Results for 'Cools Arthur'

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  1.  37
    Naar een fenomenologische benadering van de dissensusTowards a Phenomenological Approach to the Dissensus.Arthur Cools - 2005 - Bijdragen 66 (2):179-195.
    According to a philosophical tradition, it is trivial to speak about dissensus: the incompatibility of meaning and the dispute are charcteritics of the life of the philosopical reflection. In its most radical sense, though, the notion of dissensus is not only opposed to the possibility of reaching consensus, but concerns the possibility of discourse itself. As such, dissensus confronts philosophy with an impossibility that challenges its evidence. How to approach this impossibility? I argue that the problem of dissensus is not (...)
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    Getuigenis en engagement.Arthur Cools - 2021 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 113 (4):565-583.
    Testimony and Engagement: Towards a Re-assessment of the Distinction between Fiction and Non-Fiction in Literary Narratives This article approaches the cognitive value of literary works from the perspective of the distinction between fiction and non-fiction. This examination takes as a starting point the philosophy of Peter Lamarque who bases the distinction between fiction and non-fiction on the intention of the author. I question this position from the perspective of the reader’s experience of a literary text. I argue that the distinction (...)
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    Disastrous Responsibility: Blanchot’s Criticism of Levinas’s Concept of Subjectivity in The Writing of the Disaster.Arthur Cools - 2011 - Levinas Studies 6:113-130.
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    Langage et subjectivité: vers une approche du différend entre Maurice Blanchot et Emmanuel Lévinas.Arthur Cools - 2007 - Dudley, MA: Éditions Peeters. Edited by Maurice Blanchot & Emmanuel Lévinas.
    En retracant l'histoire de cet ecart qui se dissimule dans le rapport entre Blanchot et Levinas, cette etude veut a la fois sonder son origine, interroger son insistance et en degager les termes qui exposent le differend comme une condition ...
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    Phenomenology and the Transformation of the Modern Novel.Arthur Cools - 2021 - Phainomenon 32 (1):85-98.
    This article examines in what way and to what extent phenomenological philosophy has given rise to a new understanding of the modern novel and to a transformation of its narrative techniques. The starting point for this examination is the claim, made by Merleau-Ponty in “Metaphysics and the Novel”, according to which, in phenomenological philosophy, the task of philosophy is inextricably bound to that of literature. I examine this claim in two ways. First, I situate it historically with regard to the (...)
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    The locus of tragedy.Arthur Cools (ed.) - 2008 - Boston: Brill.
    This book wants to open a contemporary philosophical perspective on the tragic. What is the locus of tragedy?
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    Gagarin Sixty Years Later: Earth and Place after Heidegger and Levinas.Arthur Cools - 2024 - Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 32 (1):156-175.
    In this article I re-examine the well-known distinction between rootedness and uprootedness that Emmanuel Levinas draws in his short text “Heidegger, Gagarin and Us” (1961). This distinction addresses the relation between men and place either as an attachment to place (paganism, Heidegger) or as a freedom with regard to place (Judaism, Gagarin). I question this opposition from a contemporary perspective in environmental philosophy, namely from the growing awareness of the interconnectedness between place and Earth. I contend that this new perspective (...)
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  8.  33
    Revisiting the Il y a: Maurice Blanchot and Emmanuel Levinas on the Question of Subjectivity.Arthur Cools - 2005 - Paragraph 28 (3):54-71.
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    Debating Levinas’ Legacy.Andris Breitling, Chris Bremmers & Arthur Cools (eds.) - 2015 - Leiden: Brill.
    The contributions of this volume discuss the legacy of Emmanuel Levinas philosophy. Examining critically the limits of his thinking, they also bear witness to its influence, thus demonstrating the significance of his groundbreaking project of establishing ethics as first philosophy".
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  10.  12
    The Idea of Tolerance and The Perspective of The Individual.Arthur Cools - 2021 - Krisis 41 (2):55-56.
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    Spade Coin Types of the Chou Dynasty.Rose Chan Houston & Arthur Braddan Coole - 1976 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 96 (3):447.
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    Tragédie classique, souveraineté et droit: Le cas de Britannicus (1699) de Jean Racine.Karel Vanhaesebrouck, Arthur Cools, Thomas Crombez & Johan Taels - 2008 - In Arthur Cools, The locus of tragedy. Boston: Brill.
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    Ch'i Heavy Sword Coins and Debatable Pieces of the Chou EraState of Ming Knife Coins and Minor Knife Coins.Rose Chan Houston & Arthur Braddan Coole - 1980 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 100 (3):376.
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    The Early Coins of the Chou Dynasty.Rose Chan Houston & Arthur Braddan Coole - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (3):526.
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  15.  27
    Levinas and Literature: New Directions.Michael Fagenblat & Arthur Cools (eds.) - 2020 - De Gruyter.
