Results for 'Cornelia Bögemann'

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  1.  31
    (1 other version)Ein Gespräch mit Cornelia Klinger.Cornelia Klinger - 1991 - Die Philosophin 5 (2):68-77.
  2.  47
    Your emotion or mine: labeling feelings alters emotional face perception—an ERP study on automatic and intentional affect labeling.Cornelia Herbert, Anca Sfärlea & Terry Blumenthal - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    Periphere Kooptierung. Neue Formen der Ausgrenzung feministischer Kritik. Ein Gespräch mit Cornelia Klinger.Cornelia Klinger - 1998 - Die Philosophin. Forum für Feministische Theorie Und Philosophie 9 (18):95-107.
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    Classical Hindu Mythology: A Reader in the Sanskrit Puranas.Cornelia Dimmitt - 1978 - Temple University Press.
    The Mahapuranas embody the received tradition of Hindu mythology. This anthology contains fresh translations of these myths, only a few of which have ever been available in English before, thus providing a rich new portion of Hindu mythology. The book is organized into six chapters. "Origins" contains myths relating to creation, time, and space. "Seers, Kings and Supernaturals" relates tales of rivers, trees, animals, demons, and men, particularly heroes and sages. Myths about the chief gods are dealt with in three (...)
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    Beyond the connectome: How neuromodulators shape neural circuits.Cornelia I. Bargmann - 2012 - Bioessays 34 (6):458-465.
    Powerful ultrastructural tools are providing new insights into neuronal circuits, revealing a wealth of anatomically‐defined synaptic connections. These wiring diagrams are incomplete, however, because functional connectivity is actively shaped by neuromodulators that modify neuronal dynamics, excitability, and synaptic function. Studies of defined neural circuits in crustaceans, C. elegans, Drosophila, and the vertebrate retina have revealed the ability of modulators and sensory context to reconfigure information processing by changing the composition and activity of functional circuits. Each ultrastructural connectivity map encodes multiple (...)
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    Agents versus structures in English School theory: Is co-constitution the answer?Cornelia Navari - 2020 - Journal of International Political Theory 16 (2):249-267.
    While generally accepted as an interpretive theory, Bull’s emblematic text demonstrates strong structural characteristics. Subsequent attributions move between the interpretive or ‘reflexive’ and t...
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    Postmarxistisches Staatsverständnis.Cornelia Bruell - 2018 - Baden-Baden: Nomos. Edited by Monika Mokre.
    Dem Postmarxismus wird haufig ein mangelndes Verstandnis des Staats vorgeworfen. Dieser Band stellt sich dieser Lesart entgegen und zeichnet ein vielfaltiges Bild der Staatsverstandnisse von Abensour, Agamben, Badiou, Balibar, Bauman, Butler, Castoriadis, Deleuze und Guattari, Derrida, Hardt und Negri, Hall, Holloway, Lefort und Gauchet, Laclau und Mouffe, Nancy, Ranciere und zizek. Die Zugange dieser Autor_innen zum Staat werden anhand zentraler Konzepte in leicht zuganglicher Form dargestellt und von marxistischen und neomarxistischen Staatstheorien abgegrenzt. Im letzten Teil werden die gegenseitigen Beeinflussungen zwischen (...)
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  8. Warum Aufklärung?: Über das zeitgebundene Interesse an einem überzeitlichen Thema.Cornelia Buschmann - 2004 - In Renate Reschke (ed.), Nietzsche - Radikalaufklärer Oder Radikaler Gegenaufklärer?: Internationale Tagung der Nietzsche-Gesellschaft in Zusammenarbeit Mit der Kant-Forschungsstelle Mainz Und der Stiftung Weimarer Klassik Und Kunstsammlungen Vom 15.-17. Mai 2003 in Weimar. Akademie Verlag. pp. 201-212.
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    Information structure: with examples from Russian, English, and Dutch.Cornelia Eva Keijsper - 1985 - Amsterdam: Rodopi.
