Results for 'Corinne Castel'

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  1.  18
    Archives and Libraries in the Ancient Near East 1500-300 B. C.Corinne Castel, Olof Pedersén & Olof Pedersen - 2000 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 120 (3):480.
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  2. Artificial intelligence and the ‘Good Society’: the US, EU, and UK approach.Corinne Cath, Sandra Wachter, Brent Mittelstadt, Mariarosaria Taddeo & Luciano Floridi - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (2):505-528.
    In October 2016, the White House, the European Parliament, and the UK House of Commons each issued a report outlining their visions on how to prepare society for the widespread use of artificial intelligence. In this article, we provide a comparative assessment of these three reports in order to facilitate the design of policies favourable to the development of a ‘good AI society’. To do so, we examine how each report addresses the following three topics: the development of a ‘good (...)
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  3. Learning science through inquiry.Corinne Zimmerman & Steve Croker - 2013 - In Gregory J. Feist & Michael E. Gorman (eds.), Handbook of the psychology of science. New York: Springer Pub. Company, LLC.
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    Ethics in global research: Creating a toolkit to support integrity and ethical action throughout the research journey.Corinne Reid, Clara Calia, Cristóbal Guerra, Liz Grant, Matilda Anderson, Khama Chibwana, Paul Kawale & Action Amos - 2021 - Research Ethics 17 (3):359-374.
    Global challenge-led research seeks to contribute to solution-generation for complex problems. Multicultural, multidisciplinary, and multisectoral teams must be capable of operating in highly demanding contexts. This brings with it a swathe of ethical conflicts that require quick and effective solutions that respect both international conventions and cultural diversity. The objective of this article is to describe the process of creating a toolkit designed to support global researchers in navigating these ethical challenges. The process of creating the toolkit embodied the model (...)
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    In Defense of Socrates.Corinne Painter - 2005 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 9 (2):317-333.
    In this essay I argue that the Stranger’s interest in keeping the philosopher and the sophist distinct is connected, primarily, to his assessment of the charges ofsophistry advanced against Socrates, which compels him to defend Socrates from these unduly advanced accusations. On this basis, I establish that the Stranger’s task in the Sophist, namely to keep philosophy distinct from sophistry, is intimately tied to the project of securing justice and is therefore not merely of theoretical importance but is also—and essentially—of (...)
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    EikaΣia and πiΣtiΣ in Plato's Cave Allegory.Corinne Praus Sze - 1977 - Classical Quarterly 27 (01):127-.
    This allegory is among the most well-traversed passages in Plato's dialogues and deservedly so. Its emotional impact is undeniable, yet it confronts the reader with several problems of interpretation. There is a strong sense that it is of central importance to the crucial questions of the Platonic philosopher's education and his role in society, and it possibly holds one key to an understanding of the Republic as a whole.
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    Being at Home: A Feminist Phenomenology of Disorientation in Illness.Corinne Lajoie - 2019 - Hypatia 34 (3):546-569.
    This article explores the relation among illness, home, and belonging. Through a feminist phenomenological framework, I describe the disorientations of being diagnosed with borderline personality disorder and living with mental illness. This research anticipates the consequences of illness and serious disorientations for a conception of belonging as seamless body–world compatibility. Instead, this article examines how the stability of bodily dwellings in experiences of disorientation can suggest ways of being in the world that are more attentive to interdependency, unpredictability, and change (...)
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  8. Aristotle on Love and Friendship.Corinne Gartner - 2017 - In Christopher Bobonich (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Ethics. Cambridge University Press. pp. 143-163.
    Friendship (philia) plays a prominent role in Aristotle’s ethical thought. It is only within the context of his discussions of philia that Aristotle explicitly mentions acting for the sake of another’s good: friends, he claims, wish and do good things for one another for the sake of the friend. However, it is not clear whether Aristotle limits disinterested wishing well to the complete friendships of virtuous agents. I argue that he does not; friends of all varieties, to the extent that (...)
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    An Introduction to Modern Philosophy: Examining the Human Condition.Alburey Castell & Donald M. Borchert - 1983 - New York: Macmillan ; London : Collier Macmillan.
