer to a special method or means by which one comes to know certain of one's own mental states; specifically, one's current conscious states. It derives from the Latin ‘spicere’, meaning ‘look’, and ‘intra’, meaning ‘within’; introspection is a process of looking inward. Introspectionist accounts of self-knowledge fall within the broader domain of theories of self-knowledge, understood as views about the nature of and basis for one's knowledge of one's own mental states, (...)
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