Results for 'Cristina Acedo-Carmona'

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  1.  72
    Trust matters: a cross-cultural comparison of Northern Ghana and Oaxaca groups.Cristina Acedo-Carmona & Antoni Gomila - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:126593.
    A cross-cultural analysis of trust and cooperation networks in Northern Ghana (NGHA) and Oaxaca (OAX) was carried out by means of ego networks and interviews. These regions were chosen because both are inhabited by several ethnic groups, thus providing a good opportunity to test the cultural group selection hypothesis. Against the predictions of this approach, we found that in both regions cooperation is grounded in personal trust groups, and that social cohesion depends on these emotional bonds. Moreover, in agreement with (...)
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    Testing the cultural group selection hypothesis in Northern Ghana and Oaxaca.Cristina Acedo-Carmona & Antoni Gomila - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39.
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    Direct Experience While Eating in a Sample With Eating Disorders and Obesity.Joaquim Soler, Ausiàs Cebolla, Matilde Elices, Daniel Campos, Ginés Llorca, David Martínez-Rubio, Cristina Martínez-Brotóns, Mercedes Jorquera, Xavier Allirot, Cristina Carmona, Verónica Guillen, Cristina Botella & Rosa M. Baños - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    RESEÑA de : Racionero Carmona, Quintín. La inquietud en el barro : lecciones de historia de la filosofía antigua y medieval. Vol. I : El espíritu griego. Madrid : Dykinson, 2010. [REVIEW]Cristina García Santos - 2011 - Endoxa 27:379.
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    Environmentally sustainable development and use of artificial intelligence in health care.Cristina Richie - 2022 - Bioethics 36 (5):547-555.
    Bioethics, Volume 36, Issue 5, Page 547-555, June 2022.
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    Conceptual Roles of Evolvability across Evolutionary Biology: Between Diversity and Unification.Cristina Villegas, Alan C. Love, Laura Nuño de la Rosa, Ingo Brigandt & Günter P. Wagner - 2023 - In Thomas F. Hansen, David Houle, Mihaela Pavlicev & Christophe Pélabon (eds.), Evolvability: A Unifying Concept in Evolutionary Biology? National Geographic Books. pp. 35–54.
    A number of biologists and philosophers have noted the diversity of interpretations of evolvability in contemporary evolutionary research. Different clusters of research defined by co-citation patterns or shared methodological orientation sometimes concentrate on distinct conceptions of evolvability. We examine five different activities where the notion of evolvability plays conceptual roles in evolutionary biological investigation: setting a research agenda, characterization, explanation, prediction, and control. Our analysis of representative examples demonstrates how different conceptual roles of evolvability are quasi-independent and yet exhibit important (...)
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    Intuition and discursive knowledge: Bachelard's criticism of Bergson.Cristina Chimisso - 2022 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 31 (4):825-843.
    In this paper, I discuss Gaston Bachelard’s criticism of Henri Bergson’s employment of intuition as the specific method of philosophy, and as a reliable means of acquiring knowledge. I locate Bachelard’s criticism within the reception of Bergsonian intuition by rationalist philosophers who subscribed to the Third Republic’s ethos. I argue that the reasons of Bachelard’s rejection of Bergsonian intuition were not only epistemological, but also ethical and pedagogical. His view of knowledge as mediated, social, and historical, cannot be separated from (...)
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  8.  26
    Philosophy of Mind after Implicit Biases.Cristina Borgoni - 2022 - In David Bordonaba Plou, Víctor Fernández Castro & José Ramón Torices (eds.), The Political Turn in Analytic Philosophy: Reflections on Social Injustice and Oppression. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 135-150.
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  9.  42
    Remarks of a young Habermasian on Jürgen Habermas’ Also a History of Philosophy.Cristina Lafont - 2021 - Constellations 28 (1):25-32.
  10.  71
    On Grief and Griefbots.Cristina Voinea - 2024 - Think 23 (67):47-51.
