Results for 'Council of Nicaea'

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  1.  8
    The Council of Nicaea and its reception.Samuel Fernández - 2016 - Teología y Vida 57 (2):297-303.
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    The council of nicaea - (y.R.) Kim (ed.) The cambridge companion to the council of nicaea. Pp. XX + 424, ills, maps. Cambridge: Cambridge university press, 2021. Paper, £28.99, us$36.99 (cased, £84.99, us$110). Isbn: 978-1-108-44811-6 (978-1-108-42774-6 hbk). [REVIEW]Karl Heiner Dahm - 2021 - The Classical Review 71 (2):522-525.
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    Colm Luibhéid, The Council of Nicaea. Galway: Galway University Press, 1982. Pp. ii, 146. $12.50; £8.95. [REVIEW]Michael P. McHugh - 1984 - Speculum 59 (2):482-483.
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    Mark S. Smith, The Idea of Nicaea in the Early Church Councils, AD 431-451, Oxford University Press, New York 2018.Carolina Carriero - 2019 - Augustinianum 59 (2):534-538.
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    Nicaea as political orthodoxy: Imperial Christianity versus episcopal polities.Rugare Rukuni & Erna Oliver - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (4):10.
    Fourth-century Christianity and the Council of Nicaea have continually been read as a Constantinian narrative. The dominancy of imperial Christianity has been a consequent feature of the established narrative regarding the events within early Christianity. There is a case for a revisionist enquiry regarding the influence of the emperor in the formation of orthodoxy. The role of bishops and its political characterisation had definitive implications upon Christianity as it would seem. Recent revisions on Constantine by Leithart and Barnes (...)
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    You'd Better Watch out….Will Williams - 2010 - In Scott C. Lowe, Christmas: Philosophy For Everyone. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 114–124.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Ho, Ho, History Arius and Theological Controversy The Council of Nicaea – a Jolly Occasion Float like an Acolyte, Sting like the See Does Theology Really Matter? Here Comes Santa Claus – into the Twenty‐First Century The Nicholas of History and the Santa of Faith?
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    New observations on the pavement of the church of Haghia Sophia in Nicaea.Christina Pinatsi - 2006 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 99 (1):119-125.
    The basilica of Haghia Sophia in Nicaea is the result of multiple phases of development. A number of scholars have dealt with the architecture of the monument and the history of its construction: Brounoff published a rather outdated description and analysis of the building in 1925, Schneider gave two accounts of the excavations he carried out in the church in 1935, Sabine Möllers studied the monument thoroughly in her doctorate thesis in 1994 and Peschlow produced a complete outline of (...)
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    Council of Europe Convention against Trafficking in Human Organs.Council of Europe & Committee of Ministers - 2016 - Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft Und Ethik 20 (1):355-366.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft und Ethik Jahrgang: 20 Heft: 1 Seiten: 355-366.
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  9. Fragmentation and Wholeness in Science and Society Transcript of a Seminar Sponsored by the Science Council of Canada, Ottawa 10 May 1983.David Bohm & Science Council of Canada - 1984 - Science Council of Canada.
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    In Defense of Conciliar Christology: A Philosophical Essay.Timothy Pawl - 2016 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This work presents a historically informed, systematic exposition of the Christology of the first seven Ecumenical Councils of undivided Christendom, from the First Council of Nicaea in 325 AD to the Second Council of Nicaea in 787 AD. Assuming the truth of Conciliar Christology for the sake of argument, Timothy Pawl considers whether there are good philosophical arguments that show a contradiction or incoherence in that doctrine. He presents the definitions of important terms in the debate (...)
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    (1 other version)Convention for protection of human rights and dignity of the human being with regard to the application of biology and biomedicine: Convention on human rights and biomedicine.Council of Europe - 1997 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 7 (3):277-290.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Convention for Protection of Human Rights and Dignity of the Human Being with Regard to the Application of Biology and Biomedicine: Convention on Human Rights and BiomedicineCouncil of EuropePreambleThe Member States of the Council of Europe, the other States and the European Community signatories hereto,Bearing in mind the Universal Declaration of Human Rights proclaimed by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 10 December 1948;Bearing in mind (...)
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    The Icon as the Revelation of Eternity in Time.Giuseppe Di Giacomo - 2018 - Aisthesis. Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 11 (1):55-66.
    The essay proposes a notion of “icon” understood, according to the paradigm born of the Second Council of Nicaea, as a visible image of the invisible qua invisible. In this light, the distinctive feature of the icon-image is its ability to manifest the paradoxical identity-difference relationship that links visible and invisible, and, consequently, representable and unrepresentable, immanence and transcendence, eternity and time. By offering itself as the privileged place for the presentation of an absence and of a “withdrawal”, (...)
