Results for 'Counter-conduct'

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  1.  96
    From Counter-Conduct to Critical Attitude: Michel Foucault and the Art of Not Being Governed Quite So Much.Daniele Lorenzini - 2016 - Foucault Studies 21:7-21.
    In this article I reconstruct the philosophical conditions for the emergence of the notion of counter-conduct within the framework of Michel Foucault’s study of governmentality, and I explore the reasons for its disappearance after 1978. In particular, I argue that the concept of conduct becomes crucial for Foucault in order to redefine governmental power relations as specific ways to conduct the conduct of individuals: it is initially within this context that, in Security, Territory, Population, he (...)
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  2. Ungovernable Counter-Conduct: Ivan Illich’s Critique of Governmentality.Tim Christiaens - 2023 - Foucault Studies 34:25-51.
    Within Michel Foucault’s own conceptualization of governmentality, there is little room for something like ‘ungovernable life’. The latter seems to hint at a form of social conduct beyond power-relations, which would offend Foucault’s basic philosophical postulates. I argue that this identification between governmentality and power as such demonstrates a one-sided focus on the history of Western power-relations. By opposing Foucault’s genealogy of governmentality to Ivan Illich’s critical history of government, I delineate indigenous struggles against governmentalization as a form of (...)
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    Organizing Counter-Conduct.Suzan Langenberg - 2017 - In Suzan Langenberg & Fleur Beyers, Citizenship in Organizations: Practicing the Immeasurable. Springer Verlag. pp. 133-155.
    Is the ability to start and stay in dialogue a hard or a soft skill? Is it a courageous risk to stay in dialogue within an organization? Or is dialogue, interaction, the building block of organizing, and does its neglect lead to disorganizing? Organizations in their broadened context, riveted at state regulations, technology and environmental contingencies, are changing. Under the influence of far-reaching digitalization processes and redesign, management layers disappear in favor of personal responsibility. But are we, as human beings, (...)
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    Pastoral counter-conducts: Religious resistance in Foucault’s genealogy of Christianity.Matthew Chrulew - 2014 - Critical Research on Religion 2 (1):55-65.
    The internal resistance to religious forms of power is often at issue in Michel Foucault’s genealogy of Christianity. For this anti-clerical Nietzschean, religion is, like science, always a battle over bodies and souls. In his 1978 Collège de France lectures, he traced the nature and descent of an apparatus of “pastoral power” characterized by confession, direction, obedience, and sacrifice. Governmental rationality, both individualizing and totalizing, is its modern descendant. At different moments, Foucault rather infamously opposed to the pastorate and governmentality (...)
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    In praise of counter-conduct.Arnold I. Davidson - 2011 - History of the Human Sciences 24 (4):25-41.
    Without access to Michel Foucault’s courses, it was extremely difficult to understand his reorientation from an analysis of the strategies and tactics of power immanent in the modern discourse on sexuality (1976) to an analysis of the ancient forms and modalities of relation to oneself by which one constituted oneself as a moral subject of sexual conduct (1984). In short, Foucault’s passage from the political to the ethical dimension of sexuality seemed sudden and inexplicable. Moreover, it was clear from (...)
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  6.  29
    Introduction: Counter-Conduct.Sam Binkley & Barbara Cruikshank - 2016 - Foucault Studies 21:3-6.
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    The Counter-Conduct of Medieval Hermits.Christopher Roman - 2016 - Foucault Studies 21:80-97.
    The hermit posed a challenge to a medieval Church that emphasized rule, order, and discipline since oversight of their life could be virtually non-existent. The writings of Richard Rolle, hermit, negotiates the space between Foucauldian exomolgesis and exoagouresis as Rolle strove to articulate the identity of the hermit without any kind of church endorsement. As well, he forged his life out of a struggle with concepts of medieval sin, specifically Pride, which placed him in a queer position in terms of (...)
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    Cryptomarkets as a libertarian counter-conduct of resistance.Nikos Sotirakopoulos - 2018 - European Journal of Social Theory 21 (2):189-206.
    Cryptomarkets function as self-regulating forms of governance, close to what Hayek would describe as a spontaneous order. At the same time, in cases like the online market Silk Road, they construct an identity that portrays their illegal activities as operating within a framework of individual rights and voluntary transactions. As has already been examined in the wider literature, the political and economic philosophy of libertarianism has been mobilized by participants in such markets in order to provide a moral theoretical background (...)
