Results for 'Cosmopolitanism'

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  1. Part IV beyond the nation-state: Europe, cosmopolitanism and international law.Cosmopolitanism Europe - 2006 - In Lasse Thomassen, Jacques Derrida & Jürgen Habermas, The Derrida-Habermas reader. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. pp. 255.
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    A Comprehensive Overview of Cosmopolitan Literature Garrett Wallace Brown and Megan Kime.Eric Brown, Hellenistic Cosmopolitanism, A. In & Mary Louise Gill - 2010 - In Garrett Wallace Brown & David Held, The Cosmopolitanism Reader. Malden, MA: Polity.
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    Transnational Cosmopolitanism: Kant, du Bois, and Justice as a Political Craft.Inés Valdez - 2019 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    Based on the theoretical reconstruction of neglected post-WWI writings and political action of W. E. B. Du Bois, this volume offers a normative account of transnational cosmopolitanism. Pointing out the limitations of Kant's cosmopolitanism through a novel contextual account of Perpetual Peace, Transnational Cosmopolitanism shows how these limits remain in neo-Kantian scholarship. Inés Valdez's framework overcomes these limitations in a methodologically unique way, taking Du Bois's writings and his coalitional political action both as text that should inform (...)
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    Enlightenment cosmopolitanism.David Adams & Galin Tihanov (eds.) - 2011 - Leeds: Legenda.
    Enlightenment Cosmopolitanism brings together ten innovative contributions by outstanding scholars working across a wide array of disciplines in the humanities and social sciences. Interdisciplinary in its methodology and compass, with a strong comparative European dimension, the volume examines discourses ranging from literature, historiography, music and opera to anthropology and political philosophy. It makes an original contribution to the study of 18th-century ideas of universal peace, progress and wealth as the foundation of future debates on cosmopolitanism. At the same (...)
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    Cosmopolitanism for Earth Dwellers: Kant on the Right to be Somewhere.Jakob Huber - 2017 - Kantian Review 22 (1):1-25.
    The paper provides a systematic account of Kant’s ‘right to be somewhere’ as introduced in the Doctrine of Right. My claim is that Kant’s concern with the concurrent existence of a plurality of corporeal agents on the earth’s surface occupies a rarely appreciated conceptual space in his mature political philosophy. In grounding a particular kind of moral relation that is ‘external’ but not property-mediated, it provides us with a fundamentally new perspective on Kant’s cosmopolitanism, which I construe as a (...)
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    Cosmopolitanism and Justice.Simon Caney - 2009 - In Thomas Christiano & John Philip Christman, Contemporary Debates in Political Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 385–407.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Three Conceptions of Cosmopolitanism Two Kinds of Juridical Cosmopolitanism Beitz on Cosmopolitan Justice Pogge on Cosmopolitan Justice Cosmopolitanism and Humanity Three Challenges to Cosmopolitan Justice Concluding Remarks Notes References.
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    Cosmopolitanism and empire: universal rulers, local elites, and cultural integration in the ancient Near East and Mediterranean.Myles Lavan, Richard E. Payne & John Weisweiler (eds.) - 2016 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    The empires of the ancient Near East and Mediterranean invented cosmopolitan politics. In the first millennia BCE and CE, a succession of territorially extensive states incorporated populations of unprecedented cultural diversity. Cosmopolitanism and Empire traces the development of cultural techniques through which empires managed difference in order to establish effective, enduring regimes of domination. It focuses on the relations of imperial elites with culturally distinct local elites, offering a comparative perspective on the varying depth and modalities of elite integration (...)
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  8. Saving cosmopolitanism from colonialism.Daniel Weltman - 2024 - Ethics and Global Politics 17 (4):25-44.
    Cosmopolitanism – the view that moral concern, and consequently moral duties, are not limited by borders – seems to justify colonialism with a ‘civilizing’ mission, because it supports the enforcement of moral norms universally, with no distinctions between territories, and settler colonialism, because it promotes ideas like common ownership of the Earth and open borders. I argue that existing attempts to defend cosmopolitanism from this worry fail, and that instead the cosmopolitan should embrace a cosmopolitan instrumentalist defence. According (...)
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  9. Justice, Cosmopolitanism and Policy Prescription: Gillian Brock’s "Global Justice".Cindy Holder - 2012 - Diametros 31:138-145.
    In Global Justice: A Cosmopolitan Account Gillian Brock makes three important claims: that we have duties of justice to all human beings and not only those with whom we share a state; that our duties to those outside our states are of the same scope and normative weight as our duties to those with whom we share a state; and that the existing framework of international institutions affords us a number of straightforward and accessible means to act on our duties (...)
