Results for 'Crispino Akakpo'

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    New challenges in immigration theory: an overview.Crispino E. G. Akakpo & Patti T. Lenard - 2014 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 17 (5):493-502.
    Normative political theory over recent decades has focused mainly on what ought to be done as far as migration policies are concerned. It faces a basic challenge, which stems from two competing, yet equally fundamental, ideals underpinning liberal democratic societies: a commitment to moral universalism and the exclusionary requirement of democracy. The objective of this special issue, ‘New Challenges in Immigration Theory’, is to provide a conceptual overview of (some) immigration theories and to highlight the challenges new streams of immigration (...)
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    Globaal constitutionalisme. Het jurisdictionele eindspel van de immigratietheorie.Crispino Akakpo - 2018 - Dissertation, Ku Leuven
    In this thesis, I examine what makes a migration policy “just” by focussing on the following question: Is a policy of open borders the only morally defensible option or are there legitimate reasons for excluding would-be immigrants from entering? I reason that absent a global constitutional framework to determine and secure the relevant rights and duties at stake, potential immigrants lack a legitimate general right to immigrate since states bear no corresponding general duty to let them in. In the same (...)
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    New Challenges in Immigration Theory.Crispino E. G. Akakpo & Patti Tamara Lenard (eds.) - 2015 - Routledge.
    As far as immigration theory is concerned, the attempt to reconcile concern for all persons with the reality of state boundaries and exclusionary policies has proved difficult within the limits of normative liberal political philosophy. However, the realpolitik of migration in today's environment forces a major paradigm shift. We must move beyond standard debates between those who argue for more open borders and those who argue for more closed borders. This book aims to show that a realistic utopia of political (...)
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    Paganesimo e cristianesimo: un confronto filosofico nel culto in epoca tardoantica.Crispino Sanfilippo - 2020 - Canterano (RM): Aracne editrice.
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    GUBS criterion: Arbitrary trade-offs between cost and probability-to-goal in stochastic planning based on Expected Utility Theory.Gabriel Nunes Crispino, Valdinei Freire & Karina Valdivia Delgado - 2023 - Artificial Intelligence 316 (C):103848.
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    Science et reconnaissance: entre la puissance et la solidarité.Yaovi Akakpo - 2016 - Paris: Présence africaine éditions.
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    Chi cerca... cerca: un profilo a tutto tondo di Augusto Cavadi.Augusto Cavadi, Crispino Di Girolamo & Sylwia Proniewicz (eds.) - 2020 - Trapani: Il Pozzo di Giacobbe.
    Seekers know that they will search all their lives not only for what they have lost, but above all for what they do not yet know and that they are not even sure exists. Augusto Cavadi, to whom this book is dedicated on his 70th birthday, is an indomitable seeker. For this reason a group of friends and colleagues wrote these collected testimonies, reflections, ideas and suggestions inspired by his writings and his life as an anti-academic philosopher without a tie--Translated (...)
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    Book Reviews : Intriguing Answers To an Intriguing Question: Giovanna Miceli Jeffries (ed.) Feminine Feminists: Cultural Practices in Italy Minneapolis and London: University of Minnesota Press, 1994, 272 pp., ISBN 0-8166-2477-1 (hbk); 0-8166-2479-8. [REVIEW]Anna Maria Crispino - 1997 - European Journal of Women's Studies 4 (1):114-115.
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    Promoting Awareness about Psychological Consequences of Living in a Community Oppressed by the Mafia: A Group-Analytic Intervention.Cecilia Giordano, Giusy Cannizzaro, Crispino Tosto, Laura Pavia & Maria Di Blasi - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Construcción y función de la figura del gentil en dos diálogos medievales. Los personajes de Gilberto Crispino y del Pseudo-Anselmo.Natalia Graciela Jakubecki - 2018 - Ideas Y Valores 67 (168):267-287.
    En el siglo xi, la literatura dialógica nacida en el seno del cristianismo latino ha incluido en su repertorio de interlocutores a uno que resulta en todos los casos ficcional: el gentil. De allí que quepa preguntarse cuál es el propósito de dialogar con una otredad imaginaria. Se examinan las construcciones identitarias de los dos primeros personajes gentiles de los que hasta ahora se tiene noticia: el de la Disputatio christiani cum gentili de Gilberto Crispino y el de la (...)
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  11. Il concilio niceno II, II vaticano II e l'icona delta salvezza: Una recente collana editoriale sul Visibile Parlare diretta da mons. Crispino Valenziano.Mariano Apa - 2006 - Studium 102 (3):441-449.
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