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  9.  30
    Liberalism, Governmentality and Counter-Conduct; An Introduction to Foucauldian Analytics of Liberal Civil Society Notions.Miikka Pyykkönen - 2015 - Foucault Studies 20:8-35.
    This article gives an analysis of Foucault’s studies of civil society and the various liberalist critiques of government. It follows from Foucault’s genealogical approach that “civil society” does not in itself possess any form of transcendental existence; its historical reality must be seen as the result of the productive nature of the power-knowledge-matrices. Foucault emphasizes that modern governmentality—and more specifically the procedures he names “the conduct of conduct”—is not exercised through coercive power and domination, but is dependent on (...)
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  10.  44
    Foucault Among the Stoics: Oikeiosis and Counter-Conduct.James F. Depew - 2016 - Foucault Studies 21:22-51.
    This paper explores the relation of Foucault’s notion of counter-conduct to the Stoic notion of oikeiosis. Initially, oikeisosis is set against Platonic homoiosis, specifically as discussed in the Alcibiades, which provides what Foucault calls the “Platonic model” of conduct. The paper examines what Foucault means by “care of the self” and points to its difference from the Delphic maxim “know yourself” that centered on a principle of homoiosis, or ethical transcendence. Noting how the problematic of care of (...)
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  11.  18
    Mysticism as Counter-Conduct.Matthew Elmore - 2024 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 44 (1):137-154.
    This essay draws upon Dante and St. Catherine of Siena to flesh out the Foucauldian concept of counter-conduct. Dante and Catherine occupy an important place in early modern history, challenging the designs of medieval pastoral power by embodying a new, secular mixture of the active and the contemplative life. This essay, with Foucault as a guide, suggests that they offer us another way to be modern, a path of self-cultivation surpassing modern norms for nature, the self, and the (...)
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  12.  16
    Reproductive Autonomy, CounterConduct, and the Juridical.Jennifer M. Denbow - 2014 - Constellations 21 (3):415-424.
  13.  24
    Reexamining Foucault on confession and obedience: Peter Schaefer's Radical Pietism as counter-conduct.Elisa Heinämäki - 2017 - Critical Research on Religion 5 (2):133-150.
    This article engages with Michel Foucault’s idea of confession as the central Christian strategy of subjection or subjectivation and the link he proposes between confession and obedience. The article also wishes to show how confession can become counter-conduct. I apply Foucault’s conceptions to early modern Lutheran confessionalism, elucidating how the confessional apparatus of the orthodox Lutheranism of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Sweden strived to mold obedient subjects who are able to conduct themselves. I also examine the transformation and (...)
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    Resisting Financial Consumer Responsibilization Through Community Counter-Conduct.Hunter Jones & Eric Arnould - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-20.
    This paper investigates Street Fight Radio’s consumer community’s resistance to neoliberal financial consumer responsibilization. Extant scholarship critiques consumer responsibilization on ethical grounds for placing too much responsibility on consumers at the expense of institutional actors. It also describes some forms of aversion to parts of the responsibilization process among individuals and short-lived consumer collectives. However, it falls short of analyzing community-driven resistance to financial consumer responsibilization writ large, or consumers’ efforts to responsibilize other stakeholders. Our netnographic and ethnographic study of (...)
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  15.  22
    “Do Something Simple for the Climate”: How Collective Counter-Conduct Reproduces Consumer Responsibilization.Friederike Döbbe & Emilia Cederberg - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 192 (1):21-37.
    This paper studies consumers’ reactions and resistance to being responsibilized for making climate-friendly food choices. While resistance to consumer responsibilization has been studied from an individual experiential perspective, we examine its collective characteristics. We do this by tracing the controversial marketing campaign of a Swedish poultry producer, encouraging consumers to “do something simple for the climate” by eating chicken rather than beef. In our analysis of social media comments and formal complaints to the consumer protection authority, we mobilize Foucault’s notion (...)
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  16.  49
    Cultivating oppositional debt ethics and consciousness: Philosophy for/with children as counter-conduct in the neoliberal debt economy.Jason Thomas Wozniak - 2020 - Childhood and Philosophy 16 (36):01-32.