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    Additional Protocol to the Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine, concerning Biomedical Research.Council of Europe - 2005 - Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft Und Ethik 10 (1):391-402.
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    The problem of “god” in psychology of religion: Lonergan's “common sense” versus “theory”.Daniel A. Helminiak - 2017 - Zygon 52 (2):380-418.
    The emphasis on God in American psychology of religion generates the problem of explaining divine-versus-natural causality in “spiritual experiences.” Especially “theistic psychology” champions divine involvement. However, its argument exposes a methodological error: to pit popular religious opinions against technical scientific conclusions. Countering such homogenizing “postmodern agnosticism,” Bernard Lonergan explained these two as different modes of thinking: “common sense” and “theory”—which resolves the problem: When theoretical science is matched with theoretical theology, “the God-hypothesis” explains the existence of things whereas science explains (...)
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    Isidore of Seville and the Filioque.Alberto Ferreiro - 2024 - Isidorianum 33 (1):33-57.
    The introduction and proliferation of the double procession of the Holy Spirit formulae in Hispania is a rich topic. There are aspects of it that have been somewhat marginalized, however. Surprisingly, one of those is the evidence from Isidore of Seville, the most celebrated churchman of the seventh century. He had a role in spreading the double procession/ Filioque of the Holy Spirit through some of his works and a council. This study for the first time brings them all (...)
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  16. Explanatory Report to the Additional Protocol to the Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine, concerning Biomedical Research.Council of Europe, I. General & Legal Affairs - 2005 - Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft Und Ethik 10 (1).
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    Opinion on the vulnerabilities of elderly people, especially of those who reside in institutions.National Council of Ethics for the Life Sciences - 2016 - Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft Und Ethik 20 (1):303-312.
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    Αναζητώντας διεξόδους για την επιβίωση του Βυζαντίου: Η περίπτωση του Βησσαρίωνα (1403/8-1472) » [Searching for the Salvation of Byzantium: Bessarion’s case (1403/8-1472)].Athanasia Theodoropoulou - 2020 - Dia-Logos 10:203-223.
    Bessarion, bishop of Nicaea and later cardinal of the Roman Church, was one of the most significant figures of the fifteenth century. He devoted himself to preserving the Greek heritage, to uniting the Orthodox and Latin Churches, and to promoting a crusade against the Ottomans. The aim of this paper is to interpret Bessarion’s views concerning the salvation of Byzantium by giving an overview of his key works, orations and letters, focusing on the rise of the Ottomans: his Oratio (...)
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    Boniface I, Augustine, and the Translation of Honorius to Caesarea Mauretaniae.Geoffrey D. Dunn - 2020 - Augustinian Studies 51 (1):23-46.
    Augustine’s Epistulae 23A*, 23*, and 22*, written in late 419 and early 420, present his involvement in the dispute concerning the translation of Honorius to Caesarea Mauretaniae (modern Cherchell), a city Augustine had visited in September 418 while fulfilling a commission from Zosimus of Rome. The translation of bishops from one church to another had been condemned by the 325 Council of Nicaea. The three letters are difficult to interpret because the information to his three correspondents (Possidius of (...)
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  20.  39
    Recommendation Rec(2006)4 of the Committee of Ministers to Member States on Research on Biological Materials of Human Origin. [REVIEW]Council of Europe & Committee of Ministers - 2006 - Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft Und Ethik 11 (1):387-394.
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    Explanatory Report to the Additional Protocol to the Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine, concerning Biomedical Research.Directorate General I. Council of Europe - 2005 - Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft Und Ethik 10 (1):403-431.
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    O dízimo no período anteniceno.Isaac Malheiros - 2016 - Revista de Teologia 10 (18):86-99.
    This article will reflect on the practice of tithing in the Christian church during the post-apostolic period to the Council of Nicaea. Through literature search and analysis of primary sources, this article will consider: 1) whether the alleged absence of tithing practice in ante-Nicene church is confirmed historically, and 2) the possible explanations and meanings of the early church's views on tithing. Based on this research, it can be concluded that there aren’t strong evidences that the post-apostolic and (...)
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    What names did the Anti-nicenes use for Catholics and Arians?John Moorhead - 2010 - Augustinianum 50 (2):423-441.
    The parties involved in the Trinitarian disputes that led to and followed the Council of Nicaea are generally referred to as Catholics and Arians. But suchterminology reproduces that of the party that was ultimately victorious, and this paper utilizes the evidence of Latin texts from the fourth to the sixth centuries to enquire into the language used by the other side. It will draw attention to the use of such terms as Homousians and Romans for those better known (...)
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    Recommendation Rec(2004)10 of the Committee of Ministers to Member States concerning the Protection of the Human Rights and Dignity of Persons with Mental Disorder. [REVIEW]Council of Europe & Committee of Ministers - 2005 - Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft Und Ethik 10 (1):527-540.