    Griefbots are chatbots designed to assist individuals in coping with the loss of a loved one by offering a digital replica of the departed. Navigating grief is a deeply transformative and vulnerable journey intricately tied to one's well-being. Do griefbots aid in the grieving process, or do they complicate it? To address these questions, this article blends insights from philosophy and neuroscience to explore the nature of grief as a means to clarify the ethical dimensions surrounding the use of griefbots.
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    Piccolo trattato di epistemologia.Maria Cristina Amoretti & Nicla Vassallo - 2010 - Codice Edizioni.
    La discussione generale sulla filosofia della scienza contemporanea è complicata dal numero e dall’eterogeneità delle scienze, mentre lo studio di temi specifici porta inevitabilmente a dissertazioni specialistiche che mancano nel dare ragione della trama di senso sottostante. Questo Piccolo trattato di epistemologia intende occupare uno spazio vuoto, proponendo alcuni temi chiave per la comprensione dei meccanismi alla base della conoscenza scientifica: i rapporti tra filosofia e scienze, siano esse naturali o umane; la complessa relazione tra fatti e valori; la distinzione (...)
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  12. Necessitism, Contingentism, and Lewisian Modal Realism.Cristina Nencha - 2022 - Acta Analytica 37 (2):227-247.
    Necessitism is the controversial thesis that necessarily everything is necessarily something, namely that everything, everywhere, necessarily exists. What is controversial about necessitism is that, at its core, it claims that things could not have failed to exist, while we have a pre-theoretical intuition that not everything necessarily exists. Contingentism, in accordance with common sense, denies necessitism: it claims that some things could have failed to exist. Timothy Williamson is a necessitist and claims that David Lewis is a necessitist too. The (...)
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  13.  9
    Il pensiero gerarchico in Europa: XVIII-XIX secolo.Antonella Alimento & Cristina Cassina (eds.) - 2002 - Firenze: L.S. Olschki.
  14. Soledad.Ana Cristina Aristizábal Uribe - 2008 - Escritos 16 (36):312-324.
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  15. Dossiê: Apresentação.Neila Cristina Baldi - 2016 - Saberes Em Perspectiva 6 (14):5.
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  16.  21
    (1 other version)As Origens do Mal em Agostinho/Les origines du Mal chez Augustin.Siloe Cristina do Nascimento Erculino - 2014 - Pensando: Revista de Filosofia 5 (10):3-16.
    Valendo-se de O Livre Arbítrio e As Confissões como principais referências, este estudo visa analisar a problematização que Agostinho faz do Mal, vez que o Bispo de Hipona refletiu sobre a possibilidade de conciliar o pilar cristão de infinita bondade divina com a existência do mal no real. Neste artigo separamos duas fases dessa reflexão. A primeira busca resolver o problema do mal como existente no universo físico, desenvolvendo para tanto uma ontologia que culmina na impossibilidade da existência do mal (...)
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    Scritti di cinema, 1940-1958.Glauco Viazzi & Cristina Bragaglia - 1979 - Milano: Longanesi. Edited by Cristina Bragaglia.
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  18. Against Anti-democratic Shortcuts: A Few Replies to Critics.Cristina Lafont - 2020 - Journal of Deliberative Democracy 16 (2):96-109.
    In this essay, I address several questions and challenges brought about by the contributors to the special issue on my book Democracy without Shortcuts. In particular, I address some implications of my critique of deep pluralism; distinguish between three senses of ‘blind deference’: political, reflective, and informational; draw a critical parallelism between the populist conception of representation as embodiment and the conception of ‘citizen-representatives’ often ascribed to participants in deliberative minipublics; defend the democratic attractiveness of participatory uses over empowered uses (...)
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  19. A militant defence of democracy: A few replies to my critics.Cristina Lafont - 2020 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 47 (1):69-82.
