Results for 'Contingency (Philosophy) History'

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  1.  63
    Contingency and History.Kim Sterelny - 2016 - Philosophy of Science 83 (4):521-539.
    Debates on the contingency of history have largely focused on the history of life. This article targets the supposed contingency of human history. It does not defend a global claim about the overall contingency of history. Rather, it aims to identify and explain the difference between robust and fragile historical trajectories. It does so by considering a set of contrasting cases and identifying critical differences among the cases. The analysis shows that one important (...)
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    Contingency, Philosophy, and Superstition.James C. Edwards - 1995 - Overheard in Seville 13 (13):8-11.
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    Contingency and Fortune in Aquinas’s Ethics.John Bowlin - 1999 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In this study John Bowlin argues that Aquinas's moral theology receives much of its character and content from an assumption about our common lot: the good we desire is difficult to know and to will, in particular because of contingencies of various kinds - within ourselves, in the ends and objects we pursue, and in the circumstances of choice. Since contingencies are fortune's effects, Aquinas insists that it is fortune that makes good choice difficult. Bowlin then explicates Aquinas's treatment of (...)
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  4. Human Rights, China, and Cross-Cultural Inquiry: Philosophy, History, and Power Politics.Randall P. Peerenboom - 2005 - Philosophy East and West 55 (2):283 - 320.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Human Rights, China, and Cross-Cultural Inquiry:Philosophy, History, and Power PoliticsRandall PeerenboomStephen Angle's Human Rights and Chinese Thought: A Cross-Cultural Inquiry (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002) is a wonderful book that combines philosophically sophisticated discussions of controversial human-rights issues with a detailed intellectual history of the evolution of human-rights discourse in China over the last several hundred years. I will use Angle's book as a platform for (...)
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    Contingency, Freedom, and Uchronic Narratives: Charles Renouvier's Philosophy of History in the Shadow of the Franco-Prussian War.Pietro Terzi - 2021 - Journal of the History of Ideas 82 (2):257-278.
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    The Necessity and Contingency of Universal History.Craig Lundy - 2016 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 10 (1):51-75.
    _ Source: _Volume 10, Issue 1, pp 51 - 75 History occupies a somewhat awkward position in the work of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari. Although they often criticise history as a practice and advance alternatives that are explicitly anti-historical, such as ‘nomadology’ and ‘geophilosophy’, their scholarship is nevertheless littered with historical encounters and deeply influenced by historians such as Fernand Braudel. One of Deleuze and Guattari’s more significant engagements with history occurs through their reading and theory (...)
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    History and Contingency: A Transcendental-Materialist Approach.M. D. Collett - 2024 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 18 (1).
    How ought the historian to reconcile themselves philosophically with the fact of evental contingency and of its relationship to structural determination? Does the existence of contingent causation undermine the very concept of historical necessity, or do the two instead in dialectical entanglement? In this essay, I engage with the problem of historical contingency from a transcendental-materialist perspective informed by the work of Slavoj Žižek, tendering a philosophically serious response to the famous Pascalian conundrum of Cleopatra’s nose and its (...)
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    Negotiating History: Contingency, Canonicity, and Case Studies.Agnes Bolinska & Joseph D. Martin - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 80:37–46.
    Objections to the use of historical case studies for philosophical ends fall into two categories. Methodological objections claim that historical accounts and their uses by philosophers are subject to various biases. We argue that these challenges are not special; they also apply to other epistemic practices. Metaphysical objections, on the other hand, claim that historical case studies are intrinsically unsuited to serve as evidence for philosophical claims, even when carefully constructed and used, and so constitute a distinct class of challenge. (...)
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  9.  15
    Contingency and the limits of history: how touch shapes experience and meaning.Liane Carlson - 2019 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Illness -- Loneliness -- Violation -- Love.
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  10. Does Philosophy Have a Vindicatory History? Bernard Williams on the History of Philosophy.Matthieu Queloz - 2017 - Studia Philosophica: The Swiss Journal of Philosophy 76:137-51.
    This paper develops Bernard Williams’s suggestion that for philosophy to ignore its history is for it to assume that its history is vindicatory. The paper aims to offer a fruitful line of inquiry into the question whether philosophy has a vindicatory history by providing a map of possible answers to it. It first distinguishes three types of history: the history of discovery, the history of progress, and the history of change. It (...)
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  11. The history of philosophy in contemporary philosophy: The view from germany.Lorenz B. Puntel - 1991 - Topoi 10 (2):147-153.