    The posthumous publication of Emmanuel Levinas’s wartime diaries, postwar lectures, and drafts for two novels afford new approaches to understanding the relationship between literature, philosophy, and religion. This volume gathers an international list of experts to examine new questions raised by Levinas’s deep and creative experiment in thinking at the intersection of literature, philosophy, and religion. Chapters address the role and significance of poetry, narrative, and metaphor in accessing the ethical sense of ordinary life; Levinas's critical engagement with authors such (...)
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  16.  8
    Kritiek van de despotische rede: essays over de Dialectiek van de verlichting.K. Boey & Arthur Cools (eds.) - 1999 - Leuven:
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  17.  45
    Boekbesprekingen.Bart J. Koet, Martin Parmentier, Carlo Leget, J. Visser, K. W. Jager, Arie L. Molendijk, Arthur Cools, A. H. C. van Eijk, M. F. M. van den Berk, Paul Schotsmans & Walter Van Herck - 1999 - Bijdragen 60 (1):93-116.
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    Van klinische ethiek tot biorecht.Fernand van Neste, Johan Taels & Arthur Cools (eds.) - 2001 - Leuven: Peeters.
    In het kader van de Leerstoel Rector Dhanis (UFSIA, Antwerpen) werd door een studiegroep bestaande uit artsen en verpleegkundigen, ethici en juristen, een interdisciplinaire studie ondernomen over 'klinische ethiek' en 'hoe recht en politiek omgaan met problemen die thuishoren in de klinische praktijk'. In deze bundel wordt het ethische denken in een aantal casussen betreffende neonatalen en dementerenden kritisch besproken. De adviezen van het Raadgevend Comite voor Bio-Ethiek over sterilisatie van mentaal gehandicapten en over klonering worden onderzocht op hun relevantie (...)
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    Boekbesprekingen.P. C. Beentjes, Martien Parmentier, Riemer Roukema, Martin Parmentier, Jos E. Vercruysse, W. Logister, G. Rouwhorst, R. G. W. Huysmans, Arthur Cools, Arie L. Molendijk, A. Prokopf & M. C. H. van Dijk-Groeneboer - 1999 - Bijdragen 60 (3):346-367.
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    Visibilité et témoignage dans le récit "La Métamorphose" de Franz Kafka.Cools Arthur - 2018 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 6 (1):357-382.
    In this article, I examine whether the concept of testimony can be used in order to clarify the epistemological value of literary fiction. It seems that it cannot: a testimony can be wrong while it makes no sense to say that a literary fiction can be wrong. However, in the wake of a hermeneutic philosophy, the fictional story has often been qualified as a testimony of an experience, even in cases which are not merely autobiographical. I try to unravel this (...)
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  21.  61
    Money and motivational activation.Arthur B. Markman, Serge Blok, John Dennis, Micah Goldwater, Kyungil Kim, Jeff Laux, Lisa Narvaez & Jon Rein - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (2):190-190.
    Different aspects of people's interactions with money are best conceptualized using the drug and tool theories. The key question is when these models of money are most likely to guide behavior. We suggest that the Drug Theory characterizes motivationally active uses of money and that the Tool Theory characterizes behavior in motivationally cool situations. (Published Online April 5 2006).
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    Truth approximation by concretization in capital structure theory. Kuipers, Theo A. F., Cools, Kees & Hamminga, Bert - 1994 - In Bert Hamminga & Neil De Marchi, Idealization Vi: Idealization in Economics. Rodopi. pp. 205--228.
    This paper supplies a structuralist reconstruction of the Modigliani-Miller theory and shows that the economic literature following their results reports on research with an implicit strategy to come "closer-to-the-truth" in the modern technical sense in philosophy of science.
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  23.  13
    Learning progress mediates the link between cognitive effort and task engagement.Ceyda Sayalı, Emma Heling & Roshan Cools - 2023 - Cognition 236 (C):105418.
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    Obituary Professor Richard Pring (1938–2024).James Arthur - 2024 - British Journal of Educational Studies 72 (6):671-673.
    Richard’s funeral Mass was celebrated in the Oratory Church, Oxford on 30 October 2024. A church Richard was thoroughly familiar with because of the Latin Masses he attended there. He would often d...
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    Plautus, Stichus 700.Arthur Palmer - 1894 - The Classical Review 8 (06):249-.
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  26. Analysis and synonymy.Arthur Pap - 1969 - In Thomas M. Olshewsky, Problems in the philosophy of language. New York,: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
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    Analytische Erkenntnistheorie; kritische Übersicht über die neueste Entwicklung in USA und England.Arthur Pap - 1955 - Wien,: Springer.