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    Augustine and the Trinity.Lewis Ayres - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    Augustine of Hippo strongly influenced western theology, but he has often been accused of over-emphasizing the unity of God to the detriment of the Trinity. In Augustine and the Trinity, Lewis Ayres offers a new treatment of this important figure, demonstrating how Augustine's writings offer one of the most sophisticated early theologies of the Trinity developed after the Council of Nicaea. Building on recent research, Ayres argues that Augustine was influenced by a wide variety of earlier Latin Christian (...)
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    He Who Pays the Piper Calls the Tune? On Funding and the Development of Medical Knowledge.Health Council of the Netherlands - 2010 - Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft Und Ethik 15 (1):287-330.
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  27. Papers Presented at the Regional Conference for Central English-Speaking Canada.J. M. S. Careless, Claude Thomas Bissell, John A. Irving & Humanities Research Council of Canada - 1950 - S.N.
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  28. Islamfiche Readings From Primary Sources.William A. Graham, Miryam Rozen, Marilyn Robinson Waldman & American Council of Learned Societies - 1983 - Inter Documentation Clearwater Distributor].
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  29. Sexuality and Christian Tradition.David Newheiser - 2015 - Journal of Religious Ethics 43 (1):122-145.
    This essay aims to clarify the debate over same-sex unions by comparing it to the fourth-century conflict concerning the nature of Jesus Christ. Although some suppose that the council of Nicaea reiterated what Christians had always believed, the Nicene theology championed by Athanasius was a dramatic innovation that only won out through protracted struggle. Similarly, despite the widespread assumption that Christian tradition univocally condemns homosexuality, the concept of sexuality is a nineteenth-century invention with no exact analogue in the (...)
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    L’incarnation phénoménologique à l’épreuve du « corps sans organes ».Alain Beaulieu - 2004 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 60 (2):301-316.
    Résumé L’incarnation phénoménologique a-t‑elle, dès Husserl, une origine christique? Ce qu’on a appelé le tournant théologique de la phénoménologie amorcé dans les années 1960 en France obéirait bien plutôt, en ce cas, à l’inspiration du mouvement phénoménologique dès ses débuts. On explore ici cette question, en mettant la chair phénoménologique à l’épreuve de l’athéisme de Deleuze et du thème du « corps sans organes » issu du rapport conflictuel d’Antonin Artaud avec la mystique chrétienne, et en remontant à la crise (...)
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  31. The Misuse of History Symposium on "Facing Misuses of History," Oslo, Norway, 28-30 June 1999.Georg G. Iggers, Laurent Wirth & Council of Europe - 2000
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    The Teaching of Values and the Successor Generation.Edmund D. Pellegrino & Atlantic Council of the United States - 1983 - Atlantic Council of the United States.
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    Bévue lyrique ou révélation anthropologique?Alain Grau - 2020 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 76 (3):397-419.
    The double homoousia, confessed by the Council of Chalcedon, is certainly one of the most difficult concepts transmitted by the dogmatic tradition. What can be signified by the affirmation that Christ is homoouion to us, and to each of us? Is it possible to shift a trinitarian understanding, classical since Nicaea, into anthropological meaning in an univocal way, without reason’s injury? If it is the case, we must give the second homoousia an intelligibility right at the intersection of (...)
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    The Case for Spirit Christology: Some Reflections.Thomas Weinandy - 1995 - The Thomist 59 (2):173-188.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE CASE FOR SPIRIT CHRISTOLOGY: SOME REFLECTIONS THOMAS WEINANDY, O.F.M., CAP. Greyfriars Hall, University of Oxford IN THE JUNE, 1992, issue of Theological Studies Roger Haight, S.J., of the Weston School of Theology, authored an essay entitled "The Case for Spirit Christology." 1 In the December, 1992, issue of the same journal John Wright, S.J., of the Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley, wrote a critical response entitled: "Roger (...)
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    Patriarch Tarasios: An exponent of Byzantine church diplomacy in relation to Rome and the bishop of Constantinople.Chifar Nicolae - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):1-7.
    On September 24, 787, the works of the VII Ecumenical Synod were opened in the 'Saint Sophia' Church in Nicaea, after the first attempt, on August 7, 786, had failed. Although the nominal presidency was held by the legates of Pope Adrian I, the effective presidency was exercised by Patriarch Tarasios of Constantinople. A skilful church diplomat, with experience, gained as an imperial secretary and a remarkable theologian whose authority was imposed even during his election as a patriarch amongst (...)
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  36.  8
    Robert Grosseteste and Eustratius of Nicaea on Concept Formation after the Fall.Michele Trizio - 2023 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 30 (1).