    I have frequently mentioned objective problems and topics in the preceding sections. But what exactly is the force of ‘objective’ here? As my remarks should have made clear I have been using ‘objective’ to contrast with ‘purely historical’. A ‘purely historical’ approach never gets beyond reproduction, commentary, and interpretation. I call an approach ‘objective’ when it involves a philosopher who advances his own theses and claims. This minimal understanding of ‘objectivity’ (in the context of my remarks in this paper) by (...)
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  12.  57
    Divine Will and the Mechanical Philosophy: Gassendi and Descartes on Contingency and Necessity in the Created World.Margaret J. Osler - 1994 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book is about the influence of varying theological conceptions of contingency and necessity on two versions of the mechanical philosophy in the seventeenth century. Pierre Gassendi and René Descartes both believed that all natural phenomena could be explained in terms of matter and motion alone. They disagreed about the details of their mechanical accounts of the world, in particular about their theories of matter and their approaches to scientific method. This book traces their differences back to theological (...)
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  13.  34
    Counterfactuals and history: Contingency and convergence in histories of science and life.Ian Hesketh - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 58:41-48.
  14. Philosophy's Past: Cognitive Values and the History of Philosophy.Phil Corkum - 2023 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 108 (3):585-606.
    Recent authors hold that the role of historical scholarship within contemporary philosophical practice is to question current assumptions, to expose vestiges or to calibrate intuitions. On these views, historical scholarship is dispensable, since these roles can be achieved by nonhistorical methods. And the value of historical scholarship is contingent, since the need for the role depends on the presence of questionable assumptions, vestiges or comparable intuitions. In this paper I draw an analogy between scientific and philosophical practice, in order to (...)
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    Fragments on the Philosophy of History.Peter Trawny, Ian Alexander Moore & Christopher Turner - 2016 - Philosophy Today 60 (4):859-868.
    Philosophy of History is in crisis. This crisis has a structural origin in separating a finitude of the one (fate, destiny, nation, people, identity) from an infinitude of the many (individuals, biographies, contingencies, banalities). This difference seems to produce an aporia. Where could history be that would talk of both?
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  16.  58
    Althusser and contingency.Stefano Pippa - 2019 - [Place of publication not identified]: MIMESIS International. Edited by Vittorio Morfino.
    This thesis argues that the concept of contingency plays a central role in Althusser's recasting of Marxist philosophy and in his attempt to free the Marxist conception of history from concepts such as teleology, necessity and origin. It is critically placed both against those readings that see the emergence of the problematic of contingency only in the late Althusserm and to the most recent attempts to establish a straightforward continuity in Althusser's work. Drawing on published and (...)
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  17.  77
    Contingent transcranialism and deep functional cognitive integration: The case of human emotional ontogenesis.Jennifer Greenwood - 2013 - Philosophical Psychology 26 (3):420-436.
    Contingent transcranialists claim that the physical mechanisms of mind are not exclusively intracranial and that genuine cognitive systems can extend into cognizers' physical and socio-cultural environments. They further claim that extended cognitive systems must include the deep functional integration of external environmental resources with internal neural resources. They have found it difficult, however, to explicate the precise nature of such deep functional integration and provide compelling examples of it. Contingent intracranialists deny that extracranial resources can be components of genuine extended (...)
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  18.  64
    It could have been otherwise: contingency and necessity in Dominican theology at Oxford, 1300-1350.Hester Goodenough Gelber - 2004 - Boston: Brill.
    Hester Goodenough Gelber is Associate Professor of Religious Studies, Stanford University.
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    Hegel's systematic contingency.John W. Burbidge - 2007 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    John Burbidge shows that, far from incorporating everything into an all-consuming necessity, Hegel's philosophy requires the novelty of unexpected contingencies to maintain its systematic pretensions. To know without fear of failure is to expect that experience will confound our confident claims to knowledge. And the universal character of all life involves acting, discovering what happens as a result, and incorporating both intention and result into a new comprehensive understanding. Burbidge explores how Hegel applied this approach when he turned from (...)
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  20.  22
    Contingency, Nature and Hermeneutics in History of Science.Jeroen Bouterse - 2014 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 8 (2):291-310.
  21.  48
    Gadamer and Rorty on the History of Philosophy.Alexander Kremer - 2013 - Philosophy Today 57 (2):129-141.