    In this essay, I address some questions and challenges brought about by the contributors to this special issue on my book ‘Democracy without Shortcuts’. First, I clarify different aspects of my cri...
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  20. The Measurement of Capabilities.Paul Anand, Cristina Santos & Ron Smith - 2008 - In Kaushik Basu & Ravi Kanbur (eds.), Arguments for a Better World: Essays in Honor of Amartya Sen: Volume I: Ethics, Welfare, and Measurement and Volume Ii: Society, Institutions, and Development. Oxford University Press.
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  21.  12
    Plurinacionalidad en la Constitución de Bolivia: ¿una noción capturada por el Estado?Cristina Oyarzo Varela - 2021 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 12:11-44.
    En Bolivia, el Estado Plurinacional se institucionalizó en 2009 por medio de la Asamblea Constituyente, luego de un amplio periodo de movilizaciones sociales. Sin embargo, la idea de plurinacionalidad había aparecido en 1983, en el contexto de los debates del sindicalismo campesino. El objetivo del artículo es analizar las características de la noción de plurinacionalidad en la Constitución Política, historizando sus dimensiones más relevantes. La hipótesis es que esta formulación fue capturada por la noción de Estado, enfatizando su institucionalización en (...)
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  22. On the translation from quantified modal logic to counterpart theory.Cristina Nencha - 2022 - Synthese 200 (5):1-15.
    Lewis (1968) claims that his language of Counterpart Theory (CT) interprets modal discourse and he adverts to a translation scheme from the language of Quantifed Modal Logic (QML) to CT. However, everybody now agrees that his original translation scheme does not always work, since it does not always preserve the ‘intuitive’ meaning of the translated QML-formulas. Lewis discusses this problem with regard to the Necessitist Thesis, and I will extend his discourse to the analysis of the Converse Barcan Formula. Everyone (...)
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  23. Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Cognition, Turin, Italy, September 28-29, 2015.Antonio Lieto, Cristina Battaglino, Daniele P. Radicioni & Manuela Sanguinietti (eds.) - 2015
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  24.  17
    Llegar a las manos: la lengua de la violéncia.Cristina de Peretti Della Rocca & Francisco Javier Vidarte - 1999 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 12:96.
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  25. Educación, ética y cultura: una mirada desde Paulo Freire/Education, Culture and Ethics: A.Obando Gelvis & María Cristina Useche - 2009 - Telos (Venezuela) 11 (2).
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  26.  17
    Unlocking sustainable governance: The role of women at the corporate apex.Maria Cristina Zaccone - 2024 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 33 (4):746-762.
    This study explores the intra-organizational antecedents of sustainable governance by examining the impact of female presence at the corporate apex. Drawing upon the upper echelon theory, we investigate whether women in top positions influence sustainable governance practices. Our research focuses on a sample of companies operating within two distinct market economies: liberal market economies (LMEs) and coordinated market economies (CMEs). The United States, represented by the S&P100, and the United Kingdom, represented by the FTSE100, serve as examples of LMEs. Conversely, (...)
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  27.  24
    Revisiting the Liberal Case against Liberal Eugenics.Cristina Lafont - 2024 - Res Philosophica 101 (2):359-376.
    In his book The Future of Human Nature, Habermas argues against the moral and legal permissibility of any future practices of genetic human enhancement as well as against current practices such as embryonic research or preimplantation genetic diagnosis. After analyzing the core of Habermas’s argument against positive eugenics, I argue that his attempt to derive a principle of abstention under uncertainty from the principle of counterfactual consent assumes that non-interference is the proper default norm in the absence of consent. Yet, (...)
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    Espressiva Come Me.Marta Benenti & Cristina Meini - 2018 - Sistemi Intelligenti 30 (3):505-526.