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    Beyond cosmopolitanism: towards a non-ideal account of transnational justice.Christine Chwaszcza - 2008 - Ethics and Global Politics 1 (3).
    Cosmopolitanism in normative theory of transnational justice is often characterized by the thesis that the moral and legal status of states must be entirely derived from the moral status of the individuals who constitute them. Although the thesis itself is rather indeterminate in substantive and analytical content, it is generally understood as the claim that states should not be granted the status of moral and legal agents sui generis. This article argues that such a view is analytically and methodologically (...)
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    Pragmatic cosmopolitanism: representation and leadership in transnational democracy.Daniel Bray - 2011 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Building on the work of philosopher John Dewey, Bray develops an approach to transnational democracy called "pragmatic cosmopolitanism." He argues for an ideal of representative democracy that emphasizes the role of democratic leadership and the development of critical intelligence.
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    Rights, cosmopolitanism and public reason.James Bohman - 2005 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 31 (7):715-726.
    In this discussion of Seyla Benhabib’s Claims of Culture, I defend a more pluralist conception of deliberative democracy and a stronger conception of the cosmopolitan content of human rights. I will discuss three main issues: first, problems of incommensurability and deep conflict; second, the role of impartiality and normative constraints embodied in the ‘syntactic’ and ‘semantic’ interpretations of the deliberative formula ‘reasons that all could accept’; and third, the differences in our conceptions of cosmopolitanism and the status of rightless (...)
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  13. The Cosmopolitanism Reader.Garrett Wallace Brown & David Held (eds.) - 2010 - Malden, MA: Polity.
    The world is becoming deeply interconnected, whereby actions in one part of the world can have profound repercussions elsewhere. In a world of overlapping communities of fate, there has been a renewed enthusiasm for thinking about what it is that human beings have in common, and to explore the ethical basis of this. This has led to a renewed interest in examining the normative principles that might underpin efforts to resolve global collective action problems and to ameliorate serious global risks. (...)
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    Cosmopolitanism to Come: Derrida's Response to Globalization.Fred Evans - 2014 - In Zeynep Direk & Leonard Lawlor, A Companion to Derrida. Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 550–564.
    Cosmopolitanism has ancient roots in the West and the East. A view that appeals to a quasi‐transcendental basis for cosmopolitan democracy can seem unacceptably ephemeral; yet a conditional view may amount to no more than a worldwide modus vivendi despite its claims to moral bonds of unity. This chapter shows how Jacques Derrida's notion of democracy or cosmopolitanism confronts this issue. Contemporary Marxism provides one of the most systematic characterizations and criticisms of the modern form of globalization. Derrida (...)
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    Contemporary cosmopolitanism.Angela Taraborrelli - 2015 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Contemporary Cosmopolitanism is the first, much-needed, introduction to contemporary political cosmopolitanism. Although it has its roots in classical philosophy and politics, Cosmopolitanism has undergone a major revival in the last forty years, stirring far-reaching and intense international debates.Cosmopolitanism is a way of thought and life which entails an identification of the individual with the whole humankind, and implies a moral obligation to promote social and political justice at the global level. Contemporary cosmopolitanism reflects a global (...)
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    Cosmopolitanism and the Arab spring: foundations for the decline of terrorism.Lori J. Underwood - 2013 - New York: P. Lang.
    <I>Cosmopolitanism and the Arab Spring: Foundations for the Decline of Terrorism analyzes the role of social media in the Arab Spring within a specific philosophical framework. Kantian cosmopolitanism, enhanced by social media and Internet communications technologies, offers a solid explanation of the political evolution of the Arab Spring. These technologies have given rise to a new cosmopolitanism that rejects alternating dichotomies in favor of an evolving consciousness of our status as citizens of a global commonwealth with a (...)
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    Cosmopolitanism from Below: Universalism as Contestation.James D. Ingram - 2016 - Critical Horizons 17 (1):66-78.
    Cosmopolitanism is attractive as a normative orientation, but the historical record of actual cosmopolitanisms, like that of practical universalisms more generally, is not encouraging. When they have not been merely empty, cosmopolitanisms' ostensibly universal values have too been often co-opted by dominant powers, making them into ideologies of domination. My question here is not whether but how to embrace cosmopolitanism so as to avoid these perversions. The key, I argue, is to focus on the processes through which their (...)