    History of philosophy is embedded into the theory of history. Two different philosophies, but we still have similar basic connections between different parts of each philosophy and a closer similarity of these two relativist thinkers. Gadamer, as a disciple of Heidegger, worked out the philosophical hermeneutics (Truth and Method, 1960) established by Heidegger in the early 20s. He embedded his approach of the history of philosophy in his hermeneutics, particularly in his description of (...) grasped as a chain of historically effected events. Rorty, as a neopragmatist thinker, classified first the philosophers as systematic and edifying in his Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature (1979), but later, in his Contingency, Irony and Solidarity (1989), he already speeks about history of philosophy as the history of metaphors. Despite their differences, it may be proved, on the one hand, that some part of their philosophies is primus inter pares; on the other hand, they both are relativists in some sense, and claim that we can have only narratives about the history of philosophy. (shrink)
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    Liane Carlson, Contingency and the Limits of History: How Touch Shapes Experience and Meaning. [REVIEW]Stan Molchanov - 2020 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 41 (2):579-582.
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    Counterfactuals, Causes and Contingency in the History of Science.Katherina Kinzel - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 60:92-96.
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    Creation and Contingency in Early Patristic Thought: The Beginning of All Things.Joseph Torchia - 2019 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book assumes an interdisciplinary character, providing a window into the subtle relationship between faith and reason in early patristic thought and its relevance for forging the doctrine of creation ex nihilo. In so doing, it highlights the extent to which early Christian thinkers found a common ground with the Greek philosophical tradition.
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    The Actualité of Philosophy and its History: Michel Foucault’s Legacy on a Philosophy of the Present.Orazio Irrera - forthcoming - Foucault Studies:55-72.
    From the late 1970s, and particularly in the last years of his life, Michel Foucault repeatedly returned to the status of philosophical reflection as an ontology of the present, of actualité, or an ontology of ourselves. However, the impact of these famous theoretical syntagms around a philosophy of the present or of actualité – one of Foucault's most precious legacies 40 years after his death – is not fully intelligible without considering that they were already at the heart of (...)
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  26.  36
    Contingency and Potential.Daryl Cressman - 2020 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 24 (1-2):138-157.
    Unsatisfied with an intellectual history that divides the philosophy of technology into classical and empirical approaches, the following paper suggests a renewed attention to dialectical philosophies of technology. Drawing on the work of Andrew Feenberg, I argue that dialectical philosophies of technology are not essentialist holdovers from the past, but are empirically grounded approaches that direct researchers to ask why we have the technologies we do. From this, dialectical philosophies of technology open up ways to think about technology (...)
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    Contingent Laws of Nature in Émile Boutroux.Michael Heidelberger - 2009 - In Michael Heidelberger & Gregor Schiemann (eds.), The Significance of the Hypothetical in Natural Science. De Gruyter. pp. 99-144.
    In 1874, the French philosopher Émile Boutroux wrote a dissertationon the contingency of the laws of nature that highly influenced academic philosophy during the French Third Republic and led to a more hypothetical view of the natural sciences and mathematics. Boutroux took over the concept of contingency from the neo-Kantian philosopher Eduard Zeller who had insisted against Hegel on the role of contingency in history, and carried it over to nature. From this he tried to (...)
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  28.  27
    Christian Wolff's philosophy of contingent reality.Cornelis Anthonie Peursevann - 1987 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 25 (1).
  29.  62
    Between Necessity and Contingency.Dilek Huseyinzadegan - 2018 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy.
    In this essay, I argue for a revival of Adorno and Horkheimer’s critical philosophy of history on account of the fact that their construction articulates both the necessity of various aspects of our current socio-political conditions given the past tendencies of rationality and domination, and the contingency of the present miseries by problematizing the continuous historical narratives that justify a certain version of the present. After demonstrating that the accomplishment of critical philosophy of history has (...)
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  30. Contingency, Necessity, and Causation in Kierkegaard's Theory of Change.Shannon Nason - 2012 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 20 (1):141-162.
    In this paper I argue that Kierkegaard's theory of change is motivated by a robust notion of contingency. His view of contingency is sharply juxtaposed with a strong notion of absolute necessity. I show that how he understands these notions explains certain of his claims about causation. I end by suggesting a compatibilist interpretation of Kierkegaard's philosophy.
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  31. What is conceptual history?Iain Macdonald - 2006 - In Katerina Deligiorgi (ed.), Hegel: New Directions. Chesham, Bucks: Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
    In the final lines of the Phenomenology of Spirit, Hegel makes the complex claim that the contingency of history and the science of knowing in the sphere of appearance together constitute a “conceptual history” (begriffene Geschichte, a ‘conceptually comprehended’ history). What is this suggestive but frustratingly obscure formula meant to convey? The question is vexing, not least because the Phenomenology itself is neither a philosophy of history nor a philosophical history in any traditional (...)