    In this article, I examine what the ethical and political implications of conceptualizing and practicing philosophy for/with children in the neoliberal debt economy are. Though P4wC cannot alone bring about any significant transformation of debt political-economic realities, it can play an important role in cultivating oppositional debt ethics and consciousness. The first half of this article situates P4wC within the current global debt economy. Here, I summarize the analyses made by critical theorists of the ways that debt impacts public institutions, (...)
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  17. Feminist politics and neoliberal governmentality: from co-option to counter-conduct.Srila Roy - 2023 - In William Walters & Martina Tazzioli, Handbook on governmentality. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
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  18.  20
    Dynamics of counter-ions in a conducting rigid polymer matrix: the relation with electrical properties.M. Bée, D. Djurado, P. Rannou, B. Dufour, A. Pron, J. Combet & M. A. Gonzalez - 2004 - Philosophical Magazine 84 (13-16):1547-1554.
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    Rituals of Conduct and Conter-Conduct.Corey McCall - 2016 - Foucault Studies 21:52-79.
    This essay provides an account of the role of ritual in governmentality through an analysis of key texts during the period roughly from 1973 through 1981. I claim that ritual plays an essential role in Foucault’s analysis of juridical forms and sovereign power as well as conduct and counter-conduct understood as features of governmentality and political rationality.
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  20.  44
    Equitable Research Partnerships: A Global Code of Conduct to Counter Ethics Dumping.Doris Schroeder, Kate Chatfield, Roger Chennells, Peter Herissone-Kelly & Michelle Singh - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This open access book offers insights into the development of the ground-breaking Global Code of Conduct for Research in Resource-Poor Settings (GCC) and the San Code of Research Ethics. Using a new, intuitive moral framework predicated on fairness, respect, care and honesty, both codes target ethics dumping – the export of unethical research practices from a high-income setting to a lower- or middle-income setting. The book is a rich resource of information and argument for any research stakeholder who opposes (...)
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  21.  20
    Counter-Experiences: Reading Jean-Luc Marion.Kevin Hart (ed.) - 2007 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    Unarguably, Jean-Luc Marion is the leading figure in French phenomenology as well as one of the proponents of the so-called “theological turn” in European philosophy. In this volume, Kevin Hart has assembled a stellar group of philosophers and theologians from the United States, Britain, France, and Australia to examine Marion's work—especially his later work—from a variety of perspectives. The resulting volume is an indispensable resource for scholars working at the intersection of philosophy and theology. “This is a ground-breaking book by (...)
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  22.  31
    Consenting to counter-normative sexual acts: Differential effects of consent on anger and disgust as a function of transgressor or consenter.Pascale Sophie Russell & Jared Piazza - 2015 - Cognition and Emotion 29 (4):634-653.
    Anger and disgust may have distinct roles in sexual morality; here, we tested hypotheses regarding the distinct foci, appraisals, and motivations of anger and disgust within the context of sexual offenses. We conducted four experiments in which we manipulated whether mutual consent (Studies 1–3) or desire (Study 4) was present or absent within a counter-normative sexual act. We found that anger is focused on the injustice of non-consensual sexual acts, and the transgressor of the injustice (Studies 1 and 3). (...)
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  23.  27
    Are conductive arguments really not possible?J. Anthony Blair - unknown
    In “Are conductive arguments possible?” Jonathan Adler argued that conductive argu-ments are not possible because they are committed to two incompatible propositions: C is reached without nullifying the counter-considerations; C is accepted is true, which issues in belief, so C is detached from these premises. This paper offers an analysis and an assessment of Adler’s case for his thesis.
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  24.  59
    Counter-Denunciations: How Suspects Blame Victims in Police Interviews for Low-Level Crimes.Fabio Ferraz de Almeida - 2023 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 37 (1):119-137.
    This article explores the ways in which suspects attempt to make putative victims/complainants at least partially responsible for the incidents for which they are investigated, transforming themselves into the victim and the other into the perpetrator. Drawing upon conversation analysis, I examine audio-recorded police interviews for low-level crimes in England and in which suspects have constructed what I refer as counter-denunciations. I argue that suspects accomplish these counter-denunciations through discursive practices that involve, for example (a) contrasting the complainant’s (...)
