Results for 'Cornell Juliano'

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  1.  56
    Structure and Content in Language Production: A Theory of Frame Constraints in Phonological Speech Errors.Gary S. Dell, Cornell Juliano & Anita Govindjee - 1993 - Cognitive Science 17 (2):149-195.
    Theories of language production propose that utterances are constructed by a mechanism that separates linguistic content from linguistic structure, Linguistic content is retrieved from the mental lexicon, and is then inserted into slots in linguistic structures or frames. Support for this kind of model at the phonological level comes from patterns of phonological speech errors. W present an alternative account of these patterns using a connectionist or parallel distributed proceesing (PDP) model that learns to produce sequences of phonological features. The (...)
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    The Cornel West Reader.Cornel West - 2000 - Civitas Books.
    Cornel West is one of the nation's premier public intellectuals and one of the great prophetic voices of our era. Whether he is writing a scholarly book or an article for Newsweek, whether he is speaking of Emerson, Gramsci, or Marvin Gaye, his work radiates a passion that reflects the rich traditions he draws on and weaves togetherÑBaptist preaching, American transcendentalism, jazz, radical politics. This anthology reveals the dazzling range of West's work, from his explorations of ”Prophetic Pragmatism” to his (...)
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    Cornel West: A Critical Reader.Cornel West - 2001 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    This comprehensive text offers a systematic and thematic approach to West's philosophical work. It moves the reader through his distinctive form of prophetic pragmatism, his historicist and improvisational philosophy of religion, his socialist democratic and truncated Marxist political philosophy, and his reflections on a range of cultural issues.
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    Nietzsche for Physicists.Juliano C. S. Neves - 2019 - Philosophia Scientiae 23:185-201.
    L’un des philosophes les plus importants de l’histoire, Friedrich Nietzsche, est presque ignoré par les physiciens. L’auteur qui a déclaré la mort de Dieu au xixe siècle était enthousiasmé par la science, principalement durant la deuxième partie de son œuvre. À l’aide de la notion physique de force, Nietzsche a créé son concept de volonté de puissance. En pensant à la conservation de l’énergie, le philosophe allemand a eu une certaine inspiration pour créer son concept de l’éternel retour. Dans cet (...)
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  5. Cornel West: American Radicalism.Peter Osborne & Cornel West - 1995 - Radical Philosophy 71.
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    Cornel West at NABSE.Cornel West - unknown
    On November 18, 1994, academic, activist, and philosopher Cornel West addressed the National Alliance of Black School Educators at a conference in the Westin Bonaventure Hotel in Los Angeles, California. Dr. West’s speech, captured in this video recording, focuses on the experience of African Americans in America, a culture that, according to West, is steeped in the “pernicious and vicious” influence of white supremacy. West argues that 1994 is one of the “more frightening and terrifying moments” in the history of (...)
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    Constitucionalismo pluralista, bem viver e vida boa.Juliano Napoleão Barros - 2021 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 65 (3):e36645.
    O presente artigo investiga a unidade de valor entre ética e moral, proposta por Ronald Dworkin, assumindo, como ponto de partida, o constitucionalismo pluralista latino-americano. Para tanto, o bem viver, afirmado pelas Constituições boliviana e equatoriana mediante o resgate da sabedoria indígena ancestral – pelo reconhecimento respectivamente do suma qamaña e do sumak kawsay como fundamentos da ordem constitucional – é problematizado a partir da relação que possui com o desafio de consolidação de uma vida boa que expresse o comprometimento (...)
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    Meu/nosso corpo estranho, o que temos é dele/nele que somos.Juliano Ribeiro Faria & Marcos Antônio Bessa-Oliveira - 2019 - Filosofia E Educação 11 (1):5-35.
    Construo esta pesquisa para dar visibilidade ao corpo estranho como produtor de arte, cultura e conhecimentos, quando esse encontra sua casa, o “seu corpo”, na escola. Esta se desenvolve epistemologicamente em Arte-educação descolonial a partir da condição na qual sempre fui colocado, de corpo estranho, por ser imperfeito ao modelo de corpo colonial imposto no ocidente, sempre em relação a um Outro. Continuamente, por isso, vivo sendo posto na categoria de “Ser menos”, na cultura, na vida, no aprendizado, como outros (...)