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  32.  9
    Intelligible design: a realistic approach to the philosophy and history of science.Julio Antonio Gonzalo & Manuel María Carreira (eds.) - 2013 - New Jersey: World Scientific.
    1. Modern science in historical perspective -- On the origins of modern science -- The post-Renaissance revolution : the New Science -- Frank Sherwood Taylor : the man who was converted by Galileo -- The limits of science -- Proofs and demonstrations -- On the intelligibility of Quantum Mechanics -- Uncertainty, incompleteness, chance, and design -- A Finite, Open and Contingent Universe -- 2. On the origin and development of life -- A brief history of evolutionary thought -- Life's (...)
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    The Significance of Contingency and Detours in Hans Blumenberg’s Philosophical Anthropology.Justin Simpson - 2020 - Metaphilosophy 51 (1):111-127.
    Although time was a predominate theme in Continental philosophy for the first half of the twentieth century, philosophical attention has increasingly shifted to space. This paper contributes to the phenomenology of space through Hans Blumenberg’s philosophical anthropology. Blumenberg elucidates the significance of phenomenological distance for the contingent existence of humans. Spanning from the experience of early human ancestors to history and epistemology, Blumenberg’s work reveals how contingency pervades human existence. Blumenberg understands names, myths, rhetoric, and metaphors as (...)
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  34.  10
    "The Bold Arcs of Salvation History": Faith and Reason in Jürgen Habermas’s Reconstruction of the Roots of European Thinking.Maureen Junker-Kenny - 2022 - Berlin: De Gruyter.
    This book offers the first in-depth treatment in English language of Habermas’s long-awaited work on religion, Auch eine Geschichte der Philosophie, published in 2019. Charting the contingent origins and turning points of occidental thinking through to the current "postmetaphysical" stage, the two volumes provide striking insights into the intellectual streams and conflicts in which core components of modern self-understanding have been forged. The encounter of Greek metaphysics with biblical monotheism has led to a theology of history as salvation, expanding (...)
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  35.  62
    Methodological Peculiarities of History in Light of Idealizational Theory of Science.Krzysztof Brzechczyn - 2009 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 97 (1):137-157.
    The aim of the paper is an extension of the idealizational theory of science in order to explicate intuitions of historians and philosophers of history about unpredictability and contingency of history. The author identifies two types of essential structures: the first kind dominated by the main factor and the second kind which is dominated by a class of secondary factors. In an essential structure dominated by the main factor, the power of influence it exerts is greater than (...)
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  36.  65
    History as Philosophy? Genealogies and Critique.Andrius Gališanka - 2015 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 9 (3):444-464.
    _ Source: _Volume 9, Issue 3, pp 444 - 464 Are genealogies of our beliefs relevant to the truth of these beliefs? Drawing on Bernard Williams’s _Truth and Truthfulness_, I argue that genealogies, or historical narratives showing how a set of beliefs came about, can be either critical or vindicatory of these beliefs. They can be critical by denaturalizing beliefs, showing their continued inability to solve explanatory problems, revealing the origins of these beliefs in assumptions that we no longer accept, (...)
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  37.  83
    Brute Contingency and the Principle of Sufficient Reason.Wesley Morriston - 1977 - Philosophy Research Archives 3:845-861.
    This essay deals with a Leibnizian version of the argument from the contingent existence of the world to the necessary existence of God, especially with the statements of the argument presented by Father Copleston in his famous B.B.C. debate with Bertrand Russell and, more recently, by Richard Taylor, in his Metaphysics. The essay is divided into two parts. In the first part, I am chiefly concerned with showing how the principle of sufficient reason, together with the claim that something contingent (...)
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  38.  21
    (1 other version)Contingency in an infinite world.Wm Forbes Cooley - 1910 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 7 (10):267-269.
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    A Brief History of Trans Philosophy.Amy Marvin - 2019 - Contingent Magazine.
    Provides a brief account of trans philosophy organizing in the 2010s and argues for the importance of building spaces for trans philosophers.