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    Cosmopolitanism and Human Rights.Sharon Anderson-Gold - 2001 - Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
    If human rights express the equal claim of every person to the recognition and protection of their vital interests, they necessarily assert universal obligations of justice that cross borders. Sharon Anderson-Gold asks here whether there is a normative consensus on human rights and articulates the role of a cosmopolitan or global community in shaping the theory and practice of international politics. She considers several important works in the field of universal human rights and discusses whether a cosmopolitan system of law (...)
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    Anti-Cosmopolitanism and the Motivational Preconditions for Social Justice.Erez Lior - 2017 - Social Theory and Practice 43 (2):249-282.
    This article reconstructs the political motivation argument against cosmopolitanism, according to which the extension of social justice beyond bounded communities would be motivationally unstable, and thus unjustified. It does so through an analysis of the stability problem, and a reconstruction of the three most prominent anti-cosmopolitan arguments—Rawlsian statism, liberal nationalism, and civic republicanism—as solutions to this problem. It then examines, and rejects, three prominent objections, each denying a different level of the argument. The article concludes that the civic republican (...)
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    Cosmopolitanism, Motivation, and Normative Feasibility.Lior Erez - 2015 - Ethics and Global Politics 8 (1):43-55.
    David Axelsen has recently introduced a novel critique of the motivational argument against cosmopolitanism : even if it were the case that lack of motivation could serve as a normative constraint, people’s anti-cosmopolitan motivations cannot be seen as constraints on cosmopolitan duties as they are generated and reinforced by the state. This article argues that Axelsen 's argument misrepresents the nationalist motivational argument against cosmopolitanism : the nationalist motivational argument is best interpreted as an argument about normative feasibility (...)
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  21. Hannah Arendt and cosmopolitanism: state, community, worlds in common.Angela Taraborrelli - 2024 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Hannah Arendt and Cosmopolitanism presents the first comprehensive study of Hannah Arendt's cosmopolitanism. Challenging the common misconception that cosmopolitanism is a negligible or incompatible element of Arendt's thought, it unpacks various key elements of her philosophy such as her critique of human rights, the defence of the “right to have rights” as a right to belong to a particular political community, the scepticism towards the establishment of a world government as a solution to the problem of statelessness, (...)
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    Cosmopolitanism and Human Reason An Introduction.Angelo Cicatello - 2019 - Con-Textos Kantianos 1 (10):8-14.
    Over and above the modalities with which it is expressed in the domains of Kant’s system, the theme of cosmopolitanism embodies the meaning of a philosophy seen as a plan to build on the connection between man, polis and reason; an essential connection that in human reason identifies not a simple endowment which everyone has by nature but a form of life to be realized in the world, a purpose whose binding strength is only fully expressed in the public (...)
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    Cosmopolitanism: from the Kantian legacy to contemporary approaches.Cristina Foroni Consani, Joel T. Klein & Soraya Nour (eds.) - 2021 - Berlin: Duncker Und Humblot.
    This book investigates several dimensions of the concept of cosmopolitanism since Kant. The first of these dimensions is a world vision that considers the construction of a 'cosmopolitan self' as a question of justice. The second is the idea that a local political-legal order is fully democratic only if it respects the environment and the human rights of all people of the world, regardless of their citizenship. The third dimension concerns the practice of crossborder associations between individuals, institutionalized or (...)
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  24. Cosmopolitanism.Robert Fine - 2007 - New York: Routledge.
    The idea of cosmopolitanism is increasingly in circulation both in the social sciences and in the language of everyday life. There is, however, much uncertainty about what it means, what it refers to and what role it plays in social scientific thinking. In this book Robert Fine explores the concept of cosmopolitanism, its contribution to critical thought, and its application to a number of pressing political issues: taming global marketisation, resisting the resurgence of nationalism and fundamentalism, constructing transnational (...)
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    Perpetual war: cosmopolitanism from the viewpoint of violence.Bruce Robbins - 2012 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    Cosmopolitanism, new and newer : Anthony Appiah -- Noam Chomsky's golden rule -- Blaming the system : Immanuel Wallerstein -- The sweatshop sublime -- Edward Said and effort -- Intellectuals in public, or elsewhere -- War without belief : Louis Menand's The Metaphysical Club -- Comparative national blaming : W.G. Sebald and the bombing of Germany.