    1m Studienjahr 1953/54 hielt ich an der Universitat Wien als Gast­ professor Vorlesungen und Seminare uber die gegenwartige analytische Philosophie in USA und England. Auf Grund einer Einladung durch die philosophische Fakultat, die hauptsachlich der Initiative von em. o. o. Professor Dr. VICTOR KRAFT zu verdanken war, wurde mir zu diesem Zweck yom amerikanischen State Department ein "Fulbright"­ Stipendium gewahrt. Das vorliegende Buch entsprang dieser Tatigkeit. Es ware jedoch ohne die sachverstandige und enthusiastische Mitarbeit von Dr. PAUL FEYERABEND, dem ich (...)
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  28.  49
    (1 other version)Are individual concepts necessary?Arthur Pap - 1950 - Philosophical Studies 1 (2):17 - 24.
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    A note on logic and existence.Arthur Pap - 1947 - Mind 56 (221):72-76.
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    Basic Propositions, Certainty, and Intersubjective Language.Arthur Pap - 1960 - Atti Del XII Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia 4:239-252.
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    Comments on Kolenda's Theses.Arthur Pap - 1956 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (1):115-117.
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    Fact, Fiction and Forecast:Fact, Fiction and Forecast.Arthur Pap - 1955 - Review of Metaphysics 9 (2):285 - 299.
    There seem to me, however, to be serious flaws in Goodman's intricate chain of argument, which I wish to examine in some detail.
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    Locical empiricism and rationalism.Arthur Pap - 1956 - Dialectica 10 (2):148-166.
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    Reduction-Sentences and Open Concepts.Arthur Pap, A. Caracciolo & V. Somenzi - 1955 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 20 (2):187-188.
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    (1 other version)Semantic examination of realism.Arthur Pap - 1947 - Journal of Philosophy 44 (21):561-575.
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    What are "critical" meanings.Arthur Pap - 1949 - Ethics 60 (2):131-134.
  37.  19
    Roots: Molecular basis of biological regulation: Origins from feedback inhibition and allostery.Arthur B. Pardee - 1985 - Bioessays 2 (1):37-40.
    One observes regulation at every biological level. Organisms, cells, and biochemical processes operate efficiently, normally wasting neither material nor energy, and adjusting their functions to external influences. Nature evidently has evolved mechanisms specifically dedicated to regulation at many levels. What is the molecular basis of this control?In the 1950s these molecular control mechanisms began to be explored seriously. The discoveries of feedback inhibition of enzyme activity were important because they gave an initial example of how regulation is achieved at the (...)
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    Roots: Molecular basis of gene expression: Origins from the Pajama experiment.Arthur B. Pardee - 1985 - Bioessays 2 (2):86-89.
    The Pajama (Pardee, Jacob, Monod) experiment provided a breakthrough in our understanding of the molecular mechanisms by which gene expression is regulated. Today, twenty‐five years later it provides a paradigm for thinking about problems of gene expression, such as growth regulation and differentiation. From this experiment emerged entities such as repressors, regulatory genes, the operon as a group of jointly controlled genes, and messenger RNA.
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  39. Everyday practice at the end of life.Janet L. Abrahm & Arthur Caplan - 1998 - Penn Bioethics 5 (1):1-4.
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    The Culture of Technology within a University Studies Program.Arthur J. Rosser - 1993 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 13 (2):83-88.
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    What Does Technological Literacy Mean in Higher Education?Arthur J. Rosser - 1989 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 9 (6):365-368.
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    Neuroethics in Asia.Arthur Saniotis - 2009 - Asian Bioethics Review 1 (2):152-157.
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    Remaking Homo: ethical issues on future human enhancement.Arthur Saniotis - 2013 - Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics 13 (1):15-21.
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    Tales of Mastery: Spirit Familiar in Sufis' Religious Imagination.Arthur Saniotis - 2004 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 32 (3):397-411.
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    Russell, Searle, and Hamlet.Arthur Sard - 1973 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 11 (3):392-392.
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    Aspects of strong compactness, measurability, and indestructibility.Arthur W. Apter - 2002 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 41 (8):705-719.
    We prove three theorems concerning Laver indestructibility, strong compactness, and measurability. We then state some related open questions.
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  47. The Individual in Simpler Forms.Arthur Russell Moore - 1946 - Philosophical Review 55:496.
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    A compendium of Antioch notes.Arthur Ernest Morgan - 1930 - Yellow Springs, O.,: Kahoe & Company.
    Contents.--The pursuit of values.--Science and values.--Biological viewpoints.--Mental attitudes.--Ethics.--Religion.--The management of life.--The social mind social progress.--Government.--International relations.--Education.--Proportion in education.--The American college.--Objective experience.
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    Feeling, thinking, and the free mind.Arthur E. Morgan - 1966 - Zygon 1 (3):244-255.
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    My world.Arthur Ernest Morgan - 1927 - Yellow Springs [O.]: Kahoe & Spieth.
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