Results for 'Coryn Barclay'

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  1.  15
    What Are the Implications of Applying Equipoise in Planning Citizens Basic Income Pilots in Scotland?Gerry McCartney, Neil Craig, Fiona Myers, Wendy Hearty & Coryn Barclay - 2021 - Public Health Ethics 14 (1):109-116.
    We have been asked to consider the feasibility of piloting a Citizens’ Basic Income : a basic, unconditional, universal, individual, regular payment that would replace aspects of social security and be introduced alongside changes to taxes. Piloting and evaluating a CBI as a Cluster Randomized Control Trial raises the question of whether intervention and comparison groups would be in equipoise, and thus whether randomization would be ethical. We believe that most researchers would accept that additional income, or reduced conditions on (...)
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  2. On not holding women to higher standards of justice than men: gender justice, even for millionaire women.Linda Barclay & Tessa McKenna - 2024 - Economics and Philosophy 1 (1):178-185.
    In a recent article in this journal, James Christensen, Tom Parr and David Axelsen argue that millionaire salaries are unjust and women have no grounds of fairness to unjust salaries in parity with men. They accept that disrespect is expressed toward women when they are paid less than men because of their gender. Their argument largely replicates a similar argument developed earlier by Anca Gheaus. By drawing on the distinction between ideal and nonideal theory, we argue that Christensen et al. (...)
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  3. Autonomy and the social self.Linda Barclay - 2000 - In Catriona Mackenzie & Natalie Stoljar, Relational Autonomy: Feminist Perspectives on Autonomy, Agency, and the Social Self. New York: Oxford University Press.
  4. What kind of liberal is Martha Nussbaum?Linda Barclay - 2003 - SATS 4 (2):5-24.
  5. Genetic engineering and autonomous agency.Linda Barclay - 2003 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 20 (3):223–236.
    abstract In this paper I argue that the genetic manipulation of sexual orientation at the embryo stage could have a detrimental effect on the subsequent person's later capacity for autonomous agency. By focussing on an example of sexist oppression I show that the norms and expectations expressed with this type of genetic manipulation can threaten the development of autonomous agency and the kind of social environment that makes its exercise likely.
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  6. Disability, respect and justice.Linda Barclay - 2010 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 27 (2):154-171.
    Recent political philosophers have argued that criteria of social justice that defend distributing resources to individuals on the basis of the disadvantages of their natural endowments are disrespectful and disparaging. Clearly influenced by the social model of disability, Elizabeth Anderson and Thomas Pogge have recently defended criteria of social justice that distribute resources to people with disabilities on the basis of eliminating discrimination, not making up for so-called natural disadvantage. I argue that it is implausible to suggest that just entitlements (...)
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    Attractiveness biases are the tip of the iceberg in biological markets.Pat Barclay - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40:e21.
    Physical attractiveness affects how one gets treated, but it is just a single component of one's overall “market value.” One's treatment depends on other markers of market value, including social status, competence, warmth, and any other cues of one's ability or willingness to confer benefits on partners. To completely understand biased treatment, we must also incorporate these other factors.
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  8. Liberal Daddy Quotas: Why Men Should Take Care of the Children, and How Liberals Can Get Them to Do It.Linda Barclay - 2013 - Hypatia 28 (1):163-178.
    The gendered division of labor is the major cause of gender inequality with respect to the broad spectrum of resources, occupations, and roles. Although many feminists aspire to an equality of outcome where there are no significant patterns of gender difference across these dimensions, many have also argued that liberal theories of social justice do not have the conceptual tools to justify a direct attack on the gendered division of labor. Indeed, many critics argue that liberalism positively condones it, presuming (...)
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  9. Natural Deficiency or Social Oppression? The Capabilities Approach to Justice for People with Disabilities.Linda Barclay - 2012 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 9 (4):500-520.