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  25.  86
    Examining the Effectiveness of Climate Change Frames in the Face of a Climate Change Denial Counter‐Frame.Aaron M. McCright, Meghan Charters, Katherine Dentzman & Thomas Dietz - 2016 - Topics in Cognitive Science 8 (1):76-97.
    Prior research on the influence of various ways of framing anthropogenic climate change do not account for the organized ACC denial in the U.S. media and popular culture, and thus may overestimate these frames' influence in the general public. We conducted an experiment to examine how Americans' ACC views are influenced by four promising frames for urging action on ACC —when these frames appear with an ACC denial counter-frame. This is the first direct test of how exposure to an (...)
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  26.  26
    Cultural Theory, Biopolitics, and the Question of Power.Couze Venn - 2007 - Theory, Culture and Society 24 (3):111-124.
    This article displaces the terrain upon which the question of power in modern societies has been framed by reference to the concept of hegemony. It presents a genealogy of power which pays attention to what has been at stake in the shifts in the effectivity of the concept of hegemony for cultural theory from the 1960s, correlating the mutations in the analyses of power to shifts in the analysis of the relations of culture, politics and the economy. Questions of the (...)
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  27.  29
    Vaccine-related conspiracy and counter-conspiracy narratives. Silencing effects.Nicoleta Corbu, Raluca Buturoiu, Valeriu Frunzaru & Gabriela Guiu - 2024 - Communications 49 (2):339-360.
    Recent research explores the high proliferation of conspiracy theories about COVID-19 vaccination, and their potential effects within digital media environments. By means of a 2 × 2 experimental design (N = 945) conducted in Romania, we explore whether exposure to media messages promoting conspiracy theories about vaccination versus media messages debunking such conspiracy narratives could influence people’s intention to either support or argue against vaccination in front of their friends and family (interpersonal influence). We also analyze the moderation effects of (...)
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  28.  65
    Painting a Counter-Narrative of African Womanhood: Reflections on How My Research Transformed Me.Faith Wambura Ngunjiri - 2007 - Journal of Research Practice 3 (1):Article M4.
    Whereas writing a dissertation can be a fear-inducing experience for a doctoral student, there exists the possibility of not only learning but also self-transformation that can take place through the process. In this article, I reflect on how my choice of a research approach provided me with a transformative research experience. I will describe portraiture as a critical feminist research method that was culturally relevant in undertaking my study of African women leaders. Through this process of conducting research utilizing portraiture (...)
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  29.  23
    Revisiting the Omens et Singulatim Bond: The Production of Irregular Conducts and Biopolitics of the Governed.Martina Tazzioli - 2016 - Foucault Studies 21:98-116.
    This article starts from the non-juridical meaning of subjectivity that counter-conducts entail and from the asymmetrical forms of refusal they generate. Foucault’s understanding of counter-conducts as productive practices, internal to the regime of norms that they oppose, enables analysing struggles and modes of life that were not defined by Foucault in these terms, or those counter-conducts that are more recent. In the first section, the article engages with the meaning of “counter-conduct,” situating it within the (...)
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    Corporate Codes of Conduct.James K. Rowe & Ronnie D. Lipschutz - 2005 - International Corporate Responsibility Series 2:65-78.
    What are international codes of conduct for? The broad support for such codes masks fundamental differences about their purpose. Corporations see codes of conduct as regimes for regulating their relations with their suppliers in developing countries and—not least—to counter negative publicity. For labor and human rights activists, on the other hand, codes of conduct are levers for forcing positive change in global labor and environmental standards. Here I consider two areas typically covered by codes of (...)—wages and child labor—and identify some of the dangers of using codes to force change. If low wages or child labor are the result of poverty, and can’t be fixed by enlightened corporate policies, then codes will at best leave the underlying problems untouched and at worst will aggravate them. I conclude that we should be cautious about using codes to force higher standards. (shrink)
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    Corporate Codes of Conduct.Ian Maitland - 2005 - International Corporate Responsibility Series 2:65-78.