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    O desenvolvimento crítico da vontade em Kant.Juliano Fellini - 2008 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 53 (1):92-102.
    According to Kant, the possibility that pure practical reason may effectively determine the will depends, initially, upon an in-depth investigation of the faculty of desire within the perspective of his transcendental philosophy. In order to demonstrate this, we will present in this paper the critical development of this faculty and with it the bases upon which the concepts of a good will and of a pure practical reason relate themselves to the constitution of morality.
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  10. Deontic Logic and Normative Systems: 16th International Conference (DEON2023, Trois-Rivières).Juliano Maranhão, Clayton Peterson, Christian Straßer & van der Torre Leendert (eds.) - 2023 - College Publications.
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  11. DEON 2023.Juliano Maranhao, Clayton Peterson, Christian Straßer & Leendert Van der Torre (eds.) - 2023 - College Publications.
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    Refining Beliefs.Juliano Sa Maranhao - 2007 - In Jean-Yves Béziau & Alexandre Costa-Leite, Perspectives on Universal Logic. Milan, Italy: Polimetrica.
  13.  7
    A noção de mímēsis no livro III d’a República de Platão como indício do caráter oral da poesia grega.Juliano Orlandi - 2018 - Revista Guairacá de Filosofia 34 (2).
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    Ensaio de filosofia fisionômica: Nietzsche e o estranhamento do mundo/ An essay on physiognomic philosophy: Nietzsche and world estrangement.Juliano Garcia Pessanha - 2014 - Natureza Humana 16 (1).
    Resumo: Esta é uma leitura onto-topológica de Nietzsche inspirada na microesferologia de Peter Sloterdijk. Trabalha com a diferença entre "mergulhar no mundo" e "recuar". Essa diferença permite acessar de modo concreto a posição do avaliador de medidas e genealogista. Palavras-chave: Nietzsche; onto-topologia; estranhamento; Sloterdijk; self negativo.
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  15. Fundamentos para uma política cultural.Juliano Siqueira - 1992 - Princípios 25:61-65.
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  16. The American Evasion of Philosophy: A Genealogy of Pragmatism.Cornel West - 1989 - University of Wisconsin Press.
    Taking Emerson as his starting point, Cornel West’s basic task in this ambitious enterprise is to chart the emergence, development, decline, and recent resurgence of American pragmatism. John Dewey is the central figure in West’s pantheon of pragmatists, but he treats as well such varied mid-century representatives of the tradition as Sidney Hook, C. Wright Mills, W. E. B. Du Bois, Reinhold Niebuhr, and Lionel Trilling. West’s "genealogy" is, ultimately, a very personal work, for it is imbued throughout with the (...)
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    16. A Return for the Future: Interview with Drucilla Cornell.Drucilla Cornell, Elisabeth Bronfen & Misha Kavka - 2001 - In Elisabeth Bronfen & Misha Kavka, Feminist Consequences: Theory for the New Century. Columbia University Press. pp. 435-454.
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    O eterno retorno hoje.Juliano Neves - 2013 - Cadernos Nietzsche 32:283-296.
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    Proposal for a Degree of Scientificity in Cosmology.Juliano C. S. Neves - 2020 - Foundations of Science 25 (3):857-878.
    In spite of successful tests, the standard cosmological model, the $$\varLambda$$ CDM model, possesses the most problematic concept: the initial singularity, also known as the big bang. In this paper—by adopting the Kantian difference between to think of an object and to cognize an object—it is proposed a degree of scientificity using fuzzy sets. Thus, the notion of initial singularity will not be conceived of as a scientific issue because it does not belong to the fuzzy set of what is (...)
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  20.  20
    O anjo pagão: A questão do daímon na tradição platônica.Juliano Eugenio da Silva - 2023 - Revista Guairacá de Filosofia 39 (2).