    Theories of distributive justice are often criticised for either excluding people with disabilities from the domain of justice altogether, or casting them as deficient in personal attributes. I argue that the capabilities approach to justice is largely immune to these flaws. It has the conceptual resources to locate most of the causes of disadvantage in the interaction between a person and her environment and in doing so can characterise the disadvantages of disability in a way that avoids the imputation of (...)
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  10. Rights, intrinsic values and the politics of abortion.Linda Barclay - 1999 - Utilitas 11 (2):215.
    In Life's Dominion Ronald Dworkin argues that disagreement over the morality ofabortion is about how best to respect the intrinsic value of human life, rather than about foetal rights as many people mistakenly suppose. Dworkin argues that the state should be neutral indebates about intrinsic value and thus it should be neutral in the abortion debate. Through a consideration of the notion of intrinsic value, it is argued in this article that Dworkin'sargument fails. On the interpretation of which Dworkin seems (...)
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    A Disclaimer from IRB.Gordon L. Barclay - 1980 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 2 (6):11.
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  12. Many Witnesses, One Lord.William Barclay - 1963
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  13. The Master's Men.William Barclay - 1959
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  14. Prolegomena to a study of the aesthetic effect of cities.Barclay Jones - 1960 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 18 (4):419-429.
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    The answer to Kekes's question.Barclay Linda - 1999 - Ethics 110 (1):84-92.
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    Victorian Evangelicalism and the Sociology of Religion: The Career of William Robertson Smith.Marjorie Wheeler-Barclay - 1993 - Journal of the History of Ideas 54 (1):59-78.
  17. Feminist distributive justice and the relevance of equal relations.Linda Barclay - 2007 - In Nils Holtug & Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen, Egalitarianism: new essays on the nature and value of equality. New York: Clarendon Press.
  18. Melal: A Novel of the Pacific.Robert Barclay & On Good Friday - 2013 - Philosophy East and West 63 (2).
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  19. The Gospel of Mark.William Barclay - 1956
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  20. The Mind of Jesus.William Barclay - 1961
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    The inadvertent emergence of a phenomenological perspective in the philosophy of cognitive psychology and psychoanalytic developmental psychology.Michael W. Barclay - 2000 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 20 (2):140-166.
    The phenomenological perspective described by M. Merleau-Ponty seems to be emerging in the context of contemporary developmental research, theories of communication, metaphor theory, and cognitive neuroscience. This emergence is not always accompanied by reference to Merleau-Ponty, however, or appropriate interpretation. On some cases, the emergence of the perspective seems rather inadvertent. The purpose of this essay is to ferret out some of the points which contemporary thinking has in common with Merleau-Ponty's phenomenology. Though it may appear that the examples chosen (...)
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  22. Barton, Discipleship and Family Ties in Mark and Matthew.J. Barclay - 1996 - Studies in Christian Ethics 9:47-49.
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  23. Bible Guides.William Barclay & F. F. Bruce - 1961
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    Exploitation and double standards in research in developed countries.Linda Barclay - 2008 - Monash Bioethics Review 27 (4):37-44.
    If it is so obvious that international participants should share in the spoils of research profits, why isn’t it equally obvious that participants who share nationality with the researchers should do so as well? I argue that if one believes that some form of benefit-sharing is morally obligatory in research conducted in developing countries, it is very hard to escape the conclusion that it should at least in some circumstances be thought equally obligatory in research conducted within the borders of (...)
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  25. (1 other version)The Letter to the Romans: Translated with an Introduction and Interpretation.William Barclay - 1958
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    Franz Brentano and Sigmund Freud: an unexplored influence relationship.James Ralph Barclay - 1961 - [Pocatello]: Idaho State College.
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    Liberalism and diversity.Linda Barclay - 2005 - In Frank Jackson & Michael Smith, The Oxford Handbook of Contemporary Philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 155--180.