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    Patients' Beliefs about Medicines in a primary care setting in Germany.Cornelia Mahler, Katja Hermann, Rob Horne, Susanne Jank, Walter Emil Haefeli & Joachim Szecsenyi - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (2):409-413.
  11.  35
    Cultural Techniques and Sovereignty.Cornelia Vismann - 2013 - Theory, Culture and Society 30 (6):83-93.
    First published in 2010, Cornelia Vismann’s article has already attained the status of a classic. In a formulation inspired by linguistic theory, the author argues that the relation between cultural techniques and media can be understood in analogy to grammatical operations. Thus, cultural techniques define the agency of media and execute the procedural rules which the latter set in place. Together, they articulate a critique of subjectivity and sovereignty that proceeds by re-examining the notion of ‘culture’ via its agricultural (...)
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  12.  29
    Should We Pay for Our Social Media/Messenger Applications? Preliminary Data on the Acceptance of an Alternative to the Current Prevailing Data Business Model.Cornelia Sindermann, Daria J. Kuss, Melina A. Throuvala, Mark D. Griffiths & Christian Montag - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    In the age of surveillance capitalism, the prevailing business model underlying the use of social media applications (“apps”) foresees the exchange of personal data for the allowance to use an online service. Such a data business model comes with many potential negative side effects ranging from violation of privacy issues to election manipulation. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to think of alternatives to the current data business model. The present study investigated how strong the support would be for a (...)
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    Metaphorizing as Embodied Interactivity: What Gesturing and Film Viewing Can Tell Us About an Ecological View on Metaphor.Cornelia Müller - 2019 - Metaphor and Symbol 34 (1):61-79.
    Ecological-cognition approaches share the overall assumption that cognition is enacted, extended, embedded, and embodied. In this article, these basic assumptions are illustrated and critically evaluated from the point of view of gesture and film studies. In a theoretical introduction, the idea of metaphorizing as embodied interactivity is developed and connected with these basic assumptions of an ecological cognition approach to metaphor. Four case studies illustrate how metaphoricity in face-to-face contexts and in film viewing is enacted, extended, embedded, and embodied. Examples (...)
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    Gesture and Sign: Cataclysmic Break or Dynamic Relations?Cornelia Müller - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:347591.
    The goal of the article is to offer a framework against which relations between gesture and sign can be systematically explored beyond the current literature. It does so by (a) reconstructing the history of the discussion in the field of gesture studies, focusing on three leading positions (Kendon, McNeill, and Goldin-Meadow); and (b) by formulating a position to illustrate how this can be achieved. The paper concludes by emphasizing the need for systematic cross-linguistic research on multimodal use of language in (...)
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    Politics in the Interest of Capital: A Not-So-Organized Combat.Cornelia Woll - 2016 - Politics and Society 44 (3):373-391.
    In recent debates about inequality, many have pointed to the predominant position of the finance. This article highlights that structural power, not lobbying resources, are key to explaining variations across countries. It examines finance-government negotiations over national bank rescue schemes during the recent financial crisis. Given the structural power of finance, the variation in bank bailouts across countries cannot be explained by lobbying differences. Instead of observing organized interest intermediation, we can see that disorganization was crucial for the financial industry (...)
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    Diagnosis and Psychotherapeutic Needs by Early Maladaptive Schemas in Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease.Cornelia Rada, Dan Gheonea, Cristian George Ţieranu & Denisa Elena Popa - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Inflammatory bowel disease is chronic and incurable. Imperious diarrhea, rectal bleeding, fatigue, and weight loss, the main manifestations, cause a decrease in the quality of the patient’s personal and professional life. The objectives of this study were to identify a possible relationship between early maladaptive schemas and disease activity status using logistic regression, to identify the prevalence of early maladaptive schemes in patients and to propose a psychotherapeutic intervention plan. The following were found in a sample of 46 patients aged (...)
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  17.  8
    Gleichheit und Differenz: vom dualistischen Denken zur polaren Weltsicht.Cornelia Giese - 1990 - München: Frauenoffensive.
