Results for 'Costello Maureen'

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  1.  31
    Patterns of Orthographic Working Memory Impairments in Acquired Dysgraphia in Adults: A Case Series analysis.Balasubramanian Venugopal, Aldera Maha & Costello Maureen - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Lexical representation for oral reading and writing/spelling: evidence from aphasia.Balasubramanian Venugopal, Aldera Maha & Costello Maureen - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  3. Stillbirth should be given greater priority on the global health agenda.Zeshan U. Qureshi, Joseph Millum, Hannah Blencowe, Maureen Kelley, Joy E. Lawn, Anthony Costello & Tim Colbourn - 2015 - British Medical Journal 351:h4620.
    Stillbirths are largely excluded from international measures of mortality and morbidity. Zeshan Qureshi and colleagues argue that stillbirth should be higher on the global health agenda.
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    Maureen Sie.Maureen Sie - 2009 - Wijsgerig Perspectief 49 (4):46-47.
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    Semantic and subword priming during binocular suppression.Patricia Costello, Yi Jiang, Brandon Baartman, Kristine McGlennen & Sheng He - 2009 - Consciousness and Cognition 18 (2):375-382.
    In general, stimuli that are familiar and recognizable have an advantage of predominance during binocular rivalry. Recent research has demonstrated that familiar and recognizable stimuli such as upright faces and words in a native language could break interocular suppression faster than their matched controls. In this study, a visible word prime was presented binocularly then replaced by a high-contrast dynamic noise pattern presented to one eye and either a semantically related or unrelated word was introduced to the other eye. We (...)
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    (1 other version)On Photography: A Philosophical Inquiry.Diarmuid Costello - 2016 - Routledge.
    What is photography? Is it primarily a source of knowledge about the world or an art? Many have said the former, because it records the world automatically, others the latter because it embodies human subjectivity. Can it photography be both or must we choose? In On Photography: A Philosophical Inquiry Diarmuid Costello examines these fascinating questions and more. In so doing he introduces some of the fundamental topics and debates about the nature of photography, with the help of photographic (...)
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    What's So New about the “New” Theory of Photography?Diarmuid Costello - 2017 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 75 (4):439-452.
    This article considers the shift currently taking place in philosophical thinking about photography. What I call “new” theory departs from philosophical orthodoxy with respect to when a photograph comes into existence, a difference with far-reaching consequences. I trace this to Dawn Wilson on the “photographic event.” To assess the new theory's newness one needs a grip on the old. I divide this between “skeptical” and “nonskeptical” orthodoxy, where this turns on the theory's implications for photography's standing as art. New theory (...)
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    The British Aesthetic Tradition: From Shaftesbury to Wittgenstein.Timothy M. Costelloe - 2013 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The British Aesthetic Tradition: From Shaftesbury to Wittgenstein is the first single volume to offer readers a comprehensive and systematic history of aesthetics in Britain from its inception in the early eighteenth century to major developments in Britain and beyond in the late twentieth century. The book consists of an introduction and eight chapters, and is divided into three parts. The first part, The Age of Taste, covers the eighteenth-century approaches of internal sense theorists, imagination theorists and associationists. The second, (...)
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    Should international adoption be part of humanitarian aid efforts? Lessons from haiti.Maureen Kelley - 2010 - Bioethics 24 (7):373-380.
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  10. The allocation of medical resources.Maureen Sheehan & Deane Wells - 1985 - In C. L. Buchanan & Elizabeth W. Prior, Medical care and markets: conflicts between efficiency and justice. [Carleton, Vic.]: Centre of Policy Studies, Monash University. pp. 55--69.
  11.  40
    Narrating otherness: Between hospitality and hostility.Stephen J. Costello - 2004 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 30 (7):881-886.
    This article discusses Richard Kearney’s multidisciplinary trilogy on the role of ‘Philosophy at the Limits’: On Stories (2002), Strangers, Gods and Monsters (2002) and The God Who May Be (2001). The three books take a cross-cultural approach on the margins of philosophy, the first issuing an ethics of narrative, the second welcoming the figures of Otherness, and the third affirming that God neither is nor is not but may be. Promoting a middle way between subordinating the Same to the Other (...)
