Results for 'Cristiano Capovilla'

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  1.  22
    Heidegger e Leibniz: a abertura do conceito de Mônada.Cristiano Bonneau - 2009 - Cadernos Espinosanos 21:130.
    Este texto trata da reflexão heideggeriana sobre o conceito de mônada em Leibniz e suas determinações. Os apontamentos de Heidegger sobre o ser a partir do pensamento leibniziano promovem uma abertura fundamental da mônada, trazendo entre outras conseqüências, o perspectivismo e a idéia do ente enquanto pulsão. A limitação ontológica da mônada e sua capacidade de movimentar-se a partir de si mesma resultam em uma noção de representação e delineiam os contornos do ente. Esta discussão intenta demonstrar as possibilidades de (...)
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  2. O Agendamento Midiático-Esportivo: considerações a partir dos Jogos Pan-Americanos Rio/2007.Cristiano Mezzaroba & Giovani De Lorenzi Pires - 2010 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 17 (2):124-136.
    Neste texto apresentamos considerações sobre o agendamento midiático-esportivo realizado em relação aos Jogos Pan-americanos Rio/2007, enfatizando aspectos teórico-conceituais da teoria do agendamento (agenda-setting), bem como evidenciando algumas estratégias utilizadas pela mídia no tocante ao evento, como a utilização de elementos da identidade nacional e a figura dos ídolos esportivos.
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  3. (1 other version)Seccion monografica: Cristianos de al-Andalus y mozarabes.Cristianos de al-Andalus - forthcoming - Al-Qantara Xv/2.
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    Decolonizing Philosophy of Technology: Learning from Bottom-Up and Top-Down Approaches to Decolonial Technical Design.Cristiano Codeiro Cruz - 2021 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (4):1847-1881.
    The decolonial theory understands that Western Modernity keeps imposing itself through a triple mutually reinforcing and shaping imprisonment: coloniality of power, coloniality of knowledge, and coloniality of being. Technical design has an essential role in either maintaining or overcoming coloniality. In this article, two main approaches to decolonizing the technical design are presented. First is Yuk Hui’s and Ahmed Ansari’s proposals that, revisiting or recovering the different histories and philosophies of technology produced by humankind, intend to decolonize the minds of (...)
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  5. The role of beliefs in goal dynamics: prolegomena to a constructive theory of intentions.Cristiano Castelfranchi & Fabio Paglieri - 2007 - Synthese 155 (2):237-263.
    In this article we strive to provide a detailed and principled analysis of the role of beliefs in goal processing—that is, the cognitive transition that leads from a mere desire to a proper intention. The resulting model of belief-based goal processing has also relevant consequences for the analysis of intentions, and constitutes the necessary core of a constructive theory of intentions, i.e. a framework that not only analyzes what an intention is, but also explains how it becomes what it is. (...)
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  6. Dio, legge e potere nel pensiero politico di Spinoza.Cristiano Maria Bellei - 2000 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 77 (3):275-291.
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  7. Quilombos virtuais: as novas expressões de (re)territorialização, resistência, ativismo e empoderamento negro nas redes sociais.Cristiano Henrique dos Santos & Renata Nascimento da Silva - 2019 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 26 (1).
    O presente artigo busca analisar os processos, fluxos e refluxos, de desterritorialização e territorialização, no contexto da diáspora negra no Brasil. Através dos conceitos de quilombismo e comunidade, examinará as comunidades virtuais “Ponte para Pretx” e “Intelectuais Negras: escrita de si mesma” localizadas no Facebook, articulando ponderações e reflexões em torno dos processos de empoderamento negro, ativismo, solidariedade e resistência negra, nucleados na ideia de comunidade virtual. Desta maneira, através dos pressupostos da hermenêutica histórica, a pesquisa demonstrará de que maneira (...)
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    Stuck Outside and Inside: An Exploratory Study on the Effects of the COVID-19 Outbreak on Italian Parents and Children’s Internalizing Symptoms.Cristiano Crescentini, Susanna Feruglio, Alessio Matiz, Andrea Paschetto, Enrico Vidal, Paola Cogo & Franco Fabbro - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
  9.  12
    Celebrare il colpo di stato: passato autoritario, ruolo dei tribunali e politiche della memoria nel Brasile contemporaneo.Cristiano Paixão & Raphael Peixoto De P. Marques - 2023 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 35 (68):83-108.