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    Cosmologia dionisíaca.Juliano Neves - 2015 - Cadernos Nietzsche 36 (1):267-277.
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  22.  26
    A pessoa humana como lugar teológico a partir de suas deficiências.Juliano Ribeiro Almeida - 2014 - Revista de Teologia 8 (14):105-127.
    O artigo lança um olhar sobre as deficiências físicas, sensoriais e cognitivas da pessoa humana, substituindo a ideia de Deus como seu causador direto ou indireto pela teoria da aleatoriedade. Define a deficiência como expressão do caráter limitado do ser humano em geral. Propõe uma abordagem pastoral e uma postura ética diante das pessoas com deficiência.
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  23. Considerações sobre o tema da religião no pensamento de Hume, Durkheim e Weber.Juliano Borges - 2005 - Enfoques 4 (1).
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    Naturalismo sem'ntico: uso e aceitação.Juliano Santos do Carmo - 2012 - Synesis 4 (1):64-77.
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    Os Apetites e a Tripartição da Alma Na República de Platão.Juliano Paccos Caram - 2024 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 65 (158):e-40485.
    ABSTRACT This paper intends to demonstrate how the text of the Plato’s Republic allows us to discuss the status of appetites and the appetitive principle (to epithymetikon) of the soul as different, trying to demonstrate that, when we do not exchange them for one another, the platonic theory of the soul is filled with even greater clarity and enables the reader to have a sharper understanding of the problem of possible psychic unity.
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    Poros e Penia: privação ou ambivalência do amor?Juliano Paccos Caram - 2012 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 9:107-116.
    Ao longo da leitura do Simpósio de Platão, é possível compreender a estreita relação entre o apetite (ἐπιθυμία) e o amor (ἔρως), enquanto este se manifesta, em última instância, como um apetite de imortalidade (ἐπιθυμία τῆς ἀθανασίας). Entretanto, este mesmo amor, que potencializa a alma na descoberta do belo em si mesmo (τὸ καλόν), também pode aprisionar o homem na sedução do sensível, levando-o a crer que nada é mais real do que a experiência amorosa pura e simples que se (...)
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    Chinese Art and Archaeology: A Classified Index to Articles Published in Mainland China Periodicals, 1949-1966.Annette Juliano & Chan Kam-po - 1980 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 100 (1):98.
  28. Teoria definiţiei, [Studii de filozofie].Cornel Popa - 1972 - București,: Editura știinţifică.
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  29.  39
    A Parable of Scandal: Speculations about the Wheat and the Tares in Matthew 13.John F. Cornell - 1998 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 5 (1):98-117.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A PARABLE OF SCANDAL: SPECULATIONS ABOUT THE WHEAT AND THE TARES IN MATTHEW 13 John F. Cornell St. John's College, NM I will open my mouth in parables; I will utter things kept secret since the foundation of die world" (Matthew 13:35) The title ofone of René Girard's path-breaking books, Things Hidden since the Foundation ofthe World, is of course drawn from this passage. Few scholarly writings compare (...)
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  30. Interview: Drucilla Cornell: Feminism, deconstruction and the law.Peter Osborne & Drucilla Cornell - 1995 - Radical Philosophy 73.
  31. The Future of Sexual Difference: An Interview with Judith Butler and Drucilla Cornell.Judith Butler, Drucilla Cornell, Pheng Cheah & E. A. Grosz - 1998 - Diacritics 28 (1):19-42.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Future of Sexual Difference: An Interview with Judith Butler and Drucilla Cornell*Pheng Cheah (bio) and Elizabeth Grrosz (bio)EG:Luce Irigaray’s writings have always figured strongly in your works, probably more than in the work of other American feminist theorists. Out of all the feminist theorists you both interrogate, she seems to emerge as a kind of touchstone of the feminist ethical, political, and intellectual concerns to which you (...)