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    European cosmopolitanism: colonial histories and postcolonial societies.Gurminder K. Bhambra & John Narayan (eds.) - 2017 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book provides a fresh examination of the cosmopolitan project of post-war Europe from a variety of perspectives. It explores the ways in which European cosmopolitanism can be theorized differently if we take into account histories which have rarely been at the forefront of such understandings. It also uses neglected historical resources to draw out new and unexpected entanglements and connections between understandings of European cosmopolitanism both in Europe and elsewhere. The final part of the book places European (...)
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    Cosmopolitanism in the Age of Globalization: Citizens Without States.Lee Trepanier & Khalil M. Habib (eds.) - 2011 - University Press of Kentucky.
    Lee Trepanier and Khalil M. Habib Introduction Since the end of the cold war and the advent of globalization, interest in cosmopolitanism, with its ideas of ...
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    Cosmopolitanism and the Creative Activism of Public Art.Fred Evans - 2023 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 81 (2):213-227.
    Cosmopolitanism seeks a political ethics of world togetherness and a political aesthetics that can contribute to this task critically and imaginatively. Regarding political ethics, I explore the world as a “cosmopolitan mind” composed of “dialogic voices” and threatened by neoliberalism, neofascism, and other nihilistic “oracles.” I also construct a criterion for determining which public artworks (1) resist oracles and (2) help us imagine a “cosmopolitan democracy” and its political ethics. The latter includes the concordance of three ethico-political virtues—solidarity, heterogeneity, (...)
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    Cosmopolitanism Versus Non-Cosmopolitanism: Critiques, Defenses, Reconceptualizations.Gillian Brock (ed.) - 2013 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This volume demonstrates that the debate between cosmopolitans and non-cosmopolitans has become increasingly sophisticated. It advances the discussion on many of the questions over which cosmopolitans and non-cosmopolitans continue to disagree.
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    Cosmopolitanism – Not a ‘major ideology’, but still an ideology.Asger Sørensen - 2016 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 42 (2):200-224.
    Today the idea of cosmopolitanism has become widely accepted as an appropriate answer to what we now call globalization. A key reference is Kant who argues for a Recht of the world citizen, and this is normally understood as a cosmopolitan law. Apparently Kant lets the law of the world citizen be limited to a right to visit, but somehow his peace project must imply something more than just this very modest claim. Following a hint from Kant himself I (...)
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    Reclaiming Cosmopolitanism through Migrant Protests.Alex Sager - 2018 - In Tamara Caraus & Elena Paris, Migration, Protest Movements and the Politics of Resistance: A Radical Political Philosophy of Cosmopolitanism. Routledge. pp. 171-185.
    Cosmopolitanism re-emerged as a potentially radical political theory in the 1990s, only to be stripped of much of its radical potential. Many political theorists reduced cosmopolitanism to “moral cosmopolitanism” and sought to reconcile it with the current state system. To reclaim cosmopolitanism’s radical potential, I propose the migrant as the key figure in a cosmopolitan practice that promises to ground cosmopolitanism from below. Migrant voices and acts of citizenship help us overcome the cognitive bias of (...)
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    Reclaiming Cosmopolitanism through Migrant Protests.Alex Sager - 2018 - In Tamara Caraus & Elena Paris, Migration, Protest Movements and the Politics of Resistance: A Radical Political Philosophy of Cosmopolitanism. Routledge. pp. 171-185.
    Cosmopolitanism re-emerged as a potentially radical political theory in the 1990s, only to be stripped of much of its radical potential. Many political theorists reduced cosmopolitanism to “moral cosmopolitanism” and sought to reconcile it with the current state system. To reclaim cosmopolitanism’s radical potential, I propose the migrant as the key figure in a cosmopolitan practice that promises to ground cosmopolitanism from below. Migrant voices and acts of citizenship help us overcome the cognitive bias of (...)
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    Negative cosmopolitanism: cultures and politics of world citizenship after globalization.Eddy Kent & Terri Tomsky (eds.) - 2017 - Chicago: McGill-Queen's University Press.
    From climate change, debt, and refugee crises, to energy security, environmental disasters, and terrorism, the events that lead nightly newscasts and drive public policy demand a global perspective. In the twentieth century the world sought solutions through formal institutions of international governance such as like the United Nations, the International Criminal Court, and the World Bank, but present-day our responses to global realities are often more provisional, improvisational, and contingent. Tracing this uneven history in order to identify principal actors, contesting (...)
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    Cosmopolitanism and the Enlightenment.Joan Pau Rubiés & Neil Safier (eds.) - 2023 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This timely intervention into the debate about the legacy of the Enlightenment highlights both the plurality and the continuing relevance of Enlightened cosmopolitanism to contemporary global concerns, linking cultural history with the history of ideas and politics, in a global perspective.