    L'obiettivo del presente articolo è l'osservazione storica delle politiche della memoria nel Brasile contemporaneo, con particolare attenzione al periodo tra il 2019 e il 2022 (governo Bolsonaro). Dall'analisi delle azioni giudiziarie proposte da diversi attori sociali e politici, l'articolo propone una riflessione sulle temporalità coinvolte nelle politiche della memoria nel contesto post-dittatoriale, soprattutto dalla prospettiva delle vittime del regime.
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    4.5 AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Ultimate Reality.Anthony Cristiano - 2020 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 36 (3-4):127-143.
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    Consciousness or consciousnesses? Modeling for disentangling.Cristiano Castelfranchi - 2010 - International Journal of Machine Consciousness 2 (1):27-30.
  12. Why argue? Towards a cost–benefit analysis of argumentation.Cristiano Castelfranchi & Fabio Paglieri - 2010 - Argument and Computation 1 (1):71-91.
    This article proposes a cost-benefit analysis of argumentation, with the aim of highlighting the strategic considerations that govern the agent's decision to argue or not. In spite of its paramount importance, the topic of argumentative decision-making has not received substantial attention in argumentation theories so far. We offer an explanation for this lack of consideration and propose a tripartite taxonomy and detailed description of the strategic reasons considered by arguers in their decision-making: benefits, costs, and dangers. We insist that the (...)
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  13.  10
    The Economics of Innovation, New Technologies and Structural Change.Cristiano Antonelli - 2002 - Routledge.
    The ongoing process of revising and rethinking the foundations of economic theory leads to great complexities and contradictions at the heart of economics. ‘Economics of innovation’ provides a fertile challenge to standard economics, and one that can help it overcome its many criticisms. This authoritative book from Cristiano Antonelli provides a systematic account of recent advances in the economics of innovation. By integrating this account with the economics of technological change, this exceptional book elaborates an understanding of the effects (...)
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    Dumézil’s Aryens in 1941.Cristiano Grottanelli - 1998 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 6 (2):207-220.
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    Formalising the informal?Cristiano Castelfranchi - 2003 - Journal of Applied Logic 1 (1-2):47-92.
  16.  30
    Research ethics and Indigenous Peoples: Repercussions of returning Yanomami blood samples.Cristiano Guedes & Silvia Guimarães - 2020 - Developing World Bioethics 20 (4):209-215.
    This work presents the case of the Yanomami indigenous people from Brazil that were the object of US ethnography initiated in the 1960s. The research brought harmful repercussions to the life of the Indigenous people of Brazil for several decades, and it took more than 40 years until the beginning of a process of reparation involving the Brazilian government and American universities. Objective: to discuss the meaning of the return of Yanomami blood samples, as well as contributions from the epistemologies (...)
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  17.  18
    Modelling social action for AI agents.Cristiano Castelfranchi - 1998 - Artificial Intelligence 103 (1-2):157-182.
  18.  89
    The Cognitive-Motivational Compound of Emotional Experience.Cristiano Castelfranchi & Maria Miceli - 2009 - Emotion Review 1 (3):223-231.
    We present an analysis of emotional experience in terms of beliefs and desires viewed as its minimal cognitive constituents. We argue that families of emotions can be identified because their members share some of these constituents. To document this claim, we analyze one family of emotions—which includes the feeling of inferiority, admiration, envy, and jealousy—trying to show that the distinctiveness of each emotion is due to the specific compound of beliefs and desires it implies, whereas the kinship among related emotions (...)
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  19.  31
    Alienation: Marx's Concept of Man in Capitalist Society.Cristiano Camporesi - 1972 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1972 (13):138-140.
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  20.  33
    Paulo Freire, ensino, história e os desafios da contemporaneidade.Cristiano Biazzo Simon & Joan Pagès Blanch - 2015 - Dialogos 19 (1):117-142.
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  21.  28
    Effects of an 8-week meditation program on the implicit and explicit attitudes toward religious/spiritual self-representations.Cristiano Crescentini, Cosimo Urgesi, Fabio Campanella, Roberto Eleopra & Franco Fabbro - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 30:266-280.