    For introductory philosophy courses. This popular introductory text/reader on modern philosophy intersperses primary sources with commentary to keep students interested and critically engaged in what they are reading. Each chapter deals with a fundamental question about human existence, exploring the subject through representative readings by classic, modern, and contemporary philosophers--with at least two contrasting perspectives for each main position.
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  10. Una visión sobre el consumo desde la perspectiva de género.Angels Martínez I. Castells - 2008 - Critica 58 (955):46-50.
    Por más evidente que sea su caducidad, cuesta muchísimo que cualquier disciplina científica admita nuevas metodologías, aunque con ello mejore su visión y alcance, y la economía es emblemática al respecto. Al final, le fue más fácil aceptar que se producían diferentes comportamientos en los niveles macroeconómicos en base al género, y dicha aceptación -con la tenacidad de las pioneras- se trasladó a las políticas de ajuste estructural, para acabar cubriendo el extenso campo de la macroeconomía. En este sentido, el (...)
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    Textuality and the designs of theory.Suzanne de Castell - 1995 - In Wendy Kohli (ed.), Critical conversations in philosophy of education. New York: Routledge.
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  12. Aristotle on friendship and trust.Corinne Gartner & Wania Ahmad - 2023 - In Mark Alfano, David Collins & Iris Jovanovic (eds.), Perspectives on Trust in the History of Philosophy. Lanham: Lexington.
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    Deux mots de lettre pour te dire que ….Corinne Gomila - 2020 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage.
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    Perelman et Toulmin : pour une thétorique néo-dialectique : I. Argumentation et rhétorique : philosphie et tradition.Corinne Hoogaert - 1995 - Hermes 15:155.
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    Géographie de la précaution et applications locale et nationale.Corinne Lepage & Madeleine Babès - 2020 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 62 (1):239-254.
    Depuis plusieurs années, le principe de précaution prend de l’ampleur et voit ses contours se modeler et se définir, aussi bien à l’échelle internationale qu’européenne ou française. Malgré tout, il n’a pas la même importance, en fonction de l’échelle à laquelle on se place, et tend à être confondu avec le principe de prévention, deux notions pourtant totalement distinctes. Plus que jamais les questions de climat, de biodiversité, de justice sociale, de gestion des deniers publics ou encore de valorisation et (...)
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    Variables affecting the performance of preschool children in intradimensional, reversal, and extradimensional shifts.Corinne C. Mumbauer & Richard D. Odom - 1967 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 75 (2):180.
  17.  29
    L’œuvre de Louise Labé est-elle devenue inauthentique? Et alors?Corinne Noirot - 2014 - Noesis 22:153-167.
    Louise Labé est-elle une femme? Et pourquoi l’œuvre serait-elle inauthentique autrement? Le petit drame critique engendré par un ouvrage de Mireille Huchon pose la question du rapport de l’œuvre à son auteur, ou l’Auteur comme instance et valeur. Une définition restreinte du lyrisme comme expression personnelle et sincère est corollairement mise en cause. L’émotivité du débat reflète l’angoisse de perdre une autorité féminine mythique. Le soupçon d’inauthenticité révèle aussi notre moment théorique en interrogeant l’articulation entre lyrisme et codes « genrés (...)
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    Germans and Jews.Corinne Robins - 1982 - Substance 11 (2):16.
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    Oralité, littérature et didactique : quelles convergences disciplinaires?Corinne Weber - 2020 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage.
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    Processus de co-construction et rôle de l’objet biface en recherche collaborative.Corinne Marlot, Marie Toullec-Thery & Marc Daguzon - 2017 - Revue Phronesis 6 (1-2):21-34.
    Our study has two concerns. The first falls under the methodological aspect of collaborative research : how researchers and teachers introduce each other to the world of the other and at their respective referents? What are the characteristics of their interactions, how do they facilitate mutual understanding? The second falls within the terms of the partnership : how to negotiate the subject of mutual concern, that is to say what will become both object of research and object of training? This (...)