    What are international codes of conduct for? The broad support for such codes masks fundamental differences about their purpose. Corporations see codes of conduct as regimes for regulating their relations with their suppliers in developing countries and—not least—to counter negative publicity. For labor and human rights activists, on the other hand, codes of conduct are levers for forcing positive change in global labor and environmental standards. Here I consider two areas typically covered by codes of (...)—wages and child labor—and identify some of the dangers of using codes to force change. If low wages or child labor are the result of poverty, and can’t be fixed by enlightened corporate policies, then codes will at best leave the underlying problems untouched and at worst will aggravate them. I conclude that we should be cautious about using codes to force higher standards. (shrink)
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    Pastoral Power and Algorithmic Governmentality.Rosalind Cooper - 2020 - Theory, Culture and Society 37 (1):29-52.
    This paper contributes to inquiries into the genealogy of governmentality and the nature of secularization by arguing that pastoralism continues to operate in the algorithmic register. Drawing on Agamben’s notion of signature, I elucidate a pair of historically distant yet archaeologically proximate affinities: the first between the pastorate and algorithmic control, and the second between the absconded God of late medieval nominalism and the authority of algorithms in the cybernetic age. I support my hypothesis by attending to the signaturial kinships (...)
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  33.  11
    Resistance as desubjectivation in Foucault.Adriana Zaharijević & Milan Urošević - forthcoming - Philosophy and Social Criticism.
    The article scrutinizes Foucault’s articulations of resistance, arguing against the entrenched understanding that resistance in Foucault is necessarily negative, or impossible. We concentrate on a specific period of his work, situated between the disciplinary phase and the beginning of the 1980s when Foucault began to develop the idea of the aesthetic of existence. We argue that in this period Foucault developed the notion of resistance as agentic, lived and possible, through three interrelated concepts. These are reverse discourse, counter-conduct (...)
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  34. Two Independent Value Orientations: Ideal and Counter-Ideal Leader Values and Their Impact on Followers' Respect for and Identification with Their Leaders. [REVIEW]Matthias M. Graf, Niels Van Quaquebeke & Rolf Van Dick - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 104 (2):185-195.
    Traditionally, conceptualizations of human values are based on the assumption that individuals possess a single integrated value system comprising those values that people are attracted by and strive for. Recently, however, van Quaquebeke et al. (in J Bus Ethics 93:293–305, 2010 ) proposed that a value system might consist of two largely independent value orientations—an orientation of ideal values and an orientation of counter-ideal values (values that individuals are repelled by), and that both orientations exhibit antithetic effects on people’s (...)
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    The Modern Drama of coup d'État and Systems of Discipline: Foucault and Political Ceremony.Bilge Akbalik - 2017 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 55 (S1):173-179.
    The objective of my comments is to draw attention to the complex relationship between the juridico-political model of sovereignty and disciplinary power in Foucault's work. I suggest that Elden's reading of Foucault and Shakespeare opens up new ways to understand contemporary forms of governmentality through a genealogy of political ceremony and theatricality. More specifically, my comments seek to show that an examination of the ceremoniality of coup d'État in connection with what Foucault calls the “democratization of sovereignty” is potentially fruitful (...)
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    (1 other version)The internal significance of codes of conduct in retail companies.Magnus Frostenson, Sven Helin & Johan Sandström - 2012 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 21 (3):263-275.
    This paper focuses on the significance of codes of conduct (CoCs) in the internal work context of two retail companies. A stepwise approach is used. First, the paper identifies in what way employees use and refer to CoCs internally. Second, the function and relevance of CoCs inside the two companies are identified. Third, the paper explains why CoCs tend to function in the identified ways. In both cases, the CoCs are clearly decoupled in the sense that they do not (...)
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  37.  37
    Resistência e revolução no pensamento de Michel Foucault: contracondutas, sublevações e lutas.Pedro Fornaciari Grabois - 2011 - Cadernos de Ética E Filosofia Política 19:7-27.
    The article tries to contribute to the understanding of Michel Foucault’s analysis on the relation between forms of exercising power and forms of resistance. The resistance issue is taken as the guideline to analyse a series of notions like: revolution, relations of power, “counter-conducts”, up-risings, struggles. This study about resistance makes possible the discussion on the issue of subjectivity in contemporary societies, since a foucauldian perspective.
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    Foucault’s Queer Virgins: An Unfinished History in Fragments.Lynne Huffer - 2021 - Foucault Studies 29:22-37.