    Caterina può apparire arrabbiata, ma anche un brano musicale può manifestare emozioni: un passaggio triste, una marcia gioiosa, una modulazione che apre a nuovi sentimenti. Anche gli oggetti inanimati possono manifestare emozioni che pure, a differenza di quanto accade per persone e animali, non possono esperire. Sebbene le attribuzioni di emozioni agli oggetti inanimati possano essere trattate, in linea di principio, come esempi di metafore, esse sembrano invero catturare un’esperienza reale. Per quanto anche un bollitore possa fischiare gioiosamente o un (...)
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    Introduction to the book Symposium on The Biopsychosocial Model of Health and Disease by guest editors.Maria Cristina Amoretti & Elisabetta Lalumera - 2021 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 17 (2):(M1)5-8.
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  30. Crisis institucional en el Perú del posconflicto: 1992-2018.José Manuel Azcona & Cristina del Prado - 2020 - Araucaria 22 (43).
    El artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación sobre la violencia política en Perú y su actual incidencia en la crisis de legitimidad de las instituciones políticas democráticas. La metodología empleada supone la revisión documental y el tratamiento de otras fuentes sobre las múltiples maneras como el conflicto armado debilitó la credibilidad en los mecanismos y estamentos democráticos. Se presentan elementos concluyentes sobre la continuidad, durante y después del conflicto, de la desigualdad, la frustración en la búsqueda de la verdad (...)
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    Nunca me abandones: ficción distópica para los seres humanos; realidad actual para los otros animales.Ana Cristina Ramírez Barreto - 2023 - Dilemata 41:41-53.
    La novela de Ishiguro _ Nunca me abandones _ (2005) suele calificarse de distópica, asumiendo que refleja una inaceptable injusticia al plantear la explotación de clones de humanos, ‘donadores’ de órganos para sus humanos originales. Empero, el concepto de distopía no puede caracterizar la situación descrita de manera absoluta, pues para la humanidad original realmente no hay un mal funcionamiento social; por su parte, a pesar de padecer enajenación orgánica y la restricción a su libertad, en la novela no hay (...)
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    Fibromialgia: uma abordagem psicológica.Cláudia Pietrângelo Lima & Cristina Vilela de Carvalho - 2008 - Revista Aletheia 28:146-158.
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  33. Dionysism and Comedy, Greek Studies: Interdisciplinary approaches.Graciela Cristina Zecchin de Fasano - 2002 - Synthesis (la Plata) 9:144-153.
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    Deixis social: los valores absolutos y relativos de la Deixis en la relación Odiseo/Pretendientes.Graciela Cristina Zecchin de Fasano - 2008 - Synthesis (la Plata) 15:133-145.
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    Temor y compasión en los Poemas Homéricos.Graciela Cristina Zecchin de Fasano - 2002 - Synthesis (la Plata) 9:109-128.
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    Artifacting Identity. How Grillz, Ball Gags and Gas Masks Expand the Face.Cristina Voto & Elsa Soro - 2022 - Topoi 41 (4):771-783.
    By questioning the attribution of a primary role to the eyes as bearers of identity within traditional Western culture, this paper will problematize the agentivity performed by the lower mereology of the face, identified with the mouth-nose assemblage. In particular, the study will focus on the manipulation of such facial spatiality through the intervention of three “lower face” artifacts: the grill, the ball gag and the gas mask. This piece of work will examine their plastic and figurative dimensions in the (...)
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    Editorial comment.Maria Cristina Paganini - 2010 - Nursing Ethics 17 (3):285-287.
  38. Words or deeds? Choosing what to know about others.Erte Xiao & Cristina Bicchieri - 2012 - Synthese 187 (1):49-63.
    Social cooperation often relies on individuals’ spontaneous norm obedience when there is no punishment for violation or reward for compliance. However, people do not consistently follow pro-social norms. Previous studies have suggested that an individual’s tendency toward norm conformity is affected by empirical information (i.e., what others did or would do in a similar situation) as well as by normative information (i.e., what others think one ought to do). Yet little is known about whether people have an intrinsic desire to (...)