  22. Bom, completo, funcionando. Estágios e experiências temporárias de jovens pesquisadores na Argentina.Javier Cristiano, Ana Inés Lázzaro & Guido Montali - forthcoming - Astrolabio: Nueva Época.
    O artigo apresenta resultados iniciais de uma investigação sobre o modo como os jovens pesquisadores do Conicet utilizam e vivenciam o tempo em suas práticas cotidianas. O ponto de partida é que a inserção de lógicas competitivas de avaliação e acreditação tem como efeito o aumento dos níveis de produtividade necessários para alcançar e sustentar postos de trabalho, o que em termos temporais se traduz numa racionalização da equação tempo/resultados e em diferentes formas, ambas objetivas e subjetivo, da pressão do (...)
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  23.  32
    Decolonial Approaches to Technical Design.Cristiano Cordeiro Cruz - 2022 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 26 (1):115-146.
    Decolonial approaches to technical design are part of a broader category of design methodologies, which actualize unfulfilled sociotechnical potentialities. In this paper, I present some decolonial theory concepts and discuss three decolonial approaches to illuminate philosophical debates that: 1) Can find in them clear traces of a third set of elements that shape every design/technology, along with the well-analyzed technical-scientific and ethical-political ones. In dialogue with Walter Vincenti and some others, I call these elements structured procedures, imagery lexicon, and aesthetical (...)
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  24.  11
    Jesuit Philosophy on the Eve of Modernity.Cristiano Casalini (ed.) - 2019 - Brill.
    In _Jesuit Philosophy on the Eve of Modernity_ Cristiano Casalini collects eighteen contributions by renowned specialists to track the existence and distinctiveness of Jesuit philosophy during the first century since the inception of the order.
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  25.  21
    Organization, Maturation, and Plasticity of Multisensory Integration: Insights from Computational Modeling Studies.Cristiano Cuppini, Elisa Magosso & Mauro Ursino - 2011 - Frontiers in Psychology 2.
  26. Schubert e le Moire.Cristiano Basso - 2001 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia:Università di Siena 22:89-112.
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  27.  14
    El molino del diablo. Tiempo y poder a partir de Pierre Bourdieu.Javier Luis Cristiano - 2022 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 25 (2):179-187.
    El artículo se propone establecer, a partir de una lectura sistemática de la obra de Pierre Bourdieu, algunas relaciones conceptuales entre poder y constitución social del tiempo. Partiendo del supuesto de que el tiempo, el modo en que lo experimentamos, concebimos y empleamos, es una construcción social, se tratan de identificar algunas de las maneras en que el poder interviene en esos procesos de construcción, tarea para la cual la obra de Bourdieu es no sólo estratégica sino insoslayable, pues está (...)
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    La creatividad como aspecto de un replanteamiento de la Teoría Sociológica de la Acción.Javier L. Cristiano - 2012 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 33 (106):53-62.
    Este artículo presenta un enfoque de la creatividad de la acción que, sin renunciar a los logros alcanzados por diversas tradiciones sociológicas, apuesta por la imaginación como clave filosófica complementaria para continuar su desarrollo. Se diagnostica primero el lugar restringido que la creatividad ha tenido en la sociología de la acción; se ofrece después una precisión de “creatividad”, a partir de la noción de “contingencia”; ulteriormente se propone un esquema general para situar la imaginación en distintos niveles de la acción; (...)
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    Health of Non-binary and Genderqueer People: A Systematic Review.Cristiano Scandurra, Fabrizio Mezza, Nelson Mauro Maldonato, Mario Bottone, Vincenzo Bochicchio, Paolo Valerio & Roberto Vitelli - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The Experience of Value. The Influence of Scheler on Sartre’s Early Ethics.Cristiano Vidali - 2022 - Phenomenology and Mind 23:96-107.
    Jean-Paul Sartre is often portrayed as a philosopher whose ethics would inevitably have subjectivist or relativist outcomes. Yet, even in Sartre’s early works there are several stances that blatantly belie this image, relying rather on an objectivist conception of value that he notably draws from Max Scheler. The aim of this paper is thus to investigate the influence of Scheler’s moral reflection on Sartre, arguing how it can represent an original and fruitful starting point to approach Sartrean ethics. To this (...)