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  40.  42
    On the Use and Abuse of History in Philosophy of Human Rights.Lena Halldenius - unknown
    History plays an important role in the philosophy of human rights, more so than in philosophical discussions on related concepts, such as justice. History tends to be used in order to make it credible that there is a tradition of rights as a moral idea, or an ethical ideal, that transcends national boundaries. In the example that I investigate in this chapter, this moral idea is tightly spun around the moral dignity of the human person. There has (...)
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    Why future contingents are not all false.John MacFarlane - forthcoming - Analytic Philosophy.
    Patrick Todd argues for a modified Peircean view on which all future contingents are false. According to Todd, this is the only view that makes sense if we fully embrace an open future, rejecting the idea of actual future history. I argue that supervaluational accounts, on which future contingents are neither true nor false, are fully consistent with the metaphysics of an open future. I suggest that it is Todd's failure to distinguish semantic and postsemantic levels that leads him (...)
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  42.  21
    Analytical Philosophy of History[REVIEW]C. S. R. - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 19 (3):584-584.
    The central theme of this book concerns the structure of narratives and the analysis of a special class of narrative sentences. This seemingly specialized technical job has surprisingly broad and fruitful application. In the course of a single connected argument the author manages to throw light on a wide range of problems that have puzzled philosophical students of history including the relation between speculative philosophy of history and history proper, the verification of statements about the past, (...)
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  43.  64
    Does History Make Sense?: Hegel on the Historical Shapes of Justice.Terry P. Pinkard - 2017 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    Although Hegel's philosophy of history is recognized as a great intellectual achievement, it is also widely regarded as a complete failure. Taking his cue from the third century Greek historian Polybius, who argued that the rapid domination of the Mediterranean world by Rome had instituted a new phase of world history, Hegel wondered what the rise of European modernity meant for the rest of the world. In his account of the contingent paths of world history, he (...)
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  44.  41
    Historical Contingency: A Special Issue on Epistemic & Non-Epistemic Values in Historical Sciences.Alison K. McConwell & Derek D. Turner - 2023 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 17 (1):1-8.
  45.  45
    Hegel’s Philosophy of History[REVIEW]L. P. R. - 1975 - Review of Metaphysics 28 (3):571-571.
    This book is not a generalized essay on Hegel’s philosophy of history as the title seems to promise. It is rather an excellent exposition and interpretation of some of the main doctrines and assumptions of Hegel about the varieties of historical writing, mechanism and teleology, contingency and necessity. It also contains a discussion of the relation of Hegel to the covering law model of explanation. The first chapter is primarily an exposition and exegesis of Hegel’s discernment of (...)
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  46. The Bloomsbury Handbook of Big History: The Philosophy of the Historical Sciences.Aviezer Tucker & David Černín (eds.) - forthcoming - Bloomsbury Academic.
    Big History expands the scope of historiography to study all the past, from the Big Bang to the present. Big History is decidedly non-anthropocentric, recognising that humans appeared only very recently from a much deeper past. The Bloomsbury Handbook of Big History brings together an international cast of leading and emerging scholars from a range of disciplines to provide the first comprehensive and balanced exploration of this new and increasingly significant field. -/- The handbook considers the ways (...)
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  47.  27
    Christian Wolff's Philosophy of Contingent Reality.Cornelis Anthonie van Peursen - 1987 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 25 (1):69-82.
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    The Necessity of Contingency and the Powerlessness of Nature.Raoni Padui - 2010 - Idealistic Studies 40 (3):243-255.
    In this paper I argue that there are two distinct senses of contingency operative within Hegel’s philosophy, and that the failure to sufficiently distinguish between them can lead to a misrepresentation of Hegel’s idealism. The first sense of contingency is the categorical one explicated in the Science of Logic, in which contingency carries the meaning of dependence and conditionality, while the second sense of contingency, predominantly found within the Philosophy of Nature, means irrationality and (...)
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  49.  29
    Contingency and the Proof for the Existence of God.D. F. Scheltens - 1972 - International Philosophical Quarterly 12 (4):572-586.
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    As Photography: Mechanicity, Contingency, and Other-Determination in Gerhard Richter's Overpainted Snapshots.Susan Laxton - 2012 - Critical Inquiry 38 (4):776-795.
    Of the generation of post-1960s artists who looked to photography for a new set of conceptual tools, Gerhard Richter stands apart because he has uniquely professed a desire to “use painting as a means to photography,” that is, to bring painting to the structure and sensibility of the photograph.2 To ascribe sensibility or perceptive acuity to a process so mechanical as photography may strike the reader as either romantically fey or even offensively anthropomorphizing, given that the aesthetic questions at stake (...)
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