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  12. Aesthetics and Morals in the Philosophy of David Hume.Timothy M. Costelloe - 2007 - New York: Routledge.
    The book has two aims. First, to examine the extent and significance of the connection between Hume's aesthetics and his moral philosophy; and, second, to consider how, in light of the connection, his moral philosophy answers central questions in ethics. The first aim is realized in chapters 1-4. Chapter 1 examines Hume's essay "Of the Standard of Taste" to understand his search for a "standard" and how this affects the scope of his aesthetics. Chapter 2 establishes that he treats beauty (...)
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  13. Determination of Death: A Scientific Perspective on Biological Integration.Maureen L. Condic - 2016 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 41 (3):257-278.
    Human life is operationally defined by the onset and cessation of organismal function. At postnatal stages of life, organismal integration critically and uniquely requires a functioning brain. In this article, a distinction is drawn between integrated and coordinated biologic activities. While communication between cells can provide a coordinated biologic response to specific signals, it does not support the integrated function that is characteristic of a living human being. Determining the loss of integrated function can be complicated by medical interventions that (...)
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  14.  25
    Rozzie and Harriet?: Gender and family patterns of lesbian coparents.Maureen Sullivan - 1996 - Gender and Society 10 (6):747-767.
    In this article the author explores the ways in which lesbian coparents divide household, child care, and paid labor to learn whether, and the degree to which, they adopt egalitarian work and family arrangements. Informed by a brief overview of U.S. gay liberation and family politics, and the theoretical and empirical work on the household division of labor by gender, this qualitative analysis of 34 Northern California families suggests that equitable practices—a pattern of equal sharing—among these lesbian coparents are the (...)
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  15.  36
    Probability Theory Plus Noise: Descriptive Estimation and Inferential Judgment.Fintan Costello & Paul Watts - 2018 - Topics in Cognitive Science 10 (1):192-208.
    We describe a computational model of two central aspects of people's probabilistic reasoning: descriptive probability estimation and inferential probability judgment. This model assumes that people's reasoning follows standard frequentist probability theory, but it is subject to random noise. This random noise has a regressive effect in descriptive probability estimation, moving probability estimates away from normative probabilities and toward the center of the probability scale. This random noise has an anti-regressive effect in inferential judgement, however. These regressive and anti-regressive effects explain (...)
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    Surprisingly rational: Probability theory plus noise explains biases in judgment.Fintan Costello & Paul Watts - 2014 - Psychological Review 121 (3):463-480.
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  17.  32
    A formal theory for reasoning about parthood, connection, and location.Maureen Donnelly - 2004 - Artificial Intelligence 160 (1-2):145-172.
    In fields such as medicine, geography, and mechanics, spatial reasoning involves reasoning about entities that may coincide without overlapping. Some examples are: cavities and invading particles, passageways and valves, geographic regions and tropical storms. The purpose of this paper is to develop a formal theory of spatial relations for domains that include coincident entities. The core of the theory is a clear distinction between mereotopological relations, such as parthood and connection, and relative location relations, such as coincidence. To guide the (...)
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  18.  33
    Dissimilarities between conditioned avoidance responses and phobias.C. G. Costello - 1970 - Psychological Review 77 (3):250-254.
  19.  15
    The AUA Code of Professional Standards.Maureen Skinner - 2001 - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 5 (3):63-67.
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    Introduction.Maureen Sie & Leon Bruin - 2016 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 15 (1):3-5.
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    Bikini Bytes.Maureen Connolly - 2001 - American Journal of Semiotics 17 (4):229-246.
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    Mathematical Philosophy; a Study of Fate and Freedom.H. T. Costello - 1923 - Journal of Philosophy 20 (5):137-139.