    This essay attends to the place of virginity at the center of the fourth volume of Michel Foucault’s History of Sexuality, Confessions of the Flesh. Reading virginity through a rhetorical lens, the essay argues for an ethics and a politics of counter-conduct in Foucault characterized by chiasmus, a rhetorical structure of inverted parallelism. That chiastic structure frames Foucault’s Confessions, and all of his work, as a fragmented, self-hollowing speech haunted by death and the dissolution of the subject. The (...)
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    Cognitive templates for religious concepts: cross‐cultural evidence for recall of counter‐intuitive representations.Pascal Boyer & Charles Ramble - 2001 - Cognitive Science 25 (4):535-564.
    Presents results of free‐recall experiments conducted in France, Gabon and Nepal, to test predictions of a cognitive model of religious concepts. The world over, these concepts include violations of conceptual expectations at the level of domain knowledge (e.g., about ‘animal’ or ‘artifact’ or ‘person’) rather than at the basic level. In five studies we used narratives to test the hypothesis that domain‐level violations are recalled better than other conceptual associations. These studies used material constructed in the same way as religious (...)
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    Considerations for community engagement when conducting clinical trials during infectious disease emergencies in West Africa.Morenike Oluwatoyin Folayan, Dan Allman, Bridget Haire, Aminu Yakubu, Muhammed O. Afolabi & Joseph Cooper - 2018 - Developing World Bioethics 19 (2):96-105.
    Community engagement in research, including public health related research, is acknowledged as an ethical imperative. While medical care and public health action take priority over research during infectious disease outbreaks, research is still required in order to learn from epidemic responses. The World Health Organisation developed a guide for community engagement during infectious disease epidemics called the Good Participatory Practice for Trials of Emerging (and Re‐emerging) Pathogens that are Likely to Cause Severe Outbreaks in the Near Future and for which (...)
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    Foucault and the politics of rights.Ben Golder - 2015 - Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.
    Critical counter-conducts -- Who is the subject of (Foucault's human) rights? -- The ambivalence of rights -- Rights between tactics and strategy.
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    An Alternative War: The Development, Impact, and Legality of Hybrid Warfare Conducted by the Nation State.Jack Brown - 2018 - Journal of Global Faultlines 5 (1-2):58-82.
    The alleged use of “Hybrid Warfare” by the Russian Federation in the annexation of the Ukrainian territory, Crimea, in 2014, thrust the term into the media spotlight and raised concerns over the lack of effective measures available to counter its use. This article investigates the use, development, impact, and legality of state-directed “Hybrid Warfare” campaigns. The first section of which examines the use and relevance of military force and strategy in the conduct of such a campaign, with further (...)
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    Anthropology as ethics: nondualism and the conduct of sacrifice.T. M. S. Evens - 2008 - New York: Berghahn Books.
    Nondualism, ontology, and anthropology -- Anthropology and the synthetic a priori: Wittgenstein and Merleau-Ponty -- Blind faith and the binding of Isaac: the Akedah -- Excursus I: sacrifice as human existence -- Counter-sacrifice and instrumental reason: the Holocaust -- Bourdieu's anti-dualism and "generalized materialism" -- Habermas's anti-dualism and "communicative rationality" -- Technological efficacy, mythic rationality, and non-contradiction -- Epistemic efficacy, mythic rationality, and non-contradiction -- Contradiction and choice among the Dinka and in Genesis -- Contradiction in Azande oracular practice (...)
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    Hate Speech on Campus: What Public Universities Can and Should Do to Counter Weaponized Intolerance.Rex Welshon - 2020 - Res Publica 26 (1):45-66.
    Democratic societies tolerate intolerance, but that obligation finds its limit when the security of its citizens is jeopardized or its institutions of liberty are imperiled. Similarly, universities tolerate intolerance, but that obligation finds its limit when threatened by weaponized intolerance advocates who disenfranchise and denigrate community members and imperil academic norms and professional standards of conduct. Then, just as democratic societies must protect their threatened citizens and safeguard their imperiled institutions of liberty, so universities must protect their threatened community (...)
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    Verzet als ‘tegengedrag’.Antoon Braeckman - 2020 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 112 (2):77-95.