    This paper explores the similarities between a crucial passage in Robert Grosseteste’s commentary on Posterior Analytics and the commentary on Nicomachean Ethics 6 written by the Byzantine commentator Eustratius of Nicaea (d. ca. 1120). According to the present author, Eustratius may be the direct source of Grosseteste’s epistemology and concept formation theory in the commentary. A tentative revision of the chronology of Grosseteste’s Greek studies may be necessary to account for the relationship between the two texts.
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  37. Parthenius of Nicaea and Leo Tolstoy.David T. Murphy - 1985 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 78 (6):577.
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    Eustratius of Nicaea on Analysis.Katerina Ierodiakonou - 2023 - In Christian Brockmann, Daniel Deckers & Stefano Valente, Aristoteles-Kommentare und ihre Überlieferung: Wichtige Etappen von der Antike bis in die frühe Neuzeit. De Gruyter. pp. 293-312.
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    Eustratios of Nicaea on thunder and lightning.Anne-Laurence Caudano - 2012 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 105 (2).
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    The Council of Samos in 479 and Thucydides’ Silence.Robert D. Luginbill - 2024 - Hermes 152 (1):3-15.
    Herodotus gives a lengthy description of the important council of the Greek allies which took place at Samos after Mycale in 479, but Thucydides fails to mention it. This is likely not because of succinctness in his treatment of the period. Throughout the Pentecontaetia, Thucydides presents the events which led to the Peloponnesian War in a somewhat indirect and passive way in order to attribute its causality to historical forces of deeper import. His desire to accentuate the role of (...)
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    World Council of Churches' Project on Overcoming Violence against Women: A Progress Report.Helen Hood - 2004 - Feminist Theology 12 (3):373-377.
    This article provides information about the World Council of Churches' Project on Overcoming Violence against Women and a brief progress report on work done so far since its establishment in September 2000. Included are the 'Dundee Principles' for Churches to implement to overcome violence against women, the setting up of an internet website, and the production of a dossier of good practice that will be presented to the World Council of Churches in 2006. There is a specific invitation (...)
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    Eustratios of Nicaea.Katerina Ierodiakonou - 2011 - In H. Lagerlund, Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy. Springer. pp. 337--339.
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    Eustratios of Nicaea on the separation of art and theology.Charles Barber - 2009 - In Charles Barber & David Jenkins, Medieval Greek commentaries on the Nicomachean ethics. Boston: Brill. pp. 101--131.
  44. International Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research Involving Human Subjects. Geneva: CIOMS, 2002. 16. Resnik DB. The Ethics of HIV Research in Developing Nations. [REVIEW]Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences - 1998 - Bioethics 12:286-206.
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    The council of Europe’s competences for democratic culture: Employing Badiou and Plato to move beyond tensions in the values it promotes.Michelle Tourbier - 2019 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 52 (1):22-33.
    Designing education policy, curriculum and competences which promote and nourish the values and/or morals believed to underpin democratic culture is both contentious and something which has...
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    Council of europe regulations relevant to intervening in psychic capacities.Elaine Gadd - 2004 - Poiesis and Praxis 2 (4):263-274.
    The paper highlights the need to clarify the definition of “psychic capacities” and the difficulty in distinguishing between improved capacity and improved functioning. Before considering whether it is legally permissible to undertake an intervention on psychic capacities, and if so under what conditions, it is necessary to consider whether such an intervention is ethically appropriate. If the intervention is ethically appropriate, whether it is legally permissible according to the instruments of the Council of Europe will depend on the person's (...)
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    Response from Dundee Medical Student Council to “media misinterpretation”.Medical Student Council - 2004 - Journal of Medical Ethics 30 (4):380-380.
    We write in response to the original article by Rennie and Rudland published in the April 2003 edition of this journal.1 Current and former Dundee Medical School students are concerned at the media misinterpretation of the study and the consequences that this branding of “dishonesty” will have on Dundee Medical School’s reputation and also on individuals embarking on their ….
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    The Council of Europe.Pēteris Zilgalvis - 2008 - In Ezekiel J. Emanuel, The Oxford textbook of clinical research ethics. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 174.
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    The council of Europe’s instruments on biomedical research: how is conflict of interest addressed? [REVIEW]Pēteris Zilgalvis - 2002 - Science and Engineering Ethics 8 (3):277-281.
    Conflict of interest is an issue that has been put in the spotlight by the commercial application of the new biomedical technologies. This paper presents the approach of the Council of Europe and the binding legal instruments to deal with this problem. The main focus is on the Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine, and its draft additional Protocol on Biomedical Research.
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    World Council of Churches - Yearbook 1999.G. M. Van Wyk - 2000 - HTS Theological Studies 56 (2/3).
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