  18.  26
    'Four Paths Five Destinations': ConstruCting imaginaries oF alter-globalization through literary texts.Cornelia Gräbner - 2010 - Cosmos and History 6 (2):93-112.
    This article contests the popular assumption that literature is ever less politically relevant. Quite the contrary is the case: literature and literary language becomes increasingly important for the alter-globalization movement and for the notion that ‘another world is possible.’ The work of four authors—Manu Chao, Eduardo Galeano, Subcomandante Marcos, and José Saramago—are comparatively analysed in light of their contribution to an alternative globalism and to an alternative practice of politics. All four authors contribute from different perspectives to the literary articulation (...)
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    Poetics of Resistance: Introduction.Cornelia Gräbner & David Mj Wood - 2010 - Cosmos and History 6 (2):1-19.
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  20. Bloedband, taal en beeld, filosofie en kunst: een zoektocht naar waarheid.Cornelia Sophia Haverkort - 2007 - Filosofie En Praktijk 28 (6):6.
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    Some undecidability results in strong algebraic languages.Cornelia Kalfa - 1984 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 49 (3):951-954.
  22.  17
    „... cor je ne tends qu'ä connaitre mon neant..." oder: Die verlorene Einsamkeit der Philosophie.Cornelia Klinger - 2002 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 50 (5).
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    2 Der Fähigkeitenansatz als universale politische Konzeption.Cornelia Mügge - 2017 - In Menschenrechte, Geschlecht, Religion: Das Problem der Universalität Und der Fähigkeitenansatz von Martha Nussbaum. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 23-128.
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    6 Frauenrechte und Religionsfreiheit.Cornelia Mügge - 2017 - In Menschenrechte, Geschlecht, Religion: Das Problem der Universalität Und der Fähigkeitenansatz von Martha Nussbaum. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 255-290.
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    Ontologische narratologie: Welt erzählen bei Wilhelm Raabe.Cornelia Pierstorff - 2022 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Dieses Buch schreibt Theorie. Es entwirft am Beispiel von Wilhelm Raabes Erzähltexten zwischen 1856 und 1902 den Grundriss einer ontologischen Narratologie, der über seinen historischen Gegen-stand hinaus systematische Gültigkeit beansprucht. Den Ausgangspunkt bildet die Frage: Was ist Welt?
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    Frances Ponge: La Poetique et "l'orange".Cornelia Tenney - 1971 - Substance 1 (1):11.
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    The love of ruins.Cornelia Vismann - 2001 - Perspectives on Science 9 (2):196-209.
    : The love of ruins has generated various epistemes and disciplines: In the sixteenth century it informed philology, in the nineteenth century historiography and criminology. Its status has changed from an allegorical one in the Renaissance to a literal, positivistic one at the beginning of the twentieth century. Johann Gustav Droysen was among the first who reflected the positivistic treatment of ruins systematically. The Prussian historiographer formulated a theory of remains including both written documents and material objects. In the twentieth (...)
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    Introduction : perfect harmony and melting strains : transformations of music in early modern culture between sensibility and abstraction.Cornelia Wilde & Wolfram R. Keller - 2021 - In Cornelia Wilde & Wolfram R. Keller (eds.), Perfect harmony and melting strains: transformations of music in early modern culture between sensibility and abstraction. Boston: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 1-10.
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    Files: Law and Media Technology.Cornelia Vismann - 2008 - Stanford University Press.
    The reign of paper files would seem to be over once files are reduced to the status of icons on computer screens, but Vismann's book, which examines the impact of the file on Western institutions throughout history, shows how the creation of order in medieval and early modern administrations makes its returns in computer architecture.
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    Kulturtechniken und Souveränität.Cornelia Vismann - 2010 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 1 (1):171-182.
    "The text mirrors a theory of cultural technology, which takes culture at its word and the technology of (cultural?) cultivation reclaims the word 'colore'. Cultural technology always asserts a predilection to symbolic order, but it not only institutes symbolic order, but contradicts it as well. After all, the conductors and media of cultural technology dare to put into question the presumption of a sovereign subject which is the master of the constituative processes for culture. Rectitude is challenged to respond to (...)