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  31.  4
    Is it me or my delusion? Harnessing authenticity for an agential view of delusionality.Cristiano Bacchi - 2024 - Philosophy and the Mind Sciences 5.
    In the revisionist part of the book, Bortolotti aims at defending a non-pathologising view of delusions, according to which they not only compromise but support our agency. By construing delusions as meaningful protective responses, the author attempts to decouple delusionality from pathology. Nevertheless, it is not clear how, according to her approach, delusions could foster agency. Even when seen as a “way of life” and not as psychiatric symptoms, the defensive nature of delusions undermines the person’s sense of agency, for (...)
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    La teoría de la acción como Campo de contienda política.Javier Luis Cristiano - 2011 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 6.
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    A definição da fenomenologia: Merleau-ponty leitor de Husserl.Cristiano Perius - 2012 - Trans/Form/Ação 35 (1):137-146.
    O trabalho de definir o que é a fenomenologia, desde a Fenomenologia da percepção, suscitou uma tomada de partido em relação ao pai da fenomenologia. A crítica ao idealismo de Husserl, o papel da ambiguidade, a impossibilidade de redução completa, entre outros grandes temas, personalizam a fenomenologia de Merleau-Ponty em relação ao mestre. O objetivo do ensaio é mostrar como, na descrição do “método” fenomenológico, Merleau-Ponty se afasta dos conceitos fundamentais de Husserl, sem deixar de retornar continuamente a ele.
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    (1 other version)Patrimônio Cultural e Educação.Eloisa Helena Capovilla da Luz Ramos & Éder da Silva Silveira - 2015 - Ágora – Revista de História e Geografia 17 (2):1.
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    Julgamento de translucência em Sistemas de Comunicação Alternativa e Suplementar por universitários.Valéria de Oliveira Thiers & Fernando César Capovilla - 2006 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 24:49-56.
    O estudo descreve o julgamento da translucência relativa de substantivos, verbos e modificadores em quatro Sistemas de Comunicação Alternativa e Suplementar (Bliss, PIC, PCS e ImagoAnaVox) por meio do emprego de um software (Sonda) que apresentava os símbolos e registrava a pontuação atribuída, o te..
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  36.  82
    Intentions in the Light of Goals.Cristiano Castelfranchi - 2014 - Topoi 33 (1):103-116.
    This paper presents a systematic analysis of the various steps of goal-processing and intention creation, as the final outcome of goal-driven action generation. Intention theory has to be founded on goal theory: intentions require means-end reasoning and planning, conflict resolution, coherence. The process of intention formation and intentional action execution is strictly based on specific sets of beliefs (predictions, evaluations, calculation of costs, responsibility beliefs, competence, etc.). The origin of an intention is not necessarily a “desire” (which is just a (...)
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    Making Heredity Matter: Samuel Butler’s Idea of Unconscious Memory.Cristiano Turbil - 2018 - Journal of the History of Biology 51 (1):7-29.
    Butler’s idea of evolution was developed over the publication of four books, several articles and essays between 1863 and 1890. These publications, although never achieving the success expected by Butler, proposed a psychological elaboration of evolution, called ‘unconscious memory’. This was strongly in contrast with the materialistic approach suggested by Darwin’s natural selection. Starting with a historical introduction, this paper aspires to ascertain the logic, meaning and significance of Butler’s idea of ‘unconscious memory’ in the post-Darwinian physiological and psychological Pan-European (...)
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  38. The cognitive structure of surprise: Looking for basic principles.Emiliano Lorini & Cristiano Castelfranchi - 2007 - Topoi 26 (1):133-149.
    We develop a conceptual and formal clarification of notion of surprise as a belief-based phenomenon by exploring a rich typology. Each kind of surprise is associated with a particular phase of cognitive processing and involves particular kinds of epistemic representations (representations and expectations under scrutiny, implicit beliefs, presuppositions). We define two main kinds of surprise: mismatch-based surprise and astonishment. In the central part of the paper we suggest how a formal model of surprise can be integrated with a formal model (...)