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  35. (1 other version)Cosmopolitanism and Global Justice.Charles R. Beitz - 2005 - The Journal of Ethics 9 (1-2):11-27.
    Philosophical attention to problems about global justice is flourishing in a way it has not in any time in memory. This paper considers some reasons for the rise of interest in the subject and reflects on some dilemmas about the meaning of the idea of the cosmopolitan in reasoning about social institutions, concentrating on the two principal dimensions of global justice, the economic and the political.
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    Medical Cosmopolitanism: The global extension of justice in healthcare practice.Luvuyo Gantsho & Christopher S. Wareham - 2021 - Developing World Bioethics 21 (3):131-138.
    While there is a shortage of healthcare workers in virtually all countries, there currently exists a pronounced inequality in the distribution of healthcare workers, with a high concentration of healthcare workers in high income countries (HIC) and low concentrations in low‐ and middle‐ income countries (LMIC). This inequality in the distribution of healthcare workers persists, in spite of the fact that HICs enjoy a much lower disease burden than LMICs This inequality raises medical ethical issues related to what obligations health (...)
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    On Cosmopolitanism and Forgiveness.Jacques Derrida - 2001 - Routledge.
    One of the world's most famous philosophers, Jacques Derrida, explores difficult questions in this important and engaging book. Is it still possible to uphold international hospitality and justice in the face of increasing nationalism and civil strife in so many countries? Drawing on examples of treatment of minority groups in Europe, he skilfully and accessibly probes the thinking that underlies much of the practice, and rhetoric, that informs cosmopolitanism. What have duties and rights to do with hospitality? Should hospitality (...)
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    Cosmopolitanism and Space in Kant’s Political Thought.Angela Taraborrelli - 2019 - Con-Textos Kantianos 1 (10):15-26.
    Kant’s cosmopolitanism can be read from two main perspectives: temporal and spatial. Reading cosmopolitanism from a temporal perspective means paying attention to the historical realization of the ideal of cosmopolitanism and to its related issues such as: the progress of humankind, its final destination, the purpose of universal history, the highest purpose of nature. Instead, reading cosmopolitanism from a spatial perspective means paying attention, e.g. to the ‘fact’ of the sphericity of the earth and to its (...)
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  39. Cosmopolitanism: ideals and realities.David Held - 2010 - Malden, MA: Polity Press.
    Introduction : changing forms of global order. Towards a multipolar world ; The paradox of our times ; Economic liberalism and international market integration ; Security ; The impact of the global financial crisis ; Shared problems and collective threats ; A cosmopolitan approach ; Democratic public law and sovereignty ; Summary of the book ahead -- Cosmopolitanism : ideas, realities and deficits. Globalization ; The global governance complex ; Globalization and democracy : five disjunctures ; Cosmopolitanism : (...)
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    Cosmopolitanism: A Philosophy for Global Ethics.Stan van Hooft - 2009 - Routledge.
    Cosmopolitanism is a demanding and contentious moral position. It urges us to embrace the whole world into our moral concerns and to apply the standards of impartiality and equity across boundaries of nationality, race, religion or gender in a way that would have been unheard of even fifty years ago. It suggests a range of virtues which the cosmopolitan individual should display: virtues such as tolerance, justice, pity, righteous indignation at injustice, generosity toward the poor and starving, care for (...)
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    Cosmopolitanism in Modernity: Human Dignity in a Global Age.Anand Bertrand Commissiong - 2011 - Lexington Books.
    Ancient and modern cosmopolitanisms -- The rise of economic individualism and the development of the commercial community -- Martha Nussbaum and the individual at the center: liberties and capabilities, theory and practice -- Jürgen Habermas and the individual in community: freedom and responsibility in the nation-state -- David Held: freedom and accountability beyond the nation-state -- Cosmopolitan virtues for a modern world -- Cosmopolitanism law -- Conclusion: our futures, together.
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  42. Another Cosmopolitanism. Hospitality, Sovereignty, and Democratic Iterations.Seyla Benhabib - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Jeremy Waldron, Bonnie Honig, Will Kymlicka & Robert Post.
    In these two important lectures, distinguished political philosopher Seyla Benhabib argues that since the UN Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, we have entered a phase of global civil society which is governed by cosmopolitan norms of universal justice--norms which are difficult for some to accept as legitimate since they are sometimes in conflict with democratic ideals. In her first lecture, Benhabib argues that this tension can never be fully resolved, but it can be mitigated through the renegotiation of the (...)