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  23. Rationalizing Epistemology: An Argument Against Naturalism in Feminist Philosophy of Science.Maureen Linker - 1996 - Dissertation, City University of New York
    The dissertation involves an examination of recent work in Social Epistemology. In particular, I am concerned with the question of how one's social position could affect judgments regarding evidence and confirmation. To answer this question I undertake an investigation of feminist epistemology and philosophy of science. Feminist epistemologists have raised criticisms of the traditional analysis of knowledge by arguing against the primacy of the individual and for a more thorough-going analysis of the community in accounts of knowledge. This shift, in (...)
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  24. University Massification and Teaching Non-Traditional University Students.Maureen Reed - 2016 - In James Arvanitakis & David J. Hornsby, Universities, the citizen scholar and the future of higher education. New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Agustín ¿interpretó mal a Ticonio?Maureen A. Tilley & José Anoz - 1995 - Augustinus 40 (156-159):297-301.
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  26. (1 other version)Josiah Royce's seminar, 1913-1914: as recorded in the notebooks of Harry T. Costello.Harry Todd Costello - 1963 - New Brunswick, N.J.,: Rutgers University Press. Edited by Grover Smith.
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    Tough choices: living and dying in the 21st century.Maureen McTeer - 1999 - Toronto, Ont.: Irwin Law.
    Maureen McTeer addresses the question of how we can balance the ability of science and technology to enhance our lives with the obligation to protect our individual and collective interests. The outcome of the debate on these issues, ranging from embryonic research to biotechnology to euthanasia, will affect every aspect of our lives.
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    Dynamics of discernment: a guide to good decision-making.Stephen J. Costello - 2022 - Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications.
    This is a unique book, drawing together the profound insights of Eastern philosophy (Advaita Vedanta), Western depth-psychology (Jungian), and spirituality (Ignatian) as applied to decision-making. Mention is made of Plato, C. G. Jung, Ira Progoff, Viktor Frankl, and Bernard Lonergan, amongst others. Powerful and practical tools and techniques for making wise decisions are offered. There are sections on Descartes's famous square, the ego and the Self, the I Ching and synchronicity, archetypes, neuroscience and the triune brain, biases and blind spots (...)
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  29. Does Not, Amsterdam-New York, Rodopi, 2005. Il recente libro di Maureen Sie ha come obiettivo spiega-re perché l'esistenza della libertà del volere non è necessaria per garantire che le nostre quotidiane pratiche di attribuzione di re.Maureen Sie - 2006 - Rivista di Filosofia 97 (1).
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    The Cognitive Value of Literary Perspectives.Maureen Donnelly - 2019 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 77 (1):11-22.
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    Imagination, Illness, and Injury: Jungian Psychology and the Somatic Dimensions of Perception.Melanie Starr Costello - 2006 - Routledge.
    How does the body influence the way we see the world? _Imagination, Illness and Injury_ examines the psychological factors behind perceptual limitations and distortions and links a broad range of somatic manifestations with their resolution. Melanie Starr Costello applies Jungian theory to a variety of cases, attributing psychosomatic phenomena to cognitive processes that are common to us all. She analyses the role of illness in several life narratives, and interprets the appearance of somatic phenomena during important phases of analytic (...)
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  32.  46
    A New Philosophy: Henri Bergson. Edouard Le Roy, Vincent Brown.Karin Costelloe - 1913 - International Journal of Ethics 24 (1):102-104.
  33. An interaction effect of norm violations on causal judgment.Maureen Gill, Jonathan F. Kominsky, Thomas F. Icard & Joshua Knobe - 2022 - Cognition 228 (C):105183.
    Existing research has shown that norm violations influence causal judgments, and a number of different models have been developed to explain these effects. One such model, the necessity/sufficiency model, predicts an interac- tion pattern in people’s judgments. Specifically, it predicts that when people are judging the degree to which a particular factor is a cause, there should be an interaction between (a) the degree to which that factor violates a norm and (b) the degree to which another factor in the (...)
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    Verbal working memory predicts co-speech gesture: Evidence from individual differences.Maureen Gillespie, Ariel N. James, Kara D. Federmeier & Duane G. Watson - 2014 - Cognition 132 (2):174-180.
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  35. The stories that changed Australia: 50 years of Four Corners [Book Review].Maureen McPhate - 2013 - Australian Humanist, The 112:22.