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  28. The Ten Commandments for Today.William Barclay - 1973
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  29. Train up a Child: Educational Ideals in the Ancient World.William Barclay - 1959
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  30. The Shock of the Human: how the media can change the way we think about ethical dilemmas in medicine.Sarah Barclay - 2009 - Clinical Ethics 4 (1):26-30.
    The relationship between the media and the medical profession is often one of mutual mistrust. However, the media, and especially television, is a powerful tool for telling individual stories and for providing a medium for medico-ethical dilemmas to be portrayed to a wide audience. The extent to which the use of individual narratives can or should influence public opinion about complex medical issues is examined in this paper from the perspective of a former television journalist with a postgraduate degree in (...)
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    An Apology for the True Christian Divinity, as the Same Is Held Forth... by the... Quakers.Robert Barclay - 2020
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    A 'Blank Check' in the Proposed Regulations.Gordon L. Barclay - 1980 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 2 (3):11.
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    Christian ethics for today.William Barclay - 1971 - San Francisco: Harper & Row.
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  34. Critique of the Foundations of Psychology, by G. Politzer.M. W. Barclay - 1996 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 27 (1):104-107.
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    Obeying the truth: Paul's ethics in Galatians.John M. G. Barclay - 1988 - Minneapolis: Fortress Press.
    This volume probes the social context of Paul's letter to Galatians in order to determine the character and purpose of the moral instruction Paul gives to its recipients. Here the new perspectives on Paul and the Law are fully integrated with a detailed exegesis of Galatians, shedding light on the crisis Paul addressed and on the whole character of Pauline ethics.
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    Pathways to abnormal revenge and forgiveness.Pat Barclay - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (1):17-18.
    The target article's important point is easily misunderstood to claim that all revenge is adaptive. Revenge and forgiveness can overstretch the bounds of utility due to misperceptions, minimization of costly errors, a breakdown within our evolved revenge systems, or natural genetic and developmental variation. Together, these factors can compound to produce highly abnormal instances of revenge and forgiveness.
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    Recent brain imaging research.L. Barclay - 2009 - Monash Bioethics Review 28 (2):9.
  38.  56
    The Echo Phase.Michael W. Barclay - 1993 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 24 (1):17-45.
    This article focuses on the significance of acoustical phenomena in the development of the subjectivity of the infant. An attribute of that development, beginning with the breakdown of psychological symbiosis for the infant, is the loss implicit in the eventual participation of the subject in a symbolic order and the consequent acquisition of language. The essay examines how such loss can contribute to the constitution of the subject and the ego of the subject. Two aspects of language, metaphor and metonymy, (...)
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  39. The Mind of St. Paul.William Barclay - 1958
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  40. The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child: An Annual.Lois Barclay & Henry Ladd - 1946 - Science and Society 10 (3):309-311.
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  41. First-person disavowals of digital phenotyping and epistemic injustice in psychiatry.Stephanie K. Slack & Linda Barclay - 2023 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 26 (4):605-614.
    Digital phenotyping will potentially enable earlier detection and prediction of mental illness by monitoring human interaction with and through digital devices. Notwithstanding its promises, it is certain that a person’s digital phenotype will at times be at odds with their first-person testimony of their psychological states. In this paper, we argue that there are features of digital phenotyping in the context of psychiatry which have the potential to exacerbate the tendency to dismiss patients’ testimony and treatment preferences, which can be (...)
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    The Face of Fairness: Self-Awareness as a Means to Promote Fairness among Managers with Low Empathy.David B. Whiteside & Laurie J. Barclay - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 137 (4):721-730.
    Although managing fairness is a critical concern for organizations, not all managers are predisposed to enact high levels of fairness. Emerging empirical evidence suggests that personality characteristics can be an important antecedent of managers’ fair behavior. However, relatively little attention has been devoted to understand how to promote fairness among managers who are naturally predisposed to engage in lower levels of fairness. Building upon self-awareness theory, we argue that increasing managers’ self-awareness can motivate managers with low trait empathy to engage (...)