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    Cosmopolitanism and the Geographies of Freedom.David Harvey - 2009 - Columbia University Press.
    Liberty and freedom are frequently invoked to justify political action. Presidents as diverse as Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, and George W. Bush have built their policies on some version of these noble values. Yet in practice, idealist agendas often turn sour as they confront specific circumstances on the ground. Demonstrated by incidents at Abu Ghraib and Guantánamo Bay, the pursuit of liberty and freedom can lead to violence and repression, undermining our trust in universal (...)
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  44. Cosmopolitanism and what it means to be human: Rethinking ancient and modern views on discerning humanity.Hektor K. T. Yan - 2010 - Philosophia 38 (1):107-129.
    This paper takes a conceptual look at cosmopolitanism and the related issue of what it means to be human in order to arrive at an alternative conceptual framework which is free from empiricist assumptions. With reference to a discussion on Homer’s Iliad , the author develops a ‘humanist’ model of discerning humanity. This model is then compared and contrasted with Martha Nussbaum’s version of cosmopolitanism. The notion of ‘aspect-seeing’ discussed by Wittgenstein in the second part of the Philosophical (...)
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    Cosmopolitanism.Carol Appadurai Breckenridge (ed.) - 2002 - Durham [N.C.]: Duke University Press.
    As the final installment of Public Culture’s Millennial Quartet, Cosmopolitanism assesses the pasts and possible futures of cosmopolitanism—or ways of thinking, feeling, and acting beyond one’s particular society. With contributions from distinguished scholars in disciplines such as literary studies, art history, South Asian studies, and anthropology, this volume recenters the history and theory of translocal political aspirations and cultural ideas from the usual Western vantage point to areas outside Europe, such as South Asia, China, and Africa. By examining (...)
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  46. Stoic Cosmopolitanism and Environmental Ethics.Simon Shogry - 2020 - In Kelly Arenson, The Routledge Handbook of Hellenistic Philosophy. Routledge. pp. 397-409.
    This essay considers how ancient Stoic cosmopolitanism – roughly, the claim all human beings are members of the same “cosmopolis”, or universal city, and so are entitled to moral concern in virtue of possessing reason – informs Stoic thinking about how we ought to treat non-human entities in the environment. First, I will present the Stoic justification for the thesis that there are only rational members of the cosmopolis – and so that moral concern does not extend to any (...)
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    Cosmopolitanism in conflict: imperial encounters from the Seven Years' War to the Cold War.Dina Gusejnova (ed.) - 2018 - London, United Kingdom: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This book is the first study to engage with the relationship between cosmopolitan political thought and the history of global conflicts. Accompanied by visual material ranging from critical battle painting to the photographic representation of ruins, it showcases established as well as emerging interdisciplinary scholarship in global political thought and cultural history. Touching on the progressive globalization of conflicts between the eighteenth and the twentieth century, including the War of the Spanish Succession, the Seven Years’ War, the Napoleonic wars, the (...)
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    Cosmopolitanism and Place.Jessica Wahman, John J. Stuhr & José Medina (eds.) - 2017 - Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press.
    Addressing perspectives about who "we" are, the importance of place and home, and the many differences that still separate individuals, this volume reimagines cosmopolitanism in light of our differences, including the different places we all inhabit and the many places where we do not feel at home. Beginning with the two-part recognition that the world is a smaller place and that it is indeed many worlds, Cosmopolitanism and Place critically explores what it means to assert that all people (...)
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    Cosmopolitanism and distributing responsibilities.Thom Brooks - 2002 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 5 (3):92-97.
    David Miller raises a number of interesting concerns with both weak and strong variants of cosmopolitanism. As an alternative, he defends a connection theory to address remedial responsibilities amongst states. This connection theory is problematic as it endorses a position where states that are causally and morally responsible for deprivation and suffering in other states may not be held remedially responsible for their actions. In addition, there is no international mechanism to ensure either that remedially responsible states offer assistance (...)
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    Cosmopolitanism as a Corrective Virtue.M. Victoria Costa - 2016 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 19 (4):999-1013.
    This paper defends an account of cosmopolitanism as a corrective virtue of the sort endorsed by Philippa Foot. In particular, it argues that cosmopolitanism corrects a common and dangerous tendency to form overly strong identifications with political entities such as countries, nations, and cultures. The account helps to unify the current heterogeneous collection of cosmopolitan theories, as is illustrated by a discussion of the cultural cosmopolitanism of Jeremy Waldron, and the political cosmopolitanism of Simon Keller. The (...)
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