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  39.  19
    Person Features and Lexical Restrictions in Italian Clefts.Cristiano Chesi & Paolo Canal - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:441807.
    In this paper, we discuss the results of two experiments, one off-line (acceptability judgment) and the other on-line (eye-tracking), targeting Object Cleft (OC) constructions. In both experiments, we used the same materials presenting a manipulation on person features: second person plural pronouns and plural definite determiners alternate in introducing a full NP (“it was [ DP1 the/you [ NP bankers]] i that [ DP2 the/you [ NP lawyers]] have avoided _ i at the party”) in a language, Italian, with overt (...)
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  40.  14
    Dinâmica do conhecimento.Cristiano Bonneau - 2021 - In Marcos Nicolau, Nada é sem Razão. pp. 3-11.
    O tema “predicado no sujeito” (praedicatum inest subjecto) constitui-se em um importante fundamento na filosofia de Leibniz, na medida em que esta noção organiza do ponto de vista lógico, várias questões da filosofia leibniziana, como a lógica, a linguagem, a epistemologia e a metafísica. Nesse texto, trataremos dessa noção a partir de uma leitura metafísica da substância em Leibniz, que busca dar o máximo de realidade possível aos seres criados por Deus. O ser, na dimensão do sujeito e de suas (...)
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  41.  10
    Do we need summary and sequential scanning in (Cognitive) grammar?Cristiano Broccias & Willem B. Hollmann - 2007 - Cognitive Linguistics 18 (4):487-522.
    Cognitive Grammar postulates two modes of cognitive processing for the structuring of complex scenes, summary scanning and sequential scanning. Generally speaking, the theory is committed to basing grammatical concepts upon more general cognitive principles. In the case of summary and sequential scanning, independent evidence is lacking, but Langacker argues that the distinction should nonetheless be accepted as it buys us considerable theory-internal explanatory power. For example, dynamic prepositions, to-infinitives and participles (e.g., into, to enter, entered ) are distinguished from finite (...)
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  42.  8
    Il libero arbitrio in questione: una ricerca tra filosofia, scienze e intelligenza artificiale.Cristiano Calì - 2024 - Milano: Mimesis.
    Da quando la neurofisiologia ha iniziato a indagare i correlati neurali delle azioni umane, e considerando che tra i sogni di certi programmi di ricerca sull’intelligenza artificiale vi è quello di costruire nuovi soggetti morali che possano definirsi autonomi, sembra proprio che la capacità dell’essere umano di autoderminarsi sia destinata a eclissarsi per sempre. Tale prospettiva, però, è tutt’altro che recente. Sin dagli albori della storia della filosofia in molti hanno provato a mostrare come la libertà sia soltanto un’illusione, in (...)
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  43.  6
    Il concetto di alienazione da Rousseau a Sartre.Cristiano Camporesi - 1974 - Firenze: Sansoni.
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  44. L'uno e i molti: l'idealismo britannico dal 1830 al 1920.Cristiano Camporesi - 1980 - Firenze: La nuova Italia.
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  45.  54
    Distributed artificial intelligence and social science: Critical issues.Cristiano Castelfranchi & Rosaria Conte - 1996 - In N. Jennings & G. O'Hare, Foundations of Distributed Artificial Intelligence. Wiley.
  46. Healing Social Sciences’ Psycho-phobia: Founding Social Action and Structure on Mental Representations.Cristiano Castelfranchi - 2015 - In Emiliano Lorini & Andreas Herzig, The Cognitive Foundations of Group Attitudes and Social Interaction. Cham: Springer.
  47. Digital Media Realities: Pragmatic Propositions From the Arts, Philosophy, and Criticism.Anthony Cristiano - 2010 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 33 (3-4):208-221.
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    Prácticas sociales y creatividad social.Javier Cristiano - 2007 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 4.
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    La realtà virtuale: dispositivi, estetiche, immagini.Cristiano Dalpozzo, Federica Negri & Arianna Novaga (eds.) - 2018 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Impasses do federalismo na educação estadunidense: currículos de história na berlinda.Cristiano Ferronato & Maíra Ielena Cerqueira Nascimento - 2017 - Dialogos 21 (2):85-98.
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