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  43.  72
    Disability with Dignity: Justice, Human Rights and Equal Status.Linda Barclay - 2018 - Routledge.
    Philosophical interest in disability is rapidly expanding. Philosophers are beginning to grasp the complexity of disability--as a category, with respect to well-being and as a marker of identity. However, the philosophical literature on justice and human rights has often been limited in scope and somewhat abstract. Not enough sustained attention has been paid to the concrete claims made by people with disabilities, concerning their human rights, their legal entitlements and their access to important goods, services and resources. This book discusses (...)
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    Enhanced recognition of defectors depends on their rarity.Pat Barclay - 2008 - Cognition 107 (3):817-828.
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    Ethical Fairness and Human Rights: The Treatment of Employees with Psychiatric Disabilities.Lizabeth A. Barclay & Karen S. Markel - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 85 (3):333-345.
    Extant business research has not addressed the ethical treatment of individuals with psychiatric disabilities. This article will describe previous research on individuals with psychiatric disabilities drawn from rehabilitation, psychological, managerial, legal, as well as related business ethics writings before presenting a framework that illustrates the dynamics of (un)ethical behavior in relation to the employment of such individuals. Individuals with psychiatric disabilities often evoke negative reactions from those in their environment. Lastly, we provide recommendations for how employees and organizations can become (...)
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  46. Justice and Disability: What Kind of Theorizing Is Needed?Linda Barclay - 2011 - Journal of Social Philosophy 42 (3):273-287.
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    Facilitating Forgiveness in Organizational Contexts: Exploring the Injustice Gap, Emotions, and Expressive Writing Interventions.Laurie J. Barclay & Maria Francisca Saldanha - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 137 (4):699-720.
    Despite the numerous benefits associated with forgiveness, many individuals find it difficult to forgive. This is especially true in organizations, where forgiveness is rare and can be under-valued. Across two studies, we explore how to facilitate forgiveness within organizational contexts and in the aftermath of workplace unfairness. We examine whether individuals can reduce the “injustice gap” that can be created by violations and enhance forgiveness through expressive writing interventions—guided writing techniques that can be self-administered. Participants wrote about their reactions to (...)
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  48. Disability, Transition Costs, and the Things That Really Matter.Tommy Ness & Linda Barclay - 2023 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 48 (6):591-602.
    This article develops a detailed, empirically driven analysis of the nature of the transition costs incurred in becoming disabled. Our analysis of the complex nature of these costs supports the claim that it can be wrong to cause disability, even if disability is just one way of being different. We also argue that close attention to the nature of transition costs gives us reason to doubt that well-being, including transitory impacts on well-being, is the only thing that should determine the (...)
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  49.  75
    Egalitarianism and Responsibility in the Genetic Future.Linda Barclay - 2009 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 34 (2):119-134.
    Recent discussions of genetic enhancement have argued that unregulated access to genetic enhancement technology will have a mainly negative impact on equality, a development that an egalitarian approach to distributive justice should be concerned with and seek to address. I argue that the extent to which egalitarians should be concerned about unequal access to genetic enhancement therapies has been overplayed. Many of the genetic differences that exist between people, including those that arise from differential access to genetic enhancement technology, are (...)
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  50.  58
    Autobiographical remembering: Narrative constraints on objectified selves.Craig R. Barclay - 1996 - In David C. Rubin, Remembering Our Past: Studies in Autobiographical Memory. Cambridge University Press. pp. 94--125.
    The general purposes of this essay are as follows: First, to outline an ecological model of autobiographical remembering by examining the purposes, processes, and products of reconstructing meaningful memories. Second, to argue that autobiographical remembering is embedded in affective, interpersonal, sociocultural, and historical contexts. Improvised selves are created in present contexts to serve psychosocial, cultural, and historical purposes, and third, to demonstrate essential constraints on the construction of coherent personal narratives that give meaning and purpose to our everyday lives. -/- (...)
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