    McPhate, Maureen Review of: The stories that changed Australia: 50 years of Four Corners, edited by Sally Neighbour, HarperCollinsPublishers, 2012. $32.99.
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    Mercy and the Rule of Law: A Theological Interpretation of “Amoris Laetitia”.Maureen K. Day - 2023 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 20 (2):499-500.
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    Discussion with Harry Frankfurt - Responsibility in Autonomy Undermining Circumstances.Maureen Sie - 1998 - Ethical Perspectives 5 (1):30-35.
    In 1969 Prof. Frankfurt has introduced a famous class of counterexamples to the Principle of Alternate Possibilities. The principle that states that a person x is only responsible for an action y, if she could have done otherwise than y. In these examples a so called ‘counterfactual intervener’ figures that pre-empts all alternate possibilities counterfactually, that is, without actually intervening. Because this counterfactual intervener only looms passively in the background, x’s moral responsibility for y is not affected, whereas at the (...)
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  38. Einsteins gemoedsrust.Maureen Sie - unknown - Wijsgerig Perspectief 50 (1).
    Is de vrije wil een noodzakelijke voorwaarde voor morele verantwoordelijkheid? Dit stuk gaat over enkele van de argumenten die voor een ontkennend of bevestigend antwoord op die vraag pleiten.
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  39. A Philosophy of the Real and Possible.Harry Todd Costello - 1956 - Philosophy 31 (118):261-261.
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    Logic in 1914 and now.Harry T. Costello - 1957 - Journal of Philosophy 54 (9):245-264.
  41. Survival Training.Rita D. Costello - forthcoming - Feminist Studies.
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    The nature of music: beauty, sound, and healing.Maureen McCarthy Draper - 2001 - New York: Riverhead Books.
    Exploring the universal appeal of music, a classical pianist shows the ways the great works of the classical canon can help us cope with grief, aid us in recovery from illness, inspire us to create, and give dimension to the mysteries of beauty and faith. Reprint.
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    Sylvan's Jungle Volume 1: Exploring Meinong's Jungle and Beyond.Maureen Eckert - 2018 - International: Synthese Library.
    In this first volume of The Sylvan Jungle, the editors present a scholarly edition of the first chapter, "Exploring Meinong's Jungle," of Richard Routley's 1000-plus page book, Exploring Meinong's Jungle and Beyond. Going against the Quinean orthodoxy, Routley’s aim was to support Meinong’s idea that we can truthfully refer to non-existent and even impossible objects, like Superman, unicorns and the (infamous) round-square cupola on Berkeley College. The tools of non-classical logic at Routley’s disposal enabled him to update Meinong’s project for (...)
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  44. An Invited Submission-Thoughts on the Ethics of Compassion.Maureen Foy - 2009 - Journal of Ethics in Mental Health 2 (1):10.
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    Recent Contributions to Old Babylonian Studies.Maureen Gallery, Marten Stol & Rivkah Harris - 1979 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 99 (1):73.
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    The Dialogue of Comfort Against Tribulation on Australian Broadcasting Commission.Maureen Purcell - 1980 - Moreana 17 (Number 67-17 (3-4):43-46.
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    Casemix Funding of Hospitals: Ethical Objections.Maureen Ramsay - 1996 - Health Care Analysis 4 (3):194-196.
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  48. Higher Education for Good: Teaching and Learning Futures.Maureen Robinson - forthcoming - British Journal of Educational Studies.
    Writing that emanates from universities is sometimes argued to be impenetrable for the general reader, thereby limiting its communicative value. A counterargument is that specialized subject matter...
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    Psychopathy and Pride: Testing Lykken’s Hypothesis Regarding the Implications of Fearlessness for Prosocial and Antisocial Behavior.Thomas H. Costello, Ansley Unterberger, Ashley L. Watts & Scott O. Lilienfeld - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Surprising rationality in probability judgment: Assessing two competing models.Fintan Costello, Paul Watts & Christopher Fisher - 2018 - Cognition 170 (C):280-297.
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