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  21. .Corinne Bonnet - unknown
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    Lyotard et le langage.Corinne Enaudeau & Frédéric Fruteau de Laclos (eds.) - 2017 - [Paris]: Klincksieck.
    Les etudes ici rassemblees interrogent les articulations et desarticulations que Jean-Francois Lyotard place au principe du langage. Le volume dessine ainsi les lignes de force et les deplacements de sa pensee, ses presupposes et ses apories. Il montre les malentendus et les polemiques suscites par sa reecriture radicale de la rationalite. Pas de langage en general, dit Lyotard, mais des langages multiples, des types de discours heterogenes que la politique brasse sans pacifier leurs conflits. La recherche du consensus, dont l' (...)
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    Toward holistic history: the odyssey of an interdisciplinary historian.Corinne Lathrop Gilb - 2005 - Atherton, CA: Atherton Press.
    Historian, city planner, international lecturer, and early advocate of interdisciplinary study, Corinne LathropGIlb draws on disciplines beyond the conventional study of history to explore such diverse topics as symbolismin city planning, biorhythms as determinants of creativity, the intertwined histories of liberalism andcorporatism, and the role of beauty in public policy. Woven as a subtext throughout this collection ofarticles, speeches, and other short writings is Dr. Gilb's inquiry into the dynamic between inner history ("thearchitecture of self-space") and outer history. Thought-provoking (...)
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    Linguistic meaning, truth conditions and relevance: the case of concessives.Corinne Iten - 2005 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Many linguists and philosophers of language explain linguistic meaning in terms of truth conditions. This book focuses on the meanings of expressions that escape such truth-conditional treatment, in particular the concessives: but , even if , and although . Corinne Iten proposes semantic analyses of these expressions based on the cognitive framework of relevance theory. A thoroughly cognitive approach to linguistic meaning is presented in which linguistic forms are seen as mapping onto mental entities, rather than individuals and properties (...)
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  25.  21
    Education as a Socio-Practical Field: the theory/practice question reformulated.Suzanne Castell & Helen Freeman - 1978 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 12 (1):13-28.
    Suzanne de Castell, Helen Freeman; Education as a Socio-Practical Field: the theory/practice question reformulated, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 1.
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    From Board Composition to Corporate Environmental Performance Through Sustainability-Themed Alliances.Corinne Post, Noushi Rahman & Cathleen McQuillen - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 130 (2):423-435.
    A growing body of work suggests that the presence of women and of independent directors on boards of directors is associated with higher corporate environmental performance. However, the mechanisms linking board composition to corporate environmental performance are not well understood. This study proposes and empirically tests the mediating role of sustainability-themed alliances in the relationship between board composition and corporate environmental performance. Using the population of public oil and gas firms in the United States as the sample, the study relies (...)
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    The Problems of Access: A Crip Rejoinder via the Phenomenology of Spatial Belonging.Corinne Lajoie - 2022 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 8 (2):318-337.
    This essay denaturalizes the taken-for-granted meaning of ‘access’ and interrogates its role and lived meaning in ableist social worlds, with a focus on spaces of higher education. I suggest that legalistic approaches to access need ‘cripping’ by a disability framework. Currently, these approaches (1) miss the intersubjective sociality of being-in-the-world; (2) they prioritize a narrow conception of access focused on ‘physical’ access and ‘physical’ space (a typology I contest); (3) they approach access as frozen in time, rather than as a (...)
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    Factors contributing to individual differences in facial expression categorisation.Corinne Green & Kun Guo - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (1):1-12.
    Individuals vary in perceptual accuracy when categorising facial expressions, yet it is unclear how these individual differences in non-clinical population are related to cognitive processing stages at facial information acquisition and interpretation. We tested 104 healthy adults in a facial expression categorisation task, and correlated their categorisation accuracy with face-viewing gaze allocation and personal traits assessed with Autism Quotient, anxiety inventory and Self-Monitoring Scale. The gaze allocation had limited but emotion-specific impact on categorising expressions. Specifically, longer gaze at the eyes (...)