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    Responsibility in Complex Conflicts: An Afghan Case.Cornelia Vikan - 2017 - Journal of Military Ethics 16 (3-4):239-255.
    ABSTRACTThis paper discusses soldiers’ moral responsibility in today’s complex conflicts. The point of departure is the increased focus on soldiers as moral decision-makers in war, illustrated by the introduction of core values in the Norwegian Armed Forces. Responsibility is one of these core values, but it is not clear exactly how we should understand responsibility. I use a case where a group of Norwegian soldiers in the International Security Assistance Force sought the cooperation of a group of mujahedeen to solve (...)
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    In Pursuit of a ‘Single Source of Truth’: from Threatened Legitimacy to Integrated Reporting.Cornelia Beck, John Dumay & Geoffrey Frost - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 141 (1):191-205.
    This paper explores one organisation’s journey into non-financial reporting, initially motivated by a crisis in public confidence that threatened the organisation’s legitimacy to the present with the organisation embracing integrated reporting. The organisation’s journey is framed through a legitimation lens and is illustrated by aligning internal reflections with external outputs guided by predominant paradigms of good practice, such as the GRI guidelines and more recently integrated reporting 〈IR〉. We find that the organisation’s relationship with external guidelines has evolved from pragmatic (...)
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    The New York Times book of physics and astronomy: more than 100 years of covering the expanding universe.Cornelia Dean - 2013 - New York: Sterling.
    From the discovery of distant galaxies and black holes to the tiny interstices of the atom, here is the very best on physics and astronomy from the New York Times! The newspaper of record has always prided itself on its award-winning science coverage, and these 125 articles from its archives are the very best, covering more than a century of breakthroughs, setbacks, and mysteries. Selected by former science editor Cornelia Dean, they feature such esteemed and Pulitzer Prize-winning writers as (...)
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    Benjamin Katz: Georg Baselitz at Work.Cornelia Gockel - 2013 - Hirmer Publishers.
    Baselitz is one of the most important artists of today. His works can be found in major museums around the world. For over 30 years, photographer Benjamin Katz has been documenting Baselitz at work in different studios. This volume now captures Baselitz's exceptional life at work and at home. Benjamin Katz is famous for his photographic portraits of artists. Among his previous subjects are Gerhard Richter, Joseph Beuys, Sigmar Polke, Rosemarie Trockel, and Martin Kippenberger. Because Katz is friends with most (...)
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    The 2D:4D-Ratio and Neuroticism Revisited: Empirical Evidence from Germany and China.Cornelia Sindermann, Mei Li, Rayna Sariyska, Bernd Lachmann, Éilish Duke, Andrew Cooper, Lidia Warneck & Christian Montag - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:196270.
    The 2D:4D-Ratio, as an indirect measure of the fetal testosterone to estradiol ratio, is potentially very important for understanding and explaining different personality traits. It was the aim of the present study to replicate the findings from Fink et al. (2004) about the relation between individual differences in 2D:4D-Ratios and the Five Factor Model in different cultural groups. Therefore a sample of n = 78 Chinese and n = 370 German participants was recruited. Every participant provided hand scans of both (...)
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    Probleme mit dem Pathos. Zur Einleitung.Cornelia Zumbusch - 2010 - In Pathos: Zur Geschichte Einer Problematischen Kategorie. Akademie Verlag. pp. 7-24.
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    Soldiers and Courage: An Afghan Case.Cornelia Vikan - 2024 - Journal of Military Ethics 23 (2):162-180.
    In spite of many attempts to define courage, from Plato’s Laches and Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics to recent moral philosophy, courage remains ambiguous: it is a classical virtue and a requirement of soldiers, and yet, it is not clear what courage means in specific situations. In this article, I investigate courage in view of a complex military context stretching beyond the battlefield into an ethically grey area of war and military operations, namely, a case from ISAF Afghanistan. I explore courage in (...)