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  39. Introduction : Bourdieu and education research.Mark Murphy & Cristina Costa - 2016 - In Mark Murphy & Cristina Costa (eds.), Theory as method in research: on Bourdieu, social theory and education. New York, NY: Routledge, is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa business.
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    Relics: Travels in Nature's Time Machine.Piotr Naskrecki & Cristina Goettsch Mittermeier - 2011 - University of Chicago Press.
    Combines text with colorful photographs to chronicle the species of animals and plants that are biological relics of a bygone era.
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  41. Nombre y Proposición.María Cristina Perceval - 1989 - Philosophia:292.
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    Family guidance on the prevention of deviations in the development of children in early childhood.Sampayo Hernández Isabel Cristina, Moreno Ricard Vilma Esther & Cuenca Díaz Maritza Milagros - 2017 - Humanidades Médicas 17 (2):253-269.
    El artículo constituye un acercamiento a las razones que sustentan la necesidad de elevar la calidad de la orientación a las familias de niños en la primera infancia y su objetivo consistió en capacitar al personal de la salud para desarrollar la orientación familiar en función de la prevención de desviaciones en el desarrollo en esta etapa. En él se aborda el rol que tiene la familia en la formación de los niños y la incidencia de los médicos y enfermeras (...)
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    The Oral Palimsest: Exploring Intertextuality in the Homeric Epics.Graciela Cristina Zecchin de Fasano - 2008 - Synthesis (la Plata) 15:185-188.
  44.  59
    How can we decide a fair allocation of healthcare resources during a pandemic?Cristina Roadevin & Harry Hill - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (12):e84-e84.
    Whenever the government makes medical resource allocation choices, there will be opportunity costs associated with those choices: some patients will have treatment and live longer, while a different group of patients will die prematurely. Because of this, we have to make sure that the benefits we get from investing in treatment A are large enough to justify the benefits forgone from not investing in the next best alternative, treatment B. There has been an increase in spending and reallocation of resources (...)
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    (1 other version)Habermas Handbook.Hauke Brunkhorst, Cristina Lafont & Regina Kreide (eds.) - 2017 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Jürgen Habermas is one of the most influential philosophers of our time. The Habermas Handbook offers a comprehensive overview and an in-depth analysis of Habermas's work. Habermas scholars elucidate his thought, providing essential insight into his key concepts and his influence across politics, law, the social sciences, and public life.
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    Forward Induction.Gian Aldo Antonelli & Cristina Bicchieri - unknown
    Gian Aldo Antonelli and Cristina Bicchieri. Forward Induction.
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  47.  21
    The Complex Role of Mental Time Travel in Depressive and Anxiety Disorders: An Ensemble Perspective.Ronald T. Kellogg, Cristina A. Chirino & Jeffrey D. Gfeller - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    A Federally Qualified Health Center-led Ethics & Equity Framework & Workflow Checklist: An Invited Commentary in Response to a Relational Public Health Framing of FQHCs During COVID-19.Cristina Huebner Torres, Sylvia Baedorf Kassis, Sadath Sayeed, Barbara E. Bierer & Karen M. Emmons - 2024 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 52 (1):41-44.
    With disparate rates of morbidity and mortality among minoritized communities, COVID-19 illuminated the need for equity-informed practices in public health. Pacia et al posit FQHCs as entities that addressed inequity when others failed. This commentary further situates how FQHCs address the public health crisis of institutional racism and related health inequities every day and presents a FQHC-led Ethics and Equity Framework and Workflow Checklist to guide ethical and equitable engagement with FQHCs.
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    Backwards Forwards Induction.Gian Aldo Antonelli & Cristina Bicchieri - unknown
    Gian Aldo Antonelli and Cristina Bicchieri. Backwards Forwards Induction.
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  50. Internet y los nuevos consumidores. El nuevo modelo publicitario.Cristina Del Pino & Elena Galán - 2010 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 82:1-9.
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