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    Move to learn: Integrating spatial information from multiple viewpoints.Corinne A. Holmes, Nora S. Newcombe & Thomas F. Shipley - 2018 - Cognition 178 (C):7-25.
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    A Crip Queer Dialogue on Sickness (Editors' Introduction).Corinne Lajoie & Emily Douglas - 2020 - Puncta 3 (2):1-14.
    Editors' introduction to the Puncta special issue on "Critically Sick: New Phenomenologies Of Illness, Madness, And Disability.".
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    Seeing the Invisible: The Introduction and Development of Electron Microscopy in Britain, 1935–1945.Pedro Ruiz-Castell - 2013 - History of Science 51 (2):221-249.
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    Collocations and other lexical combinations in Spanish: theoretical, lexicographical and applied perspectives.Sergi Torner Castells & Elisenda Bernal (eds.) - 2016 - New York: Routledge.
    This edited collection presents the state of the art in research related to lexical combinations and their restrictions in Spanish from a variety of theoretical approaches, ranging from Explanatory Combinatorial Lexicology to Distributed Morphology and Generative Lexicon Theory. Section 1 offers a presentation of the main theoretical and descriptive approaches to collocation. Section 2 explores collocation from the point of view of its lexicographical representation, while Section 3 offers a pedagogical perspective. Section 4 surveys current research on collocation in Catalan, (...)
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  33. De Wittgenstein à Lyotard : la question du lien social.Corinne Enaudeau - 2022 - In Pascale Gillot & Élise Marrou (eds.), Wittgenstein en France. Paris: Éditions Kimé.
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    Tun oder Nichttun: zwei Formen des Handelns.Corinne Michaela Flick (ed.) - 2015 - Göttingen: Wallstein.
  35.  20
    Une science pacificatrice au service de l’acceptabilité sociale? Le cas des gaz de schiste au Québec.Corinne Gendron - 2016 - Éthique Publique 18 (1).
    Lorsque la controverse sur les gaz de schiste a éclaté au Québec, les pouvoirs publics ont fait le pari de miser sur la science et les nouvelles connaissances pour refroidir le débat et construire l’acceptabilité sociale de la filière. Or, si la stratégie retenue a permis de documenter la technique de fracturation sous ses multiples aspects et d’approfondir les connaissances sur le milieu physique, biologique, économique et social ainsi que sur l’encadrement juridique, les recherches scientifiques sur la filière des gaz (...)
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    (1 other version)Invisible hands: voices from the global economy.Corinne Goria & Kalpona Akter (eds.) - 2014 - San Francisco: McSweeney's Books.
    The men and women in Invisible Hands reveal the human rights abuses occurring behind the scenes of the global economy. These narrators--including phone manufacturers in China, copper miners in Zambia, garment workers in Bangladesh, and farmers around the world--reveal the secret history of the things we buy, including lives and communities devastated by low wages, environmental degradation, and political repression. Sweeping in scope and rich in detail, these stories capture the interconnectivity of all people struggling to support themselves and their (...)
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    (1 other version)Structures of natural reasoning within functional dialogues.Corinne Grusenmeyer & Alain Trognon - 1996 - Pragmatics and Cognition 4 (2):305-346.
    The aim of this paper is to describe and characterize some structural features of natural reasoning by analyzing a number of conversations held by operators during shift changeovers. During this work phase the operators have to cooperate in order to carry out the same process. This need to cooperate leads to dialogues and joint elaboration of information, especially when involving the reporting of a malfunction. Three dialogues observed at this work phase on two study sites are analyzed. These analyses show (...)
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    L’avocat et l’enquête historique. Le contentieux des biens spoliés.Corinne Hershkovitch - 2023 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 64 (1):551-564.
    Sollicité par les ayants droit de propriétaires juifs dépossédés pendant la Seconde guerre mondiale, l’avocat est aujourd’hui amené à retracer l’itinéraire du bien spolié pour démontrer la dépossession illégitime de son propriétaire. Ce faisant, il intervient dans la procédure du débat contradictoire en tant que chercheur de mémoire : le contentieux des biens spoliés constitue ainsi pour l’avocat un moyen de modeler la mémoire collective d’un pays mais aussi l’écriture de l’Histoire. L’avocat occupe alors un rôle dans la recherche du (...)