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    18-month-Olds comprehend indirect communicative acts.Cornelia Schulze & Michael Tomasello - 2015 - Cognition 136 (C):91-98.
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    Contemporary Art and Event-Based Social Theory.Cornelia Bohn - 2022 - Theory, Culture and Society 39 (3):51-74.
    In light of the sociological insight that it is left to the art system what counts as art, new artistic forms inevitably alter the prevailing concept of art. The article examines how artistic morphogenesis occurs in a twofold manner in the case of contemporary art: as self-referential process through new form combinatorics or asynchronous artistic operations whose artworks elude the gaze, and as other-referential relation. One of the main features of contemporary art lies in its strong reference to the present, (...)
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  40.  21
    Menschenrechte, Geschlecht, Religion: Das Problem der Universalität Und der Fähigkeitenansatz von Martha Nussbaum.Cornelia Mügge - 2017 - Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag.
    Im gegenwärtigen ethischen Diskurs um Menschenrechte nimmt der Fähigkeitenansatz von Martha Nussbaum eine prominente Stellung ein. Er verspricht, eine überzeugendere Antwort mit Blick auf die Herausforderungen universaler Normen zu geben als andere. Doch gelingt ihm dies? Was zeichnet ihn aus? Und was kann er zu aktuellen gesellschaftlichen Kontroversen beitragen? Vor dem Hintergrund der anhaltenden Diskussion um Frauenrechte und Religionsfreiheit, die sich z.B. in der Burka-Debatte konkretisiert, zeichnet Cornelia Mügge Nussbaums Argumentation detailliert nach und diskutiert, wie sie den Herausforderungen von (...)
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    Toward a Fragmatics, or Improvisionary Histories of Rhetoric, the Eternally Ad Hoc.Cornelia Wells - 2003 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 36 (3):277-300.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Rhetoric 36.3 (2003) 277-300 [Access article in PDF] Toward a Fragmatics, or Improvisionary Histories of Rhetoric, the Eternally Ad Hoc Cornelia Wells "Even historical truths are on the move, or truth is not the question." —my self "We don't / know much, and are / professors of it." —from Heather McHugh, "Professional Hazard," in McHugh (1987) In writing a history of rhetoric, we might want to (...)
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    Zu Straftheorie und Staatsverständnis im Schulenstreit der Jahrhundertwende.Cornelia Bohnert - 1992 - Pfaffenweiler: Centaurus.
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    Art as communication.Cornelia Geer Leboutillier - 1943 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 2 (8):76-84.
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  44. Samopoznanie, tożsamość a środowisko naturalne.Cornelia Meseke - 1999 - Colloquia Communia 69 (2):236-243.
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    1 Einleitung: Menschenrechte, Geschlecht, Religion und der Fähigkeitenansatz von Martha C. Nussbaum.Cornelia Mügge - 2017 - In Menschenrechte, Geschlecht, Religion: Das Problem der Universalität Und der Fähigkeitenansatz von Martha Nussbaum. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 9-22.
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    Frontmatter.Cornelia Mügge - 2017 - In Menschenrechte, Geschlecht, Religion: Das Problem der Universalität Und der Fähigkeitenansatz von Martha Nussbaum. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 1-4.
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    Inhalt.Cornelia Mügge - 2017 - In Menschenrechte, Geschlecht, Religion: Das Problem der Universalität Und der Fähigkeitenansatz von Martha Nussbaum. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 5-6.
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    Meditation als Bildung in der Gegenwart – eine dialogpädagogische Perspektive.Cornelia Muth - 2013 - Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 22 (2):227-234.
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    Theorising international society: English school methods.Cornelia Navari (ed.) - 2008 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This volume outlines the methods appropriate to an English School understanding of international relations and their assumptions about how knowledge of the social is gained. It makes clear what is involved in 'an English School approach' and what such an approach delivers in the contemporary understanding of international relations.
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    Exploring the social lives of young adults with disabilities.Cornelia Schneider & Brenda Hattie - 2016 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 10 (3):236-247.
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