    Resistance as ‘Counter-conduct’. On the Usefulness of Foucault’s concept of Contre-conduite This paper intends to clarify the peculiarity of counter-conduct as a form of resistance and to examine its usefulness in our neoliberal era. In view thereof, it takes off with a general discussion of Foucault’s views of the relationship between power and resistance. Then the focus shifts more specifically to governmentality and its predecessor, pastoral power, as the specific type of power against which counter- (...) as a form of resistance is directed. This investigation allows in the next step to fathom the uniqueness of counter-conduct as a peculiar form of resistance and to find out whether it is appropriate to resist neoliberal governmentality. The paper concludes by pointing out a major weakness of counter-conduct, viz. its unlikelihood to develop into forms of collective resistance. (shrink)
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  46.  19
    Disciplinary Power, Governmentality, Subjectivation - Michel Foucault and the Question of Eros -. 진태원 - 2017 - The Catholic Philosophy 29:39-80.
    이 글에서 다루고자 하는 주제는 크게 두 가지다. 첫째, 푸코 사상에서 에로스의 문제를 통치와 주체화의 개념에 입각하여 살펴보는 것이다. 지난 1996년부터 콜레주 드 프랑스 강의록이 출간되면서 푸코의 권력론과 그의 윤리적 주체화 이론 사이에는 비일관성이나 단절이 존재하기보다는 연속성이 존재한다는 것이 뚜렷이 드러나게 되었다. 또한 여기에서 핵심적인 개념이 통치성 내지 통치및 품행인도 내지 대항품행 개념이라는 점 역시 분명하게 밝혀지고 있다. 이 글은 통치 및 대항품행 개념에 입각하여 푸코에게서에로스의 핵심은 주체화의 문제라는 것을 보여주고자 한다. 둘째, 우리는 ‘을의 민주주의’라는 관점에 따라 푸코의 이론을 비판적으로 (...)
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    The Role of Descartes’s Dream in the Meditations and in the Historical Ontology of Ourselves.Edward McGushin - 2018 - Foucault Studies 25:84-102.
    This paper situates the dream-hypothesis in Descartes’s First Meditation within the historical ontology of ourselves. It looks at the way in which the dream enters into and transforms Descartes’ relation to his “system of actuality.” In order to get free from his confinement within his system of actuality – an actuality defined by relations of power-knowledge, government, veridiction, and subjectivity – Descartes draws on the disruptive, negative capacity of the dream. But, while Descartes draws on the dream to get himself (...)
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    (Ir-)Responsibilization, genetics and neuroscience.Thomas Biebricher - 2011 - European Journal of Social Theory 14 (4):469-488.
    The concept of responsibilization that originally emerged out of the context of the so-called Governmentality Studies is now widely used in various social sciences to describe a governing technology particularly attuned to the challenge of neoliberalism, i.e. how to govern free individuals. However, in seemingly paradoxical simultaneity with the hegemeony of neoliberalism that relies heavily on individual choice, freedom and responsibility, two powerful scientific discourses exist that appear to undermine these assumptions vehemently, namely genetics and neuroscience. Starting from a discussion (...)
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  49. The Work of Neoliberal Governmentality: Temporality and Ethical Substance in the Tale of Two Dads.Sam Binkley - 2009 - Foucault Studies 6:60-78.
    This paper considers debates around the neoliberal governmentality, and argues for the need to better theorize the specific ethical practices through which such programs of governmentality are carried out. Arguing that much theoretical and empirical work in this area is prone to a “top down” approach, in which governmentality is reduced to an imposing apparatus through which subjectivities are produced, it argues instead for the need to understand the self-production of subjectivities by considering the ethical practices that make up neoliberal (...)
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    “Spiritual Gymnastics”: Reflections on Michel Foucault’s On the Government of the Living 1980 Collège de France lectures.Jeremy Carrette - 2015 - Foucault Studies 20:277-290.
    This review locates the 1980 lectures within the context of the wider discussions of Foucault and religion; highlighting the influence of George Dumézil on the comparative and structural analysis. Assessing the problem of the historical accuracy of Christian history in Foucault’s work and the nature of the archaeological approach, the review explores what would be fair to ask of Foucault’s 1980 lectures on Christianity. The review focuses on the internal consistency, selections and theoretical tensions. While acknowledging that Foucault picks up (...)
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