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    Gassendi et l'élasticité de l'air : Une étape entre Pascal et la loi de Boyle-Mariotte / Gassendi and air's elasticity : A step between Pascal and Boyle-Mariotte's law.Corinne Massignat - 2000 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 53 (2):179-204.
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    The Connection between Animal Rights and Animal Liberation.Corinne Painter - 2014 - Radical Philosophy Review 17 (1):293-299.
  41. Gerda Walther.Corinne Pouilly - 2006 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 138 (3):209-225.
    Gerda Walther traite de l�expérience mystique comme d�une expérience qui fonde les différentes religions. Elle propose une vision de la mystique faisant écho à celle de Maître Eckhart à travers un vocabulaire phénoménologique hérité de Pfänder. Elle pense la personne à partir de l�expérience mystique. Son étude s�élargit jusqu�au thème de l�empathie. Elle discute le questionnement nietzschéen de la mort de Dieu et retravaille l�allégorie platonicienne de la caverne. L�expérience du divin est liée à la souffrance, à l�abandon et au (...)
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    Co-optation, Complicity, and the ‘Helping Relationship’ in Sex Work.Corinne Schwarz, Corey Shdaimah, Erin O’Brien & Chrysanthi Leon - 2022 - Ethics and Social Welfare 16 (2):109-111.
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    Luck.Corinne Stanley - 2004 - Feminist Studies 30 (3):589-589.
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    “Some like it hot”: spectators who score high on the personality trait openness enjoy the excitement of hearing dancers breathing without music.Corinne Jola - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  45.  41
    A Critical Phenomenology of Sickness.Corinne Lajoie - 2019 - Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 23 (2):48-66.
    This paper takes Porochista Khakpour’s personal narrative of chronic illness, disability, and addiction in Sick: A Memoir (2018) as a starting point to reflect on social and material features of sick bodily subjectivity. In ways heretofore largely unexplored by tradi-tional phenomenologies of illness, I ask what different modalities of the body come to light if we move beyond the privatization of dis-ease as a biological dysfunction and instead bring into focus its re-lation with conditions of existence that make and keep (...)
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    Bayes or Bust? A Critical Examination of Bayesian Confirmation Theory.Paul Castell - 1995 - Philosophical Quarterly 45 (180):377-379.
  47. Seeing is believing: The effect of brain images on judgments of scientific reasoning.David P. McCabe & Alan D. Castel - 2008 - Cognition 107 (1):343-352.
  48. Essays in Pragmatism.William James & Alburey Castell - 1949 - Philosophy 24 (90):278-279.
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    Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR) Roundtable Summary: Artificial Intelligence and the Good Society Workshop Proceedings.Corinne Cath, Michael Zimmer, Stine Lomborg & Ben Zevenbergen - 2018 - Philosophy and Technology 31 (1):155-162.
    This article is based on a roundtable held at the Association of Internet Researchers annual conference in 2017, in Tartu, Estonia. The roundtable was organized by the Oxford Internet Institute’s Digital Ethics Lab. It was entitled “Artificial Intelligence and the Good Society”. It brought together four scholars—Michael Zimmer, Stine Lomborg, Ben Zevenbergen, and Corinne Cath—to discuss the promises and perils of artificial intelligence, in particular what ethical frameworks are needed to guide AI’s rapid development and increased use in societies. (...)
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    Gender, livestock assets, resource management, and food security: Lessons from the SR-CRSP. [REVIEW]Corinne Valdivia - 2001 - Agriculture and Human Values 18 (1):27-39.
    North Sumatra and West Java in Indonesia, the Andes of Bolivia and Peru, Western Province, the Coast and Machakos in Kenya, were Small Ruminant Collaborative Research Support Program (SR-CRSP) sites in which the role of small ruminants was studied and where technological interventions were designed. In all cases the target groups were poor rural households that could maintain sheep, goats, or South American camelids. The objective was to increase the welfare of families through the use of small ruminant technologies. Access (...)
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