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  32.  95
    Beyond Accommodation: Ethical Feminism, Deconstruction, and the Law.Drucilla Cornell - 1991 - New York: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This new edition of Drucilla Cornell's highly acclaimed book includes a substantial new introduction by the author, which situates the book within current feminist debates. In Beyond Accommodation, Drucilla Cornell offers a highly original vision of what feminist theory can give contemporary women. She challenges essentialist and naturalist accounts of feminine sexuality, arguing that any attempt to affirm woman's value and difference by either emphasizing her maternal role or repudiating the feminine only entraps women, once again, in a (...)
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    Infinities as Natural Places.Juliano C. S. Neves - 2019 - Foundations of Science 24 (1):39-49.
    It is shown that a notion of natural place is possible within modern physics. For Aristotle, the elements—the primary components of the world—follow to their natural places in the absence of forces. On the other hand, in general relativity, the so-called Carter–Penrose diagrams offer a notion of end for objects along the geodesics. Then, the notion of natural place in Aristotelian physics has an analog in the notion of conformal infinities in general relativity.
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  34. Hope for the Long Run with Cornel West.Bill D. Moyers, Cornel West, Public Affairs Television & P. B. S. Video - 1990 - Pbs Video.
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    Today's Struggles, Tomorrow's Revolution: Afro-Caribbean Liberatory Thought.Drucilla Cornell - 2022 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Influential political theorist Drucilla Cornell challenges readers to rethink the class struggle and the battle against racialized capitalism, and to reconceptualize the ideas of revolution, liberation and rebellion themselves, by focusing on the great revolutionary theorist CLR James.
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    Enlightening the Enlightenment: A Response to John Brenkman.Drucilla Cornell - 1999 - Critical Inquiry 26 (1):128-139.
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    Alegoria E narrativa em platão.Juliano Orlandi - 2014 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 19 (2):129-149.
    My main objective is to clarify the platonic perspective about the narratives which present a allegorical character. The question arises from the fact that the philosopher systematically avoids using the terms????????? and???????????, usually translated as narrative and narrate, to designate the allegories in his works. His refusal is odd, because his use of the terms covers a heterogeneous group of narratives and apparently there is no reason that prevents them from designating the allegorical passages. My proposal for a solution is (...)
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  38. Paulo Freire: os devaneios de um educador em vigília!Juliano Peroza - 2021 - In Valdir Borges & Peri Mesquida, 1921, Paulo Freire, 2021: 100 anos de ética, liberdade e educação. Curitiba, Brasil: Editora CRV.
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    Machiavellismus / Antimachiavellismus.Cornel Zwierlein - 2010 - In Herbert Jaumann, Diskurse der Gelehrtenkultur in der Frühen Neuzeit: Ein Handbuch. De Gruyter. pp. 903-952.
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    Prophesy Deliverance!: An Afro-American Revolutionary Christianity.Cornel West & Professor Cornel West - 2002 - Westminster John Knox Press.
    In this, his premiere work, Cornel West provides readers with a new understanding of the African American experience based largely on his own political and cultural perspectives borne out of his own life's experiences. He challenges African Americans to consider the incorporation of Marxism into their theological perspectives, thereby adopting the mindset that it is class more so than race that renders one powerless in America. Armed with a new introduction by the author, this Twentieth Anniversary Edition of Prophesy Deliverance! (...)
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    Transformations: Recollective Imagination and Sexual Difference.Drucilla Cornell - 1993 - New York: Routledge.
    In a unique rethinking of political transformation, Drucilla Cornell argues for the crucial role of psychoanalysis in social theory in voicing connection between our constitution as gendered subjects and social and political change.
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  42. A Third Theory of Paternalism.Nicolas Cornell - 2015 - Michigan Law Review 113:1295-1336.
  43.  71
    The Future of Sexual Difference: An Interview with Judith Butler and Drucilla Cornell.Judith Butler, Drucilla Cornell, Cheah Pheng & Elizabeth Grosz - 1998 - Diacritics 28 (1):19-42.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Future of Sexual Difference: An Interview with Judith Butler and Drucilla Cornell*Pheng Cheah (bio) and Elizabeth Grrosz (bio)EG:Luce Irigaray’s writings have always figured strongly in your works, probably more than in the work of other American feminist theorists. Out of all the feminist theorists you both interrogate, she seems to emerge as a kind of touchstone of the feminist ethical, political, and intellectual concerns to which you (...)
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    MACIEL, Sonia Maria. Ética e Felicidade - Um Estudo do Filebo de Platão. Porto Alegre> Edipucrs, 2002.Juliano Fellini - 2019 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 48 (4):628-630.
    Resenha da obra: MACIEL, Sonia Maria. Ética e Felicidade - Um Estudo do Filebo de Platão. Porto Alegre> Edipucrs, 2002.
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    Comentário a “Some contributions of Habermas to the study of public communication of science”.Juliano Cordeiro da Costa Oliveira - 2021 - Trans/Form/Ação 44 (4):45-48.
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    O Republicanismo de Tocqueville como crítica ao Despotismo nas Eras Democráticas.Juliano Cordeiro da Costa Oliveira - 2020 - Pensando - Revista de Filosofia 10 (21):123.
    O objetivo deste artigo é investigar o republicanismo presente no pensamento de Alexis de Tocqueville, como crítica ao despotismo nas eras democráticas. Para tanto, seguiremos a leitura interpretativa de autores contemporâneos como Hannah Arendt, Charles Taylor e Jacques Rancière, que destacam, em suas reflexões, a interpretação de Tocqueville acerca da revolução americana, enfatizando os limites e as possibilidade de uma política participativa como crítica a um despotismo emergente na democracia. Tocqueville observa uma tendência, na democracia, de um crescente individualismo moderno, (...)
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    Reconhecimento, religião e secularismo em Charles Taylor.Juliano Cordeiro da Costa Oliveira - 2019 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 64 (1):e30758.
    O artigo objetiva investigar, à luz do filósofo Charles Taylor, a questão do reconhecimento dos sujeitos a partir da relação entre secularismo e religião. O fio condutor do pensamento de Taylor é o comunitarismo. Este se relaciona com a ideia de que o contexto das normas que regem uma sociedade deve ser o de uma comunidade que, em seus valores, práticas e instituições formam um horizonte constitutivo para a identidade de seus membros. Somente assim seria possível colocar as questões da (...)
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  48.  22
    Secularismo, religião e o problema da emancipação humana em Marx.Juliano Cordeiro da Costa Oliveira & Mayra Carneiro De Carvalho - 2021 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 66 (1):e39810.
    O artigo objetiva investigar a relação entre secularismo e religião na sociedade burguesa à luz do problema da emancipação humana, a partir de escritos do jovem Marx, como, por exemplo, Sobre a Questão Judaica, Crítica da Filosofia do Direito de Hegel – Introdução, entre outros, que dizem respeito ao momento inicial de seu pensamento crítico; além de A Ideologia Alemã, obra posterior em que Marx retoma algumas das discussões iniciadas naquele período. A novidade trazida por Marx para o debate tradicional (...)
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    At the Heart of Freedom: Feminism, Sex, and Equality.Drucilla Cornell - 1998 - Princeton University Press.
    Cornell takes readers on a highly original exploration of what it would mean for women politically, legally, and culturally, if they took the ideal of freedom seriously--if, in her words, they learn to recognize that "hearts starve as well as bodies". Challenging, passionate, and powerfully argued, Cornell's book is certain to have a major impact on the course of feminist thought.
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    Keeping Faith: Philosophy and Race in America.Cornel West - 2008 - Routledge.
    'The sheer range of West's interests and insights is staggering and exemplary: he appears equally comfortable talking about literature, ethics, art, jurisprudence, religion, and popular-cultural forms.' - Artforum Keeping Faithis a rich, moving and deeply personal collection of essays from one of the leading African American intellectuals of our age. Drawing upon the traditions of Western philosophy and modernity, Cornel West critiques structures of power and oppression as they operate within American society and provides a way of thinking about human (...)
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